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![]() A Foods of England online text. For more see Cookbooks ![]() TITLE: The Cook’s and Confectioners Dictionary: Or, the Accomplish’d Housewife’s Companion AUTHOR: John Nott PUBLISHER: C.Rivington, London DATE: 1723 THIS VERSION: This parial transcript is adapted from the version at archive.org, digitized by Google from a text at Harvard University. It is an OCR scan and still contains very significant errors. THE Cook’s and Confectioner’s dictionary: Or, the Accomplilh’d Houfe wife’s Companion. CONTAINING, L The choiceft Receipts in all the feveral Branches of Cooker Yi or tlic bcft and ncwcft Ways of dreffingall forts of Flcih, Fifli, Fowl, Jr. for a Common or Noble Tabic i with thdr proper Garnitures and Sauces. IL The beft way of making Bisks, Farces, fbrc’d Meat% Marinades, Olio’s, Puptons, Ragoos, Sauces, Soops, Potages, (J. ac- coniiog to the Engltjh Frtnch, and JtMlit Courts. m. All manner of Paftry-works, as Biskets, Calces, Clicr&-cakes, Cuftards, Fades, Patties, Buddings, Pycs, Tarts, (jc. IV. The various Branches of Confeflionary j as Candying, Conftrving, Preicrving, and Drying rfl forts of Flowers, Fruits, Roocs fr. Alfo Jellies, Gompofts, Marmalades, and Sugar-works. V. The way of milking all Englijh potable Liquors Ae, Beer, Cider, Mead, Metheglin, Mum, Perry, and all forts of £ip r& Winesj Alfo Cordials, and Beautifying Waters. VL Direttions for ordering an Entertainment, or Bills of Fare for all Seafons of the Year; and fcttmg out a I efert of Sweet- meats to the beft Advantage: With an Explanation of the Terms us’d in Carving. According to the Practice of the moft celebrated Oock$ Confc£Honcrs, or. in the Courts of England, France, &c.; and mao private and accomplifliy Hopfewivcs. Reviled and Recommended By John N o T T, Cook to his Grace the DuU of BOLTON. I O N D O N: Printed for C. Rivington, at the Bible and Crtrnf 11 St. Paufs Church-yard. Mpccxxiii. T O ALL Good Houfewives. Worthy Dames, ERE it net for the Jake of Cufim nabich has made it as unfafhiottahU for a Book to cbme abroad without an Introduction as for a Man to appear at Church with’ out a Neckdotby or a Lady without m Hoop-petticoat Ifbouid not have troubled you with this. And though I do con- with Cufioitty IfhaU neither give myfelf much Trouble in writing, nor you in reading, a Fleurifb of complimental Ex- cuesfor the Undertakings or the Ufifulnefs of the Mat’ ters treated ony of whid) I am fatisfied you are already very fenfibky or extol my own Performance j howevtr, I fittter eay felf it wiil net, to you, be unacceptable. J 1 We The I N T R O D t C T 1 ISf . Ue indeed may fay ‘with the Pialniift, The Lines havd fallen to us in pleafent Places, Jince by the Difpojition of God and good ProDidefu:e our Lot has been caft in this hap py IJland of Grejtt Britain, which like another Canaan, may properly enough be call’d A Land flowing with Milk tod Honey -yfo richly is itftor’dwith Flejh Fowl andFiJhj in an admirable Variety efculent RootSy Herbs &c.; for Sauces and Sallets i Fruit Sy as well for making JVines and other potable Liquors which well ofderdj are not infe’ riour to thofe brought to us from foreign Countries) as well as for furnifhing out Defer ts at Banquets: and in a Man- ner with all Things necejfary not only for the fupport of Life but alfo the ff’atifying the moft Jenfual Appetite: that no neighbouring Nation can bo4ft of a Superiority nay nor even pretend to compare with us, as to an Equality Mefides this . bountiful Providence has fo plentifully fumijhd us with Matter for furnijbing our Tables Jo neither have we wanted Artifls for preparing it for them to the befi Advantage And indeedy great Pity were it if this Beneficence of Providence Jhould be marred in the orderingy fo as jufily to merit the RefleSlion of the old Proverby that though God fends us Meat, yet the D- – does Cooks. liereforey to prevent this Inconvenience I have taken upon me to colleh a great Variety of Re- itiphy or DireBions for ordering thefe Things with which Nature has furnifiPd usy according to the PraUice of the mofl celebrated Artifis 5 and alfo the nice ft andmeft curious Dames and Houfewives our Country has produ- ad as alfo for the Entertainment of the more Cu riousy have inferted many ReceiptSy according to the Pra Ske of the beft Mafters in the Arts of Cookery and GonfeftiOTary of France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and other CoufUris. Andy though I “toill, not prefume to offer this Book as Dire£tary w the mefi celebrated PraSiitioners in the Arts of Cookery, Ccaifeaicmary, &c; yet it is not The INTRODUCTION. nr all improbable that even they may find in it feme things not altogether unworthy their Notice y andy as it is chiefly dtgnd for the Ufe of you Britiih Houie- wives who would diftinguifl) your felves by your well ordering the Provijions of your own Families fo it may be a necejfary Companion alfo for Cooks &c.; in TavernSy EatingHoufeSj and publick InnSy and not an anneceffary oney for tbofe who have the ordering of noble Tables, jindy I hopey I may without Vanity fayy it is the richeft in Variety y and fo the compleateft Booky of its Kindy yet extant The Alethod I have followed needs but little Expla nationy for thefe numerous Receipts I have ran£d into an eajy alphabetical Order y for the ready finding any particular Way of dreffingy or ordering any Sort of Meaty Fruit Sy Roots or HerbSy &c.; fo that it is but only looking for the Name of that you would know ho to drefs in the Index y and there you will readily find the various Ways of dreffing or ordering of it: But beides tbiSy for the more ready finding any thingy bavey at the Endy cdded a plain and copious Index. I have likewifey to render the Work more compleaty added a Table of Bills of Fare, or which Dijbes are proper for an Entertainment in each Month of the Tear j and likewife given you a Catalogue of the Terms ufed i, and InfiruSlious for Carving, and a flsort Sketch of fetting out a Defert of Fruits and Sweet Meats. I have not indeed troubled you with FuciisV and PaintSy for the putting of falfe Faces upon Nature hecaufe youy my Country Women, for the Generality of you (as is allowed even by all ingenuous Foreigners) fiand Ufs in need of artificial Faces ( your natural ones being more amiable) than tbofe of your Sex in neighbouring NationSy with all their Paintings and Oingi J yet beftdes tbofe Recipes for phyfical Drinks for fhc I N t ft O D U C 1 1 O I4. for the Health of your Bodies, and Cordials for the tbearing your Spirits, I have inferted feme few for helping yoH in accidental Bijcolorattens, and remov- ing thofe Injuries you may often fuffer from the Scorch- ings of an over-hot Sun, and Parchims of a withering fVind as will as fome natural Dijeafes, &c.; whiS ofien marr even the befi Complexions. For this Excurfoir, and any Overjtghts you may haply iiifcover I depend upon your native good Difpojitionfor Pardon, and nothing more being (as I think) neceffary to hefmd, I fhall only conclude with a Wijh, that thefe my Labours may redound to your Advantage, and they “onll Anciently anfwer the End of Tour bumble Servant The Co M p I L E R Some Divcrtjfemcms in Cookery, us’d at FcftiVfil -Times, as Twelfth-Day jc QJ O M E ancient Artifts in Cookery inform us, thai? in former Days, when good Houle-keeping was in raiUon among tne Englijh Nobility, they us’d either to begin or condudc their Entertainments, and diviprt their Guefts with luch pretty Devices as thefe follow- ing, vix. with a Caftle made in Pafte-board, with Gates, I raw-bridges, Battlements and Port-cullifes, aU done over with fafte. This was fet upon the Tabic in a large Charger, with Salt laid round about it, as if i; were the Ground, in wljich were iluck Egg-ihells full of Rofe,or other Iweet Waters, the Meat the £gg har ving been taken out by a great Pin j ijpon the mttlc- xnents of the Caftle were planted Guns made of Kexcs, cover’d over with Pafte, and made into the Form of CaxmcHis, and made to look like Brafs, by Qvcring them with Dutch Leaf-gold, thefe Cannons being char? ged with Gun-powder, and Trains laid, io that yoij might fire as many of them as you pleafed at on? Touch. The Caftle was fet at one d of the Table, then in the Middle of the Table they would fet a Stag made in Pafte, but hollow, and filFd with Claret-wine and a broad Arrow ftuck in the Side of him j this being alfb fet in alarge Charger, with a Ground made of Salt and Egg-ihells of pertiim’d Waters, ftuck in it as br fore •, then at the other End of the Table they yaul4 Jiave the Form of a Ship, made in Pafte-board, and -eover’d all over with Pafte, with MaQs, Sails, Flags and Streamers, and Guns made of Kexes, and cover d with Pafte, and charg’d with Gun-powder, with a rai in the Caftle 5 this alio In a large Charter, let ut rit Some DIFERTISEMENTS. tight in, as it were, a Sea of Salt, in which are aUb jfbck Egg-ihells full of perfum’d Waters j then be- twixt the Stag and Caftle, and Stag and Ship, were plac’d two Pyes made of coarfe Pafte, filPd with Bran, and walh’d over with Saffron and the Yolks of Eggs: When thefe are bak’d, the Bran was taken put, a Hole was cut in the Bottoms, and live Birds but into one, and Frogs into the other, and then the Holes doled up with Pafte •, then the Lids were cut neatly up, ib that they might be eafily taken off by the Funnds, and adom’d with gilded Laurels. Thefe being thus pre par’d, and plac’d in Order on the Table. FirJJ or all, one of the Ladies is perfiiaded to draw the Arrow out of the Body of the Stag, which being done,, the Qa f et-wine ifiues out like Blood out ot a Wow4 wl caufes Ibme finall Admiration in the Speftators j which beinjg over, after a little Paufe all the Guns on one Side of the Caftle, are, by a Train, dilchargd againft the’ Ship, and afterwards the Guns of one Side of the Ship againft the Caftle j then having turn’d the Char- gers, the other Sides are fir’d ot, as if in a Bat tie: This caufing a great Stink of Powder, the Ladies or Gentlemen take up the Egg-ihells of perfum’d Wa- r. ter, and throw them at one another. This pleafant Difbrder being pretty well laitgh’d over, and the two great Pyes ftill remaining untouched, fome or other will have the Curiofity to fee what’s in them, and, lifting off the Lid of one Py, out jump the Frogs this makes the Ladies skip and feamper, and lifting up the Lid of the other, out fly the Birds, which will na- turally fly at the Light, and lb put out the Candles, and lb with the leaping of the Frogs below, and flyit of the Birds above, it will caufe a lurprifing and di- verting Hurly-Burley amongft the Guefts in the Dark ftcr which, the Candles being lighted, the Banauet is brought in, tlxe Mufick founds, and the Particular of each Perfon’s Surprize and Adventures, focniAe Matter for divertipg t)ifcourJe; THE Cooks arid GbnfeBiomrs xxu DiCtiaNARY. i; btrtD j(le 0) Itetrl UT half la Hogfhead ot Wafer, into ydiir Copper, cover it with Bran; wheh it ii fcald- 11 hot, piit a third Part of it into the Aidlh ing Tub, and let it fland dil the teahi is £ ftr it, that you can fee your Face in the Liquor; thea Kit in two Bufliels of Mt flir the Malt and li- qiior weQ together i in the mean time let the reft of the Wiilboilin thi Copper thenputoiit the Fir, that the Heat of the Liquor may be allay’d then put the othe P of it into the maijung Tub, and ftir it Well %aiii y put ih alio k Shovel or two of h Coles, to take •f any ili Taiht of thfe Malt, and lb let it ftand for twd Hours. In the mean time heat half a Hogfhead mord of Laquor, and when you have drawn off. your firft Wbrt Pkrt 5f it upon the Grains, and ftir ki a Bu- ftel aiki half more of frdh Malt then put in the reft of the Liquor, and (tir it as before then put yoUr firft Worti into theCojiper ain makjng it fialdi hot, and put part 6fit iiteo a fecond mafhing Tub, and when tiki Stam is gone, ftir in it a Bufhel and a half hiore of frefh Malt thai put in the feft of the Wort and ftir it we and fetkftaadtWDHou’, theofactt axtocher fil Hogf=- head of Witer, and when what wis ptrt kkto the &ft;’ maihipg Tub has Hood two Hours, rgw it ctify and- alio that Wort in the lecond malhing Tub, and take the Grains out of the iecond maihing Tub, and put them into the firft then put the Liquor in the Copper into it, and let it Hand an Hour and an half in the mean timp heat .another hfdf HBtead of Watr, ini put upoh the Grains, and let it ftand a before. Boil thtf fii-ft Wort with a Pound of Hops fbr two Hours, or till it looks oirdly for Befer boil, the fecodd Wort with fijt Ctmces of Ho s fpr Aid, aii Hour arid Ji half, andboil tJic Hopsf bodb Worts in yoinr other Liquor for Table Beer an Hour and a haifl. ., . 2 . Co bteto Silt ⁢ Jonas Moore’s WlAV Allow five Bulhels and a half of MalL to half a Hogihead of Ale j put into your Maih Tub forty five Gallons of LiqfUQr v becanfb we third rart of th Liqpor will be ibaked up by the Mah and a iSxtfa Part will waftc in bpifing. For . the fecond Wbrt,, put but a little more Liquor,, than you intend to male Drink and becaufe you have a large Quantity pf Malt you may make a third Wort, putting in Liquor, accordiito the Quantity yoji would have ; Co ma&e; &pttqi; of JU . Put two Gallons pf Ale-wort, erf the firft runmng, tnto an Iron Pot j boil it away to a Quart, keepix the rot open, and Icumming it continua%. Put it into a ot, keep it clofe x:overed and taloe a little of it on the Point of a Knife- It is good for Heat of Urine, Stoppage in the Reins, and Whites in Women. 4. 0 make Sdtbtnt. Bqil Ale, fcum it wdl, put in fbme flices of white Bread, and Blades of Mace boil it again, iweel;en it with Sugar, ftrain it, and drink it hot J. Co make 50 But tier’s umiiii ale . . . TKE Polypody of the Oak, and Sena, of each £wo Ounces j of Sarfaparilla, an Ounce j Annilwi ind Carraway-Seeds, of each half an Ounce 1 ot” Scup- vy-GtafijL a reck i Agrimony, and Maiden-Hair, pt each A t Bch hilf a HndAiI: Beat alf thefe afily stnd pM them into a coarie GanvasBa and hang them ih a Galldb, and a half of Alby and in three £ys time yod n drink it Take Garden-Scar?7-GraiSy BurdodcRoots bmilbd and blew Currantd, of eadi hBif i Pound of Rhu bard ilic’d, ancb Horle-Radilh Roots, Icrapd, each m (Xmce and a half f the Roots of MooksRhttbarb,’ fliatp pointed Dock, of each’ three Outltes and a half of Sfe:hoacan,attdSeDa three Ounces and’ a half Cori- andeSeeds Carraway-Seeds, Anais-Seeds, and Daucus Seeds, bruised, of each an Ounce and a half three Onin fliced. Put all thdk Ingredients into a Can vsohmgy mth wSooat in it, andhahgit in three Gal Ions of nevr Ale and let theni ifrk together in three theys k will be dnikable-, take a Pint fbr a Moi- nings-DtoaigfatL 7. SAt of !iliti mtd HBtttntH b? ttre QliCcDttnt &t; Albans. Take of Sarfilparilla an Otmce aild half SafTa fias-Wood, and China-Root, of each a qitarter of ail Ohnoe , white Saunders, and Chaxnapitjrtyott, of each half an Ounce -, of Mace half a quartto of an Oonce: Cut the Wood in as thin- Pieces as- you can, and tiruiie them all- together in a Mortar. Then add Cowflip-Flowws Hops and Raman – Wormwood, . of esudt half a Himdfiil of Sage, Sweet Majoram, BiUiti, Betony, and Rolemary, and Mugwort, all to getti mo Handfuls;; Boil tfade in thtee (Mom of Ai till it is reduced to two; then put your Wood and Herbs into diree Gallons of Ale of the i iecond i Woft and boil it to two GaUon& Then make uli your Ale to run from the Drq, mix it together,; and put it in a Vefiel fbr ulei BiT tHe Whites of eight,, add Yolks of four Eggs fbr an’ Hour, hara ready half a Pound of Uaiiebed Aitnonda, in cold (Water, . bat thei weU. -At . ynth Roie-Hiraterj to Ibeep them from biting; tboA beat two Found of Got Str with yoar Eggs, and put iQ your AlmoiKls with half a Score Spoonfuls of grated Bread, or fine Flower , make them into proper. Shapes, and bake them on Faper-Plates in a moderate Oven fifox £ne Sugar over them . 9. another (fflU Taie a Pound of iweet Ahnonds, and a Quarter of a Potuid of bitter Ahnoodsv blanch them and piGind them, tempering them frequently with the White of an E, to keep diem from oiling whett they are well beaten, put to them that weight in fine powder’d Sugar, and the Whites of Eggs nmgjit aO welt together with a Spatula in a Copper-Pan, and knieaLd it wdl with your Hand then with a Sgoca drop thefe Biskets, about the Size of a Shifting upoct Sheets of Paper iet them into a Gampa Ghreo mtb a Fire only at the top, and when they begin to riie and are brought to & €oloid:, put fome Fire under neath. 10. ialmint Vtttttt, tfie Cambridge Waipv Take a Quart of Cream, beat fiiteen Eggs ve ry weU, and Strain them then iet diem on a gentle Fire, ‘and keep them continually ftirring, and when it. is ready tx boiJ, put in half a quarter of a Pint of Sack, ftin ftiiring it, till it comes to a Curd, ftrain the Whey ftom it very clean, then beat a quarter of a Pound of blKUich’d Almonds with Rofe-water j put the Curd into a wooden or Stone-mortar, with Jbme of the Almonds by acees, arid beat it with a Pound and half of fine Sugar till the Curds and Almonds be all in y and when it is well bcatei put it into Pots orGlaffes and eat it with Bread it will keep good two or nhree Months. II. aimomn cakoL iakAft Pound of Almoflds blanch’d in cold Wa- e, well with Rofe-water, till they lofc their glyflr n% ther 1 put in half a Pound of wett-fifted fine So- i V jat the Almcmds and thi all together, till they ‘ . . ba AL be wen nux’d then take two Spoonfuls of fne Vlorh er well dry’d, and the Whites of two Eggs, and when yoo have beat them weQ together, pour in yom Abnoods then butter the Places you bake your Cakes in, and duft them with Flower and fine Siar, and put them into the Ovm, and when they are b come It little brown, draw them, then lee the Oven cool a little, and let them in upon a brown Ppr, and they will become much whiter than before. 13. fln JilmonD Caanle Take three Knts of new Ale, put into it a quaiv ter of an Ounce of Cloves and Mace, and alio Ibme flic’d white Bread, then put in a Poimd of blanch’d Almonds, well beaten, and half a Pint of Whito- wine let them boil together, and &um; diem well when it is thick Qoough, fweeten it as you like it, and uleit. This is very nouriihing, and good for a Coniumption. Beat Almonds very fine, then make a Poilet with only Cream and Sack then take the Curd and mingle it with the beaten Almonds, and let it over a Cha- fing-diih of Coals, putting to it double refin’d Sugar and Role-water, a liiRicient Qiiantity , dien on a Pyo- plate, ifaihion it in the Form of a Cheefe put it into a D and Icrape Ibme fine Sugar over it, let itfland till it is cold, and ferve it up. 14. jllmonD Cteami Take a Pound of good Almonds blanch and beat tfacm very fine with Oraze Flower-water j take two Quarts of Cream, bod it and fweeten it, mix the Almonds with it and flrain it through a Canvas then let it on a Fire to thicken, keeping it flirring -, pot in a Grain of Ambergreele, if you pleale, then pour it into Gilafies. Beat a Pound of Almond Paftc up, vrith Rofb- water, ffarain it with two Quarts of Cream, and boil it W3th a Stick of Cinnamon, broken into imall Pieces B 3 kecR AL iaaspit oondnuaBy ftirring wiiile it is boilingy iwoet- jCo it wkh Sugar, and icrvc it up 16. Si iii% JSlmottb Ctcantto 3lcllp Put a Found of Haitshom to tvo Quarts and a .Pint of Water boil it to afanoft half the Quaotitjr, ai ftrain it through a Jelly-Bag; beat twelve Ounces of Almonds blanch’d, with two oonfuls of Orange- water, and fifteen Spoonfuls of Cream: Then put as xnuch Cream as you have Jelly into a Skdlet, and ftrain in the AJnKmds; fweeten it, ietit on the Fire, and ftir it conflantly till it be ready to boil: then take it off, and keqi conftantly ftirring till it is almoft cold: Then pour it into narrow bottom’d drinking Glafles, and let it and m them for twenty-four Hours: When you WQuld turn it out, dip your Glai ies in warm Water for a Minute, and it will turn out eaCly;, this is caU’d STEEPL&CREAM.; 17. Co make Ctifp’D 0lmonOK of a (tufjAMu Melt a Pound of fine Sugar with a little Water, boil a Pound of Almonds in it till they crackle j then take them c the Tire, and ftir them continuaUy with a Spatula. If any Sugar he left, heat it again over the Fire, ftirnng them confbntly, that it may itick to the Almonds. 18. men Cttq’n flUtton&it.; Tou muft order your Almonds as before, and . when your Siar is boiled till it becomes cracked, put a Uttle Codiineal to it) then boil it again till it return to its crack’d Quatity then throw in your Almonds keep diem continually ftirring. Prare. your Codiineal by boiling it with Alui and Cream of Tartar. i9 0 make tBBliite CtipK’b aimonHif Scald and blanch your Almonds, then put them into Sugar, boilM to the fifth Degree, call’d crack’d keepu them ftirring, let them have a Wajm or two, that the Sugar may ftick ck on thenv v ao. 4 AL to. tiro mate an jstmonti CaSatb. Blanch two Pound of Almonds, and beat rficm very fine with Rofe-water, then ftrtin them widi two larts of Cream, die Whites of twenty Eggs and a Found of fee Sugar put your Cuftard into your Cmfts, or Cul)s, and bake them in a gentle Ovenj when baked, dim them on a Dilh, or Plate ffa-ow on tiiem Biskets, red and white ilick Muicadines, red npi white, and icrape an them double refined Sugar. ‘ ii. 9o mltmmmtinn jflounMne. Blakch a Poimd of Jordan Almondis, ixHind them in a Mortar with Orance Flower-water then ieaicxi a quarter of a Pound of Marrow with’ Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace beatdi, and add a Pound of Cur- rants •, beat up the Yolks of eight, and Whites of lour Es, with a qiiaiter of a Pint of Canary: Add half a Foand of melted Butter, Iweeten with Sugar •, put 5n alfo candy’d Citron, and Lemon Peel. Mix thefe wdl toedier, and lay Puff-Pafie in the bottom, and on the top of your Florendine. Take the beft Jordan Almonds, rub rfiem very clten from the Duft, then take their Weight in Loa& Sugar, wet it with Orange Flower-water, and bdl it to a 5yrupv then put in the AlmondSj and boil them to a Cdy, kping them conftantly ftirring tifl they are dry J diefi put them into a Diih, arid take kway the Knobs and loofe Bits, that will’ be about them i then put the Almonds again into the Prefer- ving-Pan, and fet them over a flow Fire, letting them ftand till fome (rf”‘ their Oil begins to come from thenj in the bottom of the Pan. ‘ a 0 aw’aftmpnw Make Ice widh the Vmfe of an Egg, powdered Sugar, Orange, or Lemon Flowers, and Sevil Orange, blaach your ‘Alfoorids, and roll tiiem tvell in- this Ice- ing, afiirwar fe’ lay them on Paper to be bakM in a CsLBipaign-Ovenj with a gentid Fir at top aind bot;- tom B 4 M-.aV Ah a Pound of SweeC-AkAoc4si and: Mtter Qpes J l aQch them weU, then pound; them in a Mor- tar, fprinklmg them frequentl) with Milk, leaft tJxy turn, th talce 9 QM of Milk made iuk6-warm and mix it WjgU with your Aliooods, ftrain as nmch as you can of it througli a Sieve then pour the JJ. quor into a Sauce-Pan and put in a. Stick of Qima- xnon, iet it over a StQve and boil it, keeping it ftii; rirg contkiually with a Spoon, tiU itcoiiie to a Creamy when it begins to thicken, put ii a little Salt,;md Iweeten it with .Sugar-, tbopu loxne ixnallCrufts of ied po thicker than a Siipoice, into a Difh and pouf. the Almond Milk upon hem, and lerve it jiot. Tlus it; is made, when us’d only at CoQadoos; but when it is us’d at Meals, it is made thus. Take Cream aqd Milk a Pint of eadi, aqd havii pounded your Alxnonds, boil them together in a auoe-Pan, puttiqg in a Stick of Cinnamon, a little Salt, ibme Sugar, and si zeft or two. of Lemon j mix att thele weU with your Almonds, and drain all through Sieve, with half a Pozei new laid Js v then &e; a Sauce-Pan of; tVater ovej: the Stove,, and when it begins to boil, put a Difh over the Sauce-Pan, pour your Almond Milk into the Diih, and cover it with the Lid of a Tart Pan of a fitting Size, then put live Coals pon it look into it iibw and tten, and when you perceive it is grown thicjk, let it by to cool and lerve it up cold in little Dilhfis, or Plates. – 25 rTwinV aimotitt JPftk, Boil two Quarts of Water, then let it ftand till it, is clear put in Strawberry Plants, both Leaf and Roo(, and Violet Leaves, of eyfghja large Handful, and a large toot of Sorrel, let them al be well waihd piit in two Ounces of KaUins of the Sun floned, and a Cruil of white Bread. Boil all thele from two to one Quart, with thirty Ppmpion Kernels, and fiffy •Inionds blanch- ed an4jt eataii draw an Almond Milk, fweetenM with $ugar to your Paatel . 25 jBDn A L 26. HDr Blackfinith’s 01tnottti fllu . Take the Roots oiRufcmsgramen Succory aad AP laragu of each fix Drains prepared Barley a Hand- Mi Maidenhair Buglols, Borage Viole Straw- betriesy and five leav’d Grafi, of each an Handnil, (He’d ‘ liquoriih four Drams boil all thele, in three Quarts tveamg Water till there remains about three Pints, then beat -an Ounce of the cold Seeds with fi me AV pndsy white Role-water and Sugar, put them in, and nake AlxU)id Milk. 28. B t. Atkhi’s SOxams ipair. Take a Quart and half a Pint of Barley-water, and boil in it the Root of March-Mallows, gramehy Aiparagus and Erizos, of each about two Oimces, df five leaVd Grafs and Strawberries both Leaves, a final! Qiiantity; boil them tillthere is not left above a Quart of Liquor, then pour off the Liquor, and put in two Ounces of the four cold Seeds, having peel’d of the Husis, and beaten them with Alnumds. ftrain them Out together with the Barley-water, and add to it Sugar and Role-Water to your Palate. This is excel- to cObI and deanie the Kidneys: ap. iSnottrr (LQlap. Scald and blanch you Almonds, pound them in a Mortar as before then put to a little Milk, and iirain all through a Sieve, then beat four Egs both Yolks and Whites together, and pour to them ibme Milk by Degrees, and put in a little Salt and Nutmq; L then let a Kettle or Pot with Water over the Furnace and when it boils, put a Diih upon die Kettle with a Slice of Butter in it, and pour the Almond Milk into tbe Diih ftirring it continusdly till it becomes a Cream then ferve it up to Table hot without any Sugar. 90. 0 make ffottage af fllmotiD •ilk Take Almonds acoorc&g; to the Quantity of Pot- cage you would have -, &ald; diem and pound them verjr well, moifteiii them with a litde Water -, then make feme Water lukewarm in a Stew-pan over the Fire, ffttttiz in a litde Salt then pour it all into a Mortar, and and ftram it tWD or three Times throogh a Sieve then boil kgendy with aLunq) ofSugar and a little Ciima mon th(cn cut ibnie Slices of Crumb Bread, d toaft tfaem for Sippets, and put aQ into a Daih and ierve it up. Si. Co miHu ittmm ISr JjET your Almonds be well icalded and waihed in fair Water; then pound tfaem very well in a Mortar (they cannot be pounded too much) and moifUn them frequently with a little White of an Egg and Orange Flower-water whip’t together, that. they may not tiim to Oyl •, having thus pnepar’d the Pafle, Iprestd k upon a large Diifa, and let it be dried with fine Sugar, till it becomes as pliaUe as ordinary Pafle; let it lie by a litde while before you ufe it. Wh£K the Almonds are pounded and moiftened as before dire£bed, puttliem into a large Ccper- and having clarified iome Sugar with the White of an £ and boil’d it till it becomes feathered, put into the Al- monds, a larger Quantity than the Almonds; work aH well together with a Spatula; then iet the Pan over a Fire, keep it continually ftirring, till the Fafte be loofen,ed from the Pto; then cover a Diih with fme Sugar, and fpread the Pafte upon it, afterwards roll it up in large Ro&s;, and let it lie fimie time time before it be us’d. Of this Pafle you may make the under-cruft or bot tom of Pies, and all Sorts of iinaU Paftry Works to gamiih them. Take 1 Ounces of hlanch’d Almonds, and beat thesa very wdl widi a Pint of Qrai:41ower-water,and (ified Sugar till they are very fine then whip the Whites of diree Eggs and mix wkh tfaem, and add as much lift- ed Sugar as will make it into a Pafte, thaa make it m to Cakes, and bake them u a cod Ovea A 1 £l£A)ISE your iUakxids Toy vcU, put them jn your Pan to (ky, died taloe ugar boil’d 6nMh in a ue Spooa or Ladle aix iir a quarter of a Pint at a tune, and pour it to your Almonds keeping diem often ftirrn and turning ividi your Hwd but let them iomedmes reft to d cdrer thenl with Sugar as mudi or as Utde as you pleafe. Tak6 a Qiaart’jof Cneajn a Quarter ofa Pound of Almond Pafte, and beat them up wett undbh Rofe-water, then put in half a Pint of white Wine, firain it, put in tWD or tbree ivigs of Rofonary, ipant f&ccd; Nutmeg and icnqpiqgs iif Onnge Pel, and kt them flero two or duree Hours i thep Iweeten it with refin’d Sugar, ftrain it into a Bafin and beat it up intt a Froth, whidi take joff witib a Spoon and put into a Diih to:£nre up. 36. pAt a auucli of almMtiw Beat half a Bwod of Idandi’d Almonds very fine in a Mortar, md put to them a f kit of new Milk, and ftrain thiem, put in two Spoonfols of Rofe-water and aCkain of jMmsIc, Md half an Ounce of die whd; eft fing£Ufi, and toQ ftrain dicm a ieoond time foe Vfe. 37. Sin 0lm0ii)) %itu Raise a very good Fafte an Indi deep, and fix cornered, then ta iome Almonds blandi’d and very (bdy bestten with Rqe-rwater, adding a Pound of Sil- far to a Pound of Abqonds, a little Cream, grated tread and Nutmeg, and fy much Juice of Spinage ftrain- ed, as will colour the Alunqqds gieen then m: it be baJcM in an Oven gemiy hot, not ihutting theDoor when it i$ drai fikk if with Orfige or CitraeL Take half a Pound of blanch’d Almonds, and beat dsi very fine mtix Qwiige-Fiowei -Watcr, then put to them a Pint of vcfy tl Cream two large A4pifs Bis&ets; grated, veo&of; Eggib wA siboot half a Pound of A M of fine Sugar, garoHh your Diih iritb good Bifle, ao4 put in tbde Materials, and lay Slips of Fafte in Sia monds croi the Top let it be tMik’d in a gentle O- ven, and afterwards ftidc Slips of candid Gtron in each Diamond. . . 39. SLlmtmttjti Miljitt 3Alff Take hsdf a Pduad of Almonds, blanch them and pound them very weU, with a little Orange Flowei – water, juft enough to’ keep them from oiling mix them up with a Pint and half of Jelly, that is not much weakened with Wine and Leinon pais this fe yeral times through a very fine Hair-Sieve, and flir it till it grows thick, tl!(at the Colour of the Almonds may not fettle to the bottom, then pour it into your GblTes, Mate your Jelly very good tafted, tho’ you abate a little of the Wine and Juice of Lemcxi; becau& the Almonds fupply the want of them v being iervM out of the Gbifles upon Chim Plates, it wants Streith. 40. Sin 0lmonfi ltUbnh Take four Quarts of new Milk, half a Found of the Flower of fwcct Almcds, two Ounces of time- juice, and half a Pint of Strawberry-juice , put to thde two Pound of fine Scar, and a Qiart of Canary, (tir them together, and beat them till they froth, and be- come of a pleaiaht G lour. 4t. ‘0 make an fllmonb anfep. ‘ Blanch a Pound of Almonds, deep them in a Pitit of Cream, pound them in a Mortar, add to them the Yolks of twelve, and Whites of fix Eggs j put in half a Pint of Juice of Spinage, and a quarter of. a Pint of Juice of Tanfey, add to it grated Bread Iweeten with Sugar to your Palate , fry it in fweet Butter, and keep fiirnng in die Pan, till k is of a good thicknefs ilrew Sugar over it, and lerve it up. 42. 0mbet Cdkesr . Take forty or fifty Drops of reOified Oil of Am- b6r, and half a POund of doufate refin’d Sugar learc’d, then add as much GuiA Tragcanth, as wiu make the Sugar AM Sagur into a ftiff Pafl whkh tnake into Iittli C&dl; ta Troches and iet them in a warm Place to dry. Tfade arc good to be eaten in a Morning againft Va poors, Fits of the Mother, Verto Lethargies, Head Adbes proceeding from a cold (kxiCc, and FaUing Sick- ness. . 49. ibOltt Bm& CAken. Mix a Qparter of a Peck df fine FldWer with Sli- ces of Mannalade of Quinces, a quarter of a Pound of fine Sugsff, and ten oonilils df RofeWater beaten up to- getfadr, half a But of Yeaft, a Poutid 5f Currants, pick’d and waft’d, of Ginnamotf and Mace finely powder’d each half an Qvoice, feme catidy’d Orafige-peel cut very finatt, fl&x; all weD, and thicken it with a QuUtt df Milk, add ten new laid Eggs, then take a Dram of Aiblrgreefei and dHIoI?e it in a quarter of a Pint of white Wine, and mix it with the left of the Icredients then focm it into a Gake, and let it be bak’d in a gentle Oved, and afterwsurds Ice it dver with Sugar xhelted in Roie- water and the. White of ad Egg. 44. tto male Stmltt (Ereefe Cakeif Taxi fine Sugar, beat and l&rfe; i€, then beat half a Dozen new laid Eggs into a Froth, as it rifes take’ off the Froth, and drop it into the Sugar by little and little, grinding it ftitt in a Marble Mortar with the Peftle, till it be tfaortMhly riioiftened, and thin enough to drop on Plates j thed add Aifibergrteft, Civet and Annifieds pick’d, bkittfcr yoitr Plates, d op your Bat- ter in the fonn of round Cakes, bake them in a gentle Oven, and when you perdeivethem to grow hard, and tile a littley take them out 4f. Sin Xmbu UMtig accofMng to tllie 1.00 Con- way’s rtcei9t4 Wash the Guts df a yodtig Hog vefy clean, thea blandi a Patfnd and half of the beft Jordan AUnonds, beat one half of than very ixpaU, and keep the other half whole j put the beaten Almonds to two Pound of Iffags Lard, grate four white Loavte into your Lard and Almoad and put in al6 a Pound and half of finer Sugar AN Sef wit atltdgftheritfa’B&iif; that icrafe half ail; Oiuice of HAmbemree% smd- half a Qurtlr of m Ounce of Leydm Musk, bnusd ia ai AferUe Miliary with a Qpai of a Pine: of OrangeFl wavWater; mix all theie well togfithtr and £U your Hc$s Guts mchthem 46. mritr Cf Mtare of iJtmbecsteefe . Take a- Pint of irit of Winfe j put it’ihto a Bbt- tk put to it four Drams of Mik and twtf Ounces of .nbergreefe ) ftcy the Bottle doi and iet it ift Horfe-Dung &r; aFortniv then point off the Spirit of Wine int&aBdttfe; fbrlJfey and poor in: more to the Ambergreeie A Dr of this Tinflur e wiUhperfulte f thijy and is alibvery good in-Gordiab Ine Ata bcxeefe mxy aftervrards ibrve fyr common Ufesi 47. jSItt Jflmttletv Take a Ddzm of Egg beat diem mH andftrain ’em, put three ei fbikr Spdonfuld of Creain; to thien &nd; a little S&dit; then main ibme Butder veiy lyit in the Frying-pan, and pour iil the £ggs and when it is a little fry’d, turn the Sides into die nuddie, and then turn’ it over on the other Side, and when it is Iry’d iiifficiently Serve it 19 with fimtter Sugar, tfiid Verjuice. 48. milte a flmflet Hobatt Take fifhen Eggs, beat the Whites by them &lves; J then put the YoUta to them widi feme Bis ket of bit(er Ahnonds, f me CreasK and Sugar and Ibme Lemonpeel ihf 6d fitiaQ; Keep oantinualiy beat ifig it dll you put it into the Pauy into which’put gdod Butter, and keep it continually ftirriag over the- Fire,. and when ie is well colour’d underneath, tum it that it may be brown on both Sidte’ ,. then lenre it up. 49. AntHfoUm The moft common Way of eatii them ia as Sa lads, with Oil Vinegar or flie’d Lembs GapecSi and Oliires. Of Anchori,. CuBiib Mc made, which ftrve as’ an logredtem; to ioreral Ragoe. as welt aS VkSk as AN Biih; the Method of mtddng which, you will find in treatni of CtiDiies. The Bones of tfatf AnchoiHes ifAikh have been tis’d, may be put iiico a Pafle maide df Flowed, and White-wine or Watet, one or two £gg8 and a lit- melted Butter all mingled tbgether , and bemg 6fdy Amy be made tiie of as QifnitUre for other tiungs 0 may lenre fof an Oukwork with Orange and fry’dParflcy. 30. Co itcfp iBncoiiim Coven them two Inches ‘thick with Bay Salt. 51. Co male a lallet of Untaibki Takb the beft Anchovies, wafii them well in Wa- ter or Wine, till tHat Liquor be clear thei!i dry th m With aUdnenClotb, takeoffthe Tailfl andFins, and any thing that is fispnous flip diem and bone theoa lay thennen a Plate, gimiflthefd wiiih young OnioQS Parfley, fikaes of Lemoo and the Roots of fieets then beat ibfiie Iweet Oii with the Juice, ctf Lemfi and pour over your Anehdvies. 52. %6 make flncliol fmct Wash and bone yniif Anchories, mince them inn flit themkitoa Sance-pan, vnih a little thin Cttdct of Veal and Ham ieaibn with Piper, heat ithor then put in a littte Y iMgar, and ute it with roaftr Meat 5?- tCo make iSnooltetitf Take the Guts of a Hog, turn them, icour theiSi and lay them to ibak in Water a Day and Night, then wipe them dry, and turn the fat Sides outward& Then take Sage ishopp’d. Salt, Fbpper, Cloves, Mace and Cbriander S beaten, mix aU theft tctge- tber and leattti the fae Sides of the Gbts thai turtt that Side mward again, aiid draw one Gut over amK ther H what bignefe ydii pleafe-, ibyolimaydef of the whole Guts 6f a Hog Then boil them in Watery with a Piece cf interferded Bacoi feme Salt dild piee. Ty tfaih faft at both £Aib and make then of iritftt loifa yoa pbri& 54. ianiUf Andovillets are made of minced Veal, Bi- CDO, iweet Herbs, and the Yolks of Eggs, iodbn’d with Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg,’ and beaten CinnUnob, Id as tx)give them a fine Colour: Thefe muft be made up like Qiitterlings, and roafbed on a Spit, between dices of Bacon, and bafted with their Dripping, and with the Yolks of £gg9 and Ibme Crumbs of Bread ,ibmetimes with the one, and ibmetimes with the other, to cau6 a fine Cruft upon them. Serve thbhi im with Mutton Gravy, and the Juice of Lemons, Oad fryM Pauley to gamiih them. T5 Co cantip flfnselic BoiL the Stalks of Aielica in Wter, till tbgf are tender-, then peel them, and put them into odier warm Water and cover them let them fttod (Wer & gentle Fire, till they become very green then lay the&i; on a Qoth to dry, take their weight in fine Sugar; with a little Rofe-water, and boil it to a Candy height: Then put in your Aielica, boil diem up quick -, then take them out and dry them for uie f 5. “to pteCet be jBngeltca Slootf Wash them, (lice them thm, put them to lee in fair Water, and fluft the Water every Dky for three Days -, then let them all Night in a Pdt dver warm Embers, pour oflf the Water in ‘ the Morning; and take two Pound of Sugar, and two Quarts of Water t6 a Pound of Roots, and boil tjiem in it when they are boifd enough, take them out and boil dxt Syrup gently. 57. male ilngclka UBater. Takb die Roots of Angelica, three Quaiti of a Pound, of the Leaves of Carduus Benedi£his as much Sage and Balm, of each half a Pound of Angelica Seeds three Quarters of a Pound; of Iweet Fennel- Seeds a Pound and two Ounces; powder them grofly, add of the Spedes, calPd Aromatick Rofaf three Oun- ces, and of Dimoich, the lame Quantity, infufe cheie for two I ays in eight GaUons of Sjiamjb Winey then AP thch dlftil them with a gentle Fire, aiid pUt A (psit ter of a Pound of Sugar diilolv’d in Roie-watcr to e very Quart. 58. $o malit flnnifeeb of 3lettiBQ Take the beft Anniiceds, cleahfe them Verjr well from their duft and Stallcs then dry them a little id your Pan, and then proceed to finiih them as you did your Iznooth Almonds. 59. Ult Sipffiti Sled. Let the Apples be par’d, cor’d and thin flicd j thch put a quarter of a Pound of Sugar to two Pennjrworth of Apples i put in two Pennyworth of Cochineal beaten very fine a iinall Stick of Cinnamon mix the Cochineal with the Apples, and put them, into the Pafte, and when the Pye is bak’d, put in Butter and Rofe Wateri 60. %t make a Compolt of jappUj Take Apples, Pare, Ccffe and Quarter them, put them into fair Water then put in alio their Parings, and alio of ibme other Apples pared and qulrter’d in finall Quarters boil them till they are tender -, then drain them in a Linen Cloth -, take as ibuch of that Wa- ter as will ierve to boil the (garters you have relerv’d for your Compoft, and put it into a preferring Pan j put in as mudi fine Sugar as you thmk convedieot let them boil over a Charcoal Fire till they are tecid; ftir them with a Spoon, but dp not break them -, then take them out, and lay them on a Cloth, or the Brim of a Diihto run then lay them on k Plate, ttt your Syrup on a quick Fire put in more Sugar, $nd the juice of Lemcms, and boil it till it be a Jelly, then fet it off the Fire and let it fland till it is cold then pour it over your Apples apd the Brims of the Plates as you pleafe. 61 Ho make jElppU Cream Take a dozen Pippins, pare them, core them, cut them into thin Slices, and flew them in a Pipkin with ted Wine, fiile Sugar fcraped. Lemon Peel and fliced Giter, when they are very tender, put them in a Difh, and let them cool; boil a Quart ol Cream with a lit- C tU A? tie Nutmeg, and put ibme of the Apples anxing k arid iprioUe it with Rofe-water and Sugai”. 62. Co make atmalafie oC iSppln Scald vour Apples in Water, and when they are tender, taxe them out and drain them then ftrain them through a Sieve, and boil your Sugar till it be very well feathered, sdldwing three Quarters of a Found of Sugar to every Pound . of Apples j temper and dry the whole Mais over the Fire according to the ulual Method, let them fimmer together •, ftrew your Mar- malade with fine Sugar, and put it into Fots or Glailes. 63. tiTo make iappU ncakeii Fare yotir Appleis, cut them in round SlidesL firy them in frefli Butter, beat up twenty Eggs in a QuBxt of Cream -, put in Girder, Nutmeg a Cinnamon beaten, of each two Dims, powdered $ugar fix Oun- ces pour the Batter on them, fry them, iprinkle them with Roie-water, and duft them with Sugar. 64. %6 make jSpple faSe Scald your Apples till they become foft •, then drain them, pais them through a Sieve, and dry thein over the Fire but be fore to keep thent itirrii with a Spatula, both at Bottom and on die Sides, to prevent dieir biuTxing. When the Pafte flips from the Bottom and Side of the Pan it is enough -, then take it off the Fire, and to every Pound of Fruit, put a Pound of Su- gar greatly feathered or crackt; incorporate them well together j thetffimmer k over a Fire, and drels it either in Moulds . or upon Slates, and let it in a Stove to dry. 65. iSnotliet tea? Pare yoitr Apples, core them, put diem in oAd Water boil them then put them into Water again, then take them out and- drain them, and pals them through a Hair Strainer then put them in a Skellet; let them upon the Fire and dry them, ftirring them continually with a Spatula, till they begin to come clear from the Bottom then take them off the Fire and put in your Sugar, mingle them together, and lay them on Slateis, and (ky them ia a Stove 66. 9 , 66. ‘lo pteftrte HMti Pare faiaH Apples, leave the Stalks oo j Hit them a little, for the better fcaldng in of the Sugar i put them into Water, fcald thtei, let them cool, then bring them again to a greefa Coloiir, in that, or other fidh Water j when they are grown IbfL let them cool again, drain theih into clarified jSugari the next Day boil the Syrup finoothj thenexTboil it be- tween Ihiooth and pearFdj and the next till it is very ‘ mnch pekrrd; and then immediately flip in your Ap. pies, let them fimmer together for Ibme time, “and the next Day give them a cover’d boiling -, then put them into Pots to cool, and drain them and dry them on a Stove; – 67. nuikc.a i?ttjtoft of apfllcjj. Make the Apples into a Marrtialade, with Sugaf and Cinnamon ‘, theh add the Yolks of &ur; or five Eggs, .a Handful of grated Bread and feine Butter 1 then form it as you pleafe. You may if you pleaie, put in ftcw’d Pears or Cherries, according as the Sea ibd of the Year is. Let it be bak’d in a flow Oven, and dien turn it upfide down, on a Plate, for afecoid Coorfe. Of orfier ways of ordering Apples, fee more under Kppins. . 68. lo lletti Simltfi Pare them, cuttheni in Slices, and am i. n: a Pipkin, with as much Water and red Wine, in e- qual Quantities, as will Icarce cover them, when th are tender, put in a Stick of Cinnamwi, arid a feW Coves; when they are ahhoft erioUgh, fweeten them with Sugar, and ma them td pap, put in fwect But ter, and lerve them. 69. Xo make an;appteanfepi Pare your Apples, cut them in thin rouiid Slices: fry them in fweet Butter; then beat half A Score Eggs with a Quart of Cream, the Juicfe of Spinage and Taafty, of each a Quarter of a Piijt, and a little Rofe- C a waterj • AP water; when all thefe are beaten together, pour diem CO yoiir AH?les. 70. a maiie Saoutmut$ of an; SLmla Make a Jelly of the moft loft and pieafant of your Apples j dien cut your other Apples round ways, put them &to; a Glais or Pot, and let them fiand for fix Days, then add a Quarter of a Pound of Siiar to each Pound of Liquor, but do not break the Ap pies any more, iealbn them with the Juice of Lemons, Oranges, Mace and Cloves, and perfume them with a Grain of Musk 71. %o &rp; flpplejt First, preferve them with dieuf Stalks on, then waih or wipe them lay them on Tin-plates, suad let them over a Stove, or in a gentle Oven, and turn them as you fee occafion. 72. 3Po make iSpticock Caknt Take two Pound of the ripeft Apricodcs, icald. Peel and Stone them, malh them to pieces; then take a Pound of double refin’d Sugar, and two Spoonfiils of Water, sukI boil it to a Candy then piit in the Pulp of your Apricocks, and let it on the Fire for a quarter of an Hour, and let it boil a little, ftixrii it well J then pour it into Ihallow fiat Glaiies, that it may tiTrn out die more ealily; let it fland in them for two Days, then take them out, lay them on Glals Plates, and ftove them, taming them every Day. 73. Simttz Bttv, Take the largeft andlmootheft Apricocks, parboil them in Springwater, till they become very tender; then prels out the Pulp, and put to it an equal weight of Sugary let them over a gentle Fire, keep- ing them coifttly ildrring; and when it is fb dear that you can lee the bottom of the Pan, it is enough: Then put the Pulp and Sugar into Cards lewed rdimd, and lift fome Sugar over them: Let them ftaind two or three Days, thentiim them; and if they be candied, take them out of the Cards, aiid G& Sugar over them again. AP ag; and io often turning them, jet them dry ior your uie in a gentle Heat. 74. 0 tatOf ZpiitoOoi Slit them on one fide of the Stone, and put fine Sugar aa them lay them one by one in a Diih, and bake them in a pretty hot Oven then take them out of the Diih and dry them on Glafs-platcs in an Oven- fop three or four Days. Slice the Apricocks the long wav, but do not pare tbem take as liiuch double refind Sugar as your Apricocks weigh, boil it to a thin Candy, and then tait in your Apricocks, and let them itand on the Fire Vll they are Jcalding hot let them lie one Night in the Liquor, then uke them out, lay them on tidn Plates, and fet them in the Sun to dry. 76. Co make Compoftji of jlplcockit Pare your Apricocks, ftone them, and Icald them; when they rife on the top, and are ioft, take them off the Fire, and let them by to cool then put them in to Sugar as it runs from the Straining-bag boil them till the Scum ceafes to rife 77 Siiotfiec Qaiap. Pare them, flone them, put them into clarify’d Sugar, put Ibme Water to them, and boil them ’till they are ioft: When the Scum ceales to rife, and they have thoroughly imbibed the Sugar, take them off. 78. Co D;p SlftitoAi Pare them, ftone them, and take as much fine Su gar as they weieh j put twp third parts of tbe Sugar with as much Water as will wet it into a Skillet boil it fcum it, put your Apricocks into it boil them gent ly, prick them with a jBodkin then put in the reft of the ougar , when they are tender, lay them on a Cor lander: Put the Syrup into an earthen Diih, and the Apricocks into it let them lye for two or three Days, and turn them once a Day. If they ihrink or grow tough, boil them sain a little in the Syrup, and take them out as before. Lay them 00 dlais-plates, iet C 3 them AP them Into a Stove for a Day or two j then piit diein on clean Plates, and if the Synip that is about them be fticky or tough, wailh them in hot Water, and lay them on frdh Plates, and dry them. 7Sj. anotlitt UJap ‘ Pare and ftone your Apricocks; wet as much Su- gar as the Apricocks weigh with Water, and Boil it to a Syrup, fo high that if a Drop of it be dropp’d ori a Plate, it will flip off when it is cold-, then put in your Apricocks, and when the Syrup is thoroughly heated, give them a ftif about, ah’ turn them, and tye them up every one apart in TifFaines j then put them into the Syrup agiain, and boil them as faft as you can fcum the Syrup well, and when your Apricocks look clear, take Uiem out, and lay them on a Sieve to drain •, take them out of the Tiffanies, and dry them cither in the Sun or a Stove. 80. %ti b;p tipe Slpiimia After you have pared them, cut them thin, and ftohed them, take half aS much Sugar as they vveigh wet it with Water, and boil it to a Candy height; then put in your Apricocks, and boil them ’till they are tender then fet them by in the Syrup for two or three Days, only give them a warm every Day, turn- ing them ’till they have imbib’d aU the Syrup, then l?iy them on Glaflfes, and dry them in a Stove.- 81 Sliflitptl SJumbaljEi Scald your Apricocks ’till they are tender, and dry the Pulp in a Dilh over a Chafing-dilh of Coals, then let it upon a Stone for a Daiy or two, and after- wards beat it in a Stone Mortar, putting to it as much fine Sugar as will make it a fKff Pafte j then colour it with Cochineal or Saunders j rowl’them long, tye them in Knots, and fo dry them for ufe. – 8 2. ‘Io male iapjf coclb a0e Scald ripe Apricocks, peel off theii: Skins, flone them i take as much double refin’d Sugar as the Fruit weighs, wet it with Water, boil i to a Candy height, then put in the Pulp of the Apricocks, and’let it boil •• – ‘ ‘ ‘ briskly AP foriskfy for a little while then put it into Glafifes,;iBd when it is cold, iet it into the Stove. 8 janotfiet daia Par£ ripe Apricocks, icald them tender in juft Water enough to over them drain them, break them, and ftraiQ them 9 boil them in half as much double re- fined Sugar as they weigh, ’till they are thick and dear then wet as much more Sugar with Water, boii it to a DuKly height, fcumming it clean , then put die Apricocks iqto the candd gar, and ftir it well ‘dll they are well mixed, but let it not boil, take it off the Fire, and put it into Glaffes, and iet them in a Stove, And when they are candy’d, pi)t them on Glais-plates, and let them ftand in the Stove, turning them ’till they ar dry, then put them in Boxes. 84 amtlut ntta ‘ Parc your Aprieocks, Acme them, and let them ov a Chafing-difli of Coals between two Difhes 9 let them boil ’till they are very tender, let them by to cooJ, lay them out on white Paper; boil their weight of Sugar to a Candy height, with as much Rofc Wa- ter and fair Water as will juft melt the Sugar thoj put in your Pulp of Apricocks, and boil it ’till it is as thick as Marmalade, ftill ftirring it then on a Pye Plate make it into the Shape of ApricQcJcs, and diy them, and they will be very tranlparent 85. “STo make jSlmtcocit Bteen aHu After you have fcalded your Apricocks ’till they ai very tender,,break theiP) and ftrain themj take daible their Weight of fine powder’d Sugar, wet it with Water, boil it to a Candy height, put in your Apiicock Pulp ftir them well together c5f the Firei fet ii by ‘tin it is cold, put it into Molds, and ftir it ’till it is dry enough S6. €0 matte ttilif of jSTpieoclttf. STaEp Gum Arabick in Water, (train it through a Clodi, put it into a Mortar with Syrup of Apricocks ut ia.Mg?r at leveral tipies tempering it ’till C4 . tihe AP the Pafle is pliable, in order to make routid Riftils, then dry them in a Stx ve. 87. %t peferbe SltlmlUt Pare and flice your Apricocks, take three times ttheir Weight of double refin’d Sugar powder’d, put ibme of it into a preierving Glafs aboiit half an Inch thick J then lay in the Apricocks one by one, then lay in a Layer of Sugar, and ib continue to do ’till you have laid in all your Fruit and Sugar j then cor ver them and let them (land in a proper heat for twenty four Hours: Then take them out one by one, put the Syrup and Sugar into a Skillet, make it boil, Jcum it wqU i put in the Apricocks, make them boil as fail as you can, putting them down with a Bpdkin . as they rile in Boiling , and put in as much more SugajT, as they boil, and let them boil ’till the Syrup will ftand. Then take them off the Fire, take out the Apricocks, afad lay them in a Colander j let them ftand ”till tliey are cold j put a ipoonful or two into a Pre- ierving Glais, then put the Apricocks in one by one put the Syrup to them, and cover them cloie for uie. 88. 0 peCetbe apicocltiei bp Set a Copper Pan of Water over the Fire, put your Apricocks in an earthen Pan, and put it into your hot Water -, let the Water boil for half an Hour, then take them out to be drained drefs them on Slates, itrew them with Sugar, and let them in a Stove. 89. 0 pjefetbe iapcocki in (tern- HEN the Apricocks have been preferved as be- fore direfted, turn out one of the halves withait :)reaking it off from the other, fo that they lye op touching one another at one end. po. Co pferbe gtem 0picocit(. Taie Apricocks before the Stones are hard, takQ i large handful of Salt, and put the Apricocks wth it jnto a coarle Cioth, and rub them. Put them into icalding hot Water, and let them on 51 gitleFirej and Icald ti$m ’till thev ar greeny then let; them ” . ‘ W AP ’till they arc tender: For every Pound of Apri- cocks, take a Pound of double refin’d Sugar let your Sugar be boild to a thick Synip •, let your Apricocks drain till they are coldj and when the Syrup is aUb cold, put them ttether: What you defign for Tarts will keep with half their Weight in fingle refin’d Sugar, 9 1 . fllnottitr SOlap tti ipitlvt ttiem D. The Apricocks being clear’d of their loft Hair or Down as before to every two Ladlefuls of clarified Sugar take one of Water, and make it lukewarm; then haying put your Apricocks, having been well icalded as before, and well drain’d, into an earthen Pan, pour this Syrup upon them: Then let them over the Fire in a Copper Pan, and, cauft them to iimmer, flirring them oftipn. The next Day let the Apricocks be taken out of the Liquor and drain’d in a Colander, and give the Syrup feven or eight Boi- lings, addii a little more Sugary then put in ybur Apricocks again, and let them fimmer over the rirej this you muft do for four • or five Days liicceflively, giving your Synip fifteen or twenty feveral Boilings, always adding a little Sugar to liipply for what is waftedi in boiling j putting in the Apricocks every time into the Syrup, and making them Iimmer y then boil your Syrup ’tilt it becomes pearl’d. and having put in the Fruit, let all have a covered Boilings then take the Pan off the Fire and foum it j and when it is 9pld, let the Apricocks be drain’d in a Colander, and laid upon tin Plates or Boards to be dry’d in the Stove V turn them thenext Day and when they are dry, put them in Boxes with Papers between every row. 92. Co pjefetfae ttpe J9pticoc1tj(. Take them that are moderately ripe, pare and ftone them •,. then lay them in your prelerving Pan, between .Layers of Sugar; let them lie all Night, and in the Morning put in a little White-wine, or fftir Water, and let them on a very gentle Fire, and ‘ increafing AP increafing the Fire by dees, mek the Sugar: Wfaai t3iey are a little Icalded, tike them oflf, let them cool, and let them on ag and boil them gently ’till they beco t4er and well coloured then take them dSf, let them cool and putthepi up in Pots or Qlailes fpr uie, • 93. 0 pefetbe Stfilmli in 3ellp Stoke and pare your ApriGOcks, and for every Found of ApricxKiks take a round of double rejBpd Sugar, beat it fine, lay a Layer of Sugar in your P and a Iyer of Apricoc(s over it axid wh the Su- gar is pretty well melted, fet them on the Fir and let them boil to keep the Colour and as the Scum riles, take ij: cS veiy clean, turning them Ibmetimes with the Ladle; and when they are tender, put them into Glafies, then put a quarter of a Pint of Pippin Liquor to yopr Syrup, and the Weight of it of dou-r ble refin’d Sugar ana after it has bool’d a while, put it to your Apricocks. You my let the Liquor run dirough a Jelly-bag, if you would have it delicately clear. Let your Fire be quick, for the iboner any white Sweet-meat is done, it will look the better. 94. Co make Eatafia of Slpiltotlus You nuty either cut the Apricocks in pieces, an4 infuft them in Brandy for a Day or two, and pafs them thorough a ftraining Bag, and put in the uiual Ingredients; Or elfe you may boil the Apricocks in White-wine, and put the Brandy to them allowing a quarter of a Poun4 of Sugar to every Quart, with the Kernels of the Apricocks, Mace, Cloves, and Cinna- xnon: Let thefe infiiie for eight or ten Da3r5, then ftrain it, and bottle it up for ufe. 95-0 make JSpticock QSKatet, Take a dozen of Apricocks, pare them? take out the Stones i fct a Quart of fair Water on the Fire, when it boils, take it off, and put your Apricocks into it J let it ftand for half an Hour then put in a quarter of a Pound of Suar, and when it is melted, ftrain it through a clean Cloth, and iet it by to cooL A P 96. make Stfiiml (KEttae Take twelve Pound’ of ripe Apricocks, and flioa them into three Galloas of Spring-water, let it a boi lii and as fail as the Scum riles take it off, and put it flito a clean Sieve, and let it in a Pan to kve what D’quor comes fi:om it , then crack the Kernels, and put than ShdHs and all into the Veflel you delign the. Li quor to cool in. When your Wine is as clear as you can make it from the Drols, pour it in upon the Ker- nels ftir them together, and’ cover it ’till it is cool, then work it with a To and Yeaft, and in two or duree Days it will be lettled, and you may fine it off into your Veflel v let it work as long as it will When it has done, pour in a Pint of Rhemlh, or finall White- wine, and p it up for fix Months and if it be fine bottle it, and keep it Year longer 97. %o mate 9nii9laBe of Sliimlt • Take the ripeft Apricocks, pare and quarter them, and take out the Strings, then add tee quarters of a Pound of Loaf-liigar to every Pound of Apricocks, and put them into a pretty broad Pan let the Apricocks on the Fire without either Water or Sugar, and ftir them continually that they do not bum: VHien they have melted and bpil’d a pretty while, drew in the Siar as quick as you can, and let them boil apace the Syrup is thick, and they look dear, then put k up in Pots or Glailes for uIq, p8. janotiiet QJIlap Boil fivci Pound of ripe Apricocks in two Pound of pearled Sugar, ’till they have thitown out all their Scum, then let them off the Fire, and when they are Vdy let them on again to be broken and dry’d, ’till they wiD not run any longer in the mean time bring three Pound and half of Sugar to its crack’d quality, that it may incorporate with the Pafte j fimmer all to-;ether for Ibme time, ffarew the Marmalade with fine lugar, and put it into Pots. 99 8 99. 0 make Sltmala&t; of gtm SLtltoAt Make a Lye of Water and new Aihes, let orer the Fire and boiFd, Icuxnming off the Ccols that r on the top and when it has boii’d ’till it is become iweet and oily, take it off, let it by for a while, take all the clear Liqxior, then let it over the Fire again, and as loon as it begins to boil, put in three or fi ur Apricocks to try if it is ffarong enough to cleanle them if ic is, throw in the reft, keep than ftirring, and let them not boil when they are enough, tols them in a Cloth, and walh them in fair Water nm a knitting Needle through the middle of them, and throw them into other fair Water. . Then change the Water, and boil • them ’till they are rery loft -, drain them, and pals them through a Sieve into a Pan dry this Plafte over the Fire, tur- ning and ftirring it with a Spatula, ’till the Moifture is pretty well dry’d, and it bins to ftick to the Pan then temper the Marmalade with as much Sugar boil’d to its crack’d quality as it weighs let it fimmer a while, then put it into Pots or Glalles, or dry it, 100. Co make Slciua .icabiliii) accoMng toS Wil- loughby’s Sleceipt Take Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Saffron, CubeSs Galingal, Cardamum and Nutmegs of each an Ounce, beat and bruile- them well mix them well with two Quarts of Aqua vitae, three Quarts of White-wine, and a Pint of Juice of Celandine put them into a Glafs-Still, and when they have infilled for twelve Hours, d them off in a gentle Sand heat. 10 J. 3Lmtlt inap Take -Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Cu- bebs, Galingal, Cardamum, and Melilot-Flowers, of each an Ounc Cowllip-Flowers, Rofemary-Fiow- ers, and Spear-Mint, of each two Handflilsi’ two Quarts of the Juice of Celandine, two jarts of Brandy, two Quarts of Canary, and four Qyarts of White-wine, and infufe, and diftU them as betbr. 102. iDi io2. i jttnu Taxe of Gingeri Mace; and .Cardamum, of each lour Drams Citron Peel and Nutmegs of each an Ounce and balC two Ounces of the beft Cinnamon – bmile them, and put them into a Qtoxt of Spirit of Wine, and a Quart of White-vmie, and diftil them as before. Io Q;b mite flqm (Utter. Taxe well brew’d Beer that is firony Hopt, and weQ fermented, and diftil it in a Serpcntine-wonn, in a gmt Hbglhead widi cold Water -, or if you have not that in an Aldbbick diftil it, tin it tsomes off an un- fiivoury Water let it ftand leven Days, and diftil it a- gain t This is called Rectification, in which you may bring it to finindy proo which you may know b throwing iome of it in the Fire. You may alio re£h- 1 it a t&rd; time in Balneo, and it will be better freed irom 4ts Flegm. 104. %o maite jlqua tdittt Kejia . Take the Peefe of Oranges, Lemons, and Citrons, of ead) an Ounce and half the Roots of Valerian, “Carline, ThifUe, and Zedoary, of. each two Ounces Fennel Seeds the idler, Cafcmons, and Cloves, of each an Ounces of Lignum Aloes, two Otinces v Sage, Rolemary, and Marjoram in the Flower, of each ibur handfuls bruife what requires bruiiing, and put them into a Matrafe with a Gallon of Malmfey Wine, and a Gallon of Spirit of Wine;, flop it up dole, and let them inRiie for three Days over a gende Firc then diftil them, and diifolve in the difKird Water of ‘ Musk and Ambergreele each three Drams, then bottle it for ule. lo Sittittiktii. AnTi CHOKES are of very great ufe throughout -the Year, for almc all forts of Ragoos, Potagcs, and SidcKiiihcs’ fo that you ihould provide good fbre of -them, ch you may preferve as defcrib’d in the Re- ceipts III, 112, I’lj, 114, iiy, n6. 106, jattU AR 106. ttiW tDitid Batter £(oiL your Artichokes with a little Salt, takS but the Chokes, and make Sauce for them widi Buttef Vinegar, Salt, and Nutmeg, with a little Flour to thicken the lauce. 107. 9kttiissikx$ ttitl Cretttu When they are boil’d in Water, tofs them up with Butter in a Stew-pan, putting to them Ibme Cream with a Bunch of Parfley and Gives, piit in a little &dt; and Nutmeg, thicken your Sauce with the Yolk of an Eg, and fervethem up in Plates or litde Diilip. 108. Co GD;ce iarticlokiK When they are boiled, take out the bdttoms and fiy them with drawn Butter, grated Bread MarcoW a Httle Sewet, Salt, and Pepper, beaten: So force your Artichokes and Bottoms garniih them with it, and grated Bread then let them be bak’d, and make the Sauce with Gravy, Butter, and Lemon, and ierve them up. 109. Co fxv pottng 0ttidioIte( PARfe off the out-fide as you pare an Apple, and boil them tender, iplit them through the ihidfl but do not take out the Core lay the Jplit fide dowitn . wards in a dry Cloth to fbak up the Water then mix Flour with the Yolks of beaten ls, Veriuic Nutmeg, and Giier, make it into Batter, roll the Artichokes in it put darified Butter in a Fryingpaa, make it hot, and fry them brown: For the Sauce, put Butter in a Pipkin with Verjuice or White-wine, Su- fur. Ginger, and Cinnamon -, keep it fHrring over the ire ’tillit be thick’, and difli them on Toafb of whito Bread, pour on the Sauce, and Ierve them up. no. 0notaZllaF Boil them, take off the Bottoms, lUce them id the middle, cut them into quarters, dip them in Bait ter, and fry them in Butter, lay Marrow on the garniih with Oranges -, lauce dicm with Verjuice, ButK ter and Sugar, and the Juice of an Orange III • Co AR I K te ptcUe fittiftHui Take Artichokes that are not too ripe, becaulS they wiQ then be fidl of Strings, when you have pk- red them round to the Bottom, let them be boil’d teocter, take them up, and let them ftand to cool; make a Hckle of White-wine, good ftale Beer, a good Quantity of whole Pepper, and a little Salt, and put 1 into a Barrel, and keep them them clole they will Iferve for boil’d or bak’d Meats all the Year. 112. ptefetbe iStticfioiteit. Soil the Artichokes in as much Water as is uft iiifiicient to cover them, and put in a proportionable quantity of Salt, then take them off from the Fire, and let them ftand ’till the Fouhiefs df the Salt be fettled to the Bottom; then pour the Liquor into the Vcffel in which you would keep your Artichokes; then blanch them in boiling Water fb long that you ean take out the Chokes; then they muft be waf h’d in two or three feveral Waters ‘tUl they are very clean; ‘and (if you pleafe) you may put a little Vine- gar into your Pickle; then put them into the Pickle, pouring ion the top of it iome Oil or Butter, that no Air may enter. Thus they may be preferv’d for a whole Year; but before they are us’d, you muft firfl ftecp them in frefh Water to take away the Sak, 1 13. Zttittji map likeWiCe be pfetbeb fip To do this, when you have Icalded them, and ta- ken out the Chokes, as before direOed, lay tliem to drain on’ Grates, or Hurdles made ofOfeers, then put them into an Oven moderately hot, ’till they be- come as dry as Wood; or they may be dry’d in the Sun. Before they are us’d, they mufl: be fteep’d tWo Days in luke-warm Water, by which means they will come to themlves, and be as frefh as at &c;&y; and will relilh much better, than when they are prepared the former way. In blanching them off, put in the Water a little Verjuice, Salt, and Butta’,.or a little good Beef Sewet . 114. anotlet AR 114. Atptitc imh Take very good Articlokes, an4 witk a &atp; Knife cut off the Leaves and Chokes and throw the Bottoms into fair Water immediately or, die they will turn. black. When yoit take them out of the Water, put them into Flour, covering them all over with it -, then lay them one by another in a Hurdle, . and dry them in an Ov and when you would uie them, lay them a foaking for twenty four Hours, and then boil them as other Artichokes, and you will find they have not loft their T;. 115- 0ttott et (2liap Put the Artichokes into Salt and Water for half a Day, then boil them ’till you can juft draw the Leaves from the bottoms, then ait out the bottoms handibmly, and put thetn into a Pot with Salt, PejH per, and Vinqar, a few Cloves and Bay Ixaves then cover them with Oil or Butter, &a; as before direOied. Take away the Chokes, cut diem. into Slices, and give them four or five turns in. boiling Water to blanch them then take them out, and let them be fleepd in Vinegar, Pepper,’ and Salt, then dip them in beaten £ggs, and flour ’em well, and fry them in Hog’s Lard, or clarified Butter,, and ferve them up to Ta ble with fry’d Parfley. 1 1 7. aiitlOiOltt ftpli in fiu When the Artichokes are boil’d, and the Chokes taken out, make a Pafte with Flour, Water, Salt, and Pepper, and encloie the Bottoms in it, then lee them be wdl fry’d and lerv’d up, with fry’d Parfley, . and a little Role Vinegar. . 118. SLttiOidtiti a la polbta&e.; Let your Artichokes be very young, which cut into quarter3, take out the Choke and blanch them in fair Water, .then lay them in a Difli with Pepper and Salt, and fo ferve them up. 11. ZtU A R ftp- SittitJiftikt pft. Let the Artichokes be boii J, thea take amy the Leaves and Chokes, and feafbn tlie fiottoms,. wich a little beaten Mace lay a gpod Layer of Butter in the Bottom of the Diih, then lay m the Artichokes iprinkle a little Salt over them, and Ibme Sugar put in alio ibme grated Marrow rolled up in t£e Yolks oi Eggs then put in a few Gooieherrics, or Gnapes and lay large Macs and ftonM Dates at the top at- ib ibme Tolks of hard Eggs, Suckers, Lettice-fbalks and Citton , then cover it with Butter, and let it be bak’d, afterwards put in icalded Whitewine, and Jhake it together then ierve it up. 120. 0 izB SLiUtJoliHi ‘ Let the Artichokes be firfl boifd -, then take off the Leaves apd Chokes, cut the Bottoms into quaitrs. and then flit thm put into a Stew-pan Toafts of Bread, and te Marrow of twtf Bones, with five or iix fiiades of large JV!bce two Ounces of Sugar, and half a Pound of preferv’d Plumbs j put in the Arti- chokes, and let them flew together 6k two Hours then put them into a Diih and gamiih it with Bar berries, and iefve them up. 12 1 anortet ioap. Boil the Artichokes, take oft the Leaves, and Cores, cut the Bottoms into Quarters, and lit them in the middle ) lay Toafb of white Bread in the bottom of a tew-pan, lay the Artichokes upon them tod Martow with them, and Ibme Bfades of Mace ibme prelcrv’d Plumbs with their johx-j alfa -Verjuice Said Sugar-, let them ftew for two Hours, diih them, lay Barberries on them, and &fVQ; them up. iiz SirtithAtIi iii piixtt. LsT the Bottoms of the Artichokes be well waihM ind’ cleansed, theaboii them in blanch’d Water, and Jait a good, Lump of Butter kneaded up with Floury afid Salt, into itj then take therfi out of the Wa- ter, &ad; make dieiu. into Pureed then ftra;n them iawah .a Skve i f6ii do Peas. Then fet toem o- AS ver at ge Fire m a Stew-pan tb Cmny mth frlh Butter, Kpper,.t, Nutmeg and Cloves pounded put in young Onions, fThynie, and a Bunch ot Parfley, with a Bay-Leaf, Then . take lome blandiM Iweet Abnonds, candd Lemon Ppl, Yolks of hard Eggs Biske of bitter Almonds, and lome Sugar j pound tiiefe tpgether with a litttle Orate Flower-watcr and when you are almoft ready to feiye it up mix wcB. thir 3ompofition with your Puree of Artichokes 5 then fet it a moment over the Fire, and ferve it up. 1 23 0rticoltts toiti) oilrt fMtu Bo iL your Artichokes as before, and when they are iufficiently boilM, tols up the Bottoms with Bat- ter and Parfley, fealbned wim Salt and white Pqiper, make a Sauce for them with the Yolks of £ggs, a Drop or two of Vinegar, and a Httle Gravy. 1 24. 0 ckle snjtn Ite?) . Taki? thofe which are young and very tender, and parboil them in a litde fair Water:, then take a Pint of White-wine, half a Pint of Vinegar, the Juice of a couple of Lemcxis, and a little Bay Sah:, and boil them together, fet it ‘by till it is cola then put your Aihen Keys into the Pickle, and cover them clofc ifrom the Aflr. 125. jafpatfisufi toff Batttr Boil your Alparagus in Water, mth a Kttle Saft, and take Care they be not boil’d too much •, whro they are done, fet them a draining; and lay (Aem in the Difli i the Sauce muft be Butter, Salt, Vinegar, Nutmeg, or white Pepper, with die Yolk rf an Egg, to thicken it, keeping it conftantly ftirringj then pour It on the Awtragus, and ferve it up. 126. afpatagttst tottlH Cteam Cut the Aiparagus in Pieces, and feald them, as before; then let them be tois’d up in a Stew-pan, with frfli Butter, or Lard; takii Care, that oiey be not too fatty; then put to them ibme Cream, and a Biftich of Pot-Herbs, and feafon it well before they ju lerv’d up; put in the Yolks of ftie or twi Eg to A to thicken it, iiito which put a little $ugar dodfcnre tiiem u Cut the green Part of your Alpamgiis into .Pieces of an Inch long and blaiich them a little in boiling Watery tlien tofs thcni up in a Stew-pan with mel- ted Lsurd, Parfley and CheiViL chopt GaaA and a whole Leeky whpb muft be taken away: Then fea- ion them widt Salt Pepper and Nutmeg j let thcnl fimmer over a gentle fire, with a little good Broth then take away the Fat, pour oyer theiu ibine Mut- ton Gravy, Iqueeze H Lemon ovei” them, and iervc diem up 1 28. Z6 male tit SiwiUt oC iafpatftsatL Blanch yonr’ Alpafagos, cut them in ihort. Pie’ ces fry them in frelh Butter, with a little Pslby alid Oiibbls thet poiir in fbote Cream, fealbn them ynSy and let diem boil over ifi gentle Fire: In the mean time, make an Amkt with new laid. £ggs Cream and Salt when it is enough, drels it on a Difli i thicken the Alpairagus widi the Yolk of an Egg or two tiirn the Alparagus on the Amiet, an ftrve it up hot 129. tlTo pickle iilfparastitf Take large Alparagus, cut off the white Ehds Skiid icrape them lightly to the Head, till thtir greerf Colour appear very plain: Then . wipe them with a Cloth, and lay them in a broad Pot, throw over them feme Salt, and a little Qoves and Mace: Then pour upon them as much White-wine Vinegar, as will cover hem, let them lie in this Pickle nine Days, then pot the Rckle iika a Eriik Kettle, boil it , put your Aipangus inco it, ffmt them down clofe, let them flanl a little, then let them over the Fire agairi, till 4y beoome veey gffeen, but kt them not boil fofty dm pot tfadki ixtco a large Pan, that they may lye at lengthy tye them down clofe and keep them for iiie; B A 130. lb pererbt, ot pickle flQtagoi CiTT ott all the Pkrt of the Stalk, that is not eat- able, and give the reft one Seethiiw with Salt and Buttery then put them into fair Water, andwhcd diey are cold, take them out, and drain them diy then lay them mto a Veflel, where they may lie at their full length without breaking put to them Salt tnrhole Cloves, and flic’d Lemon, pour upon them like Quantities of Vinar and Witq:, trnthe? arc covered: Then lay a Linen Cloth over them m thg Veflel, and cover it with melted Butter j let them in Place neither too hot nor tOQ cold, and wlten yoo isle them, drels them in the lame manner, as you do thole that are frelh gathered 131. Ca matte a IKajioo of Sttotttmt VopK. Cut off the green Tops of the Alparagus, and )lanch them; then put them into a Sauce-pan with iome thin CuUis of Veal and Ham, with a little Elience of Ham, and let them to fimmer over a gen- tle Fire: Then let the Sauce-pan over a Stbve and when the CuUis is wafted away pretty well, put in a bit of Butter, worked up with Ibme Flour, about the bignels of a Walnut y keep it moving till the Butter is melted, then put in a few Drops of Vinegar B A 1. IBacon itoitu BEAT eight Eggs well together with a little Cream, and a little Flour, like other Batter j then fry very thin Slices of Bacon, and pour Ibme of this Qver them; when one Side is fry ‘d turn the other pour more upon that, and when both Sides are fry’i icrve it up. 2. B A u Ho ffltke a iBacott Jlfmlet MmCE the leaa of a boil’d Ham very finall breatf half a dozen Es into a Baibn, leafon them with Pep per and Salt, add fbme Parfley ihred finally and a ioonful or two of Cream then put in half the minc’4 fiamand beat all wdl together, and make your Am let: Then lay itin a DidQi, which it wiU cover only die bottom -, make a Rim round it with die reft of your mincM Ham make ‘ a Saingaf az of Slices ojT Gammon of Bacon well beaten and toisM up with a litde melted Bacon and Flour, a bunch of iweec Herbs, and good Gravy without any Salt aQ fyyfd together, wim a litde Vinegar and a good Cullis ad r ded to it when ftew’d; ftrain this, and pour iome of this liquor on it, and lerve it hot. 3 . Co roil a dammon of TBacon o an? faltcb 9 tying In tfft dmofce, (a ieatitongntif lg clwekji, &c.; Set on a Ketde of Water; put in three or four handfuls of Hay-flowers, or if you cannot jget tfaesu Hay ty’d m dole in a coarfe Bag or Cloth: This wiU make the Meat of a much finer Colour, more tender ihort and mellow. 4 0 make a £acon attt MfiL a round of fat Bacon in a Fryicg-pan, and ftrain it with the bottoms of two or three Artichokes, two Macaroons, and the raw Yolks of a couple of £gg6 9 feafbn widi Salt, Pepper beaten Ciniamdn and Sugar; then let it on die fire flirring it continually with a Spoon, then put it into a Pattyrpan upon a very thin ihcet of Pafte, bake it for about half an hour without any Covering of Pafte, then ice it over wid Icii made of Sugar and Orange Flower-water. 5.’ Me a dCfammott of iSacoHt JLfAY it in ftecp fiU Night in Water, Icrape it dean, and ftuffit with all jnanner of fweet Herbs, asParfly, Thyme,’ Sage, Savoury, Iweet Maroraii Penuy-rojal Ro&mary; Strawberry-leaves, Violet-leaves, and Fen? nil, &c;, chop theie &asl.; and mix them with de . 6 J . Yolks t B A ¥olks of hard Eggs, Peeper and Nutmeg beaten, ftuff it with thefc, and boil it tender: ‘When it is cold, fare off the uhderrfide, pull off the Sldn, fealon it with fepper aijd Nutmeg, and put it in a Pye or Pafly, with whole Cloves and Slices of raw Bacon laid over it and putter, clofe it up and bake it. 6. %o tioillton Make up a iheet of Paper into the form of a Diip- ing-pan. cut your Bacon into thin Slices, cut off the ind, lay the acon on the Paper, put it upod the Gridiron, let over a cool Fire, and it will broil cleanljr. 7. tCo Djp IBacom Cut the Ieg of a young Jiqe with a piece of the Loin, and ml it well once a Day for three Days Vfith Salt-petre powder’d, and brown Sugar then laic it well to look red then let it ly for fix or eight eeks, an4 afterwards hang it up to dry. ‘ 8. 0 imkt ISain-datie. You muft take, three Pounds of Beef that is very Jean, three Pounds of a Filet of V eal, and pne Pound of Mutton cut olP from the large end of a Lq;, and take all the Fat from all this Meat then take a Ca- pon and a Partridge, skin them, and fill their Bodies with clean-pick’d Rice , then take a well icalded Pan big enough to hold all the Meat,, and having firfir lea- ibnM your Meat with a little Salt and an Qaion ftuck with Cloves, put it into the Pan, and put two Quarts of Water to.it, then cover the Pan with a jid, and flop it very clofe with Pafte, and put a Pa- per over it, that no Steam may come out: Make a Kettle of Water boil, and then put in the Pan, keep it boiling for five Hours, and have fcalding Water al- ways ready to pour into the Kettle, as the Water boils away, to keep it cove;r’d then taJce it off and ilrain (he Broth through a Sieve, and when it has ftood a whil; ke off all the Fat •, then fet it over the Fire to ihjmi a while, witli ionw Crufts of J3r then rve It up. 9. Sft B A 9. male TMlt of fnttb9taU Scald Lambs Liver, and Ihred it finall with Beef Marrow, of each half a Pound mix them with the Yolks of fix Eggs beaten, and fix Ounces of Spinagp Ihred Imall, Thyme and Savoury chopt finall, of each two Ounces j Mace, Cloves, and Pepper powdcr’d, of each two Scruples, and Salt at Dilcretioa make all up into a Pafle with grated Bread, and make it into Balls. 10.. IBalljt of fotttt) Veat fo; a Cldfclten vt Take the Marrow of Chickens with ibme Crumbs of Bread, a little Thyme and Savoury cut finall, the Yolks of a couple of Eggs well beaten feafcxi thefe with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, and Macej then fcald iome Spinage, drain it well, mince it finall, and mix it witlji your odier Ingredients to make them of a green Co- lour, then make them into what Figures ou pleale, round or long. II. “JTo boil Batbeljt Scale them and draw them, then make finall In- cifions in their fides then rub them over with meL ted Butter, and ftrew pounded Salt over them; then broil them on a Gridiron make the Sauce of fr Butter, Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg, Capers, Anchovies, dnd Cives flired finall, putting in a little Flour to thicken it, and alio a little Water and a drop or two of Vinegar, fliaking it continually ’till it is grown thick, and then pour it on your F’ifix; or you may ufe the iione Sauce as for a roafiied Pike and the ikme Gar niture j which fee in Letter P. 12. 0 IiadllBatleK • Bone your Barbels, hafc the Flefli, put it into a Sauce-pan, and dry it a little over the Fire ’till it grows white, then mince it with Muihrooms, Truffles, Cives and Parfley very finall let frefh Butter over a .Fire in a Sauce-pan, brown it with a little Flour, then put in your haih’d Barbel, &c.; let it have two or three turns, fealon it with SalL Pepper, and a Slice of Le-r moo, put in forae Filh Broth to moiflien it and three D4 . 1 B A fiv fbur ipoonfuls of CulUs of Cray-fifli or other Eft Jo thickep it, and ferve it up hot for a Jrft Courle. 13. Co fleto BatbelK. Scald and drw the Barbels, then put feme Wine, frefli Butter, Pepper, &ilt;, and a Bunch of (weef Herbs jnto the $tew-pan, and put in the Fiihj knead a lrt pf Butfer with a Httlp Flour; and when they arc ready, put it in to thicken the £une, and fe lervQ it pp. Others ufe no Butter, but otherwile drefs them as above J and when they are ftew’d, they ferve thin iijl with a Ragoo made of Muihrooms, Truffles, Morils, Artichoke bottoms, frelh Butter, Pepper and Salt, Broth Wde of Fiih, or juice of Onions. 14. ‘So ttttS Satbeljf avi Courc Bouillor, Take a very large Barbel and draw it, but do qot fcale it i lay it on a Difli, and throw on it Vinegar and Salt fealding hotj then put into your Fiih-pan White- Fine, Verjuice, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, Bay- leaves, Onion, Lemoq or Orange-peel fet it on the Fire, and when it boils very faft, pyt m your Barbel and when it is boil’d enough, take it up and ferv? it dry upon a. clean Napkin iuflead of a l)iih of Roaft- ineat. Your Garniture is to be Parfley or Garden- frdfes. 15. 0 malt a papton of USatbtli Scale, skin, and bone two or three Barbels, lay the Fleih on a Table with the Flelh of an Eel, fomc Muihrooms, Parfly and Cives niinced and iafened with Salt, Pepper Nutmeg, and fweet Bafd fliredj pound three or tour Cloves with a dozen Coriander Seeds in a Mortar then put in the mincM Fiih with a good piece of Butter, and pound all together fet thefe over the Fire a iimmering in Milk or Cream, and a piece of Criunb Bread as thick as your Fill heat up in it the Yolks of four Eggs ven it is thicken’d enough,- nd let it ihnd to cool, then put into a Mortar the Volk of four or five raw Eggs, and the Bread and ream when it is cold, and poun it 9& weU together: Thci B A . Thai make a Ragoo of Slices of Barbel 9$ follows; Firft peel finall Muihrbotns, cut Ibme Slices of B&t;” bely rub them with mdted Butter, and broil them: Set a Sauce-pan over the Fire with a piece of Butter, when it is melted put in a little Flour, and brown it; then put in the Mufhrooms, and let them have tvfo or three turns -j put in a little Fifh Broth to moiftd- tbem, and Salt, repper, and a Faggot of fiveet Herbs. When your Barbel is broiFd, take off the Skin, cut the Flefh in long Slices, put them among the Mufli- rooms in the lame Pan, with tails of Cray-filh, and Alparagus tops blanch’d let them fimmer over a gentle Fire: When all is enough, take the Fat dS of your .Ragoo and put in Ibirje Cullis of Veal and Jlam-, then take it off the Fire, fet it to cool-, rub a Sauce-pan with frefti Butter, Ipread of the Farce over it an Inch . thick or more, beat up an £gg and rub it over with it to make the Farce lye the finoother, place your Ragoo in the bottom, cover the Pupton with the fame Farce, rub it over with beaten gs, an4 bake it in an Oen, or baking cover with Fire over and imder it, when it is bak’d turn it up-fide down, make a Hole in the middle of the Farce tlc bigne of a five Shilling piece: pour in Ibme Cullis 6f Cray-fiih,and ferve it up hot for a firft Courfe. 1 6. Co canD? IBarbeftftjJ Take the Barberries out of the Prefervc, and walh off the Syrup in warm Water •, then lift over them fome fine Sugar, axid fet them in an Oven, or over a Stove to dry, often moving them and ftrewing Sugar upon them ’till they are dry. 17. 3Sarbetrie8 to pickle Take Barberries, pick out the worft to make the Pickle look red put in both whitQ and bay Salt ’till the Pickle is ftrong enough to bear an Egg boil it for half an Hoir, then ftrain .it iqto the earthen Vef iel you intend ‘ to l;eep them in j and when the Li- quor is cold put in the Barberries, adding White-win Vinegar as much as you think needftil, and half a Pound B A Pound of brown Sugary tye them doivn do with Leather, and keep them for ule. Take the largeft Bunches, let them fteep an Hour t)r two in warm Water and Salt •, then take out the Barberries, put in more Salt, and boil up,the Water 5 then let it fhnd to be cool, and put in a few Slices of tjringer, a fhiall Liunp of Allom, then put in the Bar berries, and prels them down with a dtone laid on a Board, cover them clofe, and fet them by for uie. 19. St tW- Having pick’d your Barberries, take your ihat- ter’d Barberries and boil them in Water and Salt that is ftrong enough to bear an E, let it boil half an Hour, then let it ftand to cool, and put in your other Barberries, with White-wine Vinegar and half a Potind of brown Sugar, and flop them cloie, and let them by for ufe. 20. Satftettltjf to pidtU. Pick your Barberries from the Leaves in Clufters, when tliey are ripe, put them into boiling Water, let them lye in it for half a quarter of an Hour then put them into Gallipots, put to them a Pickle of White- wine and Vinr made warm, but not too hot. 21. iXo make 3tllv of IBatbettieis. Take three Pound of Barberries, and boil three Pound of Sugar to its crackt quality flip in the Fruit, and boil the Symp to a degree between fmooth and pearled ’till the Scum will rife no longer; theni put it wto a fine Sieve, and let it drain, then give the ‘Jelly a boiling, fcum it and put it into .Pots, and another thin Scum will rife, which you muft take off: Let it Itand two or three Days, and cover it with Paper for ufe. ‘ 2 2. Co yjeretbe ISatfterrieji. . Let themi be gather’d on a dry Day, take the faireft Bunches, and boil them in a quart of Claret ’till they are fbft •, fbrain them, and put in fix Pound of Sugai, and a Quart pf Water j boil them to a Syrug B A Synip, and having icalded your Barberries, put them into the liquor, and they will keep all the i ear 23. flliotl WiW LfiT your Barberries be very mc and ripe, flone them and to two Pound of Barberries, put four Pound and a half of fine Sugar powder’d lay the Barberries in a Diih, ftrew feme Sugar over them i wet die left of the Siar with Water, and boil it in- to a high Syrupy flarop lome of the Barberries, and ibain dbem take of the clear Juice and a quantity of Sugar to it, and when you put your Barberries into the Candy, at the fame rime put m the clear’ Jdce, and double the Weight of the Juice in Siar, and boil them up quick, that they may not ole their Colour. After having fton’d your Barberries, to eve ry Pound of Barberries take two Pound of fine Sugar ftiely powderM and ftarfed, lay a Iyer of this Sugar into a Gallipot, and then a Layer of Barberries j and ib do ’till you have laid all in then ftop them up clofe for life. 2$. %o malte tojnp of Batbettietf. Pick die Barberries, boil and pulp them, then ftrain them, $nd clarifie the Juice then boil it up with as many Pounds of fine Saigar into a Syrup, and if that does not make it thipk enough, you may add more Siar. 26. 5arlep lSti% Boil a Pound of French Barley in three Quarts of Water, with ibme whole Spice when it has boil’d a pretty while, put in Raifins of the Sun and Cur rants, what Qundty you pleaie, when it is boil’d put in fome Butter, Koie-water, and Sugar, and io eat it. 27. 0notict toap. Boil your Barley in two Waters, then put into it 9 Knuckle of Veal, and . the Broth, Salt, Raifmtf BA a faggot of fWeet Herbs whole Mac and Sliocs of white Bread. 38. Satlep Cream. Boil a Pound of Pead-Barley in Water which throw awav; then put it in three Quarts of freflx- Water, and boil it tiH it is tender; then beat it in a Mortar to a Pap, and ftrain it through a Cheefe- cloth, or thin Flannel, rubbiqg it widbi the End of the Ladle; then put to it half a Pint of good Almond Millc fix Spoonrals of Rofe-water, and Iweetdiitwith Sugar to your PSsilate. 29. Si berp gooii Sarlep wtl Takf three punces of Pearl Barley, of which make a Qyart of Barley-water; if it be not white, ihift it once or twice i put in four Oimces of Cur rants clean pick’d and wdiCdy and when they arc plumped, pour out the Gruel and let it cool a little; then put in the Yolks of three Eggs well beaten, half a Pint of White-wine, and of new thick Cream, half a Pint, and Lemon Peel; then Iweeten it with fine Su- gar to your Palate; ftir it gently over the Fire, till it as as thick as Cream. ;o. Co make JBnUp ttase Lay a Pound of huU’d, or Pearl Barley, to ftoep in two Qiiarts of Milk, boil it a little then put uia Qrt of Cream, feme Salt, Mace, and a Stick of Cinnamon, broken into fmall Pieces when it is thick enough, icrape in fine Sugar, and ierve it up. i. Co make a l&atlep; ofTet Boil a Pound of Frepph Barley in three Quarts of Milk i when it is boil’d enough, put in three Quarts of Cream, ibme Cinnamon and Mace, iweeten it with Sugar V let it iland ’till it is but jufl warm, then put in a Quart of White-wine, froth it up, and either eat it with a Spoon, or prefs out the Liquor and drink it. 32. ISftiTltf uOOins Take a Pound ofhuU’d or pearl mrley well walhd, jthree Quarts of new Milk, one Qiart of Cream, an kilf a Pound of double refin’d Sugar, a grated Niit- 2Deg and Ibme Salt mix them well together then Sit than into a deep Pan, and bake it with brown read then take it out of the Oven, and put into it halfa dozen Eggs well beaten, fix Oimces of Beef Marrow, and a quarter of a Pound of gnited Bread Mix all thefe wdl together then put it into another Fm, bake it again, s it will be exceQent, 13. 0 make fiatlrjf toUiw. Boil Barl in Water, firain it through a Hair Siee, then put the Deco£Hoa into claxified Sugar brought to a Caramel height or the laft Degree of Boili: Then take it off the Fire, and let the Boi- ling iettle 1 then pour it upon a Marble-flone rubb’d wim the Oil of Olives: hen it cools, and begins to grow hard, cut it into Pieces, and roUit intoLngths, as you pleafi; 34. 0 boil 5are0. Save the Livers and Roes of your Bales, icale and waih them weSl, then boil them iq Water, Wine-Vine- gar, $alt, a Faggot of Iweet Herbs, ibme whole OnU on and Lemons flicM;’ make a Sauce of drawn But ter, whole Made, whole Cinnamon, a Nutmeg quar- tered, and three or foiu: Anchovies diilblv’d with them diih vour Fiih, pour on the Sauce, and gar- wUk with fry d Oiflers and Bay-leaves. 35- 0 make a Battalia t To make the Cruft, take half a Peck of Flour, three Pound of Butter, and boiling Water, and there- with jfbrm your PVe. Then take Sweet-breads of Veal and Lamb, and Lamb-ftones, cut the large Sweet; breads into Pieces about the fiignels of an ordinary Wallnut i parboil a Calve’s or two Lambs Tongue Sel and flice them t take Slices of a Calve’s or Lamb’s ead, ScoDops of Veal, or Mutton larded with Ba- con, three or four Larks flit, a few plumpt Oyfters; feafon with Salt, Pepper, Mace, and Nutmeg-, lay thde well intermix’d one with the other in your Pye add to thefe Bails, hard Eggs, a good piece of Mar- row, large Mace, pickled Barberries, and a good quan- — ‘ titjr BE titjr of iWeet Butter on the top; bake ky ad when it tomes out of the Oren boil fbme Mace and Iweet Butter in White-wine, and put into the Vye. If you would have it a Iweet Pyc, learc out your lalls and Oyfters and put in Sugar and pieces of bdilM Potatoes, Sewet, and prefenr’d Lctticc,a Whit Sweet- meats you have a mind to. 3 6. 0 make a Sattalia of fiSt. Make a very large Pye, and cut with Batdemehts, gamifh the Coffin with as many Towers as wiH coa tain your feveral forts of Fifli; dry your Coffin weB, and waih it over on the infide widi the YoUcs of Egg? and flour it in the bottom; dien havit either brnPd or fryd your Rfh brown, pfece tftft Head of a Sal- taion, cut pretty large beyond the Gilts, in die middle of your Pye, forced, and bak’d in an Oven: Set the Heads of your other Fiih upon forced Meat, and place your ievml forts of fiih one oppofite to the other in their feveral Plartidons, and pour ovef all your Efli Cockles, Prawns, Oyfters, and Periwinldes boiPd up in their proper Lairs, and thickened with drawn But- ter. Remember to lay your forced Heacb 6ver tibe Batdements. 57- pitllt tmcf) l&eW.; Take Beans that are young, but not very Indall ivipe them widi a dry Linen Cloth boil Vinegar with Salt, and Horfe-radiih fticed •, throw the Beacis an white the Pickle, is boiling, and let them boil three or four Minutes then take them off, and keep diem clofe cover’d, then take them out and bcJil your Pic- kle again once m two Dajrs, two or three times, and pour it boiling hot upon the Beans, do the like once in three Weeks, and Irecp them dole doverA ;8. dnatllet ttSUv- Pick off the Stalks of the Bcins v fleep them in Vinegar and Salt for nine or ten Days-, boil them with a piece of ABom and a little Fennel; when the Beans are boil’d enough take theiii out, lay them by to cool y when they are cold, put them into a Pocy kyin BE laying Ooves, Mace, Pepper, Ginger, Fennel and £ between every Layer; then fill the Pm with good Win&-yiQ;ar. ?9. ilttotliet WRaf. ‘ Let the Beans be yoiin, toj and tall them; then put them into the beft White-wine Vinegar with Salt, a Race of Ginger, cut grofe and a little iole Pep- per: Let them lie mne I)ays in the cold Pickle j then boil the Pickle in a Bra& Kettle; then piit m the Beans, lettmg them have but juft one boil; then take them 6lfy cover them dofe and iet them by; then put them on the Fire again, Icti them have one boil then take them off, repeat this fix times, till they are as green as Grals; th pot them up, and tye them down dofe, and thiey will Ireep all the Year. 40. 0 pjeferbt jftenct iBeanif Pick and blanch them; then dry them in the Sun, and when they are very weH dry’d, lay them in a ve- ry dry Place, When you would ufe them, feak them lor two Days in lukwarm Water, and they will be ahnoft as green as when firft gatiiered; then blanch them and dreis diem as ufuaL 41. 0 matt lE tmxt9. Make a PufF-pafte, and put into your Patty-pans – then bail . green Heans and blanch .them, and put inter your Pirfle a Layer of Beans, and a Layer of fcveral Socts of Sweet-meats, but no Quinces, fbrewing a Ktrie &gar; between every Layer; put in forciQ Juice of Le- mon, aHb lome Marrow fodbned with Salt, CIove% Mace„ Nutmeg, candied Lemon, or Orange reel; co- ver the Patty’s, make a Hole at top, and put in Ibme Juice of Lemon; then bake them, and’ when they come out of the Oven, put into them feme White- trine thickened with the Yolk of an Egg and a bit of Butter. Let them be eat hoL 42. 0lamooe I5eel Take out the fat Skin, and coarfe from a flelhy Kecc of BeefJ and when that is done, beat the Beef W axid Sikt it with a rolling Pin or Cleaver then lard BE lard it quite throi with Lardons of fat Bscoo, M thick as your Firmer, and as long as your Meat i& thick then fealbn it pretty high with Salt, Pepper, beaten Iutinegs, Cloves and Mace. Boil another Piece of Beef till you have made good •ftrong Broth, and put therein a.handflil of iweet Herbs, a few Shalots, and a Bay Leaf or twot Then take out the boiPd Beef, and put in our Alanmk Beef, and let it (tew till the Liquor ts wdl, and if you have more Liquor, than will make an End of fiewixi it, take lome of it up and then put in aPint of Claret, and three Anchovies, and let it flew till the Liquor thickens, and is ftrong as you would have it, and taAes well of the Spice then take it up, take out the Bay Leaf and Shalots, and you may eat it hot or cold. 4j. ifilnotliet toft?. Take a Piece of Beef, and beat it well in a Mor tar then flired half its weight in let, iea&n; with Sal Pepper and Mace, very highj putin Ibme iweet Marjoram and Thyme, mix it well, then put it into a Pot and bake it j when it is bak’d, pour out the Gra- vy, and pour in clarified Butter. 44. cacbotiaoO) ii;oil 0 toaS Setf t) Italian JFaflJion. Take Ribs of Beef, cut them into Stakes, and hade them-, theti Iprinkle them with Role-Vinqgar and Elder- vinegar, and feaion them with Salt, Pep- per and Coriander Seed then lay them one upon ano- ther in a Diih, for ah Hour, and broil them on a Gridiron, or toaft them before the Fire, and fcrve diem up with the Gravy that came from them, or the Gravy and Juice of Orange boil’d together 45. €0 make IBeef CulU RoAsT a Piece of Buttock of Beef very Browtf; then cut off all the brown Fart, and beat it hot in a Mortar, with the Carcaies of Partridges, and any o ther Fowl that you have, and Crufts of Bread j then put it into a Stew-pan, with ftrong Gravy and good Brotbv Btott fealbn it with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Thymic Iweet bafil, and a Piece of green Lemon. Let thele iiave four or five Boilings up then ifarain them fbr.uie 46. to babe IBeef like teD Sbeet to It eaten colD. Cut Buttock of Beef long ways with the Graiii beat it well with a RoUing-pin, and broil it, when it is cold, lard iSL and iharinate it in Wine- Vinegar, . Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, and two or three Bay- Leaves, fi r three or four Days then bake it in Rye Pafie letit ffand tillit is cold- thehfill itupwith But. ter, let it ftand for twelve or fouiteen Days add theti cat it. 47. Co boil a lEtnnip bf Hiut LeI it be Weil rub’d over with common Skliy alt Ibrts of Pot-herbs, jepper, and a httle Salt-Petre, ahd lie three or four Days then piit it into a Pot aiccordix to its Size, and fill the Pot with .Vater,, putting in fome Onions,. Garden Pot-herbs, Bay-Leaves, Salt, Fbpper, and Cloves, put in alfo lonie Carots. VVhcn it is boil’d fiifficiefatly, lay it in a Diih, gamiih it With green Parfley, ahd fervc it up fof the firft Courie. 48. Vo boil att’ttmp d( titt tbe French ifibtbtl. JPAroil your Rump of Beef for half an Hour take it Up, and put it iiltd a deep Diihi cut Galhes. ifi the Side, that the Gravy may come out; th⁢ ut Salt and Pepper ih every Giih; then fill tip the l5iih with Qaret, and jnit iii tWo or thre6 Blades of Maice, let it 6ver a Chaffirig-difti of Coals, and c6ver it dole, and let it ftew for an Hour jthd half; biit dirh th’ Meat often: Then take off the Fat, put in i liand- iiil of Capers, five oi fix Onions flicM, half a Dozeti of hard Lettice flicd, and a Spobnfiil or twcj or Verjuice. Boil all tbgethef, till the Meat isierider abd ictve it up to Table with brown Brfaid and Sip pets fiy’d in ButteK A9. jfeeef’a 14 Braife. CtiT froln the Bones of two or thred Ribs of Beef only the fle&ylut;, that is next the Chine, and £ take BE tale away all th Fatj lard it with pretty large Lar- dons of Bacon, feafbn’d with Spices, fweetHerbi, Par fleyi young Onions, a Imall Quantity of Muihrootns and Truffles Hired very finall. Havine larded the Beef, bind it about with Pack’ thread, left it Ihould fall to pieces, when you come to take it out of the Stew-pan. Cover the Bottom of the Stew-pan with thin Slices of fat Bacoru arid ovet them lay Slices of lean Beef, about an Inch thick, beaten well, and .fealbn’d with Spice, Iweet Herbs, Onions, Lemon Peel”, Bay Leaves, Salt and Pepper, Then put in your Beef, laybg the fleihy Side diown- wards, that it may take the better reliih of the Sea- loning •, then fealon the upper Part, as you- Ud the lower, and lay over it Slices of Beef, and over them Slices of Bacon, as you did at the Bottom: Then co- ver the iStew-pan, tuid clofe it well all round the Edge df the Cover with Pe •, thep put Fire over iu a$ well as iinder the Stew-pan. Wlien die Beef is imfi- ciently ftew’d, itakeit up, and let it drain a little j then lay.it in a l3iiH, and pour the following Ragoo up dnit • – While your Beet is ftewing, make a Rwoo as follows: Take Veal Sweet-breads, Livers of vpans, Muflirobms, Truffles, Tops of Afparagus and JBot- toms of Artichpkes, tofe thefe up witii lome melted Badon, moiAen them with good Gravy and thickeit it with a CuUis made of Veal and Gammon of Bapon Sometimes tlois Beef la Braife is ferv’d up with St haih’d Sauce, made as foltows. Shred together, very finall, lome lean of a Gammon of Bacon, Muihfooms young Onions, a little Parfley y then tofs them up with a little Lard, moiften with fome good Gravy, and thicken with the CuUis before mentiQned, and pour the Sauce upon it wljien you ferve it up. ‘ Sometimes it is Jqrv’d up with a Ragoo of Car- doons, or of Succory, or of Celery, or of roafted Oa- BE knsor of Cucumbers the laft of irhich is itiadt ii &km.; Pare the CucumbeiFs then cut them in tvro 10 the middle, Qtke otit the Seeda then ait them into linali Slices, and let them marimte for two Hours withlbme fliced Onions, Vinegar, Salt andPper, tbea iqueeze . the Cucumbers in a Lineil Cloth, thedr tofs them up in a little melted Bacons when they turn brown, put ibme good Gravy to them, and felt them oTer a Stove to fimmer then take the Fat 6cm them, and with a gocxl CuUis made of V&d; and Gammon of Bacon, thicken and pour it on the Beef This Beef a la Brarfe’ is made of all the Pieces that fow ne3Et the Chine firome the Neck to the Ruibpu’ he foregping Ragoo of Cucumbers lerves for all. Sorts of Butchers Meat, either roafted in a whote Joint, or ftew’d in its own Gravy. 50. £0 Dctdt a Battock of iSeefi Lard your Buttock with Gammon and other Bas con, wdK &aibn;’d with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Cinna ttfen, Cmander Seed, and grated Nutmeg; alio Oni ons, Airfley, Shalots, all mix’d together. Let as much of thefe as you can be ihiifed into the Bacon, and hid thejttock both on the top and lindmeath then ieaioD it ugain vith all your IngrediefUis, and pot it into a Stew-pan to be miarinated a little wUle with Onions Garlidk, Shalots, Parflcy, Iwcet Balil, Thyme, Slices of Lemof, Verjuice and a little Brotk Let it lie in the( dvo Hours, then put it in a Napkin with tfaitl Slices of Bacon, wrapping it up clofe, fb that ‘no Fat. may enter. Put a Pkite in the bottom of the Pot tx keep the Napkin and Meat from being burtit to the bottom, and boil it in the Evemng againft tht nett Bay. To fssSon it you may put in about two Pocsid of leaf Fat of a Btogs Bdly, or of Beef Sewet, ipoti ttDfr in idme white Wine, VeritSce, Sak, long Pepper,. (Sogtr Cinnamon, Nutmegs Slices 6( Limon, Cbian; Parflfcy Bay Leaver iSteet Bafd, and .whole Coriaa- der, Anni$ andFmd; when all thde are put ifltoche Pot, iOL it be covcrodjvery ddfe aiet the Beef be £ a ftewd , BE flew’d very gently ‘ and when ifis ehough, let it cool in its own f at tlien make a Godivoe, put it into the Diih in which the Piece of Beef is to be drefi d then coTer it with the lame Godivoe, and then pat it into the Oven for an Hour. Before you lerve it up, frepare a well lealbn’d Beef CuUis and make a round lole in the top of the Godivoe, and pour in yoiir Cullis lb that .it may penetrate into every Part and the Juice of a Liemon upon that This Beef may be ferv’d up cold in thin Slices inftead of Beef A la Rayat 51 Ce Collar Beet Take a Piece of Flank Beef, cut it Iquare, and puU off the inward Skin, then make a Brine of Water and &y; Salt, ftroog enough to bear an Egg to the Breadth of a Sixpenc& Lay the Beef in this Brine for a Week, afterwards rub it all over with Salcpetre, then lay it in the Brine for three Days longer, then beat grofly an Ounce of white Pepper, a large Nut- meg, the Weiglit. of it in A4ace, and the Weight of bdth in Cloves, and ftrew oa the Beef, then roll it up hard, tye it with a Tape, and lew it up in’a Cloth, then put it into a long earthen Pot, fill it up with lialf Water and half Claret, and cover it over with a coarle Pafte, and let it ftand in a very hot Oven for twelve Hours Then take off the Tape and roll the Cloth ve- ry hard about it again, and hang it up to cqoI and (kain: You may, if you.like Herbs, put to it before you roll it, Thyme, Iweet Marjoram, ‘ and Parfley ikred 52. a &iDe; Mfb of a ittt of iSeef oitl) Cttcttmben Roast a good Piece pf tender Beef, larded or covered with thin Slices of Baoon, and wrapt up in Paper when it is roafted, cut it into Filets or thin Slices, and lay them in a Diih then let Ibme Cucum- bers be flic’a and marinated, then iqueez them and put them into a Stew-pan with ibme Lard, and flew them well tfaendrain off all the lurd and put in a little Flour, and tois them up again a little while, then ibak them ia good Gravy, and add iome thidcen- • • • -t ing BE VD% Liquor to make the Lredients incorporate well together – a Spoonfiil of Gammon ElTence is very good for that Purpoft j put to it a little Verjuice or Vin&- gar, and let not the Filets boil too long leaft the f’ m hard. Gamiih with fried Bread, Marinades or iflbles, and lerre them hot to Table. 53 0 make Dutth eeft Take Buttock Bf without Bone eight Pound, rub it all over with about fix Ounces of coade Sugar, let it lie two Days, then wipe it a little, then take a Pint of white Saltj a Pint of Salt Petre, and fix Ouft- ces of Salt-petre beaten, and rub it well into the Beef; then let it lye for three Weeks, turning and rub bing it every Day -, then few it up in a Cloth, and hang it up in the Chimney to dry; let it be tum’d up- ≤ down every Day, that -the Brine do not fettle; afterwards boil it in Pump-Water till it is very terv- den 54. 0 ftp VttU Cut the Beef into Stakes, beat it with the back of a ihredding Knife; then put only the lean into a Fing-pan with jufl fo much Butter as will moiften the Pan, let it on a gentle Fire, turning it ofien; and as the Gravy runs from it, keep pouring it oiit then fry the Fat by it fel and lay it on the lean; then pot a little Anchovy, Onion, Nutmeg, Pepper and Claret ip the Gravy, and flew it a little. Cut Stakes off the Rump, beat them well, and fry them in half a Pint of Ale: Seafi n all widi Salt, Nut- meg, Shalots, Parfley, Thyme, and Savoury, Ihred very imaU; then roll a piece of Butter in Flour, and Ihake it up very thick. s6 “But fbtOiti to frp. . Fry Beef-flakes, well beaten with a Roller with half a Pint of Ale, fhred fbme Onion Imall, and mix it: with Salt, and fbrew them therewith When they arc fry’d, take a little Onion, a Shalot, Thyme, Par- flcy, aid Savoury, and chop them very Imall j add £ 3 fonie BE ibme grated Nutmeg then roll up a piece of But ter in Flour, and fhake it up very thick, and ienre it upt $7. SL tbott &i;& of Beef fstc’b When die fhort Rib is ahnoft roafted, take lofne of the Fleih out of the middle, mince it iinall vrith Bacon, Beef Sewet, fbm Herbs, Spice, and goodGar liitures then &rce; the Rib betwixt the Skin and the Bone with it then few it up again, that the Mea:t may not fall into the Dripping-pan while you are making an end of roaftiiq; it (mifli the tjiSh with Fricandoes or Scotch Collops, in form of larded Cutlets, with fry’d Bread and when it is fervid up at Table, the Skins are to be taken off, that the Meat jnay be eat with a Spoon, You may alfb ferce it with a &iIpicon;, for which lee the Diredions in the Liet ter S. 58 a &itieIii;( of Seef jfiletjt. Take Beef Filets larded and marinated with Vi negar. Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Onions, and Thyme, roaft them at a gentle Fire. When they are ready, put them into good Gravy with Tiiiffles: Gamiih them with Fricandoes, or with marinated Chickens oc .dgeons, 5P toaS a iUt of IBttt This Filet Ues onlv in the infide of the Surloin Qext to the Chine, axia is the tendered part of due Ox ‘, ipit this on a fmall Spit, and do not run it thro’ thebeftbf the Mea roaft it gently, and bafle it with Butter catch the Gravy in a Diih while the . Beef is roafting in the’ mean time make a Sauce for it with weet Herbs and Pariley fhred fmall, the Yolks of three or four Eggs, an Onion, and ibme Orange Peel mific’d: Put thelc into fweet Butter, Gravy, a fpoon liil or two of flroi Broth and Vinegar, ftew theni all together, then put your Beef into it, and lerve it iot up tq Table.’ ‘ ” BE 60. 0 tmt a lotcli’pot of HBttt Take a Brisket Rand of Beef, ibme Mutton and Veal, boil them together in a good quantity of Wa- ter, fcum it well then riiince Cabbage and iweet Herbs and (lice Carots, and put in, feaibn with Salt and Pepper i let them boil ’till they are almoft a Jelly, then ferve diem up on Sippets, 6 1 . Viuttif ot Beef tDlleti. Take out the Bones, and make a Slit the whole Length of it, and Ipread it as much as you can lard it with large Lardoons of Bacon well ieaibned, then make a Farce of the Flefti of the Breafts of Fowls, Beef Sewet, boifd Ham and Muihrooms let thefe he well fealbn’d with Salt, Pepper, Spices, Iweet Herbs Parflev, and finall Onions add alio ibme crumbled Bread moiiien’d with Cream, and the Yolks of three or four raw Eggs: Let thefe be all halh’d together • and pownded ip a Mortar %ead tls Farce, upon the piece ofBeef then roll it up at both ends, and ?re it faft with a String. Garniih the bottom of your ot or Kettle mth bards of Bacon and thin Slices of Beef well fealbned with Salt, Pepper,” Spices, Herbs, Onions, Carots, and Par&ips.; Put the Beef into the Pot, and cover it with Beef Bacon, Spices, Herbs &c.; as under it. Then cover the Pot clofe, and put Fire both under it and over, and let it ftew for ten or twelve Hours. ‘ In the mean time make a ki&Cd; Sauce with Muihrooms, TrufBes, imall Onions and Parfley tofi up all thefe in a Sauce-pan with a little melted Ba- con, and modften them witli good Gravy take off all the Fat, and thicken the lauce with a Cullis of Veal and Bacon. When you are ready to ferve it up, put in an haih’d Anchovie, and a few Capers. Take the Beef up, and drain it very wU, when it is drained put it into a Diih, pour tne iauce upon it, and ferve It up hot. You may alio ferve it up with a Ragoo of Calves 9weet-bread$ and Cock’s Combs, (the manner of ma- king which you have fet down in th Receipt for E4 Beef BE 3eef A la Braile,) or elfe with a Ragoo of Cucom .t??rs aqd Succory. 62. jSetf &ta1tei; rolUD i Take tjiree or ibiir large Beef Stakes, and flat them widx a Cleaver. Make a Farce with the Flcfli of a Gtpoii, feme of a Filet of Veal, -and feme Gam- mon of Bacon, both fat and lean , add tx this the Fat of a Loin of Veal Sweet-breads, young Onions, Par- fley,Muihroons, and Truffles, the Yolks of four Eggs, with a little Creapi feafen all thefe veiy well with Spice and Herbs, and hafh them, then ftrevt them on your Slices of Beef and roll it up very handfomely, that they may be firm, and of a good Size. Then let them flew a good while. When they are enough, take them up and drain away the Fat very well, then lit them in two, and lay them in the Di% the cut lides uppermbft. You inay put to them a Ragoo, 01: a good Cullis, asyou pleafe. 6j. uo fttto a IRnmp t)f 15ttt Bqil it ’till it is more than kilf enough, theh take it up and peel oflT the Skin -, take Salt, Pepper, beaten Mace, grated Nutmeg, Parfley, Marjoram, Savoury, and Thyme ihred, and fluff them in lare Holes thro’ the Fat j d lay the reft of the Sealbning aD over the top, and ipread over it the Yolk of one or two Eggs to bind it on. Save the Gravy that runs, out whole you are fluffing it, and put to it a Pint of Claret arid feme Vinegar j put it into a deep Pan, fo fit for it, that the Liquor will iill it up to the top; let it bake for two Hours, then put it into a Diili, and pour the Liquor it was bak’d in aU over it. ‘. 4. iSnotliet SCaa ‘ Cut Peef Stakes offfrom the Rump, halfbroiithen then leaibn then) high, and put them into a Stew-pan, and cover them with Gravy •, roll a piece of Butter in Floiir, put it in, add txe Yolk of an £g y an fcrve them up, . • ju4′. BE 6y ftito a Slnmp o fat lU) of s Brisket tt JBeef tlje French Jraftion. Boil a Rump of Beef and laim it clean, let it be clafe covered and ftew’d for an Hour, then put to it SaJt whole Pepper, Cloves and Mace, flafli the Meat with a Knife to let out the Gravy then put in ibme Qarct, and five or fix flic’d Onions, when they have boil’d an Hour, put in Ibme Capers, or a Handful of Broom Buds and having boil’d half a Doen Cabbage Iettice in Water, put them into your Meat, with two or three Spoonfiils of Wine Vinegar, and as much Ver- juice: Let all ftew tMether till the Meat is tender then put Sippets of French Bread in the Difh, and diih it on them. Take the Fat off the Broth, and flick it with fry’d Bread. 66. %o fttD a JTtUt of iBttftlft Italian JTafbfom Take the Skins and Sinews from a Filet of Beef put it into a Bowl with white Wine, crulh it in it and walh it well •, then flxow upon it a little Pepper, and a. Powder call’d by the Italians Tamara (which is made of one Ounce of Coriander-feed, half an Ouncp of Fennel-feed, half an Ounce of Annileed, an Ounce of Cinnamon, and an Ounce of Cloves, beat- en into a groft Powder, with a. little Powder of Win- ter-Savoury diefe all kept. in a Glais-Vial) and as inuch Salt as will feaibn it -, mingle all theie well to- gether, and put in as much white Wine as will cover it, put a Board on it to keep it down, and let it lie in fteep for two Nights and a Day, then take it out and put it into a Stew-pan with Ibme good Broth, that is not ialt, but none of the Pickle put in whole Cloves and Mace, cover it cloie, let it ftew ’till it is tender, then ierve it with as much of the Broth as will go ver it. 67. tTo (teto Serf (n (Eobbettt tit French JTaQiom Take any piece of Beef, except the Leg, cut it in bits as big as Pullets Eggs, bodi of fat and lean ew it in a Stew-pan with Water, Icum it cleaii, and when it has boil’d an iHour, put in Salt, whole Pper, BE Pepper, Cloves, and Mace, Carots, Turnipsy Parfiiips, arid whole Otiions, cover it clofe, and let it ftew ‘tSU it is tender, putting in, half an Hour before it is e- . nough, Parfley, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Spinage, Sa- rd and Winter Sayoury, add fome Qaret, then c it on Sippets, and fcrve it to Table hot: Gamiih with . Barberries, Grapes or Goofeberries. 68. iTlttett of Beef ftetoeb anB toatted Cut Slices off a Buttock of Beef as broad as your Hand, hade them with the back of a Knife, lard them Vith flnall Lard, and feafbn them with Salt, Pep- per and Nutmeg j then make a Farce of the Tolks of hard Eggs, Beef-Suet or Lard, fweet Herbs, Thyme and Onions, all minc’d imall. Barberries, Grapes, or Goofeberries minc’d finall, and ieaibn’d with Salt anduthe former Spices mix thefe well together, and lay it on the Slices of Beef roll them up round with lome Caul of Mutton or Veal bake uiem or roaft them: Then put them into a Stew-pan with fome Buttery blow the Fat from the Gravy, and put the Gravy into the Stew-pan and having in the mean time blanch’d and boil’d Artichokes, Potatoes, or Skirrets in Claret, put them into your Meat, difli them on Sippets, and lerve them with Slices of O- range, Lemon, Barberries and Grapes or Goofo berries • 69. 0 malte a Beef faSp. Take a fmall Rump or Surloin of Beef, bcxie it, beat it very well with a Rolling-pin then to five Pound of this Meat, take two Ounces of Sugar, rub it well in, and let it lie for twenty four Hours; then cither wipe it clean, or wafh it off with a little Cla- ret, and feafbn it high with Salt, Pepper, and Nut- meg, put it into your Pafly, and lay over it a Pound of Butter-, clofe up the Pafly, and bake it as much as Venilbn. Put the Bones in a Pot with jufl as much Water as Will cover them, and bake them to make Gravy, and when the Pafly is drawn, if it wants Lir fluor, put in of this Gravy. 79. ja J BE 70 .fl fKfoi of itatins coin SoOb Ste& Slice your Beef as thin as poffible, and alio an Onion orSSialot tfaieniqueeze on it the Jiiice of a Le- mon or two, and beat ail together between two Plates asyoddo Cucumbers when it is well beaten and tafies ibaip of the Lemop, put it into a deep Diih, mck out theQiion and pour Oil on it ihred lome Parfley and ftrew over k and gamiih it with Lemon, and ierve it up. 714 feptins gotten ISeef Cut a Piece of lean Beef into thin flices, like Scotch Collops, lard it thick with Bacon then put it into a Poty withSalt, Pepper, Mace, two or three Bay leaves, and a Bunch of Iweet Herbs, andbgke i clear out all the Gravy and then fill it up with clarified Butter. .72 “Xq &ta; a Htg of Beef. Lbt it be well broken,then put to it two or three quarts of Water, Salt, whole Pc, and a Bundle of iweet Herbs, then let it flew ibrleven or dght Hours’, then pour out all, both Meat andBroth intoa Pan, and let it fland till the next Day, then let it on the Fire a- gain. And in a quart of Ale, and let it boil about half an Hour, then take it off and ut it in a Diih with Toafts upon it. 73 eef Eopat Take aSurloin or large Riunp ofBeef Bone it and beat it very well, then leaibn it with Salt, Pepper, Nut- nieg,Qaves Mace, with Lemon Peel, Thvme,SaTOu- ry and Marjoram then lard the Meatquite through with large Pieces of Bacon in the mean Time makeaflroc br of the Bones then put into your Stew-pah a good deal of Sweet Butter and brown it then put in the Meat, and brown it on both fides then pour in the Liqnor with the Butter, pot in two Bay leaves; Six Truffles Ox Palates or Sweet-breads puU’d in pieces; and’oorer the Stew-pan dole lettiit (lew till it is tmder then takeitout and fcum off all the Fat, then pour in a Pint of Claret, and put in three Anchovies hen put the Beefiaagin to be made thoroughly hot! I” • and BE and add what PicMesyou have with fiy’d Oifters; thicken your Saiice and pour over the Meat, atld fend It lip. It is to be eaten either hot or cold. 74 0 pot IBeef like enifotu Take a Veiny piece of Beef, cut it into feiir pieces j pull off the Skin and beat it with a Rollii-pin, then beat two penny-worth of Salt Petre and Salt Prunella the feme quantity, very fine, and rub it well in the Berf with your Hands •, lay it in a tray for two Dajrs, tur- ning it once a Day, then lealon it pretty high with? Pepper and Salt j then cut fome Bee&ftiet; iaato loqg dices, and feaibn them, and lay them in the pot, then lay in the Beef, and break two pound of frdh Butter into ‘ finall pieces on the top of the Beef then tye it down and let it be bak’d with brown bread when it IS bak’d, take it out of the pot with a Skimmer to draw the Gravy from.it, and put it into a Mortar, and take out all the Veins and Skins, and poimd it with a lit- tle of the Butter that you have skim’d off then put it into another pot, and pour the Butter over it, keep- ing the Gravy back. If the Butter skim’d off from it is not luflScient to cover it an Inch thick clarify as udi more as. will liiflSce and add to it, let it fhmd four Days in a cool place before you cut it to eat. Ve- niibn is potted the lame way, ufing black Pepper inflread t)f white, and omitting the pounding it Take a whole thin flank of Beefi pull off the in ward skin and fiaih it crois and crofs, elpecially in the thickeft part lay it. fix Hours in Rimp Water, take as much white hard Salt or Salt Petre as the Quantity of an Egg mixt with about two poimd of white Sah:; or if your Salt Petre be ordinary, take about a pound of each and nib the Salt well into the Meat, than Iprio- kle upon it near a pint of Wine vinegar, and then let it lye for three or four Days, tumim and rubbing it once a Day •, then rinee it out of the Brine with a pint of Claret and feafon it With Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg white and Jamaica Fepptr of eah a quarter of an Ounces beaten _ beaten all together with Savouiy, Thytnc, and Lemon, of the Herbs a good Handful after th are -W’d and fbfpt-, alio aHandflil of Sage and: the RindofODB Lemon ihred together; then rub all thefe together very’ wdljnallthe Cuts, and Clifb, andlnfide, then biilid itf m with Tape, and lay it in a long pot put ifl’ h- daret and lay the Skins at top to &ve; it and bake itPl 76 SimMfn nlttWMi – ‘ – – Take a “Brcaft cf young Beef and bone it, make a Brine of three Gallofis of Water fix” Handffals of hfce Safe, three Handfuls of Bay Salt, and an Ounce ofSaltr Petre, fb that it be ftrong enough to bear an 1. Lay your Beef in tte Brine for nine Days, then take’ it out and beat it very weR with a RoHing-in. Thn fealbn it with two handfuls of Wlfite Salt bruis’d in a’ Mortar, an Ounce of Pepper, twenty Cloves, an Ounce 4of. iWeet Marjoram dry’d and powdered two Ounces of Bay’ berries, feven Nutmegs, ihrftd very linall but not pound- ei, and an ounce of Macfc Dry the Beef very % mix aU thde ttethery ad ftrew them over it,th tie? it up hard and bind it up tight in a ‘Ilifltii, and pitt it in a Pan, then take mo quarts of €la pkut of Water and a pint ofl Vinegar, and put into it then • cover it over with a lid )f dough, let it be baked witb a Batch of Bread and ftand all night itt die Oven’: In- the morning take itout’ortheLiiqubry and bind it fa- fbr and hang it up till it is cold. J 7 tTo (bnre IBref. tuttodcy Chuck or Brisket of Beef, ieafitti them with Sak Mid Pepper for four Days, theti . roll them up as even as you can, then tyi a Clodi fafbi aboue it and boil it in Water and Sailt till it be ten’ der, then, tike it up and fbuce it in Water and Viae- gar and a little Wlute-Wine and Salt then put it into a Hqg llanle, Co aftiin it round and upright then dry it in fbme taioaky Placfe, Mr in the Air. When you: ufeit, cut it put in d; aiii ferve it up with Sugar and Mid. r’ ” ‘.4 jZ . Takb Buttock Krf’Beef ait into thin Slices; then miiicae it finally, aad pound it well in a Mortar till it faeoomes a Pafle then lard it very wdl with.Lard and fiaibn it widbbtten Spic; then make your Pye fiid put in your Beef, adding Butter andClafet Winev let it be wdl bak’d Gamifli it. with Bay lueavea and ierve it in cold with Muflard and Sugar. 79. D Eagoo a lece of Ibat . Lakd die hinder Part of a Buttbck of Beef Viith thick lardoi of Bacon V put it into a Scew-j with Ibme Slices of Bacon at th bottom; ieafi)n with St Pepper, Nutmegs, Cloves and iweet Herbs cd ver it widitKurds of Bacbn put in two Pound of good Lard cover your Pan and flew it jgentfy between two Fires ior twelve Hours, thenpiit in a little Bi$uvly; Gaiw with Pickles and ierve it up. i 80J make Serf a;anf Take leyen Eggs, leaving out two Whites, and a Pint of Cream, lome Thyme, Iweet Maijorim Parv fley, Strawberr)leaves, ihred very finall, and a little Nutm; then mince £ nie bodl’d Beef very finall, add a plate grated white Bread i Xet thefe be all mix od together, tlien fry them as you do other Tanieys but not too broWn, 1 81,. 3Beef a la Viniagrctt. Take a large Slice of Beef: three Inphcs icbick, moft lean, from the Buttock, of eUewhere-, flew it With Water rid’& Glafs of White-wine feiifon’d vvith Sate, Pepper, Qoves a Fagt 0f Herbs, and. a Bay- lea£ .Let it boil. ‘dU moft of die Liquor iis boil’d a way -, then ite it a coding, and when it isr:ol Ijerw it up with Sltoe$of Letnon,:ald a little Vinegar:, 8i fiirtil AnE a ibrt iof Root eiten either io Salads or fiy’d in the folkywiee feweri ‘ 8g. loft? 2Bffit Bake them in an Oven, peel them, and ci): them in Slices long virays, and about half an Inch thick thea BI tfaeti fleq them in a thin Batter, made of Whiter mne, fioe Flout) Cream, and the Whites and Yplks of Eggs, (but more Yolks than Whites,) ieaion’d wit Salt, repper, and beaten Clove let them lye in the Batter a little while, then take them out, and drudge diem with Flour, crumbled Bread, and Parfley flurod: ihttU then fry them, ad when they are dry, Otnt. tbem in Plates with Juice of Lemcn. Yoit may alio make a Fricailie of them with Butter, Farfley, Salt, Proper, and Oriions. 84. %o nwkt tonfcr1e of Setottp Tahe a Pound of Betony, three Pounds of 6nt Sugar, beat them in a Stone Mortar boil the Sugar with two Quarts of Betcy Water to the thicknefs of a Syrup, then mix tljem together by little and .little Direr a -gentle Fire, and iwkc it into a Coifierve, wdp. keep it in GlajQes. j 85. %o matf Olfttet of IBetony iFlotoerti Take Betony Flowers, iprinkle tian with Whit, wine QTf Water, tet them infuie for two Days, thM (fifiiJ tiKim in JSalnf Ahria. 86 tICpiiiefti JBiUketjJ., Take eight Eggs, a tittle Rofe Water, iotoR Sqk. and a Pound of fine Siar beat them together fot an Hour, then put in a Pound of Flour, jdnd half an- Ounce of Coriander Seeds-, then heat than well to-: gether. Butter your Pans and put in your Bts and let it into the Oven ibr half an Hour then turn tbetn, azxi bruih them over the top with a UtCle of the Eggs and Sugar, that you muft leave out fct: firftfor thatPnrpoie, andj themin againforaquartnti o£ aft Hour. 87 notijier toxt of Biftetn i Take four Eggsi, about four Ounces of rafped Sugar,! iotne Lemon Peel, and mix all with four or five Ipoon- fills of baked Flour; lay this comppimd upon Paper that hsis been ftrew’d thick with Sugr, and fbew Su gar thick on the top, then let it in the Oven to be dry’d vhm thry .draw cut the Blsk in the: Form BI Form and Bigncfs you woifld have them, pare offthe Paper. Thefe Bbkcts lerve either to let off Fftiit, or to gamifli Pies. 88flnDtiet toap of malting HtHtti. • Take half a Peck of Floor, half a Pint of Tcaft, an Ounce and half of Amifeeds, and four Eggs v make Aefe into a Loaf, with Iweet Cream and cold Water, make it long and bake it, and when it is a Day or two old, cut it into thin Slices like Toafts, and nrew them over with powdeFd Sugar, dry them in a wanti Stove or Oven, and Sugar them again when dry, do this three or four times, then lay them by for U ic. 89. 0 make l&ijeiltttjt; ftnotliet (filap Lay the rind of a Lemon in boiling Water, til! it be tender; take half a, Poqnd of iweet Almonds id blanch them in cbld Water, and tWo Ounces of Gum Dragon, which Ibak in fair Water-, then potind the Almonds, putting in a you Poimd, the white of two Eggs besiten hollow, pound the Lemdn in a Stcme More4 by it ielf, and put the Gimi and the Lemon into the Almonds, and mix them vry well tcether j then beat a Pound of fine Sugar in a Mor- tal, with the Almemds, Gum, and Lemon, and after- wards add two Pound more of fine Sugar, and fKr k into it with a Spoon, then roll it up in little Roll, and lay theM on white Papers and fet them in the 9 0 make “Itflamp IBinkttK The S an0 Jelfaminis the brfl, but if yoti hav6 not that take En(tift Jeffamin Flowers clean pickt from the ftalk, hesit them well in a Marble mortar and put to them the white of Eggs and powder’d Sugkr, and lay Sugar undftt them on a Diih Or (mv Papers, cover them with Sugar, and bake them in a gentle Oven. 91 0 make IBtotet Wtopi. BEATapoundofSugar, theYolkisof four aftdwhiCte of two Eggs with a little Sack, then put in a poimd of Flour and a few Seeds, mix all well tcether. But’ ter a pajper, lay your Batter on in Spoonfuls, itethetii with Bl vvith &Dk; Sugar and iet them in a gentle i rt£ 9% flnotliet map TAKEtvfo pound’ of fine Sugar the Yolkes of eight Eggs the Whites of four, and half a pint of Canary beat’ thefe well together for an hour, then add your Seeds in powder and two pound of fine flour, beat them wdU together again. Butter your Paper and (kdp this Cbmpofition upon it, ice them widi fine Sugar, before yoa put them into the Oven, axld let them be bak’d in a gentle Ovea 91 tEomakr %$!m1l %iX$. Beat three or four Eggs Yolks and Whites, theil add four or fiore SpoanfuUs of fbur and as much fine gar as you can take up between your Fingers at fbur or five times. Mix thefe well tcether, theti turn your pafle out upon a iheet of Paper ffarew’d vnth Sugar, and ftrew Sugar on the top of your Pinfte, bake it in a moderate Oven When bakM tut them out into whae fortos andofwhat fizesyou pleaie and puU off the Fk- per. 94 0 malit iaple$.1Bi0lteti(. Tak£ a pound of £ne flour, eight Eggs, ft pound of Double refin’d loat Sugar, and two Spoon fiillsof Damask Rofe-water, and an ounce ofOurraway Seeds wdl beaten, Ictthefe be mhit well togedier, and made into a fit thickneis vnth fair water, then put them into tin pans let them be bak’d in a gentle Oven Glazii them over with Water in which Slgar has been diflblv’d. Q5 6e jjStuns IBitfket TAKE the WIntes of twelve Eges and beat theitt to aFroth a pound of Almonds, blanch them and beat them with the Froth of the Whites of Eggs, as it ri&8 tben take the Yolks, and two pound of fine Sugar and heat them well together, then mix the Almonds with the Sugar and Es. then add half a pound of Flour, withj the Peel of four Lemons grated, and ibme Qtcon flirod Imall put the Compofition in little cake F pans. BI paxis, ad bkke them in aquick Ovm, and wfaai thtty are coloured turn them on tinstx) harden the bottoms aod before you fet them in the Orcn again, fift on tbem ibme J ouble refin’d Sugar. Let the Fans be iHittet’d and fill them but half. 96 malte SMtofi 1&$%t$. . Tak£ a dozen Eggs, and leave out half the Whites, beat them up with a wliisk and put in three ipoon- fiils of Orange flower or Rofe-water, and as you beat it up, ftrew in a pound of Double refin’d Sugjar, which has been beatand iiftcd very fine when theEggs and Sugar are beaten as thick and white as Cream, taki a pound or better of the fineft flour that has been dried and mixt with the Eggs and Sugar, make it in long cakes and bake them in a cool Oven. 97 flnot!)ct oaiap Take eight new laid Eggs put fix of theolioto a Scale and weigh with them as much fine bak’d flour in the- other % take alio the lame weight of fine Sugar pounded. Then take the Whites of the eight ¥g8s imke as ftrong a Snow of them as poflSble can be then powder ibme Green Lemon-peel and mix it with the Flour: Beat them up a little, add fbme Sugar to them and then beat them again, aiKi add ibme Yolks of Eggs, and whip all together for ibme Time. Make your fiuskets upon Paper in what fi)rm you pleale, and you may Ice them with powder’d Scar, bake them in an Oven, not too hot then cut them off from the Paper. 98 Co make ateti’iei Sijlketji. Take a pound and half of Flour, a pound and half of fine Sugar, the Whites of four and twenty, and Yolks of eighteen Eggs, put in Coriander Seeds beaten iinall at diicretion mix thele well together, makethea into a ibft Pafte, you may add a little Yeafl if yoa pleafe. Lay this rafir on Pajr, or in Crufis abouc two Inches broad and four Indies long, fet m into a Moderate Oven, and when tlxey begin to turn brown talce them oiit lay them ni Paper in a dry TAitk the. WhiMs of fit JSgg eight Mofidfi df Iftll9di4i%ar5 fiiiU No afiy Idnd 6f Marmakde,; tteutoriy ofOttthges, LfeitHkis, Apritxkrlcs, &c.; the rdft’ (tii ConfeOiati is to be mude of fine FloUr whidi muSk be kneadad with the foregoing;bigtiedint8 ’till k beooAne a very aBte Pkfte j then make your Biicch tflSis of dtfit Figures round, long, in Kbots, and Whatidever Forms you pleaie, put them into it gehtfe Ored, atnd takfe them out as ibon as they arb df u brbiMi rufiet Colour, pidl off the Paper vrfiilfe they lEurehtt. A Bisk is a So in Ragoo, which is mde ddier t f Quails, Capons, FuUets, or PidgeonsL ftrc. Whith ft lander their proper Articles Capons, Pi i0ond &c.; idi. SI IBiCque of gi% Take a large Carp, fcale and draw it, take off all die Flefli, and pick out all the Bones ‘, then hafh the ¥klh fiaall with blanch’fl Muihrooms, and let it id H St€W-pdn a ftewing in a little Fifli-broth, with Butter, Salt, Proper, and fweet’ Herbs. ITien make a Ragoo of the Milts of CarTO, the Livers of Pikes, and the Tails and Claws of Cray-fiih: Then lay in your Diih fiane Crufts of Bread that have been dry’d in an O- ven, and ibak them in good Filh-broth that is prepar’d for thatpurpofe, which you iray make of the Bones of the Carp fi-om whence you took the Flefli, with Orp, Eel, Tench, aiKl Pike, cut in pietes, and put intt) a Kettle with Water, Butter, Salt, FjBpper, an Qmon ftuck with Coves, and a BUnch of fweet Herbs, all boird together for the Ipace of an Hour, and ftrai- ned through H Linen Cloth. When the Soop is fim- inef d enough, gamiih with the Hafli and the other Ra aad fe it very warm. F 1 Ml SU BL Take what Fiih you pleafe, cleanfe it wdl, then lay it in ftecp for an iour in White-wine Vine, a handfol of Slt, whole Spice, a Bund) of Iweet Hetbs, lonie. whole (ons, and a Lemon ihred let (he Fiih be abnoft cover’d with thele Ingredients, then put your Fiih with the Ingredients into a Pot, and when it is about half boil’d, put Ibme boiling Water to it . this -will make the Fifli very firm: Then fry fame of the other in hot Liquor, then having made a rich Sauce with Oyfiers, Shrimps, Mulhrooms, Gapers, a Bupdle of fweet Herbs, two Anchovies, two whole .Onions ftuck with Cbves, the Yolks of two Es, the Juice of a Lemon, Nutmeg, and Horfe-radifli £:rap’d mix ail theie together with two Pound of Butter, and •4raw it up very thick thpi diih your Fiih, and run over your $auce& Gamilh your fiy’d Fiih with Par (ley, Horlradiih, and IlicM Lemon, and ferve it up hot. 103. Co m⁢ hUA Captf Take a dozen of large Pippins, or Golden-runnets, cut them in halves, and lay them (ingle with the flat fides downward in a pretty large Mazareen, asdoie by each other as they can lye then iqueeze a Lem- pn into two ipoonfuls of Orange-flower-water, and pour over them •, ihred Ibme Lemon-pee! very fine, and fliake between them; then grate over them ibme double refin’d Sugar; put them into a quick Oven, and they will be done in half an Hour. 1 04. 0 niaire blacfc )ttU)ingif . Take half a Pint of Oatme, two Charts of new Milk, and let it fteep all Night, or elie boil it to the thicknels of a Pudding; then put two Quarts of gra ted Bread, and two Eggs, a little Salt, Mace, and Cloves, Sage, Penny-royal, and other fiveet Herbs: Mix all thefe well together, then flxain into it three quarters of a Pint of Blood, then put in a quarter of a Pound of Beef-iiiet ihred very fine, and if it be not ibft enough, put in ibme moxp Milk; Cut three quar- ters .tcrs 6f a Pdimd of Lard into’ long pieced, fcHeA fill them, and give them a toil, then tairt thfeJv’wp, and prick them with a Pin, then boil them again ’till -they are fully enough ‘ – • loy. aftotlrtt MJap. Boil the Umbles of a Hog very tender, take fbnjc of the Lights -nd • Heart, and all the Flefli about them’-, take put the Smews, -and mince the reft very imall, alfo mincfe tine Liver -, add four or five Yolks of Eggs, a Pint of Cream, a. (ftorter of st Pint.gfCa- nary. Nutmeg, Cloves, Mace, and ‘Cihtiamonffely powder’d; a little Sugar, a few Cai:rawa-lSei arfd’ a little Role-water, a good qiiantity of HqgY Kit, smd ibme Salt-, roO it up about wor Hours bfrfbte yoti Jiiit it into the Guts, ‘ritifethem with Rofe-water and’ftuff them. ‘ • ‘-‘ ‘ ‘ ””• ‘-•-• io6. IBlancaattjttd “‘ -V- – Blanc-Mangeks areus’d in.ftitei:-mefly,”orTor iDiddling Diihes or Oiit-Works, and are made ai fol- lows. – Blanch a Pound of iW’Mffeonds in jfcalding Wa- terj take off the Husks, and’pcfl. the Kehiels-Sitp a fine Pafte in a Stone-mortar-, btffting to them rijJWr fed: fhehalpoonful of lelly to kthein from oiliHfe,Xt:Ke way of making which you will $!c”lnlyeteer I y •mien they are very firifely beaten, ‘ piit; thm ‘ fato’J bt’ dean Sance-pan, with a Quart, of AreH. PJnts of.We.ftny above-mentionU – Set it ooie-‘FIrt ‘tiH frifoaflipg hot breakmg yaur Ahnorid witfh your; JHj iJWh’ . wooden Ladle, then ftfain it eithei’%rougli a dSXkin Strainer, or’IP’Napkin, nittftJ as Aiuch as you can: T hfe! yfeicl;Tbak bpon the Ahnonds ttofee or four tinier rofl vr&fSit; through the Strainer ’till the Hfarfe-ngcfMs ttttmlt as thick as fcrttrh. ‘ Qr mmtn it 5 ctiffilfc wifl,. be apt to parti Ihe Wiy fallih to.tfie Ixjhrotnf; andth Almonds fwhm&ib; ‘it tHc”W.”‘THeii put it up ih Jay Glaffes. • : . r v.f . j W i TWc BL TWe GWfa ymt maty fet bcMixt your BJa Wfep, or p it; in a Cluna Bowl for the middle of the f) or in cold Plates for the lecond Courie. 107. jSnotfier QBIai. Take Calves Fcet and a Hen that is not very fit, bcil them well together without any Salt. Then ffpcwL thovii malpi it neither too ftrong nor too thin ben iut in fome Sugar, Cinnamop, ad LernQo-peei, th take off the Fat, and boil it a while in a Skew- jax Ip the mean time prepare cttne iweet Almonds lln’fl a wettspqiindeq, and moi’d with Milk diat tfaiy may not turn tp Oil: Then ftraip your B1wm liuiger when it is not too hot with the Almpnds twice or. thrice th waihthe Sieve wdl, and SM tlwwi rn that tl Jquw may be very wlwe. Ti pour it into a Diih, and ice it, and draw over it pg flieets of white Pap. j take off the Fat. Put tx) it a ie prange-ilow-water, and whep i% is well cw g al’4 few it fh ltf-.9nqD, ferw it i cold to the Table. r …;: 1 108,, .pOtWt.JDlr; TIE a Found o£Spc iears’d Hco-flpur and pufi q (ib?fi ofAiopiing Milk thj(train them into a bm Skillet i t;.it on the Fire, aad ilir it ijnth a Siice whm It grows pretty thic take it ofl .;PWt m half a.Rnt of RpTewtcr, (et icthe limamiip 4 $’ t it VU infl the fides cSfr ‘nil) it iias tjbidf: as Pap, then put it yfto itX mf it ami, m it C0I4 thm fey thre . 4Ai;K a.Pounjdpf rfd HartSnhorp and hg ii; a cqqfidfsraUf tini .’till the Liquor is bocoiq WSTtc’RP tratirL iidirpugh a very line Sieve ? Jf%5 ? floirtewg with a lU:(erJV pr tt9;fp oif ‘ thf Jjelly with the Jnwc’tlve t9 nja5?jt,.vlDe, w4. put to It a little Cfrangcflower-wter, – BL I lo; Stnatktr ISiantiqfu Takj a Quart of fine Ftour, a quarter of a Pbund of Butter, aiid the Yolks of four Eggs; boilyourfiut ter JD fiur Water, and put the YdJcs of eight Eggs on one fide of the Difli, and make up your Fdteqiudt and ftiff, but not too dry. Then blanch a toupd, of Abnonds, and beat them very fine ’till they become SL Bifle: Take a Capon eithdr boil’d or rosdled, iind mince it Yery iinall, then beat the Capon wttfa the Almonds, with losne Role-water mix’d with a Uttle •Creasiiy the Whites often Eggs and MancfaetgakKl then put in 6uM Salt, Sugar, and a little Mu,’ and ftrain them all together then boil them in a broad Skillet or Stewrpan, to the thicknefi of Pap, keeping it cda ftaittly ftirring, and when it is boil’d, ilrain it, and ierrt it up in what Form or Fafliion you pleaie, II I “So make a iBtonNfiangef afin tU French faHfifm. Boil a Pike in Water, very tender, maice the Fte&iimdl;, then take a Poimd of Almood-pafte, and beat it wirh the Fiih, and put to k Quart of Cream the Whites of a dozen Eggiy and lome gnoeed white Bpead; mix lAntib togetlier rain them witii 8ak and Sngar, then pt them into a Stenpancevor tlie Fire, Air it ’till it is boiled thick, then ict it by ’till iris cold, ftrain it sain into a l iih, fcrape Stfr gar ever it and ierve it up. III. 0 make WlumtHuttt it Italian etaia Taks a cold Qipon that Inis been either boil’d or roofted take off the Skin, . mince the Fleih, and pannd it in a Marble Mortar, with blanchM Almonds i thm mix ‘wuk ibne Gaponbroth and grated Breads ftraincd together with Sait, Rofeywata, and Si, boil )t ’til it comes to a good Confiftence then exdw: pDH Itiiyo Pkfte, or ftew it up in a Diik li.tEoimke motib fttiMiitsi te’£iiliih bUf. Boil a Quart of whole Oatmeal in a Qs Milk and let it Atad tall -the next Morning to fweD j tliep pcft to it a Pqwd an Half Q Aeef Suet ilred ii leafcvi tfcpm with Sate and Peppery mincoali- y . F 4v ” • ‘ . tie Thyme, a Haxidful of Parfley:, and a Handful of Penny-koyal, and put theih to your other Ingndteits, and mix them well with tliree Pints of Hdg’s of Sheep’s Blood, and a Pint of Cream, give them a warn over the Fire, fill the Guts, tye them up, and either boil or fry them. 114. 0 &e;(jf ft IBoafu teab LT it bf well fing’d at the Fire, and rubb’d with a Piece of Brick to lake off the Hair then icrape it mth a Knife, and dean it well: When this is. done, bone it, and cut out the two jaw Bones and cut oS the Snout (lit it underneath, ib that it may ftick to the Sldn on the top, and take away the Brain and Tongue then take up Salt upon the Point of a Knife, and caule it to penetrate through all the Parts oi the Flelhput the Head together again, and wcap it up in a Napkin and tye it; then put it intx a large Kettle of Water made hot, with ferae Leaf Fat of a Hog’s Bf Ity, two Bay Leaves, all Sorts of fine Herbs, Coriander and Annifeeds, fome. Salt, HtriEmeg and Cboves beaten, feme Rofemary and ait Onion, When it is half boil’d, pour in a Qart of good Wine, and keep it boiling for twelve Hoursi You may aUb boil the ‘Tongue in the fame Liquet.. When it is neady, let it codl in its own Liquor then take it but,tand diih it, and ferve it up cold, either whole or in SUceSn 1 15: tCo bake ffieatit JFUOvi ‘ . 1: Season the Leg of a wild Boar; wll, (havmg taken out the Bone) brd it with Lard, Ifedfcnedwi.Pqh pcr. Ginger and Nutmegs beaten, or lay dt’ in feak two Days and parboil it, lay it in a Pye mad with £ne, (farbng thick Cruft thenftrew fome of the before- mentioned Spicesy and lay on it’ ibme whole Cloves and Bay-Leaves, . lay on it Slices of Laard,, j0(iid1a gQQfl deal of Butter: Bake it, liquor it with frcih’B6tte flop up th? Venc ., . 116. todt a toil&iODMr; in.,v Lard it with flips of Baoos without cnttjng off either Head or Feet, roaft and cat; it with. ilesgV aad Pepper, or Oraie Salt and Pepper, nj.Oi BO I f 7 makt SottillaiuL Take die Breafb of roaftcd Capons or Ptifices, t Fkce of Marrow the bigneis of an Egg, ibme Bacon, aadasmuch Calves Udder parboii’d ininoe aU thefe fiull and fialbn them loakeiome fine Paie. rdQ outa JPSece very thinandlay on the bottom of the Uiih; wet it over lightly with Water, and lay your minc’d Meat upon it in finall Heaps at convenient Diflances then cover them with the other-piece of Pafie, ‘and cloie up every Parcel by it felf ,then, with a proper Inftru- ment, cot them off one by one, and fet the uppermoft undenieatb, Ceding them as if they wre ib many lit- tle Pyes then bale them. They are to be lerved up to Table hot, either as Out-worl or to gamiih Side Pill- It 8. SDifaerjf WapiK of brealiins Suti &c.;’ !• Gratjb Bread mixt with Flour. 7. Lemorv-peel powdJer’d, or Orge-pecl fcrap”d very finaU, and inix’d with Flour and grated Bread 3 Svveet .Herbs dryd and pqwflex’d, mix’d W grated Bread. 4 Cinnamon powder’d, mrx’d with Sugar, Flour and grated Bread. 5 Fennel-ieeds and Coriander-feeds poyder’d, ami milP Sugar and Cinnamon finely beaten. . ., For a Pig, Yolks of Eggs beaten, Pepper, ut- mi.and Ginger b&iten;, mix with fine Sugar and raiod Bvead 7, Salt, Sugar and. Bread mixed I ip. mate JBottcoitjl,V; Take the lean of a Filet of Veal, cut it into Tori and thill Slices, and lay them on a Table place Jome Xks of Bacon, fiich. as’ you ufe in larding, and as na ny of raw Ham, one fat and. one lean, . the lengtlii 6f your Slices of, Veal j then ftxcw them all oveF with ihred Pkrflfy and Cives, and a(6n them with .Spi ce? i leet Hbsi then roll the Slices of V” and BaoAim very .hand&mely;, aqd jtew them a ta Braie: yfl,j$ey are flew’d drain the i from them ‘ put ‘ ‘ ” to Xo xJtijtix-z good CuUis, and a’ Ragoo’6f Muihrqoms, Twffles, &cand; ferve them tS hot. ‘ ‘ ‘” • no. Co malcr a JJbutottt ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘MKE a good well-fcafonM Godivoci lay j,”as a Iy upon broad tfiin SHceij of- Bacon, liich as iiiAy WRM?up your whole Bouton-, put tp it a good’Rdi of val Sweet-breads, Mnfhrooms, Afticholse Boe- tpn, Truffles and Alragus Tops, dreft’d wiA fiufie SawcQi then cover this again with another Layw of Godivoe and Slices of Bacon then bake “it either be- tween twa Fires, or drefi it otherwHc. Wrat it is rady, take off the fat, put tri feme Lemon- foiee: GarnMh. it with little farced RoHs, Fricandoes and Ma- rinades intermixed, and ienre it up.- You may do the fame op Fiih .Days, mAfii the Godivoe of Carps, Tenches, Eel? and othjsjr Sorts of F4h well minc’d and leaibn’d. . ‘ .. 121′, tlTo matt 5frentl(j. )B?eal . ‘ ‘ ,. Take half a Peck of fine Ftotir, diree’fis fix bunces of firefli Butter, two Ounces of tricT Veal- 3e, half a Score Spoon-fulls of Ale Yeaft an equal Quantity of Milk and Water •, temper it pictty • hot, Jet it lye half an Hour to riie, then maW-‘ it Mfi Loaves or Rolls, and wafli it overwith an J ‘beaten wi Afilk, and bake it in a quick Ovcru Or ehiis, ?”, XA jCE a pouhd of fine Flour, a quarter of a PSrtof new lMe-Y’ealVput the Yeaft to the Flour with the Whifiardf a Dozen £ggs beaten, and fix .$poon-fulls of fin6’Sift; then warm Milk. arid. ‘Vatcr and put to it, and make it ,prtty.(l:iff. Wlter you have workd it well, coye it Iwitji i warm Cloth in a Bowl of Tray, then wake it in ‘ ipi)lls or J,ve$s,’ and bake it ‘ in a quick Ovefi. l(Vlm.it riles and, bcgins to Iqok”bfewh, take ft’ it 4n4 5hip, off the;.ruft while it is’ pretty hot, ‘ 1 ) uvo makr Royat IBtanti, – – . r ‘ Tai R.oofe.orTdoary AngcfioijiGfe aftd .Yalwia.LisrHjm-ilps of’cch jurotmce; aiidloV ‘ Oriamwil ajokd ..Fenit?! Seeds cjif e iralf i6 Aftfee ‘i Orafage-flowers, Rbl-maiy ixyi fwt Marjoram as much much ts KAi can take iip at twice between two fid- gers: FouDd what requires Founding and put aH in to a Mstrafi, with a Galkm of Spirit of Wine and a GailoD Qf Mabn%, let it be macerated moderately &r; two or ree Days, then dlftil it in a Sand bank and afterwards diflblve in it half a Dram of Musk and Ambeigreeft. if an ounce of this is enough to be 1 2 3 Co iAt IBralon to fee tattn ttUt Take Raw lean Brawn, and as much Ft acon mince them finally then pdund them in a Mortar with a HandfiiQ of Sage iealond with Ssilt, Pepper and Ginger, addthe Yolks of Effls and ibme. Vinegar, then put ydur Brawn into ‘ a cjM, Pafte, lay. on Butter and Bay Imes, make your Pye round and bake it. 12 o&teil; l&ratom; Cut a Codlar into half a dozen or more Slices round the Cdfisiiy put it on a DHh let it in the, Qven wheii it is enough ierve it up with beaten Butter, Gravy, Pepper, and the Juice 00 Oraxe. 125. 0 foHce IBralon- Take a Brawn about three Years old, cut off the Head dole to the Roots of the Ears, and cut fine Cbilarcff the Side Bone and hinder legs,, an Inch deepet in tbeBeUy, than on the Back, bone theiH; bind them up equally at both ends, let them lye in-Soak in water a Nigitand a Day, put themintq fibitibgwatpr keepiithemcontinuaDyicum’d, and after thefinOtquicl; Bopg .leflfan the Fire by degrees, let (hent fhnd over it a whole Night, then take them off, put them intq phb( and l them with Tape, apd whon thef aie Gd, put them into Drink, made of Oatmeal ground iM Bran boiled k feir water, ftrain’d when it is cold chi0uh a Sieve, put in Vinegar ani) Salt, aiid; cble up the Vcflbl tight bnd keepit for ttfe. ‘ 126 bail Samji. Wa& and di tliem wkh a Cloth ivsn open th gt timavfqit Ihrir lafiie dean wifeh 4i Ootfa, but? do . lo Qot waih thcmj give them three Sootdies with a .Kmfe to the; Bone on one Side only boil thihn in as much Water, White-wine, hard flale Beer and Vine- Igar as will juft cover them ieaijcm with a good handU fill pf Salt, a Faggot of Winter Savoury, Rolexnary, Thyme and Parfly, and a handfuQ of Hor&radiih; Root Icraped put .them not in:iU . the Liquor boils up to the Height, For the Sauce beat up Butter with a lit- tle of the Liquor drain your Fiih,diih them, pour the Sauce over diem, Icrape over. them Horie-radiih and powder’d Ginger. Gamiih tlie Diih with Slices of Le- mon, and ferve it up. 127. %t tufit a;S;eam ; After it is fi:aled and drawn, notch the Side of it, ‘dip it in melted Butter, lay it on a Gridiron, and bafte it frequently with melted Butter make a brown . Sauce with Anchovies., Capers, Qves and Pariky, tofiM up in a Sauce-pan with a little Butter’ then put in a little Fiih-broth, and thicken it with a CulUs that is to be throwd on the Fiih,. but do pot put the Ancho- vies in, till you are going to fetvei when it is broil’d enougl lerve it up with the aelaid Sauce . You may al(b ferve it up wth .a white Sauce, made as. you will, lee in the jR,ecQipt fix a broil’d Barbel: Xou may jalfq ferve it with, 9, good Sauoe of Herbs. ‘ ; 18. 0 BeVn.a IBjeam. Scale d wafh your Bream well, preferve the Blood to. flew it in, put xs it CJaret Wine, two or three Slicek of i. Race of Ginger, the Pulp of dttcc Quat tersof a Pound of Prunes boil’d and ibrain’d into the BrotlL. Salt, . Vinegar, and r . Couple, of Anchovies, lome Koot ofjlorle-radiilt ftamp’d and ftfained,. and Ibme fwept Herbs: Let tl ef? tje no more.lLiqiior than wiD jufl cover your Fifh an4 other Ingiidiaats when it is enough,. make a Sauioe .”with Bun$t; a little of the Bream Liquor, beat thenv np together, then diih your Fifli,, pfmr the StuCQiitppa it;, gitiifh the Difh, witl Pe iemops and fivberrkt 9d i%nt it up. BR ; iip. ffeto a S)team anotlet tBsp Having Ical’d and deanled your Brtatm, put it in CO aScew-pan, either whole or in Pieces fie?r it in White-wine, Water and Beer-Vinegar, as much as will juft cover it, with Salt Pepper, a Bay-leaf whole Cloves and Mace, a Faggot of Rofemaiy, Winter- Savoury, Sweet Marforam, Thyme rarfley, an Ooion cut in halves, ami lox&e; Butter. When it &as; ilewed . enough, difli it on Sippes, with Spice and, Smt Lemon j beat up Butter with ibme of the Liquor and pour over it, gamiih it with grated Bread, && and ferve it up. io Co pfcItU IBoom IBttM’ Let your Buds be gathered before they grow yel- tew on the Top, ihake Salt and Water together, till all is melted, then put in die Buds, ftir diem every Day, tin diey fink tothe Bottom, and then keep them dole covered. ni. 0 make lB?ot Wt flt. Tajce Slices of Beef; ofa Filet ofVeal, and of a Legof Mutton roafbed, without any Fat: Piit thele into the Pot when the water is cold let it boil over a gentle Fire, Icum it wdl , then add yoiu: Fowls, according to what Soon ‘you would have. If it be for Bisques, boil in this Broth, Chickens, Quails or IHdgeons, each of them by themfelves with Slices of fit Bacon and Le- mon to keqp them very white: And yoit muft likewife add to your Stock of nroth ibme Fowls to ftrengtfam it. Let it be leafon’d withf<.; Roots, Onions, and Qoves, and boil it as long as you think fk. This is a general Broth to be us’d to moiflen all forts of Culfiies snade of Fleih, and Legumes It ierves for aD forts of Soops it is nothing but the different Meats we put to them, and the Garniihings, whether tfaey be CiiUifes or Legumes, that diftinguift the dif- ferent Soops firom one another. 132 to make “SBrotf fot ISreakfaS. Take the Chine ofa Rump of Beef, the crag- . cad’ BR end of a peckof Muttx and a Neck of Veal, and a eoU of Ghkkens Pdimd the Whke or Breafis of the CIoero in a Mottiir with f ome crumb bread Ibaked ill Broth. Then atl being well iiafoned ilrain it through a Sie aiid poUr it bit Ctufb of Biead laid a iiminering in the fame Broth. Boil the Ieet in juft fe much wdter as wiU mait a good Jelly, then drain it and f0: the Limwr on tiie Fire again, putting in two or three Blades ofMzct put about half a pint of Sack, to two quarts of Broiih add half a pound of Currants picked and waih’d, aod when they are piump’d, bgat vtp the Yolks of two Eggs aAd mix them with a little of the cold Liquor, and thicken it carefiilly over a gfehtle Fire then fea&n; it with Salt, and iweeten it with Sugar to your Fkkte; then ftir in a bit of Butter then put in the Juke and Peel of a firefh Lemon juft before you take it o£ 14 jf at lB0tl. Bo IL part of a Buttock and Lc of Beef with other Meat, and take out the Gravy and Broth, and firain it through a Linen Cloth, then boil than a fecond time, and take out the Broth again keeping both theie forts hot apart. The firfl: will be good to be St to Capons, young Turkeys, Veal and odier iarced eats that ate to be ierv’d up in white Potage. Capon or Veal Broth ought to be uied to ibaL oung Pidgeons for Bisks , and with the Broth of the lisks a Cullis may be made for Potages a la Reim and a la kovae. And the Broth of farced Meats will ferve to make a Cullis for the fame forts of Meat, viz. young Turkeys and Pidlets, Knuckles and Breafb of Veal, and other Joints of Meat: that oiht to be farcd and parboiFd. The fecond fort of Broth is to be put into brown Potages, viz. Ducks, Teals, Rabbets, Ring-doves Larks, PhSififlta, . Thfuflies, Cabbage, Turnips and other Roots and the brown Ingredients vdiich mvi to chftoken them are to be mixt with the lame Broth. 135. 0 I 1$$ malic ffllbfot TakS Tenches, Ctt Pix aod Eelft prqxire them for boiling, then cue them in meces ajtid put them into iL Kle with Water, Salt, Butter, an Oni- dti ftQck trith Cloves, Md a bunch of fwtet ihths. Im it boil an Hour and hal then Arson it through a Mapldn, and divide it int?o thnee lefier Kettles Imo one of them, put thelPiddi or Culixqt of Mufli tdotds, and Ihain theitl dirugh a Sieve with a CuOia, a flicd LernK and iohie fiy ‘d wheaten Flower. 13 d. fltiotlier ICtHlBjoti Cut Oiiom, Carrots, and Farfidps into Slices, then put them into a Stew-‘ptti with a Lun of But- ter and let them a itewing with Juice of Oikxis. l¥hen diefe are becolne ‘brown put them into the Stew-pan, and give tiiem two or three turns:, Let tb whde be mo&lsnM; with a clear Piuee then put in a Bunch of Piarfky, Cives, fweet Herbs, Salt, andCIoves and ibme Mufhrooms, Let all thefe boil together for an Hour then ilfain it through a Sieve into ano- ther Settle, and ufe it to finuner Fifh&OpB.; N, that Carp is the beft Fiih to make Fbroth. Set feme Water over the Fire in a Kettle propor- ticHied to the quantity of Broth you would make put in the twcs of Pariley, Parihips, and whole Onions, all forts of Pot-herbs, a handfol of Parfley and Sor- rel, and Buttery let the whole be well fealbned: Then put in the Bones and Carcaifes of the Fiih, the Fleih of which you have uled for Farces, and alfo the Tripes of them, being well cleaned, fome Tails of Cray-fifh pounded in a Mortar, and four (v five fooon fills of the Juice of Onions, let tliis hi all well jfea- foned and boil’d, then flrain it through a Sieve put it back into the Kettle, and keep it hot to fimmer your Soops, to boil your Fifli and otlier things. 138 3ltllf Viotf f(n confttmtibe WttttM Take z)o&A; of Mutton, a Capon, a Filet of V and three (larGg o( Wati, put the in an earthen Pot, BR Pot, and boil dienl over a gentte Fire ’till ode half be confiimed, then fqueeze w together, and ftraintht Liquor through a Linen QotL 139 Si itcong ann fatotttp BtotI) fo tyt SXmnu Take lean Beef, Veal and Mutton, and a yoiu Fowl, fcum and boU them well, then put in an. Onion 2iiarter’c a Shalot or two, ibxne Salt, Pepper, ted loYes, ibme Parfley, Mint, Thyme, and fiahn, a little bruised Coriander-leed, and fbme Sai&oa.; When aQ the Subflance is boil’d out of die Meat, take it up, and you may drink it. 140. tCo make fleagte lB)Ot(i fin ttqWHf etlBL Set on a Kettle of Water, put in two or three Crufts of Bread, and all Sorts of good Herbs, leaibn itwithSalt put in Butter and a Buodi of Iweet Herbs; boil it for an Hour and a half then ftrain it through a Sieve or Naplda This will feirve to make Lettice- Soop, Artichoke-Soop, AaragusSoqp, SucocMy-Soop, and Soop de fame with Herbs. 141. 0 make SiotI of Eeotx Take a Quart of clung Peas, boil them till they are tender; tien bruile them to a Mafli; put them into a large boiling Vefiel that will hold four Gallons of Watery hang it over the Fire for an Hour and a half then take it off and let it lettle then take a lefler Kettle, and ftrain the clear Puree into it through a Sieve, thm put into it aBunchofCarots, half a Bunch of Par&ips;, ani a Bunch of Parfley Roots, and fix Onions , a 6unch of Potherbs, an Onion ihick with Cloves, and leafon it with Salt Boil ail thele toge ther then add a JBunch of Chervil, another of Sorrel, and two Spoonfuls of the Juice of Onions, This Broth is of Ufe to limmer aU Sorts of Scops made of Lumes. 142. Wiiiltt Bet. Boil a Pullet, and when it is enouj take it up and put it into a Diih; then boil your Cream with a Blade of Mace, and thicken it with Eggs, then m the Marrow of one Bon and taie fi)me of the Broth Broth and minie cfaem together; pnt to it a SpoonRd of White Wine, and let it thicken on the Fire; arKlpur the Pullet hot out of the Broth, and leton aChafmg diih of Coals, ferve it. . 143 make “BivMtti Take Stakes beaten vith the back of a ife, and put them into a Stewpan with thin Slices of Bacto kid underneath ftrew over them chopt Chibbols, Parfley and Spices then lay another Layer of Stake 9nd ffarew them over as before then cover them aO with broad Slices of Bacon, and coVer the Stsew-pan dole, and put Fire both underneath and at top: When they are ready, prepare a Cullis with the Carcailes c Partridges’, then taike off all the fat, lay them in a Diih and pour the Cullis over them 144 0 25afce a VallotVs Clieeli to eat lot. Let your Cheek be well deand, thta fluff it with Parfley aiid Sweet Herbs chopM then put it into a Pad with iome Strong-Beer, Claret Wine, and whole Spic ieaion it with Salt. Cover it and bake it, then take out the Bones, and ferve it upon toafled Bread with ibme of the Liquor. 14$ 0 take a ftttllocVj Ctieek to eat eolo Take the Head of a aood tat Ox lay it in Wa- ter all Night, then take out all the Bones and fhiff both the Cheeks with Salt and all forts of Spice, then clap both the Cheeks together,. and put them into a Pot: Put in a quart of Claret, lay it over with Bay leaves, cover the rot, and bake it with Hoidhold-Bread: When it comes out of the Oven take out all the Liquor, and take the Fat of it and ibme melted Butter and pour in again, ferve it up cold, drefs it with Bay leaves It is to be eat with Mufbird and Sugar, and will eat like Veniftm. 146 0 ffeto a lEnllocVti Ctieek. After it is clean’d arid bon’d, half roafl: it with a pretty quick Fire; lave the Gravy and put it into a Pip- kin with ibme Claret Wine, and ibme ftrong Broth put in fomc Salt FPP Ginger and ilic’d nutmeg with BU tMrith an Onion or a Shalot or two let it flew about tlvo hours, then ieive it up on Sippets, with the Mate- rialb it was ffceWd with. 147 DteCft a BulloA jeafi tie Icalian Wa Break the Botts fo that the Fldh may be as lit- tle manj as may be, waih it very dean, and kt it fieep three or four hours, then boil it in Fair Wattf with Bolonia Saufiges, and a Piece of interlarded Ba con when i£ is bord tender, diih them up gamiihd with Greens and Flowers, and ferve it up with Muf tard and Si:ar in Saucers. 148 €0 matte attoptonofttntitiSi( Take Buntings according to the bigoeis of your Diih, trufs them, (ke and blanch thm, lard dhem with fiile laxdons then fiy them off with Butter or Hogs lard, then ftew them ma Stew-Pin with Gravy of Broth, till they are almofl; tender, then put in Sweet Weads cut in large bit3 and fry’d, a few Mufhrocmis andMorilspick’d andwafh’d, and ten or a doz;en QieP nuts blanch’d: Then put a quarter of a pound of But- ter, a little handful of Flour, and a couple of whole Onions into a Sauce-pan, let it over the fire, brown it with a pint of Gravy, then put in the aforeiaid ingre- dient$, having firfl leaibned them with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg. Let them flew till moft of the Ragoo Kicks to the Meat, then take it off the fire, and fet it to cool. Butter the bottom and fides of a patty-pan or Sauce-pan, then cut four or five flices of Bacon as long as your Hand, and about the thicknefi of a Shil- ling lay thefe in the bottom and on the fides of your Sauce-pan, at equal Diffcmces; then lay all over it fbifte forc’d Meat i, (the Receipt for making which you have in Letter F) hklf an inch thick, as high on the fides ofyour Pan as will hold your Buntings imd Ra- ffed. Then put in your cold Ragoo and Buntings, pladng them with their breafb downwards j then take out the Bac(i, Cloves, and whole Omon, that was in Brown, and fqueeze in a whole Lemon •, place your Bun- dles with their Breafis to th& middle of the Fan, and put ut your Ragoo between ymr Bcmc&ig; at an eoiial iifctnce cover it over r!Lich thick wichtfce ftni fbrc’d Meat, cloie. it well round the fid. finooth k weD with your hand daub’d with Egg, ftrew grated Bread on it, and let it into an Ota&t; an hour be- £ re you want it., then loofen it with a Inife fromthe £des of the Psui, put it into ytkir difh tuming itup- fide down, iqueeze over it an Oraie, put thb lance in the middle, garnifli with frd prfley, ferve it up. J49 “0 W BtitarOjBi. Flea off the Stins, but leave the Rump and Legs whole with the Pinions, then nlincedie FldH ntwwidi Beef fiiet fealbn it with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and fweet Herbs ihred finall and mix all together with the Tolks of raw Eggs the bottoms of bcnl’d Arti- chokes, roafled Chemuts blanch’d. Marrow and boil’d Skirrets cut indifferently finall: Then fill their Skins widi this iarce aqd prick uiem upon the back, put them into a deep Diih with ftrong Broth, Wtnte Wine large Mace, Artichokes boil’d and quartered, mar- row Salt, Barberries, Grapes, ouarters of Pears, and Ibme of the Meat made up into Balls cover your Diih, let them ftew, and when they are enough fpnre diem upon Sippets, broth them; garniih them with dices of Lemon and whole Lemon reel, run it over with beaten Butter, garniih the Diih with Cheihuts laige Mace and Yolks of Eggs, and ferve it up. 1 50 ‘Xd make a Buftarb j BoK£ it, parboil and lard it, fealon with Suit Pep- per and Nutmeg, lay Butter in the bottom of the Pye add Ibme beaten cloves, then Jay in the fowl, ftrew more Sealbning over it, lay on a good Quantity of But- ter, clpfe it up. bake it, and whcrt..it4s coldfffl it up with clarified jButter. 151 W9t btS toap to beat up IButtrr fot dptnasr (Bem feaft, d; &ante; for fifl) Put a little water into a lauce-pap juft enough to cover the bottom, boil it, then put in your Butter; when it is melted, ihakc it round hard til)i the Bu- G 2 ter BU • ter grows fb thick that you majr almoflr cut it a KHiie then fqueeze into it the juice of Orange or H’emon, Vinar or Verjuice, then heat it again. This Butter will always continue thick and never turn to oil tho’ you heat it (evend times. 1520 im;n V5ntUt fbt fbamu Set the Butter over the fire in a Sauce-pan and let it boil till it is as brown as you like itj then ihake in Floir ilirring it all the while i then uie it for any Sauce that is too thia i5i %o rtarlfp JBttttit M EtT the Butter in a well glas’d earthen Vcflcl with a very flow fire, put &ir; water to it, working them well together, and when it is cold take away the .Curds and Whey at bottom, do this the iecond time and the third time if you pleafe, you may add Da mask-rofe. Water, always working them well together, the Butter thus purified will be as Iweet as any mar- row, and will keep a long time. 154 oto to firato lnttti. Put half a pint of Strong broth into a Kpkin, break into it two pounds of Butter, then fet it over the Fire and keep it ilirring with a Ladle, then break in two or three pound more as you luive Occafion, and add Liquor proportionable, ftir it continually till it be all diilblv’d, and that it looks white: If it turn yellow it is curdled and you will hardly recover it. 15 Ijoto to jecobtt IButttt tolien it it turn’s to flDd. Put a Ladlefal of Strong broth into a Pipkin, break half a pound of Butter into it, when you have drawn it white put your Oily butter to it, pouring it in leiiiirely and ftirrmg it at the fame time, but do not overcharge your other Butter with that which is oily. 156 StnotW it2iap. When you have no other Butter but what is tum’d oily in melting, let it in fome cool place to fet- tle, then pour out the moft oily part leaving the Whey and Dregs behind, then put a little croth to the Dregs and let them on the fire, ladle it well till it BU become draivn Butter in a Body, then take it ofTand keep it ftill fUrring, in the mean time pour off the oily Butter very Ibftly, then fet it on the fire again, fttrring it till it beomie ftrong, thick and white. 157 matte iSutret’b noabaf Beat up the Yolks of a dozen Eggs with half of the Whites and a quarter of a pint of Yeaft ftrain them into a Diih, Sealbn with Salt and Powdered Ginger then make it into a high Paftewith Flour 5 lay it in a warm Cloth, for a quarter of an hour, then make it up into little Loaves and bake them, melt a pound and half of Butter with a quarter of a pint of White Wine and half a pound of Sugar, and liquor them with it 158 make tarflep, ib> fmt tatoutp 0( lemon Cle 5atte CLARH’Yyour Butter as before, then mix it with a little of tne ChymicaJ Oil of any of the Herbs, till the Butter is ftrong enough to your tafle or liking, then mix them well together this will be a great •ra- rity and will make the Butter keep a long Time, this will be much better than the Eating the Plants with Bread and Butter. You may alfo do this without clarifying the But– ter by taking Butter newly made, and working if well from its Water Milk and Wheyifh parts before you put in the Oils. C A I make Cabbage Cream; SE T a GaUon of Milk over the fire and foum i as long as any froth rifes, then empty it into eight or ten Bowls as faft as you can without making it froth, then . let them where the wind may come at them, and when they are grown cooUih, gather off the Cream with your Hands crumple it together and Q i lay C A lay it OQ a Plate when you have, laid fbur or five layings one upon another, then wet a feather in Rofe water and Miisjc, and ibroak it over it y then fift fome fine Sugar and grated nutmeg over it and lav on three or (bur lavers more j then let all the Milk on the Fire to bou again, and when it riles iy dil tribute it as you did before in your Bowls, and uib it in like manner: This do for four or five Times, lay- ing on your Cream as befqre, one upon another, dll it is?s hkh and round as a Cabbage: Let one of thp firil 9owls ftmd, becaule it will be thickdl: and mod: crumpled, and lay optluit laft on the top of all t iVhen you ferve it up, fcrapc on loaf Sugar. 2 0 farce a €aVbt. . B.ANCH a li Cabbage in water, drain it, open it careflilly fo that the leaves be not broken, but hang yae to axuthcr; Ipre&d; them, and in the middle . pat a iarce made of a Slice of a leg of Veal, blanched Bacon, the Fleih of Fowls, the lat of a Ham, iome haih’d Muihrboms and Truffles, Cives, Parlley, and a AoaU Clov of Garlick: Seaion this with Spices and IWherbs, adding Ibme greated Bread, a couple of whole Eggs and the Yolks of two or three others, all &red; very finall and pounded in a Mortar. When die Cabbage is CSTd witb this farce clofe up die Leaver and tye it up with Packthread Then put into a Stew-pan fbme Slices of Buttock of Beef or Leg of Veal well beaten j lay them as if you were to make Gravy of them, put into the Meat half a Spoo fill of Flour y put in your Cabbage •, and let them take colour together j when it is grown brown, put in fome ftrong Broth and Seafon them with fine Herbs and Slices of Onion mi pour over it a &goo; of Muih- rooms, or any other of the like fort. Then ferve it up for a firit Courfe Xou tna aUb £irc%a Cabbage nicagre with the Flcih of Fiih and other Gamifhings, as you farce a Carp or Pike or other Fifh. 3 C C A Takb the laige blades of a Cabbage icald them itaake a finrc’d Meat of fat Bacon, IhmeVeal, a little Cabhsagt boil’d the Yoljb of tvo or three £, Salt and Pepper, ted Brea4 pd Chede grated; Ix clofe alt thde in the Cabbage, and ftew thm in ftron Broth. Gamifh with ralp’d chee and ierve it up ibr the firfl: Courle. 4 0 thdle a Cabbage fBttbDinj. Take a pound of Veal, and ihred it very finsdl with four Pound of Sewet, add a good quantity of Salt and Pepper, grate four Nutmegs: Then take; a Plate of Cabbage half boil’d, beat about a dojsen £s very well and miie all togsthtr like aPudding hititin a cloth, let it be well boil’d and fend it up, 5 Co btrfis (Cabbage (tt IBlagoo. Di viD E a Cabbage in the midle, blanch it in hot water, fqueeze it, tye it up with Packthread and put it into a Stew-pan, and ftew it a la Braife i, vihen it is ftew’d drain it, untie it, cut it in little flices iMO a Sauce-pan, and let it a finunering with fbme cuUia of Veal and Ham: Afterwards put in ibme Cullis of Veal tnd Ham to thicken it, aii ferveit with Mts’ roafted, boiled, or ftew’d, or all Difhcs of the firfl’Coude to Which Cabbage is proper 6 Cabbage tjfwp. Cut your Cabbage into four pieces) let them be about tJuee quarters enough boIFdin water then take them i: and fquceze them witli your Hand cdean from the Water; difo place them in a large Bfafs Pan or Dtfhib that there may be Room betwixt each Piee pf Gd)bage to take up Soopwith a trge Spoon, tiien iet them a bmling with as much Gravy qr Brodi as wiH coyer them. Let diem ftewfbf two Hours before Dsimer, then put a uarter of a Pound of Brtbet and a faandiul ( Flour into a Sauce-pan, iet it iwcrthe fire and keep it ftirnng then put in two •Ooions mincf dy and ftir it again then add to it a Qsart of Vedfgf boil it a, little, and pour it aU 4 over ‘ : A over your Cabtege. If you plealc, you may force pidgeoris, with good fore d M&tt; made of Veal, be- twixt the Skin and the Body: Or you may takeDuck lings, or a Duck trufs’d for hpiling j fry them off, and ftew them with your Cabbage, putting in with them a little Bacon ftuck with Cloves. When it has ftew’d e- tyiugh, take off the Fat, foak Bread in your Diih with Gravy or good Broth, place your Fowl in the middle, and yQur Cabbage at a due didance. Let your gamifhing be a Rim, and on the out-fide. Slices of Bacon, and a little pibbage between each Slice, and fo ierve it up 7. 0 make Sanbar) Cafceit- Take lialf a Peck of fine Flour, three Pound of Currants, a Pound of Butter, a quarter of a Pound of Sugar, a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves an4 Mace, and three quarters of a Pint of Ale Yeaft, and a little Role-water’: Then boil as xnuch Milk as will ierve to Jmead it and when it is almofi: cold, put in as much Canary as will thicken it, then work it all together at the. Fire j pulling it in Pieces two or three times, be- fQX you make it up. ‘8. ClieCoantettof RntUnd’j Sanbtitp Cakt. Take half a Peck of fine Flour, a Pound of Bub- pf3c Nutms, Cinnamon fitted, and large Mace, of each half an Ounce, five £ggs leaving out two of the Whites, and half a Pint of Ale Yeaft: Beat the Eggs weU, ftrain them with the Yeaft, and a little warm Water into thp Flqiir, then ftir them together, break the Butter in pi6S Make the Water you knead the FIouiC with iclding hot, and lay it to riie for a quar ter qf an Hour in a warm Clodt Then mix in five found of Currants well dry’d and a little beaten Sugar, with little Amber Greeie and Musk diiiblvM in Rofer water. Break your Rifte in little Pieces, and lay- a Lay e? of Pafte and a Layer of Currants, till yon have put all inh then mingle them very well together. Take ovt Pieqe of the Pafte as it has riien ‘in the warm Clot before the Currants are put in, to lye at the Ifottoff) 9nd fh$ Tq: of QJBSg, rbx(ix7P3 tit rpile rolled very thin, and wetted with Rofe-water j dole the covering of them well tcether, and prick the Top and des with a long Pin, when the Cake is ready to be let in the Oven, cut it in the midft of the Sight round about with a Knife an Inch deep, then let it in- to the Oven. p 0 mdlte a lam Ca&e.; Take half a Peck of fine Flour dry’d in an Oven j take a Found of Butter melt it lofdy in a Quart of Cream, beat eighteeri iggs, keeping out fix of the Whites, put to them a little Sack, a little Rofe-wa ter, a Pint Of new Ale, mix all the Liquors together, and drain them: Take a Pound of Railins of the Sun Cloned and ihred, fix Pbtuid of Currants, Waih,.pick and Jlump them before the Fire •, then take a Pound of Sugar, an Ounce of Mace, half an Ounce of Cih- namcm, twd Ntitmegs, a few Cloves: Pound all thefe Spices together and fift them, add alio a quarter of an Ounce of beaten Ginger, and a little Salt. Then mix all thele together, and cover it with a Cloth arid let it ftand before the Fire for a quarter of an Hour, and then put it in your Hoop to bake. .You may put in a Poimd of Orange and Lemon-peel, and what Sewet you pleafe; when it is bak’d you may ice it. lo. Co.malte an ertraoDinarp fIum Cale. Take five Pound of Flour, two Pouncl of Butter, put the Butter into the Flour, five Pound’of Currants, k large Nutafieg, three quartei’s of an Ounce of Mace, id a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves, all finely grated ttid beat. Take three quarters of a Pound erf” Sugar, twelve Eggs leaving out three Whites, put in a Pint of Ale Y i then warm as much Cream as will wet it, and pour lome Sack to your Cream, and make it as thick as Batter •, then pound three quar- ters bf a Pound of Almonds, with Sack and Orange- flower Water, beat diem but grofsly •, add a Poiuid of candd (Citron, Orange and Lemon-peel, mix all tog ther,;put a little Paftt at’ the bottom of your Ho6p, fnA fat it hi, • C A ri. mafte Oxford Cftkr Dky half a Peckof Flour, pat to it a good&ooa; fu of Salt, well beaten with half a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves and Mace, a quarter of an Ounce of Nut- joegs, and half an Ounce of Cinnamon; lift your Salt and Spice, and mix it with your Flour, adding diree quarters of a Pound of Sugary then work a Pound and half of Butter into your Flour very well, it will take . up three Hours working. Then put ii a Quart of Cream, a Pint of Ale Yeafl, a quarter of a Pint of Canary, and three Grains of Amber-Greele diffiHv’d in the Yolks of eight and Whites of four Es, and a duarter of a Pint of Rde-water; miogle all thde weU.with the Flour, and knead them well together. JLay your Pafte by the Fire for fome dme then put in a Pound of Raifins of the Sun fioned and. minc’d, iiicw Pound of Ciuraints, make up your Cake and bake it m a gentle Oven, let it fland for diree Hoursj when it is bak’d, froft it over with Rofewater, and the White of an. Egg beaten together, flrew fine Su- gr over it, and put it into the Oven again to Ice. i. tCo make Portugal Cakm. Take two Pound of new Bitter, twelve Eggs leav- ing out faar Whites, work them together with your Hand, ’till the Eggs are thoroughly mixt with the Butter; add to this two Pound of fifted loai Sugar, two Poupd of fine Flour dry’d, a Pound of Currants, and fome beaten Mace mix all together, butter your Pans, fill them and bake them in an Oven fo mode- rately hot, that it will not cok ur a white Sheet of Pa- per. i3 %B make a 8O0& &ec;& Calr Tak£ a quarter of a Peck dff fine Flour and dry it before the Fire, mix it with three quarters of a Pound of Sug, pound a quarter of a Pound of Al- mcMids, pour in two Spoopfols of Orange-water, to keep them from oiling as you beat diem, when tbtf are beaten, mix them vnsii the Flour and Sugar then take a Pound and half of Butter, and rub in one half dry. C A dry and melt tbe ther in a Pint of Cream; tlien tale half aPint of $ack, and put to it hilf a Pint of Ale- yeafi:, and iet it before the Fire to mal it rile, let your Butter and Cream juft melt ovet a gentle Fire and let it ow cool, then make a Hole in the mid- dle of the Flour, and pour in your Sack and Yeaft, Cream and Butter then take nine Eggs, leave but four the Whites, beat and drain them, and mix them weU with the reft, and fet it to the Fire to riie. Then put in a Pound and Half of finooth Carraways, cut half a Pound of Citron, Lemon and Orange-peel can dy’d, into long hits, and ftrew it in the middle of your Oke: You may add more Sweet-meats if you pleafe, then put it in your Hoop and bake it, and ipe it if you will 14 flnotliet map to make a &eeli; Ca&e;, Take three Pound of drd Flour, two Pound of Butter, work the Butter . very well into. two Pound of the F’lour take &urteen; Eggs, and fix Spoonfuls of Rofc-water, half a Pint of Sack, and eighteen Spoon- fiils of Ale Yeaft; mix the Liquors all together, and finun than into the remaining round of Flour: It will be like Batter, and you muft beat it well together and fet it before the Fire to riie and when it is rilea well, pour it into the Flour that is mixt with the Butter, put in fi ur Ounces of Sugar and a little Salt, and woi it well with your.. Hands then put in two Pound of Carraway odmfits, put it into a Hoop, and baloe k, a little time bakes it, and you may try with a Knife when it is enough. IS- Ca make l&iigar; Caketf, Take two Pound of fine Su, five Quarts of Floiir, three Pound of Butter work’d in Ro&-water, eight Spoonfiils of Ceameit Ydks of Eggs mingle theie alt together, and work them till it become aPafle, make it into thin Cakes, and bake them upon Plates. i6. 3ccitit.fo( Cake. Whip the Whites of five £gg3 o to a Froth, then put in a found of fiflcd double refin’d Sugar put C A jut in three ipoonfuls of Orange-water, and a Gnuo of Ambergreefe; whip thcfe all the while the Cake Hands in the Oven’ and when it is drawn, ice it but let it not in again. 17. 0 make a aH of Calbed Stainit Cleanse the Brains well,lcald them then blanch tops of Alparagus, with a little Butter and Parfley in a Sauce-pan, let them Hand ’till they are cold, then pat them with the Brains into the.Paffies; add the Tolks of half a dozen hard Eggs, and feme forced Meat, the DirefKons for which you will fee in Letter F ft t them into the Oven •, when they are baked, iqueeze in the Juice of a Lemon, pour in fbme drawn Butter, and Gravy, and ferve them up. 18. 0 ftitaQV a Calf’si Cial&;otu. Take a CalPs Chaldron parboil’dj and when it is pold, ait i into little pieces about the bigneis of Wal- nuts, Sealbn diem with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, Mace, an Onion, Tarragon and Parfley fhred finaH-, then fry it with a Ladleful of ftrong Broth and Iweet Butter: Then make a . Sauce with Mutton Gravy, the Juice of Orange and Lemon, the Yolks of Eggs, and Ibrae grated Nutmeg. Put thefe into the Frying- pan to your Chaldron, give it two or three toffes, thai diih it and ferve it up. 19. 0 maite a Calfsi Ctial&ion; utA)iiijS Parboil your Chaldron, fet it by ’till it is cold then mince it finall with half ii Pound of Beef Sew- ct, or Marrow •, fealbn it with Salt, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace, beaten and mixed with Thyme, Parfley, an Onion, and a piece of Lemon ihred finall •, add a Uttle Cream, and the Yolks of fbpr or five Eggs: Waih and cleanle the creat Gut of a Sheep very weQ, and lay it in Salt and White-wine half a Day, put your Mince-meat and Seafoning into the Gut, and boil it. 20. Co malte a Calfji Ctial&;btt 9pe Let your Chaldron be firft boil’d, thn minced finall with Marrow, and fealbned with Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg,’ C A Nxittnq, Clo7€8 and M:e-, put in a little Verjuioe ibme Currants, grated Bread; and a little Sugar, mix aU theie well together, put in a little Lemon-peel jhred iinaU, then fill your rye. 21. urtt Calbot JTeet. Boil four Calves Feet, a bit of Beef, a bit of Veal, and the bottom of a white Loaf, put in Sal direeorfbur Blades of Mace, and a Nutmeg flic’d-, a ter you have ftrain’d the Broth from the Bones and Sdns, have iome Rice ready boil’d to flir in it put a boil’d Chicken in the middle, and Sippets in the DHL 72. 0 toaft Calteti fret Boil your Calves Feet very tender, blanch them, fet them by ‘tiD they, are cold, then lard them thick with final Lardons of Bacon, then put them on a finall Spt, and roafi: them then make a Sauce of Butter, Vinar, and fomt Cinnamon beaten up thick, pour it on your Feet, and ierve them up. Boil Calves Feet very tender, IHt them, and take out the Bones having raised your Pye, lay in a Layer of Butter, then a Layer of Calves Feet then a Layer of Raifins of the Sun fbn’d and ihred, then anotlr Layer of Feet, then a Layer of Railins as before then take Currants, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel lUced, Ibme Mace, Nutmegs and Cloves beaten, a little Salt, and a Uttle fine Sugar mix theie all together, and lay a Layer of Feet and theie ’till you have fill’d the Ke then put in the Yolks of half a dozen Eggs boil’dhard, and ait in pieces, and flrew them on the top with a thin Layer of Butter, and bake it. 24. SI Calfaeu foot aotting. Take a couple of Calves Feet, boil them tender, fet them by ’till they are cold then mince the Meat very fmall •, cut a Penny white Loaf into Slices, Icald a Pint of Cream, Ihred about fix Ounces of Beef Sewet very fine, beat the Whites of two and Yolks of C A pf t £ggs t&y; weDy add a handful of Cnrrants, Salt, Sugar, and NuCm, then take a Caulof aBreaft of Veal, and Md it like a iheet of Paper, leaving one end open fill the Caul with the Pudding pntdi in a good quantity of Marrow with it, then ibw it up in a Cloth, and hoil it for about twq Hours; When it is boiled, lay it on Sippets with Butter, Sugar, afd Yer juice, or Sack (inftead of Verjuice,) ftick it widi Orsue and Citron Peel, and blaxchM Almonds. 25. inttt a Calfiteair Let the Head be boil’d ’till tie Tongue wiB ped;’ tfaep cut one half of the Head into eces about die bignefs of Oyfters take out the Brains and let them by then ftew the cut pieces in fhtx Gravy, with a quarter of a Pint or more of Claret put in a little Lemon Peel, – a piece of Onion and M utmeg fltc’d, and a handfiil of fweet Herbs. Stew all thefe toge ther D they are tender. ‘Then take the other half of the Head, ilaih it a rofs with your Knife, lard it with Bacon, and wafh it over with the Yolks of Eggs, ifarew.over. it grated Bread, fweet Herbs, and a little Lotnon Peel broil it well over a Wood-coal or Char- .coal Fire, and when it is enough, put it in the mid- dle of a Dtik then cut your &Qwd; Meat and put it into the Stew-pan with a Piqt of fbrong Gravy, with three Anchovies, a good quantity of Mufhrooms, a few Capers, and a pretty deal of Buttery and a Quart of large Oyftersj lefuiem be ftew’d in their own Liquor with a Blade of Mace, and keep out the lar gcft of them to fry, and ihrcd a few of the finaDeflj then beat the Yolks of Eggs andFlour, and dip them in, and fiy them in Hog’s Lard cut die Tongue in- to round pieces, and make little Cakes of the Brains, and dip them in the Eggs and fry them-, then jpour the ftew’d Meat into the Diih about the half of the Head, and lay the Tongue, Brains, and Oyfters fry’d with littte bits of criib’d Bacon, Saufages or forced Meat Balk about the Meat. Gamiih with Barber- ries and Horle-radiih, and iervc it up. 26 0 C A 26. IJKiflti 8 Calfjt lutith Boil a Calf’s Head ‘tiD it is almoft fit to be ea- ten then take it up, and cut it into thin Slices; thai take a Pint of good Gravy or ftrong Broth, and half a Knt of White-wine, put into it half a Nutmeg gra- ted, a little Mace, two Anchovies, and aft Onion fbick with. CbVp!, let it boil’a quarter of an Hour and then ftrain it, and then boil it up again: When •it boils, put in the Meat and lome &ilt;, and Lemon Peel Ihred fine; let It flew a little, and, if you plea add Sweet’-breads to it: Make fbrcM Meat Balls of Veal; .mix. the Brains with the Yolks of Eggs, and fiy them to lay for Gamiih. Juft when y6u are ready to ferve it up, ihake in a bit of Butter. 27 uo oa(t 8 Calf It taQ tnttli flpSetA. Divide your CalPs head as cum !naiy to boil, take out the Brain and Tongue, parboil them, blanch the Tongue, and mince them wit& a little Sage, Beef Sewetor Marrow, and afewOyflers then add to thde the JTolks of four or five Eggs beaten, Salt, Pepper, Ginger, Nutmeg, and grated bread. . Parboil your Head, dry it with a Cloth and fill the Scull and Mouth with thefe Ingredients, then fluff it vrith Oyfters and . pt it •, as it roafts prelerve the Gtavy, put to it ibmc white Wine, a little Nutmeg, afewCfters, and Iweet Herbs minc’d fet thefe over a Chaffing-diih of Coals, put in ibme Butter, and the Juice of a Lemon, with a little Salt, beat it up thick, diih your Heac pour on the Sauce and ferve it up. ‘ 28 fouce a CaU’K fieaD. First fcald your CalPs Head, take out the Bones, then lay it in Water to ibak feven or eight hours, changing the Water twice in that time, dry it with a Cloth, and leafbn it with Salt, and bruiied Garlick; then TcXL it up into a Collar, and bind it up very clofe, and boil it in White Wine, Water and Salt 5 when it is boil’d, pwt your Liquor in a Pan, put in your Head, keep it fyr I7ieierve it up either in the Collar, or In Slices with Oil, Vinegar, and Pepper. C A 29 0 amf atip fort of iUAom. Take the beft triple refin’d Sugar, break ‘ it Inta Lumps, and .dip it piece by piece in Water j put them into a Veflel of Silver and melt them over the Fire; •when it juft boils ftrain it and fet it on the Fire again and let it boil, till it draws in Hairs, ..which you may perceive by holding up your Spoon, tenpot in your. Flowersr and let thetn in Cups or Olafles, and when it is of a hard Candy break k in Lumps, and lay it as high as you pleale, dry it in a Stove or in the Sun and it will look like Sugar Candy. 30 0 hnti A Capon a la Bcaife. Let your Capon be truls’d for boiling, then lard it with large Lardons well feafon’d, then lay Bards of Bacon all over the bottom of a Stew-pan, and over them Slices of Beef and Veal, ftalbn’d with Sal Pep- per and Onions, Carots, Parlhips, Parflcy, Sweet herbs, Spices, and Slices of Lemon: Then put in the Capon and put the fame Seafbning over as you did under it, .fee that it docs not bum, and if there ‘be not Liquor enough in the Stew-pan you may moiften it with a lit- tle Strong broth or with Gravy, Then make Ragoo of Fat Livers, Veal Sweet-breads, Muihrooms, Truf- fles, Alpargus-Tops or Artichoke-Bottoms •, tols’d up in melted Bacon, and moiftened with Gravy then take olf all the Fat, and thicken it with a Cullis of Veal and Ham, then take up your Capon and let it drain, put it in your Diih and pour your Ragoo apon it, and ferve it up. m 0 boil a Capon. Dka a your Capon, take out the Fat of the Leaf clean, waih it, and fill the Belly with Qifters. In the mean time, cut a Neck of Mutton in piecesJjd it, ‘ and fcum it weU, put in your Capon, and’ wh(npbils fcum it again; fee that you have no more Brom than will juft cover the Meat i theij put in about a Pint of White-wine, whole Peppqr, Cloves and Mace. Then ftrip tlifee Anchovies frMjthe Bones, wattjpllem, and put them in a quarter . of m Hour before iris enough you C A wa may alio iput m Pkffl Wki k is enough jMit Sippets in the Di% die Oiflera 0i€ of the CappOy lay them ip the ftnodbL and tMT Capon in the middle, iquecse mto it an (kiagi or Lcmoi and fove ic ua i. ii CapitoUM m u 4Ct im ftfttc f itaUaii Boil Rice jm Muttxm-brocfa till it be v tnick ittii put tx it iome Salt and &n; Then Ml Bo Ionia Saufigea very tender, mince them very fihaB adQ ibme grated CJieefe, Sugar, and Cmiamoh mingled to fetlMr. Then your Capon beii Isoild or xoafted, cut it up, and hy it in a Diihwith Iome of theRiccL Areir on Sauftgea and CSnnamdn, grated Cheeie, and Snipu:, and lay on the Yolks of raw Eggs, thus malce MO or three layings, lay Iome Eggs and Butter, or BlbuRTow on the top of all, and ik it or of Coals, or in a warm Ovea ii. Vo btrfu a Capon toi Cfaf’J’UQ. ‘ Your Capon muft firft beilew’d A la ItivifAi thett make a Ragoo of Muihrootns, Truffles, and tht; Tails of Cray-fifh; tofi it up with a lijctle nelted Bacoilii moiflen with a good Veal-gravy, and thjckea it with a CUUs of Cray-fib then take up your Capoc let ic drain, then put it in a Dilh, axM pour your iRkgoo over it, and lenTe it up You muft be lure, that you let liot your Ragpo hoil after you havr put in your Cray-fifli CulUs, for ilot dcft, it will tttm, tlierefore only keep it over hot’Em- bers Yoo may Uq ufe to this, at other tidSes, a Ragoo of D8 or Cuaunbers, Celery or .S6ccory of of which RagOQs, yoiTwitl fin in the Ar . 54 J8 €trap&-raUiit lAiLS a roafted Capof sind pound it very Well in a l4brfejput it; iqto a Stejan, tc up feme Cruil? of BseMvprnBlted BacoMwd when they become very l iown, put to them meufltfooms, Cives, Parfley m a – and Bi fiFall ed vity finan -, ‘ n&tlt;”t)ide with your jiikiimd-‘ikpixif dh(f Wke an End of xtEEaoa them M e Fun&uje; fut-irt ftr(kig Bcoij . and flran ., j;. Co toftS ft Caoon fotW noetrlfnt i r. between the $kjfi andVltm to locn it take grated pit ‘hs Qffoiaiiy” df td- Eggi; afld Kdd’ to it, ke .M& -bneMufIi0bi=k ikle FBtJSeJri, garden Bofil .CtV. an ‘ihred fi(;”-feafoti te% Avitb Salt, -Ptp- gl&r.; aAdSrfcfcs itmi -tlffe wett, ‘and Ahem betweeo dlte.3dn .an Tdh’dfycAirfaipdM, afifd ibr era’ the eddy-tk’ Mrd dit mh’with’SIU:ek of.V Bd fI'”‘iMn”ir-”litkI(i We Hrbs, Salt ‘ and Bep- $bt”b€tOoaiVta iWari it urt4n- Pliper, and ‘ -‘TtfiiftdieSote’ steSf’ttiaft it. Agamft it is routed, Nii’ttagdo’oPVfWW Bieads;: ftttims,’ Mdlfr- rooms, TrufBes, Mpril ‘krddiok&htskttms;, Aaxsi’ 7B-t6”h’ their’SbsaRtaJ’ ‘whfch yon- tbis up with a imeini Bacon,’ and’ftrettheawitih ooiQxivyi •taJfeifF tlie Fatj’and thicken it with a CoBii ofVwd ul’ najn, ‘ itt yditr Gap iti “a Diflt, pour on )raur ‘RAtooi’ and ftrvi it ua Afeet’dw’ftrtw’Manneb you ‘tnafdteft Chicken’t)iScks Pheafiiteb, Paitridg. Ar tidfeionS. ‘ = ” “•’ • ‘ •’ ••• • • .•:• “‘ . .,3(f. &;tf0aCapoirid(tt)”£ (ft. FiiiSf drc .rour Capoh 4 a Bmfey then let fenae ‘Mwflurbbms and’Btilfflcs 4 fimmtfingiifl Veatgta– fer a’Stove, andV aSdd’.tiiicken it ifkh’ii Qiltis’-of’ Vd thieitr iiito thd Ragob ymT’haVe-piJarVi,fi,, the Fire to heat.but,4o not let it bdv tJlbr Capon, let itdrairij’th’fey ftr in joiirDiJh, pour on ‘yburRagob, andifetVe’it warm.- •””•”” ‘- ‘ “-‘t’ .. 3;7- . uaToaH a oiipii’ pi f ifli;jr’iiiiii irigitni ‘ Mft a’ dozen Hmmtm-‘kHieTa 156 ittt6 the’,lfellJ”M!%g’Wt!Wh5f’Tnv _ ‘Sad afibe;’Brei’ifpt 38 •ti Capon UmtMajitbllemon;’-‘ ”” SiJMiP-%%Al3Me then take a Ikde toiniedPied ifefe ‘?t IfiSfijJhltfc i” M %e Rot rtf mt6H.liiWaBimcft”b Tl fitd’Hpc riSWBa4Mi JW’j if fttic; aJid-btilS.ionieftfte, Arid iiiHg-Bi’dthfttitakir rift y6r f 3tfet itf ”y8u’?’iipWt”a;-iWite -aH is. iAgh ir 4afcsAiUem;-‘ita’:ut •€’-• take up your ni m t • WUttt-. eittter ‘ boird-; tw reaiww,.,%:4 ffife’Pirtteife’Auft’b(i-.tterf ff in’t&e; md ttuHcramym ind •%% ‘Nutttieg, It ittd 4 •Qianafitt; tAePn,-.wjA !5y’d’lKiti’MWti ahd ‘fiytficm – tfieJjr lait H a yellow, CA bB0 jAokymkihm’j thm die Tdb of tfanit JM(By anOtaMMcutm qiaurten, Anchovks and a litde aMedKudo wco £ae Whit&-wiiie ftraiy Brodi d Gravy then pour pdt whatliipior isiii yourP aa4 f; to It a Ladleful of Butter;, pot qus tfx aKp row mi hec it oondnuaHy ftaloqg ovcT: a lk)t Fii tin it Spws tMck 0 Sraw to( thick it JWf be thWd wttE White-wine) Wiput jroor Iowli an a DiA poor in yoiir Sauiixv j& it wipi Slices of Leion and’ hard Yotks of.Mjj dioft dna .an4 ftrve it up. – ‘ 41 mall a CafHMflip. .pAST your Capooi let it be coM take die Fidb from thefllooes and tlioe i but ken the Thiglg od Piniona whole vAdd to the Jtldji of the .OctL tfaree Pir of Laaaba Stbnes foac iwtet tircds and JMlf aPint of Oifttrsi ld theaci With &iltp; Kutmcf andMacCi iwttet Matioraai, Pcnny-frfiyar W Tlqrme minced; lay a Shedt of IpEb ip yoir pafty- DB%andlay the Thighs and Pinions oa the boitomanl Arew V mmdOmon upon them; th lav on ttifiF itf yourCapony and the iiwtet Breads and jLaairi inon that, and the Oiftcfa cut in hakes and 6 fBk lay a Handfol of Cheihuts bofl’d and htodi’d jmjl putButter upon them, cloie up yourP apilbahf it ) then put in Gravy, jRron m dcawitter AnchfPfitB dillblv’d, and iome grated NutmqL j it with Slices of Lemon, and. &rve; it up 4iter,dit &we; Manner, you Jttay bake a Turkey j ..’ 42. %9 make 4 Ca90iiteDDta . Roast a Qpon, take out the Meat of theoaUL minoc it finaU, then cut Hqgs Feetifenr thin, put thele aito a Saucepan, with a Couple ot roafted Omonsi then pound them in a Mortar, with iWeet Qcrbs and fhred Farfl iestibn’d with the dual Spices, and mix with die Whites of two or three. £gu beaten.’ Beat up the Yolks of tvelve ISjgs in sTQwurt of Ji£flk iil it to sCream dien nux all toedier apd,giiieit a Warm over the; Fire. Put tfae to uiraa yciu •’ ‘ do te MmMr-0U(kUM;s: Blanch tft Vf$txfr ar4 Milimth Slices of Onions i wbetivoy uletheni 4awli mSheec of Papr with Ho(($ Lard lay it on a Gri ii ro), brail your Puddii on it) over a gentle Fire at finrc then. Pajlboil a Capon,, and lard it with laiyc Lardom ibfoo’d with Salt, PepKr, Spices wect Hert. €f e$ d Pkiifl mincU Found the Liver in % MociW with Truffles, Cives and Parfley. iealoii’d with Sit iPepper, iccs and fweet Herbs; pound ad well tOr pettier, and&rce; the Body of the Capon with it. Lay ” ipcr at, the bottom of your Pye, let the Cnift y thick lay pounded Bacon in die bottom of the! e, iealbnM with Salt, Pepper, Spices, and ikvourjr erbs i then lay in your dpoii, and ftaloQ k over as you did under, and lay on than Slices of Veal, and. on them thin Slices of Bacon with fbwc Iwwt Butter i then dole up your Vyt and let it ftand in tf Oreq 9r diree Hourst While it is bakiiig make a Ra as follows; peel and waih Truffles cut than in s, put themintoaSauc$-pan;put to themalittlt; Veal-gravy, andtet them flew over a gentle Fire; when they have flew’d; enough, put in fbme Culfis of Veal and Ham and a little Eflace of Ham tt (hicken it. When the Pye is bak’d, pull the Pawr off the hot- (bm, cut up the Lid, take out the moon and Veal, skim o all the Fat, pour in die Ragoo of Truffes, and ferve it up for a firft GouHei It may alio be &rv4; TO with aRagooi either of Cray- or Oifttrs, inftead 44 fnirc • Capon. Take a fltll-Dodied Capon, prepare him as (or the i 5 r eal welt jointed; then boil them with a GaUon of Water, fcum it well, put in five or fix Blades of Mace two or three Races of (fic’d Ginger, three Fennel and three Patfley-roots: When the Capon is boird, take It up, Wd put to your fouc’d Broth, a Quart of White-wine, H 3 hoU ljL aha pat-yourCSm mttS ijj’ith tee X in ffic’dj’en Cf? i.- I yt” tVheaydu ierfe-ii garbo widi mrbemb?, S’ce5 ijr.’ Lemons, Nutiii Marf, imd fomi bf’thc py. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ them in HcceSjina w.twra, I’Wkter With; iirfle Salv Slices of I’and.-fidk’m 3acon draio.theia 1 Stew-pan,, witli good Gravyj&me; a’Bun?? (5f IweejHcrb.anda.lit- Jin fealpn’and ftew Chenj:’ Whea g.off th6 !ta, t rown them with a t a HtjJt ”jnegar or Veniiice to jn iip hot. iriPJiites or little Dilhes., „ .,,, 40, fuj uiatf d Ka&ift; ot CflCDQoiw. ‘ . ‘A.yiM(i pickMfflld clan’d ‘your’CfirdQons, bial theih’iji’a litree’iPpt,Iitf fiill of wjiite Wine,, with, a li™ j) 6f Buq:£r’!fcft1ct iip vviT:K,a. little Flour, Safi (mjOnionftck’ with Cloves, aj ‘two W three Slicea of Tat Bcon, ‘lEi’ii’o’not uC m the Cardoons till tb atr’ boils: ifm ‘oity are fbinethmg more than bs bblLd talce them iip, and ret them draio, then.fet thffli fiijijifcriiiM’Vuce-n wer a gentle Fire, with, ibme &a; Cuflis’cdT Veai artdjHam i, whai’theyi arc eibugli,’ (et theni fiver a Fire, id when the CuUis ia prethr welt boiftl away, put ‘tci a bit of Butter as big aSa WaJtiuC, woVup vrfth a Fittiej Flour, and lecgt itmbving dfl Hic’B”iU:ir is melted,’ i iV.; . I’V?. “SIwillftCatp. … ScXlh it, gut itand (ave the Blood ih Claret, then boil it id a good Reli’d Liquor half an Hour, make Sauce with the Blood Claret and good Strong Gnwy, three or four Anchovies,, a whole (Xiion, Shalots flireo a little whole Fepperi. a, blade of Mace, a Nutmeg quarterecL let” jJl.dicIe ftew together; then raelttlie Butter, thicken it, let your Fiih be wdl draio’d, put 10, the Siiuce and add Jomc jWff of LemoiL ‘ ‘ 48. ‘p’ ‘ ,, WHBiyourCaif i$prcj;rTib it.qirer wqi)Daclt cd Butter and iew it .fritb &alt;,;then ly kfwSfh Gridiron: la the mean tima pre a SaiKbtawa iiafen’ . tV Sijlytkflff in StCiWpan put your Carp into it ac ieive i; v wit Juice of Orange, m . . r . . r .;, ‘ .,f 49 0 mU a. IBtok 0; Jjtfm of Ca):p!f; %..:; Providel a dozen of fmaU.Cps and one’lafgeffi draw then taje onjit the,MiUSilthe fh)aIi,;C%p cut off their Heads taloeout; tr,7f£s pick ttie, Fl from the Boassy put’ tQ.it a dcn&en; Ittrge Qyrs, andr’the Ybilps pthipeor four l9ir ggs v ieaiqp with S Cloves 4 ice,’ mail te mU welltipgettiei; 9nd,fnakc it into a.ftitf PaAc, witb.tJie Yolla ofggs. ‘ JRoll, the Pafi up in. Balls, ly t;m in a SteWrpfu .pup them th Tongues and Milts of you): Caxps three or four Anchovies, and twenty or thirty large Oyilersy withl)Qiit half a pound ffpfb Butter, a litdf White Wjne)a whole Onion pnd’tAeJmce of one or: twoLemons and let them ovr agle Fire to flew. Jxh the mean time icald and’ drw;, your large Carp, by it with the Heads of your other Carps in a dqcp I pour to it fe much White-win? Vinegar as wifl isover it and be &8icient to boil it in ieaibn )t withSak, Ppcr a race ofGiier, whole Mace apOof ion or two and a Lemooi ihrd, put in alio a bunch of iiroet Herte, let your Carp lye in this for half an Hour Put this Liquet with tJie Seafoning into a-Sce( jsn, iayin your Carp, phen it hoiis let it ftew gpntly, .and after iome Time put in ypuf Heads. Whfin it fi ftew’d enough take it off and let it ftand by iq the &ew-pan;, then to drfs your jBsk, let a large Silver Jith oyer a ChaSing-diih, put ip Sippets, and a Ladle- ftlflf JBptj tfeep tey your Gary iq tljc ud4lf of the W4 pi 1CA Bifty MididieHeadsof die odier twdive €!Mrptrani ic the NGlts, Toies and OvOers, tfacq powr ih die Uquor in which the Bdk, Tongues&G;, were itewM and iqneeze in die Juice of a Sevil Orange or Lemon; Gamifli widi Slices of Oiamge or ldMOf asKi picU’d Qarberriesy and jenre it up tao tabic, 50 ntfif tCmp au Ccnirt4ioullon Wf£K die Cup is fiad d and drawn putt out die Fins put itin an Earthcnpan, anddqwr Idfnekaldsig hot vinegar) and Salt upon it. fknlit in VVhite-wine and Vinegar, wtdiButter, PPP Oniony CSores, and m Bay ieaf when it is boilM garmfliwithnufley,cr¥e it ii in a clean Napldn ibr die firft Coude. 5 X SI Cajq n a demi Courtbouiikm Cut dieCurpittto (oar Qoarters, leaiing theSeales tfOj then boil it in Wine, a fitde VinMar and Ver juice. Salty PPP Clones, Natmieg, Qubbols, Banf leaves, Burnt butter andOraqge peel: Bc the Brats dD’ there is but a final! quantity left; pirt: m IbmeOa- pen and whyouienre ic gsrnift with Sliees of Lei •mon. 5% Ve iMAf • jFlotnoiiic ef Ctopf Take the Tolks of half a dcmn aiyl diree qmrters of a pcamd of Butter, and work dim up in a quarter of a pedc of Flour; dry it, ndd as tiuch Water as will make it ixftQ a BaAe, nmkeit upasnear as you can in the Form of the fdk Scale a Carp alive, ibiq off the’ilimei (dbaw is, nd Gall, iealbnit lihdV with St, Pepper and Nut- meg, put the Mikinto Bdly lav it into die Pye; ay on it Dates (fiojed m hdves, Barberries, Rainas, Orange and Lemon IQioed and Better, dole it u bake it; when it is almoift bak’d. Liquor it with Mutter, Clarei White- wine Verbis ceitqvand ferve it upbof ‘ yj €0 frf a Carp, Scale kj draw it and ilitit in two, Anew it owir ich Salt and dirqdgc it with Bqui then ftf If C A ttCfaorifiodlHittnr Whonit is fifd yoii iwy cither tsmc it up diy, the etten only widi the Jiiice-of Okaqge oryottamy natfiaritaRagooof theMihs of Crps or other Fiihy Mufhrooms, and Artichoke bottoflu: Fry ibmetliin flioes of Bread and put them sflitx die Sauce; put in alio lome Gapers and diced Oniony and boil them tpgedben Ptit our Qurp into die Difliy pour die Ruoo upon it, garmihitwith dices off wan and fiyd Oufts of Brad and ienre it up. 54 C M ft Carp. Let die Carp be fial’d, ddn’dandboo’d; haft the IRefli; ma: it aaao a Saocenpan; and. dry it over the Fire till it gfoifs white; then lay it on the Table; take MufliiooaaSy Truffles, Cives and Pardey, dired them very fiaaD aatx than .togedier and put to it, fit ftaaa fiaib Butter in a 8auoepan orer h Aove, put a little Fkvr to it and make it brown; then put in your Ha% let it have two or three Turns over the Fke; fealon it with Pepper, Salt, mid a Slice of Lo- moD, aooiften withj$ood Fidi Broth and thicken with dute oiifiilsof aCotts of cray Fidi or other Fidi, tiuen ferve it hot for a firft Gourle. After, the fisne mamerare haflies mad of Rabbets, Tiouts, Sabnoo, and aU white Fiflt T5 tEo madiHite a Carp. ScuAaa, waflu deanle and lry your Carp, iplit it dom the back, floor it and fry it crifp in Sallet Oil. lenlay itiaa doeplMk; then put WhiteHnne vine- far into a Skin, wSafai, Ptoper, dicd Onger, Nut- aaea wfaala Cloves and faage Mace, with a bundle of ..ntf ibrta rfiweet Herbs, boil dl thefe together a Ut- da and pour k on your Fidi, then prefontly coverit dofe ftr two Honrsy then lay iome Slices of Lemon m ie, and fceq them dole cover’d Ibr Ufe. 56. flfto CatM a la Royale. Wash them, cut them, hy diem into a Marinade of Qaret, Salt, Viaqar, whole Spice, whole Onions, Lcnoohpcd wed, and node-raicUih fcrap’d: Then let dwm a fltwim Vadf for diree quarters of an Hour; “‘ then dwn beat !bm Bbttcf up Jure.’ WSaucfepoi; nilli Idow of the Fiih-brcki’ a aaplt of- ohovicsiSlirinipa ani Oyfters. Difli ydur Carps on Sqpets ponr.tdus Sauce ovtr tfaemv gamifli the Diih with tbe Milte Slices of Lemon hikI HoHeHdiflL’ 57″ totft a Citprin till idDbciiy’ . Tak 81 Ihre Carp, ilniw .’iCy vmh ic take avniy the Gall; Milt or Spawn. TiMO xoake, ArPiiddkig erf • Almond-BaliV) grated white firead, . Sak;, Creao gra- ted Nutmeg, ravf ¥’i)lks ti(;£gg candied Lemoa-el, ‘Carramy-iasds, make it and put Jt throoghjthe Carp’s Gills iatd the Belly.; ‘Then lay iome iinall .Sckks crofe % Fta% ahd lay the Carp upon-the Stic and put it iht6 an OveH., itfak aSaiice of White- wine or Claret, and the Omry that doop’d from the Carp, with a coiipte of .Ahdhoirieidiibld m it) add ibme. grated ite Breaddien-beat it up thick w £mie Butter indthe YoUa of Eggs; diii youK Fiih, pour th$ S&uce; upon ic, and firve it vqpL – .. Taice a large £it .Carp,, ioabe a Facoewith the ‘Milt,the Flefh of £els,Mbihro(sChdhiits,,Cbippiis i Bread AnchonriesL .Qaioot,:-diky Thym and Sorrel ieaibn all hete vdAi IBejer, . &k;, .and beaten Cloves, to which put ioMegood efli Butter: With this ftuff the Bodyt i ‘yonnCt and. lew op the Slit J then ftick it with ‘Cloves and JBayeaves, and wrap it up in Paper wall bufeteid fidAenr it up(n t Spit and k condnuatf Wlfiii with watn Milk or – Whitene. When it is mafind, iervb it up. with a R agoo of Mufhrooms, the ‘ Milts’ of Carps. Tmfflea Morils, and Afparagus tops, . • . 59. 6;ef a Catp a Ix daabr. – ‘ Take- a pair of Soles, and a PiJor, bone theni and make a Fardc of the Flefh of theav hafliing it toge- tlier very finatl, with a few Gves, Salt, fiepper4teice Nutmeg, &efh; Butter, and fbaae Crumbs of Bread ioak’d in Ciam; thicken the Faroe, with die YoUts of £gg5. Then take th Carp, filf. fiheBodyi of ic ? ‘ with mikf pypt fi gentle lint ‘ Wliil;p’i9Be! ieftfon’d with Salt:, Peisiery Qoyesyf’ frefli MdAttfi Bun ( jweet JEierbs, and Slices of Lemon. While it is flM ing, prepare a RagQiAf?Uts% if;C8i, Tails of ;ray-4b JMixroniSi. Xni39es,’Mbni&; and;rti- (ke bqttQsnait’ 1 thcfe be well ftaiwd sfind o g m JL 3iiQ&-pafi wtbt fresh Buttery pdb to’ ie 4 uliispfCry-fiflu:Lay your Caiin an Ovy-i Ubi pour oprit your JRagoOy attd ferve it up -i’ : ‘ tfcYmnite a -Cacp fftpe ‘? Ti oo$U otCiJ and a large Eel, skm % nd.,ne it mibc it tfidbift good quantity of grated fiijead and few jfwoK Herbs, and the Yolks of hard Hkk of aPist; Qf Oyfterfl ted cut them very linatt tJiM feaibn it !T faigii with Pepper,’Salt. Nutmeg, Mace, CloieB, and a )it GBser, half a Pounid of Butter, and the Yolks of five hard Eggs and’ work it tog thee as you do Pafte: TShsn cut 3iV ur Carps in threC or four Pieccss, fill tfafir Bettm with c’d Meat, and fesSba your Ourps withrtlidfe thitsl Spice and Herbs lb put them into tile Pye and .whack does not hM lay in Ball3 fibout it, with Oyfters and Butter Hbmt them I cloie ii updbke it, Icoiiif it flafld an Hoar wd’halC Afcpr.it ittmes ouc beat iSiree or’ fbuc Eggsfand p9t)tbeni ii’ive tUem a ftiake’tir tvi aodiecveit upu • ‘ ‘ Gut ymu: Carpi ftajb andJbld.them, lard theM yeith Lardons of Elels ieafon your Carps witfaSalt Pepper, Nutmeg; . CWl? Butccf, and a Bay-leaf i aiie the.Pye kxHmy&ehelthof; ybur O (if you jpleafif you juay &rco; tlietBdhrof the Gurps with a lfaFottw of Mufiiroohis, ArtK Oy Sbscs rCa; MiitSi Trtafltes, Mocils, and Tads of Cruyiflv feifc9?d fVtk imAft lltdbv) lay: tfaiim itt, ta hair bak, pour a Glafs dt Whkc-firine;. tnd mtmi it is hOM cut it fipen take iA the ikt, aiid pour m fL Kagoo of CrAers and lerve it up fbr t lirft Qmt&. 62. moke Camtoftf Cd4 .’ Dry a quarter of a peck of tk Flour in ii O- mv rab a round and half of firefli Butter iivit ‘dO k: ti cnuubled ib finall that none of it is to be iecn; then take half a dozen fpoonfuls of Roft-water, half a Pint of Canary, half a Pint of Cream, and three quarters of a Pint of new Ale Yaaft, and the Whitaea ffftm and Yolks of fbur Es, mix all thde vfrdi tx)ger, let it lie before die Fire, and when yoojRp to make i£up, put in a Poundand half of Naples m- ykets and three quarters of a Pound ofCarrawajr Coo- feOs, and bake it. Let it ftand in Hour and lulf 63. a Car ratmif Cake VDltlottt paSt. Take two Pound and half of Ftour, and two Pound offline refin’d Sugar, pounded and fifted, mix thcfe th half a Found of CWa wa y-fteds add to it two Pound of Butter, which work in four fpoonfiils of Orange-flower Water, ‘dS it is thoroiqhly mixed, Mid looks like Creamy bceafc ten Eggs, keep out hall the. Whites, beat them wctt and as you beat thcni, put ‘ip three or fburfpooofiils ofSack; flrew theFkxir, Sugar, said .Seeds into die Butler, Ekgs &c; rr lifede and litde put in half a Fiund oTCitroi 6tange and Lemon-peel, keep beadng your Cake W 3 intx) the Hoop, and let die Fxeitcneis of die Onn br over befiiurd the Cake goes in, diat it be not lorcbcd ?4. 0 twdtc CtfcMMf Craffuiy Having a deep Brafi-pan with Handles, tionM over, with a Slice and Ladle of the fime Metal, fie it over a Cha&dfli; of Coals put ioM the F three Pound of double refin’d Si: in fine Powder, with a Pint of Rofi or Spriqwater, flirring it tiB it is moifteaed, and iuflering it to tml chea take alfa Pound of (rnway-ttdiidl cl then CA dm lEai yom Lidb kc tbe Sufar; or Syrup dn ipQ tilt Scedsy copt mro l l y moviqg .qt ikddng tbe J3a- Jte ID ihich tfaey are bqtweai’xvsiry jQoat dry 9p4 n4 dem as wttt as may be sod wltorthBy luiv9 tar .ken tip die pntky. gf Siig or .Synip and by Mo- Don arShs are rolled intp Fmiq dry dieiiiit)Q? fore the Fire or jnan Oven. 6$. iRCks i CsiforiNMMMf ‘ v; Boil a cpu of nyddling Canjocs till tliev grf du:cSf quarters boii’djfpcn ihred thei very fiaaH, Nb4 max tbem with an ‘ equal quanti pf graced flfgi 9×4 %l?bund of Beff Suet iiured IM icwiae Ckwiw £alf a doGEcn Egg JialiTa NnDog; a J Ssilt,:an0 Siigar toycnr Pala cither boil on bal it V lmk% finefe it wi Butcr lJwcc and Sgx. . i grated) ad a quait, of a Fou4 qi Jwef %Mtaf4 ‘as jniichjc4 Carrot ii bmld a listie RoIohi a Cttle Ctoary, the Tolks of four and Whites oifM Eggs a qnarterof ,)Pun4 of melted Butter, a oon- m of %Mr,,aj)d $ to your Relate, tturtheiii’iwB togethefv ilct It be pi;tty..jUk Dift, putft inandbateJt:! bak’d Wi ift: intoaJP the ttom .upiirsdK nkx it with mitter. Sugar,. Xfimc-Joice, ., -‘ “, Boii your Crots, deanie thei beat them 1114 Motftaror w put themlqDo a Pipkin with Butter, White-wine, $aity Ciunstmoiu Sugar, ilic’d 3ates.:boiI d Currant ftew thei wm togrther, diil them on Sippets, ganufh with hard Eggs in hlve or quarters, and ipe on.Sugar ,:, .68.,(lUefftroUjJ. Cassj£J(ioi,£s are ib called from Caffrk a SceW” pari vti Remby and arc us’d either for Side-dtfhes or Potages. jot. ‘pWfitMXrt b(e Hi die- hCIH ‘ttiift tt% Ouktiie€h iijii not prefs’ai&tftafe-Si5; fcrtip 3’wKole. • ‘ Turn it carefully into a •E)wr’tllnl(o ‘upards, that.9Qu n i. tinto it,’I iarf9tttlir’Ftiat tori t6 caiSfilt; ttfttj 5’4 Cbloiir in%i €Tcn, WKett:’- Ixt it? bjTeia-” hot to Tables ‘ ‘ ” • ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ • – ‘• ‘” ‘ -••’ ” 7 1. tCo maitt a Eagoo trF ttltrp ‘ ‘” ‘ After you have boil’dyour Celery in a white Water, iqwecze’it’well, put’id into a Stide-pm. ith toe thin CaUis of Veal and Ham, andfttlt ovfir.ji Fire to fimmerj when it is enoth, put in’ii bii of Bver as big as a Walnut, work’d up with a little Ffoui-, then add a Drop of Vinegar, and fcrve it up. 7. 0 ‘ t ltd flrto. (bUiipi ‘ Boil itthm threw itintx) cold jw)eijtei% dcafpjt piRfl, iqueett ifMit tfae Wter ) wjtb youi’ jSta tWi vpilV£ ittD a) Ssmcefdn wih a..Fiieae of ltei s liife Flour, a Ijttl bit. 0f JffVl;il9it) Ma.4 Oovcs, andaBilS:qCit4(i:J as much Veal isbAMt94Ikfiaff!k FPIPf,itrhen dieBiitiihii3 boalUibwn ffi tiliflr Sba CroaiiH tlwi pottftofMhitja 1i(tfe.b gfilfr d dHaae:)tkfcS&boepm; M k. leen;lloBeIJ Frica£yitiicbriU4e iti itav70 3Bacoaiiid facegaiw Xof;qicr4r9f fif dBrc; .fabont three flnchei laqSf!9rft:IEQ Take a GaIlQftoSqiil(MiH, two quarts of Cream, Kutm’ Mao& axiclCijjMmQ bri; j c?if cm (911 dii xrctioDvboUlKbdfQiniJtt Miik fdifijfiic.afeig ‘%S vaadjfoi 5ri:Bight SpoAnfUk:ifl Wini&;Amgir J ingi the MiJliiii dtoil it ’till it.iixfy tDria(M0g9Fr£ur4 JS t ‘up b la Cfaeele-clotji atatd kc iH.jbfufiiKnQri .ig hdurstadiaui’ thoxxqdt fik; I’gjf ‘tea kavii Sugavand RtkfeMtot’jiKcitjiflCQ, _ lender, let it ftand an hoiu? rooToilififfnJ lenre it up in a DadBl:tfct.Q(axu under it. . GiiAfV’t fit Cheliir Cheeie take the. ¥lksK l cpie of £g ia!id,a P eny:.white loaf gtiiiiA to the ia iquarter of a ‘poilsd 01 Sutter $: powi4 ‘tiem all.,n,a 3naibk:!MlUEUr;lJtfaeii. having lK)jMted.ne BreSL 7mread this GMiqofidobiiupon it, laj.th fToafts ix a iQHtiy cover Ak. fi¥ith bmlthciv JuQid 6t ftheifl with Fire ixidi iihdeilafid over,; y: itj.a iafhfK and. w9 .:tfa ace.iftm, lrown fecvir ihbmvf. Take twoiarts .ofrMR-Cre Iweeten it with .Sttv’boii it K whikiHenput in&me; Damask ftofe- vacer Idbep it Sxrriofy iM£iit utay.ivythuiiQ to when rit b cUclqewd and tunaUtkHt ffom Fire waih ‘ J . • h the C H the Strainer and Cheele &t; vAth tLok-miA i tlmiiA ycNir Crii tc and fio in the Stradner tdtaili ibe Wh frdmlt theik put the Onrd with a Sfcna intd ‘tht Fat) iooa Mitis cold, flip it into die Ghoefe ‘Aiividiieaiieof the Wfaeyiaodlervekup. li .. -‘ 7’ Biiid€nirCtl ‘ Beat fix Eggs very weB, add iiiie Flour mhSk f9a aye beitiif of them lb much aa w91 floafce than ‘ihkl tfan add half a doBcn juort, aod beat them ‘tdetherv put twoiquaica of Cream on the Fict ‘th hair ii pQu of Sweet fiutterabd wfam it be- giaatd boil, putin’ your £ and Flour, ftir them weft -togedhtff let thou b(l t are thid tlien put inSidt,SiaGnQamooandG putthiiittdjfa Coffins and m tbem Into die Ovcfi. ‘BeiL ttM ifiurtt of Cteiun, beat the Tolks of 1 Eiy(8 and pn&tttem; itito die Cream befive you let ic ‘m’ the Kre, let it boil till it comes to be a GmL Blandi i&me; Almonds slnd bea them with Om iowtr %ater and pi;: dieta ifka the Cream, adduig IbmeNa- -es bisk and Green Cittoii ftred linaB fweetcn widi Sug that has Musk Pluidbs grouiftd in ic and bafae -ihi∈ in a Moderate Overt Take diree quarts of MiUc, with Rentet pretty jfiold and whenitis tender tome, ftraintlie Vhc from 4t in a Stminer, then preft your Curd,. and Mtt itiii- ‘to dry Cloths tiU it wiB wet them no longer, dim ‘ p( und it ‘• in a Stone Mortar ‘dll it looks like.fiutter pound lialfa nd of Almonds with Rofe-water, mi:a them with a pint of Cisamand the Yolks of tenJEggs three U2krM of a pound of Sugar aod a Nucm Mix all together, fill your Coffins pot chem in the .Oven they wift be bak’d in half an hour. ‘ 79 0 (eafini Clifr(ir€tilMk Tak£ a Galioii of New Milk warmfrolH Coi let it with a ‘Monful of Rennet and as IboD as ic • €t mes-, flraln the Rennw libm the’Ciinb’rub chent iduousjb GH tiiroQgha Ratagewith the back of a Spoon-, ftaibnthenl with ‘ half a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves, Mace, add Cinnainon beat fine, a little Salt, half a Pound of Sitfar, a little Role-water, half a Pint of Sack, half a Pound of Butter melted thick beat in half a dazea Eggs, leaving out three of the Whites •, put in a Pound of Currants, and it is fit for ufe. 80. anotliiet tSUai To a Pound and half of Cheefe-curd, put tcil Ounces of Butter, beat them together ’till all looks like Butter then beat a quarter of a Pound of Almonds with Orange-itower Water, and put to the Curds v add a Pound of Sugar, eight Elggs, lea-?mg out half the Whites, a little Cream, and a little beaten Mace t Beat thefe all together for a quarter of an Hour, and bake them in Puif-Cruft in a quick Oven. 81′. 0 cantip C! cttfe)i4 Take Cherries n6t full ripe, flxjne them, and put them into Sugar boiFd to a Candy Height, or rather pour the Sugar upon them, moving them gendy ) let them fbnd ’till almoft cold, then take them out and dry them by the Fire. 82. a Confetfte of Cljerrto Stone your Cherries- Icald them in Water, dry them well, take Sugar boiFd to the third Degree call’d Blown, and put in the grofs Subftance of the Fruit, tempering it well with Sugar: Then work your Sugar round about the Pan and when an Ice riies at the top, pour tht Conferve out into your Moulds. 8:?. Cajaial Cl)etrp:toater Take fix Pound of Cherries, either rtd or black, fione them and put them into three Quarts of Cla- ret, and a Quart of Brandy, with two Nutmegs, an Oimce and half of Cinnamon bruiied add of Sweet Marjoram, Balm and Rolemary, all together two handfiils . let them digefl in an earthen Veifel for a Month, fluikii them every Day let it fettle, and pour m the clear Liquor, Iweeten with Sugar ilop I it o 1 CH it up clofe for ttfe you may hM% a Bag of Mudc aldd Ambergrede in it and when you drink it, you may mix it widi Syrup of Clove-gillwers, or Syrap of Violets. 84. another aioap. Take a Quart of Aqua Vitas, an Ounce of ri Cherries (loned, half a I)und of SiMar, a dttoen c€ Cloves, a finall Stick of Cinnamon and ‘a ipoonful and half of bruis’d Anniieeds. Let thefe ftand to infule in the Aqua Vit£ for a Fortnight, then pour it off intt another Gials to be kept for ule. 8s- Co male a ConiMft of Cwcticit Cut oS part of their Stalks take half a Pound of Sugar, diflalve it in as little Water as will do botl your Cherries in this, icumming it weH ’till the Chet’ ries are ibft, and Jiave thoroihly imbib’d the SuEar If there be too much S)rrup, give it feme other noi lings, and then pour it on the Cherries. 86 0 make Oamtalate o Cliettiftf Take the faireft Cherries, but not too ripe; flaoe them, kt them over a gentle Fire in a Preferviqg-pRn let them fimmcr, but not boil-, take out feme of the Liquor, leaving only juft enough to keep them snoift then put in your Sugar, and make them boil briskly -, keep flrewing Sugar ’till the Colour is very good, then take them c Mix them well,;and put them up in a wcU glaz’d earthen Paa ‘ 87. SinolittWUilf Stone your Cherries, fet them over the Fire in a Prelervingpan, to make them cafl their Juice then drain them, bruife them, and pals them through a Sieve: Then put the Marmalade into the Pan again, fet it over the Fire. Boil Sugar ill it is weU iea- therM, lowing a Pound of &;igar to a Pound of Marmalade mix it well together, let it iimnaer for feme cime then put it up into Pots ftrew’d wkh Sugar 88. aca t H 88. CO mike datmatate of (ttitttieiii toui Lttt yoitf Cherries be fton’d, then put them into A Jelly-pot, ftop it up clofe, and put it into a Kettle of boiliug Water j wheti they are boil’d to pieces tkke them (Hit lA the men time boil fame Sugar to a Ouxiy height put your Cherries into it, fet them tti the Fire, keep them ftitring, make them ikuner, but let them not boil; when tney are enough, put them into Glafles. 89 D make 9atmalat)e of Ctietcieiei (moot. Boil them as you do the roudi Marmalade; theii Itraifi them through a Sieve; then put to them an equal Weight of &ie; Sugar, boil them both together tul they be enough, and put them into Pots. s)o. uo maitt fNitmataOe of Clettie (latp tafteO Take eight Pound of Cherries, ftone them, put to them tno (jiarts of the Juice of Currants; ftt them liter the Fire in a Prcferving-pan, maih them well lite a Parte, the wateriih part being dry’d away, boil fix Pbund of fine Sugar to a Candy height, put your Cherries into it, boil them together till they come to a bodyj then put it up into Pots or Glaflesj and when it is cold, tye it over with wet Papers’, and dry ones over them. $1. Unmake Calces o fafte of Cljertiejl Let the Stones he taken out, then ftew them in ft Stew-paM ’till they have caft their Juice 5 then laV them in Order in a Sieve, and let them drain well; then beat them in a Mortar, and fet them over the P’ire again ’till they are thoroughly dty’d: In the mean time brine as many Pounds of Sugar as you have Pounds 01 Cherry rafte to its crack’d quality, attd pour it upon the Pafte. Then after a while, widi 2t Spo6n drefi your Cakes upon Slates, and fet them in a Stove. 92. iHnotlitr tlifflrap Put Mfcrmalade of Cherries into a Prcferving-pan, Ifth Stigaf brought to a Feathered Quality, tempering it wen, iB it tooftns from the bottom of tha Pan •, I 2 then. C H then fet it on the Fire a while to fknmer, and drds your Pafte in tin Moulds ip what forms you pleafe and dry them in a Stove with a good Fire. • Pi. %o mak ft lafte of Ken Cfiettftjk Let the Cherries be ftalk’d and fton’d; ‘then boil them ’till they become very loft, and flxain the Pulp through a fine Sieve and to a Pint put a Pound of Sugar i make it ftiff with the Pap of Apples, and toil it up to a Height i then ipread it upon Plates and dry it. P4. 0 Djp C)ertit0 toitloat dugac. Either draw out the Stalk with die Stone at it or pulp up the Stalks, that you may fee the Juice in them; fet them one by one upright in a Sieve j fet them in an 0 en a little hotter than when you draw Manchet Bread j take care they do not boil over if they are ready to boil, take them out a little, to cool, and put them in again, and let them ftand all Night, or all Day: Heat the Oven again, and let them ftand ‘-till they are thoroughly dry’d. 95. tf pwfttbe Chetrfeji UqoiD Cut off part of their Stalks, then ilip them into a Pan of Sugar, boifd to the third Degree, calfd Blown give them ten or a dozen, covered Boilings in it, then let them by •, the next Day drain them, and put them into Sugar, boil’d till it become pearFd then you muft put to xhem Syrup of Currants of die feme Quality, to give them a fine Colour 1 then put them up into Pots forUie. p6. %o Ditti €)txtitf in (taii. Open and:fpread your Cherries, join two together fo that their Skins may remain on the outfide, and the Pulp on the infide j then add a Cherry of the lame Na- ture 6n each Side, the Pulp of which you muft lay up- on the Skin of the others; Prefervc them as above. 97. 0 Dttti Cljerrlesi booteD, 0? a la royal. Take the fineft Kenuh Cherries, with fliort Stalks, and put them into Sugar boil’d to the fecond Degree, caird pearrd j then take other Cherries preferv’d in . Ears, CH Ears, and lay upon them, crols-wife, to the Number of three or fbiu: more, then let them in a Stove to dry. 98. Co p?fferbe CftctrieiEi Take the faireft Cherries, fiill ripe for every Pound of Cherries take a Pound of Lait-Swgarlay Ibme of it in the Bottom of the Pan •, then ftone the Cherries upon it, and as you ftone them, ftrew on them now and then a little Sugar: When you let them on the Fire, To every Pound of Cherries put in half a quarter of a Pint of the Juice of red Currants, and moft of the Sugar, only leave out Ibme to ftrew in as they boil, which they muft do a good Pace fliake them round often in boiling, but do not ftir them v fcum them well, and when the Syrup grows thick, and they look deep, pour tliem out Hito a Baibn, and Aiake them a good while, to gather the fcum together which you muft take off very clean, and when they are cold, put them into Pots. 99. Co pef etbe Clerririaf in 1i5unc)ef Take feir Cherries, of a pretty equal Si;&e;, and tie them up into little Bunches with Thread, then giv them about twenty Boilings in blown Sugar, of the lame Weight with the Cherries, take them off the Fire, and fcum them, and when they are, cold, put them into a ftove as they lye in the Pan •, and let. them lye till the next Day j uien take them out, and dry them on Slates 100. ‘aCo make CldetrilBranDp Take a Gallon of good Brandy, eight Pound of black Cherries, a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves and whole Mace, a fcandful of Spear-mint, another of Balm, and two handfuls of Clove-gilliflowers fteep them all in the Brandy for twenty four Hours then break the Cherries between your Hands then fet them over .the Fire a little while, arid fweeten it with Sugar according to your Palate, and ftrain it for ufe. loi. 0 maSe feyrap of €txtlti Clarify the Juice of Cherries, by palling them through a ftraining Bag j and to a Quart of Juice allow I 3 CH a Pound and half af Sugar boU to a perFd Height ffhm the Synip i cold. Bottle it for Ufe. I03. %o make a Ctiettp Catt Stoke two Pound of Cherries, bruile them, and fbmp them thea boil up their Juice with Sugar thea take four Pound more of vherriqs, ftooe them, put them into your Tart with the Cherry Syrup •, bake your Tax, ice it, aid ierve it up hot lo 0 make Ctiettp fiSIater Take Cherries that are thorough ripe, pick them, Aone them, bruif thei, and ilefp them ii) Water, put- ting a Pint of Water to every good handful of Cherries, and a quarter of a Pound of Sugar to each C2uart ice them Ibme Hours to infuie, then ftrain it, and ice it iq the Ciftem the Maqner of doing which, lee in Letter J under the Article Ice. 104. 0 niake Ctiertp iUSllnt ai in Repr, Take red Cherries, lull ripe, ftalk them, and ftamp them as Apples, brealung the Stones then put them into a Tuby and cover them upclofe for three Days and Nights , then prels them, and put your Liquor into the Tub again, and let it’ftand for two Days more, dole covered -, then fciun it carefully, that you do not ftir it, and pour it off from the Lees into another Tub, and let it ftand twaDays more to clear, then fcum and pour it off as before i To each Gallon of Liquor put a Pound and half of Sugar, ftir it well together, and cover it up f loie, and let it ftand till the next Pay tlien pour it otf the Lees again, and let it ftand till the next Day j theri pour it off from the Lees again, and put it into your V eflfcl: If you fee the Lees are grofs, you may repeat this the oftener to make it firet When you have put it up in your Cask,’ ftop it up, and let it ftand eight Months i and when it is fine, bottle it j or elfe draw it off into another Veflel, and ftop it up eight Months longer. It fhould not be drank ’till it is at leaft a Year old’ If it be fine when it is bottled, it will keep ftven Years, ‘ ‘ 105. fq CH 105. Co malte IKatafiA of Cberrfe. Take twenty four Pound of ripe Cherries, bruife them, put them into a Brandy Cask then put in aifo four Pound of bruis’d Strawberries, fix Pounds of Su- gar, a Handfiil of whole white Pepper, four Penny- worth of Cinnamon, twenty four Cloves, and Nutmegs proportionable the Kernels of your Cherries, andtlirec Gallons of good Brandy: Let the Vdiel ftand open for ten or twelve Days, then ftop it up clofe, and let it ftand for two Months before you draw it. You may alfo fteep fome Rasberries and Strawberries in a Pan by theznfelves in Brandy, with Sugar and Cinnamon, to give the Ratafia the Scent of them -, or you may make ufe of the Juices of thofe Fruits for the fame Purpofe. You may alfo colour it with the Juice of Mulberries mingled with Brandy, and clarify’d by ftrainii it through a firaining Bagv io6 0 peferbe black Clietritci. Pull off the Stalks of about a Pound of them, then boil them in fair Water and Sugar, ’till they become as thick as Pulp; then put in your other Cherries, Stalks and all, and to every Pound of Cherries put half a Pound of Sugar, when die Sugar is boil’d ’till it will rope, they are enough. ‘ 107. tCo boil Cbickcnfi Boil them in Water as white as you can. Prepare the Sauces. If it be in Summer-time, take fome of the Broth they are boiled in, put m feme Claret and large Mace, the Bottoms of three Artichokes, being boU’d and cut into fquare Pieces, an Ox-palate diced thin. Salt and fweet Herbs, boil all thefe togetlier, beat them up with Butter, and when you have difli’d your Chiekens, run this Sauce over them lay on the Chickens, Aiparagus boil’d, hard Lettice and a handful of Gooie- berries foalded and fome Slices of Lemon, and forvc It up. If it be in Winter time make this Sauce; take a Pint of White-wine, fome Verjuice a finall Handful of pine Kernels, Ivdf aDozenof Dates ABunchof fwect J 4 Hrbs. CH Herbs, and half a dozen Bhdes of Mace; boil all thele together till one half of the Liquor is wafted a- way, then t it up thick with Buttery then diih your Chickens with Toafts dipt in Aluam Wine,, lay them on the Toafts, pour your Sauce upoi them, and upon the Chickens lay Yolk3 of Eggs quarter’d, Lo- zeroes, Sheeps Tongues fry’d in green Batter, being firft boil’d and blanch’d j lay over thefe Ibme Pieces of Marrow, and Ibme pickl’d Barberries, and ierve them up. ioS 0 boil €WitM ano fpatagut. First force Chicken with a good fbrc’dMeat, and boil them white: Cut your Afparagus about an Inch Icmg, parboil them in Water, into which put a litde Butter and Flour and when it is parboil’d drain it, (ihen diifolve a little Butter and Salt gently in a Sauce- pan being careful that it does not become brown, then put a little minc’d Parfley and Cream, Ibme Salt, Nut- meg, Pepper, and a Faggot of Fennel to the Afpara- gus i flew it over a gentle Fire, fqueeze in a lemon, over the Chickens, pour and Ierve them up. 109. Co fatceCtiitkenstottliiancbobto. Raise the Skin from the Breafts of your Chickens with y6ur Finger then grate ibme fat Bacon, feafbo it with Pepper, Salt, two Anchovies, fome Cives and Parfley Ihred finall mix thefe together, and fhrff the Chickens Breafts with it j then tye them with Pack- thread, wrap them up in Bards of Bacon and Sheets of Paper, fpit them and rafl them. In the mean time walh and bone two Anchovies, mince them very fmatl, and melt them in a Sauce-pan with a clear CuUis of Veal and Ham. Keep the Cullis warm, and when the Chickens are roafled enough take off the Bards, put them in a Difh, pour the Cullis upon them, and ierve them up for the firft Courle. After the lame manner you may drefs Capons, Pul- lets, Partridges, Quails, B’ikts of Veal, and Mutton witla AnchiOvies. no. Co C H I Id. 0 tttta €Witnii tbe Barbarv QCta)?. Truss them, break tlieir Bones with a Rollings pin i ferce the Bodies of theid with a very high Farce, then boil them in Milk, but put them not in ’till it boils leajlbn with high fealbning ind lavoury Herbs when they are enough, broil them on a Gridiron ’till they are brown, then lerve them up with a Ramo- lade. in. 0 btoil €hlt1sitni. Take well fed Chickens, flit them down the back, and feaibn them wit Salt and Pepper broil them o- vcr a clear Fire, laying the Infides next the Fire, fet your Gridiron pretty high from the Fire. Turn them often, and bafte them very well j ftrew upon them fbme ralpings of a French Roll that it may’be crilp; dip a Handfiil of Sorrel in Icalding Water and drain it, ihred a Shalot, a little Thyme and Parfley, put this into a Pint of ftrong Gravy, thicken it with a bit of burnt Bread lay the Sorrel in heaps, and ftrew the Sauce over it, garniih with Slices of Lemon. 1 12. 0 ntts Cfjicfcenit a la Braif. Parboil your Chickens, and lard them with large Lardons of Bacon and Ham well leafbn’d tie them about with a Packthread: Lay Bards of Bacon, and Stakes of Beef well feaibn’d in the bottom of a Stew- pan, and ieaion them as before directed in other Braifes then lay in the Chickens with their Breafts down– 1 wards, lealbn them above as you do underneath, then lay Stakes of Beef and Bards of Bacon over them, and let them a ftcwing with Fire both over and imder them; then make a Ragoo of Veal Iweet Breads cut in Pieces, Cocks-combs, Muihrooms and Truffles flic’d ieafbn it with Salt, Pepper, and a Bunch of Iweet Herbs, put thefe into a Sauce-pan, fet it over a Stove, and toft them up with a little melted Bacon j then add Ibme Gravy, and let them fimmer over a flow Fire and when it is about half done, add Ibme Artichoke Bot- toms quarter’d and blanchM, and Alparagu Tops. When the Ragoo is dcwie take off the Fat, and thicken it CH it with a Cullis of Veal and Ham; take up the Chickens, drain them, and put them in the Stewjim among the Ragoo) take them oue take olf the Packthrevl, and lay them handfomely in thfc Diih, pour on your Ra goo, and fcrve them up 113. force dicktme. Bullion blanc Mince the White of their Breafts with fat Bacon boird, tlie Crum of a French Roll boil’d in Milk, and a little Marrow, take the Yolk of one Egg boil’d hard, and the Yolk of another raw -, mince all thcfe together, and feaibn them with Salt, Peppei Nutmeg, and the Juice of Lemon j lap this up in your Chickens, and bake them of the forced Meat, you mav make Fsttics to gamiih your Chickens, but put neither Bread nor Eggs to your forc’d Meat 1 14. ficaffee €)ii(ktni. Wash your Chickens, and cut them in Pieces, fet them on tne Fire in juft lb much Water as will cover them and when they boil icum them very clean then take them Up, and ftrain the Liquor; take part of the Liquor, and ieafbn it with Salt, Pepper whole and beaten, a Blade or two of Mace, an Onion ftuck with three or four Cloves, and a little Lemon-peel j then warm a quarter of a Pint of Wine, and put to it; boil the Chickens in all thefe, till they are enough -, then fut to it three Spoonfuls of Cream mix’d with a little ‘lour, ihake it well over the Fire ’till it begins to thicken then beat the Yolks of two Eggs with a lit tie Nutmeg, and Juice of a Lemon; mix thefe with your Liquor by little and little, that it may not cur- dle y then put in a good Quantity of Butter, and fhako it about dll it is melted. u5 ilnottct tiisiap. Skin your Chickens, cut off their Shanks a little a bove tlie Joint, and the Pinions of the Wing3; then cut off their Ls, and break the Bones with a Roll ingpin, then take them out, and put the Fleih into Water; then cut otf the Wings and Breafts, and cut the Carcaflcs in Pieces, as you would if it wrc dreia’4 for C H for eatii-, put them in Water, and blanch them over a Stove 9 then put them in cold Water, let them lie a little while, then take them out and drain them: Thai jet a Stew-pan over a Stove, put in melted fiacon and freih Butter, ibme Veal Sweet-breads, G)cks-combs, Muihroooms and Truffles, ieaibn’d with Salt, Pepper, an Onion ftuck with Cloves, ajid a Bunch of iavoury Herbs, put in your Chickens, and tofs them up all to- ther J then put in a little Flour and give it two or three Turns over the Fire j moiften with half Broth half Water, and let it ftand over aflow Fire: Beat up the Yolks of four Eggs in Cream, ftired Parfley fiiwU, and put in the Eggs. When you have boil’d away enough of the Liqu(or of the Fricaflee, put in the Eggs and Cream to thicken it as it lands over the Stove j then difli it in Plates or little Diihes, and ierve it up, 1 16. Slnottt aSia Take three Chickens, take off their Skins, and cut them in Pieces, put them into a Stew-pan, with as much Water and Gravy as will juil: cover them; put in Salt, whole Pepper, a Blade of Mace, an Onion (hick with Cloves, aiui a Couple of Anchovies, and ftew. tfusm and before they are quite enough, take them up, and fry them in Vinegar •, take fome Parfley, Thyme and Sorrel boil’d green, and ihred them very imall, ftrain the Liquor they were ilew’d jn, take as much of it as you ihall need for Sauce, put in the jhred Herbs, wd add half a Pint of thick Cream, with the Yolks of two Eggs well beaten, and Ibme Nutmeg grated, ihake it all over the Fire, till it is thick, put in jf a Pound of Butter, and ihake it till it is melted ii7 p Hefsi Cl)ickeiuf tnitli tu h Take as many Bards of Bacw as you have Chickens, and of the lame Size iealon them with Salt, Pepper, Jariley, Civs, tantX iavoury Herbs, all ihred together very fme then looien the Skin from the Chickens eafts, and thnift one of thele ieaibn’d Slices of Ba con between the $kin and Breail of each , then bind fiem in widi Packthread, then wrap them up in Bards of C H of Bacon, put them on the Spit and roaft them •, when they are done take off the Bards, djfh them, and pour OR them lome Veal-gravy, and lerve them up in little Diihes. i ip. HitfslCic&cniei; teit) telittt of lnm. Let your Chickens be tnils’d, and not blanch’d cut a Slice of Ham for each Chicken, and ftalbn your Ham with Cives and Parfley fhred fiiiall j then with your Fin- ger loofen the Skins from your Chickens Breafls, and put the Slices of Ham between Breafls and Skin-, then blanch them before the Fire, wrap them up in Bards of Bacon, tie them about with Packthread, put them on the Spit, and roaft them j when they are e- nough take off your Bards, difh your Chickens, and pour on fome t!ffence of Gammon of Bacon, and ferve them up hot for the firft Courfe. To make me Eflence, you may fee in Letter G 1 20. Co fticaflee dljtrttetrt toftfj Chamnin WSiim. Prepare your Chickens, as m the laft Recemt but one, then put them in a Stew-pan with a little Bacon, a finall Quantity of Butter, fome Truffles flic’d. fome Buttons, Muihrooms and Cocks-combs, feafonu with Pepper, Salt, and an Onion ftucfc with three or four Cloves i let it all over a Stove, and Iprinkle in a little Flour, and give it two or three Turns, then put in a little ftroijg Broth •, take two Glaifes of Champaign Wine, boil it, and put it into the Fricaflee, iet it over a gentle Fire beat up the Yolks of three or four Eggs with good Veal Gravy, and put in a little Parfley fine flired and when, as much of the Liquor of the Fricdfee is wafted, as ihould be, put in your Gravy nd Eggs to it, and when it is thick enough, diih i sind forve it in Plates, and little Diflies. 12 r. omatinate dtliiicftenst. Quarter the Chickens, and lay them for two or three Hours, to marinate in Vinfegar or Verjuice, and Juice of Lemon, Salt, Pepper, Cloves, bay Leaves and Cives •, then make a fort of clear Pafte or Batter with Flouif, White-wine or Water, the Yolks of Eggs, Sals, and C.H and melted Butter beat all thefe well together, drain your Chickens, and dry them with a Cloth, dip them into it, and fry them in Hogs Lard -, and when they are wdl coloured, diih them up in the Form of a Py- ramid, and ierve them up with fry’d Parfley and Slices of Lemon. 121. 3i:o rnt(fi€fiiaitn tlepoUtttap Lard your Chickens with half Bacon and half An- chovies, IcsdbnM with iavoury Herbs and Spaces, then take fimie blanched Bacon, the Chickens Livers, raw Spice, f weet Herbs, and die Yolks of three Eggs, liaih them all very finaU, and make a Farce then fill your Chickens, fpt and roafi: them, when they are ibmediing better, than half roafted; heat a Fire-ihovel almoft red hot, put thereon fbme Bards of Bacon, and bafte the Chickens with it; but take care not to black them j when they are roafted ferve them up with a warm Ra- molade wch lee in Letter R. Qu AT BR your Chickens, and put them into White- wine and Water, but let there be more Wine than Wa- ter, ftew them till they are tender -, then add a good Quantity of Butter, a Bunch of Iweet Herbs and large Mace, and rag in it a Manchet to thicken it •, feafon it with Salt, Pepper and Nutmeg, and put in fome Parfley and Sage if you pleale •, beat ibme Yolks of Eggs weB ‘with the. Juice of a Lemon in the Sauce, and lay Mar- row on the top of your Chickens, gairniih with Parfley and ilic’d Lemon, and ferve them up. 12?. Co make a Cl)tcn e. Let your Chickens be feeth’d in half Water, Jialf Milk, flay off their Skins, butter your Dilh, and put pufFPafte in the bottom, and round it •, then lay a Layer of Butter, and a Layer of feveral Ibrts of Sweet- meats wet and dry j then trufs up your Chickens with their Heads on lealbn chem with Salt, Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace, and a little Sugar, and roll up your feaioo- ing in a piece of Butter, and put it into their Bellies i then put. them into the Pye, and lay. a Layer of But- ter CH ter over thetn then lay over the Butter a Layer of Iweet Meats and ky on the Lid bake it an Oven not too hot . X 24 0 tnM CQftkcttt, d la Sante Menehut. DraW trufi ydvir Pidgeons and divide them in two FditSy lard them with laie Lardons lodged with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Iweet Herbs, Cives, and Farfley ihred. Then lay in the Bottom of a Stew- Slices of Bacon, and on them Slices of Veal, or ;f ialbned with the abov&-itientiohed Seaibnings ) and alio Sliced of Qniooa and Carots. Lay in your Chickens, and ieaidn ihsm as above, and lay over them Onions, Carots, and Parfiiip Slic’d, Slices of Beef or Veal, and Slices of Bacon, ieaibnod as ar bove i cover and Hew them, with Fire over and imdcr When they are half enough, pot in’ a Pint of Millt and a Spoontid or two of Brch but put the Bnxfa in firft to moiften them: When they are Hewed nough, take them off, and let diem fland in their own Liquor, till they are cold ‘, then take them trp, and drain them. Yoy may ferve them up cold in Plates or little Diihes. If you would fry them, dip them in beaten Egg; tod drudge them with grated Bread,, and Qj them in Hogs Lard, till they are brown j then ferve them up in PJates, or little Diihes. ‘ If you would broil them, dip them in the Fat, they were ftew’d in, and drudge them with grated Bread broil them, and lerve them up with a JKamo- lade of Oil, Salt, Pepper Capers, Anchovies, and Muftard mixed togetiier, with ibme Cives and Parfly Jhred, into which lueeze the Juice of a LeiAbn, and ferve them up. i2 . UTo mae China Wwtlf. iKfuSB an Ounce of China at) Night in two Quarts of Conduicwatcr boil a red Cock and a Knuckie of Veal in Sprii-water, put in a Sprig of two o( Rofr- mary, two Blades of Mace, half a Score Date flon’d, thirty or forty Raifins, and a Hand of Strawbtisy- Leaves-, CH Lcates: Boil thde wet a gentle Fire tifi the Fldh fall from the Bones; then ftrain it, tnd put to it your Inflifion of Chiha V boil them gently for half an Hour, and drink it in a Morning. Chip a quaiter of a Pound of China-root thin, put it iito three Quarts of Water, iet it all Night cofvered over with warm Embers; the next Mommg, ftuff the Bdly of a Cock-Chicken full with Parflcy, Mint, Raifins of the Sun ftond, Oniond flie’d thin, and French Barley. Boil it in a Pipkin clole covered for fix or feven Hours over a gentle Fire j ftrain it for ufe. 1 17. 0 mcle CK c0lte ioltf SBater. To a Quart of Water, put a quarter of Pound of Chocolate without Star, fine Sugar a quarter of a Pound, good Brandy a quarter of a Pound fine Flour half a quarter of an Oimc and a little Sale mist them, dillbhrc them, and boil them which will be done in ten or twelve Minutes. 118. matt C!i(X0l6te ISAiktti. Scrape a litde Chocolate tipon the Whites otEggs, jb much as will give it the Tafte nd Colour of the Chocolate. Then mingle with it powder Sugar, till it becomes a pliable nidfte. Then drefs your Biskets upon Sheets of Paper, in what Form you plcale, and iet them into the Oven to be bakM with a gentle fire, both at top and underneath. 119.0 tnattr 9ttl CtiocoTate. Take a Quart of Milk, Chocolate widhout Sugar £ nr Oisices, fine Siar as much fine tlour or Starch Ifflf a quarter of an Ounce, a little < mix them, diflblve them, and boil them as before.. no. 0 . nmkr tBBint Cdoc olatt Take a Pint of Sherry, or a Pint d half of red Port, four Ounces and a half of Chocolate, fix Oim- ocsof fine Sogar and half an Ounce of white Starch, cur fine Flour; mix, difibhre, and boH all theie as be- fore But if your ChocoJatc be with Sugar, take double CH double the Quantity of Chocolate and half the Quan- tity of Sugar J and lb in all. 13 1 Cliocolate Cream. Boil Sl quarter of a Poind of Sugar in a Qiiart of Milk, for a quarter of an Hour beat up the Yolk of an Egg, put it into the Cream, and give it three or four toils. Take it off the FireJ and put in Chocolate, till you have given the colour of Cream: Then boil it for a Minute, ftrain it through a Sieve, and j(erve it in China Diihes. CiKNAMON Cream, is made after the lame man- ner 1 3 2. 0 malte a C!)oailate tt. Mix a little Milky the Yolks of ten Egs, with two Spoonfuls of Rice-our, and a little Salt then add a Quast of Cream, and Sugar to your Palate make it boil,, but take care it do not curdle theft grate Chocolate into a Plate dry it at the Fire and having taken off your Cream, mix your Chocolate with .it, ftirring it well in, and fet it by to cooL Then fheet a Tart-pan, put in your Mixture, bake it When it comes out of the Oven, glaze it mth pow- dered Sugar and a red hot Shovel 133. D boil aCliab. Put juft o much Beer- Vinegar and Water into a Kettle, as will juft cover. the Fiih put in a good Quantity of Salt and ibme Fennel. Scale, gut, and cleanie your Chub, and when the Water boils put it in. Whenr it is boil’d enough, lay it on a Board to drain, let it lye an Hour, pick the Flefti from the Bones put it into a Pewter-dilh) over a Chafingdiih of Coals, with melted Butter, and fend it very hot to Table. 134- 0 b;oil a Ctoli. Scald the Chub, cut off the Tail and Fins, wafli it well, and flit’ it down the middle, gaih it two or three times on the Back with a Knife, and broil it on a Wood Fire. Bafte it;ill the while.it is broiling, with fweet Butter and Salt, and Thyme ihred finalL €1 135-0 troaSa Ctab Scale it, make a Hole as near the Gitts a ypa tan, guC it, cleanfuig the Throat Well waih it, fill the Belly with fvrcfct Herbs, tyc the Fifh to the Spit Vfith Splinters, roaffi it, keepii baffing it with Vine gar and Butter, weH leafon’d With Salt, which WiU dry up the watirifli Humour with wJiich Ghiibs a bound.’ Elf riER gritld or femp your Applet, refi thrift a Hair Bag; let die Cider imkl-a Day or two in ari open Veflelj riot’ quite filH, With ari opeh Bung, till the more grofi rarts iiibfide •, thai put it up into the Veflcte yoii defign to keep it ift, kkvijSg ibout ai! feith Part empty:’ Set them in A Cellar with the Bungs open, or only covered with A kxrfe Cover, that there may b a f?ee evapcJraCiori of the vdAtife Spirid; 137. atiot tr ftaap. Txkfe Appfei, ib thoroiighl) ripd, that they wilt “bdily fall upon fliakihg the Tre V ther grind w potttid theAi, and Iqueeze them in a Hfiir Bag j put fhfe Juiob into a iealoned Cask aod put iri a bit of Piaffa ihadci up of Flour and Hony, tied up in a thin Rag, let It ftand for a; Week, arid tlten drjiw it off fiDfti thd Lees into ariptllei ieaibhed Cask, ot you may bottle ii ‘Up; but tliejt you rauft not ft p the Bottles for twian ty fourHo6rs, and fill thenl riot tb the Cdrk withUl an Inch or more, leaft it ihould fly 5 when yoii do eork your Bottles, it Will be coftvenierft to opcar thexb oticc”sl Dajr for fbnicf tiirie Set It iii a warm plac6, in cold Wfeitheri arid fd yojii may keep it all thfi Winter; and if you bottle ic ‘.for prdfent drinking, put in a lArmp of Lof Sugar, lou ought to feaibn the Cask with a Rag dipt in • Bnmftone tyd to the thd of a Stick, and pot in “burriii irt W thfe Bung-hole of the Cask and when the Smoak is gone, yoil muft Wafli it With a little iHarm Liquor tLat has run through a lecond Straining iStthi Mure or Husks of the Apples CI 138; SLwaHfit (KSftp. If yoor Apples are Pippins, Pomewaters, Hanrey lAjpfes, bitter Sweet Aiples, or other Apples ot of a v9MQ£y Juiee, when they are frdh atherd thea aii prvamp then is out their Juice through a :h $ then boil it moderately, and £bum it itieSciim riies let it boil no- longer tSiantill it comes to the Colour of good Small-beer let it Aand till it is cold, tun it ij,-and tea7e:a fmall Vent-hole anS fWhii£i it’i £ne, bottle kup. TjSis is caird Svnunep Cider, buie it will oot Hfeetfp Jcxiger than Autonuv Otjsier CocUins when rthy bm t5 t e r azid day them ii Hay or Straiw rbx idiiiee or four Days to, iwea quarter and cdrj::tl8ni, riqd.or IScaap tem, prels oat “their Juice tSoi’ a H.fiag-‘, let it ftsfnd to iettle twen then draw it off intO’::Qther Csk and let it Aanci fi r;$i FortNghti theoc bottle it off, andc lAwap of iSng jutbeadi Bottle v let the Bottks ftaud for tweo- Jty fou Hours tmfrk’d, then cork them up md-k till-beifit to dririk iq ten pays.? . 140, jmafce KogaKOtrV :. tiWT your Ider be fine, and paAis Fermentatjoos, :i)itf3W t -very flak’, and put to it; a, iPint and a half f firatidy, Spirits drawn off of Ci icr, to eaA MGtdBm;of .Cid 9 and add a Qua!;;t oif’0dcr Sweets tSo wsry &w; Gallons more or kfs, jacprdiii to the . 3?aotnefe or Hrbnds of the Cider, i the Spirits and Sweets muft firfl be mixed together, d then misfcl iiviih an equal cfasibtity of Cider diien put tfaexa in- rtodChedCask ofCidePand ftir alf together well with a .Stict: at tlic Buogthole for a quartei: of an Hour, then Hop tip the;Bui)ghole cloie a roll the ‘Casl ibovtt ten .or twelvQ tiiiacs to mix them Well together. S6irit by for tbre ( r jfour JVIonths, th bottle it ujf or yoo may drink it. , • – . ‘ . – . 14. %i . ci lAXt JEage very iard or icwr £id (for th ileliis hy xnach. the juoce fit:&) t:viFelv ClaUoQa di i&ilt;’as tftber Sfuudks aire .diftiir L aii a ‘Copier Aod)! and Heai omda reingo;atQi Worpfi running thro’A Cask of qofd Waiter mder Aofc B&dc; a Recover is 43170 ClalldQs dT Oii.iBrany or SpidtS) &a;: the uie juetftkiid in the laft ‘Receipt Tou nay difiii oa,jbng tiup’ %tLrite will run, for other uies Beat forty whites of Eggs to a: Glair and mix it with ight Oallons of Watery put to thefe iialf a JbLumbod Weight xif Siiffar; ut mlf your Sugar inlxi Ihalfyour Egg- water hai it over . gentle JPireyaxtd -flir it about ’till the Sugar Js difloved; thetijpEtt id Jnore EJfnvirater to keep it firpin- boilix too h ib;puttiljni a Qifart:at a tinie ‘tall all yoitr f-vvator IS put m fcum 4C as it riios i and when it has done jcifK and the Sweets are clear, dd the xeft -of your IVatei and boil it to the Confilbency of a &yrupt; Tou iiiay make lefier quantity, accordir to the ‘≠ Frqportiofiu i. Co fiialJt Ci&eiiihd; o) ttIatet4:tD(t TxKEa ck or mdre of Apples, pare them, 6afe ihissxi, boil thqcn in a Bslrrel of Water ’till a thLed gilt is wafteaitiay, ftrain it out, and put the Lifjuor to e fiuihel of tgrouiid or ftaxxq’d Apples uoboiied, lee tiiein 4igeft ior twenty four Hoiirs prels out the X.Jquor and tun it up let: itferxUentj then flop it up clofe, give k Tent now and then, diat it ihay not fyxvA thesk When it is fine, yqu may either 4ciok it pr’Jx)Ctle it up. 14 iGjitKt m JCuT lif a iBalhei of Apples istx) Slicsj, fQil tbexa in half a Barrd of Water ’till they are fi jt) Jtt the Water li upon the’ Ajpfpled for twenty four jqUoufs; t9ien dpw ofi or ftraon out the ckar, iatd . this Xiiuor joto .time Buihdsof JVfplea baiiied % 2 ‘in CI in a Vat, with a Tsp at bottom, and draw off the Liquor three or four times a Day ior two or three Days , then prefs the Apples in a Hair Bag, and mix the Liquor all together i and when it has done work- ing,, put it up in your’Vdfels, and fb it dole. 14 5 Sinbttftt tBBiih Put iome of your Oder (accordiite as you would fikve it in Strength) to the Mure or rreffit of your ‘ Cider which was prelfled out; let them diggft toge- ther for forty eight Hours, then prels the Liquor out,, and tun it up, and it will be fit to drink in a few Days. You mxy make it ftronger, by adding to it the lees of your Cider, putting them in with the M befbi it is digefled or prdSed out. You may al6 bdil it as ibon as you have prefled It, and hop it as you do Beer, or you may put m Giitger or JBay-leaves, and it will keep the loEer. is6. tCo ranop Cinnamon Cut your Cinnamon into fmall Sticks of about an ‘ Inch, or Inch and half long then put them into ‘in Sugar, and boil them as it were in a nm. Then take off the Pan, and let it by for five or nk Hours to ibak, take them out and lay them on a Wire-grate, dry. them in a Stove. When they are half dry, hy them on a Sieve, and dry them through- ly in the Stove. Afterwards put • them in Order in Tn Moulds, upon little Grates made for that Ul and let into the Moulds S: that there may be three Rows let one above another, leparated by thole Grates. In the mean time, boil Sugar ’till it is bhram – stnd pour it into your Mould, S that feme of it may lye upon the uppermoft Grate j then let them in the Stove with a cover’d Fire, and let them ftand all Night. The next Morning take notice whether the Cinnamon be well coagulated j tiim the Mould tipfide down, and let it into the Stove again vnth a Plate underneath and when jt is thoroughly draind take out your Sticks of Cinnamon loolenmg them by CI by little and little gently, then lay them upon a Sieve, iet them in tbeStove, and dry diem thoroughly. 147. itOtntt of Cinnamon. Beat three round of Cinnamon and fleep it in a GaltoQ of warm Water in a Glais Veflel, well ftopt, for two Days, then put it into an Alenick, and dift’d it with a qtiick Fire, till you have drawn three Pints of liquor thenunlute the Alembick, and pour in your diftill’d Liquor, and you will find an Oil in the fiottom of the Receiver, which put into a Glafs Vial, and ftop it up cloie then lute it, and diftil it over again, and take out the Oil as before, doing this feveral times, till you find no more Oil in the fiotto;B of the Recei- ver , then remove the Fire, and diftil the Water left in the Recdver, after the lame Manner as you re£Hfy Brandy for Spirit of Wine, and you will hav? an excglr lentEflence of Graiamonl 1 48 . tCo make Cinnamon (tillter Bruise two Pound of Cinnamon, and put it into a Veflel with a Pint of White-wine, and a Gallon of Roicf water, flop the Vei&l; dde, and let it in warm Water, place it in a Furnace, where the Fire is maintainl in iiich a Marnier that the Water may continue boiling, and make your Diftilladon. 149. fltuaoia Put a Pound of good Gnnamon bruifed to a Gallon of good Brandy, and let it- inftile for three or foivr Days i then take a Quart of cold diftill’d Plantaner water, and put it into your Alembick with the Brandy and Cinnamon you may draw off near as much as. you put in; take a Pint of the linalleft, and in it boil a Pound and a quarter of double refin’d Sugar; when it is cold mix it all together, and bottle it . up for Ufe. Mo. 0 make Cinnamon ptSilit. Put a quarter of an Ounce of Gum-dragant for eve- ry Pound jof Sugar you uleinto a Pan, to be diflblv’d in a little Water-, when it has flood for two or three Pys, ftir it with a Spoon and ftrain it j put it into a Jtj Mortjtr Momr with the Whites of a couple of Eggs, aii4 iome fine fifted Cimuuoon Powder 6& powdeif ck Sngac into it by little and litde, temper aU together ’till the )Pk(te becomes pliable. Make your FkftUa ixlto what Shapes and Devic you pieafe, attd dry: t£psm in 9 iSfov?. i I .0 matte tojmtv of-Citioii Pae and lice your Citrons thin lay them in a Ba- Ion, with Layers of fine Sugary the next Day pouc oiF the Liquor into a Glafs, fcum it, and clarify it over a gentle Jt’ire. 152. maiteCittoti aSfatct. Pare off the Rinds of Citrons half a Fingei thick, and (lice theni thin alio flice in the Kernels, put thdn into a Some Jug, put in as much Sack as wiU cover them ftop the Tug well, and fet it in a CeHar fyc five Days, Ihen diftil it ii) a Glafs, pound ibme Sugar Caoedy fine, and put it iqto tlie Bottle you diM it into put in alio ibme Amberrgreeie draw it off hy ievcral Runnings mix them afterwards as you think fit. Cut off th6 Lf:gs and Wiiigs, and cut the Body lo eces; then lard them wiidi BBcon, and tois them va with melted Bacon, put them i ito ftrong BtMk ana white Wine, and ;ew them, ieafoning it with Salt,. Pep- per, a Nutmeg, a Bunch of Hrhs, a Bay Leaf and fliced Ltnon. Let the Liver be firicaileed, pounded in a Mbrtdr, andftram’d through a Sieve, with a little of die fame Broth and a i -, diih your Hare, pour tius liquor on it, and (erve it up. 154. 4Eo matt Cibftef QBimifim Broil a Breaft or Neck of Venifon, cut it intof Cutlets,, in the mean time brown half a Pound of But- ter in a Sauce-pan, adding a quarter of a Pound of Flout to it, by littte and little, tift the Brown is of a goodGitour, but tak care not to burn it; then put in k£ aPound of Sjugaf,. and as much Claret as woitt make it ol the Thickncfi of a Ragoo j- tkn put in-VemiixH ”-“” ‘ ‘ ” ‘ ”’:• ”;.’ and CO and tols it up threeor four tiftSGs 9ad %’Ve it vip widi the LemoDk 1%% mdltt l99tHt of CUt?f Take a Qmrt of th Jiiuce of Clary, Clgry Flow-, crs, Clove-July-Flowcrs, ArctotpgfrlrJlowers Kioysfer of Lilly of the Valley, and Comfrey Flowers, of each two Pounds, put thele inoo two: Ci wo of Sac mk kt th fteep all Night then cHffil id in a Glai with a very gentle Fire; Jet the Still be very w?ll pafted to keep in the Spirit v put iifted SugaiKavdy inrpi fe Bottle yoM draw it in, and Jet- it diop thfeiighi g . of Ambergreefe. 1 56. ‘ moke Cbbe saiAter Mix a Kttle Cinnamon wiih the Cloves, x ‘ th Scent is apt to be too ikong 2ikm hajf – ftoKFe Clcre to a Quart of Water, put in a gOjDd Piece of Sqgar let them infiiie for Ibme time over hot £n;;thcs gt iii a warm Places then ibrain it for Ufe.; 157. 0 mdK Cock 3ilu Take a couple of young Cocks, boil them ahnoA to a Jfetly in Water, and put them into four Gglkais of Ale; put in alio four Pound of Railuw of the Sup flon ned-, infufe a Pound of Dats, Mace and Nutnuegsi of each two Ounces in aQyartof Canary, pp: themtQ the Ale; fhain and iqueeze out tho (liquor, apd pu$ %q k half a Pint of new Ale Yeal:, let it work far a Day, you may drink it the next but it is betCfr th third Day; you mdy make it weaker by mingling it witt plain Ale as yoii draw it, or you may put it mto a Firkin of Ale. It is good againfta CoDfiimKtiQQ, aiikd tprpre decayed Nature. 15S. flnotlec QjQlap Pareoil a young Cock, skin him, poiind hii i”? Mortar, till you have broken all bis Booes, ppt two Quarts of Canary to it, and let it infufe all NigW? t;he next Morning pi to it eight Galkms of Ale, four Pounds of RaHixK of tbe Su0 doii’d an4 fcuisd, md half a Poxmd of Dates i’d cut to pieces, an Ounce K 4 oi CO of Cloves, and as mudi more bruised, and a quaitei? of a Pound of Nutmegs flk’d thin, ftop theft up dole, and let them ftand for a Week; then boil it .up and put a Lump of fine Sugar into each Bottle, it will be fit to drink in eight or ten Days. Cocks Combs are us’d in Kagoos and Bisks, and are alio fervM up as a Diih by themfeives. Let them be well cleanM, tlen put them in a Pot with emelte4 Bacon, and boil them a little; about half an Hqur after add a little Bay Salt, fiime Pepper, Vinegar, a Lemon flic’d, . and an Onion ftuck with Cloves V when the Bacon bins to ftkrk to the Pot, take them up,;put them into the Pan you would keep them in, cover them with a Linen Cldath and melted Butter, as you dp other thirds you intend to loep. 16 1. flCo’fatre €o(kt Comhs. Parboil your Cocks Combs, then open them with the Point of a Knife at the great End-, then take the iBrcaft of Chickens, or of a Oipon, fome pounded Ba- C(Mi, Beef Marrow, Salt,’epper, Nutmeg, and the Yolk of an Egg, aftd jpniake a Farce •, halh your Cocks Combs with this Fatfce, firidaily them, and fet them afimmering in a Diih of ftrong Broth, and fome Muihrooms flicd then beat up the Yolk of an Egg in a little Grvy or CuUis i pour this on tlie Combs, and ierve them up in little Diihes or Plates. . 162. “0 male )i Eaopo pf Cocls Comlor After you hav picfc’d and cleaned them well, tofi them up in a Sauce-pan, with melted Bacon, Muihrooms and Truffles flic d, a Faggot of fweet Herbs, Salt and Pepper, put in a little Gravy to moiftcn them, and let them Aand over a gentle Pire to fimmer when they are enough, cl6ir oft’ all the fat, and bind the Ragoo with fome CulliS of Veal andHam •, this is ufed for Rarftilhr ing all Diihes of the firft Courie that are ftewd a Braije. CO Boil your Cockles pick them out of the Shells then wafh them, and put them into a Sce-pan take two or three Pound of freih Fifli and a CuUis, as ibr the Cray-Kiih Soop, andftrain it through a eve to dio Thicknels of a Cream put a little of it to your Cockles cut the top dS z French RoN, take out the Crum and fry it in a littjle Butter; place it in the Middle of the Soop Difh, your Bread being Ibak’d with Ibme of your Cul- lis 9 gamtih with a Rim of Pafie lay the Cockle Shells xoxxod the outfide thicken up the Cockles with the Yolk of an Egg, as you do a r ricafry and put cme or two into each Shell, round the Soop alio fill up the X oaf in the Middle, the Cullis being boiling hot, iqueeze into it, and on the Cockles a little Lemon, and ienrcityp. f 4 bicffi a Cofe’0 leaii. Wash and pick it very clean, then tye it up with t broad Filetting, that it may keep together, and’ be ta ken out whole; put a Pint of Vinegar into the Water you bcdl it in, which muft be enough to cover it; put into the Liquor whole Pepper, Mace, fweet Herbs and three Onions cut in quarters when it boils, put in a handfol of Salt, icum it well, and when it taftes well of the Spioe put in your Cod’s Head let it fimmer half an Hour or more, then take it out, and iet it in a Dilh over a Chafing-diih of Coals, to drain prick the Head fmd Eyes to kt out the Liquor, which wipe away with a Spunge. For the Sauce, take a Pint of White-wine ahMft a Pint of Water, half a dozen Anchovies, iome whole Peppery three or four Blades of Mace, a Nutr meg, a large Onion, and a Bit of Lemon diilblve and ftrain the Anchovies, bruife the Cod’s Liver and add to the Liquor, put in the Body of a LolHler, and a Pound of Butter work a Bit of Butter with a little Flour that it may mix and be all of a Colour then put in ibme Vinegar, or the Juice of a Lemon, and add the reft of the Lobfter cut jnto Dice, Ibme Oyfters and oonrnps CA Shrimps Qy’d and iealded, andlonxeftyM ilatdih round the fifeaA Cut the Cod’s Head large, feafon the Pickle joa boil it in weft, put it in a Pint of White-wine, and on- fy jiift Water to cover it, a handful of Salt, feme Bay Leaves, an Ohion cut in quartersj, a littB? Lemon Peel, &at;£ crack’d Pepper and all %ice Met thefe all boil well together, then put in the Cods Heac when it i boil’d diih it over a Stove, drainir it well; prepare your Sauce, pour it over the Fifli. gamiih with Slices of Le mon and Horle-radifii IcrapM, and £rve it up. 166. jfrtfl) Cotr in a Hagoo Scale the Cod and boil it in Water, withVinr, Pepper, Salt, a Bay-leaf and Lemon make fw it a Sauce of burnt Butter, fry’d Flour, Capers and Oifljcrs i when you ferve it up, put to it feme black Pepper and Lemon Juice. 167′ 0 ijeft tt Coft’H tt Scale it, looien the Skin 16 that.it may faB from the Flefh i take away the Filets, and fill up the • void Space with a good Fiih farce, or with fine Herbs, Chip- pings of Bread, and Butter -, then put the Skin upon the. Tail again, bread it neatly, and put it into’an Oven to give it a Colour. Make a Ragoo for it, gamifh it with proper Garnitures, and ferve it up. i68. Co ft? a 9 CaiU Scalp it in hoc Water but do not boil it, drain it, flour it fry it in refinM Butterj ferve itup with wiite Pfcpp 2nd GrangeJfuice •, gamiih it with Pieces taken off from the Cod’s Back, put into fifte, and fry’d. 169. 0 pitlU Cenlfnfi lilt flpang Make a Brine of Water and Sak, ftrong enough to bear ah Egg; take Codlins fiift grown, but not fijtt ripe ‘ let them Ke in the Krinn for ten Days, Ihifting the Pickle ice in two Days then dry them, and fcoop ovrtr the Cbres, take out the StaBss io that you may put thm in again in the rooi of the Core fill thent f hmi. widi4 Caner ilkM iwy t aCtow of Gai£ds; and vdiole AdktfbrdUSced Put in tfae Pieoe erf” Aj tbit bdoqgs d iho Stalky aad tie iC op tight pat tm lAum as miich Whitevrine Vioegar “with Qoves of Gar- licky wboteMuftardkieed andffieM G&sger;, as ¥nfl co- ver diem: pow this Pickle 190D them bmling hot every other Lay tor a Fortni or three Weeks, and keep them in otonc Jars. This will imitate the right Mangoe better than Cu- 170. Otimli6(i:0Dli!ltll€t. Scald yonr Codiim,. let them (land an Hour in the 6aao Water cover’d Mch will make . them look greeiiy tfagn put them mft your Tart, either whole or ipnateid, put ia Sugr, and a little Musk, cloie them upand let your Lid be carv’d wMle it is bakingboil ft TPtft ctf Cream, with the Yolk of four or fiveJEggs, Sugar, and a. little Musk vAm your Tart ia- half bak’d cut it open, and pour your Cream, Cc. ok the Codlins; let it in the CNrcn again ftr half an EEouv, thcnfa;apeiomeSc over it, andierve ituphot; Vid p. 30. loft. 171 makrCoffm Takf running, or River -water, boil it, and put to a Quart, either one, two, or three Ounces of Coffee, ds you tike it, and kt it boil eoiy & Ibuqg, as till the Cbdte &Bs; down. 172- flMllietbittet 3Blftp. Take nmnng, or River-water, pbt your Coffee in cold mix ic w mch the Water, let them ovei the Fire, and let them wiarm, heat and fcald, andboil together, till the Coffee finks then take it oS kt it iettle and drink ic Wmbh you havoikaidc off a lot of Cofee pt into the Pbt to theGfbunds, as much Water, as ym defi to ak: lihe next time, and bott diem togch teher) then eike the Pl off the Fistvand let it fland •• • to CO. to iie a quarter of an Hear; then jocd: off the clear Liquor, oift away the Grounds, waih the Cof-; ieePot, thai put in the Coffice you would make next timo, pour the Liquor in Icaiding hot, and Jet them ibnd to infuie, till you uieit thfib iet it on thelire, let them warm and heat leilurely, till it bolls, dll all the Coffee is weU boU’d down, then let it iettle and drink it. • . 174. 0 make dcetcfi (ToUopfi. Cut thin Slices off a Leg of Veal •, beat them, lard them with Bacon, then rub tliem ovet with a Seafi)niqg of Salt, Pepper, Iutmeg, young Onions, Savory, Parfley, Marjoram, and Thyme ihrcd finaH j dip your GoUops in the Yolks of Eggs, tempered with Flour, and fry them in frefh Butter. In the mean time diflblve fimie Anchovies in ftrong Gravy, and a Glafs of Claret, a Shalot, or two and the Juice of a Lemon. Iet theie ftew over the Fire for feme time, then thicken it with the Yolk of an Egg hestten up,with Butter. Then pour this over your JVf eat with &rcM-meat; Bls, cnlfTd Bacon, fry’d Oiilers, Muih rooms ahd Val fwcet Breads, ait in Pieces. Gamiih the Diii with Barberries, and Horlc Ra- 4iih, . “, . 17;. €0 m(si CoUiJHeVotm toitH) )5uttet. Boil them, over a quick Fire, in Watet, Salt with two or three Cloves. When they are boil’d, let them drain dry, and lay them in little Diihes, or JPlates. Knead fome Butter with Flour to thicken the &uce; j then melt it. with Salt, white Pepper, Nut- meg, Vinegar, and Slices of Lemon, and pour it over the CoHy-Flowcrs, l6. Bjetsi CoUifTotttt DiX dCitabf. Fill a Boiler half full with Water, into which -put a Lump of Butter, a little Flour, Salt oid • two or three Sli of fat Bacon y when your Water boils put in your OIy-Flowers, and when they are barter .than half tjilp tl up, 1 theqi drain, aqd then CO then place them in a Scewpan; juft corer thdh a Cums of Veal and Gammon of Baomlet them .fiimner over a gentle Rre: Take a bit of Butter a big as a Walnut, knead it up with a finall Matter of FToiir, break itin five (wr fix Pieces . and lay it inlc- veral Places in thtf Stew-pan 5 keq) the’Pan moving J-?et the Rre, till the Butter is mel6e4 $ then add a few Drops of Vinegar, and ferve the G)Uy-J?lowecs hot in Uttle Diihes, -or Plates 177. 0 mate a Slasoo of €ot9 fWtatti ‘ Whbn ydu have picked and cleah’d the Colly-Flow- ers, bctti them in a white Water, btkt donotboiljcfaem too tender take th&m; out and lay them to dniin then put them into a Sauce-pan, put to them £)me thin Cullis of Veal and’ Ham’-, after they have fim- merM a while, fee them over a brisker Fire; then “pott in it a bit of Butter about the bigAefs of k Wal- nut, wdrk’d up with a little Flour to thicken yotir Ragoo and a few- Drop? of Vinegar, and ferve dwh up. on little Difli or Plates. 1 78 ITo pirttle coUyiflotornJ Ta’B thofel that are cloleft and whiteft cut them from the Stalks the Length of your Finger; put them in a Cloth and boil them in Wffter and Milk, boil them tender li take them up, and fttjtlicm bytill they are cold: Make a Pickle of Vliitc-wine Vine- gar, a little whole white Pepper, a Bay-Leaf, a Nut- meg cut into quarters. Cloves and Maces boiled twell togetlierj let this ftsind till it be ‘ ld, and theh put m your Colly-Floweirs, they will be fit to eat in three Iays. 179 make cmfrtttK for tftttf, 0? anp Sfmltif .,xiblt% toill keep all tir-fean Taice what Fruit yoiv pleafe; peel vf the xAter Rind, take out the Cores or Seonesy bake thenicina Pot.withVi little Water and &igar; j ffaefiArain theii throirh a Tiihen Cloth, and put t them Nutim, Gnnamon, and Mace in- fitle. Powder, of each aiiiR: Quan6ty, and double refin’d Sugar finely, powder’d -, boil c a, JMI tkoiB oftr feritte fr da;thry aift w tfaigk at ti JdOj tbm fut thou i$ in Pofis for oife. ScACi ifiy ‘tfien €Ht at C9 Pi£s iafc ic and hioil Itv ftaep23itnr ScmMrv aa4 jGU)f6inary teX)ii and, bafle k mixh’Oil, and ierve iut 19 di twMcn fiut ter add ViQqpai: wi£h Ack Herbs aai jPaidey a 181. 19 a Ciigec. ScAf-D it out off the ¥km thea Jf Ut li Boar it, -and fiy it aiff vk& dAiified Butoeri iijiM .oiir Sanec ivitii beaten fiutter, Vinar -md, joico of Lc rtaOBflp gamifti Vnth iiy’d Pariley; or Claris jiumr i8a. Ho toaS aCptfiHr Tak£ a4aiy(e &t; Goqge 4iif iwafli it aodicnm! MOgrthe Slwe, oitcff the Fia% and lit it liloe aa tbcn into, the BfdOff beaten Nutrnqg, Ipq laj •Otters parboU’d Salt, and ftript Tfaj roaftit mth the Skin on, and preserve its Qrarvy r $auce j when it is,:Mar enou take the iravy and boif it rto’ivkh Claret Vfin Wine Viegstr, and a wgl of Anchoviod SbhTd ibeatea Qutter and two or 4bat Jlices of Orai – ‘ Qif you ma Iroaft it cut into lieces three Indbes 4DOQy pbciqg JSa)r4jeaves betweeti wciry fice. 1. 4(C€ a 4ot8et. Tj(K£ a.&tlCoiieer; fley it, icaid, ikt.it, afid Hbabe fit,.leatAR it witfa<, minced NutWe and faoe !thea bsnd it: i Jbai in a deanJUnen loth thed boil it in White-wine and Water, of each.isai jsqual (btetity V P ) (ovic Sdt x tiariaalt’ a rdDoRgcc CkxT yciihr Go%cr in Pieces it in caafipd ot- ter .put it goto m Wtben-Pan, layinR hstmicf ibajr of niihtSyViBi9L€(GeS, Jane Maqe,act4! Ginger, axvif&w; whe CiloyB: TImr pour in Wiute Lfae Viogtei Sidt a&djfo; them:ap dole. A . •CO 185. jcIAr CMgnr IPley the Conger, cut him in jAces, and bind em v toaethsx ynth Tape-, tibm Wl it in Water, Vix6g and Sltwidi Haodfiil of Famel vfut it iflto a Fan with icme of the fame Liquor Viqegac, MidBer and lay a Handiiil of green Fenoel on (he top of the Fift. lU.,0 tnaie €o;iattlt(tc&aeb; . Havnc?:Clear’a ypiir ibriaadw-Cfs. frwn the Husk, put.a handiul into a Qsagx of Walr and ft quarter ojf.a Pwpd of Sugir and iet it by to in- fofe -for two jOr three ilpixr j then .pour )3ie liqutfr out pf one Pot into another, ftrain it, and keep it for ufe. •: Tar tle Flowf AiPeckf (pSwflipu, 5t ‘them .finaL and poudfthqa in a )4oi$sMrk: ‘ ftandfvk!’ M;.japle$p aajiriytte -Pinterif san, boil tb a.iittljSLth yire, and Ipat iffiiueeipi8!wiii : little Cream; beat thefe’ among them, and if it does not tbiikeq, 4t it on the Fire a little tgke care it do not curdle -, .thpn Iwcet it with -Sr:md Rctef i.:V?hai it is cold, .bra Difh v put t, 1. b %tt Sugr over i.andferve it . Ij fSS. BCb make ailtotelL Tak£ 4 (jallon pf Cowflip jkijei, cut thm and pound them in a Mortar with 3lajf aPound jof Naples Bisket grated, and -a ¥mt and half of Cream; put them;ipto a SkiUet, azd boil th9m..a jittle ithen take them ofl and beat tin the Y i4kj.:Qf ht £ with a tittle Crjam; take cart itdop? Jtt curdle: Sealbn it with alt&ig; d Itofiiviec Ad bake it itx a DijhyOr inPa- . t;9f4ct thjquaie coki leire you-put 189. nOTo make CotDdln aaiuir . Put two Pounds and a half of Sugar to ewry Gallon of Water, and letit boil for an Hour, Icum- mii mitig it well , to every Gallon of Water put half ik Pedc of Flowers, pour the Water boilii hot lipod them,’ and let them fleep all Nighty fqvitczk two or three Lemons into each Gallon, and put in a piece of the Peel cut thin: The iiext Day work it With Toaft and Yeaft. When you put it in your Cask, pour it from the Settlement and wheti it has done wwldi, pour a Fmt of White 6t Rhenifh Wine into erery Gal- on. Let it fland in die Veflel fix Months, and if it be fine bdtde it Let it ftand half a Year or a Year in the Bottles , it is beft at tluree or four Years olfi 190; 0 boil CtalHK Boil your Crabs in Watier aild Salt beat Oil and Vinr well together, lay your Crabs to fteeg in it j then lay them 00 a Gridiron over a gentle Fire , 29 Chey broil, bafie them with.RolenKuy BruKe: Srve them up with beaten Butter sted Vmegar, pr Oil and Vinar with’ the Rolemary Branches they were ba fted with. • ‘ ht. Co bttttet CtalMJ ‘, Boil your Crabs, tike the Meat oitt of theu’ Bch dies, and ftjm it with the. Yolks df thr6e or four hard Eggs, Claret-wine, Vinar, Sugar, and beateii Cinnamon dien put it intaa ripkm with frefli But ter, and’ let it ftew for a quarter of an HoiW j then •ferve them u fts before. – 192. Cp WefiJ Crb0. Boil yotir Crabs, take? the Mea( (hit of their Shells, and alio out Of thfeir great Claws 5 cut it in • Dice-work, s(nd put both the Meats into a Pipkin with White-wiae, the Jukse of Oranges, NtitnwSg, atid Sli- ces of Orange j let it have three or fbur Wafrms ortr • the Fire , aikl having cleansed the SheDs well,ut the Meat into them and lay the L on the Bi& rourod about them. •i T ‘ • • • ‘ J • i. CR i93- 0 farce a Ctalu , Boil a Crab, take the Meat out of the Shell, and mince the Claws with a frefh Eel j fealbii it with Sall Cloves, Mace, and fweet Herbs flired finall, ftiin- glc with the Yolks of Eggs, add Grapes, Goosberrie or Barberries, and boil’d Artichokes in Dice-wor if in Sealon, or Alparagus boil’d j Ibmc Almond Pafte, the Meat of the Body of the Crab, and foitK Bread gra- ted; fill the Shells with this Compound, and alio make, feme of it intx Balls, put them into a IWh with White- wine and Butter, and bake them in a gentle Oven •, whch they are bak’d, put them into another Difli, and fervi them up with beaten Butter, large Macc,lcalded Grapes, Goosberries, or Barberries, Slices of Orange or Lemon aad the Yolks of raw Eggs diffolv’d in Claret or White’ wine, and beat up thick with Butter, pour this on the Filh, gamilh with Slices of Lemon, ftick the Balk of farcM Meat with Piflaches, flic’d Almonds, Pine Apple Seeds, or f ome pretty Cuts in Pafte. 194- 0 fricaflV Cralut. Take out all the Meat of the Body of the Crabs, break theiir Claws, mince the Meat, put it to Claret- wine feme ihred Fennel, a grated Nafmeg, boil theft together in drawn Buttei, with Cinnamon (Jiilger, and the Yolks of a couple of Eggs •, then put the Meat into the Crab’s Shell, and gannih it round with the • finall Legs. ip5: €o ft? CtabjJ’. First boil a large Crab, take the Meat oilt of the great Cljftvs, flour and fry it j then take the Meat out .of the Body, ftrain it, keep one half to be fry’d, and the other for theSauCe i mix that you fry widi Almond pafte, grated Bread, Salt, Nutmeg, and the Yolks of Eggs, dip thefe firft in Batter, and fry them in clarified Butter; then beat fome Butter up thick with the Juice Orange and grated Nutmeg, put in the reft of the ftrain- cd Meat, let this be your $wice-, diih your fry J Meat, placing the Legs about it, run it over with beaten But- ter, and lay fry’d Parfley about the Brim of the Diih. h 196. 9 CR ip5. Co malte a laQ) of Ctab( Boil a couple of Crabs, take the Meat out of the Claws, iand cut it into Iquare Pieces like Dice; mix it wim the Meat of the Body, then put in Pine- apple Seeds, Piflaches, or Artichdkc Bottoms boil’d, bianch’d, and cut into fquare Pieces like Dice-, or eUe ibme Aiparagus boil’d and cut half an Inch long; Itew tibefe all togethei? m Claret, Vinegar, frefli But- ter, Salt, grated Nutmeg and Slices of Orange: When they are enough, difli them on Sip, Cuts or Lozenges of Puff-Pjei gamifli with Fritters of Armes, Slices of Lemop carv’d, Barberries, Goofe- bercies or Grapes y run them over wkh Butter bea- ten up thick with the Yolks of Egs. 197. Co bake Cra&n; in a ie, SDil 0; lattpvpam Boil your Crabs, take the Meat out of the Shells and Claws as whole as you can. Sealbn it lightly with Salt and Nutmeg then ftraln the Meat that came out of the Bodies with a little Clabet, Juice of O- range% Butter, Ginger, and Cinnamon lay Butter in the jDotrom of your rye, &c; then lay in the Meat of the Claws;, Piflaches, Aiparagus, Bottoms of Ar- tichokes, Yolks of hard Eggs, whole Mace, Grapes, Barberries, or Gooleberries, fUcd t)range, and But- ter dole it up and bake it -, when it comes out of the Oven, liquor it with the Meat out of the Bodies. 19s. 0 make a Crab pr. Take half a dozen Crabs, boil them, and take the Meat out of the Shells feafbn it with Salt d Nut- meg -, then drain the Meat taken out of the Bodies, with’ Claret-wine, Cinnamon, Ibme Giier, Butter; and Juice of Orange make your Pye, lay £ me But-,ter m the Bottom, lay in the Meat With Artichoke Bottoms, the Yolks of three or four hard Eggs min- ced, Afoaragus large Mace, Barberries, Grapes, Dates, Slices of Orange, and Butter. When it is l aked, liquor it with lome of the Meat out of tUt Bodies of the CrabS; mingled witii Cream or drawA 9utt€rt. C R 199′ Co ftm Ccftln Bo IE them, take the Meat out of the Bbdics, lave tie gnt Claws, and the fihaU Legs whole to garniih the Uiihy ftrain the Meat with Cktret-wine, Vntg2t Salt, utmq;, and a Piece of Buttery putthtm wfta Fiddii, and let them flew for an Hour, over a gen- tle Fire, ‘tiU they are ahnoft dry j then put in Butter, beaten up thick with the Juice of Oranges:; diihthe Sbdls being waih’d, lay the Claws and little Legs round about them put the Meat into the SheUs, ami ierve them • Boil them, take the Meat out of the Shells, and put it into a Pipkin with Claret-wine Vinegar, Salt, Pep per, grated Bread, minced Thyme, the Yolks of hard £s minced very linall, and flrained, freih Butter, large Mace, and Capers, let them fiew tcether, rub the Shells with a Clove of GarUck, and diih them as before diredcd. 20K 0 make Ccadkneltf. Take three Quarts of Flour, two Pound of Butter, the Yolks of eight £ggs, beat with as many Spoonfuls of Roie-water, aqd a grated .Nut)eg, put them into the Flour, and wet it wiidi cold ‘Water into a ftiff Pafle then roll in the Butter, and make them into Shape put them into, a Kettle of boiling Water, and when they iwia at the top, take them out, and put them into cold Water when they are hardened take them oat, asid bake them on Tin Plates. 20Z. 0 treCit Crapfifi) Boil them in Water, yick out the Tails, take off the finall Claws, leaving the two large on, but take the Shdls off from. them then tola them up with a little frefli Butter, fbme Muihrooms and TnBes -, xaoa&ta; them with a little Fiih Broth, and a few Spoonfuls of Cray-fifli CiiUis, and let them limmer a while over a gentle Fire. Beat the Yolks of two Eggs with Cream, pus in a little ihred Parfley, thicken your Sauce widi it, giving it a tafs or two over the Stove then iecrre th&kk; 19114 Plates or little Difhcs rL z 203 0 CR Boil them in Water and a little Salt, let them ftand ’till cold, pick the Meat out of die Tails and Legs, and let it by then take the Bodied and daws, (juid beat them in a Mortar with iome of the Liquor m which they were boil’d, put a (art of Milk and ,a Quart of Cream to a Quart of that Liquor put in a Nutmeg cut into quarters, a Clove or ‘two, and a Blade of Mace boil all thefe well together then beat a little Sorrel and Spinage, and take a handiiil of Leeks cut large -, put thefe to the Cray-fiih that you pick’d out of the Tails and Claws boil them well together, but take care that the Herbs do not lole their Colour then put in a FreMih Lcxif, which place in the middle of your Diih: When you are ready to lerve it up, thidcen it with a rter of a Pound of firefli Butter, and the Yolks of Eggs, to the. thickneis of good Cream. 204. a SifQue Df CtapSQ). Wash them very ckan, boil them, and pull off all the Claws from the largeft of them and pick out the Tails fb as to leave them hanging at the Shells ‘, but pick the Tails quite off the linall xies and keep the Shells to help to make the Cullis, I’vhich , you may make after this manner. Take a dozen of iweet Almonds, blanch and pound them in a Mortar with the Shells of your Cray-fiih. . Then dice an Onion with two or three Carats, and as many Parihips, and tols them up with a little Butter and when they begin to turn brown, pour upra them ‘ ibme Fiih-broth; Sealbn it with iome Salt, ibme Truffles and Muihrooms, two or three Cloves, a little Balil ami Pariley, and a whole LeeL Let all thele fimmer together, then mix among it your pounded Al- monds and Shells of Cray-fiih and when they Imve hoird a little, flrrain all through a Sieve into a Pan, and ufe it in all your meagre Soops and Ragbos .When you have prepaf this Cullis take the Tails of your Cray-fiih, fome Truffles, ait in Slices finall Moik- CR Mufhrooins, and tols them up in a Sauce-pan wiiih a little Butter, and a finall quantity ofFiih-broth. Then add a Bunch of fweet Herbs, and let it fimmer over a gentle Fire: When it is enough, put in iome tops of Aiparagus, half a dozen Artichoke Bottoms, and jthickoi it with the afbrefaid CulHs. Set Ibme Crufts of Bread a fimmering in good Fiih-broth ’till thev ftick to the Bottom of the Diih then gamifh yoiir Difli with a Border of your pick d Cray-liih: Put a ftuiTd Rowl of Bread in the middle, and the Arti- choke Bottoms about it, with ibme pieces of the Milts of Carps:. Pour upon it the Ragoo and Cray-fifh Cul- lis, and ferve it up very hot 205. Si €uMii of €tavfifSi U botom Wash your Cray-fiih well, and boil them; pick out the Flefli, take a dozen blanchM Almonds, pound them in a Mortar with the Shells of the Ccay-fiflu Roaft a Pullet, take the whit Fleih, mince i and pound it in a Mortar with the Shells and the Yolks of four hard Eggs. Cut a Pound and half of Filet; of Veal into Slices, and likewiie dome Ham, lay then in the bottom of a Stew-pan; lay over them iom9 Stices of Carots Parfiups, and Onions; corer the ran and let them ‘(tew over a gentle Fire whoi the Meal; begins to ftick to the jBottom, put in a little melted Bacon, and half a fpoonful of Flour , keep it mo- ving over the Stove for (even or dght turns, then put to it ibme fhong Broth then put in the. Cruft of two French Rdls, Ibme Muihrooms and Truffles, wbde Leek, ibme Parfley, a litxle Baiil, and . fix tloves. Set them a (immering “”till the Veal is done enough then take them out of the Stew-pan, and. put in the Shells, and Almonds, and Pullet, &c.; that you pounded, mix them well, firain theiq, and jqt the liquor by for ufe., 206. %o malte 4 Ctap fifl CuUtit meaartt Pr£pare your Cray-fifh as before i and pound a dazm Almonds then take two or three Parlhips, as mai Carots and one Omon, fuad (lice them, and toft L i them CR .them up with a little Bittcer; and when they hn, to bi brown, put in a little Fiih-broth’: Seaiqn with Sak, Mtrfhrooms, Truffles, a woJe Leek, a litde friley and Bafil three Cloves, and put in fiune Crufls X)f Bread: When ail thele have fimmer’d to- gether put into them your pounded Cray-fifh Sheik, iid- Almonds; let them boil a little, and (Iraift it Sr ifp in ail meagre Soops and Ragoos. 07, tto maSe a Eagoo of Crapfi(ft, Boil the Cray-iiih, pick out the Tails, and tols dnem up ixi a Sajiice-pan with a little Butter, kme flnaM MuAirooms and Truffles cut in Slices; put in Fiih-broth to moiften them; let them (immer a while, take off the fat, put in fome Cullis of Cray-iiih to bind your Ragoo, and ferve it up in Plates, or little DiiKes. 2og. 0 make Ctafifl) qp Take half a dozen Whitings, half a Thornbaek, dud a. large Eel, cleanie them, boil them in as much Water as will cover them fcum the Pot well-, iefen witfr a little Salt, whole Pepper, CSdger, Maee, an Ofrion f&ick; with Qoves, Thyme, and Parflcy, and boil them all to mafli then take half a hundred Cray- fift, take out the Tails, piclg.out the Bag, and aR H6 woolly parts that are about them, put it ftito a Saude pan widi Water Vinegar, Salt, Lemon, and a Fag- got of Iweet Herbs: When thefe liave ftew’d over a gentle Fire ’till they are ready to boil, take out the Cray-fifh Tails md lay them by and beat all thcf 0ther Shells in the Liquor they were ftew’d in widi z French Roll, ‘tiH the Shells are beaten very finet walh out all the Goodneis with their own Liquor then pour the other Filh Liquor through the SheOs, dnd ftrain all from the Filth and Grit. Then having in the mean time a Carp ftew’d, lay it in the middl( of the Difli: Add the Body of a Lobfter to the Soop with good Gravy and burnt Butter j heat the Cray-fifli Tails in the Soop, and pour sdl over the CSarp. ••• •’ -• “‘ ; – . • • . ‘ .'” ‘ • • – CR 209 ffiattit Cteam Take Tolks of four or five Eggs, beat them well ia a Stew-pan with a little Floury poui-ing on Milk by. degrees to the qvantity of a Quart i then put in a iinail Stick of Cinnamon, ibme candy’d and fbme green Lemon-peel cut ImalL Set the Cream on the Furnace, ftir it continually, that it do not . flick to the Bottom. When it is boil’d, fet a Diih upon. the Furnace, and pour the Cream into it, and let it boil again, ’till it flicks to the fide of the Diih dien let it afide, and fitgar it well on the top heat the Flre-ihovel red hot, and brown the Cream with it to give it a- fine goklen Colour, no. D mdkei)tttn’QCrtam Take two Quarts of thick Cream, put to it four Spoonfiils of Rofe-water, and a quaiter of a Poimd 6f fine Siigar, put it into a Churn aiid churn it as th Froth rifes, take it oif, and put it into a Diih, and Icnrc it; ‘ ‘ ‘ aiT male rtoatcl) Cream Take two Quarts of new Milk, a Pint of Crean and three lpo(fuls of Role-water. Put thele toge- ther into a large Pan, fet it over a Charcoal Fire, but not too hot i let it fliand twenty four Hours, and when you take it off, looien the Edge of your Crm rouqd about with a Knife then take your Boarc lay the Edges that are left beficle the Board, cut in- to many pieces, and put them into the Diih firfi theft ferape Sugar over them; take off the Creaia with your Board as clean from the Milk as you.4SU9 and lay . it in the £liib and ferape Sugar oyeip it. 212. CtacUing Lrtam Beat up the Yolks of as many Eggs as will.iu& fipe for the quantity of Cream you wovild nyike, pour ing in MiOc as you beat them tlxen put in fqn raiped Sugar and Lemon-peel, fet the pifli ipon a Furnace, and keep continually ftirrii ’till the Cream bfins tp be made ilacken your Fire, flir the Cceam ffittout !rmiiop Vjxxixi it. (91 the 4 C R Diih ’till very little or ncme remain at the Bottom, and that a Border may be made round them, biit take care that it b not burnt too. When it is ready, heat the Fire-fliovel red hot, and give it a fine Co- lour: And with the Point of a Knife looien the whole Border that it may remain entire. Then let it be put again into the lame Diilx, and let it be dry’4 in the Oven that very little be left in the DUh, and it crackle in the Mouth. iij ifrp’BCrram Put a Pint of Cream, half a Pint of MiH a Stick of Cinnamon, and a piece of Sugar into a Sauce-; pan-, let it over the Fire, let it Hmmer for a quar ter of jui Hour. Put the Yolks of eight, and the Whites of fix Eggs into another iSauce-pan % beat 0iem well with a wooden Spoon, and put a quarter of -a Pint of Cream to them, and a handful of fine Flcfur; then mix all together as well as can be take out your Stick of Cinnamon, and put your boiling Cream to it, 9nd bqil i% over die Fir and ftir it well for a quar- ter of an Hour add a little Salt and Citron minc’d line -, boil all together ’till it is as thick as you can ftir it: Flour ja Alazareen, and pour it into it, malde It Ipread about the . thicknefs of your Thumb, ftrcw a little iPlpur over it, Cut it into Squares or Dia- ‘inonds about three Inches long, flour it as you cut it, fiy it in Hog’s Lard, and ferve it hot, with a Jittlc Sugar fcrap’d for a fecond Courfe at Supper. 214. make Cream Ctieere. TXE a Gallon of Milk warm from the Cow, beat i Pound of Almonds very well in a Mortar j add a Qyart of frp, and half a Pint of Role-water, llf an Oice of Cinnamon powder ‘d, and a Pound of fine Sugar.. Put Rennet to the Milk arid Cream, and •when it is curdled prefi out th Whey, and lrvc it iTp in Crem. 215. faftp Cream. TKE a Galbn of Milk warm from the Cow, fefc t oa tix9 Fire, aiid when it begins to rii ( it off • ‘ ‘ ” CR tlie Fire, and 1 it by. Skim all the Cream from off •it, and piit it into a Plate. Then let the Skillet o ver the Fire again, and repeat the icununing tillyour Place be full off Cream: Pat to it lome Orange Flpw- er-water and Sugar, and lb lerve it. ‘ 2 1 5. Itaifan Cream. Take two Quarts of Milk, boil it vth Sugar, a little Salt, and a Stick of Cinnamon when it is boil ed, take a large DiAi and a Sieve, into which put the Yolks of ten new laid Eggs ftrain both Eggs and Milk throi it, three or four times •, then put your Diih into a baking Cover, pour all into the Difh j and put Fire over and undq:, till your Cream becomes veiy thick i then ferve it. In all Creams, mixing a little Cream with the Milk, makes it the more delicious. 917. Himon Cream. Pare three fair finooth Lemons, andfqueezeonc the Juice; cover it clofe for two or three Hours 5 and when it taftes of the Peel, put to it the Yolks of two Eggs, and the Whites of four. Beat up this Well with two Spoonfiils of Orange Flower-water •, thm puC a Pint of fair Water to all thefe, ftrain it and fweeten it with double refin’d Supr fet it over a gentle Fire, ftirring it continually, till it is as thick as Cream, then put it into Jelly-Glafles. 218. 9ai&cnCteam; Take the Whites of ten Eggs, whip them to It Frothy put them into a Sauce-pan, widi Milk, O- range Flower-water, and Svar. Set a Plate ov6r a Stopr, put in a little Cinnamon, beat up your Cream very well, and pour it into the Plate. Then brown it with a red hot Shovel, and ferve it. 219. fl)tati8e Cteam Take half a Dozen Qnuoiges, grate the Peels into a Pint and half of Water, beat the Yolks of fix Eggs wen, and put them into the Water, fweeten it-, prefs wgh a Strainer fet it on the Fire, ftir it all one CR toe yfVy till it is as thick as Cream then pour it ia toGldiSes. 2 20. mtt1 lackCream Boil a Qiiart of Cream, put in fix Spooofols of Sack by Drops ftir it well, chat it may not curdle; then put in Nutmeg, Sugar, &c.; 221. j&age; Cream. Take two Qijiarts of Cream, boil it well then put to it half a Pint of the Juice of red Ss a Pint of Sack, and a quarter of a Pint of Rofc-water, and a Pound of Susar. 2 2 2 uo make ¬D; Cream. . Mix a Qiiart of Creaaji with the Whites of fix Eggs, fweeten it with Sugar and Role-water, and ftrain thcQi, then beat .up the Cream with a Bundle of Reeds td together, or with a Stick cleft a- ro(s at one End, and rt)Ued between your Hands, ftanding upright in the Cream and as the Snow riies, take it ip with a Spocm into a Cullender, that the Oquid Part ‘may run out when you have taken off as much of tlw Snojw, as you pleaie, boil the reft of the Cream 1 is left, with a Stick of Cinnamon, iome whole Clones, and a little Ginger bruifed. Boil it till it is tbick, .ftrain it,, and when it is cold piit it into a Diih, i0d. lay your Snow upon it. 22; 0 make &patii;(b Cceam. Carry hot Water in a Pail to the Cow, pour out fbe Water nd milk ii it i Pans or the Ground, fld upon a Stpol, and pout the Milk Into the Pais, i it may riie m Bubbles with F- L i( fhttid all Nigl and in the Morning it will be a tkk tOTiigh Cream si k off with a Skimmer, lay it in a Diih, Lyer upon Layer, and .flbrew Sugar letween. 224- .m9ke %it Cteam Beat the Whiites of eiglyEggs with Rofe-vrater, up to a Froth put them iitfp a Qt of thick Crean sldsnfsnng it as it (iies, boil it, apd Jsep it contiiiudUy Erring: Then hin t)ea4en jj ti o%f CR of dght EgS take your Cream off the Fire, and flip m dicEgs, ilir them in. Seafbn with Sugar. 225. dtoeet ((ream. Take a Gallon of Mlk from the Cow, boil it, .and when it riles take it off, and iet it by a while. Scum off the Cream, put it into a Plate repeat this till you have a Plate fbll of Cream i Iweetea it, put in feme fcented Waters, and fenre it up, 226. Wiimln Cream. Take the Whites of half a’fcore Eggs, whip theni Well with. Milk, Sugar, and Orange Flower-water j put a little Cinnamon in “a Pla, fet it on the Fur- nace. Pour in your Cieam, let it flmmer till it is thickened,, then brown it over with a red hot Bire- ftovel. :27 tTo make Cream ‘artit Beat half a dozcix Fggs, Yolks and Whites j put to thcnr about a qujjrter of a Pound of Flour, arid beat all together; then udd fiic Eggs moFe and conti nue to beat all togedier; fet on a (rt or Milk in a Sauce-panf, aid when it boils, pour it into, your Flotur and Eggs, keeping it continmlly fiirnng Piit to it a quarter of a Pound Butter, lome Salt and white Pepper, boil it well, but be careful that it does not ftick to. the Bottom. When the Cream is thickened, pour it into another Sauce-pan, and fet it a cooling;. When ycta make your Tarts, put it irjto a Sauce-pan, ftir it .well ysith a Slice •, put in i6me Sugar, feme can-? dy’d Lpmod ihred finall •, feme Beef Marrow, or mel ted Butter; %me Yolks of Eggs, and a little Orange JFlower-waten Mix sdl thefe well together j make your Tarts of Puff-pafte j make a Border round them, pour in your Cream j and when the Tarts are alttic. bak’d, glaze them. They are proper for a feconct Courfe, or Supper. 1 2. Xo ma&e; tofilte ligfit €uam Boil three Pints of Milk, with a quarter of a Pint of Sugar; take it off the Fire, and put in th tVhites of fbuit Eggs, weB whipt; ftirring all together, ‘ ‘ – without – • cu without intermiiSocu Then let it on the Fire again and give it four or five Boils, ftirring it condnusJly, then drels it as you think fit: When it is cold, iprin- kle Orange Flower-water, and ftrew fine Sugar over it. And if you pleaie, you may brown it with a red hot Fire-fliovel. . . ‘ 229. (f make CteanuCeaSitj 0; iaiu tttm Take a Pound of French Rolls flice them, cnim and Cruft, as thick as your Finger -, lay them in a Brafs or Silver-diihi put to them half a Pint of Cream, a quarter of a rint of Milk then ftrew Su- gar, and beaten Gnnamcxi over them turn them often till they are Ibak’d tender but not fb, but that you may turn them without breaking them v. then take them from your Cream with a Slice or Skimmer; break three or four raw Eggs , turn yotir Slices of Bread in the Eggs, and fry them in clarified Butter, tin they are of a good brown Colour take Care of burning them, or making them black .icrape a little Sugar roimd them. Drain them well from me Butter, in which they were fry’d, and lerve them hot fiw: a iecond Courfe, 230 0 pickle Cttcttml)et0 Wash the Cijcumbers, put them into a Cisk; ftir Water and Salt together, till it will . bear an Egg 5 boil it, and Icum it well, and put it into tie Cucum- bers boiling hot, and let them ftand for three Wks,. heading up the Cask, then take them out; fto ano- ther Veflc!, laying at the bottom. Fennel,. Dill, and Jamaica Pepper, and a little AUom, which will make them crifp j and alio. fire w lome of thefe Ingredients among them then put in boiling Vinegar, and head up the Cask again, and let them fland for a Week, wd if they are are not green enough then, boil the Vinegar again, and put it to them, and flop the Cask clofe. 2)1. 0 pickle €ntumbtTfi (b; mbnt ratinSt Wash them, dry them in a Cloth then feafbn Water and Vinegar well with Salt, Fepuel and DiO- tops cu top and a little Mace boil it a while let it ftand till it is cold put your Cucumbers in a ran, the Pio kle to them j lay a Board upon them to keep them down, and tye them down clofe: They will be fit to cat in a Weeks time. Tak£ the beft large green Cucumbers, cut a SHp out of thir Sides the whole leogfii of them take out an the Seedsy drain them well. Then iealbn them trith whole Pepper, Mace, Cloves, andbruiied Mu- ftard-leed put into them alio a little Salt, fbmeflicM Onger, three Shalots peel’cL and three Cloves of Gar- lick Then put in the Piece you cut out, and tye them up widi a Packdiread. rut your Cucumbers into a V e£fe,. and as much White-wine Vinar, as will cover them, with a good Quantity of made Mu- ftard. Salt, and lome Bay-Leaves. Let them lye for nine Days then put them in a firafs Kettle, give them a walm or two, take them off the Fire, fiop them down clofe, let them’ by for a while then let them on the Fire again, and repeat this till they become of a fine green Colour. Then take them immediately out of the Pickle, boil it up, and pour it over your Cucumbers, fcalding hot lye them down cloie for ule. 25 0 nickle (mall Cnmmlient. Take five huncfred Cucumbers, wipe them clean, make a Brine of Water and Salt, ftrong enough to bear an Egg, put them into it, let them lie for twelve Hours j then take them out, wipe them dry then in the Veflel you defign to keep them in, lay a Layer of Dill, fome whole long Pepper, and . a little Mace J then lay a Layer of Cucumbiers, and fo con- tinue to do, tl you have laid them all in boil two Gallons of Vinegar, p5ur it hot over the Cucumbers, cover them up clofe for two Days •, then pour out the Vinegar, boil it again, Icum it, and pour it again upon the Cucumbers boiling hot when you have done tlto C U huS three or four Times put in a Piece of Alom and Aqp them clofe for Ufe. 234 ontakcfttlagooofCttcttittbetik Paile fdur or five Cucumbers or more, cut thn in two long ways, icoop out the Seeds j thai cut them in little Slices lealbii them with Salt, Pepper and a little Vinegar add two or three Onions cut in Sli:es, let them lie in this Marinade two or three Hours; then take them out, dry them with a Cloth, put dhiem into a Sauce-pan with melted fiacon, toils them up oTcr a Stove, put in fbme Gravy to moiilen them, and when they have fimmer’d over a gentle Fire ’till they are enough, £um off all the Fat, and put in fome Cullis of Veal and Ham to bind it, this is us’d in all ma – ner of Meats either roafted or others, to which Cu- cumbers are proper. All Culliles are for the thickening all Ibrts of Ra- goos and Soops, and give them an agreeable Tafte; 2i6. SI (nUiji genttallp usi’ti Co; Kxoaa feoop0 9i Cut three pound ofVeal and half a pound of lean Gammon of Bacon into Slices, lay them in the bottom of a Stew-pan , (lice fome Carots and Parfhips and pvft to them, and an Onion, then cover, your Pah and let it a fweating over aScove. When the Meat begtns to be well coloured and (lick to the Pan, put in a little melted Bacon and fprinkle ibme Flour into it then moiften it with Broth and Gravy, of each a like quan- tity, and (ealbn it with Muihrooms and TrufBes, half a dozen Cloves, a whole Leek and fofne Parfley put in fome CruRs of Bread and iimmer it all together and when it is enough ftrain it. If this GilKs be for Partridges, pound a roafted Par- tridge in a Mortar, and put into it, mix it well and firatn it through a Sieve, keep it warm, and when you mre ready to lerve, pour it on your Soop. Tlus uUis is us’d for all forts of black Meats: It it only the Meats you put into the CuUiies that gives c u theNameand Taftetothem ibthat ifitbe forFhea- £uits make Ufe of Pheafants inflead of Partridges do the like foe Woodcocks Pidgeons Ducks, Teal, Quails, Rabbe&s;, Sea And whadoever Meat you u(e muft be more than half roaflcd before you pound it to put in your CuUis. 237. £ Cef on Culliit. Take a roafled Capon and pound it very well in a Mortar, put it in a Stevr-pan, tols-up ibme Crufts of Bread in melted Bacon and when they are become very brown put to them fbstkc Muihrooms, Cives, Parfley and BafU an fhred very finall j mix all diefe with your pounded Capon, and make an end of drefling them over the Furnace put in ftroi Broth and ftrain it 238. SL geftetal CiiUiiei totiicfi fetbos foi all tniti of ItlASooif. Cut three pound of lean Veal and half a poimd df Ham into Slices, lay it in the bottom of a Stew pan -, put in Carots, Parfiups, and an Onion flic’d cover it and let it a ftewing over a Stove when it has a good Colour and begins to (tick, put to it a little melt- ed Bacoii, and ihake in a little Flour, keeping it mov- ing a little while till tht Flour is fiy’d •, then moil ten it with Gravy and Broth of each a like quantity then put in ibme Parfley, Bafil, a whole Leek, a Bay leaf, fome Muihrooms and Truffles mihc’d very finall, and three or four Cloves, add the Crufts of two French Rolls: Let all thefe limmer together for three-quarters of an hour j then take out yonr Slices of Veal, ftrain it, and keep it for all Ibrts of Ragoos. 239. Co make a MWt Calli) 9ipeasre. Broil a Pike or a Brace of Perch, skin them, take out the Bones and pound their Flelh in a Mortar with a Handful ofblanch’d Almonds, and the Yolks of four ot five Eggs boil’d hard llice a couple of Parlhips, a couple of Carots and fix Onions, and ftew them with Butter in a Stew-pan, turning them often, and when they bin to be brown, wet them with a thin Peafe Brodi or Purte h Scale, skin and bone a Carp, cut the; Head -o t CO I Head and Bones inflPieces and pot them in the Stew pan let them boil a quarter of an hour, then fixain them into another Stew-pan then put in lome Muih rooms. Truffles, a couple of Cloves, a little Parfley, Baiil, and a whole Leek add alio of crumbled Bread, the quantity of two Eggs: Let them fimmerfiM: a quar- ter of an hour over a gentle Fire j then put in your pounded Almonds, Eggs and Fiih -, let it fimmer but not boil, for fear it change Colour , then ftrain it and life it for Soops and Ragoos. 240. omafte aCaUitf oflBLoottf Tak£ Parfhips, Carots, Parfley Roots and Onicms, and cut them in Slices tofs them 19 in a Stew-pan then take about a dozen and half of blanch’d Alinonds and the Crum of two French Rolls Ibak’d in good Fiih Broth, pound them together in a Mortar with your Roots; then boil all together, fealbn them wdl as in other CuUiles then ftrain it and uie it for Soops of Cardoons; Charvil, Onions, Leeks, && 24 1 ‘aro make B%itt Culliit. Take a goodPuUet, roafti pull off the Skin and take out the Bones take a Handful of blanch’d Al- monds, and pound them well in a Mortar with the Yolks of four hard Ems and the White Fleihof your Pullet, then take lome Slices of Ham, and two pound of Veal ait in Slices, and lay them in the bottom of the Stew-pan (lice Ibme Carot, Par&ipand; Onion, and put in, and fet it over your Stove, when it begins to ftiek and before it begins to colour, put in ibme good Broth. Then ieaibn it with a Leek, Muihrooms, Truf fies, a little Bafd, Paifley and three or four Cloves, put in Criuns of Bread, About the quantity of two Eggs i then let it a fimmering ’till the Veal be done en- ough, then take it out and put in your Almonds, hard Egs and Pullet you pounded, and mix all well together by ftirrii them Let it fimmer a litcle but not boil left it ihould turn brown then ftrain it. (Jie this with White Soops and Ragoos. If you would make this CuUis tfis of partridges, ufe the Breaffs ofPartridge)’ inftefti oFthc PuUets. 242 0 malte Cutb iCalfeit. Take a miart of Curds, eight Eggs, Idavii out four of the Whites put i A Sugar, grated Nutmeg, and a little Flour: Mix thefe well together, and heat But- ter hot in a Fry ing-pati, and drop them in likfeFHt ters. ‘ 14;. 0 mdite s compoft of CtttrMjt. Pass Ibme Sdgar throu the Straining bag, boil it to the third degree, call’d Bbvmy then put in your Cur- rans, give them a Boiling, then take them off, the Fir& If you find they are iufficiehtly iinpreghatfcd with the Sugar you may drels them on Chfna IJes and &tv6; them up to Table j but if not give dicm another Boil- ittg. . 244. i. Cohfetbe of Ctttr&M; FIrSt pick your Currans, then fet theifi ftver the Fire in a preierving Pari to make them caft their Jtiid?,the!i lay thtai on A Sieve to drain, ftrain thenl and lee that which runs from them over the Fire to dry, in the mean Time prepare Siigar, brought to the fourth degree of Boiling faiird Crack’ d, and hit in ai much of the thick Subftance of yoiir Fruit as will give ydiir Cohferve a gockl Taftb, and gopd Cotour jhixii all well with the Sugar: Let vtkir Sugar be work’d and made wliite round about the Paxi, and when an Ide appears Jlt toji, take oS your Pari and Ice the coriierve be drefi% in Moulds. 2.T. 0 mttr Carratit Creaift Bruise ripe Curraris into boiling Create, ftraiii itj fnd put lii Sugar and Cirinamon wder’d, and ierve t up: 246. ‘to make wit of Cattahii r Lfif yolir Giirrahs be prdtty rijfe, preft diit th JiSce thro’ a coari lirinen Cloth, clajrlfy it, and add ttt it half a Pound of Siigftr titHl’d t6 a Candy heigbe to tUh Pint of Juice-, boil them toetihier ’till a third iWb vfaffed awayi acid 4t is d(Miei ” ” M 447. a CJU 347. Co iMkt iltmalate tt €ifxx9t94 Strip your Currans off from the Bunchies and fbak them in boiling Water ’till they bresdc: Then tlc them from the Fire, and lay them on a Sieve to dfaio ancijvheri they are cold, pais them through thjs lame Sieve to clear off the Seeds. Then dry them over the Fire while you bring your Sugar to the fifth Degree of fioiling call’d crack’ J allowing as uch Sugar as your Fruit whs. Mix all weU to- gneter, iimmer it over the Fir Ibme dme then put your Marmalade into Pots 248 make rmalaiie of nttani Take red Currans fuU ripe, pick them, and iqueeze (it th Juice of ibme of then and put to it ibmc Jaice of Rasberries put your whole Currans into this Juice, boil them gently and when they bn to break, put in an equal Weight of Sugar boil’d to a andy Height, boil them together, malh them, as they boil, icum it, put in Ipme Rofe-water, aaid when it i become as thick as Marmladie, put it into a wett giasi’d: Pot. 249. 0 mat 8e pi Tttttdtut Put your Currans into a ran, fet thcta over tli jire to make them caft their Juife, then lay them o a Sieve, and let them cool) then firainUiem thro’ tlie Sieve and dky them over the Fire. In the mean time take the Weight of your Fruit in Sugr, and lioU it to the fifth Degree of fioiling odl’d .fxad and temper it as you do for Curran Marmalade: Then let it pn the Fire a while to iimlner, then dtefs your Psefie, and fet it in the Stove to dry. Bo L ycur Sugar to the fourth degree of BoUing, call’d jeathered tye your Currans up in Bunches then pltee them in Order in the Sugar, and give th fe teral covered Boiliis icum theam quick, and, l them not have.ahpve tnp or iee Seedlings en Itxati them again, and let thn into the Sto ki (hi: Preferving-pan. The it P diin them and d them” tiidi in BiaubeS) ftrew them With Sugdri Md iff them in a Stove. 2$ I. “QDo fttittbt m €amn9 UqRto. Pick your Currans put them into pearled St and give them a light covcr’d Bo3ing Icum them the next Day ftraih them darocigh a Sieve wMIe tiie Svnip isboii’dto a degree betwixt pearied and imobtit i Afterwards put in your Currans, and add as ihudt other pearled Sugar aa is liifltcient to fiak them: Give them leverai covtr’d Kiitings betwetiti tocth itA pearled. Scum them wdl, and ftir them ‘tiU diey arc a little c6ol, that fihey may not turn to A )dly. 2$ 2. %o ytcMe CHtrattier Take Cflrram beware diey are thormigh iipe rue them kkto a Fipkih with Whiter-wine Vig) giv them a Warm or two over the Pire with as inudi Sugar as will fwteten them itidifferaitly; caet diem ovei: with this Liquor and keep them always liiH dcr it. 23. fiprnpof sttanjlt Press the juice of Qirrdiis throdgh.a fkraining Bagv then add to it an ilal qusuitity of Sugar that has been boiFd alnkaft to ks craAt Quality, afid tfatt yrxxg will come tb its fi Perfeftion. 2. Cattami wimt TaKE the ripcft Cuitafls, bruife them, infule tjbenl in Water, %ieeze them, put in Sur, let themflauid for five or Sx Hours ftrain the Lriquor through a Sieve, sind clarify it bV pxflitg it through a ftrainiqg Bag, if it be ddigird for a cooling Drink) or if you would ide it, do it as dire£led in the Arddtf Ice under Lettet . 2$;. mate Cunant SOKnti Take twenty four Pouiid of Currans, two tj7lkft € Water, bniife dbem, and lay them in fieep ibr three Days; then ftrain them, pot to it eit rounds of Svu(ar; put it into your Cask, let it ivork, and when k ms done workii ftop it up, let it fiand two Months, fine it off the Lees, sQad if it ruire ic, Ma” more c u mare Skisar-,. jut it into the Cask again, and let ie ftand a Month, then rack it off, and bottle it with Sugar. Let it ftand fix Weeks, and it will be fit to , 2s6. make a CaSatb: ., Boil a Quart of Creiam, fweeten with fine pow- dered Sugar. beat the Yolks of Eggs with a couple oC Ipoonfiils of Orange- water ftir them well with die Greani, and ft rain it through a Sieve: Fill your Cruft or Cups, and bake them with care. . 257, flnottjEt (Ulap, Boil aCrt of Cream with whole Spice; then take the Yolks of ten Eggs, and the Whites of five, and jbme Roie-water v niix them tvith a little Creaip sixid when the reft of the Cream i alAioft cold; put m yoir Egg ftir all weU togetdier, fweeten with Sogar then fiU yopr Cuftards, and bake them. 25.8. CullatW Boil three Pints of Cream with feme whole Mace; then let it by to cooj j then temper it with eight Eg85 having out four of the Whites, beat in Orange- flpwer or Role-water and a Pound and half of Siar. Your Coffins being harden’d in le Oveti, and pridc’d with a Pin to prevent their riling in Bliftcrs, fill them, and fet them in the Oven. : ‘ ‘ 59- ‘3omakeCa(tatti0tnCniNt. Take two Quarts of Cream, the Yolks of fourteen, and Whites of fix Eggs, beat them well with five or fix Spoonfiils of Role-water, mingle them with the Gream; Iweeten with fine Sugar, put it into Cups, and bake them. 2tfo. Co make a Cream CaSam Pare the Crufts oft’ from a . Penny white Lx af grate the Crumb very fine, and mix it with a auart of Cream, and a good Piece of Butter j beat the Yolks of twelve Eggs with Cream, Iwecten them with Sugar let them thicken over the Fire, make your Culhrds Shallow, bakethem in a gentle Oven, and when they are bak’d, fixew fine Sugar over them . . ” . . 26u Co c u 76u 0 tntti Catlet0 of WLM n flntfen Beat your Cutlets with a Ckaver, and icafbn them with Salt and Pepper then cover diem all over, except within two Inches of th Rib-bone, as thick as a five Shilling piece with forc’d Meat, the Receipt oC which you will find in Letter K Then take as many haif Sheets of white Paper as you have Cutlets, and wet them on one fide witli melted Butler Iprinkle grated Bread all -over your forced Meat: Lay every Cutlet on a half Sheet of Paper crois the middle of jt, leaving the Bcxie about an Inch out of the Papery then clofe the two Ends of yodr Paper on both’lidesy cutting off what is too much, broil your Veal Cutlets three quarters of an Hour,’ and your Mutton half an Hour: Then take off the Paper, lay them round the Diih with the Bones- outemxrfi For the Sauce, take Butter, Gravy, and Lemon. . . 262. uo farce 3lcal o 9totton (Catletx. Boil a Neck of Veal or Mutton in good’Broth then tal off all the Fleih firom the Bones take fomi blanch’d Bacon, MujQirooms Truffles Cires and Par-‘ (ley, mince all thefe and the Fleih very.fiuall, then pound all together in Mortar with Spice and idual Sibnings adding tffi Crumb of a French RoU ioak’d. in Gravy or Milk, and little Cream. Put in ibme Yolks of Eggs, but do not make it too liquid then cut Bards of Bacop of the Sise of your Cutlets , upon tfaefe Bards lay your Farce with the Bones your Cutlets, which failiion with your Knife, dipt in beaten Eggs, in the form of a Cutlet: Drudge them with Crumbs of Bread, lay them .-in a Tart-pan, and let them in the Oven to give them a Colour. Thefe are usM to gamiih any large Diihes of the firfi: Courie • or fervc them $s Outworks on Plates or litCle’Diihes Tihy are adl’d. Outlets farced. in Cream. 26. CiltUtnanotlier SBap ! Makihatb your Cptlets for three Hours in Ver- )uice. Juice of Lemon,. Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Bay- ieiveif aQ4 $iy Tim ake:a thin Bttpr. with ” ‘ M 3 Water, . • Wter 9nr raiv 1 aod anich Putter as i Wafauit mx4 tbgjethor, wd vfcU beaten; dip yom: VmI Gi)tlet£ m this Btet, and fry them in Hog’ 114 Gamiih with fryd; Parflcy and ferve th fir thf firft Courfe. ‘ FiAT your Ciitljgts With a Qeaver,. laid thesi and 4nidge tbim with jCnunhs o£ Breads Salt JPepper ar4 ftised Paltey then tofe diem up ia locteed J3a- if0fu Lay them ia a Piib, our on them a Ragoo of Siime4)i;w4$ d MuftLi:ooiB3. GamUh with %M iyd3ey and ferve thein. Jh yiWf Cutlets in melted BacoO) ftafin them, wtf ‘wil ihr Herbs $a and PeKper ftrew Crumbs of Br oyer them, and broil them, ona Gridiron. Serve thpm up with Gravy. 266. ibt tIlUt Sent youy Cutlets in £dr Water, tfacii dip them 3ft a tiijbi fatter made of Floiir and Eggs then fry theiti va H’s Iard; d ferve them up with Salt,?eiper and Verjuiqe. DA BOIL the Dabs in a Cort SaurSy and whea dicy are cold cut them into Filets, with which aftd fanse fmall Sallet Herbs drfs a State; lieafoQ akmnvick Salt, Pqppcr, Vinegar, ismd OiL Or you may di them with Anchovy Sauce, and Jerve them up wkeu cold, upoi a Napkin for bten-iieflbs. Yoa nay ila hake them in a Pie as Turboi Or yoq inay leave your Dab intire, and fer- it up hot with Hvhite Sauce and Cream for a Side-diih. 2. A iBiOfMMiSf a amArtMft& 1bt. the Dab tihrouh ther Badc t ih Mm pern xnajr penetrate it M the MariAadia aa d& DA irdsd in the Article Marinade in Letter M. And when it is fuffidendj marinated, let it be well breaded with Bread Crumb and ieaidn’d Chippixv then bake it,,and gamiih it with little lies 3. Co tntU a a ab in Pallet fioiL your Dab in a Kckle after the ufiial niai – ner and when it is dold, cut it into Filets: Gamiih a Pkte with them, and a finail Sallet -, fealoning with Ssity Pepper, Oil, and Vinegar. 4. %o caftDp 8NmifcRvi After they have been prefervM, dip them in warm Brandy to waih off the Synip, thm fift fine Sugar OTer them, and fet them to dry in a Stove or Onn. Do this, tajdng tfaem oat three or four umei, and lift Sugar oirer tfaein, but let them not be cold beforethey are tc dry. 5. Co malTf dtmala&eo;! S atii(btij(4 TAku a Gdbn of large rqpe Dam&ns; j peel off the Skins of thras Quarts of them, put the Qjart unsidnned in the bottom of an earthen Pan, and tha&, that are skinn’diipoQ them cover the Pot clofe that no Water can get in then let m a Kettle v£ Water; put in, the Veflfel of Damibhs boil thiem ’till they are taider, then take out their Stones, and both Slons and Stones of the undennoft: Then take as much Sugar as they weigh, put to the Pulp, malot it lil apace, icum it well, and when it is boii’d e fllDiu put it in a Pot for ule. 6: Coitfetfie tit SDamfonsi. TaKb jfbur Quarts of Damlbns, and prick diem put them with tWo Quarts of Wine or Damasic Rofe water into a Pot, covc them and boil them well iKrring them weH together; when they are boii’d tender, fet them cod, then ftrain them widi their iuor &t; the Pulp over the Fire add to it a fiil ficient quantity of Sugar -, let them boil ’till they ar done enough j then put them up into your Pots fqc wjfe M4 7- DA Wipe the Damibns, put them into an ‘earthen Poe and a? you lay them in, between every Layer, ftrew in fine powder’d Stijarj two Pound of Sugar will be enough &r; fix Pound of Damions. When you have boe, pafte up the Pot with Rye Dough 4iake them vnth Six-penny Bread when it is drawn, let it ftand ‘titt it is cold; then cut a Stick, put it down in the middle of your Pot of Damions •, cut a piece of whke Pa per round juil: fit to cover them cut a Hole in the middle for the Stick to go through, then melt frefli Ratter, and pour upon the Paper -, and when jbu want to take out any Damions, take out the Paper b)ic the Stick; and when yoa have done, put it down again. Thus you may keep them aU the If ean 8. Co tllv S ami:bit0. Take eight Bound of Damions, put to them eight Pound of ime Sugar, and half a Pint of Watef, boil them for half an Hour over a gentle Fire. the Skins break then take them oSy and fet thiem by for an Hour -, iet them on the Fire again for half an Hour more -, iet them by again for the fame tuat, do fo the third time: While they ftand off,the Vircy iet a .Weit upoii them to keep thm under the Synip. The laft time you muft boil them, ’till you perceive they axe of a very high Colour in the part where the Skin is broke-,, then take them off, f them by to cool, and when they are cold drain away the Syrup, and make the Jdty in the following manner JBod a Sood Quantity of green Apples, green Goosberries, 4md Quince Cores to a maih; then ftrAin them tfaiou a Hair Sieve. Take an equal QuantiQrof diis jelly, and the former Syrup, and boil them together over a gende Fire, till they jelly, but boil it not too hh, left it uld rope J fcum it wdl, and while it is hot, put it into Glaifes or Pots. 9 SDamfim Wtiim. To every five Quarts of Damions, put two Gal- lons pf Water, to whi add five Pounds of Sugar; D A flcmc your Damiohs, boil them Citt the Liquor is of a fine Colour thenftrain them through a Siee; then let it a working in an cen Veflel for three or four I ays; then pour it off the Lees, and let it work in that Vefiel as long as it will? then flop it up for half a Year or more, tiU it is fine then bottle it, and let it ftand a Year or two before you drink it. Take ripe Damlbns. put them into a Tub, warm as much Water as wiR coyer them, put it to them; cover them dole with Qothes, to keep them warm as long as you can, let them lye at leaft a Day and a ight, till they are grown plump: Then put more Water to them, and boil them over a brisk Fire for five or fix Hours then flrain them. Set yonr Liquor a working with Yeaft, or the Lees of good Wine: And wh it has workM a while, put it up in a Wine Cask, and when it is fit to be ftopp’d up, put into your Cask a few frefh Damibns then flop it up clofe; and fet it in a cool Cellar for two. or three Mpnths. II. a Dartmouth pe. – Take two Poimd of lean Leg of Mutton, and one Pound of Beef Suet chop them as finall: as may be -, feaion all with Salt, and a grated Nutm; add a pound of Currans and a quarter of aPound of Sa gar:, mix all well together, and put it into a Faflae, and fet it in the Oven for an Hour and a half To make your Pafte, take one Part of Butter, and two Parts of Beef-Suet try’d melt them, mix thm in the Water, let it boil, then put in your Flour and knead it up. 12, 0 Mit ttb Wttu BoKE a Side of red Deer and feaion it then take out the Back Sinews, and the Skin, and lard die fil- let, or Back with larK Lard, as big as your middle Finger, fealoned with Pepper and Nutmeg; then mix lix Ounces of Salt wirfi four Ounces of Pepper, and nir of Nutmeg J flaflx.the Vemlbn on the outfide io ” ‘ . jaak DE flialit die Setfimqg caber, al ibiiaD k weD vndi Act: Your Pjrc bosg inadt lay Butter in tke Bot torn of it aUb a quarter of an Ounce of Cloii and a Bajr4j or tm then lay oa a few Qoycs, and good Stofc of Buttery let it fland m the Oven ibr eit or nioe Honra but firft bafie the Pye widi haUT a dozen Eggs vveft bnten; wfaea it is bak’d and cold, fill it up with clarified Butter. For the Cnift to a Sick, or half a Haunch of red ‘Deer, tadoe half a Bnflid of Rye-meai, courlly ftaried and make it up very flifi with boilii Water only. If you bake it to ett hot, give it but half the fta finng, and liquor it with Botoer and Claret 13. ‘Xo make a if arte fo ttDlMt. Mince Boef-Suct widi Snrary, Rofemary, and Thyme, or Cfaivta, or all mateer of fweetUerbs ftutf any Fcooveokot to be fluffed with thisFarGe by die Caul eirtr die Side, or half the Haunch fmft it, and ierve it up with -any 6f the Sauces MomiD’y gaimih with Oranges Lemons, and Beet Roots. 14. toftlf renawt. Take eidkr a Side, or Hauneh; and either lard with fin Lard, parboiUi it before you lard it or ftiek it with Qoves, fjit it and roaft it and ierve it vf rith any of die feUowing Sauces. 15; flMncnt foi ten Wnt. r. The Gravy and fweet Herbs choppM fiml and boil’d together or the Gravy only. . 2. The Juice of Oranges or LemOns and Gravy. 3. Bread IbakM in Vlnar, Claret Wine, Gioger and Sir, and beaten tojedier, dien ftainM and boil’d with a few whole Qoves, mid a Sprig of Rofemary. 4. White Brndboil’d in Water pretty dtick, without Spioea andfiutter Vinegar and Sugar, a )ded to it. Lrr a Leg of Yea) be eidier twSkd or parbU’d; dienmhse it feoalt with Beef Aitt. and fweek Hate. DrU Then pot fQfar kAo the?ye icftlqp’d Widi Nutm nd Cionamoo; then beat as soany £ggA as wiU vw: it V aod zDake it up like Eggs, arid ftick a Date in the oiddk of each of theia, and lay them in a Pye, and lay ibxw dry’d Pimns over them; then put it in the Ovenj before you diaw it, tabe Whitewioe, Su- gar and Butter, and poor into it, let it jeald a httle, give it a ihake or tivp, and ftme it vp. 17. %o boil 9McItf afttt tlie French JfafdiOtt Lard the Ducks, Iptt them, and half roaftthem ilien take 4em off the Spit , put them .wit;h a Qjjutrt fof Claret into a Pipkin put in a Pint of bearded Oi- iltevs, and fomt Chefimts, a couple of Oniona mmced JBnall; a little beaten Ginger, fi nie ifaripped Thym and fi Hie Mace: Thicken it with the Cnift of a Bemb R(dl grated , then diAi it upon Sippcta. 18 Uoteatmlli 9(tcit0. Draw and trufi your wild IXck$, parboil thesv and half roaft them; thm carve them, and iavfe their 6nivy put the Gbivy into a Pipkin with Pepper, fiic’d Ginger, Pariley, and good Stoxi of (k6oBt$, a Quart of Claret, Barberries, large Mace, mi vsiiht Currans boll all the& together, icum it dean, put in fiutoer and Sugary diih your Ducks, in the Sauc and ierve them up. 19. boil • tamt 9mk. Parboil the Duck, then chop an Onion, and a Handfiil of Parfley together put them into a Pipkin ith ftrong Mutton-broth, a Turnip cut and parboil’d, till the Ranknefe is taken away EncUve and pickt and waihd Bberries: Then put in half a Pound of Butler, and a little Verjuice: Boil all together, ftir- ring it till it is enough, and lenre it up wiu the Tur-‘ mp, large Mace, Pepper, and a little Sugar. 20. 0 jNtte a ftndL . Farce the Bivaft of your Dock,, widi the FMh Qf the Breaft of a Capon, Beef Marrow minci’d imaU, and ihe YoOca of raw gs icaibn’d viilkSialt Fp DU per and a little Nutm, then ftew the Duck d la Braife and make a Roo of fweet Breads of Veal Lamb, fat Livers, O)cks-combs, Truffles, Muih- rooms. Artichoke Bottoxns, and Afparagus Tops; tois up all dieie in melted Bacon, moiiloi it with Gravy; thicken with a Citllis of Veal and Ham pour t Ragoo upon it, and ferve it iqt l.%t ftitaflfp jsatltif. Quart ER them, race them, beat them with the Back of your Cleaver, dry them well,, fry them in iweet Butter when they are almofl: iry’d, put in a Handful of Onions ihred Imall, and a little Thyme: Then put in a little Claret, thin Slices of Baooa; jParfley and Spins boil’d groen, and ihred ihaail: Break into a Difh the Yolks of thnee E with a fittle Pgr, and fome grated Nutmeg, tols them up . with a Ladle full of drawn Butter pour this on your Ducks lay your Bacon upon them, and &rve; it iq 22. 0 ttitmg a amcfclins CtJT your Ducklings into finall Pieces, dry tiem iour them, and fry them in Butter then take a lit- tle Canary, Ibme Parfley, and an Onion chopt finall; ft liede grofs Pepper, and a Blade of Mace, and put toi rheie fome Sugar, Butter, and Verjuice: Then pick the Stalks off from a good Handfol of Clary; make a Batcer of three or foiu: Eggs, Flour and Cream, with a little Nutmeg fry thefe, and having daih’d your Ducklings, pour your fry’d Clary, &c..; upon them First dreis your Ducks a Ih Braife y then boil fome Celery in Water and Salt, putting it in ven the Water boils when it is a little more than half enough, take it out, drain it, tois it up ina Sauce-pan, with ibme thin CulUs of Veal and Ham and when it is enoi;h, thicken it with a bit of Butr ter, as big as a Walnut, worked up with a little Flour i keej moving it over the Firc put io a ftw Drops D U Drops of Vinegar. Diih your Ducks pour the Ra- goo over them, and ferve them up. 24. %o mtii a fiDurk toitii Cammbeni. Dress your Duck a la Braife; then pare Cucum- bers, cut them in two in the middle, and take out the Seeds, cut them in fmall Slices -, then marinate them for twd Hours in Vinegar, Pq?per, Salt, and two or three flicd ‘Onions •, then Iqueeze them in a Cloth, and tois them up in melted Bacon; when they begm to brown, fixtmier them over a Stove in Gravy j take off the Fat thicken with a Cullis of Veal, and Gam- idon of Bacon, and when your Duck is enough, pour it upon it, and ierve it up. 25. DersSDackti Ditti iDIibtif. Tou may either dreft your Ducks a la hfaifey or roaft them , then tols feme Mufhrooms up in a Sauce- pan, and moiflen them with Gravy, and bind it with a Cullis of Veal and Ham: Then ftone fbme Olives, knd put them into icalding Water, take diem out, drain them, and put them into the Ragoo; give diem a boil, difli your Ducks, pour the Ragoo over them, and ferve it up. 26. 0 DjeGt a 9XLt Voitl Safer of fl);Anse. Roast the Duck, till it is half enoi then take it up, lay it in a Diih, and cut it up fb as to leave aU the Joints hanging to one another. Then take Salt and Pepper pounded, and put between every In- cifion i alio, fijueeze in Ibme Juice of Orange. Then lay the Duck in a Diih upon the Breaft, and prefi it hard down with a Plate 5 fct it over the Stove for a little time , then turn the Breaft upwards again, afad ferve it hot in its own Gravy- ay. 0 %tXi 8 & ac1t aix gteen feait. First drels your Duck a la braife then toft up fome green Peas in a Sauce-pan, with Iweet Butter, Salt, Pepper, a duft of Flour, and a Faggot of Sa- voury Herbs •, moiflen tiiem with Gravy, diickeil the Yolk of an Egg beaten up with a little Cream; D U Cream J diih the Duck, pomt the Ragoo dver ky and ferve it up. Laild the JXidc, drudge it well with Flour, and tois it up in melted Bacon, to make it browtl then put it into a Pot, and make a Brown with melted Bacon, or with melted Butter aa4 Floury put 0 this a Pint of White-wine iboie jukxI Broth lealbn it with Pepper, Salt. Cloves, fweetllerbs, Omoos, Parilejr. and Slices of Letnon, flew the Duck in thele i cat your Turnips into the Shape of Olives or Dice, tois diem up in Hogs Lard to brown them; iet them a draining, ten Gxor mer them in good Gravy thickenM with a CuUis; when the Duck is ftewM lay it in the Difli, and pour updti it the Ragoo of Tuaups, and ierve it hot. Baste it as it is roafting with Butter and Salt, and noke the Sauce for it with the Liver mincM very Imall, and put into Dripping, with Salt, Pepper, NutniqMu- ihrooms,; and Jiiice of Orange. 30. D;tfl a flDuck a la bra4fe. Take a Duck and Lard it with large Lardons of Bacon, -well leafbn’d then garniih the Bottom of your Stcw-pao. with Bards of Bacon and Slices of Beef; to thb put radhis, Carots and Onions flicd. Salt, Pepper Goves, iome Iweet Herbs and Slices of Lemon; then put in your Duck, and cover it with the fame Ingredi- ents and in the &me; Manner as you put them under it, then cover it; let it a ftewing with Fire over and under, wben it is enough lay yoyr Duck on Sippetsi is your Diih, pour the Ragoo upon it, and ierve itup.? u Co fi;efo SDucfat toit9 dDpfhrd TKE wild Ducks, trufs them, make a Ragoo with Veal Sweet-Breads, Muilirooms, Truffles and Oyfters lftn’d with fine Herbs, Cives and Parfley v when it i almoft ready, larce the Ducks with it tye than up wdl aad roaft them, a little aiterwards aoake a Mu iWttk CulKs, £ich.aft is uiually made £br Partridges pour Bur it upm thefii and iwve then ttf hoe fiir a t iih. .: Let your Duck be firft dreft’d a1aimijt then co6 up Imiihrooms and Truffits in mtked mcmy audi moiflen thotii with Gravy; dm iid it widi a %t CuUis of Veal and Ham thenpot’lbme Oyfteta into a Saucepan, give than three or ibttr Tunte in diear own liqpior over the Fire, dean them welt, and put them into the Ragoo, and fit it over the Ftre again lor a Moment or two, but let &em; no): boil lay your Duck in the Difli, poor yaur Ragoo upon k, andierve it up. Half roaft tfaoni, then put them into a Steir-pan, mit in aPint of Ciat, and aPiat of ftroi Broth, two OniOD quarter’d, and a Bunch of Iweet Herbs, with a Uttie beaten Pepper; ftew thfem in a Pan covered, and when they’ arerenough, gamiih with fry’d Bacon. Take wild Dusks, ieaibn them weR widi Pepr and Salt pnt them in your Pye, adding two large CV nions minc’d finall, and good ftore of fiutt; ludee it and pour ingood Sfibce of tndttd Butter. i%. matt a fiDitcife Tak£ a ample oC Dudks, prere them fcnr roafts, Srboil than , then hrd them with krge Lavdons of icon, and the Jqaaof Himi iealbnd with Pepper, Salt, Spice fweed Herbs, Parfly and Cives itixtA faiafr make your Pafte, call it out an Inch thick, raile your Pye; lay aB over the ‘fiotisom of it pounded Bacen, iea’d with Salt, Pejpper, Spices, Iweet Herbs Civfes, and Pajfly ihred then lay in your Ducks, and 49 up thB einpty Spaces with Mutton Cutlets, larded and iea faa’d with e Sea&oing; abovementaonM then ftrew Jume of .the iaaie Seitlotfing over ywp Ducks and Cut letb a4,l thiip’Slkss of Veai over all, and thin Sl titOf. Bacon:br your. Vaal •, len put in a Pseee of: Buttery then lay the Lid on your Pyand ihit indte Oveni DV Orm;, lee it (huid for loiir or fire HcHors itrthe Oetf; while it is baking make a RagoocMinhroomsTrufRes Codes Ckunbs Livers and Sweet-Breos tols’d up in a Stew-pan with melted BacGn, moiftei’d with Gravy let theie all (immer over a gentle Fire for half an Hour, dam off the Fat, and thicken it with a Gullis of Veal andHam. When your Pye comes out of the Oven, fet it in a Diih cut it open, take out the Bacon and Veal, take off the Fat thatiwims attop, pourin your Ragoo, and ferve it up hcft for the firft C6ude, 36. ‘So mskr a lea S ttctt ipt. When your Ducks are pick’d and truis’d, beat them a little on the Breaft, broU them and tye diem up at the Ends: Take the Livers, Muihrooms, Truffies, Ci ves, Parfley, Butter, an Anchovy and Capers, mince them finall, and ieaion them well, and ftuff the Bodies of the Ducks with the Farce then havix made your Ptfte, fill your Pye with the S&i; Ducks wJh it is bakd, you may either lerve it up cold, without any thing elle -,’ or if you ferve it up hot, make a Ragoo with Carps Roes, the Tails of Crayfiflx, Truffles and Muihrooms, or elfe a Ragoo of Oyfters. 37. Uo mti ft iDttck Diti &acco; Dress your Duck a la braifey foald your Succory, fqueeze out the Water, give it two or three Cuts widi a Knife, tois it up in a Sauce-Pan with Gravy, thickeif it with £)me CuUis of Veal and Ham Diih your Diick, pour the Ragoo over it, and ferve it up. 38. SL€iHifiof BHidksi. Roast a Duck aivlpound it in a Mortar, then caufe feme Gammon to be fry’d brown, and put them into aPot with a handful of Lentiles; icibn them with a Clove of Garlick, three or four Cloves ibme Cives and Savory, let them ftew all together when they have flew’d Ibme time, pound them with the Fiefli of the DiKk, and tois th up in a Saucepan with meked Bacon put in ibme Veal Gravy, tx give it a pole Go’ lour, and ftrain it. . …. 39′ E A. r’fLE AN them well, put them into a Pot with as i much Water as will cover .them, well iealbnd with Salt, Pepper, a large Onion, and a Bay Leaf or two, and fend them to. an Oven 5 when they are bak’d, keep them in the Pickle, and when you ufe them, cut diem in Sli- cesy and fry tJiem j. for the Sauce put a Piece of Butter into three” or foiir ipoonfuls of the Pickle, ihake in a little Flour, and add a ipootiful of Muftard, which pour into the Diih over them. Xlean them well, leajlbn Bards of Bacon and Slicei of Veai, with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, Bay Leives, Onions, Baiil, Gives, ‘Parfley, beaten Coriander- Seed, a Stick of Cinnamon, and Slices of Lemon lay your Bacon and Veal over the Bottom of a Stew;an, mix’d with the other Seaibnings; then lay the Kfog’s Ears upon them, then cover them with Slices of Veal and Bards of Bicon; then put in a Quart qf White wine, with as much Water as will juft cover them •, put in.aUb a Pound and a half of melted Hog’s Lard co ver them well, and let them ftew over a gentle Fire till they are enough; let them ftand to cool, take them out ttnd drudge them with Flour broil them and ierve them np Or you mav flice them, and tofs them up with a littte melted Bacon in a Stew-pan, putting in Cives and Parfley Ihred: then put in lome Gravy to them, let them over a gentle Fire to fimmer a while, take off the Fat, put in CuUis of Veal and Ham, a iittle Muftard and Vinegar, and ierve them up. Whjen your Eels are ftripp’d and well cleansd take H ihallowPot, aiid’Cut your £el$ in Lengths, according CO the Depth of yoiirPot, and put them in fo that they may fland end-way v P (antity of Water Salt Fper SkUots ait Imall,, me Sage chopt finally N Marj6ram, ! • EE 1′ Marjoram, Rofemary Tops and ThymCj and let them in the Oven; when they are bakd, beat up Ibme Butter with the Liquor that comes from theip, and fbroi White- wine, and ferve them up. 4. 0 bDll (tzH When they are Aripty cut them in pieces, and make GaJhes in them, then lay them a while in meked But- •ter. Salt, Pepper, Onion, Parflcy, and Savoury Herbs, warm this a little, and ihake it all welt tcether then take out the Eels bit by bit drudge them widi the Crumb of Bread, and broil theift over a gentle Fire ’till it be of a good brown Oour. When they arc broil’d, make a brown Sauce with Parfley, Cives, and Capers, put it into the Diih, and the Eels round it. $. tSQ tollat £elK. When they are skimfd and gutted, rip t their BeDies, and bone them – then lea them with lp- per. Salt, Nutmeg, iweet Herbs, and Lemon-peel, and roll them up hard, tye them with Tape -, then make Jour Piclde thus Put the Bones of the Eels into a oe of Water, and boil them, feaifbning it with Pep- per, It, two or three Bay-leaves; a rig of Rolls ‘ mary, and a Bunch of fweet Herl, and iome Cider but boil them not too much when you take them tip, tye them in a Bunch, and hang them up t bd cold skim aU the Fat off the Xiquw, put in y&at; collared Eels -, boil up the Pickle now aiKl then; cat fchem with Vinegar and Oil beat up t!lick togeAer, t r the juice of Lemons, Pickles, or what you pleetle. . iUfwttcr QQiap. Take a large Silver Ee!, fplit him down the fiack-bone, Wafii, dry, and fait him -, dien take X) fters, an Onion, Thyme Savoury, and Iweet’ISarfo ram, mince them very finally add to thefe Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg pounded-, ftrew thefe on the Lv £de of the Eel, roll it up, bind widi a Tnpe, bfM it in Water, Vinesar, and Salt, three whole Ctaions, little Ginger, and a Bunch of fweet Herbs: Qar- niih ydur JXih with Fennel and Flowers. 74 0 . 7 €o r tttt (tdi a la daiibe. Take the Fldh of Eels aiid Tendi mkloi tKdtt together, fcafon the Ficfti with 8al Ppperi Nut meg and Cloves beating cut the Flefli of another Eel into fmall pieces, of which lay ode Layer on the Skins, and another of the ttiinccd Meat) this do you have made it in the form of a Bride-loaf thisA lap it up in a Linen Cloth, and ftew it in half Wa- ter, half Claret, feafon’d with Pepper a Bay-leaf; and Cloves; Lee it cool in its own Liqilor, Citt it kM little Slices, and- ierve it iti Plates or little Difhes S.t Engltib tea? tt Djcfltilf fel)f Make a Farce with Bread crumbkd very Sh Cives, Parfley add all forts of Savoury Herbs Ared fine; feafon with Salt, Pepper, Nntm, Clores j the Yolks of hard Eggi and freih Butter inix all theie together, rub your Eel with Salt, th m a Tdw ly to take off the Slime, then sldn it, and ent it iK tt three or four Pieces , lay diem in a Dift pou fbme good Whitewkie upon them, let thmi lye a lk tie white, take them out, and cut Notched on the Backs aiid Sides Sll jxptheSt with. the aliefaid Farces then flip it into the Skin, and te it at both £fld8 Prick the Skin iii feveral Places with a Fork thed either broil it oti a Gridirod, or roafl it mx a Spit as you pkafe. When it is drefa’d, take off the Skfa Md &rve; it up dry with Juice of Lsfmoa Or you may mdce a white Saiice with Vinegar, Bot! ter, white Pepper, Salt, Gapers, and AncfaofiesL 9. farce tU – Bone your Eds, pound the Fleih dt yodr Eel irt a Mortar, mixitig w it foihe Cron, Cnunbbread Mttflirooms, Truffles Civesy and Parfley, att well: fta- idoed Lay this Farce iqpott the Bones of your Eefs, drudge them weB with Crumbs of Bread grated jBne then put them into a Tart Pan, and bake theM ao 0?in ’tilt the are of a good brown Colour EE 10. 0 ft Celtf Strii? them, clean thcm bone them, and cult them in Pieces, lay them in a Marinade of Vinegar, Sali Pepper, ilic’d Onion, Bay-leaves,’ and Slices of Lemon, for mo Hours then curiidge them with Flour, and iry them in clarified Butter Serve them up dry with frd Pariky. Let ywr Eels be large, draw, waih, bone, and mince themj iealbn them widi Cloves, Mace, and an Onion cut into four Quarters, put in a little Whito wine, and ibme ftewing Oifters, and an Anchovy or two; let them ftew over a gentle Fire, and ferve them up on Sippets. Gamiih the Diih with ibme Slice. of Oraxi. . Cut yotur Eels in pieces, tols’ them up in a Stew- pan with burnt Butter, fine Herbs chopt very finall, Cives and Parfley, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Capers: You may alio add White-wine, a little Verjuice, with a little Flour. Afterwards ftew all together in a Dilh or earthen Pan and when it is enough, iervc it up with a Gamiih of Lemort i %t bell tDdp to fOdft ft latge (Btt Wash it in Water and Salt, cut off the Head, and lley off the SJdn a little below the Vent gut it, wipe it clean with a Cloth, and give it three or four Scotehes with a Knife. Then Ihred picked Parfley, ftript Thyme, Winter Savoury, and Iweet Marjoram, with an Anchovy mix them’ with Salt and Butter, and put them into the Belly of the Eel, and into the Scotched, then draw the Slan over the £el ain tytf the Skin with a PacJc-thread to keep in all the Moi- ihire. Faften it to a Spit, and roafl it leifiirely bafte it with Water and Salt ’till the Skin breaks, and then bafte it with Butter. Make your Sauce of Ixaten But- ter, and White-wine,?wth three or four Anchovies 4ilv’d in it. 14. EE 14. %o fpitcIicDcIt an CrL Let your Bsl be large Iplit it down the Bade, luid joint the Bone, but leave on the Skin, cut it into three or four Pieces, broil them on a gentle Fir bafte them wirh Butter, Vinegar, and Salt j when they are broil’d ferve them up with Butter and Jjjice of Lemon x ittU toitl xiitt &aace.; When jou have skinn’d your Eels, cut then? in pieces and icald them, dry them in a Napkin, and toli them up in a Pan with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Cives, Nutm, and Capers, a Bay-leaf, and a piece of Lc- moa Then drefs ibme Artichoke Bottoms, Mufhrooms, Alparagus Tops with Iweet Butter and fine Herbs; and make a white Sauce with tlie Yolks of Eggs and Veiuice: When they are ready, gaoiiih with fryd Bread add SUces of Xemon, and ierve them up widj Juice of the lame. 16. (Cel otage. Skin yoiu: Eels, cut them in pieces, fry tjieip with burnt Buitter, Flour, fine Herbs, and other proper Seaionings; then put them into a Pot with Fiih-brodb made of Tenches, Eels, Pikes, and Carps, boiled in Water, with Butter, Salt, an Onion ftuck wth Cloves, and a Faggot of fine Herbs. Put in fbme – Crufls to fo’dk, ferve it up with Capers -and Lemon- i uice. 17. %o (eafon an (f el dpe. Make your Pye of fine Pafte, either of an oval or round Figure j take SilVer-Eels, cut them in pieces feaibn them well with Salt, Jcpper, Nutmegs, Cloves and Mace beaten t Lay good (lore of Butter under die Eels, Ibme whole Mace broken into Sprigs on the top, and a good quantity of Butter on the top of them m Shoes. 18. Ct) Ittto-CeK Put them into a Stew-pan with White-wine, audi a little Salt J when they arc half fiw’d, put to them N 3 Ibiiir iomc Horfb-radiih, an Onion quartered, a little grated Breads dad a little beaten CIove3 and Mace when they are abnoft done, put in a little Butter, and a Glaft of Claj:et, and an Anchovy quartered give them a wlm or two, and ierve them up. 19. 0 ioiitt (ttlg Take four fat large Eels, fcour them in Salt, draw, waAi, and cleanie them cut them in pieces lour Inches long, Icotch them on the Back, and lay them a-lbak in Wine Vinegar, and Salt for about two Hourgj then boil them with Oniom, fwcet Herbs, ajid feme Blades of Mace; then pour away the Li- quor, let them cool, then boil a Pint of that Liquor with a Pint of White-wine, and boil it up with (bme pounded Saffron j then take out the Spices that were poiled with the Eels, and pour them into your White-. wii ej put your ‘Eels into a Pot, and pour this Souce over thm. 20. ‘OTfie belt toap of ftoaftins (&tU; TakB brge Eel, ftrip it, draw it, deanfe it, and Qt it into Pieces about four Inches long , then dry them well, feaibn them well with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and Mace beaten, with two or three Onions, a Piece of liemon-peel and Thyme minced finall rub youi: $aabning well mingled into the Pieces of Eel, and fatten it on them with the Yolks of Eggs fpit the Eel crofs-ways on a finall Spit, putting a Leaf of Sage between every Piece: You may either turn them round on the Spit, or fet them with one fide to the Fire ‘tUl they Wfs and grow brown j and then turn the other fide. Save the Gravy in the Diih in which the Eel was leaftn’d bafte it with drawn Butter j then put to your Gravy a pretty large Onion, Nut- meg grated, and Oyfters minc’dj let them have a walm or two with a little drawn Butter j di your lEel, and poiir your Saupe over if, 2 1 . £el Dlnt in Caerol. Ha YlNQ cleans’d your Eel Powt as beiare hy T .tli9ir Livers, and fry the Powt? in buitt Butter 1 tlien put EE put them with the fame Butter into a Stew-pan ad- ding a little Flour and White-wine: Seaibn thcin with Salt, Peppery Nutmeg a Faggot of iweet Herbs, and a Slice of Lenion. Make a Ragoo with the lame Sauce, as that of the £eI-Powt:s, adding their Livers and Muihrooms when you are ready to ferve garmih your Diih with it, addirig the Juice of Le- mon. 22. Co ntftke a Eftgo of eUlototjeE Cleakse them well from their flime with hot Wal- ter then flour them, and fry them: Then put- them into a Difh with burnt Butter, Flour and tlii£)lv’d Anchovies ieafbn them with Salt, Cives, Nutm and Verjuice and flew them well Gamiih with fry Parfley, and ferve them up. Clean them well, fry them whole in burnt But- ter, and a Httle Flour then ftew them in an earthen Pan, in Fifli-broth, or PeaSfoop, with a little Wine, ieafoning with Salt, . Pepper, and a Bunch of fine Herbs; foak ibme Crufls in the Liquor, lay them in the Diih y put in your Potage, and garniih with Mufh rooms and Capers. 24. %o malie an €tl lotot Ppe. When you have made your Pafte, skin your Eelr Powts, feaion them with their Roes, Livers, Tayls of Cray-fifh, Oifters, Mufhrooms, and Artichoke Bot- toms: Seafbn all with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cives, and Iweet Herbs when bak’d, ferve it up, with ibme Juice of Lcmc, 25. (f 98) toitl 0nc1)obie$i. Break half into a Butter Difh, fet them dvcr the Fire, diffolve three Anchovies in three Spoonfuls of White-wine, and pour into the Eggs •, beat a handful of Piffciches in a Mortar j put half a quarter of a Pint of Mutton Gravy, and your beaten Piflaches in- to the Eggs, don’t let die Eggs be too ftiffi cut large Sijets, toaft them, lay them in the Difh, and the Bigs jxgofk them by Spoonfulsy or ypu muft difh them EG with the Toafts about them, on the Bruns of the Diih. ‘ 26. (CggK jpmti teitli Slnttolbit$ Poach your Eggs, lay them in a Diih, trim them round with a Knife -, melt fbme Butter with Ancho- vies, fiy’d Flour, Salt and Juice of Lemon j pour this upon then), and ferve them. 27. %o meb t%p DiVt KtlBX). Soak crum Bread in Milk for two or three Hours, then ftrain it throjiigh a Sieve, or fine Colander . then put ia a little Salt, Sugar, Orange Flower-water, O- range Fee grated, and candy’d Lemon Peel, Ihred ve- Sr finall -, then rub the infide of a Silver Diih with utter, being a little heated, pour in your Eggs, and put Fire both at top and underneath, to colour them well Heat an Oven Peel red hot, blow off the Duft, break the Eggs on it, and put them into a hot Wen, or brown them ‘on the Top with a red hot Fire-lho- vel: When they are done, put them into a Diih with Ibme Gravy, Elder-Vinegar, and grated Nutmeg or Vinegar, Pepper, Juice of Orange, and grated Nut- meg. 29. Co Djeft (Cggis anu Crayfift. First, make a Ragoo of Cray-fiih Tails, Ati- choke Bottoms, Truffles, and Mulhrooms, cut into Pieces and tofs’d up in a Sauce-pan, with a little Butter, and moiftehed with a little Fiih Broth the whole being leaJbned with Salt, Pepper, and a Faggot pf fwcet Herbs, let it ftand fimmering for a Quarter of an Hour •, then take off the Fat •, put to it a Cul- lis of Cray-fiih-, then take half a fcore new laid Eggs, poach them in boiling Water, lay them in a Diih, gair the Ragoo upon them, and ferve them in little ilhes. ” ” – 3P- (tii poacl’b toitfi Crtam. Poach pour Eggs with Buttina Stew-pan j cn take them out upon a Plate, and trim the Whites; Eg jthen put to them lome Cream with Sugar, and a little Salt,gamilh them as you pleafe, and ferve them up hot. 3 1. fl&) thm. -Sweeten a Quart of Cream -widi Sugar, put in three or four Zefts of Lemon, and a Stick of Cinna- mon i take half a Pound of Iweet Almonds, and twen- ty bitter ones, pounded in a Mortar, Iprinkled now Imd then with Milk, till they become a Pafte-, then put them ‘into the Cream, with the Yolks of fixteen Eggs •, mix all thefe together, and ftrain it two or three times through a Sieve: Put it intQ a Diih, let it over the Fire, cover it, and put Fire over it, when they are enough fet them by to cool, and fervc them icold in Plates. 32 0 titii (tqai tn Crepine. Make a Ragoo of Veal meet Breads raw Ham, fat Livers, Mufhrooms and Tmffles, thus cut them all in Pieces in the Form of Dice j tofe them up in a Stew-pan with melted Bacon, and moiften diem with Gravy, and let them fimmer for half an Hour, and then put to it a Cullis of Veal and Ham •, when it is well relifli’d fet it by to cooL Take the Whites of a dozen new laid Eggs, whip them up to a Froth, beat the Yolks in a litde Cream, or Cullis; ftrain them through a Sieve, and put both Yolks and Whites into the Ragoo, ftirring all well together j then jay a Veal Caul in the Bottom of a flat-bottom’d Sauce- pan-, pour your Ragoo into the Caul, and fold it up J then put it in an Oven j when it is bak’d, turn it upfide down into a Diih, and lerve it up hot. If ybu pleafe you may pour on it a. Ragoo of Mulhrooms, or a Cullis of Veal and Ham. 33. tdoacfi’D (Cgssf ann €namltti, FiRSTj make a Ragoo of Cuaimbers, thus. Pare the Cucumbers, cut them in Halves, take out the Seeds, llice them, and marinate them in VinegVr, Salt, Pep- per, and an Onion or two flic’d then ftew them in “a Pan with frefli Butter, till they are brown; then put EG pot to them a little FUh-brodb, and let them iizmner for half an Hour: then skim on all the Fat and add to them a Cullis of Cray-fiih, or other Fifli. When you have this ready, poach your Eggs, one by one in fitter, lay them in the Difh trim die Whites round with a Kmfe-, pour your Ragoo upon them, and ferve them upw 34. Co farce (Eseif. Take a couple of Cabbage-Itnces, fcald them with a Muihroom, Parfley, Sorrel, and Chervil then chop them all very finall with the Yolks of hard Egs, ieafoned with Salt, and Nutmegs then ftew them in Butter, and when they are enough put in a little Cream; then pour them into the Bottom of a Difh. Make another Farce with the Whites of your Eggs, fweet Herbs, &c.; giving them a Colour with a red hot Fire-ihovel, and gaimih the Brim of your Diih with them. 35. Co fticftflp (£9Stf. Take a dozen Eggs, boil than hard, cut tliem into quarters; put to them three quarters of a Pint of white Port-wine, and a Pint and half of good Gra- S; put in a little Salt, Pepper, and a couple of ades of Mace. Put the Eggs into a Stew-pan,, with a few Oiflers and Mufhrooms, roll a Piece of Butter in the Yolk of an Egg, and a little B lour, zpd ihake it up thick lor Sauce £:ald fbmc Spinage to mkce them look green, with a Pint of large Oi fters to lay round the Diih. Gamifh with Lemon, Parflcy, and crilp’d Sippets Beat up half a icore Eggs with Cream, Rofe-rwa ter. Sugar, Nutmeg and Mace j then ewt two or three Apples. into round Slices, fry them with frefii Buttery when they are enough, take them up, and fry half theEgs and Cream in other freili Buttqr, ftir k as you do a Taniey, when thatis enough put it into a Diih, and put in the other half of the Eggs anct Cream, and lay the Slkes of Apl& round the fi EG ‘ and the other Eggs fry’d before upon them when they are fryd enough, put them in a Diih, iqueez in the Juice of an Orange, and ftrew on Siar.;?• tCo DiCggm tibe Bureundian toap Pound a Piece of red Beet with fome beaten Ciit namcm. Sugar, Macaroons, and a Slice of Lemon then tsdce half a dozen Eggs, without the Tread, a little Salt and Milk mix all well’ together, and ftrain them through a Sieve put it ihto a Diih, let it o- vcr a Fire, and brown it with a red hot Fire-fhor vel. 38. 0 tireft (tgisfi after tt German tTap Break Eggs into a Diih, put to them iomePeas- ibop, and iet them over a Stove mix the Yolks of two or three Eggs, with a little Milk, and ftrin them through a Sieve then take away the Broth in which the Eggs were drefi’d, and put the Yolks up on them, Icrape lome Cheeie on them, and colour • them with a red hot Shovel. 39. D;eft (f S8X a Id Huguenotte, o; ti French ;ottftftttt Oaiaf . Break a dozen Eggs, or more, as you pleafe beat them together, and put to them the Gravy of a Leg of Mutton, or of roaft Beef, ftir and beat tliem well together over a ChaflBi-dilh of Coals, with a little Salt, Iqueeze in the Juice of Oranges, or Le- mons then put in fome Muihroams, well boil’d and ieaibned; when your Eggs are wdl mix’d with the Gravy, &c.; take theni off the Fire, keep them cover cd fome time j then grate fome N utmcg over them, and ferve them up. 40. 0 tiat fosit tle Italian Witf Make a Syrup with Sugar and a little Water, and when it is fomething better than half made, put the Yolks of lgs in a SUver-lpoon, 00c by one, and hold them in the Syrup to poach. Serve them xxp to the Table, cover’d and gamilh’d with Piflaches, Orange Flowers, and flicea of LenKsn Peel, boil’d in the iai rup wA fpnnkle a itci Lcinoo Juice upon them. 41, %0 EG 41. tCo nti (trnt DilHf %tttatt Scald ibmeCabbje Lettuce in fair Water, Iqueezr them well; then flice dbem, and tofs them up with Butter, ieaibn them with Sst, Pepper, and a Bunch of fweet Herbs then let them over a gentle Fire in a Sauce-pan with Butter, and let them Aew for half an Hcmr: Then skim off the Fajv sind add to them a Fifli CuUis: Then lay them in Diihes. Poadi Ibmc Eggs m Butter, lay the Eggs upon the Lettuce, and fervc them on Plates., . 42. 0 bttttet £gfltf tle Potontan jfaQtom Be A T half a Icore Eggs, and having ready mc Bread ibakM in Gravy, beat them together in a Mor- tar with iome Salt put this to your Eggs, and then add a little preferv’d Lemon Peel, either cut into finall Slices, or fhred finaU, butter them, liet them over a Chaffing Difii of Coals, and ferve them on Sippets. 4;. Co bjefit (gsi after tl Porcugiiefe ttSaf Dissolve Sugar in Orange Flowcr-watcr, the Juice f two Lemons, and t little Salt. Put into it the Tolks of Eggs, fet it on the Fire, and ftir it well with a Slver-lpoon. Let them boil, till the Eggs flip from the fide of the Diih i then fet them by to cool. Then drefs them in the Form of a Pyramid, and gr atih witl March-pane and Lemon PeeL 44. 9lnot)tt iSBLa Mince Parfley, Leeks, and Onions finaH, fry them in firefli Batter; wh they are about half fry’d, put into them hard Eggs cut into rmmds, a Handful of Muihrooms, well piick’t, waihd and Diced, and ibme Salt; fry all together, and when they arc ajmoft done, gut in a litde Vinar •, lay Sippets in the Dilh, and ices of Lemon upon diem, then pour in your £s, tJTc. and grate Nutmeg over them. i 4 0 beOet (tSSH tfjt Sanifh Iflla Take a dozen and half of new laid Eggs, break them, and mix them with a (larter of a Pound of Sugar, a quarter of a Pint of Sack, a little Salt, and grated Nutmeg, and the Juice can Orange, beat thextt EG them all together very well then let them over a geade Fire, and keep them continually (Hrring till they bin to thicken: Then ferve them up to Tabic in a Diih with toafted Manchets dipt in thejuice of O- ranges. White-wine, or Claret, and fcraped Sugar: Then Iprinkle over them iome uice of Orange. Boil Water and Vinegar, mix’d together with ibme Qoves and Mace, vfhca it is boilii break in your Eggs, and ftir them about gently with a Slice tiH the Whites be hardened then take them up, and pare off what is not handibme , lay Sippets in a Diih, ibak’d in the Liquor the Eggs were poach’d in, melt Ibme Butter with a little Vinegar, and pour over them and ferve them hot. . 47. j noter afllau Take half a dozen new laid Eggs, and the Flelh of a couple of Partridges, or other Fowl j mince the Fleih as linall as you can, put it into a Silver Diih with a Ladleful of Mutton Gravy, in which you have diilblved a couple of Anchovies •, ieafbn it with beat- en Cloves, Nutmeg, and Mace: Then fet it a flewmg over a Stove or Chaffing-difh-, when it is half done break in your Eggs one by one, flipping away the moft part of tne Whites, and with the End of an Egg-flxell, make a Place in your Meat, in which to put your Eggs, which do round in order •, let them ftew while the Egs are enough, grate in Nutmeg, iqueeze in the juice of an Oraie, gamilh with whole Onions and ferve it up. 484 Ho poad dffint oit (Ktatjf? • When you have poach’d your Eggs, as before, ha- vir in Readinefe ibme good Gravy, heat over the Fire, fealcMi’d with Salt, Pepper, and a whole Leek 9 hy your Eggs in a Difh, ftrain your Gravy upon tJiem through a Sieve, and ferve them hot in little Diftcs or Plate. 49- 4. idttfficiil €q!gt au mkotti Fill the Bottx of a Place with Cream and iet i£ boil with Butter covered with a Lid, havii: Fire up on it when it grows firm take it off the Fire, make jhtoUow Places with a Spoon, ami fill them with artificial Yolks J (fee Number o t ) make a Sauce with Butter, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, a little Vinegar, and Ibme fweet Herbs chopt very fmall, ancUpour it in hot upon the Eggs. 50- (tip in 9apn(ttu. Break your Eg into a Diih upon (bme Butter . and Oil, either melted or cold, flrew Anne Salt on them, and let them over a Chafing-diih of Coals, but make not the Yolk too hard and while they are doit, co ver tliem, and make a Sauce of an Onion cut into round Slices, and fry’d in good Oil or Buttbr j then put a little Verjuice, Salt, .and grated Nutmeg to them, and ierve them up. 51. 3:ot)efjS £sgp(tDitl)dDrange3lttite. Beat youF £ggg weU, fqueezing in ibme Orange as you beat theiin, when you have beaten them weH, fan Ion them with a little Salt put ibme Gravy and Butter into a Sauce-pan, and your Eggs in, fet them over a gentle Fire, and keep them continualty fiirring when dxey art done, ierve diem up hot in a Diih 53 dggfi tDit$ %oitttt. Le t your Eggs be temper’d with Rofewater, Sak, beaten Cinnamon, Macaroon and Lemonel, boil them with clariSed Butter in a Pan over a gentle Fire v when they are enough. Ice them over, with Sugar and Orange-flower or Kofe-water, and when you ferve them up put Hxat LemoAjiike and the Kernels of P h megranate to them. Put ibme Butter intoa Diih with Vincg andSate let it over a Chafing-iih when the Butter is naeked put in two Of three Yolks of hard £ggs diflblv theatt in the Butter and Verjuice ibr the iauce j then havii% other hard Es ready, cut them in halves or quarters, lay tay iSbtm in dieSauce and grate or diem ibme Nut- meg, and the CruQ: of White-bread. 54 tto &elt; Cg9t tettti HZerfatcn Let your Eggs be beat well with a little Verjuice, then put to them Salt and Nutmeg -, put them over the Fire witJi a tittle Butter, and when diey are about as thick as Cream, ienre them up. 5 5 . 0 mate a jflorenMne of tKi. Boil twenty Eggs har mince them imall with two Pound of BeeP-iiiet, feafbn thefc with a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves and Mace, and a Nutm and a quarter of an Ounce of Cinnamon finely powdered; put to them a quarterof a Pound of Dates, minc’d finall, a Pound and half of Currans, and half a Pound of fine Sugar, mince Ibme Lemon Peel finall, mix all well toge- ther with a ijuarter of a Pint of Rofe-water, and Ibme Sak, put it mto yourDi% and bake it; when it is drawn, iieat a little Water, beat up half a Pound of Butter thidc, fweeten with a quarter of a Pound of Su- gar, Iqueeze “in the Juice of a Lemon, pou them on it, and ferve it up, ;6 0 miilte an Cks !!?K Boil a dozen of Eggs hard, mwice the Yolks very f mall with their Weight in Beef-luct put to thn S mt Salt, bcatm Spice, Lemon Peel, Rofe-water, Sugar, a Juarcer of a round of Hates, flon’d and flic’d,,and a bund of Citrrans v you may alio add an Apple’ ihred finall, mix all theie well together, fiQ your Pies, and bake them, and ferve them, to the Table with a Ut- eie Wmc Mmcfi them finall with a Pound of Beef-liiet, add a Pound of Cbrrans, ffadbn widi Salt, beaten Cnna- monNutmeg and Sugar, mix all well together, put them into your Cruft xid bake it, and when it is done put in feme Sack and Juice of Orange. 8 U(r make miner tpe of d Boi L a dozen of Eggs hard, let them be cold, iqueeze thcmixnaU with a Pound of Bf-fitet, iealon with a lit- tle EG. tie Salt, a Uttle Mace, half an Ounce of jCimiaiponbesr’ ten, and five or Gk Ounces of Sugar 5 ihred half the Rind of a Lemon imaU and mix with them, and eight or ten Date minc’d finall, and three or four Pippins cut fmall; put in a Pound and a half of Currans, $l quarter of a Pint of Roie-water, the Juice of a Lemox and an Orange, and what Sweet-meats you pleafe, wet or dry. 59. Co frs(£gs0 au tonnBaitalljt Take a deep Frying-pan, and three Pipts of clari fied Butter, heat it as hot as for Fritters, ftir it with a Stick, till it fun round UJce a Whirlpool then break an Egg into the Middle, and turn it roiAid with your Stick cill it be as hard as a ioft poached Egg, the whir- ling round of the Butter will make it as round as a BaU; then take it up with a Slice, d !put it into a warm Pipkin or Difli, fet it loaning before the Fire to keep hot, they will keep half an Hour, and y be foft, fo you may do as many as you pleale j you may ferve them with fry’d or roafted G Uops. 60 Co make artificial Cm. Boil a Gallon of Milk in an earthen ran till it comes to a Quart, keeping it condnually ftirring with a wooden Ladle , then put one third Part of it into a Diih, and let it on the Fire again with fome Rice, Cream, and 2 little Saffron, till it grows thick and pretty firm, then make it up into the Form of Yolks of Eggs, keeping them luke-warm then take the Milk you let by, and with that fill up fome Egg-ihells that you have open’d, waihd and topped, and put your artificial Yolks into the Shells, and a little Almond, Creanu and Orange Flower- water on the Top: Thefe arc ufually ferv’d up on a ruffled Napkin, and are eaten in the Time of Loit. 61.0 meikt an (fog asi big an ttoenti Part the Yolks from the Whites of twenty Egs ftrain the Yolks by themfelves, and the Whites by themr- felves, boil die Yolks in a Bladder, in the Form cither of an Egg, or Ball j when they are boiled hard, put the Ball of Yolks into another Bladder, and the White round EL. to6nd about it and bind it up oval or round,’ and boil it: Thefe Eggs are uled in grd Sallet& If you plcafe, you may add to the Yolks of the Eggs jnibergreele, Musk grated Biskets, candid Piftaches and Sugary and to the Whites,. Musk, Alinond Pafte, beaten Ginger axd the Juice of Orahgesand fervethert. iip with Butter, Almond, Milk Sugar, and Juice of Orange. . ‘. d2 0 butter dSSS upon Yaffil; Beat half a Icore Eggs in a Diih with i&ine; $al put Butter to theiri, then cut Toafts and toaft dieni with half a Pound of Iweet Butter j when the Toafti are butter’d lay them in a Diih, lay the Eggs on thd Toafts, and gamiih the Diih with Pepper and Salt. Put the Buck into Vinegar iferibii’d with Skit, Whole Pepper, large Mace, and a Lmon Peel cut ixnall, e£ them have two qr three walms over the Fire j theni take them out, and let the Buds and Pickle both cool i then put the Buds into yOiu: Pot, a£id cover them ith theRcklc. • 6. “tEoptckU (Clfietopiet. Break the Tops -of young Sproutsof Elder,,abQutJ the Middle of Apriy iix Inches long, let thein havd half a dozen walms in boiling Water, then drain them i make a Pickle of Wine or Beer widi Salt and bruiied Pepper, put them into the Pickle, and flop theoi up dofe. 6u Co make (lltier3linegat. Put dry’d Elder-flowers into Stone or double- Glals Bottles, fill them up with ood Wine-vinar, and let them in th? Son, or by the Eire, tiH their Virtue i. tx-r traded. 66. 0 make (tlDecbettptotne. . – . To fixGalkJBS of Water pun twenty four Pounds of Malaga Raiiins pick’d from the Stalks rubb’d Cl&inj; and cut finall boii tbt Water for ah Hour or more; and thm pour it hot upon the Raifins; thenlet itftand ten or twelve Ikifs in the Vei&L; flirring it rmi atd EN. then, then ftrain it: Take Elder-berries and pat thcnr in a Pan, let the Pan in a Kettle of Boiling Water for ibmc time j then Iqueeze thern ftrain the Juice, and when It is cokl pat five Pints of it into the Raifin liquor, and pgt it up into a Cask, and let it work: when it has done weeing bimg it updole andl itftandtiliit is fine, then bottle it off. 67 ComalttdHDcrttotoertoine. Put tfen Poiindof fingle Loaf Star to four Gallons of WAiifir, boii it till a fixth Part is wafted away – while it is biiirg fcum it well thoy iet it by till it is as coc OS Wort, then put-in a Ipoon or two of Yeaft, and wfien it begins to work put’in about a Pint and half of BloiS)m5 of Eider, pick d- from the Stalks, ftir it daily till its working is over, whdch will not be for near a Wdb: then pitt it up in a Cask, ftop it clofe, let it fiand mo or thnse Months, and. if it is fine, botdr it off.; TViRE the fairdjk Roots out of the Syrop, wafli off the Sugar, and dry them with a Linnen-cloadi y to eadi Found of Roots take a Pound and three quarters of Sugftc, cHlrify it.weH, and boH it to a candy Ekight v tlyen dip- m your Roots, and afterwards flove thean., 6. pttbe £l£eampane-)tloot0 . WirtA n l fcrape.the Roots very well, cut them to the Pith tiitt, tod the Length of your Pingpr-, thetr put them in foak in Water for three Days to take away their Bitternels, and ftift them twice a Day •, thea boil th£ Roots very tender, and put twelve Oumxs of clarified Sugar to tYery Pound of Roots, and boil them in the Sugar orera gentle P’ire, till enotigh then ukc them off, d let them ftand, and betwixt hot and cold put them- up’ for Ufe. 70 %t mOx u ISiQDO of (tMtt. Lb’ your Eiildie be the whiteft, when you have- it well,, blanch it in boilm Water then thibw it into cold Water, iquceK it oat of the Water wiett, pm it two or three Cuts, put it into aSaucepaa with lomc F Ai Jbibe thin CuUis of Veal and Hsun; let it (linmer a While over a gentle Fire, and if it is’ not thick cnougH 5ut in a little more of the lame CuHis and Effeice • This may be lerv’d iri all the Diihes in which Endive is proper, 71. DCtlDp(£rittSOtMtjJ;. BoiLthemtender, peel, pith and lay them tOgtherj take as much Sug as the Roots weigh, and put it loto as much Water as will juft melt it; then put the oots into it, and let them boil gently till the Sugar is drawn into the Roots turn them and ihake them till the Sugar is diy’dup thealay them on a wire Lattice! till diey are cold. Take diole Roots that are iair and siot kno, ?Si them very clean, but take car not to break tbra i mi you pare themput them into cold Water and kt theni lie dll you have done alh for every Pound of Roots take three quarters of a round of chri6cd Siar, ami boil it ahnofl: to the Het of a Syrup v wm put your Roots into it, and boil them viry gently, ring them as little as may be for fear of breaking them; let them ftand till they are cold, and then put them iip for tJfe. FA, I. flDf iFarctf FARCES arc various according to the difiereflt forts of tieft. Fowl, or Fiih to be farc’d whicii are treated of in their proper Places. 2. make ifaccr to) all fortsi of itfmU Take Veal Sweet-breads, Marrow, Oyfters An-‘ chpvies, Cives, Marjoram, Savoury, Thyme, and Liemon-)eel9 and mince them all vety fine 9 ftafon them with $alt, ‘Pepper, and Kutmeg, temper, aU thc(c well together with the Yolks of BggSj raife ug O t tbff t A the Skin ott th Breafts of your Fowls fluff tkt holtow with this Farce, and ftick theni up again. 3. tlTo mate a granfi jTarc’D gDi($ Boil Ibme Eggs ’till they be very hard, then ie- pairate the Yolks from the Whites, divide them intt halves-, then pound the Yolks in a Stone Mortar with March-pane flxiff and Iweet Herbs, minced very linall 1 add thefe to the Eggs with Sugar and Cinna- oh nnely. beaten, mix all together with Salt and Cur- k-aite i fill the Whites, and fet them by, then take pre- fenrtid candied Oranges, fill them with the March-pane ‘ Paltb and Sugar, and fet them by: Then have boil’d Chefiiuts blanch’d, and Piftaches-, then have boil’d Aiparagus minc’d with Butter and a little Canary; then. have Marrow flieeped in Rofewater, and fry’d with Butter j then have Sweet-breads or Lamb-ftcxies, and Yolks of Eggs dipt iit Butter and fry’d then have green Codlins fliced, mix’d with Bisket Bread, and Eggs, fiy’d in Kttle Cakes, then have Ibmfc Artichokes and Potatoes boil’d and fry’d in Butter •, then have Ibme Pigeon-peepers and ChicJcen-peepers, or any Land-fowl, fry’d-, and have alfo lome Parmi- ‘ .firf niade into Balk as big as a Walnut, Lay your F owls in the middle of a large Difli or Charger, then lay a Layer of Sweet-breads and Artichoke Bottoms and MarroWy and on them preferv’d Oranges •, and place your hard Eggs round them, and alio Aiparagus Iry’d, Yolks of Eggs, Chefiiuts, and Piflaches •, then your green Codlins farc’d. Thus having fiU’d your Dilh or Charger, lay Marrow all over, with the Juice of -Oranges. Some do it this way j Take two Found of •Beef Marrow, and cut it into bits as large as Dice, and a Pound of Dates art into IqXiare bits, and a Pound of Pmnes ftoned, and a Pound of Currans mingle all thbfe well together in a Platter, with a Pound of Sugar, an Ounce of fSnnamon, and the Yolks of twenty Eggs j then take the Yolks of twen- ty Eggs more, ftrain them with Rofe-water, Sugar, and a little Musk, fry them in Butter into two Pan- cakes FA cakes; when the e fry’d yellow, lay one in a Diih, and ipread the former Materials on it j then cut the other into thin Slices as broad as your little Finger, and lay it over all in the form of a Lattice-window, let it in an Oven a little, then fry it. 4. b pefetbe Jfat of Beef, button, &c; Take Fat or Suet very frefli, pipk out the Sldns and Strings; waili it well in Water from all Bloody jhred it very finall, melt it and ftrain it into clean Water, let it be cold, drain it well, and put it up in •a Pof aod let it in a cool Place, but not too moifl and it will keep good a great while. 5 . 0 plcfcle iFenneU Make Water boil, tye your Fennel wp in Bunches, and put them into the Water •, give them half a dozen Wabns drain them, put them into a Pot, and let your Pickle be Vinegar. 6. %o male a jTennel ballet. : Take young Fennel about a Foot long, in the Spring of the Year, tye it up in Bundles like Alpa- ragus; put it into boiling hot Watery when it is boil’d, drain k well, diih it as you do Aiparagus and ferve it up with Butter arid Vinegar, 7. Co make a iFarce of jFilft. Take Carps, Pike, and other Filb, take out the Bones, and flured the Flelh of them together very fine ‘, make an Amiet of Eggs, and mince with them jCives, Parfley, Truffles, and Mulhrooms: Lay thefe en the Farce, leafon the whole, well you .may alfo add the Crumb of a French Roll ibak’d in Milk, 9 little Butter, nd a few Yolks ofEggsu Make it fo thick that it will- hang togetlicr. This Farce will ferve to farce Carps and Soles on the Bone, Pidgeons, Cabr. bage, and feveraj other things, as you pleale. 8 %o foace SfiOiy ati Carp, fike, 0; Bteam Let your Fift be drawn, but not fcal’d lay by the Liver, walh it very well j take two Parts of Wa- ter, and one Part of White-wine, and boil them witii aj whole Spice, and a Bimdlc of Iweet Herbs, and P 3 Vh PL when It boils, put in a little Vinar, and then your Fih; when it is boird enough, tale it up. Then put into the Liquor fomc bruis’d Ginger and Pepper, boil %t again, take it df, let it fland to cool, and wheq cold, put it in a Pan, and put your Fiih into it. When you ftrve it up, lay Ibme. of the Jelly about the fi4cs of the Dift, and fome Fennel, alio 16me Sauce of Vinegar. 9. tl4) mate a iFlojentlne. Take trvo Poimd of Cheefe Curds, a Pound of blancJxM Almonds, pounde(l fine j half a Pound of jCurraps, a little Rofe-water, and Sugar to your Pa- late J jningle thefe well tcether with Ibme Spinage ftew’d and llic’d finall j melt Butter in your Diin, tod ferve it up. ‘ Florendikes are of feveral Ibrts, according to fhe Flelh, &c; of which they are made, which you will find in their proper Places. 10. flTo mait a jTlojenBtne Wagiftral Cot thin Slices of a Leg of Veal, like Scotch CoU Jops, beat theii witfi a Knife on both fides j iealoa them with Salt, lpper. Cloves, and Mace. Cut as many tliih Slices of tat Bacon •,’ put a Slice of Veal on each Slice of the Bacon, and roll them up, and put them into jjour Pye-difli •, put in two or three Shalots, and three or four Anchovies, Ibme Oyfters, and forty or fifty forc’d-meat Balls, and Lemon parVi and flic’d j put in a quarter of a Pint of Gnivy, half a Pint of ftrong Broth, • and half a Vmt of White-wine v cover it ith your Puff-Pafte and bake it. II. tto boil ipltmrttierg, o? Iaice. Into your Water pu.t Salt, whole Spice, White- wine, and a Bundh of Iwbet Herbs; when it boils, ut in a little Vinegar (that will make thcFilh criip) let it boil a-pace before you piit in your Fiflij let phcm boil till they fwimj then take them up, and drain them well j take a little of the Liquor, put intcj it Jb’me Butter, two or three Anchovies, and fomc; ‘ ‘ Capprs FL Capers fet it over the Fire, and beat it up thick j thai pour it over the Diih, with Padley, Capers O- raie and Lemoa 12. jSnotfiet sna Boil lwet Herbs, Tops of Rofemary, Tliyme Winter-lavoury, and fweet Ma joram picfct Parfley, aqjd a little whole Mace, in White-wine and Water, of each an equal Quantity when they boLYC boird for firnie time then put in your Flounders, Icum it weQ i then put in a Cruil of Manchet, a quarter of a Pouna of Buttery leafbn with Salt, Pcfr, and Verjuice, aty) fenreit up. j. make a HoniiMr, o Uia 0. When they are drawn and wa’d cut off their Fins, and Icotch theni then ieaibn them with Salt Pepper, Nutmeg, nd Mace then mince ibme Leeks I very fmall, and fbew them over the Bottom of the Pye i then lay on your B’lounders, and lay upon them the Meat of the Tails and Claws of LoMlers, cut in- to final! Pieces, the Yolks of hard Eggs and Onions. Then Jay on Butter, clofe up your Pye, and bake it When it is done, miftre Parfley very finall, put it into White-wine, the Meat of the Body of a Lobfter, the Yolk of an Egg, and iiotic drawn Butter ihake theie together in the Pye, and lerve it up hot. ft4 0 (If tD iFlouitorrti Takb large Flounders, and icotch them, then lay them in a Pan pour round them a Pint of Sattet-oil; ilice two o three Races of Ginger over than, alio ibme whole Cloves, and a Blade or two • of Mace: Pour upon them a rint of White-wine Vinegar, mixt with a Pint of Claret add a Nutmeg flic’d. two or three Onions ait, and a Bunch of iweet Herbs: Stew all theie together, mince a HandRil of Pkrfley imail, put it in a little before they arc ftewed eno%h, lay sippets in the Dift, put in your Fifli, pour ‘on the flewd Liquor garmfh with green ParjQey and Slices of Xemon. O 4 j. ICI FL 1. ICo canop jFItrtnett. Bqil youi? Sugar to a candy height, put in your Flowers, and4lir them with the Back ota Spoon, and and when you find the Sugar harden upon tlie Spoon, and the Sides of the Skillet, take them off, keeping them ftill ftirring till you fee them part, and the Su- gar items to be, as it were, lifted upon them , then lay them on a Paper, and rub them them gently, till all the Lumps are broken j then put tliem into a Cul- lender, and fift them very clean-, then put them into a Clodi, and fhake them up and down, tSU there be fcarce left any Sugar hanging about them. If you would have them look as if they were frelh gathered, open them with jrour Fingers before they are quite cold, wiping off any Sugar that hangs about theni with a clean CIotL Thus ydii may (randy Cowflips, Gilliflowers, Roies, or Violets, &c.; If ypu caody Rofemary Flowers, or Arch-Angel, you muft puil off the String that ftands in the middle of the filoflbnu 16. Co blQ) up iFruitfi ano peferbo iotettsr. Take a large Diih, cover it with another of the ikme bignefs, and lay the uppcr-inoft all oyer with Al- mcHid Paftei inlaid with white, red, green, blew and white Marmalade in the Figures of Biiks and Flowers, ‘ihen take Branches of candy’d Flowers, and ftick them upright in the Pafte, in as handlbioe Order as ydu can then erft little Buihes qovered with Balle, and upon, them faften preferv’d Apples, Apricocks, Currans, Goofeberries, reaches. Pears, Plumbs, &c.; and for Leaves you may make ufe either of codour’d Pafte Parchment, or Horn. This will l?c very pro- per in Winter. 17. Co Iteep jFlotoeM all tide fear. Put Gum Arabic jc into Role-water, to make it ftic- ky i take what fort of Flowers you pleafe, and dip them into the Liquor, fwing the Liquor Qif fetthega io a eve to dry in the Svfu ‘ 18. I V o iS. pf citle ilototnt. Take Flowers of any fort, put diem inta a GaUy Pot with their weight in Sugar, and to each pound of Sugar, put a Pint of Vinegar. 19. 0 malie jflummet . Put a Pint of finall Oatiaeal into two Quarts of Water, let it fteep for twenty four Hours; then pour off that Water, and pat in two Quarts of frcfli Wa- ter, then ftrain it fine i put in two Spoonfuls of O- range Flower-water, and Sugar to your Palate, and boil it till it is as thick as Hafly-Pudding keep itr continually ftirring •, when it is enough, pour it out in- to Iballow Diflies, and ferve it up. 20. Co make’ Scotch glummer;? Take three Pints of new Milk, a little Cream; beat the Yolks of nme Eggs with a little Milk, or Roie-water iweeten it with Sugar, put in fbmt Nut- meg: Then Butter a Diih aqd pour it in: Set it over a gentle Fire in a Chaffing-diih clofe covered; when it begins to grow thick, have ready ibme Currans plumpt in Sack, ftrew thefe over it. It muft not be Itirr’d while it is over the Fire •, when it it enough ferve it up quick. 21. mate Weft Country jniimmetp Lay half a Peck of Wheat-bran in fteep in cold Water, for three or four Days; then ftrain it, and boil it to a JeUy, Iweeten it with Sugar, and put in Orange Flower and Rcde-water; then fet it by till it is cold, and eat it with Cream, Milk, Wine, or . 2 z. 0 make a Norfolk JFool. Boil three Pints of Cream with whole Cinnamoin and Mace then put in the Yolks of nine Eggs well beaten then take it off the F’ire, and take out your Spice , your Cream being pretty thicl cut a Manchet into Slices, and lay them all over the Bottom of a Diih J then pour on ibme Cream then lay on more Bread, and repeat this, till the Diih is full; then trim the Side of the Diih with ibne carved Sippets, and . – • i FO znd Aick it with iliced Dates icrtpe Sugar ortr it, and lerve it up ?3. 0 make fattrmiaU Take three Pound oi Veal, a Pound of Suet, and a Pound of fat Bacon, boil them together for half an Hour; ther put them into cold Water, that the Bacon, Sec. run not tx oil in mincing Then mince tliem each by it ftif, as finall as you caa Then pound them all together in a Marblemortar very wdl, &aidning; with Salt and Pepper adding alio half a icore raw £ggs and a couple of FreaJ RoUs, ibak’d in Broth or M!lk: When theJe are pounded kito a Pafte, fet it by for ufe. Take two pound of Veal, two Pound of Beef- &t; and a litde Bacon mince all thefe well toge ther, then pound them in a Mortar to a P ibaing with Salt, Pepper, Nutm, Mace, and iweet Herte. And when you roll it up to fiy, put to it the Yolks of two or thre? Eggs to bind iL 25. SLmtl)n asta Take Beefmarrow, Crumbs of white Bread, the Yolks of Eggs, well beaten, a little Thyme ahd Sa- voury iealon them well with Salt, Pepper, CloiTes, and Mace: Scald ibme Spinage, drain it, mince t€ ikiall -, mix all well together, and make it up, fome inta Balls, and ibme into Rdls. 26, %o mult Xouttf-nitat fiallf. fluT two Pound of Leg of Veal into thin fliccs, hack it with a Knife on tdbe Drefler, taking out all the Skins aad Strings -, ihred three Pound of Beel&et; rery imaB mix it wefl with the Vcal atid pound them to a Paftc in a Stonc-morrar feaibn chem with a Spoonful of Salt, half an Ounce of Pepper, and a couple of Nutmegs, grated, a litde Rofonwtry, and a Hand6il of Sage, ihed imaB; mix all thcie well to gether, with a couple of Eggs into a Pifte, put it in to a Pot, and iet it in a cool Place, and foU it iofio rwnd A FR round BaHs when you ufe it or Into long ones like Saufeges, and boil diem in ftrong Broth for about a quarter of an Hour. 27 Q pot tfOtoU. When they are clean pick d and fing’d, dry them with a Cloatl • but do riot wafh them, for that will hin- der their keeping fealbn them with Salt Pepper, Nut- n lye for a I a Night in the Seafening, lay them in tne Pots with their meg. Cloves and Mace, let them lye for a l ay and Brcafls downwards j Hit Ibme Cloves and Mace and ftrew over them, and coyer them with melted Butter an Inch and half thick, tye them over clofe, and lend them to the Oven •, when they come out, let them ftand a while to drain then take them out, fill their Bellies with Butter, put them into another Pot with their Breafts upwards, pour o!f the Butter tlicy were bak’d in, lea- ving the Gravy behind, and the other Ingredients, and pour it upon them, adding more melted Butter, enough to cover them an Inch thick. 28. jFdcanDoeiS. Fricandoes or Scotch Collops c ufed to garmfh lump- tuous fide Diihes, and alio to make particular Diihes; . when they are ufed for gamiftimg, you need only lard then, but whcm ferc’d for a feparate Dilh you nidTpre- pare them as follows. 29 ‘Xo farce iFtican&oesl;) 0; Scotch CoUops(. Cut ibme thin Slices olF from a Leg of Veal, lard them and lay them on a Table or Drefler with the Ba- con underneath”, make a Farcfe of Veal, a little Bacon, Beef Marrow, and Eggs, feafbn’d with Salt, Pepper, an4 fweet Herbs j then cover your Veal with this Farce, then fmooth the Edges of them with your Fingers dipt in beaten Egg j cover the Bottom of a Stew-pan with Slices .of Bacon and lay in your fercM Slices, cover the F, and put Fire both over and under it let them flew thus dH they are brown on both Sides, then take them up, and drain the Fat from them , then put them in a Stew-pan with Beef Gravy, and fimmer them in it titm taLe off all thp Fat, and put in a little Verjuice, F R d& them, pour on iheoi a Ragoo of Sweat-breads, Mc ihrooms and Trufflies, and ierve them warm: When they are us’d for gamiihing, they are not to be be larded, oterwiie to be ckeisM after the lame Manner. o a tare iFticaffp Take Jialf a dojzen Chickens, ‘ and half a dozen Pi geoQ5 Icald and tru them take Lamb-ftones and Sweet- broads blanch’cl, jparbpil them, flice them, and fry moll of the Sweet-breads llour’d; cut Alpargus Tops an Inch loi take the Yolks of a couple of bird Eggs, the “Marrow of half a dozen Bones, and Piftaches, fry half the Marrow and white Butter green keep it warm j then take a clean Frying-pan, and fry your Fowls in Iwcet Butter; when they are fry’d pour out the Butter, put to them Mutton Gravy, fome Salt and large Oyllers fry’d j then put iq the reft of the Sweet-bread that are not fry’d, ap4 the Yolks of hard Eggs, the other half of the Marrow, th Piftaches and Aiparagus Tops •, add Peppe;r and grated Nutmeg, a litle White-wine, and, if you pleale, a Clove or two of Garlick, ftew them well together j then take the Yolks of Ijalf a fcdre Eggs diflblv’d in a Diib with Wine-Vinegar, or Verjuice of Graj es, and a Ettic Mace beaten, and put thefe to your J notify j then fet a large Difh on a Chafing-dilh of Cols, fliicc into it a Six-penny French Loaf with Ibme Mutton Gravy, give your Fricaily two or three walms on Ae Fire, and pour itin garnifli with fry’d . Oyfters, fry’d Sweet-breads, fry’d Marrow, flic’d Almonds, Piftaches and the Juice of two or three Oranges. 31. Co make jFrlttcrt. Take a Pint of Cream, thicken it with Flour, beat twelve Eggs, leaving out the Whites of eight; then pot in twelve oonfiils of Canary, and ftrain them in- to the Batter j put in a little Slt, Cinnamon, grated Nutmeg, and beaten Ginger j then add another Pint of Cream, and beat the Batter for almoft an Hour cur thin Slices of Apples, dip them in the Batter, .and put thein’into a Pan o boiling Lard, 33 f? n? tCo malte Coutt itltttti. Take Milk warm from the.Cpw, turn it with Sack, taie out the Curd, put it in a Balbn with fix or eight Eggs, beat it very well with a Whisk •, then put m Flour and make it Batter, put in Sugar •, then msfe fomc clarified BecMiet boil, put diem in, ferve them lor a fide Diflt – 33 jTrittetjittie Italian Maf. . Boil a Pqund of Rice in a Pint of Cream, till it is pretty thick, then Ipread it to cool in a Difti then ftamp it in a Wooden or Stone Mortar, with a Pound of gra- ted Cheefe, the Yolk of four or five hard Eggs, tone grated Bread, Sugar and Musk, then make it intoBaltej when the Pafte is very fliff you may make them of diver Colours, with the Flowers of Marigolds, Violets, Bhi,3Bottles, and Knks or CamaticMis ftampd. If the Pafte be too tender work in morp Bread and Flour fiy the and ferve them up to Table with the Juice of Oranges and Sugar icraped over them j garnilh thefe Balls witi Stock-Fritters. 34 0 malte fxitUxt of armu. Foji theie you muft hav Brafi Moulds of Coats, of Arms, ftrain a Pint of Flour with a Pint of Water, and make the Batter thinner than thin Cream j then heat the Moulds with clarified Butter, when they are hot wipe them, dip die Moulds half way in the Batter ml fry;them, garnilh any boil’d Filh, Meats or ftew’d Oi fters with them •, befides Coats of Arms, you majr have Moulds for any Forms you pleafe, as Dol- phins, &c.; . ‘ • 3 5- omaltttoltjlttotbTancmanset Jftittetu • Take Rice, waih it well in five or fix Waters, then dry it well by the Fire, then pound it in a Mortar, and fift it thro’ a ‘ Lawn Sieve •, take an Ounce or fomo- thing more of this Flour, put it into ”a Stew-pan and wet it with Milk, and when it is well mix’d, pour fii a Quart of Milk, then fct it over a Stove, afid keep it coa- tinually fKrringj then put thereto the.JBreaft of a fet -‘ ‘ • Ai” •• • Piiliqt F R jfiillet roafied, miik’dvrylhiall, fome caddy’d Lemoii’ peel graced, and a little Sucar, as it is boiling, ahd keep k over the Fire till it is aunpft as thick as a fine Pafte flour a Peel or Dre(rer-I oard verv well, pour out your Fafte upcm it, and roll it with a KoUii:g-pin, and when it is oold, cut it into Uttle Pieces, flour your HaK and make them up neatly, and frthem in good Lard, as be- fore, put them in Plates, Iprinkle Orange-flower-water over iem, liar them, and ferve them up. i6. %o nuke gill ititttit The V are made after the feme Manner as Water Frit- rs, but kfs Flour muft be put in, that iff may be ra- ther a Battor than a Pafte, but yxm muft put in more £s; then pour the Batter out of the Sauce-pan into a Plate, heat your Hog’s Lard, xxiake the Fritters with the End of a Spoon, dipping it in the Lard that tht Fritters may xipt flick to it j keep your Pan continually xoovkig till they are brown, lay them in a Difli, flrew $ugar on them, and let them be fprinkled with Orange- flower Water j then lugar them again, and Ice them over with a red-hot Fiie-fliovel. ;7. Co malte Xtttttti oC oibent Soma. Take two Pounds of fine Flour, flrain ic with Ibmc Ahnond-miik, White-wine, Sugar and Saffmo, be pro- yided with tin Moulds of divers Forms, as Birds, 0 jpJbins, Flowers, &c.; put the Batter into the Moulds, xmd ithe Moulds in a F cover’d with Suet or clarify’d Butter. 3S. mdiju (Ifllater iFtitterit. Put Ibme Water and a little Salt into a Stew-pan, ibme candyVl and green Lemon Peel minc’d itnall, and a bit of Butter as big as a Walnut. Let it boil over a ( umace then put in two large Handfuls of Flour, and ftir it about well, till it be loolened from the Paa Then take it ofl the Furnace, and put in the Ydks of a x uple of Eggs, and mix thm well to giether, continuing to put in two Eggs at once luccefr fireljr, tiU you lave put in a Dozen. Theri drud ycmr Peel well with Flour, and dip your Hand in Floufy GA flour i drai oitt your Pafte intx Pieces, and lay it art the Pteli when they have laia a Kttle, roJl them but, aiid cut them in finatt round Pieces, let them not ftick to one anothen Fry them in Hogs-Lard lay them in a Difli, Siar them, and fprinkle Orange Flower-water upon tbem, and fyrvt them up on Plates. Fley your Frogs, take.the hind Legs, cut off the Feet, and fealbn them with Salt, Pepper and Nut- megs i pup them into a Pye, with whole Mace, Sli- ces of Lemon, and Iweet Herbs mmccd finall; Bar- berries or Grapes, and Gooseberries, Artichokes, Po- tatoes, or Parfiiips SBdrrets, and Marrow j clofe up your Pye and bake it, and when it comes out of the Oven, liquor it with Butter,, and Juice of Orange, or Grape Verjuice. . 40. omake jfmmetf Take two Quarts of hull’d boifd Wicat, a Gal- lon of Milk, two Quart of Cream, and boil them till they become pretty thick then put in Sugar, the Yolks of cjght or ten Eggs well beaten, three Pbund • of Currans, ptump’d by bein gently boil’d in Wa- ter-, put diefe into the Frumety; gire them a few walxm, and it will be done. G A I. SI (MlimaWt’p, BOIL a Leg of Marten, a little njorc than half enough j hdh one Part very finll,.’ d put it in- to a Diih with Onions fhred fmall j cut the other Part of the Mutton into larger Pieces, and break the Bones j then fet it a ftewing in $tew-pao, with ‘Salt, Feppeik Gapers, Vpijvrice, and a Pint of White-winc, ana wton it is.flcwM icrve it; Up with Sippets, • • . G A : flnotlt Map SxkiP off the Skin of a Shoulder of Mutton, yet foy that it hang to the Knuckle-, mince the Flefli £nall, and put it into a Pan with Lard, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, fome Broth, whole Chibbols, Mufhrooms, green Lemon, and Iwcet Herbs, and fry it, or ftew it all together. Then drefe it under the Skin, which which may be breaded, or coloured. When it is ready to be fcrv’dup, add Ibme Lemon Juice, or good Gravy. 3 Co maiie dammoti., . • Take finall Slicps of raw Gammon, beat tliem well, and tofi them up in a Stew-pan with Lard j then let them over a Chaflfingdiih, and wii(h a Spoon bring them to a brown Colour with a little Flour. Then put to them feme good Gravy, a Faggot of Chibboli and Iweet Herbs, Mulhrooms and Truffles minced, a Clove of Garlicl4 a few Cloves, iome flices of Lan- on, a little Vinegar, and feme Crufts of Bread r When they have all boiPd enough ftrain them through a Sieve, and let it by for ule’ in drefling all forts of Dilhes, in which Gammon is us’d. 4 tIDo mate gifif (Sammoti Take the Fleih offrdh Salmon, Tenches and Eels, and the Roes ot Carps , .mince them Imall, pound them in a Mortar, with Butter, feafon’d with Salt, ipepper, and Nutmeg, Of this pounded Fleih, make as it were, a kind of Gammon upon the Skins of Carps, wrap it up in a clean Linen-cloth, few it up tight, boil it witli half Wine, half Water, feafon’d with Pepper, Cloves, and a Bay-leaf Let it cool in its own Liquor, ferve it up with Slices of Lemon, fweet Herbs chopt finall, and Bay-leaves. 5. Co DjefjBt a (Bammon of Saron ‘ Water it, fcfub it with aBrufli, Icrape the Rind, ftid dry it YnJth a Cloth, boil it where it may have room enough j put into the Water Fennel Marjoram Sage, Rofenuoy, and Bay-leaves when ’tis enough, puU-off the Skin, and flick the Top with Qoves • ftrcvf G A ftr W Ibitie Pepper, over it, and feire it lip inth Vi-‘ hegar. Pepper, Muftard, and the Herbs minc’d fihalL 6, SL Gammon €alli$. Take one half Gahunon, and the other half Veal, put it into a Stew-pan, and ordir it without Lard, as if It were for Veal-gravy: When it is boil’d c- iK u add fome dry Crufts, Gives, Parflcy, Iweet Ba- £1, and Cloves, and fome very good Br6th, ieaibn it well and ftrain it Pull oflF the Rind, arid lay it in Warm Water to freihen it. Put it into a Pan, arid poiir a Quart of Canary upon ity and let it lye in it for twelve Hours; put it uj the Spit, and fomi6 heets of wlute Pa per over it, and order it as &, No; 4. H. 8. (Bammon tit a nasoo Fry Sliees of Ganunotl make a Sauce with wine, a little beaten white Pepper, and Cinnamon a pounded Madarocxi and Sugar, Put your flices of Gammon into this Sauce, arid:rinkle them with 0 range Juice, and ferve them up. Take a Gammon of Bacon, pidl off the Swferd or Skin, and pare off the bad Fat$ cut off the Hock, d bone it in the middle. Then cover it with thin Iliccs 6f Baeon and Beef-jftakes, Spice, Pieces of Oni- on, liveet Herbs, and a Bay-leaf j then put it in a Pot, cover it dole, and put Fire both over and un- der it, and ftew it for fourteen or fifteen HoUr, let it ftew geritly, arid afterwards cool in the lame Pot j then make a pretty thick BdrdeiT of Pafte round this Diih you would bake it in •, put yoUr Gammon into the Iwhi when it coiries out of the Oven, take out the Gammon, pour off all the Fat that lyes round a- bout, and put it into a Dilh with its own Gravy: You may fift up die Litervals with the Beef-ftakes, and iome Fat, and compleat the filling them as in the Pye. Give it a Colour with the red hot Fire-lhovel, P and G I and ch a little ParQey, and ftrew with Bread-chip- piDgs, ierve it up cold. lo. %o Ull (blVltti. Scald and pick the Giblets clean, boil them in Water, and Slt, with two or three Blades of Mace, and fenrc them up on Sippets, with melted Butter, icalded Grapes, or Goofeberries, Barberries, andflic’d Lemoa 1 1 . tICo malt a IKagoo of Mtti Scald the Giblets, and if you have any Cocks- combs, icald ihQta by themfeives, and skin them; then put them into a Pan with ftrong Brotji, fealbn- ing them jKigh with Salt, Spice, and iweet Herbs, and fimmer them then fricaily them in melted Ektcon, with Ibme Cives and flired Parfley v then put them a- gain into their own Broth, and fimmer them, thicken Widi the Yolks of Eggs, and ierve them up in Plates. Let the Giblets be firft parbwl’di then tols’d up in a Sauce-pan, as a Fricaffy of Chickens; then fet them over a gentle Fire in a Stew-pan, with good ftrong Broth cover it clofe, and let them ftew till lf the Broth is is confiimM in the mean time let a couple of French Rolls to fimmer in ftrong Broth and place them in the middle of the DiAi, lay yoiir Giblets round and upon them pour Mutton Gravy upon them, and ferve them up hot. rjt Co make a iblet pe- Stew them tender, feaibn them pretty hh with Salt, Pepper, two or three Shalots, an Onion quarter- ed, and Iweet Herbs j put in Water enough to iuft co- ver them. Make a Puif-pafte, and when they are ftew’d enough, put them into your Patty-pan, laying over them a good Quantity of iweet Butter, the Yolki of hard Eggs, and ibrc’d-mqat Balls then put on the Lid of your Pye juft before you put it in the O- ven, make a Hole in the Lid, and pour in half the Liquor they were ftew’d ia 14. GI r4.ti:o fanup (PilliEototriil Take the weight of your FloweYs in refin’d Su- gar, or Sugar-candy, fife it, put to it Ibme Role- water, and fet it over a gentle Charcoal-fire put in your Flowers, and ftir them till the Sugar be of a candied height then keep- them in a dry Place for ufe. 15. 0 picHe (EiUifloVDetjt. Take the Flowers juft blown, take ‘them out of the Husks, clip off the white Bottoms, and put them in fair Watery boil up Whiterwine Vinegar, and fcum it till no more Scum will rile j let it fland by to cxxd; then IquceZe the Water out of the Gilliflowers, and put them into the Vinegar; put in Ibme broken Cin- namon, a few Blades of Mace j melt fome double re- fin’d Sugar in Rofe-water, and put to the Pickle, and flop them up clofe. When you uie them mince them fmall, put a little Vinegar to them, and ftrew over them a little fine Sugar. They are a very good Sauce for . Lamb, or Muttoq. . 16. %o mekt ftuf of (BilUttotDttit. Clip your Gilliflowers, and Iprinkle theiti with fair Water put them into an earthen Pot, flop it up ve- ry clofe, and fet it in a Kettle of Water, and let it boil for two Hours then ftrain out the Juice, put a Pound and half of Sugar to a Pint of Juice, put It into a Skillet, fet it on the Fire, keeping it ftirring till the Sugar is all mehed, but let it not boilj then fet it by to cool, and put it into Bottles 17.0 makt (BlngetfJBjEaB Take four Pounds of Treacle, of Citron, Lemoo and Orange Peel, and candy’d Ginger, of each half a Pound 9 flice all thefe thin, add alfo beaten Ginger Coriander-feeds, and Carraway-feeds, .of each two Chmr ces; mix all thefe with as much flour, as wiil make k a foft Pafte j then lay it in Cakes on Tihplates, and bake it in a quick Oven. GO 18. anotfier dfllap. Take two Quarts of fine Flour, a Pound of Tjea cle, a quarter of a Pound of Sujgar, half an Ounce of powder ‘d Ginger, candied Orange and Lemon Peel chopt iinall, of each an Ounce j of new Spice together as much mix all thefe as ftiif as you can and bake it. J9 0 make an excellent &ot; of (CinsetlBtead; Take a Quart of Damask-rofe-wiater, and four Pound of double refin’d Sugar – two Quarts Of fine Flour, or fb much as will make it up into a pretty ftilT Pafte. Take Ginger, Carraway-feed, and Cbri- anderleed, of each two Ounces, finely powdered Nutmegs finely powdered one Ounce and a half Anni- ieed, and Fcnnel-leed, powder’d, of each three quar ters of an Ounce of Cloves powdered, almoft half an Ounce. Mix all tliefe well together in a Mortar- Then referve this Powder for ufe. Put in two Ounces ot It into a Quart of your Syrup made of Role-water arid Sugar to your two Qiiarts of Flour •, make your Pafte into thin Iquare Gikes, and bake it. 2o, (PoatjB( iFlefl) collat’D anD fouc’U. Take the Neck or Breaft of a Goat, bone it, and beat it with a Rolling-pin, of an equal thicknels j then ieaibn it with Salt, Pepper, Ginger, Cloves, and Mace, aild all forts of fivoury Herbs ihred Imall roll it up, and bind it with Tape •, put it in a Pot with half a Pint of White-wine and bake it when it is bak’d, ut to it iomc flrong Broth, and lialf a Pint of White-wine more- 1 1. €0 nmh a dCSoat aftp. Skin the Hind-quarter of a f3t Goat, bdne it, artd cut it into Stakes, beat it with a Rollirig-pin •, lealbii it With Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and Thyme minc’d; put your Stakes in Claret, and let them (land all Night”, then put the Meat irtto yOur Pafte, ftrew on it Ibme Bccf-lliet and bake it. Put the Bones with a Pint of Claret, and Ibme ftrong Broth into a Pan, co- ver the Pcin clofe with coarfe Pafte, and.bakcf that alio i when GO when they are baked, fill your Pafty with the liiqnor out of the Pan, and ftrve it up. 22. 0 matte a (Boblboe. Mince Leg of Veal, parboU’d Bacon, and otlier Fat tcer: Chop Mulhrooms, Truffles, Cives, and Parfley j and put to them add four whole Eggs, and two Yolks, and the Crum of a Loaf Ibak’d in Gravy: Xjsiy thin flices of Bacon in the Bottom of the Stew- pan, and put in all thele, and makc as it were a Pye. Cover them, and let them ftew between two gentle Fires. 23. Co .boll 4 dKooft Put it into a Pot with fliir Water, or ftrong Broth – Igt it boil, fcum it cleaiij thi j ut in Salt, Pepper, thre or foijr llic’d Onions, and three or four Cfoves, feme Whit-wine, Mace, Railins, and Currans, a little grated .read, and Bundle of fwect Herbs. Whea it is boii’d enough, dilh it up on Sippets-j flalh it on the Breafl, and grnilh with ilices of Lemon and Barberries. 24. Co collar a dBoofe Bone yourGoofe, cut the Fiefh into Iquare Pieces then put it in fteep for twelve Hours in Wliite-rwine, fealbned with Salt, Pepper, Cloves and Mace-, then take it up, and Ipread linall Pieces of Anchovies over il:, with IVeftphalia Ham rpinc’d finally roll it up tight, and boil it in ftrong Broth, mix’d vvith a little White-wine, whol Mace and Pepper j and let it ftand in this for a Pickle. When you ufe ti, cut it in Jialves garnifli the Dilh with fVeftphalia Bacot) Hiinc’d, and fcrve it up. 25. Co Djpa (Boofc Let your Goole be fat, powder it fbr a Month then hang it up in a Chimney to dry as you do Ba con i when it is well dry’d, boil it well and lerve it up to the Table with Muftard and Sugar, You may gai, niih the Dilh with 3ay-lcavest P 3 . 1E G O 7.6. Co fticaflp ft (foofe Roast a Goo(e, and before it is quite enough, cut and Icotch him with your Knife long-ways, and tlien flaih it a-crols, walh it with Butter, ftrew Salt over it; then lay it in the Dilh with the skinny Side down- wards i then fet it before the Fire in a Frying-pan, till it has taken a gentle heat, then turn the other Side, and let that have a heat j afterwards broil it on a Gridiron, over a gentle Fire ‘, when it is enough, bafte the upper-fide with Butter, and drudge it with grated Bread and Flout; put it upon the Gridiron a- gain, and ftoth it; make a Sauce of Butter, Vinegar, Mtdftard and a little Sugar; pour this into a Diih, with Saulages, and Lemon, and ferve it up. 27. 0 hitit a (Sooit in IGlagoo. Singe the Goole, beat it down with a Cleaver; flat it on the Dreiler -, then blanch it in fcalding Wa- ter, let it be cold; then lard it with Lardons, as large as two Quils j feafonM with Salt, Pepper, Nut- meg, and Cloves beaten; leafon the Goofe both infide, and outfide, as you do for a Pye; and lay it in the Bot torn of a Sauce-pan, or Brafs-diih, with a Pound of Suet, and half a Pound of Bacon, both cut in Slices; flour the Breafl of your Goofe, lay the Breafl down- wards in your Diih or Sauce-pan; put in half a Pint of Broth, or Gravy, two whole Onions, two Bay- leaves, and a fprig of Thyme, and let it ftew for two Hours gently, till it comes to a good Cdlour cover it with a baking Cover, and put a little clear Fire over the top •, whra the Breaft is browned, turn the Back downwards, and add a little Broth or Gravy, and let it ftew till It is tender. In the mean time fet a Sauce pan over the Fire, with a quarter of a Pound of But- ter, and a fmall Handful of F’lour, and a couple of Onions, rub it foftly, till it is well browned j then put to it a Quart of Gravy. Ypur Ragoo may be Tu?- jleps, Carots, and Onions. GO 28. 0 fottce a dSottt. BoKE your Goofe, cut the Fldh fquare, lay it a feep in White-wine, and Salt, Pepper, Cloves, and Mace, for twelve Hours then take it out, and lay Pieces of Anchoyies over it, and IVftfhalia Ham min ced finall:f then roll it up hard, and boil it in ftroog Broth, and a little White-wine, whole Pepper, and Ibme Blades of Mace put it in a Pan, let it ftand in this Liquor ’till you ufe it: When you ferve it, cut it in lialf and gamjlh the Di& with tninc’d fVef fhalia Ham. 29 %i mate a dfoofe pe Take a good Goole, parix il it and bone i then feafbn it with &It; awd Peppery andputit into a deep Cruft with a good quantity of Butter both under and over it. Let it be well bak’d, then at the Vent-hole, fill i your Pye with melted Butter. Serve it up with Bay-leaves, Muftard and Sugar. 30. janotljet (Kllap Bone vour Goofe, or only flit it down the Back take out tne Breaft-bone, break the others •, take two Rabbets, cut them in pieces, feafon with four Ounces of Salt, two Ounces of Pepper, and two Nutmegs. If yoiir Goofe, &c.; be large, ftick the Breaft of the Goofe with Cloves, put half a Pound of Butter in the Belly, lay another half Pound over the Bottom of the Pye •, lay ui the Goofe, the Breaft downwards iitt u the void Spaces with your pieces of Rabbet, lay three Pbund of Butter on the top, bake it and when it comes out of the Oven, fill it up with clarified Butter, 31. XsitU ! %iiXi(iizih z la daube. Let your Geel be larded with middle Size Lar- dons of Bacon fealbn them with Salt, Pfepper, Cloves, Nutmeg, Gives, a Bay-leaf and Lemon-peel, and wrap them up in a Napkin, and boil them in White-wine and Broth j when they are boiFd, let them ftand in the Broth ’till they are cold, then take them up, and P 4 ferve GO Iffve them up t Table on a clean Napldn, gamilh’4 ivitb green Parfley and Slices of Lemoa In like manner you may (Irefs t Capons, Paitridges Turkeys, and other forts of Fowls You may aMb, if you pleafe, add Slices of Veal and Bards of Bacon in boiling them, to keep them white. 32. Co canDp (Eoolebtttie. Let your Gooleberries be the £ureft, pick them, wipe them clean with a Linen Cloth; for eveiy Pound of Goofeberries diflblve two Pound ef Sugar, and aa Ounce of Sugar-candy in Damask Rofe-water, an4, boil them up to a Candy height then let it cool, andl put in yovii Goofeberries, ftir them with a wooden Stula ’till they are candied j then put dem up for;ulp. g 3 0 keep deooreberrfof Let your Goofeberries bp at their full Growth, but not ripe , pick oif their tops and tails, and put them ‘ into wide-mouth’d Qlais-bottles -, fee that the Bottles fae very dry (top them clofe, then put theiQ mtx) a Kettle of Water, fet it on the Fire, and let it heat leifurely, and when the Goofeberries are ‘jlcalded, tak them outi when they are cold, cor x!isx downclde, and feal the Corks over, that no Kx may penetrate. 34. Co malce a (KooCebcrt JFooL Take a Qgart of pick’d Goofeberries, fcald them in a Quart ot Wsjter ’till they are tender, mafli them in the Water, and boil thm. with three Pound of fine Sugar ’till it be pretty thick j put to it a Pint and .half of Creani, and the Yolks of eight Eggs. Stur thefe well together over a flow Fire when it is ejdougly pour it ito a deep Dilh, and eat it cold. 3 V I0 ptckle dBooteftftriejj Pick your Berries, lay them all Night in ibak in Salt and Water; then put them iflto Verjuicej and pot thel.up, . 16. Co pjeferbe (Koofefierrfesi IjET your Goofeberries not be over ripe, pick them, 14 them, aod lay them ap earthen ran firft a .Layer GO Layer of Gobfeberries, then a Layer of Sugar, ’till you have abnoft fiU’d the Pan, putting in a Pint of Water, to every fix Pound of Goofeberries. ThcR fe? them over a flow Fire ’till the Sugar is melted -, an4 when it boils up, take them off, put them into a Pap, and ftop them up dole for ule. 37. 0 make 3eUp ot (BntUhttiti Pruise the Goofeberries, prels out the Pulp thro’ a Cloth or Sieve. Put three quarters of a Pint of double refin’d Sugar to every Pint of Pulp boil then to fiich a height, dt when it is laid on a Plate it will not fidck to it, then ftrain it. ;8. 0 make a oofebetrip anfe Take a Pint of green Goofeberries, pick th?m, and fiy them in a quarter of a Pound of frefli But- per in a Frying-pan ’till they are liifficiently coddled then pour upon them tlie Yolks of eight Eggs vyell beaten with a quarter of a Pint of Cream, fweeten’d with Sugar to your Palate; fry it as you would a Tanleyj fbrew over it Role-water and Sugar, and ferve it. 3p. 0 make (tooitUnv dOlfne. Let your Goofeberies he fiiU Jfipej to every fi – teen Pound of Goofeberries, put a Gallon of V?iter j bruife them weU in the Water, and let them ftand two Days j fldr them two or three rimes a Day, then prels them through a Hair Bs •, then to every Quart of Water you put in, put in a Pound of Sugar, mix it well, cover it clole an4 let it iland Ibme time; then ftrain it through a Flanel Bag into the Cask: hen it has done working, ftop it clofe, and let it ftand for two Months, and if it be fine, bottle it. 40. Slnottiet dSlap. Let your Berries be ripe, put them into a Cask bruile them, then fill your Cask with Water fcalding liot; cQver the VeflTcl clofe, and let them ftand for a Month ’till the liquor is impregnated with the Juice; then draw it out, and fcnucnt it with fine Sugar, nd iKjttie it up. ‘ ‘ ‘ 41. GR 41. Co bolt (Kjadingper. When they are drawn fcrap’d, and deans’d, itelb Acm in Salt and Water, and dry them with a Cloth j then icotch them on one fide to the Bone then put Hito a Stew-pan Stale-beer, Vinegar, Water, and White- wine, as much as will cover them: Iit in a good quan- tity of Salt, a handful of Horfe-radiih flic’d, with a Bunch of Rolemary, Winter-fevoury, Thyme and Kirfley -, make a quick Fire undec it, make it boil very fafl and then put in your Grailings one by one, that they may not cool the Liquor, and fo flack the Boiling. In the mean time, take a little of the Li- quor, and beat up Butter with it: Drain the Liquor fiom your Fiih, diih them, pour your melted Butter over them: Strew over them good ftore of fliavd Horfe-radilh, and a little powdcr’d Ginger. Gamifh the fides of the Dilh with flic’d Lemw, and fervc them up. 42. 0 ftp (R?aflfngjJ Whei you. have fcrap’d them, wafh them in Salt and Water, gut them, wipe them, and flour them, and fly them in f refh Butter brown and crifp then fey them on a Difli well heated bcfbre the Fire j pour away the Butter you fry’d them in, then in other Butter fry good ftore of Sage and Parfley crilp, and lay than on the Fifli. Beat up Ibme Butter with three or four Spoonfuls of Icaldine hot Water in which an Anchovy Or two has been diflblv’d pour it on your Fifl and ferve it up: Gamilh with Parfley, Strawber- ly-leaves, f. After the lame manner you may drefs moft lorts of frefli Water Fiih, as Gudgeons, Perches, Jacks 6″c. 43. 0 keep desaptis; Take the fairdft Cluft:ers, and lay a Lajrer of Oats in a Box, then lay a Layer of Grapes, and then ano- ther Layer of Oats, ’till you have laid all in, covering the uppermofl: Layer with Oats; then clofe up tic Box, tfiat no Air may get ia Orif you. hang them GR tip tipon Lines in a Room lb diat they touch not one another, they will keep four Months. 44. Co make armaUDe of (KSapeji Take Grapes, either white or red, gather’d dry, and lay them on a Board to dry where the Air and Sun may come at them, pickff the Stalks, and take an equal quantity of Raiiins of the Sun, and boil them in Water, icimmiing them frequently till the Water has boil’d away two third parts, then keep but a flack Fire undep them. When it is thickened, ftrain it thro’ a Sieve, then boil it again, put in a finall quantity of Sugar, or fine Sugar-candy, fet it by to cool, and put it into Pots, and cover it dole for ufe. 4 Co prferbe japes. Take the beft white Grapes before they are full ripe •, weigh them, flone thdn, and put them into fair Water as you flone them; then fet them on the Fire ’till they are fcalding hot then take them off, and put them into cold Water: Take the Weight of your Grapes in double refin’d Loaf-lugar: Put a Quart of Water to each Pound of Sugar, and clarify it then let it by ’till it is cold, then lay your Grapes cleverly In a Prelerving-pan, pour your Syrup upon them, co- ver your Pan with alPaper, ana let it ftand by for – twenty four Hours then fet it over a gentle Fire, and make the Syrup fealding hot then fet them by again, cover’d with Paper for twenty four Hours more then drain the Grapes, and boil the Syrup ’till it is almoft ready to draw out roping •, then lay the Grapes in a Pan, and pour the Syrup to them, and fet them on the Fire again tiH they are almoft ready to boil, then cover them, and fet them by for twenty four Hours. Then put them into Pots, and make Jelly of ftrcMig Pippin-water and double refin’d Sugar, and put . to them. 4, 0 picWt (BjaptjJ Pi CK them, and put them into the Juice of Crab- cherries, Grape-verjuice, or other Verjuice, and cover them up clofe, 47- 0 GR 47- 0 malte T&ttt; (BtAf. Cut Stakes about an Inch thick on a Buttock of 3eef, beat them well, put three or four Bards of Ba- con into the Bottom of a Stew-pan, lay your Stakes jupon thenj and threq or four flic’d Onions upon your Stakes, and alio Slices of Carots and Parlhips: Cover the Pan, and let it ftew gently over a flow fire whca it has yielded its Gravy, lt it over a hotter Stove: When die Gravy has lb boil’d away, that the Meat iHcJcs to the Bottom of the Pan, turn the Onions, Ca- rots and Parfnips to die Bottom of the Pan to brown but let them not burn: When they have taken Cch’ lour, put in Ibmc good ftrong Broth, and let it boil fbralmoft an Hour then put in a whole Lieek, a little Parfley, and as many Cloves as you think pro- per: When they have boil’d enough, flxain it into an earthen Psm for ufe. 48 Slttotttt gooD dab) fb; anp Qlfe Burn a couple of Ounces of Butter in a Frying-? pan, that it be brown, but not blacjc-, put in two Pound of coarfe lean Beef, two Quarts of Water, and a Pint of Wine, cither red or white, as you would have the Colour, put iij four or five Shalots, half a dozen Mu-? ooms. Cloves, Maqp, whole Pepper, and fix An- cliovies i let it few for ac Hour over a gendc Fire, and then ftrain it. 49- Co malte dCftatp to aSs Cut an Ox-kidney into Slices, feafon it high with Salt and Pepper, put it into a Stew-pan, with juft Water enough to cover it, a Shalot or two cut, and a flic’d Onion, a bit of fweet Butter, and a Bunch of Iweet Hcrbsi and let it ftew gently. 50. flD;t tm. Cut a Pound or two of lean Beef into Slices, beat it well, and put it into a Frying-pan ’till it is brown, add to it a Pint of ftrong Broth and an Onion, let it oil a little, and ftrain it for uf, 51. ‘ 51- 0 ntakr jfiflSi dBlabJ TaICe Carps and Tenches: When you have pt6 pav’d them for Boiling, take out the Gills, and flit the Fiih from Head to Tail j put them into a Stew- pan, with a little Butter, Parimps, Carots, and On- ions flic’dj browil them as you are directed in the Receipt for making Beefravy then pitt irt a little Flour, and brown that too. Then put in fotoe Fifb- broth, ftrain it through a Linen Cloth: Sealbn it with Salt, a Lemon ftuck with Cloves, and a Bunch df Savoury Herbs. Thefe ftrve in all Socs, as well as Ragoos of Fiilu 52. Co maU 9totton (BttAp Roast your Mutton a little more than hstlfj theft Cut it with a Knifej arid Iqueeze out the Gravy with a Prels. Then wet your Mutton with a Kttle good Broth, andprefs it the fecond tiitie put a little Salt into it, and keep it in an earthen Vcflfel for ufe. 5 J. Co mate dSeal ti;ab Cut Stakes off a Filet of Veal, beat them well, lay them in a $tew-pan •, (lice Carots, Parfiups, and Onions, and lay over them. Cover your Pan, and fet It Over a gentle Fire, augmenting the Fire by De- grees’, and when the Gravy is almoft wafled, and the Veal begins to ftick to the Pan, and is become brown, put in fome fti’ong Broth, a whole Leek, a little Par- fley, and a few CloVes then cover the Stew-pan, and let it fimmer. three quarters of an Hour j then ftrain it into an earthen Pan, and fet it by for ufe in Soops and Ragoos. . 54. 0 teep d5?abp. Take coarfe Beef or Mutton, put it into s much Water as will cover it: When it has boil’d a while take out the Meat j beat it very well, and cut it in- to Pieces to Itt out the Gravy •, then put it in again with fome Salt, whole Pepper, an Onion, and a Bunch of fweet Herbs. Let it fte w, but do not let it boil; when it comes to be of a good brown Colour, take it up, put it iaito an earthen Pan wh it is cold, feum GR icum off the lt, and keep it one Week under ano- .ther i if it besins to change, boil it up stgain. If it be for a white Fricafly, melt your Butter with a Ipoonfiil or two of Cream, and the Yolks of E$, and White-wine. Co make dEijabp of a Capon o; lrtriDge They muft be more than half roafted, then lijuee- 2cd in a Prefs, to prels out the Gravy. There are Prefles made on purpofe for this u(e. $6. Co make (Stabp 7£ tot Take a fleihy piece of Beef, not fat, ipit it and roafi: it and when it begins to roaft, flaih it with a Knife to make the Gravy run out, and keep it con- tinually bailing with what comes from it, mix’d with Claret cut it often, and bafte it ’till all the Gravy be come out, put this Gravy into a Sauce-pan over a few Coals , put in ibme Salt, whole Spice, and Le- mon-peel, and let it fimmer: Put ibme Siroets in a Diih, pour in your Gravy, gamiih your Diih with Oranges and Lemons, and lerve it up. If you pleaie, you may put in poadi’d Eggs inftead of Sippets. 57. 0 malte a (Benaoe. You muft have a good quantity of Fricandoes or Scotch CoUops, larded with finall Slips of Bacon, and a round Stew-pan: Lay thin Slices of Bacon in the Bottom, and lay your CoHops in Order, with the Ba- con on the out-£ide, ib that the CoUops maymeeC in a Point in the middle, and touch one another: la Order to keep them together, ’tis requifite to bind them with the White of an Egg beaten. Into the hol low Place in the middle, and round about the Sides you ihould put a little of the Farce of Mirotons, or tome other Godivoe, and reierve the middle for half a dozen Pidgeons dreis’d in a Ragoo, with Veal Sweet-breads, Muihrooms, Truffles, and thin Slices of Bacon, all well ieaibned. Pour your Ragoo into it, then cover the reft of the Farce on the top, lay- ing it in Order with your Fingers dipt in beaten Egg, and join the Fricandoes or CoUops ji oppoiite there to. ta Yoii mA alio lay ibme thin Slices of Bacon at top, and bake the whole between two Fires. When you ierve it up, turn it upfide-down, take away a1 the Fat, and open the Point of the CoQops like that of a Grenade or Pomegranate. And from thence this Diih takes its Name. 58. 0 make a tf;ena&ine; of an? fot of foVntit Prepare a well fealbn’d Godivoe, thicken it widi the Yolks of Eggs and Crumb-bread, ioak’d in good Gravy, or in a Uttle Cream of Milk then lay Sli ces of Bacon in the Bottom of a Baking-pan: Lay the Godivoe upon thefe Slices of Baoon, dip your JB’ingers in beaten Egg, and make a Hole the Size of your Plate, raifing up the fides three Inches high. Then take your Partridges, Pullets, Chickens, or other Fowls of whatlbever fort they are, cut them into pie- ces, beat them well, fry them with Lard, Cives, Par- iley, and and a little Flour and afterwards moiften • them with GraVy, leaion them well, and add Vea! Sweet-breads, Muflirooms, and Truffles cut into Slices. When they are near ready, and there is but little Sauce left, place the Fowls in . Order in your Grena- dine, and bread it well at top, to give it a good Co lour in the Oven. When it comes out of the Oven, drain away the Fat, cut off the Bards rourd about, and turn it into your Plate. You may alfo pour over it a CuQis of Muihrooms, and Ierve it up hot to Ta- ble for a Side-diih. 5p. fl (BjlUaBe. Aky Fowls that are left cold, may be ordered af ter this manner: Broil their Wings, Legs and Rumps upon a Gridiron, feafbn’d with Salt and Pepper. That fnr fome Flour in Lard, with Anchovies, Oyftersf, )Nutmeg, Capers, and a piece of green Lemon, with Broth axid a Uttle Vinegar, and let them be all wdl ioak’d togier. 60′ %o ftetodPttfigeonu. Set Wine and Water, of each an equal iquMtity, OTer a Fire in a deep Dilh put in a Race of Gin- ger ihred, a Nutm quartered, a little large MlM, a litjtie Sak, and a Faggot of Marjoram, Thyme and Parfley j let thele boil a little, then put in your Gudgeons; put in ibme Butter, make them boU a pace: When they are enough, pour out all the lA quor into a Pipkin, and iet it on the Fire with the Spice and Herbs tliat were in before; then mince a handful of Parfley with a little Thyme and Fennel, and boil them in the Fiih-broth. ‘ Then beat the Meat of a couple of Crabs, the Carcais of a Lob fter, the Yolks of three Fggs with a Ladle of drawn Butter, and ibme of the Fifh-broth, and put it into the Pipkin, and keep (tirring it ’till it thickens j the difh your Gudgeons on Sippets, pour your Sauce orer them, and ierve them up. Draw them, ait off their Heads j nib a Tart- pan or Dllh with Butter, lealon’d with Pepper, Salt iome Spice, Cives, ihred Parfley, and Savoury Herbs; lay the Gurnets in the Tart-pan or DijQi and lay the &me; Seai(X)ing over as you did under then Iprinkle melted Butter over them, and drudge them over with Bread crumbled very fine, put them into an Ovefi 2 Againft they are baked, prepare a haih’d Sauce for them thus Take Muftirooms, Truf&es;, Gives, and Parfley, flured them, fealbn them with Salt and Pep- per, moiftcn them witi Fiih-broth, and fet them a flmmering over a gentle Fire: When it is enough, thicken it with a CuUisof Cray-fifli-, when your Gur- nets are bak’d brown, pour this Sauce into yoin: Diih, lay the Giriaets round it, and ferve them for the &ft; Courfe. ‘ 62. 0 broil dfifurnetiei nltli £lnct)obp dance. . Cut off their Heads dip them in melted Btitter and Salt, and broil them over a. Fiie . riot too fierce:, Put frefh Butter, a little Flour, and a whole Leek into a Sauce-pan, ieaibn with Salt, Pepper, and Nut- meg, moiften it with Vinegar and Water, put in a couple of Anchovies, keep it continually flying over the the Ftre ‘tjU thb Fifli aie cnotjgh, djft die(tt Jpt. on the iSauce, and ierve them up. 6i Co broil (Cttrnetfi toitli Cts’fiQ CtttUis. This is dcmt the iame as wit Anchoyics onl; leaving out the Anchovies, and Jnftead thercor ppnr ing on the Fifli when diih’d, lome Crayfiih Culns . H A. I . So m1t( a abecif int )j BOIL the liih, taktf off ihe Skin and boiUt, tnolce the Flefh widi cor’d Kppins, ffcn with?ype? Qisgeif, Nutmeg and Cinnamcx put in Rofe-waterlSbi gar, RaifinSy CuiMns, Dates flotrc) and fiic’d,, and Le- on-peel iferap’dj then ieat fenle Butter up withyef- juke, miK nK together, ut it layotirPye, haJcp It, and ke it widi $ugar and Roie-water. 2 Co Bfefe afeoocltis tfie putch aild. WheK you have ical’d and gutted theni, gafh AtiA with a Knife to the Back-bone on both Sides •, then hf than in cold Water fbr an Hour, dien boil then in Water, Salt and Vinegar j let them boil tijl they wiH come frmn the Back-bone. To msike your SauC, cut Turnips as finall as Yolks of Eggs, put to them Watojf and Salt and boil them very tender, drain theiTi, anci put in a good deal of drawn Butter; put in all6 4 lit- tle Pfeirfley nMnc’d HnaH, lay Sippets in the Bottom of yoitr ‘ Diih, lay in yourFifh, and pour your Turtiips and&Uc;e over th, ftrcw iJne mintf’d Parflcy about your Di% andftnTe it. • InHMand Aey boil the Tvkmi with dieFi% but 0Ur Mtl beidg ib gqQd as theirs, will not?oii ib Ibon. 2 flCe bjeft a iam a la Braife. CtBAN die Knuckle, take off the Sweri and lay xt in Wftter ta fFeftcnj then tyc it about with a Stnigj. tftltte 81ice ef Bacon and Beef beat and feaibn tqm vnH: wkh Spice, Iweet Herbs, lay them in the Bottom of -cheKctde with Onions, Parmips, andCarots iUcd, %’ HA jdibme Cves and Paifley lay in your Ham tiit fat e uppennofty by orer it Slices of Beef and upon them SAces of Bacon, and cover them with the flicd Roots and Herbs as under it cover the Kettle wich its own Cover, and dole it up with Pafte put Fire both dver and under it, and let it iiew widi a gentle Fire for twelve Hours. Then let it by to cool IKien it is cold, imtie it, put it into a Fan, druC it well with grated Bread, and brown it with a hoc Iron then ierve it up on a clean Napkin, gamiih’d with raw Parfley. If it is to be eat hot, lay it in a Diih, add pour over jt the Ragoo following: Male your Ragoo of Veal Sweet-bruls, Livers of Fowls, Cocks-combs, Muihrooms, and Truffles tofs theie up in a little melted Bacon, moiften them with Gravy, and iet them on the iFire a fimmering for half an Hour, then take ‘ off the Fat, and thickoi with a Cullia of Val and Ham. Serve it thus for a firil Courie. Sometimes it is fervM up with a Ragoo of Cray- fiih, and ibmetimes with a Carp Sauce. 4. €0 toaft a am o (Eammon. Take off the Swerd, and lay it a freiheni! in lukewarm Water j then lay it in a Pan, and pour upon it a Quart of Canary, and let it fteep in it fox tpn or twelve Hours. When you have Ipitted it put iome Sheets of white Paper over the fat Side, pour the Canary in which it was Ibak’d into the Prippin pan, and bafie it with it all the while it is roafljag whoi it is roafted enough, pull off the Paper, and drudge it well with crumbled Bread and Parlley iluisd fine make the Fire brisk, brown it will, and fet ic By to cool ierve it up in a clean Napkin gamtib it with green Parfley for a fecond Courie. . V. 0 mait a IRasop of ahi “mitff Ctoeet ace. ‘ Toss up Slices of raw Ham in a Sauce-pan make the Sauce of red Wifle, beaten white Pepper a poun- (bd Macaroon, Cinnamon and Sugan But theJaacda to ? • t this Sivict, Iquecze In the Juice of an Orange, anct ferVe it up. ?. 0 malt a Eagoo of?jam Cut fmall Slices of Ham, beat them well, gamiih the Bottom of a Stew-pan with them j lay a Diih ber them, and let them over a Stove with a gentle Fire i when they begin to itick to the Pan- put io a little Flour, and keep them moving over the Stove j pM in a little Veal Gravy, that has no Salt in it, to moiften them; put in fbme Pepper, and a Faggot of IWeet Herbs, and let them fimmer over a flack Fire then put in lome Cullis ot Veal and Ham to bind ic This ifl to be ufed for the Gamiihuig of any Diih ojf the firft Colirfe, wherein there is any Bacon.’ 7. Co matt a %am 0; dammon )Baft;. Take a- finall Ham, pull off the Swerd, cut off t Hock, take out the middle Bone, and lay it in Wa ter to freihen -, then lard it with large weO-leaibcid Lardons, but uie no Salt. Lay pounded Bacon iq the Bottom of the Pafly, and feaibn with Pepper, Spi- ces, and fweet Herbs but no Salt Then put in your Ham, and lay the lame Seafbqiog over it uiat you did Under if, lay Slices of Bacon over your Seaflming, iuid lid it up Let it (land in the Ghrea for ten 01: tWfelve Hours. Wheri it is bak’d, cut it up, take off the Fat, then pour the Ragoo above-mentioned in the Receipt for a Ham drefi d a la Braift, or that of Cray-filh, or Carp Sauce, and ftrve it hot for the firft Coiiic.’ 8. 0 mate dNfenct of 1J?am Take the Fat off a Ham, and ait Lean in Slices; hcsit them well, and lay them in the Bottom of thj5 Stew-pan, with Slices of Carots, Parfiiips, and Onions; cover your Pah and let it ove a gentle Fire-, let them ftew ’till they begin to ftick, then Iprinkle on a tittle ROur, ad turn them; then moiften with Brotb’ and Veal Gravy; leaion diem with three or four Moihrooms, as many Trufik$, a whole Ledfi:, ibme Hhfily Parfley a half a do2 Clov0, or inftead- 0:2 of of th Leek you may put a Clove of Garlid:: Put in fbme Cndlk of Bread, and let them fiiiuner over the Fire for three quarters of an Hour ‘ ftrain it, did iet it by for ufi. 9. %act tt to U eaten coUu BqiE the Hares, mince them finaQ, and ‘pound them in a Mortar with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmq; then cut Lard as thick as a Finder, and long enough to reach from fide to fide of the Pye-, then lay Butter in the Bottom of it, and lay a. Layer of Hare and a Layer of Lard, and thus do ’till you have put ajl into, tne Pye lay your Lard- all one .way, sttid lay ja Layer bf Meat uppermoft, then lay on feme whole Cloves, and lay Slices of Bacon over them, and But- ter on t9t, cJo& up your Pye, bake ic when bak’d, fill it up with freili Butter, and dole up th Vent- hote: . .’ . 10 .te?pe BqiJE them, fcaibn diem with Pepper and Nut- meg y, then lard thei with great Lard: Then mix to f ether:half a Pound of Salt, a qxiarter of a Pbund of Jutruegs heateh V iealbn them, make your Paftc with toaifgboiilted Rye Meal, lay Butter in the Botunn pf it n lay the Hares one upon another v putiorae few Wfcplc Cloves at the top, and a Sheet oi Lard osrejr em and goqd ftore of Butter, clc up your PyCj (trijke it over vfjth Eggs beaten wkh Saffron tikdit, and fiU it with clarified Butter, Of- ou may bake them in white Parte; .and if they are to be eaten hot, u(e but half the Sealbning. 11 l)dil a m tii French tesf • TaK£ a’ Marjow-bone with, a good deal of Beef itpbn ity and a piece of Bacon, bqi thefe wkh your Hare, pitftiog iz? fom Salt ,when the Hare is at ftiqft enpugh take it up, bruile feme Peas, and bqil thera in the “Broth take away the Bone fropi the Beef, ah4 put in your Hare again, binl it ‘tffl .the Pfeas are enopgh, then ftrain the Peas iau n Clodv “and bou tte iPwlj?, i a Veflel by’ thetilelvjc ‘” .; • ‘Lay H A Lay the Hare in the Dilh, and pour the Piilp of the Pea3 over it and fdrve it up. 12. ttftt. Lay it on a Gridirixi, and when it is hat throV quarter it, md fry it with JHog’s Lard. For the Sauce, tCKft Bread, feak it in Beefbroth and White wine, put in lofne beaten Gi:er and Cloves, and ftrain k •, add a little Verjuice •, and ferve it up with Butter, Sugar, Muftard, and the Juice of Lemo& Ganiiih the DiBx, with Greens and Slices of Lemon. When the ‘Hare is cas’d and drawn, a?t it in pie- ces, wsdh than in Water and Claret, ftrain the Li- quor, and parboil your pieces of Hare: Lay theni in a D w the plead. Legs, and Shoulders whole divide the Chine into &veral; parts , put in feme of the Liquor in which you parboil’d it, add to it two or three flicd Onions, fet them a Stewing over a gmtle Fire between two Diihes, ’till it is tender; add icMne Nutmeg, Mace, and bdaten Pepper •, lay Sippets, and gamiih with Barberries and Lempn, and ierve it up. •, I. tEo tofttt d IAtr Laud one Side of your Hare, but let the other Side be unlarded, put it on the Spit, and as it roails bafte it with Cream; Serve it up with fweet SaiKC or a Poivrade. 15. iDitia., Shred the Marrow of an Ox Marrow-bone, with an Onion, a Shalot, Savoury, Thyme and Parflcy, very itnall ieaion with Salt and Nutmeg , roll theie up in a piece of Butter,, and put it into the Hare’s Belly, ipil it, and bafte it for the firft time with Creamy bat afterwards with Butter make a Sauce of Claret, with an Anchovy, a Blade of Mace, and melted Butter very thick. When the Hare is roafted enougb, cake it up, take the Pudding out of its Belly, and WiiOx it w over with Butter, and ierve it up: 0-5 sf’ ft HA Take out the Bowels, wipe th infidQ dry with a clean Cloath, make Stuffing as direfted in the foregoing 9€c4ipt, put it in the Belly, when the hare is qjcar enough, flcy oif the Skin, drudge it with grated Br3k4, Flour and Cinnamon pret thick, and froth it up make a Sauce for it of Claret, Vinegar, Ginger, Cinnamon, Barberries, and a little Sugar, lay the hare on the auce, garmlh with Lemon andPariley, andlerve it up. 17. 0 roaft a are anotltier dSlap. Laiid the Hare witlifmaU Lard, take grated Bread, EggSi grated Nutmeg, Sugar, Currans, add a Uttle Salt and beaten Cinnamon, you may add little C earn , make all thefe uito a Pudding, put it in the Hare Belly, Ipit and roaft it , fcr this, Veniibn. S%ucc is proper 18. Ho meft a att tbe Sifj (ffllap Cut the Hare into Quarters, 1 vd them, put them into sL Stew-pan with good Broth, and a liltle. Wijge leaibn with &It;, Pepper and Cloves while thej are ftewirigtofe up the Blood and Liver with a little Flour in a Sauce-pan, put in Ibme Capers, ftotfd Olives, and a drop of Vinegar, and ferve it up. ip. Ho lltto a iare the Wench t!Va? Case it and’walh it, ait Slices of Veal or Pork of about two Fingers thick, put them with the Hate, into an earthen Pipkin with Onions fry’d in Hog’s Lard, half CO7 vcr it with Beef-broth, and ftew it over a gentle Fire, and as the Liquor waftes put in more Broth, toafti5me Bread well, parboil the Livers of half a dozcti Fowls, fteep them it. Ibme Beef-broth, feaibnjng it with Salc lor Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves and Cinnamon,- add to it a little Clarejt and Vinegar, ftrainthcfe,” and piit the Ii- lor into the Hare as -it ftews y when, they are ftew’d enough, dilh them up. 20. opotaate. Wash your Hare clean, dry it well with a Cloth, cut it into Qijarters, leafbn it with 31 1, Pepper, Nio meg. Cloves and Alace, put it into a Pot with a few ;; . . Bay Jf A. • y Leaves axid a Pound of frdh Butter and bake it; when it- is bak’d, take out aU the Bones, put it intx a Mortar, pound it, pour the Butter from the Oravy, and mix It with th Fleih , then put it into a well gla- zed Venilbn-Pot, prcls it down ciofe, and cover it an Inch, thick with clarified Butter. 21. oma1telartp Break the Bcmes of the Hare, lard it well, and fealon it with Salt, Pepper, Nutm, Cloves, and a Bay Leaf lay Slices ot Bacon at the Bottom of your Fye put in the Hare and lay Slices of Bacon over it, $uid 4id it up when it is tmk’d pour in melted But- ter, and ftop the Hole of thf Pye, and let it by to cooL 22 0 mate 9att(!)0tn %Alp. Boil half a Pound of Hartfliorn in three Quarts of Water, over a gentle B’ire, till it becomes a Jelly j if you take out a little in a Spoon to cool, and it hangs upon the Spoon, it. is enough, ftrain it from die Harts- horn while it is hot when it is cold, put it into a brafi Pan well tinn’d, put to it a Pint of Rhenijb Wine, and a quarter of a Pomd of Loaigar, beat the Whites of four fgs to a Froth, put in half a dozen Cloves, a Blade of Ajace, and. a little Cinnamon, mix aU thelc well i let your Jelly over a clear Fire, keep it ftirring with a Ladle, and that you may make the Eggs mix well with the Jelly, pour it in as if you were cooling .any thingv let it boil for two or three Minutes, then put in tic Juice of three or four Lemons, let it boil a Minute or two longer when it is finely curl’d, and of a pure whke Colour, lay a Swan-skin Jelly Bag over a Sauce-pan or Difh, and pgur your Jelly in with a Ladlc- put back the rt half that ruijs through into your Jelly Bag ibftly, jtill the Jelly is as clear as Rock-water; then put it ii GlalTes for Ufe. Take a Pound of Hartlhori, and four Quarts of Jpring-watcr, boil itleiftfel;r lofc cover’d ip a well glar qL4 ‘ M ic cfarodgh a Clodi s it hm kklStt tipkm, add a Peund aiul half of doubk refm’dSugaf, and the Juic& of iktm or eight large Lemons boil k a iictle then pat ittipintoOlafiesi ‘ 24 Ornate ttQotttiJFIittnflttfp. Bo I L half a Pound of Shieivittg of Hartfhorn in three Pints ol Water till it amis to a Piflt theci ftrain it tshifoih a Sietc into a BafeiH d 1 it by tx cool; thch let it oTer thfeii let it juft melt, and put to ifi half a Pint of thickCram fcatdod md grMm col’d a gafte) a qiiaroer of a Pint of White-wine, mA twofoM’ ms of OrangoFlowtlTrWater, iimettn 4!t withSiar, and: beat it for an Hour and half or it will not mix well, nor look well dip the Cups in Water before you pour n yout Flummerjr, or elft it will not turn Otit wdL let t fllnd two Dayft before you ule k when you lerve k) torn it out of the Cupft, aftdfbck blateh’d Almoads e0t tft Sticts; all cwer the Tops you iqay eat it etdier lirith Witie or Cream. 25. 0 ifMte i coin 9af. TAKMbPieceot’jfkitwhite Veai, mince it, wafli and Vone Ibme Anchotied, add pickled Oydtfrd and pkUed CXiounlbers and a finall whole Lemon, ihred them, mix diem with the mWd Veal, lay it in dhe Middle of the D. lay jlome Slices of Veal round the Diih, with faJv’dArichovies, quarter’d pickle Cucumbers, whole jpickled Oyfltrs, vnholc pickl Mirooms, Capers or any adstt Pickle, and ibme flic’d Lemon -, cut alio feme fittB Lemtce, and lay among your gamiflt, ferve it up to Table, and then pour in Oil and Vinegar. AfM the iame manner you may drefi Turkies or CkickefiS) cutting the Brealls into Sliec to lay txymd tile £)ii, and mincing the re& 26. make a tiafi? ubDln. Take three Pintt of Cream, a Pint and half of Milk, ftfif&ti; it with &ilt;, and iweet it with a Pound tod W f luoaf-ir, make them boil iSioet put in flte flour, HE, Floun kecpJi it coobnuy ftirring while you ftrcw m die Flour, and till it is both thick enough, and boU’d enough j dien pour it out, Itidt the Top full of frefli Butter, lift over it feme Sugar, and ferve it irp. You nxay alfo eat it with Cinary, or with (Sream, or with both mix’d together . 17. 0 bate 8 ltttotk. Flev off the Skin, but leae the Rump, Legs and Pmicras whole 5 then mince the Flefh with Beef-ftiet, ieafen it with Salt, Pepper, and fweet Herbs minced, and raw Yolks of Eggs, mix thefe all well together with three Artichoke Bottoms boil’d, roafted and blanch’d Chefimts, Marrow and Skirrets boiFd and niinc’d pretty finall then fill the Skin and prick it up on the mcky &tw; it in a deep Difh, and cover it with another with ftrong Broth, Marrow, large Mace, White- vrine. Salt, boil’d Artichokes quartered, Cheihuts, Bar- berries, Grapes and Pears, quartered, and feme of the Meat made up into Balls; when it is done, (erve it up with Sippets, Broth it, and gamiih With Slices of Le- mon, and licmon-peel whole, rpn it over with beaten Ihjtter, gamiih the Difh with die Yolks of hard Eggs, large Mace and Cheihuts. 28. 0 make a gedog. Take two Poimd of blanched Almonds, beat them lpdt in a Mortar, with a little Canary and Orange ibvirer Water to keep them from oiling, make them in- to a Stiff-paite j then beat in the Yolks of twelve, an4 the Whites of fourteen Eggs, put to- it a Pint of Cream, iweeten it with Sugar, put in half a Pound of iweet Bnt tcr melted, iet it on a Furnace, and keep it confljuitly ftirring, till it is ftiff enougli to be made in the Form oi a Hedge-hog then ftick it fvSl of blanchM Almondb (lit andftnck up like the Bridles of a Hedge-hog j thea put it in a Difh, boil ibftie Cream, and take the Yolks of four Eggs, Iweeten it with Sugar to your Palate and thicken the Cream, pour it romid your Hedge-hog; &t; it to bv cold, and lervQ it. HE ip So bod t l?ett. ‘ First boil It with a Piece of Bacon, then take half a Pint of ftrong Broth and Jbme White-wine, put in haff St Pound of Saufages, an Onion or two, a few favoury HerbsJargc Mace and a Nutmeg, a Httlc minc’d Tme, • and a Rnt of Ovfters j boil them all together, thicken them with the i oiks of Eggs and Butter, place your Fowl in the.Diih, pour your Sauce and Oyflers on it j lay the Saufiges round it, yfittx Slices of Bacon betwixt, gamifli witla Lemon and ftrvQ it up. 30. ‘o Baltc a tn in a pc. Parboil the Hen, cut off her Legs and Wings, cut cfF the Merry-thought, and through the Bceaft-bone, and alfo break the Bones of the Carcafs, that it may lye in the Pye j fealbn them with Pepper Mace and Cloves, put it into your Pye with Ibme Saufages, Oy- fters, Sweet-breads, Lamb-ftones, lay Butter over them, clofe your Pye, and bake itj then put in a Uttlc ftrong Broth with Claret, Butter, and the Yolk of an Eg • Shaken together, 31. ‘QTornatt aiern- Let the Hern be ell pick’d, parboil it, lard the Breaft and Back, roaft it, bafte it- with White-wine and Butter beaten up together, drudge it with (iveet Herbs minc’d very fmall, and grated Bread-, make a Sauce of the Yolks of Eggs beaten. Anchovies, a little Claret and Vinegar •, when it is roafted, Ici-ve it up garnifh witli Rolemary tops, Savoury, Lemon and Orange. iz. %o malt a??eni4&pe; Break the Breaft-bone of the Fowl •, lay it in feafc for the (pace oC an Hour in warm Water and Salt: Shred Otiions and fweet Herbs together, and with Buttd” make them up into little Balls, aha put feme of them into the Belly gf the Hern, feafon with Salt, Pepper, Mace, and Nutmeg beaten finej lard the Breaft, and put pieces of Bacon in the Wings j fey ibme of ytiur BaHs about it, Iprinkle Ibme Juic of Lemon, and bake it: And afterwards pour into it melte4 HE inclte4 Buttery let k ftand ’till itbccold, andftnre 3 3 . Co “bttti frefl) ettlngit GCT them through the Gills, waih them, rub thom over with melted Butter, drudge them with Crumbs of Bread, and broil them on a- Gridiron Make- your Sauce of Vinegar, Butter, Salt, Pepper, and Muftard. t)r elfe you hiay brown fome Butter, and fhred ibme fweet Herbs very finall and put into itj fealbn with Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Anchovies, and Capers ?4 Co malte 8 lerrfng )9pr. Take pickted Herrings, water them well, take off their Skins whole i mince your Flelh with two Rows; add Ibme grated white Bread, leven or eight Dates, Rofe-watcr, Sugar, a little Sack with Sanron, make of thele a pretty ftiff Pafle; then fill the Skins of your Herrings with this Farce lay Butter in the Bottbm of your Pye, lay in your Herrings, and Dates with them, and a top of them lay Godeberries, Cur- rans, and Butter. Then clqie it up, bake it and when dmc, liquor it with Vinegar, Butter, and Sugar. • Take fbft-row’d Herrings, flit them down the Back, and bone them then rub them over with. Salt juid Peppery mince Apples, Onions, .and Leeks lay Slices of Butter mix’d with Flour in the Bottom o( the Pye, lay in your Herrings, flrew under and ovet them your minc’d Apples, &c.; grate Nutmeg, Icrape Lemon-peel, put in half a Pound of Currans, and lay Flour and Butter mix’d over all. 36. make reo !ipporra& Pour a Gallon of Claret into an earthen Pan, put in a Blade of Mace, a little long Pepper, four Grains of white Pepper, a Dram of Cinnamon, and a little Coriander-feed all bruis’d apart, dien put in two Pound of Sugar beaten, a dcen fv7eet Almoods fifnytj and a quarter of a Pint of Brandy: ‘ Cover them BO ‘fiiem dofe, and let them fland to infoie flirring them now and then: Then add about a quarter of a Pint of Milk, and flxain sdl through a Strainng-l:g thus fet the Bag be bung up, Md a Vefiel let under it to teceive the Liquor -, &t; the Mouth of the Bag open, jput the Liquor in to run through three or lour times. 7 0 mate ttbite %ippctaf)l ‘ TjiK£ a Oailon white Dstim Wine, two Ounces of Qmwoon, two Pounds of Sugar, a little IMbcp, %id a few Corns of black Pepper whole: Add two Lemons, cut into four Pieces: Let thefe infiife in the Wine lor ibme time, then put it in a Straining bag, and haxig it up, widi a Veflel pWd uodemeath 4b thsft it may receive the Liquor, as before. If joii pjeafe, yoti may give it the Scent of Musk and Am Der, by wrapping up a Grain of it beaoen with So gar, in Cotton, which you muft ftick at the End of the dtremmng-bng. lop &ids; a Walm or two iti Wa(3pr and Salt then lay them in White-wine Vinr. 39. 0 make a )?ogoe Take a Leg of Mutton, take the Skin off whole together with the cper Knuckle then mince the Fidh very (inaH with a couple of Found of Beefiew- et: Shred a very ikiall Shalots, Spinage, Savoury, and Thynie v ieai with Sate and ipper j and with the Yotks of fix or eight Eggs wwk the Meat tog6- thar into the fbrm of a Bail: Then take a Cabbage, open the Leaved, md ctfc out the middle to make a Hole to put your 311 of Meat iff: When you have done, make it as much as you can into the form of a Dude, and bo’i a DiKk’s Head, and ftick it on with a Skewer -, then tye i the Body dole, and boil it: Againft it is done, fry me Sauiges dipt m the IToIks of Eggd with a tittle Floivr and Nitmt a good mMnticy of Butter, witl Anchi diiS lv’d kt the Sauce &rft; and. beat up with the Butter and Pickbtt and ferve it up. 41. tnAttlft jliBem of Hiu)8ari!i (GQi&tet; Gather Roibnary-flawers in a &k; Morning three or four Hours a&er; Sunriiing, put four Fbuod of them into a Cucurbit, with three Quarts of Srit. of Wine well readfy’dj prefe the f ‘lowers dawn into the Cucurbit, and cover it with its Head and Aknu- bick y Inte it weH with Pafte and Paper, and place it in a Sandheat, and lute a Receiver to it leave it fo ’till ne3Et Momingv and diftit it witH do gentle a Fire, that while the Spirit diAils, the Head mav not be ib nuKh as warm; or to ha0:en the DiiH latioo, you may cover the Head with a linen Cbtti ieveral times double, dipt in cold Water do this io veral times j – diilil it ’till you have drawn off aboulE two Quarts of the Spirit then put out the Fire, lin- lute the Veflels, .put your Spirit up in Bottles, and flop them clofe. Pre& and ftrain -out the lioiior that remains in fh Bottom of the Cucurbit, ana daritfy it put itinr to the Cucurbit figain and tiftU it, xvatii it remain m the Botteiq qear as thick,as–Honey or $yiup v pu it into a Pipkia well glr’d and boil it ov the Fire to the Thdotneii of an Hcdinary JSxtraft and put the lait Spu into a $on4e by it iel£; J A I. fry a3fc. CRAPE, gut, aid c;leanie yoiir Jack, wi it, floui: ‘ it, and it browp and cril in iwt Biittor.; rhen ta(0 it out of the Fryiog-pan, fet it before tfa k-t in a (iShi pour oS the Biitter it wi fty’d ip F lenfga-eopdC&antity;, . . . other Butter, lay them on the Fifii. In tb meaa Vf let ibme Butter be beat up with three or four Spoon- I c Spoonfuls of hot Water in tvhich iari Anchovy has been diffolv’d j pour this on your Filh garnifli with Strawberry-lfeavcs. and Paffley, and lerve it up. 2. D letD a 9ar!t4 Draw and cleanfe your Fiih, pdt it into i Stew art, widi as itivich Wnitfe-wine as will cover it, let it a ftewingi yvhsn it boils, put- ih the Fifh, fcum it well, put m Salt, whole. Cinnamon, ahd ‘large Mace: Lay Sippets in a Dilh, and when it is ftid enougl lay your Fiih on the Sippets; then thicken yoiJrIilh Broth with the Yolks of three or four Eggs,- beaten Butter, thick Cream and Sugar j give it a walm of two i pour it on your F’ilh, with boil’d Ptnncs and Currans laid over.it lay alfo flic’d Lemon, Knots of Barberries, Cinnamon and Mace, and Icrape on Ibme Sugar. J. tCo malt 3ce anft fenftte ‘ Tak£ new Milk, and a little Cream, mix theni both together in a Diih – put Renntt in itj- fis if it Were for Cheefe then ftir it together when it is come, pour in feme Canary and Sugar j then put thd Whites of three Fs, and iai little Damask Rofe-wa- ter to a Pint of Cream and with a Whisk, whip it up to a Froth ‘, and as the Froth rifes put it upon your Milk with the Rennet in it, till it lyes deep: Then lay in it here and there Bimches of prelervM Barberries yhip up more Froth, and put updn them i let your Diih’ be broad brim’d, which gahiiih with ft- veral forts of Jellies of various Colours. 4 Co make celnj. Take half a Pound of fine Lpaffugar, beat it ve- ry fine in a Mortar -, then lift it then put it again into the Mortar with four Spoonfuls of Role water, and the Whites of two Eggsj ftijf it all one way, till your Cakes or Tarts come out of the Oven, and are almoft cold, dip a Feather in your Iceii, and ftrike over your Cakes or Tarts and ict ttwem in a eoolOvmto hardca 5. ta to ace all fejtu of Jllatert, You inuft provide a fort of a Ciftem, in Form of a Box, which muft be fitted on the infide with Tin- hioidds, to hold the Liquor. Thefe Moulds being Covered with their relpeftive 0)vers, fill up the void Spaces with Pieces of Ice, and Salt, and lay them al- fo over the Moulds, Sy which means the Liquors will congeal. You muft alio have a Hole about the Mid- dle of the Height of fliis Ciftem, to give Paffagc to the Ice and Salt that melts, that they may not over-, flow your Moulds. You mvA alio, from time to time, break the Ice that is firft macie on the fiirface, and put Salt quite round the Moulds, which will caufe the reft to freeze i fo that China-diflies and Cup& may be fiUd with the finall Pieces of Ice, when you ierve the Liquors up to Table. • 6. 0 mate Ktllp Sjotfj. Put a Joint of Mutton, and a Filet of Veal, with- i Cipon, in three Quarts of. Water, over a gentle Fire, till one half of the Liquor is boiled away j then ftrain it through a Linen Cloth. 7. another aaiar. Take a Knuckle of Veal, a Knuckle df Mutton, and a yoimg Cockj ftone Ibme Raifins of the Sun, a- bout a quarter part of the weight of your Fleih: Boil all to Pieces, pour all out into a wooden Bowl, break, add mix all together, ftrain out the Liquor; when it is cold, citt off the Fat from the top, and the Set-. tling from the bottom then put to it two. or three Blades of Mace, a Stick of Cinnamon broken finall dbuble refin’d Sugar, as much as you think conveni- ent, toil it again, and ftrain it for ule. S: Slmti Map. . Take Pork, Veal, and Mutton i boil them till your Broth is as ftrong as you would have it j then add White-wine and double refin’d Sugar, according to your Quantity of Broth i Ibme Eggs, fliced Nut- raeg, a Race or two of Ginger, . little Cinnamon andMaccw 9. 9-0 maSe 3eUp of- ((aliieK iFtet. . Take eight Calves Feet, take ofF the Fat, taJtc out the Bones lay the Feet, a Ibak io Water for three or four Hours then boil them m fix Qijarta of Spring-water, fcum them often, boil them till it comes to two Quarts ftrain them thro’ a Linen-doth; jt it by to cool, and when cold, pare off the SettUi at . bottom, and Fat from the t: Melt it in an ear- then Pipfcin i put to it two Qiiarts of White-wine, four or jBve blades of Mce, a Quarter of an Ounce of bruis’d Cinnamon, two or three Races of Ginger you may allb, if you pleafe, add a Grain ot Musk; jTake the Whites -of twelve Eggs, beaten t with three Pound of double refin’d Sugar; mix thele with the Jelly and boil it gently, adding die. Juice of a couple of Lemon$, ftrain it for ule. IO. Co make 3ell; of Jlleat Take a Leg of Veal, cut off the Fat as clean as you canj waih it; break the Bones and lay it in Wa- ter to fc for a quarter of an Hour flit three or four Calves Feet and put them to the Veal •, pit them into two Gallons of Water, boil them, skimmmg them often i let it boil till It oomes to two Qyarts, or left i ftrain it, fet it by till it is cold – pare off the: bottom and top, and put it into a large Sauce-pan Then put to it a Spoonful or two of White-wine Vi- negar, a little Salt, a Nutmeg flic’d, two Ounces of beaten Cinnamon, a Blade or two of Mace, a Race of Ginger flic’d, and the Whites of Eggs well beaten $ Mix all thfefe together, give them three or four Waim% ftirring them the mean time then ftrain all thro’ a Jdly Bag for ule. . II. 0 colout aelliea Your Jellies mde of Hartfliom, or Calves Feet, or Legs, may be made of what Colour yau wou4 have them. If white, uie Almonds pounded, ajid ftrain’d after the uliial manner j if yellow, put jtt Um Yollcs of Eggs •, if red, feme Juice of red Beet j ijf grey, a little Cochineel; if purple, fome purple Tutp fole E Ibte, or Powder of Violets j if green, lome Jfiucg of Beet-leaves J which muff be boil’d in a Diih, to take away its crudity. . 12.0 mate Clirpftal aell Take out the great B(es, arid Fat of four Pair. of Calves Feet-, theil lay them to deep in fair Water j fliift them three or four times iii twehty-four Hours; then boil them in a clean Pot or Pipkin, with eight Quarts of Spring-water, fcum it clean, boil k till it is half boiFd away j then ftraih and fet it by to cool when it is cokl, take the Fat from the top, and pare the Settling clean off from the bottom: Then put it in a Pipkirf, that will hold a Gallon and half fivi Pints of old clear White-wine, and Jiiice of four Le- mons, four Bladps of Mace, and three Races of flic’d Ginger j then fet it oh the Fire, diffolvd it and let it by to cool thed take five Pound of white Sugar beat- en, and tnxi it with the Whites of fixteeh Eggs in git Diih, and piit it into Pipkin to your Jelly;, ftir all together with a Grain of Ambergreelei and Jtiusk, tied up in a Linen Ragj add near half a.’ Pint of Rofe-water j fet it again over a gentle Char- coal Fire, let it ftcw, and before it boils, put iri a little Ifing-glafs, and when it boils up, let it cool little and nm it- J?- Si general 3Irtl? tti fin? Iiint) df fouc’b imti Take four Pair of Calves Feet, take away the Fat between the Claws take out thp large Bones, ftcep ‘ them in Water for five or fix Hours – then boil thenj ill eight -Quarts of Water, till it is boiled away,to three Quarts-, thenftrain itv theri fet it by While it is cold, ait off the Settliiigs, divide it into three PartS,! to be made of three feveral Colours: Put each ihto a Pipkin a-part, put to eac5h a Quart or’ White-wiie J colour one with Cochiheeli another W’th Saffron j aftd let the third remain of its own Colour: Put into each of the Pipkins, a little Mace, a Race of Gihger, arid fome Nutmig flic’d, arid fome Cinnamofl; iticlt trie ‘ Jelly and put to each the Yolks of halt a dozettKggs vfcW lieatcn, with a Pound or better of Sugary ftir all well together, and when it is ready to boil, ftrain it, and keep it for ufe. 14. Co maie Bltmelloex. Beat and fift a Pound of double refia’d Sugar; two Drams of Carraway-feeds, finely beaten and fit- ted the Yolks of four Eggs, a Gram of- Musk, and a finl Quantity of Gum-dragon, di£R lvM in Damask Rote-water malce thefe up into a Pafte, fomething fof ter than Buttery pafs it tlirough a Butter-lquirt of two or three EUs long, and a little thicker than a Straw J lay it a little while on a Paper to harden; then tye it up into Knots; when they are dry, boil them in Rofe-water and Sugar. 15.0 malie a Bittlfan. Roast a Leg of Mutton, take off the Skin and Fat J put it into a Pot with a good Piece of Beef part of a Filet of Veal, and a fat Capon, with Par- fley-ropts, Celery, an Onion ftuck with Cloves, and Carots, Turnips, and Parlhips, a couple of each j boil all thefe together a good while. In another Pot, in the mean time, boil two or three Bimdles of Alpara- gus, a little Chervil, and a pretty deal of Sorrel, with me Broth taken out of the great Pot loak fi me Criifts, and lay the Alparagus upon them. 16. SCo mate Slambaliei of Imon&jt.; Take two Pound of fine Flour, and as much fine Sugar, make a Pafte of them with the Whites of Eggs beaten •, put to the Pafte two Pound of blanch’d Al- monds well beaten, a Pound of fwcet Butter, a Pint of Cream, and mould it all well together with Roie fvater make them into what Forms you pleale, and bake them in a gentle Oven. 17. another aaifty. Beat a Pound of blanch’d Almonds very well with Damask Rofe-water put to them two Pound af dou- ble refin’d Sugar powdered beat the Whites of Eggs up to a Froth, and wet the Almonds and Sugar with them and let it in a Pan over a Stove, continually ftirring KE flirring It, till it grows lb ftifF, that you may make a Pafte of it. Liet it be cold, and tlien roll it into Jumbals •, ftrew Sugar on Pewter Plates, and lay your Jumbals upon them. 1 8. Co make SlumMd plains Take three Pound of fine Flour, a Pound and half of firdh Butter; rub it into the Flour with a Pound . and half of Sugar , put in fix Eggs, leaving out three “Whites, and fix Spoonfiils of Rofe-water j male it in- to a Paile, and xruike it into what Faihion you pleaie, and bake them on Papers or Plates. 19. 0nott)er aaiap. Beat a dozen Eggs with five or fix Spoonfuls of Damask Ro(e-water, put to them two Pound of dou- ble refin’d Sugar, add as much dry’d fine Flour, as vitt make the Pafte roll out when you have roU’d it out, make them into what Form you pleafe, and bake them as above diredred. 20. Co malte 3an1teti Take warm new Milk, put Rennet to it, and let it fland to cool , then ftrew on it fine Sugar powdered and Cinnamon, pour upon it. Cream mixt with Da mask Rofe-water. KE I. Co malte memel Mater. POUR a Gallon of good Brandy into a large ear then Pitcher or Jar, put to it either three Ounces of the Kernels of Apricocks well pounded with their Skins, or four Ounces of the Kernels of Cherries well pounded j put in four Cloves, a little Coriander-feed, a Pound and quarter of fine Sugar, half a Dram of Cinnamon, and alio about a Pint of boil’d Water, af- ter it has flood to be cold. Then flop the Pitcher clole, and let them infofe for thi Day then ftrain at, and put it into BotUes. R 2 1. Co 1 0 male %itfl$SBi Make Ibme.Puff-pafte, roll it thin and if you have any Moulds work it upon them with prefeiVd Pijmins. You may fill feme with Goofcberrica fome with Kas- bcrries, Ibme with Lamb-ftenes, Ibme with Venl Kid- nies, or what you pleale, the Meat being firft lealbn’d then dole them up,, and either bake or fiy them; when they are done, ftrew Sugar on them, and ferve them up. K I D is drels’d after the &me; way with Lamb, ia all reipefb. 4. Co toaft a ‘hto Take the Head df your Kid, and prick it back- wards, over the Shoulder, and tve it down; then lard it with Bacon, and draw it with Lemon Peel, and Thyme: Then make a Pudding, or Farcing of gra- ted Bread, Flour, fome forc’d-meat minc’d finally Beef-fuet and fweet Herbs, ieaibned with Salt, Gbger, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg, add fome Cream, and the Yolks of four Eggs 1 wrap this Padding m thq Caul of the Kid, and put it into the Belly, and few or ftitch it up clofe, roaft it and ferve it up with V- nifon Sauce. … 5 raalte a Ikiintf Sp. Roast a Line of Veal when it is almoft enough take the Kidney, the Fat, and fome of the Meat, and mince it fimdl, with die Marrow of half a dozen Veal Marrow Bones, cold; foafon it with Marjoram, Thyme, and Winter Savoury, cut finall or poimded j tdd a quarter of a Pint of Rofe-water, die Yolks of fix Eggs, a little Nutmeg flic’d, half a Pound. of Su- gar, and half a Pound of Currans •, mix all thefe well together, and nwike them up in finall Pafties of Puff- Pafte, and fry them in fweet Butter, or try’d Suet. I. 9 I. 0 foce a %tg of Hamb. TAKE a large Leg. of Lamb, cot a long flit on the baclcfide, take out all the Meat, but don’t deface the other fide j then chop the Meat finall with Marrow, Beef-iuet, Oifteris, Anchovies unwaih’d, an Onion, fweet Herbs, Ibme Lemon Peel, fealbn’d with Salt, Pepper, a little beaten Nutmeg and Mace. Then poynd all theft: well, in a Mortar, ftuff your Skin, few it up, wafh it over with the Yolks of Eggs bea- ten, put it on the Spit, drudge it with Flour, and lay Pieces of Butter over it. (Or you may bake it, if you plcafe) ftew Ibme Oifters in Whitc-wlne, with a Blade of Mace •, keep out the Jargeft to Jay with An chovy-lauce, Miiihrooms, and a. good deal of Gravy, and lb lerve it- Fricaffy the Loin to lay round it, cut into finall Pieces very thin, feafbned with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg’, Cloves, and Mace Cives, and lavoury Herbs: Fry them in clarified Butter, and when they are fry’d enough, pour out the Butter, clean the Pari, put in a qparter of a Pint of White-wine, a Pint of ftrong Gravy, ftew your Lamb in the Gravy; then add an Anchovy, a few Oifters and Muftu-ooms, with the Liquor j then roll up a Piece of Butter in Flour, and the Yolks of an Egg, and Iqueew in the Juice of a Lmon Garnifii with Pickles and Lemon, and ierve it up. . 0 ftp a iztiy oj io(n of narnb Cut the Ribs aflinder, beat them witla your Knife 5, then fry them in a little Ale j feafon them with a little Salt, and cover them clofe with a Plate take them out of the Pan with the Gravy in them, iet them in a Dilh before the Fire j clean your Frying- Pan i put in half a Pint of White-wine, Ibme Caper?, and tli Yolks of two Eggs beaten with a little Salt and Nutmeg, add to this the Liquor diey were, fry’d ip i ftir it with a Spoon, all oxic way, till it be thick; % i thei L A then put in the Lamb, ftir all . together. Gamiih with Parfley and Lemon, and ferve it up. 3. Co road a iSlmtttt of ILamb. Lard one half of the Quarter and drudge the o- ther well with grated Bread it it, wrap it up id Paper, tliat it may not fcorchi and when is is near roaStd enough, drudge the unlarded Part with Bread, as before, adding a little fine Salt, and Parfley ihred £nall 4. Co &ettf; I.amb in a Easoo Cut a Quarter of Lamb into four Quarters-, lard it with middle iizM Slips of Bacon, and tois it up a little in a Sauce-pan, to brown it boil it in an earths en Pot, or Stew-pan, with Broth, Salt, Pepper, Cloves a Bunch of fine Herbs, and Mufhrooms. Make a Sauce for it of fry’d Oiilers, with a little Flour, and a couple of Anchovies when you are ready to fervc lip, add ibme Lemon Juice, and garniih with fry’d Muihrooms. 5. knottier (EQiap Take a Quarter of Lamb, roaft it, and when it is near enough drudge it well with grated Bread. In- to the Difh, in which you intend to ierve it in, put a CuUis of V eal, with Salt, Pepper, an Anchovy, the Juice of a Lemon and a few Cives. Warm it, lay in your Lamb, and ferve it up. 6. 0 ftete a tAtuVt leab. Take out the Brains, and make a Pudding of them i boil them, and when they are cold, cut them Into bits then mince Lamb and Beeffuet together, add to it fbme grated Bread, feafon with Salt, Pepper, and fweet Herbs minc’d fmall, add four or five raw Eggs. FiU the Lamb’s – Head with thele •, then ftew ii in a Stew-pan with fbme fbrong Broth •, make Balls of the remainder of your minc’d Meat. 7 0 Defis a ilamb’e( eab in potage. Take the Head, Feet, and Liver of a Lamb, and young Bacon, fcald them-, then boil them all toge- ther in a large Pot in fome Broth; When they arc boa’d LA boUM and lirell iealbned, lay your Potage a ibakuig with good Broth and Gravy, and put the iLamb’s- Head in the middle: Bread the Brains, and fry them thoroughly; then put them into their Place again. .Gamiihyour Pottage, with the Feet, Bacon, and Li- vers. Thicken with a white Gullis made of Cmm- bread ibak’d in goed Broth, a fcore of Iwect Almonds and the Yolks erf” three hard Eggs, pounded and drain- ed •, well fbak’d and feafbn’d with the Juice of a Le mon. Then ferve it up, 8. tlTo malte a Ham!) paSp. Bone the Lamb, cut it four fquare-, lay Beefluet at the Bottom of your Pafty, iealbn the Lamb with Salt, Pepper, minc’d Thyme, Nutmeg, Qoves, and Mace, arid lay it upon the Suet, making a high Bor- der about it; then turn over your Sheet of Pafte, dole it up and bake it j when it is bak’d, put in Vi- negar, the Yolks of Eggs well beaten and Ibme Sugar or you may, if you pleafe, omit the Sugar, and put in good Gravy, or the baking of the Bones in Claret 9. %o make a I.amb igt. Cut your Lmb into thin Slices, ieaibn with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg, and you may add a little Sugar; then put them in your Pye, lay-i ing between every Layer of Meat, Marrow, Butter Raiiins of the Sun fton’d, Currans, Dates flic d, Skir rets boird and blanch’d •, dry’d Citron, candy’d Le- mon, large Mace, prelcrvM Barberries, and Slices of Lemony make up your Pye, bake it; when it is bak’d, put White-wine, Verjuice and Sugar in a Pipkin, let it on the Fire, ftir it till it begins to grow thick i then add the Yoljcs of three or four Eggs; pour this into your Pye with a Funnel; give it a ihake or two, fcrape Sugar over it, and fervq it up. 10 SlMtnWltp Mince the Flefh of a Leg of Lamb very finall, with two Pounds of Beef-iitet to three Pounds of Lamb: Scaibn them with Salt, Pepper, Thyme, and Par- LA (ley flired ImalL You may alfo add’ibme Sagar; take ten or twelve raw Hggs, and mince them witlj your Meat, and put it iito your Pafte and bake it .when bak’u, put in Lemon Juice and Sugar, and ferveit. . . 1 1. lamb Ppc tt e German Cfllap Cut a Quarter of Lamb in Pieces, and lard them with finall Lardons ot 3acon, fcaibnM with Salt, Pep- per, Cloves, Nutmeg, and a Bay-leaf add pounded 5ac(Mi, Cives and fweet Herbs put thefe into a Pye, and bake it for tiiree Hours 5 tJieix cut it open, skim crfF all the Fat, pour in a Ragoo of Oifters, and lerve it up hot for a firft Courle. 1 2. 0 fouce a &ibt; of Harnb . Bqne it, foak it well from the Blood, wipe it dry, land leafon it with Salt, Nutmeg, and Ginger beaten, jfweet Herbs, and Lemon . Peel minc’d, and Coriander 5ced whole. Jjatf broad Slices of Lard over the Sea- soning -, IKen roll it into a Collar, and bind it up in a Ljnen Cloth; put it inta boiling Liquor, icum it well, put in Salt, Nutmeg, and Ginger lUc’d, Fennel and Jrarfley Roots when it is almoft boil-d,- put in a Quart of White-wine; when it is enough take it off put in Slices of LiCmcn, the Peel of two whole ones, and a doun BayJves, and give it a boil clofe covered- 15. janotlictfflElap. Take the Bones out of a Side of Lamb, lay it to Toak in Salt and. Watery then wipe it dry, ieaibn it with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and lavoury Herbs ihred finall, and- Lemon Peel. Lay this Sealbning up on the Lamb, and broad Slices of Bacon over the Sealbning then roll it up into a Collar, tye it up tight in a Cloth, and boil it in Water and Salt when it is Jcum’4, put iu Fennel, Parfley Roots, Ginger flic’d, and Nutmeg, and when it is near boil’d enough, . pour- in a Quart of White-wine; when it is boiPd, put in ialf a dozen Bay Leaves, the Peel of a Lemon, .and Slices of Lemon i th?n put all into s Pot, and cover it lilcrffof ijf. LA 14. tCo mafte Hamft tile JtJenffom Bone your Lamb •,. thein dip it in the Blood of a Pig, Sheep or Calf-, then parboil it in finall Beer and Vinegar, one Part of the firft, and of the latter let it ftand in it all Night: Then put in feme’ Alkanet Root, or Turnfoile, and bake it with Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Claret, and Butter, and fome Sprigs of Rofemary. 15. ‘3Co fry Iamb &tonf0; • Parboil them, mince them ImalL fry them i Iweet .Butter, ftraih them with feme Cream, Pepper, ‘ beaten Cinnamon, and when it is flrained, put to it feme grated Qieefe i then fry them, and lenTe them up vith Sugar and Rbfe-water. 16. SI ltamb’Stone 9pe Take three young Pidgeons, three Chickens, and three Ox Palates, boil’d, blanch’d, and cut into fmall Pieces, and bake them together take three Veal Sweet-breads, cut in halves andparboiPdj bilf afeore Cocks-combs bolld and blanch’d three JLamb-ftones ‘ cut in halves’, the Bottoms. of two Artichokes boil’d j a Pint of Oifters parboil’d j thq Marrow of two Bones, feafonM with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg and Mace min gle fem Piftaches among thefe . Ingredients and fill ‘ your Pyfc with themj alfe’ grate in feme xolks of hard boifd Egs, covering all with Butter •, make it up, put in a little fair Water, and when it is bak’d drain out the Butter, and put in Butter and Gra-t vy beaten together. . 17. Co 6?tfil lampicpst. • Bleed diem, prelerve their Blood: Cleanfe them in warm Water, cut them in Pieces, feafen them with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg ftew them in an earthen Pan, with White-wine, browned Butter, a Bunch of iweet Herbs and a Bay-leaf: Then put in the Blood- with fiy’d Flour and Capers j garnifh with Slices of Lemon. i8 Coftale Jtampjepjfc . Let your Lampreys be Iplit, take out the Strings ip the Back nd truls them round 1 feafen theui with Salt, LA Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and parboil them; lay a Lay- er of Butter at the fiottom of the Ie; then lay in the Lampreys, with feme Onions flic d; cover the whole with Gutter; dole up your Pye, and when bak’d, jBll it up with clarified Butten 19. bake lUmpepfi in ttpftoii Let your Lamprevs be roafted very tender, and bailed with Butter tnen either hot or cold, put them into your Pans, having firft butter’d the Bottoms, iea Ion them with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and iavoury Herbs ihred put in Dates, Currans, and Slices of Lemon, and cloie them up; when they are bakd, moi- flen them with Whitewine, Butter, or Sack and Su- gar. 20. 0 b)oil %&mf;%tfi Wash them in hot Water, to take off their Slime d cut them in Pieces as you do Eels to broil: Melt feme Butter, feafen it with Salt, Pepper, ia- voury Herbs, Parfley and Cives ihred put your Pie- ces of Lamprey into thefe in a Sauce-pan,, and itif them well together take them out, drudge them with grated Bread, and put them on a Gridiron over a . gentle Fire. For the Sauce, brown feme Butter in a Sauce-pan, with a Pinch of Flour j ihred Mulhrooms, Cives, and Parfley finaU, put them intx the Butter, with Salt, Pepper, an Anchovy, and a few Gipers moiften it with Fifli-broth, and thicken with a Cullis. Pour this fame in the Difii, and lay the Lampreys round, and ferve it hot. Or you may ferve it with this Sauce. Take Oil, Vine- gar, Salt, Pepper, and a little Muftard, ihred Parfley, an Anchovy, and a few Capers, and beat them all well together in an earthen Veflel or Porringer then put it in- to a Saucer, place it in the middle of the Diih, and lay the Lampreys round it. 21. Co frp HlBmptitt. Bleed them, preferve their Blood, flime them, and cut them in Pieces. Fry them in clarified But- ter, with a Pinch of Flour, Salt PepFr Nutmeg, a lit LA a little White-wine, a Bay-leaf and a BivxJi of iweet Herbs when thefe have been all fiy’d together, put in the Blood, and a few Capers, and ferve it up. 22 Co Ditfi %amifttp ttie Icaiian Wip Skin them, and ftafon them with Salt, Pepper, Ginger, CinnanuMi, and Nutmeg i put them into your Pafte, either whole, or cut in Pieces •, pat in Raiiins Currans, Prunes dned j Dates and Cherries, and .co- ver all over with Butter, clofe up your Pye and bake it. Then chop fome fweet Herbs, pound fome Iweet Almonds, and boil with Grapes, Raifins, Sugar and Verjuice, and when it is bakd, pour in this Licuor ftrain’d. Ice it and ferve it tip hot with White-wme, the Blood of the Lampreys,’ the Juice of Oranges, and Cinnamon. Bleed them, prefervc the Blood, take off their Slime, cut them in Pieces, take out the Strings out of their Backs then tois them up till they are brown, in Butter and a little fry’d Flour then put in fome red Wine, Salt, Pepper, Cinnamon, two or three fliccs of Lemon, and a little Sugar-, when they are enough put in the Blood, give them a turn or two fo diih it up and ferve it. 24. 0 maite a Hampjep B Cleanse diem from their Slime -, fet by the Blood; fealon them wkh Salt, Pepper, beaten Cinnamon, Cnr- rans. Dates candy ‘d Lemon Peel and Sugar v put them in your Pye, and when it is bak’d, pour in the Blood and a litle White-wine, and when you ferve it up add a little Lemon Juice. 25. Co malce a Hatlt fpe. To a dozen of Larks, put two Penny-Manchets, a Jittle Salt, three Eggs, a quarter of a Pint of Rofe- water, a Pound of Currans, a quarter of an Ounce of beaten Mace, a quarter of an Ounce of Cixmamon, and Nutmeg grated: Mix thefe well together, and make them into Balls as big Sis Walnuts, and put them in the Bellies of the Larks j lay them in the Pye, and lay g; L A !iy a Pound of Butter in Slices over them, and a Le- mon (licM, and half a Pound of Lemon and Ctroa candy’d, and a quarter of an Ounce of whole Mace; bake it and when it is done, put in Butter on the top and fervc it up. 25 Ccr sjefjt %tLtTa in a JSiAitto. Draw your Larks, put them into a Stew-pan with melted Bacon, Mdhrooms, Truffles, Capons, Livers, an Onion ftuck with Cloves, and tofs tliem up put in 4 little CulUs, or inftead of that a little Flour j then t in, fome Beef, or Veal Gravy, let them limmer or feme time then beat up an Egg with feme Cream, put into it Ibnie fhred Parfley, pour this into the Stew-pan, let it have a turn or two over a Stove to thicken it take off, the Fat, fqueez;? in feme Juice of Lemcm, and ferve it. 27. 0 waft iLfltlKf. Truss them handfemly on the Back, but neither draw them, nor cut off their Feet. Lard them witli finall Lard(Mis, or elfe fpit tJiem on a wooden Skewer, with a finall Bard of Bacon between two j when they are near roaftcd enough, drudge them widi Salt pow- der’d fine, and .fine Crumbs of Bread. When they are ready, rub the Dilh you defign’to lerve them in with a Shalot, and lerve them with Salt, Pepper, Ver- juice, and the fuice of an Orange. Or with a Sauce made of Claret, the Juice of two or three Oranges, and a little flired Ginger, let over the Fire a little while, and beat up with a Piece of Butter. You may ule the lame Sauce for broird Larks, which you muft open on the Breafts, when you lay them on the Gridiron. 28. Co make a Confettae of iUten&et; iFlotoens Beat the Flowers, while they are frefli, with three times their weight in fine Sugar, in a marble Mortar with a wooden Peftle, and put them into a Gally-pot, and f over them clole for uIq, LE 19. 0 matt a %tnamu Scrape Lemon Peel in Water and Sugar, put in a few Drops of Oa of Sulphur, and fomc Slices of Le- iflon put in a Pound of Sugar tx every Qvtart of Water. o. Co mate HemonaDe tiitt) Hfme laiR. To three Quarts of Spring-water put in a Pint of Lame-Juice, a Pound, or round and half of double refined Sugar: When the Sugar is diiiblv’d it 13 done. 3 1 . Co make %tmn CakeK Take double refin’d Sugar beaten and lifted very £ne, moiften it with the Juice of Lemons, and boil it aknoft to a Guidy Height: Then drop it ori Plates, and let it in a warm Place ’till the Cakes will flip cff from the Plates. If you pleaie, you may Hired the Peel very fine, and boil with partof itj but you mxA add frdh Juice to it, or it will be too thick to drop handlomely. Take a Pound of ftie Skigar, wet it with four Ounces of Juice of Lemons, and four Ounces of Role- water, boil them up ’till they become like Sugary then grate into them the Rind of hard Lemons, in- corporate them well together -, and when they are cold, put them up for ufe. J 3. %o Irep Hemontt Take Ibme fine Sand, dry it well, let it be cold, then put it into an earthen Veflel, laying a Layer of Sand, and a Layer of Lemons, putting the Stalks’ downwards J let them not touch one another. Then lay a Layer of Sand two or three Inches thick, and then lay another Layer of Lemons thus do ’till you have fill’d your Veflel y then let them in a cool Place, and they will keep all the Year. Oralis may. be preferv’d after the feme manner. :s4 0 ntale iLemon aSc Chuse thofe Lemons that have plump and wtjU coloured Rinds; boil them in Water, fealbning’the firft LE • firft Water widi a handftd of Salt flufting them fix tinies ’till they are become tender put them into a wooden Bowl or Mortar, and beat am to a Pulp, with a Peftle or Rdling-pin then ftrain them, wring- ing them hard through a coarie Linen Cloth then take ibmething above their Weight cS fine Sugar, and put it to what Liquor you have ftrain’d, and boil it almoft to a Candy Height then ipread it pret thin upon Plates, and dry it in a Stove or flack Oven j then turn it, and cut it out into what Forms you will. j. Xo pickle %tmmiu Boil them in Water and Salt, then put thena into a Pot, and fill it up with White-wme Vincr. 76. 0 peCrtbe Urmon Zest your Lemons, cut your PtUp into Slips, flic them again in their Thicknefs, then iotld them in Wa- ter ’till they are very loft j then put them into cla- rified Sugar newly pais’d through the Straining-bag 9 when it is ready to boil, give them twenty Boilings. The next Day bring th Sugar to its fmooth Qua- Kty, put your Lemon Slips into it, and give them le-. ven or eight Boilings. The next Day boil the Su gar ’till it is pearled, and give your Lemon a cove- red Boiling. Let them (land for fbme time, and then put them into your Pots to be dry’d, as Occafion Icrves. n- iSnotlliet oaiap Pare your Lemons thin, grate off the tops, cut a little Hole where the Stalk grows, and:pick out all the Seeds, boil them three times in three feveral Wa- ters ’till they are very tender. Make lomc Water boil, then put in the Lemons: Take half a Pound of Sugar to every Lemon, and a quarter of a Pint Of Water to every half Pound of Sugar •, boil the Sy- jup, Icum it well, then put in the Lemons, and make them boil apace ’till they are very clear. Squeeze in the Juice of a Lemon, and when it has had tluw or four four BdUsy pat your Lemons in Pots and when the Syrup is cool, pour it upon them. 38 0 malt 9armalaDe of %tmtmi4. Boil the Rinds of Lemons in ieveral Waters ’till they are very tender, then pound them in a Mortar with their Weight of Pippins then take as much fine Sugar as they both weight and allow a Pint of Water for every Pound of Sugary boil the Water and Sugar together to a Syrup j then put in the Pulp, let it boil ’till it is clear then fqueero in as much Juice of Lemon as will give it a good Reliih, then boil it ’till you find it jelly, and put it into Pots or GlaiTes for ule. if. Co make &prup; of %tmm Pare your Lemons, flice them thin, lay in a Ba fon a Layer of Sugar beaten fine, and a Layer of Sli- ces of Lemon, fb continuing ’till you have laid all in then let it ftiid all Night, The next Day pour off- the Juice that runs from the Fruit through a Tiffa- ny-ftrainer, and put it into Glailes. 40′ Co make Hemontoatm Pare your Lemons, and put the Peels of ten Liemons into a Quart of Canary and Brandy, of each a like Quantity let them iland and infufe for a Week or more. Squeeze out the Juice, flrain it through a Cloth, or radier filter it through a brown Paper, then take ‘ an equal Quantity of Role-water, and make a Syrup of it with double . refin’d Sugar. Diftil the Wine in Baheo to a drynefsj mix it with the Syrupy and keep it clofe £h p’d for ufe. 41- Co jTarce .tttuce. Take Cabbage-Lettuce, fcald them a little, drain them then mince the Flefli of roafted Capons and Chickens with bol’d Gammon, Muihrooms and Sa voury Herbs, Cives and Parfley, the Crumb of a French Roll . fbak- d in Cream and the Yolks of three or four £ggs and a little fcalded Bacon ieaibn all with Salt, Pepper, fweet Herbs, and Spice. Pound all together aA a Mortar -9 iueeze the Lettuce one by one, open the I – thb Leaves, cut out the Knob in the middle fill the Hollow with your minc’d Meat and Seaibiv’ in;3, then tye them up. Then take SKces of Ba- ion and Veal, and lay them in the Bottom of a Stew-pan with lome flic’d Otaioni cfover your Pan, and let it over a Furnace j when it begins’ to ftick, put in a little Flour, and ftir it about with a Spoon, to brown it: Moiften it with, an equal quantity ot Broth and Gravy, fealbn it mth Salt, Pepper, Cloves, a whole Leek, Parfley, Baiil, and a Bay-leafT Lay your farc’d Lettuces in a SteW-pan. and plour this Braiie upon them. Wlien they are llcwM enough, take them up, unbind them, drain them, and put them into the Stew-pan again, with a white Cullis. Let the Lettuces fimmer in this, diih them, and ferve diem for Outworks. If you would have a brown Sauce, make ufe pf the Eflence of Ham. You may alio ferve them with a Ragoo of Truf- fles and JVluflirooms. ‘ . 42. 0 malte a Eagoo of Hettnce Take only the Cabbages of Lettuce, fcald them a little, then put them in cold Water, fqtieeze them well, ait them in Dice, and put them into a Sauce- pan, and lt them fimmer in Veal Gravy • then pour on them Ibme Cullis, and Efleiice of Ham, and ufe them for Gamiih for Diihes of the firft Courfe, Or you may ftew them a la Braife and when they are ftew’d, drain, them, cut them in Dice, and fim- mer them in a clear Cullis, and fomc Eflence of Ham. Thefe Lettuces are proper to be put under a Leg of Mutton, or any Fowls drefs’d a la Braife. 42. 0 roaft a lebrtet In cafing your Leverets, do not:ut off either their Ears, or hinder Legs j but harle one Leg through the other cut a Hole in one Ear to contain the othr. j . and Ipit and roaft it:j while it is roafting, make a Sauce for it of the Liver parboiPd, with fome Ba- con and Beef-fuet boil’d up in ftrong Broth and Vine– gar. LI gar, With Thyme, Parfley, Iweet Mafjofairt, and Wiil ter Savoury, Ihred finall, and the Yolks of hard Eggs: When it is boifd, put to it drawn Butter, Sugar, grated Nutmeg •, difh up your Leveret on this Sauce, with Slices of Lemon. 44. €0 DiefK a Calfst ILibet, a la Braife. Lard the Liver with Lardorts high feaibned: Lay thin Slice? of Bacon over the Bottom of a SteW-pan, and Slices of Beef &aic; n them with Salt, Pepper, and Spice: Add an Qnion flic’d, a whole Leek, rarA nips, Carots, Ibme ihred Parfley, and Iweet Herb$ Put in your Liver, and lay the lame Sealbrting and Roots over it, that you did under it, alio Slices of Beef and Bacon i cover the Pan, and put Fire both over arid under it. Then make a Ragdo of MuihroofflS, Artichoke-Bottoms, and Afparagus-Tops, Cocks- combs, and. Veal Sweet-breads tofs thefe up ‘in a Sauce-pan with melted Bacon take off the Fat, and thicken it with a Cullis of Veal and Ham. When the Liver has ftew’d enough, diih it, pour the fea- goo upon it, ahd ferve.it hot for a firftCourfe. You may alio lerve It with Slices of Ham, prepa- red is follows J LaySfifefe of Hani in the Bottom of a Stew-pan, cover it, and fet it over a Stove to Iweat j when it begins to ftick to the Pan put in Ibme Gravy, ‘Vind when it hai fiirimer’d a little, thicken it with k Cullis of Partridges, or Ibme other Cullis. Lay your Liver into your Saingarazy pour it on your Liver, and i&rve; it hot Or you may ferve your Liver with a Ragoo of Suc- cory, or of Cucimibers, or with a haih’d Sauce. 45. b toaft a CalPj %iMt. ‘ Lard your Liver well with large Slices of Blcoo, faften it on the Spit:, roaft it at a gentle Fire, and ferve it up with goekl Gravy, or a Poivrade. 46. Co Djeft a Calfg iLltiet in a Caul . Take off the under Skins, and ihred the Liver ve- ry iinall, and with it Muihrooms, Truffles and Par fley. Roaft two oir three Onions, take dK their bu- S moft LI moft “CoatS) peuod ‘fix Qoves, and a da(sti Coriander Seeds, and add t;hem to the Onions, and pound them together in a jyiortar then take thesn Q ttfOi tljggi, witjx the JLiven .TaJce a pnt of Cream, half a Pint of Milk, and leven or eight new laid lggs, beat ttm tcther boil them, but do not let them piifdie. Shred a Pound of Siiet as iipall a$ you can, half, nick it in, a Pa; and ppr it idto ur pK anQfcaifij then, j)ut in yoar Liver, nd imx aH ymi tpgthjtri Je with Pqppec, 5ai? 9 fweet Herb% Jet. it ftwKl tiil if i coicl. Spread a Caul over the .BqttQi and Sjidep ( f a Stpf-pj. and put i yoir hd Liver, Ch:i9,,and all tf g6thr, fpld k up in tl e Csul in the $htkp€5 of a Cvcs Ityer thep turp itf’upfide down, .la it in a Difli tlt; will bear the G- ?io it oer with tenEgg, dradge it wi gra- ife’BiVd, and bake it iaanfCen, ftrie it uph .ibr the firft C0rp. , 47. . 0 ptfiju a iifbbiiis uE • Calf ‘u?Ltocr.’ ‘: . . Take a Calf’s; . Liver cut ftwne of it info iaoal Dice-,;nince the reft with Hogs.Fat a tWrd Part as jBfh as Liver-, iealbn th with-.ak, Pfr gra- vedrNutnieg, CI0V9& and Ciwappo jbeatei ftyoury Herbsjniix thefe -with fix i 34ks of raw Egg nd a ‘Quart of Crejin or pwre,. accprding as 7911 ice pccafipn put them into Quts, as. you do Marrow- jPuddii, and boil them in Wte-wine wirib Salt, an4 JBy tjtes oyer a flack Fire let them oopl ia the Liquor they are boil’d in, and when you life then, troirthm aodrferv iktm up hpt 48. njdte a ISlagpe of iLlteJ,,.. Take away the Qalls from the Livers of Capons, 0r -pthcr Fowls, aixl blanch th?m iq Icaldinj Water i .th?n throw them into cold i let a Sauce-pan qn the Fire with melted Bacon, Butter, Mulhrooms, Trufi- fles, and Morils flip’dj ieafon with Salt, Pepper, and a Faggpt of fweet Herbs, and tbfi them up together fe mften them with Gravy, and. let; them firamer?i AfiUki Vhcn they are about half doae, put in yoof Livers, LI Livers, and let them-ftew mt ht them not be done teo much: Thep put; to thei loo Cullispf Veal tnd Ham to liia4, them r Then qScc. pj d tirs diih tlkm handjbnijij, joiir your uuriuiliMag wer tbitiKt lerve them w m rlsuos or litde lliihes.: 4- t &;tui tf JLitKM of av? -ttne lstol in a Tak£ the lean Livers of PullptSj Capops Gee urkey occ miface them with Jarrow aad blafich4 Sacon.Veal Sweetthreads, MuihtToms and Trules the Lean of a boU’d irliniy Leeks and Pajriley. Whm it is well minced, bind it up with the Yqiks of Bggs. Take the Caul oia Calf orSepp, and cut it into Piece aocordix)g to the Size, you wouJd havje tfajbm Lay Jbme of this Parce on the Pieoe of Caul, apd a i Liver upon it lay Farce iipoa the Liver, sihd a oiothdr Liver ifon the Farce, fill you have laid qS. ‘Jl?ut be .Caiilon a Sheet of lapeij, ynd fry .it 4n. mel-‘ te4 con or elfe bake them in an (i ven in a Pa% Pacu. tVhen they are 49 .in awii tboFMi lay chenii in a Difli, Wafm a little Gravy, icaiba with Sak and Pepper, and owr on tibipia’ iqiezc in Orange . Juice, 004 i Win up. , 50. tf9 Hibecsi toii) geafl)tooiii0.: TaK£ the Lera of any ibrt of tame Fovyjs when they are cjeard iirom t jGaUs, ipread Bards of Bacon in the Bottom of a Baking-par and hy. tl Livers upon them ieafoDhem, and lay Bards of Bacon f bake them: in an Oven not too hot Waih and pick me Mubrooms, dry them over aStovey then hj them in a idiih with a iitde Bacon and ‘ Vinqzaf’ tiien txfls up ibme Slices of Ham in mel- .ted Oipociy with a Buodh cxf Savoury, and a Pinch ‘ of Flour ‘y inoiften it with feme Veal Grayy, that is not fait wben the Liveqs end Muihrooms are well diainM, boil them in die iame Sauqp take off the Fat and ferve them up hot LO Boil a Hog’s Liver, dry it in an Oven grate it, iift it , take an equal Quantity of grated Bread, two Pound of Beef-iuet ihred linall, and fifted througli a coarle Sieve; ieaibn with an Ounce of Spice, Cloves, Mace Nutmeg, and Cinnamon put in a Pound of Currans, and two Grains of Anirgreele mix all theie well together, and pour three Pints of new Milk upon them. Let them fland covered for a while i then beat half a dozen Eggs with a few SpbonfiiFs of Orange-water, and a little Salt: Put them into the great Guts of a Hog and boil them. 2. 0 balte txiMtttH. ‘ Boil your Lobfters, let them ftahd till they are cold • take the Meat out of the Shells-, ieafon it with Salt, Pepper, Ginger, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon j then lay it in a Pyej lay over it large Mace, Dates, and Lemons flic’d. Yolks of hard Eggs and Barberries •, clofe it up, and bake it; vfhca it is bak’d, liqucfr it with Butter, White-wine and Sugar, and Ice it, and ftrve it up hot . Lay them when boil’d on a Gridiron; bafte them with Butter alone, or Butter and Vinegar, as you like it; let them broil leifiirely; when enough, ferve them up, with Butter and Vinegar beat ujp tiiick. Nutmeg, and flic’d Lemon. – 54. Co btitter %if3iBtttg Take out the Meat, mince it.finall, put it into a ‘ Stew-pan; fet it over a Stove with fome Whito-wine, Salt, and a Blade of Mace, let it ftew gentlyi when it is grown very hot, put in Ibme Butter and Crumbs of Bread; then warm the Shells before the Fire, and fill them with their own Meat, and ferve them up 55. Co frp %(Mtti Take a boil’d Lobfter, take out the Meat, flice it long ways, flour it and fry it inlweet Butter, white and crilp; or roll it in a Batter made of Cream, £s, FlouC and Salt, and fry it; beat Ibme Butter up thick L O thick, with grated Nutmeg, ClareL and the Juice of Oranges. For the Sauce, nib the Diih with an Oni- on, or Shalbt lay in the Lobfler, pour on the Sauce; gamiih the Difh with Slices of Lemon and Onmge, and lerve it up. 6. %o roaS HobSfcM. Run a little B.ird-it through the Lobfters Bel- ly ‘, then tye them on fkft with Packthread when they ‘ crack they are enough lay a whole one in the mid- dle of the Diih, butter the reft in their Shells, with Pepper and Lonw, and an Anchovy difibly’d, in Whitewitxe mix all together and ferve them up with Lemon and Oyfters. 57. 0 roalt %ohSittfi alitie. Ty£ them on upon the Spit, bafte them with Silt and Water, and when they look red, bafte them with Butter andf Salt when they are enough, take them up and diih them let your Sauce above-mentioned in’ Plates round the Diih, 58. 0 maritiate Hebfierst Parboil them, take out the Meat and lard the. Tails with a ialted.£el’, then cut the Tails long-ways, and fiy them in Oil; then make a Sauce with White- wine Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, flic’d Gin ger, Pariley, Sage, Winter-lavoury, fweet Marjortoi, die Tops of Rofemary, and Tbynae, and Bay Leaves; diih your Fiih, and pour your Sauce upon them, and lay on them three Lemons ilic’d, and run it all over with Butter. 59. 0 vmU ft 9attp 4)f %MSittfi. Boil your Lobfters, and cut them into imall Pieces, take the fmall Claws, and the Spawn, aqd beat them in a Marble Mortar add to them a Ladle foil of Broth or GraVy, with Ibme of the Caift of a fretich Roll: Boil thefe together, ftrain it, to the thicknefl’ of Cream, and put one half of it to your Lobfters, and keep the other half to be a Sauce for them, when bak’d. Put to the Lobfters a bit of Butter boutthe bignels of an Egg, iome Salt and Pepper j put in half S3 an LO ian Anchpvy mind, and fquee&e; in a temon, this over the Fire jiift tiM the Butter is nicked j then fefc it hy tt cxjdI: Thfen fliect your Tart-pan the Hgnefe of. ur Piato with a good fine Pafte, iuch as you ufe for Tarts. Then put in your Lobfters, and cover your Patty with a Pafte: Set it in an Oven for three quar- ters df an Hour, and when it is enough cut uJ the tiid V and draw up that half of your Sauce that you rcferv’d, with a little Butter to the thicknefe of Cream, and pour it into your Patty j Iquecze in a little Lc- ifton, oit the Lid in two, and hy it op the top, at a- bout the Diftance of two Inches one from the other, and ferve it up hot. Botx them in Vinegar, Whife-winc and Salt-, then tale them up then put into the Liquor att forts of ftcet Herbs, fome whole Gloves, Pepper, and large JViaoe then put in your Lobfters again,’ boil them all together put them up in a Banei ( Veflfel, that w3I juft hold them, ‘and pour the Liquor upon them, and keep them for iife. 61. StnotHftt (Bttp. Boil them in Water and Salt, tifr they will flip out of their SSiells then take the Tail out whole. Make a Pickle for them, of Port-wine and Water, an e- qual Quantity j J)wt in a Sprig or two of Rofemary, Thyme, Savoury, a couple of finjffl Cucumbers, Ca- pers and whole Muihroonis •, put your Lobfters in this Pickle, and let them have a boil or two take them out, fet thdn ly’to cocrf, boiithe Pickle a little more, let it ftand tffl cold j then put both Lobfters and Pickle in a lig Pot, and tye it up clofe. 62. 0 malt %tMtx dop. Take, any for&of; Fifh, etthei: Carp, Tench, Kk v Trout, ‘ Flounders or Whitings, to the Quantity of four or fcv Pound, and make a Stock of it, accord- ing to . the DircfKoite givtai for making Cray-fijh Sbop; let y)ur Forced-meat be kept as clean from Bones as •you can, and makp it up about the fte of a double Frmk Td hoVow in the 4iitdle, zxA ppefi t the qp ‘, 1 k io the Oven for $4lf lujr, jiift before yoa i2& it place this Forcedae in the middle of the Sbop pound the Spawn of th lfber, and ftrain it nitik ymx Ciiis ai yon are directed in the Receipt fox Cray-fiih Soopi Take the Mei oiit of, your Lx ilseia) aii4 cut it into fquare Piece$ in the i” orm of large Dice put it into a Saucepap with a Utde of the CxAi&y; with Sat, and Pepf;er giye it warm, Ittit in a Piece of Butter, d put it intQ yw? Forc’d- mea:t Loaf that you placed in the middle of yoir Sooif • Having ibakM your Bread, and heated your CuUis, fqueese in fivne L43moq, difli it up. Qarnifh wilji a rim q£ Pafte, wiox Slices, of Lemon on the outfide, nnd fcrve it up. 67,. %9 (bio EoliSent. Put the Lobfler into a Stew-pan, with Vinegar, Claret, Butter, Salt, and Nutmeg ftew it iomewhat dry, and then (ajce it up, and Jay it in a Piib pour Butter over it, apd garmih it with Slices of Le- mdn. – ‘ 4 0 tMke A Hauler ) . Takb a fet mw Conger, d tbtee pr four Lob- flqr?icut fomp of the Conger in as largj: fqiiare Pie- ces as you can then flice the Meat ai the Lofefteis Tails, and Claws in two, lengjthway take the Meat out of their Bodies, and iealbn bpth with SaJt, Pep- per and Nutmeg tey Bifttei pret thick in the bot-:tom .of the Pye •, then lay in the 8Jice$ of Conger; then a Layer: of Lobfter fwridl fe till ym have iM’4 the Pye j lay Butter qpi the tOft. dole “it up and:bake it Take any coM Meat, Beei’ and pork and Ibr very Poud of Meat, taJke a- Pound of SoGt, nince thpm finajH take ufual ectHeibs, flired them finail Bdd Sail:, W: an Ounce of ClQves and Mace . finely beaten, and a, opuple of griftf:ed utmegs pot inhf ft do; £gg mix d all Wdl together and –‘-‘ $4 work work theni up intx) JBalk, as big as PuHets Eggs. Put them intx) your Pye, and aflb Raifins and Currans, a Pound of each a quarter of a Pound of Dates flic’d and Aon’d put in a Pound of Butter, and bake it. Then put a quarter of a Pound of Sugar into a quar- ter of a Pint of Canary, a quarter of a Pound of Butter, the Yolks of three Eggs, and half a quarter of a Pint of Verjuice boil them all together with a little Mace, till they are of a pretty tJiicknefe, and when you are about to ienve up your Pyc, pour them into it 66. 0 bake a ILutttp. You may either flcy your Lump, or not-, cut it in two Pieces, and part it into two Pieces of a fide -, fea- . Ion it with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg •, lay it in the Pye i lay on a Bay Leaf or two, three or four Blades of Mace, and an Orange cut in flices. Barber- ries, Grapes, Goofeberries, and Buttery dole it up, bake it, liquor it with beaten Butter. 67- tto ftp a Hump. Fley the Lump, Iplat him divide him, and cat each (ide into two Pieces ieafbn it with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmog fry it in clarified Butter, made very hot difji it with Slices of Orange, Barberries, Grapes, ‘Goofeberries and Butter. 68. 0 roaft a Hump. Flev it, and cleanfe it well on the infide; feafon it with Salt, Pepper, Mace, and Nutmeg put an O- nion and Bayrleaf into the Belly of it -, roaft it, and ferve it up with Butter and Slices of Lemon. 69 0 fmut Utttttptf Scald and Icrape your Lumps very well, boil them in their Skinsy then take the ‘ Tails of Lobfters, Large Oyfters, Prawns, and the Yolks of hard Egss, . and mince them together with fwcet Herbs j dien add to them grated Bread, Salt, Ginger, Mace, Cloves, and Nutmeg j and (if you pleale an Anchovy for c- Tei7 Lump j put thde into the- Bellies of the Ltmips, an4 boil them in Vinegar, Wluts-wine, Water, and MA Salt; • lerve them to the. Table with ionie of the Li’ quor. • MA c . … • 4 BLANCH two Poupd of Almonds in’lcalding Water, put tp,.thema Pound ad iuilf oF lear- ied Loaff-iugar, pound them, in a Stonemortar . with the Whites of eight E, and a little Roie-water beat them till they be; Jomiething thicker than Bat- ter for Fritters. Then drop them on Wafers, and bake theiHpn Sheets of ‘Tip. .: . Take two Pound of Almonds, blanch them, and beat them in a Mortar with Orangeflower or llofe- water, add tp them, two iPound of fine Sugar, and the Whites of fix Egg beat to a Froth put thele to the Almonds, and poimd them togetlier well in a Mortar •, then put them into a PreferVing-pan, make them fcalding hot, then drop them on Wafer Papers, or Sheets of Tin, and . bake thent Beat a Pound of blanch’d Almonds, witli a Pound of fine Sugar, and a little ‘ Role-water in a Mortar add a litde Flour; then put them in a Pewter-difli, let it over a Chaffing-diih of Coals; keeping it ftir- ring ’till it c;omes clear from tlic Diih; add a Grain of Musk, lay them oa butter’d Papers cut longiih ice them over with Loaffugar, and bake them. 4. &;e&; 9dc!tart:U Gut and wafli your Mackarel, then, either flit or gaih them down the Back, that they may take the Seafoning, then lay them . a while in Oil Salt, Pep- per and Fennel y then wrap them up in the Fennel, lay them upon a Gridiron, and broil them. Make a ailCQ for them, of clarified Butter, fw?et Herbs ihred MA final S Nutmeg, Goofebemes, Fcmet, a fit ncgar and Capers. Or you may fenrc dicm up with cldrify’d Butter, fia Per, a Ucde Vinegar, and iry’d Farfley llicy may alfo be ferv’d in a Soop, being firft fird in clartfyM Butter, and then let a fimmering in good liih-broth, or Broth of Herbs. Gamiih with a Ra- gOQ of Muihrooms, and ibme Capers. SKDi them, put them intx boiling Water, feaibned with Salt, let them lye a whUe dry them with a Cloth, flour them -, beat the Yolks of half a Icore £i auod the Whites of feur, with a lidk Canary, Flour, Salt, Ginger, Nutmeg, and a littk Piarfley boil’d green, and minced imall, bt them titl e Batter is pretty thicL Put clarified fifutter into a Frjring-pan, make it hot, cUp your Maids in the Batr, ai fry them brown and criip difh tihem let the Sauce be Butter, Vmr, the Livers of the Fiih, and Nutmeg beaten together: Fry a gbood Quantity of Plarfley cri and green, and ftrew fiU OVer the Fifli. 6. Ho makt 9allotoftAl% paifi fo% green fetf. ‘ Peel the Stalks, and cut tliem in the form of Peas, boil them in • a Skillet with Pepper ty’d iq k 9 R boil them with a quick Fire, drain them in a Cullender, and drefe em like Peas, with But- ter, Pepper, arid Salt: They tafte lb much like green Peas, that they are calFd Mtrch Peas, and ibme at eating them have taken them for fuch. 7. 0 pidtle tie f&tBM; of 9arfl)maltotoiS • Gather them about the latter end of March, ped oif the outward Peel put them into boiling Waccr ieafbned with Sak, let them have half a dozen Wahns, take them up, drain them, let them ftand to cool; raajcc a Pickle of flate Beer, . Vittegar, Salt, and ofe Pepper, and put them into it. 8. 0 make 9Mtfmt. Take Almonds, fcald them, then put them into icold Water, drain them, wipe th then pound them in if a’ 5b a Marble Mdrtar, moiftcn them ftcqucndy with the White of an Egg tQ keep them from oiKng. Ibat thq mean time take hall the Weight of your Almood- pafte, in clarified Sugarj’ boitit’tift it become feathe- red, thi ‘ptit in. your Almonds by handftils, ftir it well with a Spatulaj that it do not flick to the Pan, Pafi the back Of yoiir Hand over it, and if it fGck riot to it, it is enough j then lay it upon powder Sugar, and let it cool-, then roll out the Pafte into pieces of a convenit Thicknels, make them into what Ibrms you plealfe, either round, long, oval, or pggett, in the ftape of an Heart, lay them on fheets of IPaper, in order to be bak’d in an Oven, then, they are to be tumVi and icM over, and fet into the Oven again. 9 t matte 9rt!i-pane gflOeD an& satnHOtfi. Blanch your Almonds, poimd them in a Mortar with a littlt Ko!e-water v fiift Sugar very fine, mingle them well ‘tiH diejr becomfe a Pafte: Tnen roll it out flat cover it with white Paper j make Imprefltons round it with a marking Iron us’d in Paftry, then take off yur Paper dien beat up the Whites of Eggs with Rofewater and Sugar, and ice it over, bake it; and when, it is drawn, gamifli it with G)mfits; then take Leaves of Gfold, cut them into divers Forms, waih your March-pane over with Gum-water and lay on your Leaf-gold iQ. tCo maltt frt H9arcl)paneu. . When the March-panes of any fort or form are baFd and coloured on one fide, cut them off ftom the Paper, and ice the under-fide as follows. Take Orange-flowq;-water, or any other Iwect Water, or -any Juices Or N&rmaladcs;, and mix tliem by degrees with Sugar finely powdered, tempering them weH together 11 they are of the Cbnfiftence of a Pap, Then Ipread this Ice with a Knife upon the March-panes, put them upon Paper with the Oven-lid, and fome Fire on the top to to ixiake the Ice, coagulate then put them up in Boxes for ufe. n. %(i make Stomal 9atc!)pane). Bl Ai4CH and pound your Almonds, moHlehing them with Grange-flowcr-water,. apd the White of an £ draw out your Fade, and dry it in a Bafbn with ipowder’d Sugar ’till it is become a pliable Pafte rdl it out the diicknefs of a Finger, then cut it into Lengths fit to make Rings or Wreaths about yoiu: Finger, torn it round your Finger, and make Wreaths of it, then ciofe the two Ends fo that they may be ieparated again mix a Ipoonflil of Marmalade of Apricocks with the White of ah Egg, dip the Rings into it, roll them up in powder’d Sugar, and if they take up too much Sugar, blow it off Lay them on white Paper, and bake them in a Campaign Oven with Fire at top and bottom becaufe they are ic’d on both (ides at (lie iame Inflant. Then there will rije in the middle a ibrt of a Puff in the form of a Coro-‘ net, to adorn while you are djrefling them, put upon the void ipaces of thefe Rings a imall round Pellet of ibme Pafte, or a finall Grain of Ibme Fruit, fuch as Rasberry, Cherry, or the like, 12. 9atinaDei Marinades are forts of Sauces or Pickles, in which certain tilings are fleepd, the Tafte of which we would’ have heightened and render’d more agreeable to the Palate. Alany things are marinated either to make Diihes of them, or to gamiih other Diihes. Thus a Fricafly of Chickens is uliially gamifli’d with other marinated Chickens •, and fo a roafted Loin, or a farc’d Breaft of Veal is gamiih’d with a Marinade of Veal. And fo Pidgeons, . Partridges, &c.; which Marinades you will find in their Places. 1 3. Co mafct a Cottfejte of Qanom Take the tops and .tendereft part of Iweet Mar- joram, bruife it well in a wooden Mortar or Bowl; take double the Weight of fioe Siigar boil jt witH Mar-i •Ma Marjoram-water till it is as thick as Syrup, dien pirt in your beaten Marjoram. 14. 0 malte i Confetbe of iatigotw Take four Ounces of Marigojd-fldwers, Goh- fe£Kon of Hyacinth and Kcrmes, of each four Drdms, the Powder of Pearl two Ounces, and as much Sy- rup of Citron as wiD make them into a’ Cbriierve, mix- ing and’bruiling them well .together with refined Su- gar. ”•’. .15. 0 mate 9arr0to t?attf fiJ, Shred fome Apjles with fomeMarrowj add a little Sugar to them, make them up. in a Puff-Pafte, . and fry them with frefli Butter clarified i ‘when they arc fiy’d, ftrew Ibmc Sugar over, themi and ftr them up., . .. . . 16. atiottier Map . ‘ Take thriee Marrow-bcxies, a little Thyme, Wji- ter-lavbxity, and. Iwcet Marjoram, the Ytiks of three Jgs, a quarter of a’Potind of Sugar, a quarter of,a Pound of Currans, a Httle Role-water and ortie Nut- hieg, work all thefe wdl together, -and pot ‘them intf a rafhr of PufF-pafte, and fry them with Lard’ ofr try’d Sewet. . ‘ – xj’ 0 male ‘attoto jwJ ‘ – – MiKCE Veal with. Beef-lew;et, ieafon- it with Salj, Pepper, and NiTtmeg, pitt to them Afparacus tops cut ‘ the Length of an Incand ha( oftrfo Liches, – bel- led, Veal Sweet-breads ttitfmall,,and tfe hard Eggs cut into quarters Arridtbk’e’or Potatoe’, quarterJ Cheffiuts, and’ittterlarderffiScAnj mingle all theft with Marrow,;filf’,your Pyfe baketAei)!, andltcpi’or tJkm’vtn-‘beateri’fiutten “‘ ‘- – .7” Cut two French Rotts irftb Slices, andTtakea qnar- ter of a Pound of coarft Brsket, nut intd’a Saucd-jpftfi a Quart of Milk, fet it’or e Eire, ‘ake irfllopd- warm, ahdpoiir it upttn bur Bread, cover nt cldfe, and let it foak ’till it is’ cold, then Tub it through. a Cullender, mince half a Pound of Marrow, and put to M A to it three TiMfi woU besifm. 4 drained, thm nls all ttethi i weeten with Sugaf j add a Ittjp Sali; and a Ipooitful Qr;wQ ( f Roie-wabricFiie pi’a Iktle NcHmqg) put in two Ounces of Q wel pun- ded mix all theie well together put them ihQluBt: ‘aiid tye them up but qp not SI them tpci fiiQ: Boil them in Water for qiiajtof of an Homf. purn- Qf them with z Sldnimerj lay them m .a diflendei to cool: When you ule tbem, put them into a pan with a Httle Sutter, and fry them as ye)- .yeUbw as Gold. or you liny fet theni in the Mauth of jm Oren. . Theft are .pro to gicnifji’ a., boil’-d:pud4ing, ov.fxfsiJify of C&cltaak; fo 4x you may lecve t3iem in Bctk I)iihe$ or tl; for ‘ the fecond Courfe!” ‘ “‘ 19′ %(i mi&e; tcro %att. . -pUT y npr Marrow into imall Dicej’thix, jiiincc the Yolks of iiardEggs wjhPippins alio bfilpix tom Orange-peel and Cordicikrox yery finall, 4 .Cinnasjionp ioxiie Sugar, .aa4 uttle Salt -pS aH theie well together theii. iqueeze in the Jtuce of a Ivemon, and 11 your Tatt-pans with this Mmore. 2o. SLmttt HiUy.; … Take three. J4arrow-b9neB,..a,Kttle XKyihe,. Win- tcr’&voury; and iweet Adfarjoram, the Yolks of three EggSy a quarter of a Pound ot Currans a little Roib- water and feme Nptmeg :itIl thefe )vell together, d put dicm ito a piSy.,Pu(F-pafte, and fry them with Ijard .or tf y’-dSewet. 7.,,, ‘- ax. Ca make a Ro(a. Soils of Sactlv . .Take ‘ Irow, and’ firffi itjiit it into ImaH, Iquare “Pieces, then ihitic It £nall witH ah wA MQfjLantity of Pippins .and the YoJks Chard boiVa 1£ggs half jchat Qyaptity.’then mince .the Rind o half a-Le- jznon very Gjf asad a. Ikde Codickron ajdd to this a litde Coeain jor MiJlryJoma Sugar, rutm, and Salt Mix atl lefe weQ together, and of it make Pet ty Patteys or ‘ Tarts, as you pieafe.:’ ‘ • ‘ . . a?. Take wliat Fifli ycai C9tn get, it you diiidc n 3r Ca Barbel,, Eel, PikvTwdij & Chtt thenk, icdi theni, Hit th9n io pieces, put them utto a Steivw £30, with Muftroofsus aikd IVieB, feme Bayleam, Farfley ) aM Cive$ H4 Qnidet ftuck winhrCloves, andu Mttle Sfil. Seaii th mtii Sair nd Pqiper; tben t n Fiih-roth, or Juioe of Onion, taii a littk Whiterwiiic, jwftas ffljucttowllrcomer tile FiiL Then •&c; f qvr a Stove Wi(h a . ck Fire, and ndneii the Liquor is half wacft biiown iome Batter. Ju ft Sauce-pan with ‘a UttleFiur) and ipour- the Liquor out Ciyow.iStQW-pri.iAtt) t’SsiicQ:wi’ them fioth together . tlsien poi liienirrback tco yovirFxih, &c; i- o ehe Swpgn, aqd kt them ftewtogethfir till thqr fte5fncgh. •; XhA pour jtito it lome Cray-fiih Cilli or. Qtlf)f Meagcr-CuHii dift it and &rve; it inn ftr ‘the .wift iCorfe. . ‘. f I – Take two Quarts of Honey, trffidBoiis of Wae tcr, ‘mixthem wdl .tetberj thenr boil, them iforab Hour, Jumoff ixjn bi -the hrovm: Scfom, and in thi white Saun. Then take it off the FiiTCv fet k l tt it:is. brtt iuft-,bQoWritt. Then itoaft a Cruft of B4. vry weB osi l?oth fidea land Ipread it oror , with ne Xeaft, ajad dmdge.it with ‘Floury put th iat€i ywf Mead, tyip wjodfin Baiiliovcr it, and to it ftand to orl Cot. a ay’ ot) two. If you will maice ymtr Med ftronger, you mny jabatc ai.’ much of the Wafier as ryoML pleale. And if yaiijbisuife a littjc €tsir lingal, and boil in it, or hang it in ypur Vcfiel in .a ,B& it will give it la plafilnt taik. 1: . 24. aOt!)tt WBiiy. 5et thre Galltos of Water to. the Fire, put in ‘B)H Lemfoa Thyme, ftv;eet Marjoram and Rose- mary, let them bail (ome time 9 thai put in five ot fix Haadfwk of Borrage and Btkrfs j when they liavc boU’d a little take them off, fixaiD them,, and fet the LiquQr by to fettle foraNight.. Then toevery Gal- lon Mt Ion of Liqiloradd tEree Fbund of Honey-, put them on the Firc bail them, fcuniniing them as long s a- ny Scum riles Then take tihirty Cloves, two GuHdes f Nutmegis, and lix Ounces of Ginger beat them, put them in a Bag, and boil them in the Liquor, a little before) you take it off the Fire. Then empty it into a Vcffd j pot to it a Pint and half ot Ale i eaft, lay a Sheet over it and a Blanket upon that. Let it work lufficiently; then tun it, hang the Bag of Spice in the Gask, ftop it up clofe for fix or fevtn Weeks j then boctl it x)tf with fome Sugar. ii5a make Wlite 9t8li Put a Hand&l; of Thyme, Riemary, fweet Bri- ar, £ye-bright, Wood-betonyi Scabious, wm Worm- wood and Agrimony, of each a like Quantity;,a fleep for iwenty-four Hours in a 064 Bowl, uocofOBed then, boil them io another Water, till it be very high coloured then change the Water, k1 boil them till it isc coloured green, and as long as any greenods remains 5 thenkt it hy for twehty-four Hours more-, theiif ftrain the Liquor from tlie Herb, and put a PoUrwi.u)f Honey td €very to Quarts of the Liquor V and when it will bear n Egg t6 three PeAoe .breadnh above the Watery • work -it together till riie Honey is: all 4ifioIv’d j then let it lc 4bT a Night”, the iiejdt Day hoil • it with the Sheys Aod. Whites of half- a docteii Eggs-, then ftriiin itj •fit’ac by tp cool •, chert. pUC it up irito the Cask. •Then broifet Ginnatnon, Nutmegs, Cloves . and Mace, -afciA putthcnliin a Bag, and hang them in the Cask, ad flop if ixp: “‘ If you would have it fit tb drink in a little time, beat together the Whites of” three or four Eggs add to them a Spoonful of Yeaft, and two Spooofiils of -Flour, and put diem into the Cask, then temper iome Clay with Bay-felt, and ftop it up dole. 6. %ts mate ftrono; fleM anotlet toa. Take fix GstUons of Water, putto it twenty-fe- vcn, ox thirty Pound of Honey v beat the What of ‘ half Isalf a dteen Eggs, and ftir theiii into the Watef arid Honey, till it be all melted •, then boil it for an Hoirf and a half, icuftmiing it well you. may, if youpleafe, put in a Sprig of Rofemary, while it is boiling: Let itfftand’ tifl it is cold, make a Toaft, • fpread it with Yeaft, and let it a workings when it has dcxie tun it up i put into a Muflin Rag four Races of Ginger, a Nutmeg J and Cloves and Mace, . of each the weight of the Nutmeg, all beaten j hang this in the Vcffel; put in alfb the Peel of three Lemons, and when it has done lurking, ftop it up, and let it ftand ibr Gy: Months. 27. 0 p;efetbe etilatcf. • Scald your Mfedlars in fair Water, till you ean cafily take off the Sldn then take out the Stones at the Head, and put a Pound of double refin’d Sugar, apd a Pint of Tent to each Pound of Medlars, boil them all together till the Liquor is become a Syrup j then put them up for ufe. •28. flDj tljttJJ Take Medlars when they are indifferently ripe,’ fcald the faireft of them, till you can eafily take on the Skin; take out the Stones at the Head -, then for as many Pounds of Medlars as you have, put lo many Pounds of 6nc Sugar into de Liquor to diflblve, fet them over the Fire, till it becomes ropy then take them off, and put tlxem into Pot Cover them clofe for ufe; 29. “Co malie a 9ttax Catt. Take rotten Medlars, ftrain them, and .iet them . over a Chaffing-diih of Coals, fealon them With Sugar j add to them the Yolks of Eggs, Cinnamon and Gin’ ger; let it boil a little, and lay it in a ait Tart, and when it is baked, fcrape feme Sugar over it. 30. Co make a ermatti )9pr Scald a Pig, bone it-, then dry it well with d a Cloth J feafen it with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg beaten, and ihred Sage. Then take a couple of Neats Tongues, boiPd, cold and dry’d, and cut them in long flices, about the thicknefs of Half a Crown; then X ” lay ME Uy oat qutrter of your Pig in your Pye and lay lUces ot Tongue upon it-, then hy on another quarter, aqd more Tongue, and lb on till you have put in all die lour Quarters then cover themipith Slices of Bacon, znd put in Butter and bake it when it is bak’d, fill it up with freih Butter. It is to be eaten cold 31. 0 mate ttlegllm Take fifteen Gallons of Water; put in Thymc Savoury, Baum, Hops, Bay-Leaves, Gifl;er and Or- ris Roots bruis’d, of each two (Xmces -, let them fixor- mer for two Hours, but not boil; ftrain he Liquor from the Jlerbs and Spice, and put to it five Gafc Ions of Honey; boil them gently, faxm k well, as long as any will rife eecially, the lateral black Scum; put the tiquor into a Tub, let it ftand two Davs; then put to it half a Pint of new Ale-yeaft, ftir tnem toge- ther, and let them ftand to work a Day or two: Then fleet off the Yeafii, and ftir it again; then let it ftand another Day, and ftum off the Yeaft again, and then put it into your Cask; let it into a Cdlar, and cover the Cask lightly; as it works over, fill it with the lame again, and when it has made an end of working, ftop it up clofe. But let there be a Vent- hole by the Bung to give it vent now and thea Some, when they have boU’d the Water and Honey, clarify it with the Shells and Whites of Eggs, bea- ten together; then ftrain it and cool it, and afterwards Work It up with the White of an Egg to each Gal- lon, and two Spoonflils of Yeaft beat all together, ‘ftirring it once an Hour-, and the next Day they add the Whites of two Eggs, and two Spoonfuls of Wheat-meal beaten togeth€;r, and then put it up in a Cask, and hang in it a Bag of Ginger, Cloves an4 Cinnamon, and when it has done working, then ftop it clofe up,’ .:?. Hnotler tatttp. Take Sage, JBaum, fiveet Marjoram, Rofemary, and Salfafras, of each a like Quantity, and a Hand- ful of aU together, to each Gallon of Water boil alt thefe ME tfiefe fa Spring-water, then iSt it by all Night to tet-‘ tie; then ftrain it; put lii your Honey ahd ftt in (t the Fire. Then beat the Whites of EggS, twenty or thirty, atcording to your Quantity of Mtheglin wei tod When it boils pOur in hlf let it boil apace; theh fcom it, and when yoii have done, take it Off thfc Fire, and pour it into earthen Veflels to co6l; When it is cold, put four or iive Spoonfuls 6f neW Ale- yeaft to it; ftir it together, and fcum it every Day with Bunch of Feathets, till it has done working; then tun it up. A Canary Cast is the beft, if yolt hav)5 iiich a onfe, and add a Quart of Canary to dvery Gal- Itib of Meoieglin, or elfe a PiAt of Jqua-fttte two or thre Ieels of Lnoiis and Oranges, and a quarter of a Pound of flifc’d Ginger in a Bag. . Take fix Gallons of Spring-water, Sage, Thyttl SAvbury, and ftoleraaiy-leaves, of each an Handful; an Olince and hilf of Jamaica Pepper bruis’d, Corian- der and Carfaway Seeds bruis’i of each an Ounce; Cinnamon, Winter-Cinnamon, Nutmegs, CloVeS, ana Mace bruis’d, of each half an Ounce: Put all thefe in a Net-bag, and into the Water, and keep it fim- ittering for .three Hours, but keep it from boiling. Then add ih much Honey, that an Egg will fwim the top; let thefh have a boil or two; then take it off tod let it by to cool; before it is quite cold, put si qUJM’ter of a Pint of new Ale-yeaft, and let it ftand to work till the iteaft begins to fall; then tike out the Bag of Spices, and put it up in your CAsk, an4 let it not be ftopt till the Yeaft has done rifing; ffll it up daily With the lame liquor, and hang in it Wi&tefi5-Cinnamon;, Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace bfui- fed, of each an Ounce. Then flop it up till it is fine and then bottle it. J4 Co mate a flatSoo Of itl!l fxi ififbSDaptt BtANCri: the Milts of Fiih in boiling Wa- tttf and throw them into cold; put a little Buroer in- to a Sauc6-pan and a Finch of Fldur, and btcnit; T 2 then M O then put in Ibme Miiiitfooins and Tniffles-flic’d, and tols mem up pver a Firej put in Fifli-broth, ieaioned .with Salt, Pepper, and a Faggot of fweet Herbs j and let them a finimering over a flack Fire j when they arc enough, clear off all the Fat, put in the Milts, and put in fome Cullis of Cray-filh, or fome other ‘Meagre-Cullis to bind your Ragoo, and ferve it io little Diihes, 35- malte a Eaooo o! Spttti fo% iflettSDapK. . Aftek you have blanch’d your Milts of Fmi, as before, and thrown them into cold Water j let on a Sauce-pan with a little melted Bacon, ibme (mail Mulhrooms, and Truffles flic’d, and a Faggot of la- voury Herbs, with Salt and Pepper tofi them up o- ver a Stove, put in fome Veal-gravy to moiftcn them, and let them a (immering over a gentle Fire: When they are enough, clear ‘off all the Fat, and put in fome Cullis of Veal and Ham to thicken your Ka- oo-, then put in your Milts of Filh, and let them nmmer a while over a flack Fire, When they are e- nough, lerve them on little Dilhes or Plates. jtf. Co malte &ptup; of itit Take a Quart of the Syrup of Quinces, before they are full ripe j Juice of Mint two Quarts j of the Juice of Pomegranates a Pint •, an Ounce of red Roles; ftecp thtm twenty-four Hours in the Juices j then boil it till it is half wafted, ftrain out the remainder, and mak? it into a Syrup with double refin’d Sugar. 37. %(i ma&e; fntnater. Take a gooa Quantity of Mint, Penny-royal, and Balm J fteep them in Canary, or the Iees of it for twenty-four Hours flop them up dole, and IHr them now and then. Diftil them in an Alembick with a quick Fire, Iweetening it with Sugar in your Re- ceiver. 38. Vo make a aonaSiclC Take a (Jfuart of Rice, and two Quarts of good Gravy, fet it a pretty height from the Fire, let it ftew gently, but not boil then put in a Faggot of fw6ec Herbs, MO • • • Herbs, and an Onion ftuck widi Cloves; then fBl the Belly of a fat Pullet with forc’d-meat and Oyfters, and put that into the Gravv, and half a Pound of Bacon, and Ibme Ibrc’d-jncat Balls •, let all thefe ftew together till they be tender, and of the thicknefs of a Hafly- Pudding •, in the mean time fry feme forc’d-meat Balk j then bit the Yolks of three Eggs, with about a quarter of a Pound of Butter rolled up in Flour, with the Juice of Lemon j Ihake all th well together, take up your Stew, put it in a Dilli, lay the Pullet in the middle, and the Bacon and forc’d-meat BalU round it. Garnilh the Brims of the Dilh with grated Bread and Lemon, and fo ierve it. ‘ 39 %0’mditit 90ello dSlfne. Take twenty-four PcKmd of Morello Cherries, pull off the Stalks, and bruife them, fo that the Stones may be broken; prefi out the Juice, and put it to nine or ten Gallcms of White-wine •, put the Skins and Stones in a Bag, and let them be hung in the Cask, fo as not to touch the bottom of it; and let it ftand for a Month or more; you may alfo put in Spi- ces if you plcale, but the Wine will be very plea&at; without them. Are a tort of red Muflirooms, which are ordered as Muihrooms are; which lee. 41. flejilu. ftp’D. Cu T them long-ways, and boil them in a Imall Quantity of good Broth, over a flow Fire, When the Broth is pretty piuch wafted, flour them, and fry them in Lrd. ii the mean time make a Sauce of the Broth, feafoning it with Salt and Nutmeg j pour this in the Dilh, lay your Morils upon it, add Mutton- gravy and Lemon Juice. 42. Co farce 9ottli. Take Morils of a middle lize, take off the Stalks,’ and put them in Water ta Ibak, to cleanfe them from the Grit. Then to make your Farce, take the Brcaft of a Fowl, ibmc boil’d Ham, Mtrihrooms, a Httle ” T 3 ” Wanch’d MO Umoh’d Bacon an4 BeG-iuet, t!; Cm of a FnMsi Jt,ol ioaJcd in Crem, the ToJks of a couple of %gs, iqo Pariley and Cives fbred. fince the all tpge- tr, pQiind them in a Mortar,and fluff the Mopils therewith on the fide of the Stalk. Then ky Brs qf BacopL in the Bottcon of a Tart-p9% and take tijq fliccs of Veal, feafon them with Salt, Pepper, Spicis qf al iort3 a (Uc’d Oqian, and Twoet Berbs, and tbon lay them 00 your Slices of fiacpn y upon the& lay ypu;r faroed Morils then cover them witl mot 1U(%9 of Veal, feaibned as bofore, and them with gard of jacon-, and tben either flew theip a la braijfe. i e. with Fire over and under them, or elfe bak? fw si an Oven. When they 2re done lay em in a Difli to Jrain, oqc by pne. Then put ibmc JEflpncc of Ham, iy your IVlprils upon that, and ierv them up. 47. il in a itagoo. CiJT your Monls bng-nsays, and w them vfi tbep fry tbm b wia with Butter or Lard theix put to them a little Broth ieaibn’d with Salt, Nutmeg, Ciys, Parlley, and Chervil chopt very finaU: Put tiiem in a Stew-paa to Sojc Serve them up to Table with a ihort Sauce and Llemon Juice. 44. SlmtHt ttlap. PjCK tte Stalks off your Morils, cut theni in two, waih them well in leveral Waters: Put them into a Sauce-pan with Butter, Salt, Pepper, a little Ihred iParJCky, wl a Faggpt of lavoiiry Herbs-, let tlem cki the Fire, and tois thein up; Put in Hm Fiih-hroth, tp moiiten them, andfet them a iinmiering over a gpatle Fire. Beat vp the YoJks of Eggs witji Crm, xd put them in to thicken the Ragooe Serve tbeo) W ill lititte Diihes or Plates This, is proper forFi& iJaya. 45. Co ntilfn 90 of tiiftx$ ColoatK. To njake white Mols, ftecp Gmn-dragJint in feir Water, with Lenion Juicp, ax £ir aia it through 1 IineiiKlQth. then take iimeh dpuble iffin’d o powdtfd 804 t: through Sive, as will work it Mil itjxftotVfhkt Pafte, temper thany aod beae diefti lyell together in a Mtar If you would make a red Mols, beat fame prepared Cochmeal in . your Gum-water. To make a blew M ols, or a violet coloured Moft, mix Indigo and Orris with the Gunu To make yellow ‘MoKs ufe Saffron or Gumbo(. To make green Mofi, take the Juice of Beet leaves, Iclded a little over the Fire. To make marbled Mofs, take a Piece of each of thefe Moflcs and lay them one after another on a Sieve, sttid prefs them through with a Spoon, and fo sertain httle Rocks will be formed, whidi wiU appear marbled and of thoie different Colours. Take fix Pound of Mulberries and the lame weight of Sugar, with Ibme of the Juke of Mulber- ries, ftir them together •, thdi pfit ia your Mulberries fuod boil them; then take your Mulberries out but let the Syritp boil a while loir j tlien take it off, and put your Mulberries in a Pot, and pour the Syrup to them. 47. 0 fftdtbt 9fitAkttit$ drp. Taie thote that are not over ripe, but rather gree niih and tart having as much Sugar as Fruit ready Mown, and melted with the Juice df Mulberries to da rify it, put your Mulberries into it, cover, your pre- ftrving ran, and let thim boil a Uttle j then take off the Pan and iciun it, and let it fhhd m the Stove till the next Pay then te diem out of the Stove, let them ftand to cool, drain the Syrup from them, and dris them on Slates ftrew’d with Svr. in order to be dry’d in the Stove j then they muft be tum’d upon Stoves, and when they are tJu roughly dry put them up in Boxes 4. Cd male 9lbertp Qfiline, Gather, your Mulberries when they are thorough ripe, pick off the Stks, and prefs out the Juice with %kt Bt in a P):els put it into a Fat and let it T 4 ftand MU Hand to work, leaving the €askj when it has wwfd pretty well, put it into a Cask, but do not fill it by haJf a Foot or a Foot, and when the Fury of the Workk is over, at about twelve or fifteen Days, replenifli it with other Mulberry Wine this is often to be- repea- ted as it works, for new Wine will wafte and ipend it felf till it is perfefted – during thfe time of its Working it muft be kept as warm as you can, by keepii out northerly or cold Winds, leaft they caufe it to be prick’d or tum’d acid: About the End of March you may flop p the Veflel for good and all. Some, when they liave prefs’d it, put the Mure or Preilings into the Juice for about two Days, to heighten the Tinfture or Colour. Some, when they flx)p it up for good and all, roll the Cask about to mix it with the Lees, and when it is grown fine rack it off. 49. Co bake 9alletsr Scale, draw, waih and dry your Mullets, then lard them with falted Eel, feafon them, and make a Pudding for them with grated Bread, frelh Eel minc’d, and Iweet Herbs, Salt, JJutmeg, the Yolks of hard Eggs and An- chovies minc’d’ finall put this into the Bellies of the Mullets if you keep them whole, or elle cut them in four Pieces, and ftaibn them wiA Pepper, Ginger and Nutmeg, and lay them in your Pye, and wakt Balls of your Farce, and lay them upon die Pieces of Mullet; then lay on alfo Prawns or Cockles, Capers, Yolks of Eggs minc’d, large Mace, Butter and mrberrifcs, and clofc up your Pye •, when it is bak’d ait up the Lidj and ftick it full of Lozienges, Cuts of Paftc, or other Gamiihes, fill it up with beaten Butter, and garniih it with Slices of Lemon. ., • -: 50. Co toil attllett. Lay by the Rocs and Livers, and boil the Fiih; then takte it up, pour out the greateft Part of the Water, then put into the reft a Pint of Claret, fome Sak and Vine- gar, xA a couple of Onions flic’d, a Bunch of Winter Savotiry, IVfarjoram and Thyraie, fome flic!d Nutmegs .: . brokefi M XJ m broken Mace, and the Juice of a Lemon , let a(l theft boil well together, put in the Fiih, and when it tailes ftrong of the Ingredients put in two or three A;ha- vies, and ferve it up gamiihed with ftew’d Oyfters. J I. Co bil 9ttllet0. Scale them, gut them, gaili their Sides, dip them in melted Butter, and broil them -, for the Sauce, take clarified Butter, fry’d Flour, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, a Faggot of fweet Herbs, Slices of Lemon and Capers, with the Juice of Orange or Verjuice. 52. Co ftp 9aUet0. Scale them, gut them, gafh them on the Sides, then fry them in clarified Buttery make a Sauce of the Butter in which they are fry’d,with the Juice of Orange, Capers, Anchovies and Nutmeg -, rub the Diih with a Clove of Garlick or Shaiot, and ierve them up. .’Comabeaam. Take thirty two Gallons of Water, boil it till a third Part is wafied, brew it according to Art, with three Bufhels and a half of Malt lialf a Bulhel of Ground Beans, and half a Buihel of Oatmeal -, when you put it into your Cask, do not fill it too full, and when it begins to work, put in a Pound and half of the inner Rind of Fir, half a Pound of Tops of Fir and Birch Cinftead of the mward Rind and Tops of Fir, our Eng- ajb Mum-makers ufe Cardamums, &Lflafras; and Giier, the Rind of Walnut-tree, Elecampane-root, and red Sanders others add Alexander Water-creffes, Brook- lime, and Horle-redifh Root rafp’d Avens, Betony, Btirnet, Marjoram, Mother of Thyme, Penny-royal of eaeh a (inall handful, Elder-flowers a handful, of Rofa Solis a handflil, of Carduus Benedi£bus a handful and a halfi of Barberries bruis’d halt- an Ounce, of Carda mums bruis’d an Ounce and half all theie Ingredients are to be put in when the Liquor has wrought awhile, and after they are in, let it work over the V eflfel as lit- tle AS may be; when it has done working, fill up tha Cask, and put into it five new laid Eggs, not broken L -• • nor oat ctuVij (top k clo&, and it will be (k to drisik in two Years. S4. Co bake Sttfclen. First parboil the Muicle% then take out the Fiih, and walh them very clean in the Water they were boil’d in, and a little Whitewine, mince them imaU with the YoUc3of Egg?) iealon them with Salt Pepper airi Nut- meg, and fqueeze in the Juice of a SwilOtdngty or two; then put them in your Pafle, ek them up and balce them when bak’d, Uquof with ButterWhite-wine and garniih with Slices of Orange. PtJT them into a Pot that has as much boiling Wa ter as will cover them; when they are jcalded, i off their Beards, and waih them in warm Water, dry them with a Cloth and Flour them fry them crii beat up ibme Butter with the Juice of Lemon, fry fome Parfley criip and green, ftcew it over them, pour the Butfier upon them, and ferve them up. $6. Co nuks a Aagpo of SiiXelesE. Wash them, and icrape them very clean, then put into a Sauce-pan firefk Butter, iealon it with Salt, Pep- mvy Cives, and Vinegar, Parfley and Chippings of Bread, ib to6 them up, and ierve them hot. Wash them. clean, boil them in Beer and Salt thea take them out of the Shells, take off their Beards, deanft them from Gi-avel, then fry them in But&er;, pour the Butter out, and put into their own Liquor a piece of frefli Biitter, a little White-wine, Salt iHcd Orange, the YoUcs of three or four Eggs, and ibme iweet Herbs flu:ed ihiall,give all theie aWalm or two in a Sauee-pan, and ierve them up in ScoUop-ihells, Let the Muikrooms be put iiito a Tart-pan with Bbtter or Bacon, ieon them with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg, ibme whole Gves, and Parfl ihred veiy finaU J fet them in an Oven, and baJce them ’till they ace very brown, and ferve them hot. 5P- M V Make a Farce with Vl, or the Breft of a Fbl- let, BaccMi, Bpef-mfirrowj and the Cramb of a French d iofk’d in Cream, and the Yolks of a couple of MiSly icin’4 with Salt, Pfspper; and Nuimeg. Leff th Mbiihroonfts be well picked, and the Stalks pulPd off., thm farce them with this Farce, and put tllem iiatQ a Tart-pan, then fit them into an Ovm, and faalff thcmi when they are done, diih them pour to thm ibtnc Beefravy, and ferve them up. If it be far a FaiWay, you xnuft mak your Farce of the Fleih of Fift, and bake theio as before, and put the juice of Muflirooms under them which you will fie how to make in another Receipt. 60. frp aaQDomn. Toss the Mufhrooms up in a Stew-pan with a £tle Broth either of Fleih, Fifli, or Peas, to take awiy their Bittemels then ftrew over them fine Sal Pepper, and Flour, and fiy with Butter or HogV laiid. Serve them up with fieeftakes, Lemon-juice and Paiey for Intermefies. Or you may ule them for gamiifaing First flew them, then pour away their Liqix ry then fry thcsn with Butter, an Oiion ihred finally Ipme iweet Marjoram and Thyme ffaipt -, fiaibn mth Salt and Pepper:, make a Sauce for them with Eggs beaten with the Juice of Oranges and fome ClaretL the Gravy of a L of Mutton and Nutmeg fliake them wdl, and give them a fiw Tofles in e Pan, then put diem in a liifa, rubb’d with a Shabt and miih it with Lemon and Orange. 6i. Vcr fietp ttfloontjt Dtt()ont pkUe: Lbt your Mufhrooms be peel’d, take out all the ifide, and lay them a ibak in Water for three of jfour Hours , then take them out, dry them, and lay them OQ Tin-plates, and fet them m a cool Oven to dry 4o this fiveral times ‘tffl tinsy ard tholflghy dry’d. M U dryd, then put them up in Pots or Boxes, and keep them as dry and dole as you can. 67,. “00 keep ttCTOomis all tlie iat. Pick them, and put them into boiling Water, let them have a Boil or two, then lay them on a Sieve to drain when they are cold, put them into an ear- then Pan, put in Nutmeg, Cloves, Mace, a Stick of Cinnamon, Bafil, young Omons, and Bay-leaves. Then make a Pickle oi Salt and Wafer, let it ftand for two Hours, then pour it into your Mufhrooms; cover them over with the Pickle, pour Ibme darify’d Btit- tr on the top, tye the Pan down clofe, and let it in a cool Place. When you ufe them, water them in fe- veral Waters, either cold or lukewarm, ‘tiU they are made pretty freih. 54. 0 ptcftle aaQtoomjS. . BjBCL yopr Muihrooms, then put them into fair Water to Ibak; Set cm a Pot with Water, heat it, put m Bay-leaves, Marjoram, and Cives, put in your Mu- ihrooms, let them boil a Minute or two then Itt em be ‘taken out and well drain’d. Let them ftand ’till they are cold, then put them up into an eartlien Pot with Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Oniwi and Bay-leates, and keep them clofe flopt. ‘ 6$. jaNotlier map. Boil your Muihrooms in Milk aid Water, addii 4 good Handful of Salt, a couple of Onions quarter’c and a Bundi of Thyme and ‘ Savoury j let them boiL briskly for a . quarter of an Hour, drain them, and put them into this Pickle. Take White-wine Vine- gar, and White-wine, of each equal Quantities, Nut- megs, Cloves, and Mace bruifed, boil the Pickle ‘tiB one fourth part is wafted when it is cold, add to it the Liquor the Muihrooms were boiPd in, leaving out the Spice, put in of the fame Spice whole, only flicc the Nutms thick, add fome whole Pepper brui- ied, Ibme Lemon-ped, and a whole raw Onion which you muft tak out again when it begins to periik 56. MV 66, %6 pielle 9a(ttoontjl tolte.’ ‘- Take the Buttons dry gathered, wipe them with a piece of Flannel, put them into Water and Milk, .then fet. on a Pan with Milk and Water an equal Quantity, make it boil, then put in your Mufhrooms and boil •them up quick for a quarter of an Hour, then put them into a Sieve to drain: Then take White-wine Vinegar, put in a Kace of Ginger, long Pepper, and Mace, boil it, then add a Nutmeg cut into (garters, let it by ’till it is cold, then put in your Mufhrooms, pour fome Iweet Oil at top, and tye them clofe down with a Leather. 67.. Co maibe a IBlasoo of aaQtoomif. Cut your Muihrooms, and tols them up with Butter or melted Bacon, feaibn them with Salt, Pep- per, and Parfley ihred finall: Moiften them with Jfleih Gravy, or Fiih-broth •, thicken it with a Cyl- lis of Fleilh, or meagre CuUis, or a little Flour, Yolks of €S Lemon-juiDe, and lerve them up. 68. 0not)et SZaa;. Peel your Muihrooms, then put them into Watr and Salt to clean them, and ftew them in a Stew-pan for half an Hour in their own Liquor; then pour out all the Liquor but about two Ipoonfiils, and put • to them . half a Pint of ftrong Broth or Gravy, an On- ion quartered, a Bunch of Savoury and Thyme, a Kttle crack’d Pepper, and a little Nutmeg, and two or three Anchovies: Let all thefe ftew together for a quarter of an Hour, then put in a good quantity of Butter, ihake it together, and ferve them up. 69. 0 make Cullisi of 9Ufloom0. Cleanse your Mufhrooms well, put them into a Stew-pan with a little either Bacon or Butter, accor- ding as you defign it either for Fiih or Flelh-days, and brown them over a Stove ’till they begin to IKck to the Bottom of the Pan j when they are grown: very brown, put in a little Flour, and brown that alio with diem y then put to them foxac Broth, ei- ther MU ther of Fldli or Fifli, and let it boil for a Minute or • two 7 then ftrain k into a Pan, iealbn it with Sblt and Lemon, put in Ibme Crufts of Bread tQ ibak; and when they are well idak’d, ftr it through a ftere for ufe. -o. 0 male ttice, 0% %f of uloomB. Cleanse ycur Mufhrooms well, pik them into a Stew-pan with forae Butter, if for a Flefh-day et Lard, if for a Fiih-day and brown them over t&ife; Fire ’till they ftidc to the Bottom of the ftm; when they are brown, throw in a little Flour, smd make that alio brown with them: Theil put im good Broth to them, either ot Fleih or F’ilh, and let It boil for two or three Minutes more. Then tkks it otf, and ftrain the Liquor into a Pan, leaibn it witii Salt and Lemon for xjSe. 7 1. Co male 9taik lztt. Take three ov four Grains of Musk, bruife it, and put it into a Lawn or Cambrick Rag, lay it at the Bottom of an earthen Pot, and fift’fine Sugar upon it fk p up the Pan clofe, that no Air can get in, and fet it in a warm Place, and in a few Days the Sugar will have fuck’d up the Tin£hire of the Musk, and be very well perfiim’d. After the fame manner, you may perfume Comfefls or Sweet-meats , but you muft be Hire to keep them very clofe, or the Musk will evaporate. 72. Co make IDftatb. Let the Seed be cleans, waih’d, and drd then with a little Vinegar grind it in a Bowl with a Can-. non-Bullet, ’till it is very fine-, then put more Vine- gar to it: by dees, ’till it comes to a proper thidc- nels. Some make it with only Watef inftead of Vioegtr, becaule it will not dye ib fbon, being made with Water. ?;. 0notkc VaHftt. Take the whiteft Muftard-ieed, put it thnoe or four times in Water, ’till die Husk will rife no more. Make I M U Make vSe only of that Seed which fwks to the Bot- tom j which rub ’till it is dry-inrm Linen Cloths, then fet it before the Fire to dry, then grind it ve- ry fine in a Bowl with a Bullet, ot in a Mortar with a Peftle, and fift it through a TifEmy Sieve: Slice feme Horfe-radiih, and lay it a fteep in Wine-Vine- ar for twenty Hours in a Gallipot, flop it up clofe. bur off the Vinegar clear from the Horfe-radiih, and mix it with the Muftard-feed, put it up in a glazM Mug, put a peel’d whole Onion to it, and keep it clofe ftopp’d. If inftead of V inegar, you ufe ffcrong Broth of pow- der’d Beefi the Muflaixl will be the better. 74. %o make aftatu ValU Grind the Seed very fine, then make a Pafte with’ Honey, and a little Canary; make it into Balls, and let them to dry in the Sun, or a gentle Oven; and Icep them for ufe. When you would ufe it, ihave fbme of it very thin, put to it Vinegar and a little Salt. 7T. Co malte uftatti (n Cakeier Take four Ounces of Seamy, an Ounce of Cinna- mon, beat thqra with Vinegar and Hony very fine, in a Mortar, make it into a rafte, and then into little Cakes, dry them in an Oven, or in the Sun-, when you would ufe them, diflblve them in Vinegar, Verjuice, or Wine. 7 5. Co malte carliona&ea; iputton Cut Steaks of Mutton, fry them with Lard, then ftew them in good Broth with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Muihrooms, Chefiiuts, and a Buncli of fweet Herbs j in the mean time fry Ibme Flour to thicken the Sauce; then gamifh the Dtlh with fry’d Bread and Muihrooms, and fcrve it up with Lemon-juice and Capers. 77. ‘Co collar a iSjiraft of SButton. Take the red Skin off a Breafl: ot Mutton, tnle out all tlie Bones and Griftles j then make a Sfealbning with Iwcet Herbs and Cloves, flired finall, the Yolks of three hard Eggs, grated Bread, Lemon-peel, Salt, Pep- per. MU pcr and all Spice, lay your Breaft of Mutton flat? on the Board, waih and bone three or four Ancho- vies, and lay here and there upon your Meat, then ftrew the Seafbning all over it •, then roll it up like a Collar, bind it with Tape, and either boil, bake or roaft it i then divide it into four Parts, then lay it in the Diih, let the Sauce be flxong Gravy, with fome An- chovies dilTolved in itj put this into your Diih with the Mutton j into this put forc’d Meat Balls, and fiy’d Oyfters gamilh your Diih with Barberries and Lemon, if you ule it for a Side-diih. Jout if you make iife of it as a Standing-diih, then lay in the Bottom of the Diih, Cutlets, Cabbage, Col- iy-flowers or what is inScalbn, with forc’d Meat Balls and black and white Puddings all about it. 78. Co fottCE a Breaft of 9ptttton. BoKE a Breaft of Mutton, ibak it well from the Blood, wipe it dry, and fealbn the infide with Salt, Nutmeg, and beaten Ginger, fweet Herbs ihred iinall, and Lemon-peel minc’d j lay broad Slices of IweetLard over the Seafbning then roll it into a Collar, tye it up in a Cloth, and put it into boiling Liquor, icum it well J then put in Salt, Nutmeg, and Ginger flic’d. Fennel and Parily-roots j when it is almoft boil’d, put in a Pint of White-wine j when it is enough, take it off, and put in Slices of Lemon, a whole Lemon-peel, and half a icore Bay-Leaves, and let it boil clofe covered v or you may bake it in a Pot with White-wine and Water. 79. “Ca toad a D)int of button. Take a Chine of Mutton, and having rais’d up the Skin from the Chine-bone downwards, leave it hanging to the lower Partj then take ibme Slices of a lean Gammon of Bacon, ieaion with white Pepper, Cives and Parfley j lay them ipread over your Chine, lay Bards oi Bacon upon them, then turn the Skin over them, tye up your Chine with Tape or Packthread, put Paper over it, and roail it j wjien it is near e- nough, drudge it with Crum-bread, put a Ragoo under it. MV It, and. ienre it up to Table gamiihe4 widu Mut ton Cutlets. . The fame may be done with a Quarter of Mut- ton or I.ainb. 80. 0 iitti a 0ttl of fatten. Lard the Neck with liemon-peel, boil it in Salt and Water, and a Bunch of Iweet Herbs: In the mean time, ftew half a Pint of Oifters in half a Pint of Whitewine, as much ftrong Broth, and a little of their own Liquor, put in two or three An- chovies,, two or three whole Onions, feme grated Nutmeg, and a little Thyme. Then take a little of the Broth, and beat jn it the Yolks of three or four Eggs to thicken it i then dijh it upon Sippets, hy- ing your Oifters uponour Meat. . Gamilh with Lemon or Barberries. After the &me; inanner you may drefs a Chine, Leg,&c; Draw your Neck of Mutton with Parflcy, and roaft it. When. it is almoft roafted, drudge it witn Salt, white Pepper d grated Bread. Serve it up to Table with Gravy, and the Juice of Orange, . 82. janottiet a2ilap ‘ . CpTfj your Neck of Mutton into Stakes j ftalbn them with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg-, put them in- to, a Stew-pan with as much Water as will cover them, let them fEew, fcumming it as there is Occa- fion. In the mean time, parboil Ibme Cabbage, Car- rots, and Turnips, drain them well, and when .your Stakes are half ftewd. put in your Roots and Cab- bage; ten put in a Handftil of Capers, then Shred fiveet Hbs, Spihage, and Parfley, a Handful of .eaci and put. them, into the Stew, alio a couple of Anchovies chopti,. brown a little Butter, and ihake into.,it. a little Flour, and a Ladle full of tlie Broth: Bo.it i£ up, and pour it over the Meat, and let all ftew togiedier a little wTule J when it is enough, lay Sip U pet$ MU pets inr the liib, put in your Stew, Iqueeze in an Orange or Lemon or two, and ferve it up to Table. 83 . 0 malir a (Bammon of Sjutttm Take a very large fat Leg of Mutton, ait off the Knuckle-bone, take off the Skin; then ftick it with Cloves, Sage, an4 Bay-leaves then pound Pep- per, Salt, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger, wid’ CloVcs, fut them into White-wine, with a Bunch of ilwect ferbs, and lay your Mutton in this Marinade for twenty four Hours, letting it in a coot Place clofe coyer d: Then take out youf Leg of Muttwi, and ppwder it with Sage ihred finaD, and pounded wftJi repper. Salt, Ginger, Nutmeg, Cnnamon, ahd CteVes j then take off the Skin of a frefli H of Bacon, with fbme of the’ Fat and (ver your Leg of Mut- ton with the Skin of the Ham, iewing it up round tbe Edges. Then hang it up dhe Chimney fcM- twenty four Hours to be finoak’d then boil it in five Quarts of Water, put in a Bunch of fweet erbs and a Quart of the cleared of the Wine in which it was marinated. When it is enough, take off the Swcrd immediately, letting the Fat ftick’ to the Mutton, and ferve it up cold in Slices. 84. Jjjaflj a %ti ofttttom Cu T the Fleih of a fjcg of Mutton intcf 4 road Slices, cut off both the Fat and Skin j beat it well, but not to pieces; then rub zr Difli with Garlick, put in your Mutton, put Water to it, ieafon it? with Salt, an Onion cut in two, and a Bundle of Savoury HcA)Si iet It over a Stove, cover it, and ftew it; when it is about half ftew’d, put in a quarter of a pint of White-wine, two or rfiree Blades of Mace, and an Anchovy, and let it ftew ‘tifl all is enoi; then take out the Herbs andOnion, poiu: our Haflt into a Diih, and ferve it up to Table. s y. 0 titd a %t$ of ipntton toftt (Cttcttntbetf. First marinate your Cucumbers, then tols them up, and make a Ragoo of them, take fome Bacoo, and brown a little Flour; put to it fome good Gra- vy, ty, a Drop 6f Vinegir, and a Bundle dfSavoilry Herbs, and lealbn all well; Roaft the Leg of Mut- ton and (erve it up with this Ragoo. in the like manner yoii may make a Ragoo ofSue cory, but take care the Siiccory turn hot black in the dreflingi 86. Co SuGt a %ti tt 9attott a la Royale. Take off the Fa Flcfli, and Skiri about the Shank-bone, lard the Leg with large Lardons of Ba- ton wcQ ieaibrl’d; alio at the fame time lard a round tiece ofa Buttock of Beef or elle of a Leg of Veal j £hen lealbn all well, and driidg it with Flour -, then “put them into boiling Hog’s Lard to colour them: Then put them into a Pot with folne Broth or Water with an Qnioi ftuck with Cloves, aild all ibrts of Jweet Herbs let thim boil cloib iover’d for two Hours. In the mead time prepare a Ragoo of Veal Sweet-breads, Truffles, Mulhrooms, Artichoke-bot- toms, and Alparagus-tops, with a good Cullis. Theil dilh your Mutton, cutting your Bacon and Veal intd Slices and lay it fo as to make a Rim rolind thd Muttdn pour your Ragoo upcxi it, and fervc it itj hot for the firft Coifrle 87. 0 roll a Hea of aattoit. TAiCE the Skin and Flefh from the Shiik-boney alfo take off all the Fat, ait the Flelh down to the middle BGme, take the Bone out, arid leave the Fleih hanging to die Shadk-bone then ipread the Fleifa abroad ’till it be about an Inch thick, and according to the ft of the Dilh you defigh to ferve il: in, then lard it with lai’ge Lardohs of Bacon well ieafon’d. Theii mmci together a piede of blarich’d Veal, or the Br&ft; of a Fowl, with a little blanch’d Bzcm and’B’eef-Siiet, Mulhrodifas, Cives arid Parfley: Sea- fon with Salt, Feppef, all forts of Spices and Savou- ry-herbs: Then add the Yollcs of three or four Eggs, and the Crumb of a French Roll foak’d in Cream. Pound all diefe together in a Mortar, arid ipread it on your Mutton, roll it up in the fotm it was before, U a -ty ge it up with Tipe, then lay Bards of Ba !On in tiic 3ttom of a St€wpax and flices of Beef or Veal well beaten upon theix IKges of Qnian, Parlhip and .Carrot upon them, feaibn’d witli Salt, Pepper, Spi- ces, Bay-leaves, Parfley and Cives-j then . lay in your Leg of Mutton, cover it with fealbning, Beef or Veal and Bacon, . underneath y put oni the G ver of your Stew-pan, arid flew it a la £mife, or wth yirc .under and over it. iWhen it ‘is ftewU enough, fcrvc it up with the iami, Ragoo that is d,ireQ:ed in the Receipt for a Leg of Mutton drefe’d a la Royak. ‘ Or .you may rpaft it, being preparVl’ and ty’d up but then you muft lard it with . iml Lardons, wrap .Pper about it, let it be roafted at. a gentle . r Fire, ad well coloured. – Serye it for;a firft CourJe with a good Cullis uncer’it,;or an JEfleqce of Ham or elle with Ibme Ragoo of Legume, as Cucumbers Succory, young Onions, or the like,, j 88. Co D;ef0 a Eejs of 9utton la Danphine. , Take oiT all the Skin and Flcili of the Shankrlwne, and alfp all the Fat, and icrape it clean-, then, par- boil it, and lard.it with iinall X ardons of Jcon: bpit it, put Paper over it, and jgaft it with, ioft Fire fee that it he vvKcQlour’ct;; When it is roa- fted enough, diih it, and icifve it; up .with’ ibme. fta- 00 fOf Legumes, as Ccumb5,”yon?g Onions, . or Succory, or with a good CttUis under it, or aar.EP fence of Ham. • . 8p. Co Bjcft almoin of flitttton. Cover the Bottom pf a Stpv-pan with Bards pf Bacon, lay on thenr flices pf Veal; and x n the Ve’ flices of Onions-, thqn lay your lloih pf Mutton ip on them, and cover it with flices .ot Onion, Veal aod Bacon, as under it. Seafon all viith Salt, Spice, and ftveet Herbs. Then let tlie ftew-pan covered either between two Fires, or in an Oven iJ vhen they come Out, bread them, and broil them on ji (gridiron. Id the mean time prepare this Sauce, caji’d a RamQJaJe Take Civcs and Pviky ihred thein fmall. Capers knd Anchovies,, MU Anchovies, and ftew them in good Gravy with t Qove of Garlick and other fealbnings, put in a little Oil. When all is done, lay your Loin in a Dilh, pour your Sauce upon it, and ftrve it up hot. 90. “Co-roaS a Heg of fllutton toit laDiSeni. Stuff a Leg of Mutton with Mutton-lewet, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and the Yolks of Eggs then lay it down at the Fire to roaft, ftick it with Cloves 5 whea it is about half done, cut off fome of the un- der-fideof thfe fleftiy End in little Bits put thcfe’in to a Pipkin with a Pint of Oifters, Liquor and all, g little Salt and Mace, and ftew them ”till hialf th? Liquor be wafted. Then put in a piece of Butter, and when the Leg is thoroughly roafted, diife it, pour this Sauce ovei’ it, ftrew Salt about thfc fides of the Diih, and.lerve it up. 910 mii a felboulbei of aittton in IBlooA. , Save the Blood of a Sheeptahe aU the Strings and Knots out of a Shoulder of Mutton, lay it in the Blood five’ or fi-x Hours to fbaki their ftuff it with fweet Herbs, then put it into a Caul, fprinkle it with Blood, and roaft it. ‘Serve it up with Venifon- 01’ Anchovy Sauce. ‘ 92. D BjefiJ atttton tle Turkifh BxHft CvT your Meat into thin ‘fllccs, then walh it im Vinar, and put it into a Potior Sauce-pan that has a clofe Cover to it, then put in Ibme Kice, whole Pepper, and two or three Onions ht all thefe ftef together, fcumming it frequently when it is enough, take out the’ Onioins, and diih it with Sippets, an4 Icrve it up. 93. 0 mafce button lpe – Ctrl’ yoyr. Mutton into Stakes fcalbn with Salfi and Pepper, fhred ibme Suet imall, and put both un der:and over your Stakes, put in a little Li uoi?, and )ake it ? • NA 1. 110 make Naples TSlihttt. TAKE a Pound and half of fine Floir, and as xmidx doublc-riefin’d SuRar, twelve Jgs, three Spoon- fuls of Rofe-water, and an Ounce and half of Carraway Seeds finely pounded, rcfx them all well together with Water j then put them into Tin-plates, and bake them in a moderate Oven, diffolve Ibrae Sugar in Water, and plaze them over. 2. CofrpjeatjtiFeet. Pqil your Neafs Feet and blanch then, Iplit than jj thcp fBf them in clarified Butter, or take out the Boqes and fry them m Butter with a little Salt, and Ibm ftroi Broth-, when you have fry’dthem a tittle, put ia ibme Mint, Thyme an4 Parlley, flired fiqall, and feme aten Pepper, heat the Yoliaqf Eggs Mutton Gravyi Vinegar, the Juice of Lemons, or Orange and Nutm, pour the Sauce upqn it, and fefre it-up. 3: Ca ma&e; a itji foot usiiinSf Boil a couple of leats Feet tender, mince tho Afcat finall, with an equal Quantity of Beef-£iet; feafon them with Salt, (Snnamon and Sugar, mince a Quarter of a Found of Oraqge-pfcl very fiie, jrut in ” iiandfils of grate4 Bread, half a dozen 6r eight s, and Purrans at Pleaiivre mix ail thde wdl tdr w iPJi fetti?r Pudding-bag, put in your Puddii, tye it up chicy aqd give it two Iioiurs boiling, then ferve it WB witli fweet Sauce. 4- Q male a iptcatit jpoot dpe. Boil theNeats Foot, takeout the Bones, mince it with a good Quantity qffftet, ieafen with Salt, Cloves and Mace listen, add Sugar and grated Niit4 megi j ut thefe into your Cruft witli Raifins of the 3un, Curr aqd arlerriesi andvfhen it is bak’d fervc It up hot., . . ‘. ; . . 5- 0 toaft a iPiatit JFoot After you have boU’d it and blanched it, let it ftapd by till itiscqld, theo lard it;, fftcnit ona lmal NE Sidt, and bafle it with Butter, Vinr and Nutm for the Sauce toaft Ibme Bread, loak it in Claret and Vinery ffarain it thi:ough a Strainer, put the Liquor ioto a fpkin, and put in a few flit Cloves, Giier, and beat Cinnam(Hi fet it on the Fire, ftir this with a Branch of Rofemary till it is pretty well thicken’d j Diih your Foot, pour the fame op it, and ierve it up. 6. 0 boil icat0 tEottsuesi. Bo IL them in a BKettle of Water, with a good Quan- tity pf Hay Flowers, ty’d up looJfe in a Cloth, or elfe Hay; this will make them tender, fhort, and meUow, and of a good Colour. 7. lUl Ditfo fiuti Vonsuetl a la Braife. Cut off the Roots, and put the Tongues into b(n ling Water, to caufe the Skm to be eafy to be peel’d off i then lard thciii witlHarge Lardons of raw Gam- mon well fealon’d j then caver the Bottom of a Stew- pan with Slices, of fat Bacx)n, and lay on them Slices of Beef well beaten: Lay your Tongues upon the Beeli with Slkes of Onions, fealbn with Salt, Pepper, all forts of Spices knd iavoury Herbs then Iscy on Slices of Becfi and on them Slices of Bacon, cover your Stew- pn, and put Fire both over and under it, and let them flew for eight or ten Hours ‘ prepare a good Cul lis of Muihrooms, or a Ragoo pf iweet BreadS, Mufli- rooms, TniiBes, Morils, &c.; take up the Tongues, drain them from the Fat, Dilh them, pour over them • the Ragoo •, garnifh with Fricandeaux, and one of the Tongues cut in Slices. 8. %o titli 9 eatu ‘Congtu attottiet iBOra? First boil it in Water and Salt, with a Bunch of favoury Herbs; when it is near bdiFd enough, cut off the Root, skin it, and lard it with long Lardons of Bacon j then ipit it and roaftit, bafle it with Butter, Pepper, Salt and Vinegar ; when it is roailed enough, cut it into pretty large Slices, and tofe it up in a Stewr pan, with a Ramolade made with Onions, Parfley and Capers fhred fmall, and fbme Anchovies •, then toft up 9&ix; Beef Gravy, with Pepper, Salt, a Drop of Vine- U 4 gar, J NE gar, and a few Rocamboles ierve it up hot for a firft Courie. Or you may fervc it with a Ragoo of fweet Breads, Muihrooms, Artichokebottoms, melted Bacon, or But- ter leafon’d with Salt and. Pepper, letting it fimmer in this Ragoo -, but when this Ragoo is u(ed with it, it is to be bailed with nothing but Butter while it is roafling. $?. 0 mtii a icatjS Congae tle Italian SQla?. Boil your Tongue in a Pipkin, either whole, or cut in halves, till it may be blanch’d, put in fome ftrong Mutton Broth, and two or three Blades of Mace,White- wine or Canary, and ibme Slices of interlarded Bacon fcum it when it boils, and put to it Pepper, Ginger, Nutmeg and large Mace, three or four whole QoTes, Primes, Currans, Sage Leaves, Saffron, and dry’d Cher- . Ties •, let it all ftew well, and ierve it on Slices ofFremb Bread. Beat Salt and Salt Petre very fine, an equal QiiaxH tity of each, lay the Tongues in rump-water all Night, rub them very well with the Salt, and cover them all over with them, ftill putdhg on more as they wafte when they are ftiif and hard they are enough then roll them in Bran, and dry them before a gentle Fire before you broil them, lay them in Pump-water all Night, and boil them in Pump-water. ii aimtfti WAf- Beat Salt and Salt Petre, of each a like Qiiandty, into a fine Powder, foak the Tcxigues in warm Water, rub the Salts very well into them, elpecially at the Koots, put them in a Pot, cover them over with the Salts -, and as the Salts wafte, put Sugar upcMi them, turning them frequently till the Sugar has peDetrated imd when ftiff, dry. them in a Kiln with a (low Fire, or hang them up in a Chimney when they ” are dry’d prels tlem flattilli, and -length Ways, lay them vpdry N E rt. Co ttfi ipteat0 Congttf First boll it, then cut it into thin Slices, leafbn it .with Nutmeg, Cinhamon and Sugar; dip your Slices of Tongue into Yolks of Eggs, adding a little Lemon- juice: Make feme iwe: Butter very hot in a Frying- pan, fry your Tongue and pour Eggs in by Ipoohfiils and when they arc dohe, ierve them up with White- wine, Butter and Sugar, well beaten together. Take white Salt and bay Salt an equal Qiiantity, d for every Pound of Salt, take an Ounce of Sal Pru- nella and Salt Petrc, and a quarter of Pound of Sugar j boil thefe together till they are a very ftrong Brine, fcumming it clean as it riles; let the Brine ftarid till it is cold, then put it into a Veffel, put your’ Tongues into it, laying them at their foil Lengthj covered with Brine for three Weeks turn theih -vcry other Disty j you may keep them as long as you pleaie in the Pickle, or yeu may nib them with Bran, and dry them. 1 4. tCo matinate ipteatct Corigut Boil them, blanch them, lard them (if you pleafe) put them in a Veflel make a Pickle • 6f Nutmegs and Ginger flic’d, large Mace, whole Cloven, a Bunch of liveet Herbs,Parfley, Iweet Marjoram,Roleniary,Thyme, Winter Savoury, Sage and Bay Leaves j boil thefe in as much Wine Vinegar and White-wine as will fill the Veflel you put your Tongues into •, pnt in feme Salt and flic’d Lemons j when they are cold clofe them up for Ufe, ftrve them with feme of the Liquor, iSpices, Herbs and lallet Oil, and flices of Lemon. 1 5. Co pot jeaw Conguw. Take Neats Tongues that look red out of the Pic- kles, cut off the Roots, and boil them till they may be eafily peePd; feaibn them with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg, rubbing it well into liiem, while they are hot then put them in a Pan, cover them with melted Butter, bake tfiem when they are done pour otf all the Butter, keep back the Cravy, put them NB intoa frelhPot, and cOTer diom widx odier melted But ter an Inch dncL i6. 0 make a guti Honqjat fe. Parboil your Tongue, cutoff your Root, pareoflT the Skin, nnnce the Meat with Beef-fuet, Penny-royal iweet Marjoran Thyme and Parlley ‘iea(bn with Pep- psr, Cloves and Mace, finely beaten, add the Yolks of two E;gs, ibme Sugar and grated Bread, make up vour Pafte in the Form of aTongue, fill it with this Meat thdn pour ip a Mixture of Verjuice, Roi9wa6 But- ter a£d Sugar, and bake it. 17. Co toafl a itatu ngue tbt French WUlv. Boil your Tongue and blanch it, ict it by till it is cold thai cut a Mole in the Butt-end, and take out the Mea(, mince it with two or three hard Eggs, a Pippin, Beef-fuet and Bacon, lealbn with Salt, beiten Ginger and Iweet Herbs ihred very fine-, fiuff the Tongue with the minc’d Meat and Ingredients, all wdl mix’d ‘ then coyer the End with a Veal Caul, lard it with flips of Bacon, and roail it v make a Sauoe for it With Gravy, Butter, and the Juice of Onuses, gamiih thG Diih with flicM Lemon-peel and Barberries. 18. €i ticto ft jcat0 Consiie. FiKST boil it tender, then cut it into flices, and fry it a fittk with frefli Butter thn put tlicm into a Stew-peui, with Mutton Broth or Gravy, Claret, and a fittle VinejiSar, feiibn’d with Salt, Pcjr, ilic’d Nut- meg and large Macs , and when they are hear flew’d enough, cut in two or throe flices of Orange, Alpara- gus, Chelnuts and Skirrets lay yoiir Meat on Sippets, pour on Butter, and cover them with flices of Lemon nd Marrow, and ferve them up Boil them, cut them into flices, within two Inches of the Top or linall End which cut Lengthrways for Sippets then t a handful of Iweet Herbs, mince them finall, and put them to the Tongue and Udder, add the Yolks of ieven or eght Eggs, mix all tpgether fry the m In clarified Butter, then turn them into a Stewt N U Stew-pan, and put to them fome White-wine, a littl Vinar, beaten Cinnamon, Ginger, Sugar, a lide Rofe- mary, and a • handful of grated’ Bread ftew all thel together pnt in, as they ftew, Ibme drawn Butter, ierre it up with the iHces of the Ti and iiiiaU End.of your Toiue and Udder then pour your ftew’d Liquor over it. 2o. “Co rotlt a zBti Consae atiD Qli)&ct.; Boil and blanch the Tongue and Udder, fealba them with Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon and Nutm, lard them with large Lardcxis, all their Length , then iit them and roaft them, bafting with Butter -, when they are rmfted, drels them with grated Bread and Flour, Kntmeg, Ginger, Cinnamon, Pepper, and a littl? Sugar i fenre dicm up with Gravy, the Juice of Sevil Qranges, a little Sugar and flices of Lemoa ai. Vofitett ieatf Congne ann tamt in Steffado. Season them with Salt, Pepper and Nutmegs, lard dirni with large Lardons, and let them lye in fteep all Night in Wine Vinegar, Claret, Ginger, ieafbn’d with t, whole Pepper, Nutmeg, flic’d, and whole Cloves i bake them in an earthen Pan, and ierve them on Sippets, lay the Spices over them, and Ibme flices of Lemon 20A &tu;⩾, 2s. simVitt m&v; Being preparM and cut into finall Bits, as before, put to them feme fry’d Oniai, and ftew them with Mufer roonis, leaibn them with Mace and Nutmeg, nib the I iJh with aShalot, and Ierve them upon Sippets. 23. fEeantipiutmesti. Take half a Pound of double-refin’d Sugar, half % quarter of a Pint of Damask Role-water, and a very, little Gum Arabick, boil thefe up mau: to a Candy Heighth •, let your. Nutmegs be firft IbaVd in Water, thea put them into an earthen Pot, pour your Qzxi” dy to them, keep them very clofe covered, fet theni in a warm Place for about three Weeks, and Uiey will lie of a Rock Candy. 1 4 1. 0 malie at Cclot TH E If on or Stone yon bake them on, muffc bo plac’d at Ibme diHance above the Fire. Mix Oat-Flour with a little Water, and a Ktde new Ak- yeaft, snaking your Dough pretty ftifF; then roU them out into Cakes, and lay them on your Baking-ftone or Iron, let the Fire under them be gtotle, they will be bak’d in iabout a quarter of an Hour y when they are done, roll them on the Edgfe, that they may be bak’d likewife i and turn them on the other fide juft to flat them, if you turn them too foon, k will pre- vent their riling. ‘ 2. Co maite an iDatmtal Ufng Mix a Pint of whole Oatmeal bruis’-d with a Quart of Cream, put in a Blade or two of’Mace, and boil them together till the Oatmeal has fbak’d up aB the Cream-, let it ftand till it is cold ind beat the Whites of four, and the Yolks of eight! F.ggs, with five or fix Spoonfiils of Rofe-water •, pitit’ thefe into your boil’d Cream and Oatmeal tiien put m pow- dered Sugar, Salt, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon then melt a good .Quantity of Butter; put into it iortie Marrow or BeeP-luet minc’d, and grated bread, mix thefe all wcD together, butter your Dilh; put • it in and baks it J. 0 l)?o(l jJDfftew Open them, put them on the Fire in their Shells, put in feme Butter, Pepper, a little Ihred Parfley, co- ver them with grated Bread; broil tficm and brown therti with a red hot Iron; lerve them up t6 Table in their Shells upon a Diih. 4. anotliertoap ‘ Parboil laige OiAers in thbir own Liquor then pour them into a Cullender, butiave the Liquor af- terwards wafli them clean in warm Watery -‘wipe them dry, beard tliem, and ftew them in a’ Plplmi, with- iome of tlieir own Liquor, White-rwine Vinegar, Bftt 01 ter, 1 Ihtgji Opioid and a Blade or tvifo of Mace and Salt;W£fen; they are ptetty well ftew’-d, fet Ibme Scol- lop-ihdyb or lairge Oiiteir-ihells over a Gridiron and put ifitp t emas many Oifters, and as much of the ftcw’d LiqLpr, as- they will contain let the Fife be geqtle aodwbai they are enoth, fill the Shdls with drawn Biitttr, rand lerve them up; 5. Co b0il j3Di(tei$ tltt Dutch Ba Open the Oifters, parboil them in their own li- quor i fit .them ijito. a Strainer j then put them mto a SaucepVithi Butter, Onions fUc’d, and a litttc Mace i fte,w tfecfm 3 then put two or three of themift- to one Slejl) d broil them then put them on Plates, fill theiQ -with beaten Butter, and ferve them up. 6. Co DefjEi S)ttti9 in a’9 atAe Let your Oifters beopened j then fcaibnthem with Cives, Bafil:tai d JParfley Ihred feiafl. . Put to each Oi- fter a little White-wine, with Pepper, and a little of the ihrea ii&b;$’ then Uythe upper Shdt over them, ai.bpil i;beip,Qn,aGrixliroD, and hdld axed hot Fire- fliovel i)iTe;.Shem .now, and thin, rWhen they are broilU (jpiQiigh take roff the .uppertihell and ferve tiieni.5tiRtll9c.iiQd:jone’: … r ji:. . FriR, Qppft.the-Qiflte tblanch them a( terwards .mipiee’iJihert iiaaU with CivB& -.Parfley, and Anchflvifes,Ci!feifi)n;Vitk8altc and Pepper, iidd to them Butterfti: tte Cfiiip oH j a. Fxe9Kh Roll foakU in CreanjvtQ Yolks .dfOAvpiidr.threc Eggs,? fweet Sprcc and Nutmeg, Beat albithefe together in a Mortar j then;j(Qiu:,ScolldKflicUs, -or OifterCAelb with it j grate. 3?€advDW them,:andr lay them on a Gridiron; or let . thfiB? t ip an Oven, land ferve tibetn ‘up dry, oi with Ierfl: Jjttce, – ‘ .;•.. .. ‘ . Take a dozen Oiftcrg blanchy. Mufkrooms-,. Gives Parfleyj ivoiiry.Herhs,Mnd(weetSpices’v makea Faice of thefe’vpth. tliQ FJefi. of in Eel, witk fr. Butter ioqe Crum Bread Ibak’d in Cream, the raw Yolks of I a cou- 01 a couple of Es, minc’d all tx)geth6( Ml joutided i .a Mortar. Lay this Farce thin, and put in an Oifler that has been ragoo’d the manner of ragooii them you have eifewhere. Then cover youi Oifterg with the me Farce, and lay them over With beaten %g; then,pour over them a little Butter melted i drudge dieiri with grated Bread, and fet them in an Oven tiQ they become brown, and ferve them up. . Let your Odfters be large, wah thenk, dry theni j beat £ggs well, and dip the Oiftei in tliem, and theri fry. them:. Then put their Liquor, with an Anchofvy, and jbme Butter into a Sauce-pan, and heat thet lay your Oifters in a Diih, pour your Sauce over them and lerve them up- Open large Oifters, and lay them on a Sieve to drains then put them intp a Marinade, of the Juice of thtee or four Lemons, a flic’d Onion, Pepper, . a little Bafil, a Bay-leaQ and five or fvi Qoves. Turn the Oifters often while they lye in this Marinade. Then make a Batter with Flour and Water, one Egg, and a little Salt. Beat thefe well together melt a bit of Butter as big as a Wahsut, and mix it with your Batter: Then e your Oifters out of tte Marinade, tuod dry them well between two Napkins dip the Oi- fters in the Batter, and frv them in clarified Butter, made very hoc When ttiey are firy’d browd, ferve them up on a xlean Napkiii with rarfley fiy’d. If. S itVL. Take two Quarts of large Oifters, parboil them in their own Liquor then Wi diem in warm Water, dry them, bread them, andflour them then fry them criip m clarified Butter j then lay in the IMIh, Pntwntf or Shrimps, buttered with Cream and fweet Butter, and lay the fry’d Oiftiers about them; run them o- ver widi beaten Butter, and the Juice of Oraie; lay Bay-leaves, and Oran or Lemon flic’d round the Oifters . 1%. iDt 01 Put fbme White-wine to the LiqitOr of a Quart of Cifters, and waih them well in it then lay themlh a ttfh i then ajid to the Liquor vou wdh’d tem id a Kttfe more White-wine, Ibme oalt, Pepper, and an Onion minc’d, and ftrain it tx the fMfters in the Difh’ then coTcr the Diih j let them over a Stove or Cha& fing-diih, and ftew theih tifl they are more than half enough then pour them. Liquor and all, into a Fry- ingPan and fry them: Then put in a good Piece of ‘Butter, and fry them again; in the mean dxxle, let the Yolks of five Eggs be beateh up with-Vinegar NutiAeg, ‘and Parfley ihred final!, and put them into the Frying-pan to your Oifters, keeping them contimv- ally fHrrii: When they have had a thorough walm pour them into a Difh and ierve them up. I J; flDftttru griU’ft • Butter Scdlop-ihclls very well; cwt off the Fins of your Oifters, and featen them, lightly, with SaltJ Pepper, and Parfley ibred •, Iky theranto the Sheik, and pour to them their ov Liquor, and co them with grated Bread – let tftem ftew for half an Hour, and brown them irith a red hot Irpn, and ferve tiem up. •i4.’Co fwBl iDttteW’ •!” Parboil three Pints of Oifters. in their own Li quor, mjpce a Quart of them imall, and flew them in a quarter of a Pint of iite-wine Vinegar, and aa Onion quartered; two Blades of Mace, grated Nut- meg, vhelhots flic’d and Pifbches add to them Sah Pepper, half a Pound of Iwect Butter, and a Faggot of la voury Herbs, let tliefe ftew txether oveiya gea tie Fire, and ftalbn the Pint of Oifters you left, with Salt Pcppcr and Nutmeg, and fty them in Batter made of Flour, Cream and Eggs; put m a little Spi- nagc to make it gf een, and Ierve them up with Ijc noQ Juice gamim with flic’d Oranges and 01iTe& 01 1$. Shwttt WHtiV Take three Pints of large Oifters parboil them, and preferve their Liquor j then mince a Quart of them very fine, and,te fhem in a Pipkin with Ibme of the Oilier Lujiiorj a quarter and Imlf a Pint of White- wincj an Oniony grated Nutmegs and large Mace, two .Spoonfuls of; Whjte-wine Vinegar, three t uii9es of Butter, fome Piflaches and Chefhuts, fome Salt, Pep- per,’ .and a J’aggot of fweet fjjrbsi let all theie ftew togetlr over a gentie l?ire ior half an Hour. Then fealbn.thg odier;Pint of Qifters with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmegs -dip theni in . BitteJ: made of Blour, gg% Salt, and .Creamy (the One half of the fatter J: eing made gren with the Juice of pmage,. and iweet iitxi ihred iimll) and .fry them in clarified Butter z Then let them by, and keep. them warm’: Cut Sip- pets, fteep them lyiijli ibmeMrivy,.of the Halh, or Oler ‘ Mqio%3 and White-‘Wine boifd togethfr: Lay the. Sipptsf jin a . Diih, and .the .Halh-‘upon them, and . ti nf’l Oifters. ijpon . the Hafli, tith the -Piftaches, jand Chelhuts Then’ beat’ up a SaucB lOf Bvittflr,r;.. Whiter-wine. jl”icej of Oranges, cr Lemons, 4d .liie Yolfc,of’,,Em, pour this Sauce over the Halh lay on dices of Lemon and- Le- mon Peel. Gamil the Diib, wffc fryM Oifters, canr’d Laa9 Cheih’iriftach, aiw grated Brad drfd -:;:TAK.B:.leveral, vfWw; Rolls, 9t. Holes on tac top,;JI Wtf!6he .hiignp6 of tialf-prcwq fcoop o)all the Cunfb, but do .not jbreak thc.Cruft. Stew Oifter’ m their i own JUquor, with, a littl White-wme, Salt cJijadcf Peppf, H? apda 31ade or two of JVliice: ScwnJ tljem apd thickea the Liqitor with a tit of jgltucer. roirdpg in Flour: Then fill uplthe Rolls with e and lay.: fhe Pieces yoij cut out, dp. them inr ta jcldii Mil. or..Cream put Vhem into a ‘jMaza- renc-dilh; pour melted Butter over them j let tKem in • as O I att Oveti inodcarately hot, tUl they are crilp, and fertre thexn up. 17. Co picllt flDlfteriS. Take the largeft Oiftersi tvaih them well in their own Liquor, drain them in a Sieve drain the Liquor, mtt them into a Sauce-pan, and for every Quart of Oi- flersput in a Ipoonfulof Salt, a Race of Ginger, three Blades of Mace, half a Nutmeg ait iri tlire’e Pie- ctSy twelve G)ms of whole white Pepper, and twelve whole Cloves •, let them on the Fire, and let theto Cin- mer gentiy for feven or eight Minutes, and give them a turn before they are quite enough j put in two ipoon- fuls of Whitewine Vinegar, let them have a Walm or two, take them off the Fire, put them up into earthen Pots, and (top them up clofe for ufe. 18. Simtbtt diQiap; . Put your Oifter Liguor. into a Pipkin with fom whole long Pepper, Salt, an Onion flit, fome Bay Leaves, a Race of Ginger flic’d, and good deal of Macej boil thefe well together, then put iri the Oifters, and let them boil for a quarter of an Hour; then piit them in- to the ejirthen Pot you defign to keep them in j give your Pickle two or three Boils, let it by till it is cold, then put it t6 the Oifters, and, if you plealc, you may put in a Clove or two of Garlick. 194 iSnotlier Slla, Take a hundred of large Oifters, pour theLiqiior into a Porringer, cut off the Beards, put them in their own Liquor, let them boil for half im Hour over a gentle Fire, fcum them clean •, then take them off tht Fire, take out the Oifters, and alfo a Pint of the Li- quor while it is hot, put to it a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves, and better than . a quarter of an Ounce of Mace •, then fet the Liquor over the Fire till it boils then put the Liquor to die Oifters, and ftir up the Spice well among the Oifliets j then add half a ipoonfol f Salt, and almpft half a Pint of White-wine Vinegar, and half A quarter of aft Ounce of whole Pepper, theii lit them by till they are cold, then put your Oifters OI into AtVdM you defi to Iceep diem m tlienfiBthe Barrel up with Liquor and flop them up clofe. 20 0 maltE an €)ifier 3e . Take a Quart of OMters, open tncm, take qT ttteir Taiky dram tEem from their Liquor -, ten taJce a good hand&l; of Flonr, work it with a quarter of a Pound of Butter, and a fpqonful or two of Water j then part it in two, and roB out each half as if it were for & Tart lay one half of your Pafte in a Mazarine Diih or a Fafly-pan, then mix a quarter of a Pound of Bju- ter widi two oonfiils of grated Bread, an Anchpyy and iomeParfley minc’d, ieadb:;! it with a little heaten Pepper and Iciap’d Nutmeg -, lay half of your mix’d Butter, Anchovy and Parlfcy bi the Bottom of your Pyc; then lay chi your Oifters, but not more thapi two or three thick; then lay the reft of your Butter, Par- fley and Anchovy on the Top, and lay on a Sie or two of Lemon , then wet it about with iome of tjie liquor of your Oiflers, ftrew a little beaten Pegr and Nutmeg over your Oifters, and put in two fyiXXh fills of their Liquor , then turn it up as you do a Tart a torn the Edge of your Pafte an Inch high: Bake it, then cut up the Lid, and iqueeze in a Lemon ihake it together, cut your Lid in Pieces and lay round it, fervc it for a firft Courfc. PjiUBOXL very large Oifters. then leaicm them wjth Sak, beaten Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace, mince a couple of Onions, Winter Savoury, Thyme and Par- fley very linall, mix thefe with grated Bread, and all with your Oifters j put them into your Pye with CheA nuts boil’d and blanch’d, • the Yolks of hard Eggs cut in halves, and Potatoes boil’d and peel’d •, lay over them Marrow, dices of Lemon, Butter, feme Blades of Mace, and dole up your Pye, bake it in a gentle Oven •, when it is done, pour in Oifter Liquor White-wine, thie Yolks of a couple of Eggs and drawn Butter ihake it wett together, iet it into the Oven again for a little while, and ierve it up. OI – 12. 0 fiiafcc t Hagoo Df iSDi(let0 f9; ifleE() iDaptf. Having opened your Oifters put them intda Pipi kin with their own Liquor, give them a Wahn or two ever the Fire, to blanch theni, and lay them in a Diih, having deans’d them -, tols up Ibmc M ufhrooms and Truf fles in a Sauce-pm with a litctle melted Bacon put to them ibme Gravy, let them fimmer a while, and thicken it with a CuUis of Veal and Ham j put your Oifters to them, fet them on the Fire, give them a Warm, but let them not boil, ierve them up in Plates and little Diflies. 1?. mait a laargoo ot iDiHtts to% Ht Ibufil When yoiir Oifters areopen’d, blanch’d and cleans’d as above m the former Receipt, and you have tofs’d up Muflirooms and Truffles in freih Butter, fimmet them in Fiih Broth inftead of Gravy, thicken it with a meagre CuUis, put in your Oifters, give them a Heat, and ierve them up in little Diihes. 24. 0 toait iDtffetjf. Take the largeft Oifters, parboil them in their own liquor, waft them in warm Water, dry them with Cloth, then lard them with fuie Lard, fpit them on Skewers, ftrew over them Pepper, Cloves and Nutmeg beaten fine, tye theSUcewers to a Spit, and (b roaft them; bafte them with Anchovy Sauce, and feme of their own Liouor j when they are roafted, drudge them with grated Bread, dift them with Gravy, blowing off the at, then add Juice of Oranges or Lemons. Parboil large Oifters, clean them well, dry them,’ leaibn Lardons with Pepper, Cloves, and Nutmeg beaten fine, and lard your Oifters with them: Then fpit. them on wooden Spits, and tye them on to ano- ther Spit i and roaft them: Make Anchovy Sauce with fome of their own Liquof, and bafte them with it and let them drip into the fame Dift in which the lauce n When they are roafted enough, bread them with grated Cruft, and when they are brown, blow the rat fi:om the iauce wherewith you bafted X % them. O I them, dilh them put this Sauce to them, fqucezc Lemon-juice into them, and ferve them up. 26. Co fouce £ fffetjj Take two Quarts of large Oifters, parboil them in their own Liquor, put them into a Cullender, lave the Liquor then walh them in warm Water •, then make a Pickle for them with half a Pint of White-wine, and half a Pint of Wine-vinegar put into a Pipkin with Salt, whole Pepper, Ginger, and Nutmeg flic’d, a couple of Cloves, and a Blade or two of Mace 5 give it four or five Walms •, then put in your Oifters with a Lemon flicM, and fome Lemon-peel: Cover the Pipkin clofe. Thele are to be eaten either hot or cold 27. Co ffeto fl iffcrsf Put a Quart of large Oifters into a Pipkin, with a Pint of White-wine, and a Uttle of the Oifter Li- quor, a couple of Shalots, a couple of Anchovies, a little Thyme, and fome Blades of Mace; ftew them gently for near a quarter of an Hour j thicken the Liquor with a little Flour, and when they are enough, put in about half a Pound of Butter, ihake them well together, lay them on Sippets: Gamiih the IWh with Slices of Lemon and Barberries, and ferve them up. 28. SlmtlotT WT Take a.Qiiart of Oifters, parboil them in their own Liquor, waih them in warm Water, dry them with a Cloth, take off the Fins, flour them, and fry them very white in clarified Butter: Then put them into a Diih with White-wine, fome Vinegar, Salt, large Mace, grated Nutmeg, fome Slices of Orange and Iweet Butter j let them ftew a little, then diih tlicm on Sippets, pour the Sauce on them, run them over with beaten Butter; gamiih with IKces of O-‘ range or Lemon, and icrve them up. ap- Co fft’tD £)ifterg tlje French WOlf. Parboil a Quart of Oifters in their own Liquor, walh them in warm Water, beard them and put them t OL them inta a Kpkin, with a little of their ovm Li- quor, White-wine, Salt, Pepper, and a whole Oniony and let them ftew ’till they are half enough j then put them, liquor and all, into .a Frying-pan, and fjy them a little; then put in a Lump of freih But ter, and fiy them a little longer j then take the Yolks of four Eggs diiBlv’d in Vinegar, with minc’d Parfley, and grated Nutmegs put thefe into the Fry- ing-pan to the Oifters, ihake them, let them have a Walm or two, and ferve them up. 30. Co mafee an £ lfD Fill a Pot tJiat will hold three Gaflons, with faiu Water, put in a Rump of Beef, two Neats Tongues green, boil’d and larded, alio a couple of dry’d Neats Tongues, and Bolonia Saufages boil tliera together, fcuih the Pot well j and when thejr have boil’d two Hours, put in Mutton, Pork, Venifon, and Bacon ait in bits as big as. a Duck’s Egg’ put in likewife . Turnips, drrots. Onions, and Cabbage ait in Pie- ces, the • Bignefs of your Meat •, Ibme Borage, En dive. Marigolds, Sorrel, and other fwect Herbs grofly fhrd, and lR me Spinage whole y and you may alio add French Barley, or Lymes dry or green. A little be- fore you diih your Olio out, put in ibme Saffron, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, lx. Then put into another Pot, a Goole or Turkey, of Capons, Pheaiimts, Wid geons, and Ducks, two of each Partridges, ‘ Teals, and Stock-Doves, four of each-, Snipes halt a dozen Quails two dozen and Larks four dozen boil them in Water and Salt AUp iet on in a Pipkin, with a little White-wine, ilrong Broth, and fweet Butter Bottoms of Artichokes, and Cheihuts boil’d and bJanch’d, with a couple of Colly-flowers ibme Bread, Marrow, Yolks of hard Eggs, large Mace and Saffron: When theie are ready, diih your Olio thus Firft, your Beef VeaJ,.or Pork-, then your Venifon, Mut- ton. Tongues, Sauiages, and roots over them all: Then next lay your largeft Fowls, as 6rft a Goole or Tur key, .a couple of Capons, a couple of Pheaiants, fcmr ‘ X 3 “Ducks, OL Ducks, four Widgeons, foiir Ssock-Doves, four Par- txidges, eight Teals, twelve Snipes, twenty-four Quails and forty-eight Larks. Then pour in your Broth, and put on your Pipkin of CoIly-flowcrs, ArtichcAcs, Cheihuts, Ibme Sweet-breads fry’d. Yolks of hard Eggs, Marrow boil’d in ftrong Brodi, Piftachcs, Mace and Saffron j all being finely ftew’d, over all ibme red Beet$, flices of Lemon, and Lemon Peel whole, and am it o ¥er with beaten Butter. Take any lort of good Meat, Part of a Buttock of Beef, a Leg of Mutton, a Filet of Veal, foipp raw Gammon, Chickens, Pidgeons, Ducks, Partridges, and Quails, and ibme Saufages, and a Cervelas, aB roafted or fry’d brown: Put aH theft into a Pot, one after another, according to the time tliat 6ach WA rc- ijuirc for boiling it, and make a thickening Liquor of brown Sauce to be mingled together. When it boils, foum it well, feafon your Meat with Salt, Pepper, Ging, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Coriander Seed pounded together •, then add fome Iweet Bafil and Thyme, ty’d up in a Linen-cloth j then fcald Turnkxs, CatWs, Parfhins, Leeks, Onions, Parfley-roots:, alto Cabbage, xA otner Herbs in Bunches. When your Potage is boiPd, break fome Crufts in Pieces, and lay a foakii in die Broth, after you have taken oS all the Fat and jeafon’d it well: Before you ferve it up, put in a good deal more of the Broth, having taken off the Fat; then dreft your Meats and Fowls, garniih them witH Hoots. 32. flndDlio feiV Qhttixmtu Pu T Filh-brotb and gooid Peas-foop, into a Pbt, with the Herbs and Roots mentioned in the other ‘ Receipts for Olios, “and let them boil together, as long as is requifite j then drefi your Olio with a Loaf ef white Bread in the midft of it, – and gamilh witf ROQtS, 3 f OL j3 C0 male u SD(J faltetr SXlbtf Taxis, the Caul of a Brcaft of Veat, lay m it a Xyer of Bacon i ihm take the Fleih of Rabbets or Chickens, or the Lean of a Filet of Veal, rnA as much Beefmarrow as you have Meat, with a coaple of Aichovies, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, beaten Mace;, a ffew Oifters a Buiich of Gcet Herbs, as Marprani Winter-iavoury, Thyme, Spinage, Sorrel, a few Cives Mufhrooms, the Yolks of hard Eggs, and a Kttfe Le- mon Peel y then lay this Compound on your Layer of Bacon, and a Layer of Bacon upon that, and io pro- ceed to lay Layer on Layer, till you have laid it a& in your Caul y then roll it up hard, in the Cad, and cither roaft or bake it as you pteale. When it is e- nough, cut it into Slices and ierve it up in aDiib with ftrong Gravy-laiKe ? 4. ‘Ca make an £J!f be iftojtnufnc- Gut Leg of Veal into thin Slices, beat them wndk a Knife i leafon them with Salt, Pepper, Mac and Cloves, cut a Pbimd of fat Bacon into ti Saccs, roll them up one by one, with a Slice; of Veal m tfac middle: Then put them in a Difli witii Bs of farc’d Meat, Ibme Oifters, two or three Shalots, and iome Anchovies, and flices of Lemon par’d. Put in half a Pint of ftroiig Broth, a quarter of a Fint of Gravy, half a Pint of ‘White-wine, and half a Pound of Bat- ter. Cover yoin: Florendine with Puff-pafte and bake it. 35. 0 mafee an iaDUbr ppe CiT Veal or Mutton into thin Slices, beat them wth the Flat of your Knife, fpread them abrdad: Then mince it fihall, togetlier with hard Eggs;, thde Herbs following Sage, Parfley, Thyme, Marjoram, Savoury, Endive, Spinagi Strawberry-leaves, Violet- leaves and Sorrel. Plit to them Salt, Pepper, Cin- narfncMi, Nutmeg, Sir and Currans, Ibme Dates, Raifizls, and Gbofeberries minced finall: Mix all thde wdl together, smd flxcw them on your Slices of Mut- ton and Veal then roll them up, and put them into a Pyej lay oti the cop of them Mam w, JhteSj large X 4 Wbcc OM Mace and Butter, clofe up your Pye, and bale it; when it is done, liquor it with Butter, Verjui;t5, and Sugar, and lb lerve it up. 3d. Co niftfee an flDmelct of (EgjjJ. When you have beat your Eggs, fealon them with Salt and whole Pepper, and fry them in good ftore of Irelh Butter made boiling hot; then put to your Eggs three or four Ipoonfuls of good Gravy, and ftrew over them Gives and Parfley ihred Ihiall. When one fide is fry’d enough, turn it on the other, and fquccze in the Juice of an Orange or Lemon. 37 Co make an £)meUt Voitb &asar.; Whip up the Whites of as many Eggs as yoiplea(e, put to them a little Salt, and Milk-cream, with a lit- tle Lemon Peel flired finall. Beat thele well together and fry it, Strew Sugar over it in the Frying-pan, and as it is frying turn it on the fide that is coloured: Turn a Difh that you delign to lay it upon down- wards J ftrew it over with Sugar and candyd Lemon Peel miiic’d finall, and ice it with a red hot Iron, and frye ‘ it up to Table. ” 38. Co matea farcEft melet Take the Breaft of a roaftedFowI, cut into iquare Pieces in th Form of a Die-, do the like by Mulh- rooms, and boilM Gammon, and Truffles, and Capons Livers, and other Ibrts’ of Garniture, all drels’d in a Ragoo. Ih the mean time make the Omelet j but before you drefs it in the’Dilh, put fome Bread in it, ether Crutn or Cruft, and turn your Ragoo into die iame. Frying-pan When, it is ready, moiften it with a little Gt’avy, and lerve it up to Table, 39. Co make an jmeUt tlc Turkifli JiRinap. Take the Flefti of the hinder Part of an Hare, or any other Venilbn, mipce it finall with fat Bacon j AU’ jnonds, Spanijh or Hael-nuts, peefd; Tiftaches, or Pine-apple Kernels French or panijh Cheihuts roaft- Cd andcefd or Crufts of Bread cut in” Slices and toafted •, leafon thefe with Salt, Spices, land lavoury jicrbsi if your Flelh be raw, add ‘Marrow and But- – ter, OR ter, or BeeC-iuet minc’d, and melted in a Pipkin. Pour this into your leafbned mincM Meat, and fry it; then melt Butter in a Sauce-‘pan, and make an Omelet of it i when it is half fiy’dj put it to the minced Meat; thai lay the Omelet in a Diih, take Care not to break it, let the minc’d Meat be upper-moft, pour on fome Gravy with . grated Nutmeg ftick in it Ibme Sippets of fry’d Manchet, and Slices of Lemon. 40. jnton8 to litter Peel thfm, put them into boiling Water, boil them well, drain them in a Colander, and butter them whole with bpiPd Currans, Sugar, and beaten Cinna- mon y ferve them up on Sippets, ftrew fine Sugar ofvcr them, and nin them over with beaten Butter. 41. 0nott)et Map. Mince your Onions and flice fome Apples, but more Apples than Onions j and bake them in a Pan with Houihold Bread j tying a Paper over the Pan; Ijijtter them with Butter, Sugar and boifd Currans % lerye them upon Sippets, and ftrew over them fine Su- gar aqd Cinnamon powdered. 42. Co make h magoo of iS nioni. Stew forty or fifty Onions a la Braife then peel them, put them into a Sauc-pan with fome CuUis of y eail and Ham, and let them fimmer for fome time when tliey have ftew’d enough, put in fome Cullis and Muftard to bind your Ragoo j you may ufe it in all thofe Dilhes with whicli it is proper to eat Onions. 43 . Co maiie nlon &aace.; Cu T a couple of Onions into flices, put them into a Sauce-pan with fome Veal-gravy, and let them fim- mer a while over a gentle Fire; leafon with Salt, and Peppc;r, ftrain it through a Sieve and ufe it. 44 Co make ja);anse Butter -Take two Quarts of new Cream, beat it up to a confiderable thickneis; then put to it a quarter of a Pint of Orange-flower-wateTjand a quarter of a Pint of Claret; being beaten to the thickneis of Butter, it irvill have both the Scent and Colour of Orange. …. …… . j O R Make a high Candy of dotible refitfd Sugr, im: witlx Watr take preferv’d Otatigcs, and draw them througli the Candy, ajftd lay tliem on a Htirdle aad fix)vc thfcm. TuKK or 2£ft yom Oranges, fcald them fa Water j then let them lye to cool y then ait them into ices r, if you pleale into roimd Pieces crols-wife take out the Kernels v pttt the Frait into Water: Make a l)e- codSon of Apples with Siigaf y reduce it Imoft to a Jelly, and flip yonr Oraies into it: Of el you may put them into Sngar, newly ftrain’d throtigh the ftraihing Bag, and give thent eight of ten boilings: Then let them by, and foa may finiih them when you plea-fe, by givii them twenty more boilings in or- der to drcls the Compoft, and” ferve it op to Table;. 47 Co Djp jjaR$ Take SevH Oranges, Icrape or ralp off their out- ward Rinds, then cut thenr in halves, arid take out their Pulp, lay them a Ibak in WtcJr for duee or four • Days, fliift them into frefh Water, and boil fthcm y flrift the Water while th are boiling to take away their bittemeft, and bml them tiH they are ten- der: Then take them out and wipe thm dry with a dean Cloth: Then put to them clarified Sugar as itnicK as will cover them •, then iec them on the ire, let them boil gently for two Hours y then take tlieirt off, put them into an earthei Pan,, let them ftand for four Days •, then put them on the Fire again, when they are thorough hot, take them out and let them drain i Then boil frefli Sugar to a candy height, and put your Oranges to it hot make it boil up then take thcitt out, lay them on a Sieve, or Wire-grate, and fet them in a Stove to dry, which they will be m about tan Days. Then you may ufe them. After the &m;& aoacmer you may candy! LemonSi. OR 4S. Co make jfasgotd of jangen Orakge Peels, that are tumd and par’d very thin, arc often preferv’d, e(pecially thole of Iweet (jL ranges, drawing them out to as great a length, as is poffibk, and thefe are commonlv calPd Faggdts. To do this, fcald them in Water, till they are 16ft then put them into Sugar newly clarified letting it have twenty boilings: Then remove them, and let them by: The nc3Ct Day make the Syrup finooth, and flip tnc Orange Parings into it, and give them two or three’ boilings. On the third Day, drain them, and boil the Sugar to its pearled Quality, give them a coveid boiling then take them off, and dftribute them into Pots. If you would dry them, make other Sugar white, by rubbing it on one fide of the Pi, witi the La- dle, and boiling it till it be feathered. Then flip in your Faggots and drefs them ih Rocks. 49. Co mateotmlatieofja)aitge0. Take a fcorc of fair Sevil Oranges, jrc diem, cut them in halves j lqueez;e out the Juice into a Ba- Ibn, and let it in a cool Place: Lay the half Oran- ges a fteep in Water for one Night then boil them, ihiftmg the Water feveral times, till all the bittemels is out, and they are Very tender then dry them, pick out the Skins and Seeds, pound them in a Mor- tar, adding a Pound of Sugar to every Pound of Pulp j then bcnl both Sugar and Pulp afanoll to a candy height •, then take the Juice of all the Oranges, and Iqueease in Juice of five op fix Lemons, and fbain it; add to it its weight of fine Sugar; pour thefe into 3rour Pulp and Sugar, and then boil it all together a good pace till it will jelly. When it is done, put it in GlaJi and keep them covered. 50. 9o male syiBzt pade Boil your OraMcs in Water, putting a handfiil of Salt into die firft Water, fliifiang them half a dosse& times in the boiling: Then beat them in a wooden iMortar or Bowl with a wooden PefUe, ftraio the Pulp and O R and take an equal weight of doiibie refin’d Sugar, boil it to a candy height dry ic on Plates, and iaihioci it into what Forms you pleafe. i. %tf fttititt iian%t in mttxi oi &ttcfot.; Take Sevil Oranges, either turn or zeftthem, then cut them into Quarters or into Sticks, taking cdSf the Skin, and cut the Meat j then having fet Water on the Fire, throw them into it when boiling hot j boil them till they will flip off from a Pin, and then they are e- nough -, then take them out, let them by to cool, put them into frefli Water, boil them again, take them out, drain tliem, wipe them dry then boil them in clarified Sugar, giving them feven or eight cover’d Boilings, then fet them by to cool •, then fet them on again and boil them till the Syrup becomes almoil iinooth then take them out the next Day, and put them in a Sieve to firain, while you boil the Sugar to the pearled Quali- ty then pour it on the Oranges, let it ftand till you judge it expedient to dry them, pbferving the Dircfli- pn fpr tdCmons. Take thq beft d largcft iSw Oranges, either tun pr zeft them, then cut a roqnd Hole at the Stalk-End, put them into a Copper or Btals Pan of Water, boiling hot, boil them, over a Woqd or Charcoal Fire till they are lb tender that you can thruft a Straw thro’ them; let the Water bq fliifted tliree times, taking them off the Fire, and every tiine putting them into cold Water, and let your Wgtec be boiling hot, when you put them in again to ly)il every tiine -, whet) they are cold, take out the Meat with a iinall wooden Spatula Xwhich you may make on purpoie,) and when you have dear’d them of the Meat, put them one by one into dear Water, and let them ftand for forty eight Hoijrs, fluf- ting the Water every twelve Hours. If you ufe Powder Sugar, firft clarify it with Eggs, putting a Pint and half of Water to every Pound of Sugar, fcumming it; very cln, and ftrainjng it thro’ a woollodBg. – . ” ” OR Put your Oranges into a Sieve to drain, dien lay them one by one in aPreferving-pan, on a fingle Rowj then put to them as much Syrup as will well boil them then put them on the Fire, as feon as they have had a boil, take them off, and ftt them by for twenty four Hours •, then let them on the Fire again, and give them a gentle boil for half a quarter of an Hour then fet them by till the next Day, and then boil them again till they arc enough, which you may know by putting a Drop of Syrup on your Finger, for if it be enough it will rope: ¥ou muft remember to turn them while they arc boiling, that they may be preftrv’d all over j when they are done, fet them by till tliey Jelly, and make fome Jdly of Pippins and put to them j but be- fore you take your Pippin-Jelly from the Fire, to every Pint of Jelly ueeze in the Juice of a couple of Le- mons i then mingle the Syrup they were preierv’d in with your Kppin Jelly, fill your Pots, let them ftand till the next Day j then lay wet Papers upon them, dry ones over them, and tye them down dole. The beft way is to weigh the Oranges after they are boil’d, and to allow two Pound of double-refin’d Su- gar to every Pound otOranges, and a Quart of Spring Water to every two Pounds of Sugar, to make the Syrup. If you do them’ in Telly after they are preferv’d, al- low half a Pint of Jelly to every Pound of Oranges, and as much fine Sugar as your Jelly weighs. If you preferve them with their Meat in them, pick the Seeds out with your Finger, at the Hole vou made where the Stalk was -, lee that you do not Doil them too much, leaft they lole their Colour and turn black. %y Slnottiet Wxi in Zeftsi As you zeft the Oranges, throw the Zcfts into fair Water, and the Quarters likewile into inother Pan, to prevent their turning black •, then heat Water and put yoijr Zfts in it, and Icald them till they are loft, then flip them into frelh Water, cool them, and order them them .with Sugar, putting liir every two Found of cla- rified Sugar, a Idle fiifl of Water into a Pan-, heat all, over the Fire, as long as you can endure to hoid your Finger in it Jn ths mean time drain your O- raie ZeAs, and flip them into an earthen Km, and pour the bat Sugar upon them till th are loai’d thoroughly V the next Day put them into a Cdander to drain while you boil the Syrup till it becomes linooth then pour this Synip again upon your Zeds, do the like the third Day, when you have brought it to its pcarl’d Quality, fmd augment it with little Siar; then dnun your Chips;ain on the fourth Day, and dry them on Sieves, or Wire-Crates j. turn them now and then till they are d)y, ami then put them up ia Boxes. 54. flnotret mag in &U; Zest your Oranges, cut your Pulp into flices, ani flit diem again in their Thicknefs, to render them very thin, Icald thele Slips in Water dll they are very ibft; then take clarified Sugar newly paft throu the flrai- nin fiag, fet it on the Fire, and when it is reaify to boil, throw in your Slips, and let them hare twenty JBoiUngs: The next Day boil the Sugar fiuooth, and flip them into it, give them ftven or eight BoiUi; If they were made ready in the Mommg, you may bring the Sugar to its pearl d Quality, or elTe oo the third Day give them a cover’d Boiling j then put them into Pots in order to be dryd, vEhich is to be done as follows. Drain your Orange Slips well from their Sjmip, aod put them into Sugar boil’d to its feather’d Qyalityi let them have a cover’d Boil’d, ftirring them fbme- times; then take the Pan from the Fire, and as toon 1 endure to touch the Handles, begin to work and make it white by nibbu and heatiiM Back of the Ladl£ againft the Side of the take up the Oraie Sips with a couple of Q them, and let them be foak’d in the Su- f be well iced over; then lay them upoa Hurdl Hurdles drdsM la Rocks, Isy wbadi tbbss dm y be ipeedily dry’d, aad bnxfht m Kraig Boii. luif a ckgEcn Qraages pored TincinB vvhite, take thdr Peds aad biftU dKs vcnr:s ral Waters; then beat them wefi m a Mtsrar,iK xi a quarter of a Found of Nks Ksketbi Osd. hi rub it through a Cohuider, and pat in n tql- fjrkr– peel, with the Whites of fiwr, and Y-Ha’zx ii F and iealbn it with Salt, Nutmeg ari Snaar -:ti zn add fome Marrow if you F’; V?r a Fs t::: Pafle put kyour Pudding aivl baW x. 56. Co make itrap Csrts. Take a dozen very fair SerrilCzj Rinds as thin as you can, that Ibme of::i V remain on the Qraage, as you pzicdaea d into fair Water, then cut them in Ihr% 5-1 r- the Juice into a Baiba then throw daesi ac ri V . ter again, put in half a Pint of Vikxs: r v-jx ‘– cover it up, and iet it by tSl yoo ha-e Vi’i t: V ranges tender in fcveral Warers, to tiir cx tic ir temcft 1 then take out the Skim and ftbar Ph-t -CI, the infidcs, and throw them vr Water sfr yr – cut them intx) flkes, and dry them bi Crjcr i– – die Juice and Water out of the Sadsj zjx i – . ipoonfiils into every Tart, fwcetss’d irx fcc Vjg- thcfe will be enough for twelve Tarn, ‘ will be done as fixm as the Crjft n z – J;r’- mix them with Apple if you pleafe. – – 57. Co ttttn £ !atifts no To torn Oranges or LaaooK, to: a .,,,- the liiperficial Rind or Peel on ck Oj-‘iL’ r – good Penknife, very thin and narroir, –:nE’r .’,;’ about the Orange or Lcmoo; ft tJa – -t-‘,1 tended to the Length of ftvcral Yi-i “‘ ?8.1o3tftfl)Mi!gej ” You mud cot the Peel or Rind -‘-ca -r _ . . torn into iiaaU Slips, as thin as is yjdj ‘ ” OR them with Sugar putting for every two Pound of cla rifled Sugar, a Ladle fiifi of Water into a Pan heat ally over the Fire, as long as you can endure to hold your Finger in it. In the mean time drain your O- range Zefts, and flip them into an earthen ran, and pour the hot Sugar upon them till they are ioak’d thoroughly v the next Day put them into a Grander to drain while you boil the Syrup tHl it becomes fmooth then pour this Synip again upon your Zeils, do the like the third Day, whoi you have brought it to its pearFd Quality, and augxxient it with little Svigar then drain your Chips again on the fourth Day and dry them on Sieves, or Wire-grates turn them now and then till tlaey are d, and then put them up in Boxes. 54. Sbxottt Map Ui faUfok Zest your Oranges, cut your Pulp into flices, aivi flit tliem again in their Thicknefs, to render them very thin, Icald thefe Slips in Water till they are very ioft then take clarified Sugar newly pail through the flrai- ning Bag fet it on the Fire, and when it is ready to holSy iJirow in your Slips, and let them have twenty Boilings: The next Day boil the Sugar finooth, and flip them into it, give them feven or eight Boilings: If they were made ready in the Morning, you may bring the Sugar to its pearl d Quality, or elfe on the third Day give them a cover’d Boiling j then put them- into Pots in order to be dryd, which is to be done as foUows. Drain your Orange Slips well from their Syrup, SHid pit them into Sugar boil’d to its feathcr’d Quality let them have a cover’d Boil’d, fHrring them jbm&- times , then take the Pan from the Fire, and as loon as you can endure to touch the Handles, begin to work the Sugar, and make it white by rubfamg and heatii it with the Back of the Ladl agamfl the Side the Pan, then take up the Orange Slips with a eouple of Forks, turn them, and let them be foak’d in the Su- gar till they be well iced over -, dien lay tlm upon Huroles R . Hurdles drcls’d in Rocks, by which means thcjr wifl be edily dry’d, and brought to Perfeftiorv 5 s . C9 mafci an iBmit iiKitns Boil luif a dos&en; Oranges pared very fine from the hitc, take their Peels ami boil them very tender in feve- ral Waters -, then beat them well in a Mortar then boil a quarter of a Pound of Naples Bisket in Cream, and rub it through a Cotaader, and put it to your Orange- peel, with th Whites of four, aijd Yolks of fix Egg?, and iealon it with Salt, Nutmeg and Sugar (you may add fome Marrow if you pleafe,) iheet a ran with Pafte, put in your Pudding and bake it, 5 6. Co male j?anae Carte Take a dozen very fair Sevil Oranges, pare off the Rinds as thin as you can, that ibnie of the Yellow may remain on the Orange j as you pare them, throw them into fair Water, then cut them in Halves, and Iqueeze the Juice into a Bafon; thte throw them into the Wa- ter again, put in half a Pint of Water to your Juice, cover it up, and fet it by till you have boil’d the O- ranges tender in feveral Waters, to take out the Bit- tcmcft , then rake out the Skins and ftringy Parts from the infidcs, and throw them into Water again j then cut them into flices, and dry them in ‘a Cloth, ftrain the Juice and Water out of the Seeds j put four or five ipocmfiils into every Tart, fweeten’d with fine Sugar; thcfe will be enough for twelve Tarts, bake them, they will be done as loon as the Crufl is enough you may?mix them with Apple if you pleafe. 57 0 turn jSEansesi anD iLemonu. To turn Oranges or Lemons, you mufl pare off the luperficial Rind or Peel on the Outfide, with a good Penknife, very thin and narrow, turning it round about the Orange or Lemon; fb that it may be ex- tended to the Length of leveral Yards or Fathoms. ? 8. 0 seft zatiges oj iLemoni. You muft cut the Peel or Rind from Top to Bet- toin into iinall Slips as thin as is poflible. 5. (JIj O R them with Sugar putting for every two Pound of cla- rified Sugar, a ldle fiifi of Water into a Pan heat ally over the Fire as long as you can endure to hold your Fiagier in it. In the mean time drain your O- range Zefts, and flip them into an earthen ran, and pour the hot Sugar upon them till they are ioak’d thoroughly y the next Day put them into a Colander to drain while you boil the Syrup till it becomes Imooth then pour this Symp again upon your Zefls, do the like the third Day, whoi you have brought it to its pearFd Quality, and augment it with little Svigar then drain your Chips again on the fourth Day and dry them on Sieves, or Wire-grates turn them now and then till they are d, and then put them up in Boxes. 54. J9notltt Map in fblifA. Zest your Oranges, cut your Pulp into flices, aivi flit tliem again in their Thicki, to render them very thin, Icald thefe Slips in Water dll they are very ioft then take clarified Sugar newly pafl through the flrai’ ning Bag, fee it on the Fire, and when it is ready to boi iJirow in your Slips, and let them have twenty Boilings: The next Day boil the Sugar finooth and flip tnem into it, give them feven or eight Boilings: If they were made ready in the Morning, you may bring the Sugar to its pearld Quality, or cUe on the third Day give them a covert Boilii then put them into Pots in order to be dryd, which is to be done as folbws. Drain your Orange Slips well firom their Syrup, SHid pit them into Sugar boil’d to its feathcr’d Quality; let fhem have a covered Boil’d, fHrring them lbm&- times then take the Pan from the Fire, and as iboo as you can endure to touch the Handles, begin to work the Sugar, and make it white by rubfamg and beatk it with the Back of the Ladll ainft the Side of the Pan, then take up the Orange Sips with a eoupb of Forks, turn them, and let them be foak’d in the Su- gar till they be well iced over then lay tbem upon Hurdles R Hurdles drels’d in Rocks, by which means thcjr will be edily dry’d, and brought to Perfeorv 5 s . C9 mafci an iBmit uNitns Boil half a (kxKen Oranges pared very fine from dK white, take their Peels ami boil them very tender in feve- ral Waters , then beat them well in a Mortar then bo9 a quarter of Poimd of Naples Bisket in Cream, and rub it through a Cotaader, and put it to your Orange- peel, with the Whites of four, aijd Yolks of fix Egg5, and iealon it with Salt, Nutmeg and Sugar (you may add fome Marrow if you pleafe,) iheet a Pan with Pafte, put in your Pudding and bake it. 5 6. Co mafee i?anae Cartsf. Take a dozen very fair Sevil Oranges, pare off the Rinds as thin as you can, that ibnie of the Yellow may remain on the Orange j as you pare them, throw them into fair Water, then cut them in Halves, and Iqueezc the Juice into a Bafon thin throw them into the Wa- ter again, put in half a Pint of Water to your Juice, cover it up, and fet it by till you have boil’d the O- f anges tender in feveral Waters, to take out the Bit- tcmcls then rake out the Skins and fhringy Parts from the infidcs, and throw them into Water again j then cut them into flices, and dry them in ‘a Cloth, ftrain the Juice and Water out of the Seeds, put four or five ipocmfiils into every Tart, fweeten’d with fine Sugar; thefe will be enough for twelve Tarts, bake them, they will be done as loon as the Gruft is enough j you may?mix them with Apple if you pleafe. 57 0 turn jSEnanjesi aiiD iLemonu. To turn Oranges or Lemons, you mufl pare oE the luperficial Rind or Peel on the Outfide, with a good Penknife, very thin and narrow, turning it round about the Orange or Lemon •, fb that it may be ex- tended to the Length of leveral Yards or Fathoms. 8. 0 3cft -flDwnges oj iLemonj. ‘ You rnuft cut the Peel or Rind from Top to Bet- toin into iinall Slips, as thin as is poflible. OR them with Sugar putting for every two Pound of cla- rified Sugar, a Ladle M of Water into a Pan heac ally over the Fire as long as you can endure to hold your Finger in it. In the mean time drain your O- range Zefb, and ilip them into an earthen ran, and pour the hot Sugar upon them till they are ioak’d thoroughly v the next Day put them into a CblaxKler to drain while you boil the Syrup till it becomes iixioathv then pour this Synip again upon your Zeils, do the like the third Day, whoi you have brought it to its pearFd Quality, and augxnent it with little Sigar; then drain your Chips again on the fourth Day, and dry them on Sieves, or Wire-grates turn them now and then till they are d, and then put them up in Boxes. 54. J9notlet Map in SUju Zest your Oranges, cut your Pulp into dices, and flit tliem again in their Thicknefs, to render them very thin, Icald thefe Slips in Water dll they axe very loft then take clarified Sugar newly paft through the ftrai ning Bag, let it on the Fire, and when it is ready to boil, throw in your Slips, and let them have twmt BoiUngs: The next Day boil the Sugar fmooth and flip them into it, give them feven or eight Boilings: If they were made ready in the Morning, you may bring the Sugar to its pearl’d Quality, or eUe on the third Day give them a coverM Boilii, then put them into Pots in order to be dryd, which is to be done as foUows. Drain your Orange Slips well from their Syrup, and pit them into Sugar boil’d to its feathered Quality let fhem have a cover’d Boil’d, ftirring them Ibme- times , then take the Pan from the Fire, and as iocm as you can endure to touch the Handles, begin to work the Sugar, and make it white by rubbmg and. beating it with the Back of the Ladll ainft the Side of the Pan then take up the Orange Sips with a couple of Forks, turn them, and let them be ioak’d in the So gar till they be well iced over , then lay them upoa Hurdles R . Hurdles drefe’d in Rocks, by which means thcjr will be edily dry’d, and brought to Perfeftiorv ss. niafci an iBmi uNitns Bolt half a (JoG&en; Oranges pared very fine from the white, take their Peels and boil them very tender in ieve- ral Waters -, then beat them weH in a Mortar; then boil a quarter of a Pound of Naples Bisket in Cream, and rub it through a Cotaader, and put it to your Orange- peel, with the Whites of four, aijd Yolks of fix Egg5, and iealbn it with Salt, Nutmeg and Sugar (you may add fome Marrow if you pleafe,) iheet a Pan with Pafte, put in your Pudding and bake it, 5 6. Co mafee jjange rtsf- Take a draen very feir Sevil Oranges, pare off the Rinds as thin as you can, that ibnie of the Yellow may remain on the Orange j as you pare them, throw them into fair Water, then cut them in Halves, and Iqueezc the Juice into a Bafon thin throw them into the Wa- ter again, put in half a Pint of Water to your Juice, cover it up, and fet it by till you have boil’d the O- ranges tender in fcveral Waters, to take out the Bit- tcmcls •, then rake out the Skins and ftringy Parts from the infides, and throw them into Water again j then cut them into flices, and dry them in ‘a Cloth, ftraim the Juice and Water ouc of the Seeds j put four or five ipoonfiils into every Tart, iweeten’d with fine Sugar j thefe will be enough for twelve Tarts, bake them, they will be done as foon as the Crufl is enough you may ‘mix them with Apple if you pleafe. 5 7 0 turn jSEansesi aiiD iLemonu. To turn Orangfts or Lemons, you mufl: pare ofi” the liiperficial Rind or Peel on the Outfide, with a good Penknife, very thin and narrow, turning it round about the Orange or Lemon •, fo that it may be ex- tended to the Length of leveral Yards or Fathoms. 8 • 0 3 eft ‘flDzanges o j iLemons. You muft cut the Peel or Rind from Top to Bet- toin into final! Slips, as thin as is poflible. S9. OR them with Sugar putting for every two Pound of cla- rifkd Sugar, a Ladle fufl of Water into a Pan heat ally over the Fire as long as you can endure to hold your Finger in it. In the mean time drain your O- rai3ge Zefb, and ilip them into an earthen ran and pour the hot Sugar upon them till they are ioak’d thoroughly v the next Day put them into a Grander to drain whUe you boil the Syrup till it becomes ixaoodx’y then pour this Synip again upon your Zdls, do the like the third Day, whoi you have brought it to its pearl’d Quality, and augxnent it with little Sifpur; then dmn your Chips again on the fbiuth Day, and dry them on Sieves, or Wire-grates y turn them now and then till tlaey are d, and then put them up in Boxes. 54. Snotn Map in &lipi; Zest your Oranges, cut your Pulp into dices, and flit tliem again in their Thicknels, to render them very thin, Icald thefe Slips in Water dll they are very loft then take clarified Sugar newly pafl: through the ftrai- ning Bag, let it on the Fire, and when it is ready to boiJ throw in your Slips, and let them have twenty Boilings: The next Day boil the Sugar fmooth, and flip them into it, give them feven or eight Boilings: If they were made ready in the Morning, you may bring the Sugar to its pearl d Quality, or eUe on the third Day give them a cover’d Boilmg then put them into Pots in order to be dry’d, which is to be done as follows. Drain your Orange Slips well from their Syrup, said pit them into Sugar boird to its feathered Quality let (hem have a cover’d BoilM, ftirring them ibmc times ‘y then take the Pan from the Fire, and as loon as you can endure to touch the Handles, begin to work the Sugar, and make it white by rubfamg and heating it with the Back of the Ladle againft the Side of the Pan then take up the Orange Sips with a eouple of Forks, turn them, and let them be Ibak’d in the So gar till they be well iced over then lay them upon, Hurdles OR I Hurdles drefe- d in Rocks, by which means thcjr will be cdily dry’d, and brought to PerfeHorv 5 . C9 mafci an iBrnzt iiKitns I Boil half a dkaen Qranes pared very fine from the hitc, take their Peels and boil them very tender in feve- I ral Waters; then beat them weH in a Mortar j then boil I a quarter pf a Pound of Naples Bisket in Cream, and I rub it through a Cofemder, and put it to your Orange- peel, with the Whites of four, aijd Yolks of fix Egg?, I and iealon it with Salt, Nutmeg and Sugar (you may t add ibme Marrow if you pleafe,) flaeet a ran with Pafte, put in your Pudding aivl bake it 5 6. Co mate j?anae %&ttg.; Take adraen very fair ym Oranges, parecrfF the Rinds as thin as you can, that Ibnie of the Yellow may remain on the Orange j as you pare them, throw them into fair Water, then cut them in Halves, and Iqueeze the Juice into a Balbn th(hi throw them into the Wa- ter again, put in half a Pint of Water to your Juice, cover it up, and fet it by till you have boil’d the O- ranges tender in leveral Waters, to take out the Bit- tcmcfs •, then t ike out the Skins and flringy Parts from the infidcs, and throw them into Water again j then cut them into flices, and dry them in ‘a Cloth, ftrain the Juice and Water out of the Seeds j put four or five ipocHifiils into every Tart, fweeten’d with fine Sugar; thcfe win be enough for twelve Tarts, bake them, they will be done as fbon as the Cruft is enough j you may ‘mix them with Apple if you pleafe. 57 0 turn jSEnangesi aiiD iLemonu. To turn Oranges or Lemons, you mufl pare off the liiperficial Rind or Peel on the Outfide, with a good Penknife, very thin and narrow, turning it round about the Orange or Lemon •, 16 that it may be ex- tended to the Length of leveral Yards or Fathoms. ?8. 0 seft’flDjatiges oj iLemoni. ‘ You muft cut the Peel or Rind from Top to Bot- tom into iinall Slips as thin as is pofCble. 55?. O R 5- flDjanst WHatet., . Squeeze the Juice of four Sevil Oranges into twd Quarts of Water, and put in the Pulp and Zefls, let them lie feyeral Hours to. fteep, with a good Lump of Sugar i then pour the Liquor out of one Pot in- to another ieveral times, ftrain it to be cooled and iced 6o.3Lnotiitt QSlap. Pare two dozen Oranges, pat the Peels into a Gal- lon of Canary and a Quart of brandy, add four Drams of Saffi:on •, let thefe fteep together for two Days, then diftU them in a cold Still, with fome fine Sugar and Leaf Gold into the Receiver, and fix Grains of Ambcr- gfeefe this will afford a Gallon of Water •, you may Iweeten it to your Tafte. 6 1. ComafceiSDangea&e; For every Quart of Water take fix Oranges aol two Lemons, Iqueeze out the Juice into the Water, leave the TLefts and Skins fof fome time,,beat up the Water by pouring it out of one Veflel into another then ftrain the Liquor, and let it by to cool. 62. flb;anscat)0 ppr Make a thin Cruft with. hot buttcr’d Pafte then fiice the Oranges and lay over the Bottom pare and core Pippins, cut them into eight Parts, and lay them over the Orai%es then lay Orange on the Pippins, and pour on them fome Syrup of Orangeado lay Stigar on the Top, clpfe up your Pye, bake it, then forape fine Sugar over it. 63. Confetbeof jfiDjanpte iflotoetu Boil two Pounds of Sugar to its feather’d Qualicjr, theft pick a handful of Orange-Flowers, cliop them fmall, and put them into brown Sugar as loon as the boiling ceales, that they may impregnate well with it; thai work the Sugar quite round the Pan, till there be a finall Ice on the Top j then pour off your Conlcrve into Paper Moulds: Let it ftand in them for two Hours or.Ufe. OR f5. Co prefetbe anit Itctoetu Throw the Blowers into Water and Salt, and let them lie for five Days, Icald them in Water with a little Leinon Juice, then having pafs’d Sugar throi the Straining-bag, and heated it on the Fire, the next Morning boal the Sugar ahnoft to its finoodi quality and pour it upon the Flowers. The third Day boil the Sugar tiU it is quite imooth, and pour it upon them Set it by for ibme Time to cool, then drain the Flowers and dry them in powdered Sugar, and lay them in Or- der on Sieves, the next D turn them ontheo- ther iide, and duft them with Sugar put into a Hand- loQichiefl 66. tCo mafte d);atige Holottt aff il5r Dissolve Gom-ragant in Water, mien it isdiflolv cdftrain it through a Cloth, then putit into a Mortar with the Whites of Eggs, put in Orange Flowers into the Mortar and 6ne Sugar, and lift it by little and lit-a tie temper it together till it becomes a plkLble Pafte. Then make your Paftils oi what form you pleaie 67 Co mafe (Cflencc of iflOnge jflotoetiei Steep Orange Flowers in Water, and let them He to infide two Days, then diftil them with a quick Fire, addii Sevil Onmges bruis’d and a good quantity of the outer peel of other Sevil Oranges. When about a quarter of your Liquor is drawn off, imlute the Alem bick and you’l find the Oil Iwimming at top which you ravA take off with Cotton, pour in the dilHl’d Water again, the Oil is to be put into a Ga(s Vial. Reitcr ate this Operation till no more Oil riles: Then remove the Fire and diftil the Water left in the Receiver ag Brandy is redified for Spint of Wine. This will makcj a very good Orange Waten The Eflence or Oil mufl be Icffpt dole ftopt in the Vial. 68. Co mafie j3D$at Take half a dozen iweet Almonds and as many bit-‘ ter ones, and four Ounces of Melon Seeds cleans’d y beat thde m a Mortar, ’till it is reduced to a FaAe Iprinklingit now and then with a few Drops of Water Y thtJ O X that it may not oil. When they are thoroughly potitkU ded put in a pound of Sugar, and beat that with your Pafte, then put the Pafte into a Gallon of Water and let it lie in fteep then put in a couple of Spoonfuls of Orange Flovver-water, and ftrain it thorough a Bag, preflkig the grofs Subftancc very hftrd, put alfo aGrlals of new Milk into the. Bag then put die Liquor into Battles, and let it by to cool. . 68. 0 hekt iS)x Cfieefci BoiE them, pick out the Balls of the Eyes, deanfe the Mouth Ibak them waih out the Blood, wipe them dy tvidi a Clotli ‘, fealbn them with Salt, Peeler and Nutmeg, put them into an Earthen Pan with three or four large Onions, Mace and Cloves -, lay the Jaw Bones on the top of the Meat, then put m half a pint of Water and half a pint of Claret , corer the Pan with Courie Pafle and bake it. Serre it on firyd Greens and run it over with beaten Butter. 69. C0 bail an iS t Ct)eeft, to be cftten calii BoKB your Ox Cheek cleah(e it well, then by it to fteep in White-wine for twelve Hours y then leafbn it wkh Salt, Pepper, Nutms, Cloves aikl Maoe, roD it up, tye it tight with Tape, boil it in Water, Salt and Vinegar, till it is very tender preis it hard, and when it is cold cut it into Slices and ierve it up with Oil and Vinegar. 70. SlMtiftt (ffilapu BoKE your Cheeks, lay them iiii ibak for four or five hours, then walh ami pick them very clean, paretsff the Roof of the Mouth and pick out the BaUs of ths Eyes, fluff them with Beef-Suet, hard Eggs, Salt, Pep- per, Fat and fweet Herbs, mingle all together, and ftutfthem on the infide skewer both die fides of the Head together and boil them among other Beef wiies they are tender fervc them on Btewis with interlarded BacOn, and Bolonia Saulages, or Pork links laid oto the Cheeks, cut the Bacon into thin fKces and ierve them with Saucers of Muftard or Green Savica 71. Co ox ji. Co marinate jgDjt CfieeW. . Bone yonr Ox Cheeks, then cither roaft them or ftew them with Claret-wine, and Wine-vinegar, leafbnd With Salt, Pepper and flic’d Nutmeg, ftew them till they are tender, then take them up, and put to the Liqudr you fltw’d them in a. quart of Whitc-wine„ and aquart.of Winc-vincgar, and Sage, Parfley, fweet Mar- joram,- Thyme, a bimch of Roiemary and Bay-leaves tye theirti up tight together j add Salt, whole Pepper, Nutmegs and Ginger flic’d. Cloves and large MacC boil all theft together j put the Cheeks into a Veflel; aijd pour the Liquor upon them, lay on them lbm6 Slices of Lemon, cover them very clofe and keep them 72 HCottitlkl art i6t C$eeft. U BdjE diem, foal them well in Water, boU thpm tender, cleanfe them theiti vry well, take out the Bsftls of the Eyes, Seafon themth Salt, Pepper and Nut- ifipg, then miiice Buttock of Beef and Beef fcet lay this m the bottom of your Pye, then lay the Cheeks won it, with a few whole Cloves, clofe up your Pye of Kifty and bake it. For the Paftetake half a Peck of Flour, the Whitci of half a dozen Eg€s. two pound and half of Butter work the Butter and Eggs up dry in the Flotrf, then add a Ettle Water to mike it into a ftiff Pafte, and work upallcold. 77. CD bafe jjr Hlate0 in a pr Take Ox Palates, Lips, and Nofes, boil fltfeitl with Iveet breads, and Lambs ftones fealded, with Cocks-combs and Cocks-ftones flice all thefe and put to them half a Pint of large Oifters, parboil’d intteir own Liquor, Slices oflnterlarded Bacon, Chefiiuts roaP ted and blanch’d. Broom-buds pickled Pine Kernels, and Dates qnartcr’di fealbn alf thele with Salt, large Mace and Nutmeg, fill your fyty la good Store of Butter on the top and jfome Maf row j bake it, wheri it is done, beat tht Yolks of Eggs with Claret and Butter, arid liquor your Pye With it, then Ihakeitwefli Y a togtcM ox together, and gamiih with pickled Barberries, Lemork Grapes or Gooftberries. 74. 0 frlcaflep flDjr alatejJ Boil your Ox Palates till they are very tender, blanch and pare them clean, then fealbn them with Salt, Pep- per, Nutmeg and Cloves beaten fine j add Ibme grated Bread tlien fry them in Butter, brown on both fides, then diih them j dillblve two or three Anchovies in Mutton Gravy and pour to them j grate a little Nut- meg and iqueeze a little Lemon into the Sauce and fcrve them up. 7 0 marinate alatess ifeit anb Hiiu Boil them tender, blanch mem, dien fry them in Clarified Butter or fweet Oil: Make for them a Pickle with Wine-vinegar and White-inej Salt, whole Pep- per, Nutmeg and Ginger flic’d, large Mace and Cloves; add a Faggot of Iweet Herbs as age, Parfley, Savoury fiveet Marjoram,’ Thyme, Rofemary and Bay leaves; boil them all together. Spices and Herbs, put the Pat lats, Lips, and Noies in a Vefiel, pour diis Marinade to them ‘y add dices of Lemon and cover them clofe for Ufe. When you ferve them, do it in a Dilh with Sallet Oil 76. Co make otaise of (DxdUttS. Take Ox Palates, boil them tender, blanch them cut them into two Pieces, and them to fiew between two Diihes with a Piece of interlarded Bacon, and half a dozen Veal Sweet-breads in a Ladleful or two of Mut- ton Gravy, and as much ftrong Broth, three or four Cloves, a Blade or two of Mace, with a Handful of Mulhrooms, and a Piece of Orange-peel. While your Palates are ftewing, prepare a Difli with the upper and under Cruifl: of French Bread flic’d and moiftened with the Broth, the Palates are ftew’d in and Mutton CSra- vy. In the mean Time alio you muft ftew by it felf fome Beef Marrow in pretty large Pieces in ftrong Broth between two Dilhcs. When all is enough j take out the Bacon, Spices and Onions, and difli up your other Meat on the Slices of Breal j pour in the ftew’d Broth, . lay ox lay vour pieces of Marrow in Order on the top, Iquecze in the Juice of two or three Oranges, and ferve it up to Table hqL 77′ Si 3Rajoo of i3Djr J9alatej. Boil Ox Palates, peel off the upper Skin, clcanfc them weD, cut them in Slices, put thi into a Sauce- pan with melted Bacon, ibme Muihrooms and a Fag- got of Savoury Herbs, tols t;hem up over the Fire, put in ibme Gravy to moiAen them ia with Salt and Pepper and fet them to iimmr over a gentle Fire when they are enough clear off all the Fat, put in jfone CulUs of Veafjuid Ham to thicken it. 78. m iDx palate). Boil your Palates tender, blanch them, cut them in- to Slic about tWQ Inches long, lar4 half of them with £naU Lardons then having drawn, Icalded and tniJsM Pi %ean and Chicken peepers, lard half of them, ftk them on a Bird Ipit, putting a Slice of interlarded Bacon and a Sage Leafe betwixt every Bird, take al- io Cocks-combs and Stones, and Lambs-ftones parboiFd and blanch’d, large Oifiers parboird and larded with imall lardons of Bacon, Sage and interlarded Bacon, Ipit them with your Ox ralates on a imall (pit with a bit of Bacon and a Sage Leafe between them •, then beat up the Yolks of Eggs with Salt, Nutmeg, Thyme and Roiemary Ihrcd very linall and grated Manchet, and when they are hot at the Fire bafte them often: In the mean Time prepare Artichoke bottoms, boird, quarter’d, and fry’d, dipt in Butter and kept warm, and aifo Marrow dipt in Butter and fry’d: Then rub the Diih with aClove of Garlick,pile up the Fowls in the mid- dle of the Diih upon one another, theroafted Materials round about; then lay the Palates by themiclves, the Lambs-flones by themfelves, the Cocks-combs and Stones by themfelves, the fiy’d Marrow and Artichokes by them- iclves, and the iweet Breads by themfelves •, then hav- ing prepared a Sauce of Claret, Gravy, Oifter Liquor, with a couple of diilblv’d Anchovies, iweet Butter, Salt, and an Onion flit or quartered, giving it a walm Y 3 or PA or two over the Fire, put in three or four Slices of Orange pour it on, andgamilhit with Oranges and I-.C- jnons flicd 79. Co Setei i3Dc ptlfl(tej, 3i(i(4nti iofeit. Boil thqip, blanch then, cut them into itshqut: the bignefs of a Shilling j put them into an Earthen pip- Idn wimftrong Broth to4 White-wine • dd rjiw Calves- udders, Veal Iweet Breads, Saulages and Srpw5 or Larksor other finaJl Birds, Anchpvies or PptatXKJS bpird, ieafen with Salt, two or three whqle (iloves, large Mace, iniall piddcd Cucunrs , add alio (ferrow, Butter, Grapes, Barberries or Oopfeberries, 91 the ifolks of hafd Eggs. It all thel ftcw togetter ’till tender, then ferve them upon Toafts of French Bri and Slices pfLemon j you may thiclcen the Broth with Volks of Eggs ftrained with Verjuice I A A a. ft4t A!AAa .4K A MA a4 A 4! . PA I. Co make 9anat)0. SET a on Quart of Spring Waterina Skillet, let it boil ibme tim? over the Fire, cut a Penny white Loaf into ilices, as thin as a Wafer, lay them on a Diih iet over a Chaing-diih of Coals j put yourWater into it,with ibme large Mace, and a quarter of a Pound of Currans clean pick’d and wafh’d j kt it flew till it is thick c- nough, then having diflblv’d fine Sugar in Rofe-water, fweeten it to your Palate. :. JStiotler aaia. Set a Skillet on the Fire with fair Water, grate Bread or Cakes, and put into it, put in Mace and Cin- namon whole, with good ftore of Currans •, when it i boird pretty thick, put in lome Canary or White-winq, beat iome 1 oiks of Eggs, fixaiu them, Iweeten them with Sugar, and put them in. 2; i?Mi Take a dozen Eggs, leave out fix of chc V0Ate&i; beat them well with Ftaur, Ale, a little Ycaft, Canary, Sidt, and beatenSpsce , let your Batter be incUffeitntly thidc, let it ftand fome tiine to riie, then fry tliem with jfweet Butter or krd, lerve them with Sugar, and the juice of Orange. 4- SitiptTftt Ma Take a Quart of thickCream, a Pintof Floar,fiK SpOQKiiijiIs of Canary, a dozen of Yolks, and fix Whites oi £gg8 half a Paimd of melted Butt, a little Salt, and a grated lutmeg and Sugar. Make a Batter, your Pancakes thin in a dry Pan. 5 iD% t). Take a Pound of clarified Butter, half a Pdund 0f Floor, a Pint ami half . of Cream, four Eggs, a krge Nutmeg beattn, and half a Spoonful of Salt ftram the Nutmeg widi the Cream, Salt and Flour j en make your Batter, fry them with Lard, and ferve them up with fine Sugar. Take a Quart of Cream and twelve Eggs, beat them well together add a couple of Nutmegs grated, Ibme beaten Wfeice, and half a Pound of Sugar-, then add aa much Flour, as will make it a Batter, neither too thick nor too thin. Heat your Frying-pan pretty hot, wipe it clean, put in your Batter and fry it. ” ‘ 7. 0 mfitce pancake? crif p. Make them. in a fiurfl . Frying-pan, no bigger than vSaiaceri then boil them in Lard, it will make them aiip, look yeHow. as Gold, and cat very wcH. 8. omftfce iferceff’aiii. Make a Ragpp of Veal Sweet-breads, ArtichlAe QMk)P),s, Truffles, amd Gammon, with a white -thic- keniig Liquor of roafted Veal. Take a Frwc Loaf, cut oit the Crum, toaft it as direfted in the following B3Kei?t of Paim -,. fiak it well for a quarter of an luor in good Broth, pit in your Ragoo, lerve it up y 4 . v6th PA with Miitton-graVy, and a Utdc thickening Liquor ol Jjmm Juice. ” 9 €0 imfce dCiajninon Miin. Take finall Slices of raw Ganimon, beat thciii wcB, tols them up in a Stew-ptin with a little Lard then fet them over a Chaffing-difli, and with a little Flour, bring them to a brown Colour with a Spoon t When they are brought to a Colour put to them fome good Cfravy, a Bunch of Cives and fweet Herbs, a Cloves, a Clove of Garlidc, feme Slices of LcmoD,’ Crufts of Bread, and a little Vinar. If your Slices of Gammon when drelsd, are not fofficicntly thicken- ed, add a little Bread CuUis j then take a French Loaf, cut it through the middle, 16 as to keep both the up- per and under Crufts whole; cut out all the Crom, and toaft the Crufts before the Fire, or let thm in m Pven, to bring them to a brown Colour. When this is done, jom die two Crufts together put them m a pilh, ibak them a little with the iauce i then put your Ragoo into it with the Sauce. GuniA with Capow Livers drefi’d in a Veal Caul, and ferve it up amor the Intr-mefles. lo. Co mfllce atttiMt Aintf. Take roaflxrd Partridges, and the Flefh of a M- Ict or Capon, feme parboiFd Bacon, tryed Suet, Muft- roonis, and Morils chopt Alio Artichoke Bottoms, Truffles, a Clove of Garlick and Iweet Herbs, all fca icmed and cut fhiall j and add the Crum of a Loaf foak’d in Gravy, and fome Yolks of Es to Wwi it Then make your Pains upon Riper of a round FigwJ and of the thicknels of an Egg, at a proper Dil&nc;? one from another. Dip the Point of your Knife i beateo Eggs m order to Ihape them, and bread than neatly, and Icrve it up for a Side-diih. Tbefe m fcrv? to gamiih the large Side-diJlics. 1 1. IDo &;c(jBl ItortriDge a la braife. PutL and draw your Partridges, • truls theinl into their Bodies, prboil them, and iard thcmW Ur& Lardons of Bacon, ieafon’d with Salt, PipP – – ‘ ‘• Sic?% B A Spices, f weet Herbs, Cives and Faifl fhred Take a G pper-ftewpan with a Cover, lay Bards of Baccxi over the Bottom of it, lay thin Slices of Beef upon them, lay upon your Beef dices of Carots and Onions, and ftrew over them Ihred Parfley -, lealbn with Salt, Pepper, ces, and fweet Herbs, dien lay in the Par txidgies with the Breafls downwards j then iealon them above, as you did underneath, and then lay over them Slices of Beef and upon them SUces of mcon cover your Stew-pan, and let them ftew with Fire over and under them. While they are ftewing make a Ragoo of Cock&combs;, fat Livers, Veal Sweet-breads, Truf fles, Muihrooms, Artichoke-Bottoms, and Aiparagus- Tops, tois’d up in a Sanoe-pan with a little melted Bacon, leavii out die Muihrooms and Aiparagus- T( moiften them with Gravy, and let them fbnd over the Fire to fimmer in it for half an Hour; then skim off the Fat clean; and having blanch’d your Ar- tichoke-Bottoms and Aiparagus-Tops, put them into the Sauciepan, and thicken it with a Cuiiis of Veal and Ham When your Partridges are flew’d enough, take them up, drain them, and put them into your Ragoa Diih them handfbmly, pour the Ragoo up on them, and ime than up for a firft Courfe. You may alio ierve them up with a haih’d Sauce, or a Ragoo of Cucumbers; the Way of making which you will find under Cucumbers. 1 2. tCo HjBt fgUattUfSfH a Biberot. Roast your Partridges, take the Meat of their Breafis, and if that is not enough, take the Breafts of &t; Pullets roafted; then flour a Board well, and mince it Poumi the Carcases in a Mortar, and flew them with Gravy; ftrain them through a Sieve -, then IHit them into a Pidkin with your minc’d Meat, let it flew over a gentle Fire, but lee that it does not flick to the Bottom then put in a Spoonfid of Gammonr Eflence take care not to let it be either too thin, or too fat When it is enough difli it on Plates, and iorve it up to Table hot to be eaten with a Spoon. PA Tou may flxGw oifwr k Chippings of Bread gnttei fine, and brown it with a rod hot Iroa tben you imy eat it with a Fork. l a culltft of IteitdBgei Take a brace of Partridges, . hurd tben roaft them; then pound thn in a Moitar: Tbxi tofr up raw TniiB6s . and JVluihroomft in a Smce-pw, with Hieitod Bacofi . fweet Hrbs MarjoiBm, fweet Bafil, Cives, (Cj then jput in yonr poandod Ptrtridges, with fi)ur or five Spoonluls of VcaI Qravy w it lias iinimerM amrhile over a flack Fire ffarain ijl.thiough a Sieve for ufe. 14. a CttUin of Bettti&8M fof iio)W iaiipt 01 ittCMb Having barded voaSad and pounded a brace of Partridges, as befixre direEled; cut a Piecis. ot Hani and t Bounds of a FiJet of V into ihm Slices and gamiih the Bottom of a Stew-pan virh dben and Carots and Qnyn iliced ftt tlide over a Stove tx) fweat; when they bn to ftick drudge daism with a little Flour, and move theoi: INxt; in a . little Gkuvy and Broth in equal Quantitiiss to noiAenthemv ion it with four or five Cloves add ifaeet. &iil; Far- fley, a whole Leek; fbme Truffles and MuiExoomfl and a few Crufls of Bread: Set them all a fimmering together aver a gentle Fire fer three Quarters of an Hour 9 then put in the pounded Bartridges, aod hsb- ving mixed them well together, tet them &pmer; for a quarter of an Hour hmger. Then ffarain them Sx uft. rf. Co ftf cafl parttdisaL Roast the Parturidgea, till they ane three qusHiem enough;, then icairw th u; than firy them vbch an Onion ho’d firnall;put to them half a Pint of Gra- vy two. or thipee jhovies, the YelkSc of a couple of E beaten, with White- wine, gratsi Bread and dfawa Butter boil them till they oome ixx a thsckoefi, dUk them and ftsve themup.. PA IAISE tie Skin of the rartxidges from their Breafts lyith y wr Finger. Then mince fvrect Herbs and Par fleX) fine icrap’d Bacon, ieaion’d with Salt and Pemer, fbm this in between the Skins and Breafts of the Par- tridges, then bard them with Bacon all round, ipit them, and lay. them down at the Fire to roafl when they are enough take off the Bards, difh them haiid- ibmly, pour on them feme Eflence of Ham, or CuUis, and lerve them up to the Table hot &r; a firftCourfe. 17. Co make a latti of xttitt%. Take a dozen of Partridges, roaft them, fet them by till they we cold. Then mince them very finall, the Brawns or Wings, and leave the Rumps and Les whole V then put to them in a Sauce-pan, or Pipkin, fpme ftrong Mutton-broth, or ibme Miitton-gravy,’ with Salt,. Chelhits Pifbches, a large Omon, and a;rated Nutm. Stew the Legs and Kumps in another Mpkin by thcmfelves, in fErong Broth then chip a Six-penny French Loaf in the Bottom of a Dilh, fteep the iBiread with Muttongravy, or good Mutton broth, and pour your Haih upon the Bread lay the Rumps and Legs upon the Hafli with,.fry d Oifters, Chef; nuts, riflaches, flic’d Lemon, and Lemon-peel, the Yolks of Eggs, ffarain’d with beaten Butter, and the Juice of Orange, pour’d over it all. Gamifh your Diih” with carv’d Lemons and. Oranges Chelhuts, Piftaches, and Oiilers fry’d. 18. fto DefftpatttitQeji tft SpanifhltDa? First, parboil your Partridges- then bard and roall them i when they are roafted, pound one of your Partridges, and the Livers of them aH, in a Mortar with ibme Pieces of Truffles. Then take half a Spoon- ful of Veal-ravy, half a Spoonflil of Eflence of Ham, mix thefe with your pounded Partridge, and let it o- ver a gentleFire, let it iimmer, but not boil , when it has fimmer’d a while, ftrain it through a Siqve then piit a quarter of a Pint of red Wine into a Sauce-pan, a Rpcflaboie or two, aid j;wo oc diree Slices of Oni- PA ohj boil thefe till the Wine is lialf conlum’d •, then ftrain it throiigh a Sieve. Then ait up your Partrid- ges, put them into a Stcw-pah, or Sauce-pan with Wine and Cullis, and two or three Spoonfuls of Sal- let Oil i let this over hot Embers, let it ikmner, but not boil. When it is enough, daft your Partridges in handlbme zkianner, Iqueczc in two or tl%ree Sevil O- raqges-, pour the the Sauce over them, and fcrve them hot for a firft Ctourfe. 19. 0 Jjeft fBflrtttogrt a I’Eftoffade. Roast your Partridges, take off their Skins, and cut them into Slices. Then put Muftrooms into a Sauce-pan, tois them up with melted Bacon: Put to them a little Veal-grainr, let them fimmer over a gen- tle Fire, skim off the Fat, and thicken them with a CuUis of Veal aad Ham put your Partridges into this Ragoo, and give them a Heat leaim all with Salt, and Pepper, and ferve them up for an Outwork. toomn Shred a couple of Muihrooms with Ibme Parfley, fcrape Bacon, mix with your Muftrooms leafcxiwith Salt, and Pepper 5 raife the Skin from tl e Breaft of your Partridges, and farce their Breafts with the Muihrooms, c. ipit them, bard them on the Backs, and Breafts, with Bards of Bacon, and lay them at the Fii’e to roaft Wliile they are doing, cut Muih- rooms into Slices, tois them up in a Sauce-pan, moi- ften them with Eilence of Haaa, ‘ and V eal-gravy. when the Partridges are enough, take off the Bards diih them handlbmly, ur on them your Ragoo of Muihrooms, and lerve them up to Table for a firft Courle. 21. Co roafi atttiizti. Draw your Partridges, trufe them; then roaft them, but not too dry •, then fence them with Salt, Wa- ter, grated Bread, and a whole Onion boiPd together: When it is boil’d, take out the Onion, and put in ininced Xemon 19 its ijied put i al£ a Kcce of But5 PA Butter i difii your Partridges, and ferve them up vMi this Sauce. 22. Co (hto attti&gejt.; Take half a dozen Partridges, parboil them, then cut them into little Pieces, feparating the Joint-bones, one fi-om the other, tut the Meat ihto as large Slices as jrou can, but do not cut it clear off from the Bones put both Meat and Bones (except the Breaft-bones) into a Pipkin, with feme of the Liquor wherein they were ftew’d, feaibn it with Salt and Pepper, fet it on the Fire to ftew, afterwards put in a Kttle Iweet OiL When it is near enough, Iqiieeze in the Juice of a Lemon. Pour all oiit into a large Dilh and ferve it up hot 22 0 mate ft partriDse pjft. Mince the Flelh of halt a dozen Partridges finall, with as much Beefmarrow as their Fleih weighs mince alio two Ounces of green Citron and Orangea’ do very linall j mix theie with your Meat, feafon with a little Salt; alfb Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace Sweeten with Su to your Palate. Bake thefe in Puff-Paftej when it comes out of the Oven, open your Pyc, and having put a Grain of Musk, or Am- ber bruis’d, into the Juice of three or four Oranges, and a Spoonful of Roie-water pour them into your Pyc, ffir the Meat, and lay on the Lid, and ferve it up to Table hot. 24. Sndtber Wti Take four Partridges, dr&w; them, lay by the Li- vers, trufe them, and beat them on the Back with a Rolling’-pin lard them with large Lardons of Bacon, and Gammon feafon them with Salt and Pepper, and flit them through the Back. In the mean time, make a Farce of a tender Piece of Veal, a little Marrow, Ibme raw Bacon, a few Muihrooms and Truffles chopt, fome Veal Suet, Parfley, arid Iweet Herbs flured bind thefe with the Yolk of an Egg, and fluff the Bodies of yotir Partridges with it Then poiuid the Livers of your Partridges with fome Bacon, feafon them with beaten PA beaten Spice , theii make fbme Pafte with Flour, irdh Butter Salt, and an Egg j roll out two Pieces, lay one of them on butter’d Piper, and ipread upon it ibme Lard pounded in a Mortar then feaibn your Partrices, havii broken their Backs, and lav them in your Vd&t; , then add iome Mufhrooms ana Truf iles with a Bay-leaf, covering all with thin Slices of Bacon. Then lay on your odhier Sheet of Pafte fiir the Lid, clofe up the Sides, waih your Pye over, and let it in the Oven when it comes out, ptdl the Paper rff the Bottom and having ready a good CulHs of Partridges, Sweet-breads, Muihrooms, and Truffles ait up your Pye, take off the Slices of Bacon, skim off the Fat, and fquee: in the Juice of a Lemcm pour your Cullis into the Pye hot then lay on the Lid, and ferve it up to Table for a Side-diih After the iame manner you may bake Woodcock Larks, Chickens, Pidgeons, Thruihes, Qiiails, &r.; 25. Co matte llfe. , Take half a peck of Flour, a little cold Cream and five Eggs, work them well together, break in two pound of Butter, but not too finall, and it wiU be a very fine Cruft, put either Fruit, Meat, or what elie you pleale in. 3. Co malte cool iButtet pjatte fopattp 9an$ otBftttiei$. Take half a peck of Flour two pound and an half of Butter, the Whites of three Eggs and work them well together with a little cold Spring Water. 26. atte fo? Cracklinji Craft. Blanch four Handfols of Almonds, and throw in- to Water, then wipe them dry and pound them in a Mortar, moiftening them frequently with Orange flower Water and the White of an Eg j; to prevent their Oiling t When they are well pounded, paft them through a $ieve to clear them fromall the lumps or clods, when y6u have thus prepar d your Almond pafte iprcad it on a piih till it becomes very pliable, let it ffcand for a while thenf roll out a piece for the under Cruft, dry it ia ah Oen ujchi a Pye Pan, while other Paihy Works PA are making, as Knots, Cyphers and other Devices for the garnilhuig of your Pye. 27. Ca malie CuSatfi fie. Makb ybur Pafle of boiling Wacer and Butter, or yoit may put Sugar to it, which witt add to the ftif&efs; of it, iod thus Ukewife for all Paftes for cuts and oran- geado TartSi 28. %$mitiR9nitt, Take fix pound of fine Flour, and three quarters of a poui3d of fine fifttd Sugar, an Ounce of Cloves Mace and Cinnamon beaten 5 break three pound of But- ter into bits and rub it into your Flour j put in fix Eggs, whip up their Whites to Snow i make it into a ftiif Fafte with a little Cream and Sherry mixt. Take two pound of fine Flour half a pound of double nfin’d Sugar, fome Nutmeg and Cinnamon powdered, the Whites of twenty Eggs beaten, make a Pafte with a pint of Canary and good Cream, make it pretty ftiff, rc in two pound of Butter at five or fix times rolling, this Pafte will be fit for Orange Puddings, alllbrts of Tarts and to gamiihDiihes. % o. Sindtbtt asa? Take half a Peck of Flour two pound of Sugar two quarts of Abnond milk, three pound of Butter, and a Httfe Srffron, work all together up cold, with Rofe- Water, half a dozen Eggs, fome beaten Cinnamon and and two grains of Ambergrcos and MusL 31. 0 mate puff paftc Take fix Handfuls of Flour well dry’d, put to it the Whites of four Eggs, and half a pound of Butter wet it with cold Water, then roll the the Pafte abroad, and ftick on half a pound of Butter in little bits all over it •, then fold it up again and flour it, then roll it out again and ftick on anotlier half poimd of Butter, and do the fame till you have rdrd in three half pounds Butter the brims of your Difh, lay the Pafte upon it and fet it into the Oven prefently and let it bake fof aa hour. 1, 3 2. ua P A 3 2. mate (EOlfiite pttffaOe Take two pound of fine Flour, and the Whites st fix Eggs beaten up, and make it into Balls with cold Water, roll into it two pound of Butter at five or fix times roiling. If it be in the Winter tim e beatyour Butter to inake it work, but ifit be in Summer tims keep it as cool as you can. 33. Co mafte pnfffte foflafcins Take four quarts of Flour eight Eags, beat them to Snow, then make it into a Pafte wiui cold Water and dien roll in three pound of Butter at iburorfive Times. 34. a iatttcalat fctnn of pafflaSt Make your Pafte with Flour Water, Salt and the Yolk of an Egg, knead it wdl together, dll it be- comes pliable, then roll it out of a convenient length and diicknels then cover it with as much fiveet Bat- ter as your Pafte weighs, and fi)ld it together, that the Butter may be in the middle then let it be rdl’d a- gain, and do fo thus for five or fix times, aQowing tx three pounds of Flour, two Pound and half of Butter. Tins Pafte is proper for Pan4 iesthat areiet onthe Table without a l eiert or Banquet of fweet Meats. 35 makefBaffp CruS Take a quarter of a Pedc of dry’d flour, rub a pound of Butter well into it, then put to it half a pint of Milk a quarter of a pint of Brandy and a Spoonful and half of Ale Yeail, mix thefe all wdl together and pour it into your Flour, and if it be not wet enough add more Milk break and beat itwidia RoQing-pm, but do not knead it make it very light, and talK Care it does not curdle, which you may prevent by minglbg a littlp and a little at a Time. 3 6. d make attilt Wtt Dissolve Gum dragant in Water in an Earthen pan an Ounce will be enough tor four Pound of Sugar put into it the juice of three or four Lemons, and the Zdb or Chips that were made of them. In two or three Pays time the Gum will be dijQolved, by ilirringof it now Mvr and theft with a SpDon then ftraift it through Linen Cloth, and pour it into a Mortar .; then put in a handiul of double-irefin’d Sugar, finely fifted, and beat it well into your Liquor d add another hand iul, continuing to beat and temper it together web till you have a very white and pliable Paftej then make your Paftils of a round or long Figure of any Shape . you plcale, and you may make Impreffions upon them with Seals or Cyphers, then dry them in a Stove. Slit your Peaches on the fide to the Stones, lay them one by one, cover them with doubie-rdfin’d Su gar, bake them in a gentle Oven, and when you take diem out, lay tfiem on a Glais-platc, dry them in an Oven till diey are thproughly dry, which will be in three, ibur. .or five Days, and they will be iiiffidently can 38. CO tmU a compoS of tatftii.,, WH£k the Feadies are full ripe you miift roafttheni, lecauie this ibrt of Fruit is too loft you muft neatly pare them, flone them, and lay them in Qirters iip on a iUver Diih with Sugar, and, if you pleale, with candied Lemon chopped Imall -, then bake them in an Oven, drels them, ftrew them well with Sugar, and pais a hot Fire-ihovel over them, to give them a Gnd Colour. 9. Co make tafie Of gtetn )eactleit. Your Peaches muft be prepar’d and cleans’d, accor-i ding as is direfted in the firft Ardcle of preferving green Peaches then they muft be made into a Marmalade by bwling till they become very foft, and when they are drained, you nuft pais theitn thorough a Sieve then dry this Pafle over the Fire, carefully ftirring it, and turning it on all fides with a Spatula, that no Aloifture may be left, md till it begins to itick to the Pan: Li the mean time you. muft boil Sugar till it b- comes crack’d, put to yoitr Marmalade an equal Weight Qf this Siar, d temper them well together v iet ail to finmier togethgr for a while then take your Mar i ” ihaladtf PE malade up in a Spoon, and drds k upon Slates, or in Moulds, to be dry’d in a Stove with a good Fire, the next Day turn your Pafte, when it is fufiideiidy dry’d, put it up in Boxes for Ufe. 40. C0p;efert)etfpetoacie0. Your Peaches ought not to be th(:oi;9h ripe, bt ought to betaken when they are half tum’d pare them nicely, flit them, ftone them, and Icald them in Wa- ter; as they rife upon the Top of the Water, take them out, and turn them into other Water to cool; then drain them, and put them into Sugar, as it runs from the ftraining Bag, and boil them, condnuaUy ta- Idng off the Scum till no more Scum will rife; then let them fbuid till next Day, lay them a draimng till you boil the Sugar to its imooth QiaaUty, augmcntiiq; it with Sugary then put in your Peaches agam, let them have a boUing, then take them off the Fire; then on the third Day take them out, and drain them, and, in the mean time, boil up the Sugar to its pearled Qua- lity then flip in your Peaches, adding Tome pearled Siar give them a covered boUing, then let them in the Stove all Night , the next Morning drefs them on Slates or Boards, ftrew them all over with Sugstr on eveiy fide, and dry them, turn them, and every time you turn them, ftrew Sugar over them. 41. tlTo pjefecbe sten pcaclieji Set a large Pan over the Fire with frcfli Water and new Aihes, to make a Lye, fcimi off all the Coals diat rile on the Top when the Lye has boilM for fbinie time, and you perceive by the Tafte that it is become fweet and oily, take it off the Fire, and let it fland a while to fettle -, take all the clear Liquor, fet it on tlie Fire again, and as loon as it begins to boil, put three or four Peaches into it; if you fee it cleanfes them put m the reft, and keep them floni boiling, by ftir- rihg It often with the Handle of a Skimmer; when the Peaches are fiifficiendy fcalded, take them out, fhake them in a Cloth, and walh tliem in fair Water; then run them thixnigh the Middle with aKnittitieedle then then iroivr them’ into other &ir; Water, to qauft thcsa to mover, their green Colour then put them into o ther Water, and boil them over a quick Fire, often tftkmg ibme out, and trying them by pricids disnft with a Pin i if they flick to the Pin, it is a fign that they are not done enough, but if they flip oif from ity they are, and muft be taken out, and put into cold Wa ter, then dram them, and make them green again by them in other Water fet them over a gentle ite, with fine Sugar, putting in two Ladlefuls of cla tiBod Siigar for one of Water -, when it is heated flip m your Peaches, and give them Ibme Boiliias, car& filfy feumming them the next Dav boil the rup to ka fittqoth Quality, put in your Reaches, make tem £mmer for awhile, and leave them till the third Day then boil the Syrup: very imooth, augmenting its Qgsm- tity. with SKar: then flip in your Peaches, and give thraa Boilmg-, when they have thoroughly imbibll theSugar, boil the. Sugar to to its pearl’d Quality, in- ctttfing it with Sugar of the fame Qiiality then flip iatfce-Peathes, and give them a cover’d Boiling tbea take tbe Fto off the Fire, icum it weU, let them all Nht in the Stove to dry up all their Moifture; the aest Day drels tbem on Slates, Tiles, (c. flrew theni with Sugar, and dry them in the Stove. 42. Comafcetap of icllil&loflttwu; IKB05E Peach Blofloms in hot Water, as tduch a vrift’hBndibmely.oover them, let them ftand hXiMlMea, or in.rSandl, ior twenty four Hours coveted jsloir; tjhen.flxain out the Flowers frOm the Liquor, and put iit as many frefli Flowers j let them fland to in&ile;, as befiii tbdi flrain them out, and to the Liijucm pt frcfti Peach-Flowers the third time; and, if youpleale a fourth time; theh to every Pound of your Infufi d add two Pounds of doublMrefin’d Sugar, and Iet ting it in BalncQy make a Syrup, which keep foi Ujfe. 4;. Co malt a ptacl Cart. . . – Take ripe Peaches, ftonc them; pound thorn m. a Mortar, lay them ift fiteaps, cut candd Ltmon-peel Z % imaU PE imail it into a Diih with Sugar -, xtialce fme Pafte flaflT with Flour, Butter, <, Water, and the Yolk of an Egg J then roll out a round Piece very thuj, and nialoe a Borden for the fide Cruft two Inches high pot in your Fruit and Lemon-peel, fr. fctyour e ixita the Oven, and bring it to a fine Colour with the rcd-hoc Fire-ihovel, 44. C6malte9caeTi:0fater Take very ripe Peaches, ‘pare diem, fbne tjiem, and cut them in Pieces, put them • into Water – cfaett has been boiPd for feme time, and to everj Quaftof Water put m a Quarter of a Pound of Sugaf after die Fruit has been infus’d for fome time,’ beat thejLi- quor out of one Pot into another ilienflrdin it, mor der to be ic’d or coolU ‘ 4? boll aa( Fley off the Sldn, but leave the VLmap whole with the Pinions, thai mince the Fleik raw with ickne BaP luet, fealbn with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and $iv60iy Herbs ihred linaH,’ and Yolks of Eggs raw ittkigle with thefe fome Marrow, the Bottoms rf three Arti-i ehokss boird, Cheffauts roafted and blanchMV audrSdr-‘ rets boil’d pretty finall y then fill;the Skin of the Pea- cock, and prick it up in the Bak, let it to ftew in a: deep DiJh inlbmeftrong Broth, White-wine withSal large Mace, Marrow, Articholces -boil’d and quar- tered Chcfiiuts, Grapes, ftirberriefe, Pfears Juiirtet’d, and fefiftf of the Meat made into Ball, cover ir with another large Difli v when it it ftew?d enough, fenre it up on carv’d Sippets, broth it, and garmih with dices of Loaonf, and Lemon-peel whole, ruh it ova: idi beaten Butter, amiih the Difhwith the Yolks of hard Eggs, Chcfiiuts, and large Mace. 46 0 baike a acocfr in a n. BOKC . yocnr Peacock, parboil it, and lard it ‘ witb large Lardpns of Bacofl then leafbn it with Salt, F per and Nutmegy of each two Ounces and a half j when yowt Pye is ready, lay ibme Butter in the – Bbt tom widv4bme Cloves beaten f tbeti lay in yQor.Fea cocky 1 coek, and the rieft of the ieaioning uptm it, hy good 4 florc of Butter, dofe it, bade it with Saffron-Water, ig and when it is bakd and cold, fill it with clarified H Butter. 01 – 47 Compoffsi of tatjS . . Pkick your Pearson the Top with a Bodkin to the Corc then fcald them in Water till they become loft, talthem out and cool themi; pare them, and throw th into fircfli Watery if they be large, cut them into -Halves or Quarters, put them into clarified Sii gar, and a little Water, boil them, taking off the Stvm tifl 00 more riies, and your Comofte is made if you faaye too much Syrup left, boil it till it is wafted away to the Quantity you would have, and pour it on your Fruit, 48t €i D eat; Take Pears whidh arc very large and fair, and lay -diem r two or three Days in Iweet Wort, then lay them handfbmely kk an earthen Prefervingpan, and bake them in a gentle Oven j then lay them on a Sieve orXattice, and fee them into an Oven that is warm, but- not hot, turn thcln twice a Day till they .are dry, – • . 49 aatmalade oF ean( Take Warden-Rekrs, fcald- them till they are ten- .der, take them eiit, drain them-, and ftrain them thro’ a Siev$4 boil Sugartill it is very much fcathcr’d, al- riowihjg to every round of Fruit three quarters of a Pound Sugar, temper itweH with the Pafte,’let it be well d’cy’d, fimmer them for a whiles then pour out ihe ‘Afermalade into Pots or Glaffes ftrewd with Sujat, – 5o Co mrtte armalaSeof fraru. .. Scald the Pears in Water, and when they are ten- der take them out and drain them, and ftrain them through a Sieve •, then having allowed three Quarters of a’ Pound of Sugar for everv Pound of Fruil and ibffd it till it be greatly feather’d, put in your Mar- 4iAkuki,’..tetDper them well together, dry it well, cau- • Z 3 Gag r E fig it to fimmer for a whde thepjpwur Uie MuSmf lade into Pots or Glaires ftrew’d wttli Sugar. Scald your Pears in Water, when they are fefi; drain them, pa& thorn throi a Sieves and dry them over the Fire, ftirring them with a Spatula couOKoSij both oa the bottom and fides, th thefstay not banoa when the Pafte flips ii;om the bottom and (ides of die Pan, take it from the Fire j and haviqg prepared Supir till it be greatly feathcr’d or crack’d, temper your Pean with it, aUowing a Pound of Sugar for evwy Ponnd of Pears; then fet your fafte again over the Fire, kc it fimmer, thendrefs it with a Spooi eitiier in Mookls or upon Slates, and iet them immecUatdy iato the Stove to dry. Take Pears that are not too ripe, lay ievenl Rows of them m order, at the bottomof an earthm Pia, co- ver them with Vine Leaves; thc?i lay another Lxycr of Pears upon them, this do till the Pot is fiUL 1 add half a Pound of. Sugar to every Pound of Pears. as moch fair Water as it wiH diflplve, fet tbem.oT a gentle Fire; let them boil till they grow pretw fcft. then let them by for Uie. P Pon take the Meat from the Bones, ilured it finall with Swt, add tot it half the QmS of grated Bread, and a couple of ffooafvUs of Flour. Suar, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg beaten, acCQidii to . Difcrctoon; add half a Pound of Currans. the Fv£ of half a dozen fears bak’d, the Yolks of a coirole of Jiggs, and as much Cream as will make it into aJWe- then inake it up into, the ihape of a Pear, and ftick a ImaU ftick of Cinnamon in the fnall End for a flalk. imd a Clove in the Top. 54. Co melie a ttmu f2w f”?'”.” ‘ Winter Pear, with a little Water, and good ftore of Sugar a Pan, cover tbwu With a lid of Dough, rtm them bc tbey arc P£ re dMroagfaljr bak’d, qoarter tliexii, taHang off the Skins, and takii out their Cores then having raisM a Crdl of Bafte, lay in your Pears, fcatteriM a few i Cloves, Gnnamon and Orange-peel ait very mall be- t tween every Layer of Pears, and putting to them the I Xiquor that tbey were bak’d in, dole up your Pye and I let it in the Ovea t?5t flnotfict Wapt- Take good hard Winter Pears, bake them in a Pan, Si off their Skins, cut them in Halves, takeonttheir res, then put them into your Cnift, layii between diem flices of Quinces, fbme whole Cloves, Cinnamon Sqgar, and fliavings of Iemon-peel cbie up your P and bake it, and when it comes out of the Oven, raife the lid on one SKde, and put in Sugar, Rofe-water, d beaten Qnoamon, and ierve it up to Table hot or cold. Take the largeft Wardens, put them in a Pan, put to diem a Pint of Ale, iet them into an Oven vnth houfhold Bread when thqr are bak’d, take them out of the Pan, and put them into a ftew Pan with half a Pint of R-wine, half a Pint of their own Liquor, a quarter of a Pound of Sugar a little Cream and a cou pie of Cloves flit cover the ftew Pan clole, and let them flew till they are red, turning them now and then i when they are ftew’d enough, put them into a Diih, ftrew fine Sugar ovei; them, and ferve them up to Table for a fide Diih, 57 Co keep green tdcait Shell your Peas, put dhem into Water, when it boils let them have two or three Walxns, ipread a Qodi on a Drefler, drain them in a Colander, Ipread diem on the Cloth, dry them very weQ, and put them in- to dry Bottles, filling the Botdes with them up to the Necks, pour over them Mutton Fat melted, cork them top fo io& that no Air may come to them, and fet f£em in a cool Place when you ufe them, put them Into boiling Water, with a good pece of frefh Butter, X 4 ” ” and PE and a Ipoonful of Sugar, md idien they are hcSVd nough, drain than, and ihake them up thick, youmay eat them in January. f8, Co fietoVeatf after t(e French JaQjfon Cut Lettuce into Utcle Bits, and alio two or three Onions, take fbme Butter and ilices of Bacon, loaibii theie with Salt and whole Pepper,, and tols theia up in a flew pan till the Lettuce is hot then put in the Peas, and let them jftew till tJiey are tender then add to them Ibmc good Broth pr boiling Water, and let them ftew again gently broil a piece of Bacon and lay in the middle of the Difli with grated Bread and IbmQ Parfleyj pour in your Soop, 6?. and ierve it up. f9 anotbct WHap . Put your Peas into a Pipkin with a. piece of But- ter, add Sale, Pepper, and a Bunch of fyyieet JHerbs, cover them dole, and let them ftew over a gentll’ire Shaking them them about ever and anon when they are almoft enough, put in a very little Flour, nioiflen them with boiling hot Water, and let them fiand a while to iimmer when moft of the JLiquor has fin mer’d away, add a little Sugar, ftir it in, and Icrvethcm up in little Diihe or Plates. – 60. Co make -iitvi astpottagc Shell and cleanie your Peas, put them into a iauce Pan of boiling Water, then having boiFd them ten- der, take out feme of them, ftrain them, and thicken the reft, put in Salt and Butter, and a Bunch of iwecc Herbs, or elle chop your Herbs finall j when they arc enough difli them in a deep Difli, lay Salt and Sip- pets: about them ‘ r t . . . i 6 X. Co nfake a Cart of neen asi Boil your green Pea tender, then pour Aem out into a Colander, iealbn them with Salt and Saffixxi, pot to them ibme fweet Butter and Sugar j then fill your Tart, with thera,’clofe it up, and bake it for an Hour when it is drawn, put in a little Verjuice, and ihake them well together, ice your Tart, ftrew on Su- gar, and ferve it up – . . i, 6i. •£• ‘ Taxi; two Quarts of hutt’d Peas put them into three Quarts of Water, feaibn itprettj high, put in Qmion, boil them till they are enough dien add fpoonfirl of Flour, ndx’d with Water, a little Mint, a Leek and a couple of handfuls of Snage, put in half a pound of frdh Butter and ibme forc’d Meat Bails, ftir it all till die Btrtter is melted then difli it and ierre it up to Table. Take four Quarts of huU’d Peas, boU them in as little Wate as will fiifHce, till they are foft, and thicken; in the mean time bml a Leg of Mutton and two or three Humbles of Veal in another Pot, pricking them with a Knife to let out the Gravy boil them in juft lb much Water as is iufficient to cover them: When you have boil’d all the goodneis out of the Meat, ftrain the Liquor, put it into the pulp of the Peas, let them boil together, put in a good deal of Mint, ibme Thyme and alio a piece of Bacon: . When it is enough diih it, lay Raihers Of frfd Bacun round the Diib, pour in a good deal of Butter and ierve it up. . tf4 0 make a ftUet of green tat. When Peas are about a fbot high above the Ground, cut em up,- put them into boiling Water, fheti drain them, put to tfaeqi dravm Butter ieaibn with Salt, hack them with the back of a Knife, tots them up. with Butter and ierve them up. df. Co mdke ea0Cbo9 Take a Leg of Beef, boil it, make ftrong Broth, let it fiand till it i& cold then piit into it a couple of Qjiarts of huU’d Peas, and an Onion ftuck with Cloves, boil them very well, ieaibn the Soop very highly with Salt, Pepper, Spice, and all ibrts of ia voury Herbs, iiich as are uied in Soqps, as a large Leek, Spinnagc Sorrel, Lettuce, and Roots, and bits of Bacon cut into the Diih; add alib criipd Bacon,;riip’d or toaftd Brad, ibrc’d meat Balls and apint i ‘ of of good GvzTj. Lay ia tlie middle of the IXIh eight roafted larded Pigeons gaxaiih ivich cri’d Bacott and fx afled Bread. 66. 0ii0ttict tspap. Boil three Pittt3 of Peas m three Qparts of Wa- ter with four or fix pound of lean coarfe Beef, tS the Meat is boil’d to Rags; then pat la two or three Anchovies, and half an Hour affaer ftrain it from the Meat and Hinslu, andput then intoaSaud with an Onion ftcick widi Qoves, Pn?cr, GinKr, bruiied, a little Bimch of Tliyme, Savoury and nrf- ky V boil them for half an Hour then ftir in a piece Butter; then fry ibrc’d meat Balls Baoon and Bread cut m dice, with Spuiage boil’d green, and put to it in the Diih. 67 ninntfm tauif. Season a dozen Found of Beef moderaady with Salt and Spces, and boil it till the Broth is ttroo then fhrain it out to a good Knuckle of Veai blanch’d, and boil it a iecond time; then pot in a Fowl that you deHgn to ierve in the Soop; let thele boil, till it comes to the cooftence of a Jdly; while it is boiling put in a bit of Baoon ftuck with halfa do- zen of Cloves. Take Ibme of this Broth, and if it be m Skmimer take green Peas, and havkig boiPd them in a little Water, ftrain them jp’ than m a Mortar, and make a Cullis thcis; it a Sauce-pan on the Fire with a Qiiarter of a poimd of Butter two Ounces of Bacon, cut in dice, a couple of Okii ons ilic’d, and a little Purfley and a Sprig of Thyme, a little whole Pepper and Cloves and the Cruft of a French Roll , let diele ftew over the Fire geiy tin the Bread is crife dien put Broth acoordmg to thQ qtiantityof your Peas make it boil up, Icum off your Fat-, then put in your poimded Peas, and mis, them weQ with your Ctdlis over the Fire: Boil them up together dien ftrain them lay vour Bread fbakM in your Difh and lay in the midole a Knuckle of Veai, fome Pigeons, a Puttet) a green Goofe or Pucklii PE Ihidiks laoy of than n to your pledure. I 3amfli likh CvcimbBrB %tit aad the Girea takm out, Inii’d tender in fjpod fiiodi voimd & rim of -Pafte or forc’d Meat. I If your Peas be very young jroii may put in a few t whe ones among your ftrained Soop being fkft ti boil’d taender If it be Winter time you may ufe blew Peas, f I l eing ficft boil’d tender in Water and then fbrained aaty tmd put to tbe CulUs of Broth, and Iiredients ibefbdce mendonod, and you may colour it with a Ut tlePieoe of Spimage. 6S. mOum ioopGna faSinslbft Boil two quarts of Peas in fix quarts of Water tiU they are tender, then taloe out lome of the clear Li- quor and fbain the Peas dear firom tiie Husks boil dome Butter and when it breaks in the middle, put in ibme Muflaid, an Qmon cut finsdl. Sorrel, Sallary and nnage outkigeletit boil about a Quarter of an Hour itirridg it often then take in fome Flour with one Hand, and £nne of die dun Liquor with the other then put to it die thick ftraioed Liquor, ibme Salt, Pep- per and Maoe -pat in thick Cream and French Rolls crij and dipt in Milk and lay it in the middle of tbeDift. 69, 0 imft dni. Gut your Perches, give them diree Scotches with a Knife to the Bone, only on one fide after that Sit into a Stew-pan or Kettle, Water, as much hard ftale eer, White-wine and Vinar, as will cover your Fiih, -and Herbs, (e. tixn pot in a good Quantity of Salt, a Bunch of Winter-lavoury, Thyme, Roiemary, amd Parfky, and a Handful of Horie-radiih-root flic’d: Set yoar Stew-pan orer a Brisk-wood-fire, and let it boil up to the height, .and then put in your Fiih one by one, that dicy may not cool die Liquor, ib imch as to make it taU in its boiling. While the Fifh aie boiling, for your Sauce, take a little of tbe Jiqaor and beat up fbme Butter with it. Then, when your PE mur Perdie9 sm etioutthy take them up, ta off tJic fllcins diih them, ftrew AaVd HodMndiih over dhem, and Ibme beaten Gmger run them over widi your melted Butter. Guniih the Sides of the Diih with iSc’d Lemon, and fold it up to Table 70 0 ttttt mW tett ft (BllijH of €ut Cut your Perches, lay tbem into a Stewwpan with two Glailes of White-wine, a little Vinar, aod as much Water, as will cover them, andfiime Slices of Lons, a Bay Leaf, Cives,. JParfky and ibme Ba ill; add aUb &mc; Pepper and Cloves: Set them over a Stove toflew then take them off and let them fhod by to cool in your Court Bottillmyi.t.inyoQrfacanat’ tioned Liquor and Sealoning: When they have flood a while take them out, take off theu Skins; but take care not to break the Flefih; then lay them in a Diih cover them and keep them hot, while yon make the fbllowii Sauce; put a Piece of Butter, as big as couple of Jgs into a Sauce-pan; add <, Pper, grated Nutmeg, an Anchovy minced, a Drop or two of Vinegar, a Drop or two of Water, and a Pinch of Flour; give thefe a warm over the Fire, ftirring them with a Spoon, till the Butter is. melted and grown thicldih; then put to it fbme CuUis of Cray- iiih, and having pour’d this on your Peardies, ierve them up 71. “So bttTjt fBttcYtn in jFilettf. Cleakse Muihrooms well, and bt them in a little Cream; than having cut yoin: Perches into Fil iets or Slices, the whole length of the Body, dxvid- ii each Perch into 4 Pieces; mix them together, and boil them with a Thickening, the &me; made of the Yolks of three Eggs, fom Nutmeg grated, a little Parfiey Ihred, and the Juice of a Lemon. Stir them very careMy, that you do not Filets: And when they are boil’d enou ‘ pour PE foor Riq upon tfaem and as rxaatSIx wiib Loes (rf J&Dtxiy; Sec -‘ ScuAiB of the Slime and Scales, wafli them in. Salt and Water, gut them and dry them in a Cicdi flour them and fiy them in iweet Butter till thejF are brown and cr, then lay them in a warm’d 1X& bdtoiethe Fire, pour away that Batter: Take other frafh- Butter, and fiy in it a gooddealof Parley and Sage crifp: Lay thefe fry’d Herbs in your Fiflw jbi the mean time let an Anchovy be difpers’d in thive w fbat Spo(ijRils of iialding hot ˚ Water and wkh-them beat up ibme Buttec ronr thi$ on your Perches,’ gamiik with FarQeji -Strawberiy’ leanres. Sec 7$. Co matt a lHageo of idntiu Gut your Perches, haif broil them on a Gridir then take them up and take off their Skins neatly; dien take a Sauce-pan, pot into it a little Fiibbrodv If a f int of White-wine, feme Salt and . Fewer, an Onion fluck with doves, a Bay Leaf and ionid ParfleyAred then take a Stew-pan, put into it a much Butter as the quantity of an £, a litdei F16ar”and half brown it, aiid’ pour it into your Saucr in the lame Pan then lay in your Perches and iet them 01 a gentle Fire to faamcsz .When they are ftew’d -enough diih diem and pour over them any of thofe meagre Ragoos, that you will find the Direo: tions to make in letter R, and ierve them up hat for a firft Courfe. 74. 0 mate etftim’D (Baafb Baltjt. Dissolve Musk in iWeet compounded Water; then take about the Ciantity of one Wafliball of the CoiiiK((ition, and mix it together in a Mortar; mix this wdl with your Pafte and make it up into Balls. 754 0 malR petfomeb C(dtef Take two Ounces of Benjamin, an Ounce of Stbrax, half a Dram of Labdanum, half a Dram or Calamus AranBtacus, a Uctle CStxoofttl and hsi£ a Dozen Cloves: Boil the Beojamm ttid Stneax m half a pint ot Rofe-water in a new glaz’d Pipkin, alittletinie ib loiaathe MoiBaxtc holds out widiout being vaporaecd then put in the Labdannm, Clores and Citron, ty’d np in a liancn Rag addi more Riwater: And when, they have hool’d a Httletake them off and ftndn diem thrpngh aXiancfr Clod and when they are ooUL this will be a..cudous pcr ftm’d Pafte. 74 3L petfttme to lMttti Take Benjamin, liquid Storax, aadr Su)nst Cala- jBtta, fine of each an Ouzice mix and ditiolve titmi as much as you, jcan in two Oonees of da mask Role-water , men add as much Fiomttine O rice in fine Powder, as is liifiiciettt to nuike it up into a Paflsev Musk in fine Pow- der, of each a. Dram mix all thefevecy w tagO’ ther, and aoi.tlhem up inCQcCakes about the biytefi of a Silver twa. Pdice; dry them on a Tin-plate and keep them fpr Ule. Thde Cakes are: gpii to perfume abuodanqs of other tlm, befi4es tint they are good to bum. 77. Co make a ffctfame to getftme atif Gittt af Cdth Tak£ iMuak and Oil of Nutmeg of each an e oal Quantity infiile them, in Roievater.and with it rinkk. your Banqueting ‘ Preparations .mi At Sbent willbe as. gi-atetixl as theTafte. 78. Co make petCumeD )B0lD&ecj;, . Take half a pound tff Florence Orrisr half a pound of dryU Damask-43Qfes, . an Ounce of Benjamin half an Oumx of Storax,. thfee quarters of an Qmob of yeUow Saunders, a Dram of Clwes and a litdo Citron’ Peet: Pound all tteie in a Morttu: to a fine Powder put to this ten Pound of Starch, mix H well, fift it fiba, and keep it 4xy for x&i; 29. Va mtite (etfomAVtattr; PoVK Beniainsi, Storax Calftminty Cloves txA Mai&k; in a Morour, and put them into a Gfatfr vial, and put to them Aqua-vitx or the Spirit of Wine, and vvhcn the Liquor is chai’d to a red Colour iafufe in it a grain of Musk, ftrain it and keep it for u& 8o ittaltt 9tttp. Lbt not vour Fears be too ripe before you grind them, becaule their Pblp wilt not eafily let go its Juice and with lome Pears ( a Iweet Tafte, it is beft tomix iome Crabs with them. Thofe Pears aiie befi: for mak a Ftny that have a very Vinous juice, and diofe that are not fo to be eaten by Reafbn of their harftnefs, a the Red and Green, Squaih F, the John Pear the tjUlafm Pear, the White and Red Iforie Pears, or as Mr. EyeUn iays, the furgwian Pear: The Aiann of making Perry in all Repmsist&elbQeasinmaldng; Cider, wluch you may fee in Letter G under the Ar- ticles Cider, Numbers, 135, ijy, 138, 13, 14a. 81. tEo baktatMetflmt Bone your Pheai9nt, lard it with’ pirettv big lar doos of Bacon, then foaftn it highly’ with salt, Pep- per, Nutmqs? 1 Butter in the bottom of the Pye, then lay in y our rhealant, and put in half a dozen of whole Cloves, thenlayonSeafbning, and a goodQuan tity of Butter, clofe up your Pye, emd bafle it over with Eggs, bakeit and when itis bakd, fill it up with Claris fied Butter. This is to be eaten cold, but if you are to eat it hot, you muft not put in above half the Sea fenii, and Uquof it with Gravy and the Juice of O ranges youmayalib putin yourrjre Beefiiietand loine Veal minc’d finall, Sweet-herbs, grated Nutmeg, Pep- per, Sak, the Yolks of four raw Kggs, Artichoke hot toms, bc- d Grapes or Gooleberries. 82. Ho bod a IJterant – Flet off the Skin, but leave the Rimi pand L whole with the Pinions then ounce the Raw-fle&With; ftme BecfJuet j fiaion it with Salt, Pepper, Nuttneg an4 PH and Sveeet-herbs ihred ikiatt; tale alio (h€ bottoms of three Artichokes boil’d, foioe Che&uts.; (OAjEbed and blaxich’d. fome Skirrets hcAVd and cut pretty finally isk corporate all theie together with the Yolks ftbcee. or four raw Eggs accordii to the Quantity bfyouF lb- gredientSy then fill the; Skin, of your Fhst, atxl prick it up in the Back, lay it in a deep Qiib put in fome Strong-broth, quarters of boil’d Artidioke Marrow, White-wine, Salt, large Mace, Chefimla Grapes Barberries and Pears quartered, and allo.ibzne of the Meat made up into Balls, coyer the Diih clofe, ietthem over the Fire and let them ftew, .when they are eoongb ftrre themup op fine carved Sijpets, broth it and lay on the Gannih, with whole Lemonpeel and Slices of Le- mon i run them oyer with beaten.Butter, gamiih the Diih with large Mace the Xolks of hard Eggs and (Jhe&uts.; ‘Mff.Wfi &)Mmtala biaife. Pick and draw your Phqaianty cut off theLs, triils the ends of The thighs into the Body, and parboil it, lard it with large Lrdons of Baton well feaibned, lay Bards of Bacon and Beef-ftakes well beaten and iea ibn’d with 3alt Pemer, Sfi Sweet-herbs, Qnkns flic’d, Parinips and Carots in flio then lay in.your PheaiantinaStewrpaniLay thelajneSealbning over it and cover It with Stakes of Beel and Slices of maon as you did under, then cover your SteWrpan and pot fire over )t and uoder it, and let thm Aew well together. While vour Pheafant is Oxfnnfy 4ake a Rgop with Veal Iwect-breails, Fat Livc;s Mjuihrooms Tmffles, Aiparagus top afid Artichoke ibottonu, tofsd up in melted Bacon, moistened lyich Qravy, and finuner’d over a gentle ire. When it is ready take rff all the Fat, and thicken it with a Cutlis of Veal and Ham then take up your Pheaiapt,let;itbe well draine.tlun diih it, pour your Ragop or itlBid ierve it up hot; Truss your Phfalknts, lard tl em with Bacop, msA, theiPy but not too dry. Tp .wkQ the Sauce £)irthem lay Pit lay tender Veal flakes in the bottom of a 5teW-Jari,’ add alio Slices of Onion and Gammon of Bacon, feme Roots of Parfley and a Faggot of Sweet-herbs thefl having a Carp gutted, and mih’d in Water, but not ical’d, cut it in Pieces in the iame manner you do for ftew- ing, and put it into your Stew-pan j tlien fet it over a Stove and colour it, as if you deiigo’d to make Gravy of it i then pour in Ibme Veal gravy and a Quart of Champaign-wine, add alfo Ibme Muihrooms and Truf- fles chopt, and a Clove of Garlick. Let all thefe boil well together, but fee you do not make it too Salt, when they are enough ftrain them through a Seive, forcing it through that the Sauce may be pretty thick. If it be not thick enough, put ibme Partridge Cullis to it, and put it into a Stew-pin j then tye up your Pheaiants lay them in this Sauce, to keep them hot till you ferve them up. ‘When you ferve them unbind them, drefi them in a Diih, pour the Sauce over them. You may gamiih them with Partridge PainSy which you will fiid in the Article of PW; 85. Co maie a )Bta(8rit Bpe Take the Fleih’ of a Plieafant and the Flefli of a fat Pullet, and a tender Piece of a Leg of Veal, mince all together with Mulhf 00ms, Veal Sweet-breads, boil’d Gammon, raw Bacon, Cives and Parfley: Seslibnthem with Salt, Spice and Sweet-herbs, and make a Godivoe of them, and alfo make a pretty ftrong Pafle, raife your Pyeither with Double er Single Cruils, a you pleafe, fill it with the before mentioned Ingredients, bake it and when it comes out of the Oven pour into it a Cul- lis of Muihrooms, aYid ferve it up to Table hot. 86. 0 boil a fuciiing ig Take a young fucking Pig, and lay him round with his Tail in his Mouth put him into a Pot ol Water, throw in a good Handful of Salt •, put in a Bundi of fweet Marjoram, Winter-iavoury, Thyme and Rcrfemary •, when the Pig is half boil’d, take it up, and fley off his Skin then cut him into Qijartersi and lay them in a Stew-pan with Prunes, Currans and A a large PI laricMace; when he is ftew’d enough take him up lay Sippets in the Diih, the Pig on diern and pour the avefaid Ingredients over him. 87. 0 mtUl a ia au Pere do&iner.; Your Pig being icalded drawn and cleanfed, cue it into Quarters, and lard them with large Lardons of Bacoo, wed feaicMied with Salt, Pepper, Nutm, Cloves Bay-leaves, young Chibbols, and green Le- mcm: Then lay a clean Napkin into the Bottom of a Pot put into it Broth and a little White-wine lay upon the Napkin Bards of Bacon, upon them lay the Charters of the Pig, and the Head in the middle 9 then lay on a Sealbning of Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, Cinnamon and Mace, a ilic’d Onion and Le mon, two Rocamboles, Bafil, a%ay4eaf, Cives, Par iley, Parfhips and Carots cover aU thefe with Bards of Bacon, and fold the Napkin over it. Take a Fi let of V, att two or three Pound of it into Shoes, lay Bards of Bacon and them in the Bottom of a Stew Pan, cover your Pan, and fet it on a Stove j when it begins to ftick, moiften it with good Broth -, but take care, that it does not become brown pour this into your Pot or Kettle, where your Pig is, with a Quart of Whitewine, and ftew your Pig in it. If you would ierve it up hot, make a Ragoo as fbUows. When your Pig is almofl: enough ftew’d; tofe Veal Sweet-breads, Muihrooms, and Truffles up in a Sauoe pan, with sc httle melted Bacn, moiilened with good Gravy, and when they have fimmer’d a while till they are enough, skim off the Fat, and thicken with a CuUis of V eal and Ham then tJlke up your Pig, drain it well, lay the Head in the middle of the Diih, the four Quarters round it, pour the Ragoo over it, and fcrve it up for a firft Courle. If you would ferve it cold, take it off the Fire, let it by, let it ftand to cool in its own Liquor j when it is cold take it out, and drain it well, wipe it dry with a Napkin, lay a Napkin in a IXik, lay tiie Head Pi Head in £he middle, the four Quarters round it, an4 gsuuiih with green Paifley. 88. drefti a fipacfifng jPigin Galantine. Take a Sucking-pig fcaldit, draw it, cut off the Head and liegs, then beginning at the Belly ftrip off the skin, but take care you do not ait it, eedafly on the Back, Ipread the Skin handiomely on the Drdler, imd then prepare the following Farce; Take tender Veal, raw Gammcni of Bacon, all forts of Sweet-herbs except Rofetnary and Sage, add a little Parfley and Chib bols chopt. In the mean time prepare a ftrong Liquor to moiften your Farce thus, put a quart of Water in- to a Pipldn with two or three Shalots, two or three Cloves of Garlick, a couple of Bay leaves, Sweet-ba ill. Savoury and Thyme, and boil them till the Li .quor comes to a Pint: Take fome Piftaches and AI monds, ibdd them and the Yolks of half a dozen hard Eggs, then cut fome Slices of lean Gammon, and fome Slices of Bacon leafonthem well, let a flice of Gam- mon, another of Bacon, alfo a Lay of Almonds, ano ther of Piflaches and a third of hard Yolks of Eggs be let in Order, alfo idd to your Farce, Mufhrooms and TrufBes cut finall, and a little natural Cream, and fook them in your ftroAg Liquor, and afterwards add the Yolk of one Egg. When you have laid the Bacon and other things % this Order, ydii muft %ead the Farce over them, beginning at one oi the Ends of the Pig’s Skin, and then roll them up drawing the two Swards on both fides clofe togMher fo that the Farce may not fall out; roll it up of a convenient Length, and either tye it. Or lew it up on all Sides, and put it in a Napkin, which muft be iewVl up in the middle and both ends, to keep it all dole together. Then put it into a Stew-pan, laying Slices of Bacon and Beef in die Bottom of the Stew- pan, and Slices of Beef and Bacon over your Pig, leti It be covered and ftewd a la Braiey or between twd Fires, the one under and the other over it, for two or three Hours. When it is enough, 1 the Pig cool in the Sauce, and when you take it out of the Napldiv untye it, and cut it into Slices, lay them in a I iili upon a clean Napkin, and lerve them up cold with Slicos of Lemon and Flowers. 8 0 roaS a 1$, Mince the Pig’s Liver with blanch’d Bacm, Mufhrooms, TrufHes, favoury Herbs, half a Clove of Garlick, ibme Capsrs, and an Anchovy j tols thefc up in a Sauce-pan, and put it into the Pig’s Belly, alio a Piece of Butter, and an Onion ftuck with Cloves. Sew it up, and youc Pig being Ipittod, lay it down to roaft 5 dip a Feather in Sallet Oil, and rub yoar Pig all over witli it •, this will make the Skin crack- ling, and will prevent k from bliflering. Make the Sauce for it of its own Gravy, the Pudding in the Pig’s Belly, a bit of Butter, into which iqueeze in a Lemon and ierve it up hot. The Pig being fcalded, drawn, and wafli’d clean; put into the BeUy of it a Cruft of Bread, and lome Sage:; ftitch up the Belly, pit it and lay it down to the Fire, bafte it with Butter j and wJien it is roaft- ed fine and crilp, take . chopt Sage, grated Nutn and Currans, and a little grated Bread boifd in Water, and a little Vinegar alfo die Brains, fbme Barberries and Sugar give theie few walms over the Fire, keeping them ftirring; then put in a good Piece of Butter: Divide the Body and Head of the Pig, cut off the Ears, lay them on the Shoulders, and ferve it up witli the Sauce before mentioned. Or you may make the Sauce thus. Mince ftvect Herbs, as Penny-royal and Savoury, and roll them up in .Balls with Butter, and put them into tlie Belly of the Pig, before you roaft him, inftead of the Cruft of .Bread and Sage, and iriake the Sauce with the . Brains, Butter, Vinegar, and Barberries, and lb ferve it up. 9u Co roaff a flg toftfi tfie Wt on; Draw your Pig very clean at the Vent, taking out the Guts, Liver and Lights j ait off his Feet, and truis him prick up the Belly, Ipit him, lay him down to the Fire, take care not to fcorch him; when the Skin begins to rife up in Blifters, pull off the Skin and Hair when yon have clear’d the Pig of both, Icotch him down to the Bones, bafte him with Butter and Cream, being but warm then take Salt, Sugar, and grated Bread mingled together, and dredge him with it, till it is covered half an Inch, or an Inch thick j when it is roafted enough, lerve it up whole with Sauce, made of Wine-Vinegar, whole Cloves, whole Cinnamon and Sugar, boil’d to a Sy- rup. 92. 0 toaS a ii tettt) ttie bikln off. Let your Pig be newly kill’d, draw him, fley hm, and wipe him very dry with a Cloth then lay him by, and make a l:rd Meat, with Cream, the Yolks of fix Eggs, grated Bread, Salt, Beef-fiiet, Cloves, beat- en Mace, and Thyme ihred, make of theft a pretty ftiff Pudding, Ituff the Belly of the Pig with it, few it up then (pit your Pig, ftick it full with Sprigs of Thyme, lay it down to the Fire, fet under it a Difli with. Claret-wine, Salt, Vinegar, a Nutmeg grated and Thyme as the Pig roafts, bafte it with thefe, and when it is enough, froth it up with Butter:, then take the Sauce into which it drop’d, and put to it a Piece of Butter, and fome Lemon minc’d and having beat it up thick, difli your Pig in it. 9?. %0 6tef0a pg tbe French Wav. Having Icalded and drawn your Pig, fpit it, lay it down to the Firje to roaft, and when it is throughly warm pull off the Skin and cut it off the Spit, and divide it into fixteen or twenty Pieces, then put the Pieces of Pig into White-wine and ftrong Broth, and ftew it with Nut- meg grated. Pepper, a couple of Onions minced finall, and (bme Thyme flxip’d ibme Gravy, Butter, Elder- • Vinegar and two or tlurce Anchovies, when it is ftew’d dilh it in the the LiquoF it was flew’d in, with ibra Slices of Orange and Lemon upon it 94. Co Dre(0 a Ig tftt German WBLf. Cut your Pig into four quarters, tofi them up in a Stew-pan with melted Bacon or fry them with Lard then ftew them in good Broth with a little WhitewinCj ialdn’d with Salt, Pepper and Nutmeg, a bunch of Sweetherbs and an Onion ftucjc with Cloves then in a Stew-pan tofs up in Lard fbme Oiflers a little Flour, md a Piece of Lemon, Gamiih the Dilh with ixyd jparfley andt;he Brains of the Pig. 95. “Qki boil a (bttcfcfng ‘S Take a young lucking Pig, andlay him round with his Tail in his Mouth, put him into a pot of Water, throw in a good Handilil of Salt put r a bunch ofSweet marjoram, Winter-lavoury, Thyme and Rofemaryi when die Pig is half boil’d tace it up and fley off his Skin, then cut him into quarters andlay himin a Scew pan with Prunes, Oirrans and large mace 9 when he is flew’d enough take him up, lay Sippets in the Difh, the Pig on them, and pour the aforefiiid Ingredients over )iim sa. Vo fottceaig. Take a young Pig, cut off tle Head, flit the Bo- dy thro’ the imddle, bone it lay it all Night in warm Water, make it up into a CoUar like Brawn, and boil it in Water ’till it is tender: Then lay it into an Earthen-pan with Water and Salt, then boil a quart of that Liquor with a quart of Whittf-wine, putting in two or three Bay leaves j when this SoiKe is coU un- clothe your Pig, and put it into the Souce, When ydd ftrve it up, do it with green Fennel as you do Stur- geon, with Vinegar in Saucers: It will keep good a quarter of a Year. 97. %o ma6e a fg pe Take . a young Pig, fley off the Skin, quarter it, ftaibn the’Quarters with Salt and Pepper beat fine and mixed together, make up a Cnilt of Piifte in At Form qf % Pye, lay in your quarters 5 flired a Hand- ful PI ful of Frfiey and half a dozen rigs ofWinter-favou- ry finally and ftrew them over your rig, and thenflxew over thefe the Yolks of two or three hard Ems grat- ed, upon thefe lay ibme blades ‘of Mace, and Bunches of Barberries, a Handful of Currans, and Ipread over all about half a pound of frefli Butter then clofe up your Pyc, and fet it into an Oven moderately heat- ed, let it fend for three HourSj then beat up a pound of Butter with a little Sugar icraped over the Lid. p8. D tttti fgU pettjtoejl a la Saintc mehchour. Let your Petty-tops be well dreft, divide them in to halves and tie every Petty-toe together •, then lay into a Stew-pan or pot Bards of Bacon in the Bottom, and upon tliem, lay a Layer of Petty-toes and Sweet- Jjerbs, and upon them, lay a Layer of Petty-toes and Bards of Bacon, and drf the lame ’till you have laid in all your Petty-toes, then put to them a Quart of White- wine, a Glafi of Spirit of Wine, a Bay leaf or two, a little Coriander and Annls, and a little Quidc-filver, then coyer all over with Bards of Bacon j line the Edges of the Stew-pan or pot with Strong Paper, lb that the Lid may be exaftly fitted, and flx p it up very clofe then fet them to ftew a la braife of between two Fires, the one under and the other over •, but let not your Fires be too brisk, that die Petty-toes may ftew leifurely for ten or twelve Hours, dien take them out, cool them and bread them neatly, then lay them on a Gridiron and broil them, to be ferved up hot among the Inter- meflfes. 99. 0 boil !pigeonsf Stuff the Pigeons with Parfley and Butter, put them into an Earthen Pipkin with Ibme Sweet Butter and boil them then put in Salt, grols Pepper, Spiri- age, Rofemary, Thyme and Parfley ihred, and ftrain in the Yolk of an Egg with Ibme Verjuice •, lay Sip- pets in the Diih, lay on ‘your Pigeons, and pour what they were boird in over diem. A a 4 too. fC PI IPO. 0 toafi )Bigeatii toiti iSAtan Scrape fbme Bacon, Seafon it with Pepper, Spicc .?uid Savoury Herbs, a Mulhroom and Truffle, tsike ibme Gives and Parfley ihred, mix all thefe well to- gether, then your Pigeons being trufe’d for roaftijsg, raife the Skin of their Breafts with your Finger, an4 farce their Breafts with this Farce, then ipit diem, wrap them up in thin fliqes of Veal, and upon them Slices of Bcon, paper them to keep on thp Veal and Bacon, and lay them down to the Fire to roaft;, . while they are roaftii)g nake for them the fbllowii Ragoo. Cut thin ilices of Ham of Bacon, beat them a little, gamiih the bottom of a Stew-pan with them, fet it over a gentle Fire to fim,mer, when it begins to ftick add to it melted Bacon- and a pinch of Flour, when it has had fix or eight turns over the Sto7e, moiftpn it with Gravy that has no Salt in it, and put an a little Pepper and a Faggot of Sweet-herte j cover it cloie, and let it iimmer over a gentle Fire; when it is enough take oS the Fat clean, an pour in ibme Cul- lis of Veal and Iam to thicken it whn the Pigeons fire roafted enough take off tlie Bards of 3acon and Slices of Veal, dilh tem, garniih with the fliccs of Ham, pour the Licjuor of your Ragoo upon them and lerve them up hot to Table for a firft Q uri ‘ loi’D DrefiS pigfOniS a la Braife. Take Isrge Pigeons, trufs thm well, and lard them ipith large Lardons of Bacon well ieafoned then make a pretty tllick Farce and ftuflf their Bodyes, then put ihem into a Stew-pan and ftcw tljem a la Braife or be- tween two Fif eSjj ” as you do many other Things. When they are done, diih them in Order, clearing them well irom the Fat then pour on them a Ragoo of VeaJ iweet Breads, and Truffles, and fervc them up hot. I02. 0 Hrefe iSlBCOW an Baiilic. Let your Pigeons be well bjanch’4 in fcaldicg-hot Water then cut the backs open alittle, juft enough to put in a finall farce, which you muft make as follows, Auiace the Livers of your Pigeops very finall with raw PI Bacon Civcs, Bafil and Parfley well Scalbned, and farce them with it: Then boil them in good Broth, with a little Salt and Verjuice and an Onion ftuck with Cloves i while they are boiling beat fome Eggs, when they arc enough tai e them up, roll them in the Eggs, and in Crums of Bread, ’till diey are covered all over pretty thick, then heat Ibme Hogs Lard very hot, fry them very brown, then difh them, gamilh with fry ‘d Parfley and ferve them up. I o 0 tttfy ittmi tDitfi ftoeet IBafll, Scald your Pigeons well, flit them a little orf’thc bacl then make a Imall farce of raw Bacon, minced linall with Iweet Bafil and Chibbol well fealbned, put this into the flit in’ your Pigeons, and put them into a Stew-pan with good Broth a little Salt, Verjuice and an Onion flxick with Cloves, then take them out roll them in beaten Eggs, drtidge them well with grated bread, fiy them brown in hot Lard, then fry them a- gain with Parfley, with which you mufl: gamiih them, when you ferve them up, they will ferve for a fide Dilh. 104. %n broil BfstottjJ Slit them down the back, fprinkle them with Salt and Pepper,laythemon the Gridiron, broil tliem gently, turning them often bafl:e them with Red Wine j make a Sauce of frefli Butter, a Shalot and the Juice of Lemons and lb feiTe them up hot. I o 5 . Co SetD isftmi in Compcfi . Truss your Pigeons handlbmely witii their Legs in- to their Bodies, then parboil them lard them with large Lardons, fealbn’d wit; Salt, Pepper, Spices, Gives, and Parfly fhred, antl Iweet Herbs, and ftew them a la Braife or between two Fires: In the mean time prepare a Ragoo of Bowls Livers, Cocks-Combs, Mu- Ihrooms and Truffles, tofe’d up in a Stew-pan with a little melted Bacon, moiflsen’d with Gravy, fimmer’d over a gentle Fire, clear’d from the Fat, when near enough, thicken with a CuUis of Veal and Ham •, when the Pigeons are ftcw’d enough, take them up and drain them then put them into the Ragoo, let tfaob fmuner in it, to cive them the Rdiih of it thendiik them, poiir the Kagoo over dtem and ierve them up hot for a firft Courfc. io6. 0 matte a €iilHi oC M8toti0 Roast three or four Pigeons, dien pound them m a Mortar , then take Muihrooms and Truffles, a Chit bol, Ibme Parfley, two or three Rocambdes, a few Ca- pers, and three or four Anchovies, mince all very final mix them ¥11 with your Meat, and tofi them m in a Stew-pan with melted Lard put in fome good Gfra vy, ftrain it with ibme Lemoo-juice, and thicken it ac- cording to Diicretion. 107. HwtlnmMp Take a couple of Pigeons at their fidl Growth roaft them and pound them in a Mcrtar then fitted a couple of Anchovies, fbme Morils and TruflSes, a couple of Rocamboles, a few Capers, firnie Parfley amd Gives together very iinall mix tfade with the pounded Paeons, put them into a Sauce-pan, with Vol, Gka- vy and Ham, let them finuner a while, then ffa’ain it through a Sieve for Ule. 108. Co Drtiet Vigeoti) iDitf) f enttl. Having provided Pigeons of the beft fort, trufi them, and only finge them before the Fire then take their Livers with fbme Bacon, Cives, Parfley and Fen- nel and mince them Imall, fbalbn’them widi Salt, Pep- per and Nutmeg, fHiff the Bodies of your Pigeons with this Farce, and toaft them, and ferve them up to Table with a good Ragoo pour’d over them. 109. Cotiefi fMgeoitjt in Jfrican&eaur.; Take large Pigeons, trufs them with their Legs in their Bodies, divide them in two, and lard them with finall Lardons of Bacon then lay them in a Stew-pan, the larded Sides downwards, then put to them a couple of whole Leeks, and a couple of Ladlefuis of good Broth, cover your Pan, sgad let them ftand tD fimmer over a gentle Fire when they are done enough xoakt a hnsker Fire under them, to wafle a- way PI way what Broth remains, and when they are come to a fine brown Colour, take them up and diih them take away sdl the Fat that is left in the Stew-pan, and put ibme good Broth and Veal Gravy into it, to loo- fen what fticks to the Bottom of it, put in a few whole Corns of Pepper, and fet it over the Stove for aMinute or two; then pour this Sauce on tlie Pigeons, and ierve them up in little Difhes or Plates. 1 lo. Co fricdflp iitoni in tfftit IBlooti Take live Pigeons, bleed them, and five their Blood, iqueeze a Lemon into the Blood, to keep it from changing , when you have pull’d your Pigeons, Icaid them, and then draw them divide them in Halves or (garters, lealon them with Salt and Pepper, lay them into a Stew-pan; put in alio a Bunch of fweet Herbs, Sweet-Breads of Veal or Lamb, Cocks-Combs, Artichoke Bottoms, Mufliroomsand Truffles, and tofs them up all together in melted Bacon, add a quarter of a ipoonfiil of Flour, and put in fbme Gravy to nuH- ften dbemj let them fimmer for Ibme time over a gentle Fire, and when they are done enough, take off all the Fat, and thicken it with a CuUis of Veal and Ham, In the mean time let the Blood be ftrain’d through a Sieve, and beat it up mth the Yolk of an E(g, and put to it a little Parfley ihred jGnall-, then pour your Blood into the Stew-pan, keeping the Pan moving, that it may not boil up ierve it up for a firft Coude in Plates or little Difhes. iii.p0tP8eoiu(4 Pick your Pigeons well, wipe them dean, but do not wafh them, feafbn than with Salt and Pepper -, then roll up Butter in the Seasoning, and put it in- to their Bellies 5 fix Pigeons will take up a Pound of Butter then dcue them with Flour, put them into the Pot, layii their Breafis downwards, and tye them down cloie, fet them into die Oven, and bake them when they are drawn take them out of the Pot, clear them from the Gravy, they were bak’d in, laying their Brealis upwards. PI upwards, and pour over them clarified Butter, and let them in a cool Place. 112. potCdse of tsisront fatccb. Dr ess and blanch your Pigeons in frefliWater, then raile the Skin on their Breafb with your Finger, farce them with the Brawn of Capon, and the Yolks of Kggs minc’d together, icalbn them- with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg and Cinnamon beaten then boii thea in good Broth, lealbn them with a Sjieet of. Lard, ibak your Bread, lay on your Pigeons, gamilh them with their Wings and Livers, pour on your Broth with the Gravy of a Leg Mutton roafted. II?. a l?otclhFOt of IBijeon. Put your Fowls into a Pot with Herbs ihred fine, and mix’d with Butter •, put to them lome ftrong Brotl and put between them flices of Bacon, fbme beaten Nut- meg, and a little Saffron to colour them, make them boil as faft as you can then leaibn with Salt, Pep- per and a little Vinegar, and ferve them, up on Sippets. After the feme manner you may drcfs any fort of finall Fowls •, but Chickens muft be quartered and Jar- ded with Bacon, and tnuft not boil too fa(L 114. Co marinate leigrontf. Ma k e a Marinade ofLemoo-juice, Verjuice or Vine- gar, Salt, Pepper, Cloves, a Bay Leaf and Qiibbols, flit your Pigeons on the Back, or cut them into Quar- ters, that the Marinade may penetrate into the Fleih and let them lie in it for two ot three Hours then dip them into Bafte, or elle flour them, and fry them gently when they are enough, Icrve them up to Table hot with fiyVl Parfley upon them, and Rape Vinegar, and – white Pepper round about them, I r s. %o ptc61e )Bigcon)$. Bone your Pigeons handibmly, lealba them with Salt, Pepper Mace and Cloves, few them up at the Back, and tye the Rump and Neck, put tjiem into a Pipkin with a Qnart of Water, half a Pint of- White- wine, and half a Pint of Wine-Vinegar, or in this Pro? portion, according to the Number of your Pigeons, put; PI put in a Bit of Lemon-peel, and It Bunch of fwceit Herbs j boil them till they are enough, then take them off the Fire, take them out of the Liquor, fcum the Liquor very clean j put your Pigeons into a Pan, let all be cold, then pour the Liquor or Pickle to the Pigeons. 1 16. ZnoVftt saia; Take a dozen of Pigeons, bone fix of them, and take the Flefh off from the other fix, and beat it as fine as for Meat for Saulages feafon it with Salt, Pep- per, Spices and Iweet Herbs minc’d finall, add a little Marrow, the Yolk$ of two or three hard Eggs, three Anchovies and a Jittle Lemon-peel with this Farce ftufF the boil’d Pigeons, and let the Herbs be Thyme, Savoury, fweet Marjoram, Spinage, Sorrel, Lettuce and fieets, and a few Vine Leaves y make your Pickle with Water, White-wine, Salt, and a couple of Bay Leaves, boil the Bones in the Pickle j then take them out, and let them by till cold, and when the Pickle is cold put in your Pigeons to keep. 117. iJDorflgpopigeonjJ When you have larded your Pigeons, divide fome of them into Halves, leafon them with Salt, Pepper, Cloves and Mace, and dip them in the Yolks of Eggs beaten J then make good ftore of Butter hot in a Frying-pan, and brown it with a little Flour j thtnput in your Pigeons, and juft brown them, then take them out, and put them into a Stew-pan, and put to them as much good Gravy as will juft cover them, put in al- fo a Faggot of Sweet-herbs and fet them a ftewing, when they are almoft enough take out the Herbs, and put in a Shalot, fome Oifters and Anchovies, Mufh- rooms and Pickles, then when the Pigeons are ftew’d enough, diih them, and having ready roafted Larks or other finall Birds, lay them round the Difli, or if you “have no Birds, lay Pieces of Sweet-breads dipt in the “YoUa of Eggs and fryM and foferve them up, ganiilk with Slices of Orange and Pickles. 118. Co PI ti8. etMaNseoiu( Prepare your Pigeons to truis, then make a Far dng for them by mincing their Livers with Beelew et or Marrow, mix’d with grated Bread, and the Yolks of hard Eggs minc’d iiiba’d widi Salt, Nut- meg, and Mace beaten, and the tops of Thyme Ihred Jmsdl, incorporate all theie together with the Yolks of hard Eggs and Verjuice then cut die Skins of your Pigeons betwixt the Legs and Body before they be trud&’d, then put in your Finger to raile the Skin from the Flefh, but take care you do not break the Skin, then farce them witli this Meat, and tru6 the Legs dole to keep it in, then ipit them, and roaft them: Save the Gravy, which mix with iome Claret, putting in a little of the ferced Meat, and ibme Nutm fli ced: Let it have two or three Walms over the Fire, then beat it up thick with the Yolk of a raw Egg and a piece of Butter, with a little Lemcm misr ced, and fo lerve it up. 119 Co S;ef0 f&igeonu; a la Saingaraz. Lard them, roaft them in the mean tiioQ cut Slices of Gammon of Bacon beat them wdl, put them into a Sauc-pan, tois them up with melted Ba- con, and a little Flour put in Ibme good Gravy with out Salt, and a F aggot of fwect Herbs: When thdc have fimmer’d a while, put in a little Vinegar, and Ibme good CuUis to bind it j quarter your Pigeons, diih them, take the Fat off the Slices of Baoxi, lay them on the Pigeons, pour the Sauce upon them, and lerve them. 1 20. Pgeonij roaSeO in nttottt. Take large Piejecxis, truft them for roafting, then make a Farce of raw Eacon, boil’d Gammon, Veal Sweet-breads, Muflirooms and Truffles,'” ohopt with the Livers j alio Gives, Parfley, and a Clove of Gar- lick, all Ihred finall, and well leaibned, bound tog ther with the Yolks of a couple of Eggs. Faroe your Pidgeons with this Farce, between die Skin an Flefli of the Breafts, and alfo their Bodies: Then %ic PI foit them, take ibme large Fricaiideauic or Scotch Col-‘ K)p6 larded, and tye them about the fireaft of every Pigeon, then wrap thexn tip in Papers, and roaft them. While they are roafting, prepare a Ragoo for them. And when th are roafted enough, take off the Papers, diik them, laymg the Fricandeaux on their Breafts, pour your Ragoo over them, of whatfbever Nature it be, and ferve them up to Table hot. Pigeons in Surtout bak’d between two Fires, are drels’d after the lame manner, except that no Bacon Bards or Meat are to be put upon the Fricandeaux or CoUops, that they may take a fine Colour. When the Pigeons are enough, take away the Fat , and ha- ving prepared a Ragoo with Truffles, dilh your Pi- geons, pour on your Ragoo, and fenre them up hot. 1 2 1 . 0 fejerjS igeotijEt a Soleil. Stew iquab Pigeons a U braife or between two Fires; then prepare a Farce made of the Flefli of aH forts of Fowls,, minc’d fine, and pounded in a Mor- tar to a Pafte. Wrap the Pigeons up in this Farce, lb that nothing of them but the Heads can be leenj then dip them in beaten £gs, and dmdge them with Crumbs of Bread and Flour mingled together, and fry them ‘tiU they are brown. Then lay a Napkin in a Diik, lay the Pigeons upan it, laying lome firy’d Farfley between, and i ftrve them up. 1 2 2. tlTo ntii imtma a la Sainte Menehout Let your Pigeons be large, truls them, divide them into two, lard them with large Lardons of Ba- con well leafoned cut Slices of Bacon, and alio of Veal or Beef, ftafon them with Salt, Pepper, Spices, Iweet Herbs, Cives and Parfley flircd final, and lay your Slices of Bacon over the bottom of a Pot or Stew-pan, lay Slices of Veal upon them, and Ibme Onions and Carrots fliced. Then lay in your Pi- geons, lay on them the fame Seafbning that you did under them, lay flices of Veal over your Seaibning, and flices of Bacon over your Veal. Cover the Pot or Stew-pan clofe, and let them to itew a la braife (i.e.) PI 0i e.) with Fire Ixfth over them and under them i When they are about half ftew’d, moiften them mth a Pint of Milk, and a couple of Ipoonfuls of good Broth and let them ftew ’till they are enough cJiea take them off the Fire, let them by ’till they arc cold, letting them ftand in their own Liquor tlicn take them up and drain them, then dip them in beaten Eggs, and dmdge them well with Crums of Bread, and fiy them brown in Hog’s Lard, and fervc them up hot on a clean Napkin. If you would have them broil’d, then dip them in the Fat in which they were ftew’d, and drudge them well with grated Bread, and lay them on a Gridiroo, and broil them, and iervc them up with a Ramohide made of Oil, Salt, Pepper, Anchovies, and a little Muftard mingled well together, with a little Gives and Parfley flired finall, and the Juice of a. Lemon. You may lerve them up cold without being either fry’d or broil’d, in Plates or little Piihes. 123; 0 fteto igeonjJ. . Mi X Parfley, Spinage, and Sorrel, with a good quan- tity of frefli Butter melted, ftew them together, and when cold, put in Ibme Of the Pigeons Craws, with a Bay-leaf or two, feving Ibme of it for Sauce. Then put the Pidgeons into a Stew-pan with as much good Gravy a3 will cover them, fealbning with Salt, Pep- per, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace, two or three Shalots, Thyme, Wiiiter-favoury, and Lemon-peel. Alfo brown fome Butter, and put into the Pigeons when they are ftew’d enough, put in a bit of Butter roU’d up in fbme Flour, and the Yolk o an Egg, with Ibme of the Herbs that were left out, iliake all up together, and lerve it. 1 24. Co ffeto 0igfOn tfje French iFaftfom When Pigeons are pnll’d, fcalded, and drawn, flcy off the Skins, leaving them whole with the Legs and Wings hanging to them -, mince the Fleih with fome Lard or BeeT-luet minc’d very finall; then mince ibme fweet Horbs very &ie;, and mix widi your Meat-, Pi MdLt , mis: with it alio grated Bread, of Parmifatl grated, and the Yolks of £ggs j ieaibn with Pepper, Ginger, Cloves, and Mace. Fill the Skins with this Farcing, and (titch them up in the Back-, then May them in a deep Diih or Scew-pan with ftrohg Broth and Iweet Herbs chopp’d finall, whole Mace, Bar- berries, or Grapes, and Goofeberries j then haying jbme Cabbage Lettuce boifd in Water and Salt, put ibme Butter to them: And when die Pigeons are ftew’d enough, ferve them on Sippets all ttcther. 125. Co ittti IMgedM a la Tartare olt colb Saacr; When you have ling’d your Pigeons, and trufs’d them as for boiling, flat them th a Cleaver as thin as you tscciy without breaking the Skin on the Backs or Breafts; then ieaibn them pretty well with Salt Pepper, and Cloves, dip them in melted Butter, and drudge them well with grated Bread, theti lay them on a Gridiron, turn them often t If your Fire be not very clear, you may lay them on a Sheet of Pa- per well buttered, to keep them from being finoaked.’ While they are broiling, prepare your Sauce thus: Take a piece of Onion or a Shalot, an Anchovy and a couple of ipoohfiils of Pickles, and mnce .them irery finall every one by thenifelvcs, as alio a ipobnful of Parfley minc’d: Then add a litde Salt, a little Pepper, five or fix ipoonfiils of Oil, a ipooriful of Water, and the Juice of one Lemon. Mix all thde well together •, and when you are going to ferve, put in a ipoonful 6f Muftard; pour this Sauce cold into the EHih •, your Pigeons being brOiPd enough, lay them on the top of it, ind fciVe it for a firfl Couric. 125. %o titi Idfgeonjt toitti ruffleji. Loosen the Skin of their Breaib; then iftincc your Pigeons Livers with fome leaii df Ham of Bacon, and fome Fat, Muihrooms, and Truf Hes, CiVes, and Parfley, and fweet Herbs j ieaibn with Pepper and Spices 5 pound all thele together with the Yolks of two raw Eggs: Then farce the Breaits of yortr Pigeons with this Farce, ipit them, wrap them up in thin dices of Veal, ccnrer the Veal tli thin fitces of Bacon , wrap them up in iheets of P per, and roaft them. In the mew time, make for them a Ragoo of Truffles in the manner foUowiog: Peel your Truffles, waih them clean, cut them in fli- ccs, and put them into a Stew-pan, put to them foiBe (ood Veal-gravy, and let them a limmering over a Itove When they are enough, put in CuUis of Veal and Ham to thicken it. When your Pigeons arc roafted enough take off the Bards, diih tha, pour your Ragoo over them, and lerve them up hot for a firft G)urJc. 127. %oimkt a igeon). Take a dozen of Pigeons, and two Pound of Butter put Butter roU’d up in Balls, with ParOey fiured fine into the Bellies of your Pigeons iealbn them witli an Oimce of Pepper finely beaten ) feaion the infides before you put in the Butter lay them in your Ciifi:, fprinlde Salt over them lay thoQ over with Butter, cloie up your Pye, and bake it. 128. SLmtzt iiUf Takb large Pigeons, draw them, truis thefl and beat them on the Breafts to break their Beocsi then ‘ lard them with large Lardons of Baooa wdL iealoned. Chop the Livers fmall with raw BaooD Marrow, fweet Herbs, Parfley, Cive% MufhroMss Truffles, all well iibdbn’d Pound them in a Mortar, and ftuflf the Bodies of your Pigecms with this Farce. The Pye being made of good Pade, lay ime of this Farce in the bottom of it and then having (ea- ibned your Pigeons, lay them in Order put iarat fo a Bay-leaf, then lay thin Slices of Baccm over jrour Pigeons, lay on your Lid and bake it. When It comes out of the Oven, cut it up, dear off all the Fat, and having made ready a Ragoo of Veal SviFtet- bread&r; Cock’s-combs, Muihrooms, lc. pour it into your Pye, and ferve it up to Table for a Side-dift. Up. %9. PI 119. ‘IIo (Mke s ¥geon pf tfre French iaiar Make your Pafte of an Egg, Butter, Salt, and Wikter lay Ibhic of it into a Pyean, take good Pi- geoD6 icald thefti well then take melted Lard, and Ardchokd-‘bottoms qwarter’d. Veal Sweet-breads divi- ded into halves, lay a whole Artichoke-bottom in the middle of a Stew-fan, lay your Sweet-breads, and quarters of Artichokes round it, with the Livers of Capons, and Muflirooms well pickcL and cut in fquare Pieces. Stew all the(e together vrith a little Flour, well lea- jbned: Then pour ibme melted Butter into your Pafte you lay’d in the Pye-pan j moiften your Pi- gedtis Well, lay the Artichoke-bottoms in the middle, the Pigeoris round it, and the Veal Sweet-breads in tile void Spaces •, then put in the reft of the ftfewd Materials, cover your Pye, make a Border of Puff- jfte round about it, balo it, and when you lerVe it op, pour lome white thickening Sauce into it. 130 ‘Co Imlte a like in ft )Bl?e. Let your Pike be well drawn and vraih’cL then lard it with pickled Herring then mince Oiixers, a little Lemon-ped, an Onion, and ibme Sweet-herbs all tdgedier, leafcn them with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace; then do your Pike all over with Yolks of Eggs, both infide and outfide, atid ieafbn Jiim with the bpfbre-mentioned Sealbning. Then your Fe being made in the form of a Pike, lay in your Fuh, ferape Htfrie-radiih over him, and alio lay a handful or two of Grapes j then lay on a good quan- tity of Butter, clofe iip your Pye and bake it j wheti it comes out of the Ovcriy liquor it ‘with Butter, a little Vinegar, and the Yolk of an jg. You may, if you pleafe, add to your Butter, 6fr. Oifters, Shrimps, Prawns, Cray-fiih or Cockles, with the Yolks of hard Eggs, Lemon, Anchovirfs, of Gravy. iji. €0 boil it Mfie. Cleanse and truls your Fike in a toufid Ring fioirh it QD the Back, let on the Fire a Stew-paa B b with PI with as much Water and Whitc-winc as will coyer it; make the Liquor boil, then put in your Fiih, and boil it with a quick Fire: For the Sauce, mince the Liver of the rike, fealbn it with Pepper and Mace, put to it Oiftcrs or GKkles boiled or fiy’d, and fweet Herbs Ihred fine, fcrape in Ibmc Hcrie- radilh, and boil them in White-wine Vinar. When your Pike and Sauce is ready, beat up the Sauce with a piece of Butter and minc’d Lemon, dilh your Pike on Sippets, pour in your Sauce, gamifli with Slices of Orange or Lemon, and ierve it up. 1 3 2 anottiet WSlap Take a Male Pike, aib the Skin off with Bay- iait while it is alive cleanfe it well both infide and outfide, walh it clean Set on a Kettle with Whitac- wine. Salt, whole Pepper, Giier, Nutm, Mace, four or five Cloves of Garlick, or an Onion, feme Ginger, and a Bimch of fiveet Herbs. Make your Liquor boil to the Height, then put in your Pike, boil it up quick it will be enough in half an Hour. For the Sauce, take half a Pint of Ginary, beat in it a Crab, part of a Lobfter, or Shrimps, put to it two ipoonfiils of the Liquor the Pike is boil’d in, and a Pound of drawn Butter fet this Sauce over a Stove, and keep it all the while ’till it be thick. Take up your Pike, diih it upon Sippets dipt in the Broth, and pour ypur Sauce over it, and ierve it up. 13?. tCo boll a iBike tje Frtnch .jFafljiom Cut the Pike in three Pieces, boil him in Wine and Water an equal quantity of each, and a little Lemon peel: When the Liquor boils, put in the Pike, with a good handful of Salt. Then having preparM a Sauce of beaten Butter, Water, two or three Lemons in Slices, the Yolks of two or three Eggs, and icmie grated Nutmeg’: Diih your Pike on Sippets, and ftick it with Ibme fry’d Bread run the Sauce over it: Gamiih with ibme Barberries or Lemon and gar- nxfh the Diik with Barberries, flic’d Ginger, and Lc- inoa-peeL p I 114. tlTo iltti t )Bifce a Cubilo, tift Dutch WLT ‘ Take a large Pike, fcalc it, gut it, waih it clean, and ait off the Head •, then cut it in flices about atf Inch thick, endeavouring to cut it in the Joints, When you come toward the Tail, cut through the Bone, and leave the Fiih whole on the underfide, lb that it may hang t(ether, then put it into a Pan of cold Water. Set on good ftore of Water, leafon it pretty high with Salt: When it boils up, pour in a quarter of a Pint of Vinegar, Icum it well, divide the ‘ Head in two, and put that and the tail in the boiling Water about five or fix Minutes before you put in your fli- ces •-, take the Gall fiom the Milt, and put the Milt in alio. When they have boil’d about a quarter of an Hour, take them up and drain them •, lay the Head and Tail in the middle of the Difh, and the flices round with fome Sippets under. For the Sauce, the Hollanders ufe only oiled Butter melted gently over the Fire, flirr’d about with a Ladle, and pQured over the Filh. But you may ule drawn Butter. A Pound of Butter, with a Ipoonful of Water drawn up will be as thick as Cream, Iqueeze in a Lemon, and ferve it up hot. iM- Cobjotl a pifee. Split your Pike, and Icotch it with your Knife on the Ouriides, fealbn it with Salt, lay the Gridiron on a clear Fire, make it very hot, lay on your Pike, bafte it with Butter, turn it often-, and when it is broil’d QiS and cri(p, dilh it, and lerve it up with beaten Butter, and the Juice of Lemons, or Wine- vinegar, gamiihed with flices of Oranges or Lemons, and flices of Rofemary. ntf. 0 D?eft a (fee In Caflerole. Scale your Pike, lard it with the Flefh of an Eel i then put it into ‘ a Stew-pan with White-wine, burnt Butter, Verjuice, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, a Bay-leaf green Lemon, and a Paggot of iweet Herbs. Let them fliew over a gentle Fire j in the jnean time prepare a Ragoo of Muilirooms, Oifters, CJapcrs, feme of the Liquor wherein thejr arc flcw’d, and foine Flour. When all is enough, difli your Fifli, jour your Ragoo over iu garrjiih with fry’d Mur ihrooiDS, Carps Roes, and flices of Lemoo, and fcrw it up hot. 137. frpajfte. When you have cleans’d your Pike wdl from the Slime and Blood, dry it, flour it apd roU it round, put it in your Pan, or ejlc you xroy flit it, fry it in frelh Butter crilp j then make your SaCQ bf Butter, beaten up with the Liquor of Oifters, Wbite-winc and Nutnieg. Garnilh with fry’d Parfley, and Slices of Orange and Lemoa I; 8. 0 ftp lifce Ui SiUt%. Gut and itale yoiu: PiJke, cut it into Slices or Fi lets, put them into a Marinade, as in th Receipt N 143, but not above half an Hour, then dip them in a thin Pafte or Batter, and fry them, diih tnem, gar- niih with fliqes of Xxtcion and Parfley, and ferve Aoa up. Or you may put them into wlute Sauce, which is made of the Crumb of Bread pounded apd traioed through a Sieve: After it has had two or three Walms in a Stew-pan with a little Broth, or a Cul- lis of Fiih J when you iorve it up, iquecze in ibme Juice of Lemon. Scale your Pike, gut xt and wait ii ctean, cut ic in Pies, put them into a Stew-pan, with lome White- wine-, take Muihroonis, Tniffles, Gives, and Pariley mincM feaibn all with Salt and Pepper j put in alio a Piece of Butter, and let tfiem ftew over a gentle Fire. In the mean time bljinch fbme Oifters in Water, with a finall Quantity of Verjuice •, then put them and their Liquor into the Stew-pan ix) the Pike; whep it is ad- mod enough, then difli it garniih with Slices of Lemon, and ferve it up to Table ly)t fiw: a’firft fConric. 140. fiirce a tt Draw and lode your Pike then tcie oift the Bone by the Sack, ib that the Head and Tail niay be left hangli by the Skin. Then mince the Flcfll vdth Piece of Carp or Eel, Muflirooms, Ciyes and tad Pmfley j fealon all with Salt, Pepper, and Nut- meg 9 dien add a Qove and half a dozen CcMriander Seeds, unded then add Bitter to it, and pound ail togpsther’wi crum Bread fimmer’d ovr the Fire in Craun, and the Yolks of two raw Eggsj thefe being all mix’d together, ftiiff your Pike with this Farce, few it qp, and lay it in a Stew-pan at its ful Dzngth. Ftit iome Butter and Flour into a Sauce-pan and brown It; then put in Ibme Whitewine, and Filb-brotb, of Mch a like Quantity pour this into your Seew-pan to the Pike; fealbn with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, fivcet Herbs. PiriOey, and Onions let your Pike cMily fim- jner, leaft it break. In the mean time, prepare a Ra- goo of the Tails of Cray-ih, Muihrooms, the Tom of Aftaragus (if in fealbn) tofs thefe up in a little firdh Butter, add to them a litde Fiflwbrodi to moi- ften it, and a litde Cray-fiih, or other good CuUis to thicken it. When your Pike is enough, take it up, lay it in a Diih to drain; then difll it in another Diih, pour the Ragoo upon it, and ferve it up to Table liot Take Notice, that if yeu ufe the T bf Alpara- gis, they muft be firft blanch’d, and not put into the Ragop, till you are jvA going to ferve up, or eMe they win be too much dooe. 141. %e halt a Untb ilu Make your Farcii, and farce your Pike as di- refted in the laft Receipt then rub it over with mel- ted Butter, lay it in a Pafly-pan, with whole Gives, Slices of Onion, and a little Parfley flired-, pour fome melted Butter over it, drudge it with grated Bread •, ict it in an Oven j when it is bak’d brown, ferve it upy either dry, cmt in a clean Napkin laid in a Difh, oc eUc with i iharp Sauce. ‘ B b 4 142. Co PI 142 Co liaC a HKkti When you have cleans’d your Pike, bone it. Cafe it; then mince the Flefli with an Eel, and Iwcet Herbs; ieafbn with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and Aface beaten; put it into a Difti with White-wine, and Jet it flew; when it is enough, ftir in a Piece of Butter, in the mean time, take large ftew’d Oifters, and fiy them in Batter, ibme green with Spinage, others yel- low with Saffron: When your Meat is ftew’d enough, dilh it on Sippets,garniih with Oifters, and ferve it up hot 14?. o marinate a ike Make a Marinade of Verjuice, Salt Pepper, the Juice of Lemon, Cives, and Bay-leaves. Gut and fcale your Pike; then lay it in this Marinade for two Hours i then take it out, druce it with Flour, and fry it, or you may bake it in a Patty-pan •, then dip It in melted Butter, drudge it with Bread grated fine and fifted through a Sieve, and Salt; bake it brown, md ferve it up with Sauce made of clarified Butter, the Juice of an Oraie, Salt, Pepper, and Anchovies, melted and fbrained through a Sieve. Gamiih with the Milts of Carps, or Livers of Pikes fry’d, and fry’d Parfley and f?rve it up hot 144-0 Djeft a fWfe t German (Etta? Gut your Pike, and walh it very dean 5 then fplie it m two Parts clofe by the Bone, and half boU it m Water i theq take it outapdfcale it, till it become very white j then put it into a Stewrpan, with White- jvme. Capers, Anchovi, Mqihrooms, Thyme, and iweet Herbs chopt very finall, and alfo fbme Tniflaes Md Morils. Let theffe aU flew gently, that the iih may not break j then put in a good Piece of Butter, and a little Cheefe grated j when the Sauce h grown thick, difh it handlbmelyj gamiftiit with what you pleale, and lerve it up hot 145- mti a itt au Court Bouillon, Having cleans’d your Pike, lay it in a Pan, d- r whole, or cut into quarters, fprinkle over it boiliiM hot Vmegar with Salt in it. When it has lain ibme . ‘ time. PI timei take it out, and iealcn it with Salt, Pepper, Ckyf9$y fweet Herbs, Onions, and a Bay-lcafI Put a good Iump of Butter in the Belly of it, wrap it up in a Napkia Then put into a Stewpan foiqc White-wine, Verjuice, Salt, Pepper, Onions and Le- mons flic’d. Nutmeg, Cloves, and a Bay-leaf, make theie boil very faft, dien put in your Pike: When it is boil’d enoih, ierve it on a clean Napdn, gar niih’d with Parlley for a firft G urie. 16. %o tntia a tfte toltb oitt auce When you have gutted, fcal’d, and deans’d your Pike, boil it in Wine and Water, of each a like quantity, put in Salt, Pepper, and a Bunch of Savou- ry Herbs. Melt Butter in a Sauoe-pan with a little Flour, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, a ilice or two of Le- mon, three or four whole Gives, a couple of Ancho- vies, a little Water, and a Drop or two of Vinegar, Oive this Sauce a tum or two over a Stove ’till it is thicken’d, diih your Pike, pour it over it, and ferve it up 147. toaft a ike. Scrape and gut your Pike, lard the Back with pickled Herring -, take Claret-wine and large Oifters, fcaSoa your Oifters with Pepper and Nutmeg; mix with them fomt Slices of Onicxi, Winter-lavoury, and Thyme, and fill the Belly of your Pike with them, iew up the Pike’s Belly, and bolfter up its fides with tyfo flat Sticks abouj: the Breadth of a Latli lay it down to the Fire.tye Rofemary and Bays to keep O thQ Heat from coming too much to it where it is not defended by the Laths, from fcorching; bafte it with Butter beat up with Claret; when it is roa- led enough, take it up, take the Stuffing out of the Belly, and make a Sauce of that and its own Drip- ping, fbme beaten Butter and Claret, and having diih’d it, ferve it up. 148. ShtBt%ttWULlf. SCALB your Pike, and fcotch it flightly, lard it with Lrdons of £el; lealbn it with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, PI Nutm, (met Herbs, tod CiTes; chea faflm it n the Spk, and lay it dovm to the Fire as it roaAs, bade it with White-wiiie, Butter, Juice of a Li cmoo, and Vinegar ‘ when the Pike is roafted, Qike the Drij ping of the Kke, mek ibnie Anehovies, laix wkh tf, ftrain it through a Sieve, with a little CtiAis, put it into a Sauce-pan, put- to it Ibme Oifters, fomc white PeH?er, and Capers j let them have a Walm f)r twoj diih your Pike, and ferve it up with this Sauee. Gar- niih the Diih with fry’d Muflirooms, the Roes of Carps, and dices of Imon. 149- iSnotler fi!9p. ‘ Take a large Pike, draw and wafh it cleaa; tfaeo take a Pint of Oiftera or Shrimps, three or four An- chovies, an Onion or Sfaalot, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace, with a little Padley, ftred thcfe reiy Imafl, and mix it with Butter; with this ftuff the Belly of the Rke and ftrew fimie of it Upon the put-iide of ky then fiiften your Pike on the Spit, and baAe it either with Butter or Claret Wine. Make a Saucs for it with Claret Wine, feme of the Liquor of your ()iftci-s. Butter, Anchovy, Spice, and Vinegar, with a little Flour to thicken it. Take a large Pifce when you have icrapM fcal- ded, and gutted it, ieaion it with Salt, Pepper Mace, Cloves, and Savoury Herbs-,, bone a ferge Ed, cot k into iquare Pieces like Bacon -,. ieaion diis vritb iihe iame Seaibning as you did your Pike. Stuff your Pike with them j then roll the Pike in a Caul of a Breaft of Veal, and tye it to the Spit and when it is half roafted, take off the Caul, and drudge it with grated Bread, bafte i and fiour it dien garaift your DiiK with Flowers, and ralpd Lemon, and fervc it up. I J I. ‘ttoftucea 8ilf. Let your Pike be drvwi, and watfli’d clean from the Blood and Slime , then let it be boifd in Wtter and Sah, juft as miKh as wilt cover it -, aod if yoo would would keep it long pat in as much White-wine as Watr 9 iMit put it not in beifbre the Liquor boils let it boil a little while gently, then take it up ibm put in iome Salt, but ieafon it not too high; put in Ibme Wkie- Vinar, flicd Ginger, Cloves, and whole Mace j when they boil, put in a little Lemon-peel, boil it up quick, but not too faiuch -, then put it in a Pan, pour the Liquor to it, and co- ver it up dole. When you ierve it up, gamiih with flices of Lemon and Barberries. 1 5 2. “Co Ottfo iikt a la Sainte Robert Gut, Icale ai flit your Pike, divide, each into it Pieces, Icore them, then lay them &r; an hour in a Marinade of Vinar, Salt, Pepper, Sweet-bafil, Bay Ieaves, Slices of Ghrions and Lemony then take them out, dry them mth a Linen Cloth, flour and fiy theni in Butter, make your Sauce Robert in the fbllowiti man iier, let a Sauce-pan over a Stove with a good Quanti- ty of Butter, put into it iome Qnicxis cut inSlices, fry them brown, moiflen them with good Fiih-broth, Idt: them flew in it for iome Time when they are ftew’d enough. Skim off all the Fat and thicken the Liquor vnth a OJlis. Lay your Pikes into this Sauce, let them fimmer in it a little while, thendiih your Pikes, and fet the Diih over a Stove, put in a little Mufbrd and a Drop or two of Vinar, pour your Sauce on your Pikes and ferve them up hot. 153. 0 (hl0 )Bfte. Slit your Pike, waili out the Blood, lay it in a Diih. put in as much White-wine as will cover it, fet it over a gentle Fire to flew, when it boils put,in the Pike and fcum ic then put in iome Salt, whole Ckmamoa and Blades of Mace -, when it is flew’d enough take out the Spice, and put in a good Piece of Butter and the Yolks of two or three Eggs, let them have a walm or two. Diih your Pike and pour the Sauce over it; Scale your Pike, lard it with Eel, then ftew itin Clarified Butter and Verjuice feafbn with Salt. Pep- peti PI pec. Cloves nni Nutmeg, a Baj Leaf Sweet-bafily t I aggot of Sweet-herbs, and Slices of Lemcxi. In the mean time make a Ragoo of Muihrooms, tols’d up io Butter, moifteid with Fiih-broth, and thickened with a good CuUis. Diik your Pike pour this Ragoo upon k, and ferve it up. ‘ 155. 0 fleto a ike tle French tott?. Split the Pike down the Back alive, let die Liiqnor be Water and Salt, and boii before you put it in tben take a Stew-pan, put into it as much Claret as will cover the Pike, take your Pike out of the Water, cleanfe it from the Blood, put it into the WinePin the Stew-pan add three or four Onions flic’d, Salt, grois Pepper and three or four Blades of Mace then put in the Pike, when it boils up cover your Stew-pan, when it is en- ough, diih it with Sippets round about, pour all your Broth Spice 6?r, over it, gamiih it with Slices of Le- mon and Lemon-peel, run it over with beaten Butcer, gamiih the Diih with dry grated Manchet, and lerve it up hot. I f 5. D itto a it tfft Cit fafl)f on. When you have drawn andcleans’d your Pike,put it into a Diih, with as much White-wine as will juft cover it, fet it over the Fire and when it boils put in your Fifh, and as it boils Icum it add ibme Salt, whole Cinnamon and large Mace when it is enough diih it, and having fbme Currans and Prunes ready boiFd lay them over it; thicken the Broth with the Yolks of three or four Kggs, beaten Butter, Cream and Sugar, pour it over your Fiih, lay over it Mace, Cinnamort and fbme Bunches of Barberries, Slices ot Lemon and Icrape over it a little and ierve it up. 157- tanoi Pippinjf. Take fair large Pippins, pare them, bore a hole through them, lay them in an Earthen difli, ftrcw ovg them double refin’d Sugar, andlprinkle them with Da- mask Rofewater then fet them in a pretty hot Oven, as for Manchet i flop up the Oven for half an hour then PI then take them out, lay them on a Wire grate, and Co let them dry foe three or four Days. 158. 0 mafce Bipptncafo0. Pare your Pippins, quarter them, boil them in fair Water ‘tiB they are tender j then rub the Pulp thro’ a Sieve, boil the Yellow of a Lemon peel ’till it is very tender, mince it very fine, put it into your Pulp, and aUow diree quarters of a Pound of Double refin’d Sugar to every Pound of Pulp , then let it all together on the Fire, make it as hot as you can endure your Fin- ger in it then run it on Plates, and let it in an Oven to dry, die next Morning cut it into what Forms you pleafe, and dry them well If you pleale you may mix iome Juice of Lemons with your Pulp, if you would have yoar Cakes iharp. Lay your Pippins in a Difh, iet them in an Oven after Houfhold brd is drawn, let them (land four or five Hours, then take them out and lay them on Tin Plates one by one, and fijat them with your Hand, do Xkis twice a day, letting them in a warm Oven every Time ’till they are fiilly dry’d, then lay them up for Ufc. 160. Co HJellp pippinit. Take two dozen of Pippins, pare them, quarter them and core them, bdil them very weU in three Pints of Water, when it has boil’d, ’till all the Virtue of the Pippins is extrad in the Water, put them into a Hair Sieve, and flice a Piece or two of Citron into the Liquor to fbak out the Sugar – the next day to every Pint of the Liquor put a Pound of Double refin’d Sugar, let it a boiling, then put in Ibme Slices of Pip pins cut the wrong way, ‘tifl you come to the Ker- nels, boil it up quick, then put it up into Glailes, with the Juice of Lemons and thin Slices of Citron. 161. iltiotlet dOlap. Take a quarter of a Hundred of Pippins, pare them, core them, and boil them in four quarts of Water ’till half is wafted j then put in a Pint of Rofe-water and four Pi four Pound of Double refin’dSugar, let it be recofti’d and boil it ’till it is of theColour of Amber; drop ibaie of it upon a Glafi Plate, and if it Hands it boiTd enough) let an Earthen Pan over a Chafing-dijh d Coals ftrain the Jelly intothe Pan, and fiU Glaiies with it while it is warm. 162 tmalabe of Mptii)i Take Pippins not too ripe, pare and core them, put them into a preierving-pan, with as much Spring-water as will juft cover them boil them over a quick Fire, take out ibme and lay on a Plate, and when it is cold, if it be )ellied it is enoi then take them off, take a little Lemon Peel and put into them. Boii the Ye low Rinds of Oranges tender in tmo Or three Waters to take away their fiitternefi then cut them into nar- row flips and bniiie them together into a Pulp pot them into your Marmalade when they arc both cold, put it into your Pots and ftrew Sugar over it. 16;. %o pteCettoe (ppinK When you have pared, quartered and cored -the Pippins, put them into Fair Water with fotat of their own Parings and al(b the Parings of other Apples, and alio the Apples being quartered -, boil them ’till they are tender then put. them into a clean Cloth and dram the Water, then take as much of that Water as will boil up your Pippins that you would preierve, put it into a Pipkin with as much Double refin’d Sugar as you pleaie, according to the Proportion of your Ap- ples, then put in your quartered Pippins, and &t; them over a Char x)al Fire, and make them boii ’till thef are very tender, ftirring them gently with aSpooDnow and then, but take Gire not to break them, died take them out and lay them on the Brims of a Pewter-difli to drain, then make an end of boiling the SynipoD a quick Fire adding more Sugar and the Juice of Lemon; when it is done take it off’ the Fire and having laid your Quarters of Pippins in Order on Diihes, pour your Syrup over them. PI Boit half a icc:e Pippins tiQ they are tender, theA ftvape theiiV nd clear them frcmi the Core, then lea- fon a Pint of Cream or OrangB-FlowerWater, orRde Water with Sugar to your tafte •, then lay a Sheet of good pafle in a Diih, put rA your Pippins, bake it in a flack Orcn, and when it is dravm, Icrape LoafSkrgar orer it, ad ferve it up. iT Co fieto ppiitk0. Paxb your Pippins, cut them in hilves or qoftrter them, boil them m Water and White-wine of each an jequal Quantity, allowing a pound of double-rfinM Su- gar to every Pound of Pippins, boil it to a Sytiip, Jcum it then make it boil apace when they are a- boiit half boil’d add a little Lemcni-peel and Juice of Lemons -, when it has given the Symp a Tafte, take out the LemoQ-pcel when the Syrup begins to thic- ken, if you pleafe, you may put in a little Amber- greele, dif£ lv’d in the Juice of Lemons , then fhake them to a Jelly, then take them up let them by till they are cold, thi lay the Jelly upon them in Liunps, and ftrve them up. 166 Co mafte a pippin Canfp Sljce as many Pippins as will cover the Bottom of a Frying-pan, fet them over a gentle Fire, grate a Penny, or Half-penny ftale white Loaf, beat it up with eight Eggs, a quarter of a Pint of Juice of Taniey, a quarter of a Pint of Juice of Spinagc, and half a Pint of Cream, Iweeten’d with fine Sugar to your Palate, and a Nutmeg grated j when thele are all well beaten together, pour them over your Pippins in the Frying- pan; let them fry over a leaking Fire, and when one Side is fiy’d enough, turn it, and fo do till it is enough, lerve it up with Butter melted thick, and Sugar round the Brims. 167. Co male f&tppin; rt . Le.T your Pippins be ftich as are not fully ripe, patr, quarter and core them -, lay a thin Slice oif Qyince in your Tait, under each qu&rter; of die Pippins and feme Scrapings Scrapings of Orange or Lemon-peel.; IWeetenthem wcfl with Sugar, pour in theSynip of Qyi or Pippins; ftrew over them fbme finall Bits of Cinnamon, dofe iq your Tart and bake it in a gentle Oven. 168. obtoililOfam. Gill them, waih them, dry them, fealbh them widi Salt, then broil them over a gentle Fire, bafte them with Butter; when they are enoih, ierve them sp witb beaten Butter, Muftard and Pepper, or you may make a Sauce of their own Heads, fqueez’d between two Trenchers, with Ibme Beer and Salt. 169 0 babe laitu Bu T T ER a Paftry-pan with frefli Butter ftrew it over vrith aSeafoning of Salt, Pepper, Nutm, a littiePar- fley minced, and,fweet Herbs, and throe or four whole Cives 9 cut off the Heads and Ends of the Fiih Jay them in the Pafty-pan, and pour upon them a Glais of White-wine •, ftrew Salt and Pepper over them, and Iprinkle melted Butter upon tlienri, drudge them wdl with grated Bread, and let them in the Oven when they are baked of a fine brown Coloqr, take tKcm oat, then put into a Diih fbme Anchovy Sauce, or Cray fiih Cullis lay them in the Diih with your Sauce, and ferve them up. 1 70. Co boil laitt. Boil them in White-wine Vinegar, ihred Gixiger, two or three Cloves, and fbme whole Mace ierve them in beaten Butter with Juice of Sorrel ilrain’d. Bread, Lemons ilic’d, Barberries or Grapes 171.0 bjoil plaice. Draw them, waih them, dry them, icotch them on both Sides and broil them, make your Sauce of But- ter and Vinegar. 72. Co &)ef0 plaice a court Bouillon toitfi a CtapjfiQ CttUiiS. When you have gutted, waili’d and dry ‘d the Plaice, put them in a Stew-piin, with a little White-wine and Vinegary feafon them with Salt, Pepper, Iweet JSajU Cives, Parfly, ilic’d Lemon and Onion, fet them aftew ing PI I ing over a Stove; whefi they are done, let them by t8 take the Reliih the better: In the mean time prepare a Sauce for them with frefli fiuttera Pinch of Flour, a little “iVater and Vinegar, lealbnM with Salt, Pepper, Nut- meg, whole Gives, and a couple of Anchovies fet thefe a little over the Stove to thicken, then put in as much Cullis of Cray-fifli as will colour it then Makeup the Plaice out of the court BouiUon drain them, diih them, pour the Sauce ovei: them, arid lerve them up to Table hot for a firft Gourfe. 17 CD ftfcaff? fSUkti Run your Knife all along upon thebackfideof your Fiih, and take out die Bone, dividing the Fleih on botli Sides from Head to Tail then, according to the Largeneis of your Fiili, cut them either into three or four CoUops, dry them well, feaibn them lightly witH Salt, flour them, and put than into clarified Butter made very hot when they are almoft enou take them up, fet them before the Fire to keep them hot, clean your Pah, put in a LadJe of Butter, Ibme White-wine and Oifter liauor j you may alfb put in the Meat – h two or three CraJbs, alio feme Oifters, both whole and minc’d, forn Nutmeg grated and Thyme minc’d, and two or thrfee Anchovies j Aew all thefe together, arid when they are enough, put to them your Plaice Col- lops J then difh them on Sippets, and nin them over with your Sauce j gamifli witli the Yolks of hard EggS and Slices of Orange. 174. Co SetD Blaice. . Gut them, walh them well, cut off their Heads arid the Ends of their Tails, put them and their Milts iii a Stew-pan, with White-wine, a Bit of Butter work’d up with Flour, fome Mufhrooms, Truffles, Morils Cives, Thyme and Parlley, ftir and turn them gently, for fear of brealdrig themj when they are enough, iervd them with white uce, gamilh as you do other Fiih. i7f Co boil iPbrtit. Fley ofF the Skins, but leave the Riunpsand LcgS whcde with the Pinions, then mince the Flefli raW ft with Beef-luet, fealbn it with Salt, Pepper, Nut favoury Herbs •, alfo the Yolks of raw Eggs mincM fitiall i mix all thcfe well together, with the Bottxjins of three Artichokes boil’d, Chefiiuts roafted and blanched, feme Marrow and Skirrets boil’d and cut indifferently finall, according to the Bignels or Number of your Fowls •, then fill the Skin of your Plovers with tiiefe, few up the Backs, put them into a Stew-pan with ftrong Broth White-wine, Salt, large Mace, Marrow, the Juarters of boil’d Artichokes, Chefouts, Barbaric ears quarter’d, and ibme of the Meat made up in Balls, ftew thefe with the Plovers-, when all is tho- roughly ftewM ferve it up on fine carv’d Sippets, broth it, and garniih with Slices of Lemon, and whole Le- mon-peel, ruh it over with beaten Butter, gamiih d Dilh with large Mace, Chefouts, and the Yolks of hard Eggs. ij6 0 make cleat Caktit of am0 SfdNE your Plums, put them into a Jug, let the Jug in a Kettle of boilitjg Watery when they are dit folvd, ftrain them through a Cloth, and put a Pound of Sugar boil’d to a Candy Height to every Pint of the Plunl Liquor •, incorporate all well together, let them boil a little, ftirring theafl together j make it into Cakes, put them into dafles, and fet them in a Stove that is moderarely hot, or elfe diey will grow tough i let them ftand for a Fortnight or three Weeks without being cooFd, removing them from one warm Place to another, turning them daily till they are tho- rbugh dry, and they will be very clear. 177 Co make a Compoft pf llumiJ. pRlcit your Phtrns with a Pin, and throw them in- to Water, then fcald them, as loon as they rife on the Top, cool them as quitk as you can, then bring them again- to their Colour, and make themfoft •, afterwanb put them into thin Sugar well heated, allowing rae Ladle of Water to two of Suffar let them ffcmd in this till Eveniiig or the next Day •, then put them in- to a Copper-pan, in order to have as many Boilings as you PL yoa think requifite, t31 tht Sugar is thoroughly iii bib’d, when you will perceive tihat the Scum does not rife any longer and that the Pliuns are become ibfk find tender. i 78. 0 611? autvi pttrttjJ. Parboil your Plums in Water, peel theiii, and ha- ving Ibme thin Sugar Syrup prepar’d, put them into it and boil them till they are tender then take them out and lay them oil Wire-grates to drain, having thii Weight which they weigh’d at firft in fine powder’d Sugar J mak$ it into a Syrup with as much Water a$ will wet the Sugar j boil and icum it, then put in foar Phims, boil them a little, then take them olf, and put them into an earthen Baion, let them (land twefr ty four. Hour3, turning than in the Syrup i thm pour the Syrup into a Copper-pan and boil it then, as ibon as it boils, take it off the Fire, and put in the Plums do this every Day till they have drank up the Synipj then lay them oa Gla&ates; and do by them as you 4o by Apricocks, take the tluck Pafle when it is &£ fickntly dry’d lay it upon Olafs-plates, make it ia the Fa&ion; of a Plum msdce a Hole in the Middle lirith a Plum-Aooe, let them ftand till they are dry and then put in the Stone, and lay another half up on it. 179. SimtlfttWUf. To every Pound of Plums take half a Pound of fine Sugar, boil it to a Syrup, not too thick flit the Plumd down the Seam, and put them into the Syrup, fet them on the Fire, make the Syrup fcalding hot, but let it not boil, k it fo till the Plums are tender and take care timt they be caver’d with Syrup, that they floay not lofe their Colour % when they are tender take them off the Fire, and let them fiand a Day in this Syrup •, the next Day make a thick Syrup of Sugar tnat is almoft of the fame Weight with your Plums, boil it afanoft to a Candy Height, let it ilttd till it is cold, drain the Plums out of the firfl SVrup, and put them into the new-made Syrupy &e; that it voters C A th i PL the Pliuns, then fet them on the Fire to fcald till tlicf look clear then let them ftand by for three Days in the Syrup, then lay them on Glafr-plates, and dry them in a Stove, or in the Sun, turning them often •, if the Plums are green, you muft nib them 6x& inSalt and Icald them green, as green Apricocks. J 8c. ainotbtt (ffliap Pick your Pliuns, duft them with Flour, to keep them from (licking, let them ftand in a warm Oven au Nighty the next Morning turn them upon a deanSieve, and fb do daily till they are thorough dry. i8i. 0 &)p Ivmi ioi %Sixti. Wipe your Plums, lay them oa Lattices, then put them into an Oven after Bread is drawn , take them out, turn them, and (et them in again when they are dry put them into Paper Bags ftiU of finall Holes, and hang them up in a warm Place. 182. omafce gaonalalie of lum. If your Plums are luch as wiU (lip off from their StcNies, take out their Stones, or elfe icald your Pluov in Water, till they become very loft then drain them well and iqueeze them through a Sieve then dry the Marmalade over the Fire, and temper it with the fame Weight of crack’d Sugar , then make it fimmer fbra while, put it into Glaifes or Pots, and ftrew it with Sugar. If the Plums are Hich as will eafily flip off from their St ies, ftone them, but if not, icald them in Water dD they become very foft; then drain them, and fqueezc them through a Sieve, then dry the Marmalade over the Fire with the lame Weight of crack’d Sugar, in- corporate them well, let them iimmer together for fome time i then put it into Pots, and ilrew Sugar over it. K 84 Co make IBlumpatte Make your Pafte of dry Marmalade of Plums, ad- ding to it new leather’d Sugar, tempering it well till It flips from the Bottom of the Pan, then let allfim Mef together for a while, and let the F be imme- • – – – – . – diately 4iately drcfi’d upon Slates, or in Tin Moulds, ip what Forms you pleafc, as of Hearts, Squjires, Flow- ers-de-luoe, 6?. and let them in the Stove to be dry’d with a good Fire: Or clfe your Faiit being ftrainM and dry’d, intermix it with crack’d Sugar: Then let all funmer togethc;r and drefs your Pafte as lfbte direQ:ed 185. pcfclelam:btu0. Boil Salt and Water tcetlier, then put in your Plum-buds, and boil them not tender , then (train them fron the Water, let them flsand by ’till they are cold, hen put in White-wine what quantity you pleafe the Whites of Eggs, and two or three Blades of Mace, and a little whole Pepper, boil theie toge- ther, put thevi into the Pickle, and let them fland in it for eight or nine Days , then boil them in a Brals Kettle fix times, ‘tiU they are as green as Grafs but take care tint they are not fbft -, then tye them down with white raper and Leather, 1 85. €.0 piclite anu like S it$ Make a Pickle for your Pliuns of Water White wine, Wine-vinqjar, Salt, Fennel-leod, and Dill, boil them together, put in as much of each of thele In- gredients as “wm give the Pickle a perfeS: Tafte of them: Then put in your Plums then take it off the Fire prelently, let them fland ’till they arc cold, then put them into Pots. 187. a:o mak Ittm potage Make flrcmg Broth of a Leg or Shin of Beef, Neck-beef, and Neck of Mutton boil them ’till you have boil’d all the Goodnefs out of the Meat flrain the Broth, and when it is cold take off all the Fat, (if you pleafei) then put the Cnmi of a quartern Loaf grated into three Gallons of Broth, or propor- tionable , let the Bread fleep in the Broth for an Hour, then fet it on the Fire, and put in half a do- f£n Cloves, a Nutmeg or two, half a dozen Blades of Mace whole, and Cinnamon broken into fmalV bits, two or three Pdurid of Currans, two Poiind of Rai- Cc 2 fins. fms, half a Foand of Dates fton’d and (ficd lealofi it with Salt, boil all gently, then put in a Quart of Canary, and a. Quart of Red-port; let til boil ‘tiB the Fruit is plump, and when you ferve it up, ptiC in a little Grape Verjuice, and Juice of Oraqge. 188. “Qui pjefecbt lluntd. Slit your Plums, ftone them; for every Pound of Fruit, take a Pound of Sugar pais’d throi the Straining-bag; put them in a Copper-pan over the Fire, and keep them (lirring continually, leaft the Skins of the Plums ihould break; then let them fimmer a good while, and ftrt tlem by to cotd; then lay them to drain on a Sieve or Colander, and in the inean time boil up the Sugar to its fmoot Quality: Then flip your Fruit irrto the Syrup, and give than feven or eight covered Boilings, fcumming them wdl from tim to time, even while the Pan is off from the Fire. Then put your Plums into earthen Roas and let them ftand in the Stove all Night: The next Morning, when they are cold, drain them, and drefi them on Slates to be dry’d in the Stove. 189. %o pjffetbe SLmin latM. Prick your Plums with a Pin in feveral Places throw them into cold Water, and boil them in it when thej rife on the top of tfie Water, take them off the Fire, and put them iito cold Water; then drain them, and fbak them in clarified Sugar, which you muft heat and pour upon the Plums, as they lie in earthen Pans; the next Day boil them again and boil the Syrup ’till it is ibmewhat Imooth: The next Day boil the Syrup ’till it is very finooth-, the third Day boil it ’till it is pearled: Then give the Plums feven or eight Boilings: And as often as they are let over the Fire, you muft add more Sugar which has been brought to the lame Degree of Boiling, tbzt the Fruit may be always equally iwked in die earthen or Copper-paiis’in which they are 1′ after they’liavc had a fmimering for &m;: time j twai let them in the Stove to dry. PO 190. “jit&tin; laminWdmit Boil, your Plums in an equal aiwnrity of pearled Sugar; kt them have a little Boiling, then let them by ’till, djw have caft their Juice. Then fet them upon the Fire again, an4 boil them to the pearled Qialitv: Then kt them lie in earthen Fans tUl the next £iay; then dtain them and drei$ thein as others for dryiqg in the Stove. 191- 0 mftlit dlailffianiP ef piatiui Take a Qpart of the Liquor of preierved Plums, andpu( into it a Poividof Plums iraw, and fisoned, and boil it up with a Pouttl of Sugar, ’till it vyiU ftand wpon iGxife-point like a Jelly. 192 nuke piot ‘niti, CcT a couple of Penny Loaves into round Slices, itnd cUp them in half) a Pint of Cream or Watery then lay thm ipread in a Diih, and beat up three Eggs with Cream, $iigar and Nutmeg grated Thai melt Butter in a Fryinipan, wet the fide3 of the Toafts, and lay them in i£e Frying-pan tibe wet fides down- wirds, then pour the reft of the Cream, £ggs &f-; upon them, and fry them t when they are done, ierve them up with Butter, Sugar, and Role-wate:. 193- 0 make a poiMnort. Take Benjamin, Labdanum, and Storax, of each an Ounce. Then heat a Mortar very hot, and beat them all to a perfeft Pafte, adding jSxir Graim of Ci vet, and fix of Mudc: Then roll your Pafte into .fioall Beads, xkc Holes in them, and firing them while they are hot. 194- Co ba&e; o)k to It tittn coliu Bqne a Lwi c Pork, and cut part of k: mtoCcl” op take alio as many CoUops of Yeal of t:be fame Bifi beat them both with the back of a Cleaver j ibn your Veai with Cloyes, Mace, Nutmeg, Thyme mine and die Yolks of hard Eggs iiibn the Pork with Salt Pepper, minc’d Sage, und the Yolks of hard E -, then lay in your Difli, a Laver of Pork, and a Layer of Veal, ’till you have laid your .. Cc4 Meat PL • Meat all in then clofe up your Pe, and Equor it viith Saffron-water, or the l oiks of Jgs: Whoa it is bak’d and cold, fill it with clarified Buttery let yoor firft and lafi: Layer be Pork, bake it and let it by ibr ule. I9 Moil ft Heg of pojfr Skin part of the Filet, cut it intd thin ilices, hack it on the Back with your Knife, then leaibo with &Llt;, Pepper, Sage and Thyxne minc’d linall; then broil them on a Gridiron, difh them, and let their Slauce be drawn Butter, Vinegar, Muflard, and Sugar. 196. Co collftt fttiD (bttce o;t. Take a piece of Pork out of the fide, lay it in Water all Night, and fqueeze out the Bloody then fealbn with Sage, Parfley, Thjmo, and fwect Marjo- ram then cut flices of a Leg of Veal, hack than with a Knife, and feaion them wkh Salt, Pepper, Nut- meg and Mace then waih your Pork on the infide with Yolks of Eggs, and the outfide of your Veal with the lame, and lay it with the Pork, then flrew on the remaining part of your Seafoning, roll it up hard into a Collar, bind it with Tape, boil it -, and yrhsxi it is boil’d, Ibuoe it in the lame Liquor with beaten Pepper and Ginger, and a little Vinegar When you ftrve it up, fHck the Vork with Bay-leaves or Kofemary, and Flowers, and gamiih your Diih with Sage and Flowers. 1 97- Co plcWe Bo?k Bone your Pork, cut it intx pieces of a lize fit to lye handlbmely in the Tub or Pan you woidd pickk it in i rub every piece well with Salt-petre j then take two parts of common Salt, and one part of Bay-£dt i rub every piece very well, lay Salt in the Bottom of your Velfel, and cover every piece over with Salt, by them one upon another as cIo& as you can, filling the hollow Places on the fides vnth Salt as your Salt melts on the top, ftrew on mOre. It will, thu or- tlcr’d, ke a great vThfle. I5’8 PO 198. Co pot )dott. Wh£N you have cut a Leg of Pork in pieces, poun4 k yery well in a Mortar, fesSbn it very well wim Sa)t and Peppery then raix, the Meat with Rolemary and Sage ihred finaU, put it in a Pot to bake, with a jPound of Butter. ‘ When it comes out of the Oveq, drain it from the Gravy, and prels it down dole in a dry Pot: Then havi skimm’d off all the Butter from your Gravy, clarify as much more Butter as wiU eover the Meat an Inch thick in the Pot cover the Pot with wet Paper, and fet it in a cool Place. 1 99 9otase Bitlt Catnips, Fare Turnips, cut them into rouxKi flices, and fry them in Liurd and a little Flour. You may fry them in the feme Lard in which you fiy’d any fort ofFowls that you defign to ierve them up with: Put thefe into a Pot with gbod Broth, (ibn’d with Salt, Pepper, and a Bunch of iweet Herbsi as they are ftewing; add a thickening Liquor. Thus havmg laid your Potage a ibaking with die iame Broth, kt yoiu Fowls and Turnips be neat- ly drefs’d and gamiih’d with fxyd Bread or Saufeges, (c. When you are ready to ierve them up, add lome igood Gravy and Lemon-Juice. • 200. Cio f oatt 8 BjeaS of tnit Take a Fore-quarter, of Pork, cut oflf the Knuckle, leave as much Skin on the Breaft as you can -, divide the Neck from the Breaft, leaving the Breaft as large as you can take the Bones out of the Breaft, ar rob it well over with Salt then having ihred Sage and Thyme linall and beaten, a Nutaneg, Cloves and Mace imall, xdix the Spice and Herbs together, and ftrcw them thick all over the Meat, and rub it wdl in, thai roll it up tight with die Flefk inward, ftitch it faft together, fpit it lengthways, and roaft It, 30I. 0 make a Nik e; Take the Skin off your Pork, art it into Stakei, fea&n; it pretty welt with Salt, Kutmeg flic’d, and beaten Pepper, put in aUa Pippins cut into imdll 1 . – – – pieces, P o pieces, as many as you think convenient, and (weetei with Suar to yoor Palate put in half a Pint of White-wine j lay Butter all er it, dole up your Pye, and let it into the Oven. .302. lITo mtilkt a ftt Set a Quart of Milk on tfa Fire, as idoa as $ boils, take it oPi and let it by to cool a littk then having put four Spoonflds of Sack, and eight of Ak into a mfoD, with a iiifficint Qsmtity of Sirpour your Milk to- it thet let it before the Fire, aiMl i it ftand dU you eat it. Boil half a Pint of AlC) a Quart of ldc, and a Poiuid and iialf of Sugar y then add the Whkaes of thirty Fggs, and the Yolks of four well beaten itir aH thefe together, till the Iuor grpws thick hen having binl’d three Quarts of Crewi or Milk, to two, let it iland by till it is cool i then pour it to the Sack arid Eggs ftir tjieia well together pour yoir Poilet into Baibns, cavr th$m with Piat and ferve it up. Boil two Quarts of tjifck Cream, with a good Quantity of whole Cinnasnon, ftirring it continually take tl Yolk3 of twenty £, md (train them with little raw Cream , when i;hfi 0:tam is well boiled, and taftes of the ice, take it oS the Fire put in the Eggs th having iome B?fk rastened vnd% Su-;;ar in a Baiop, $ind Nutmeg grated, warm it andpoiir in the Cream Fggs bu:ake out the Cinnamon hold it as high as you can, to make it Spatter as you pour it in, to raife the FVott, then ftrew on it gpod fpre of fine Sugar.? 205. anotfetr fflau? Boil a Quart of Milk as oon as it begins to boil take it from dxr Fire, and itet it by to cool a Uttle; thM pour it int3 Pot, t Jwt Spoonfub of Canary, and eight of iWe, fffeeteaU widi Sogiu- and kt it itand before ‘ire a iitde .while, wdtiea eat k. io6, tCo make a French fpoflet Boil three Pints of Grcam, with lame Nutmeg; iWeeten a Pint of Wine in a BaJbn, let it over iome Embers to warm a little pour your Cream to it ftir it, and let it ftand iimmerif over the Fire ioc an Hour and a halfl 307. make a foflet tle (Eatl of Arundel’s Take two Quarts of Cream, and grate into it half a Nutmeg, boil it a litUe while -, in the mean time, put half a dozen Spponflils of Sack into a Ba Ion, with fourteen or iixtseen Spoonfuls of Ale, fwect- en them with Sugar J let it over the Fire a little whiles then take it ofl and fet it by till it is almoft cold; then put it into die Baim, ftir it a little, and let it limmer over the Fire for an Hour, or longer. 308. 0 m a Covent-Garden oCEtt Boil a Quart of Cream, put in a Nutneg (pauv tered, and a quarter of an Ounce of Cinnamon let it boil iill it tes of the Spice, and keep it always ftirring, that it may hot burn to; beat thje Yolks of eight Eggs up with a little cold Cream, and put thi into the hot Cream over the Fire, and keep it flirring till it begins to boil, then take it df, and ftir it till it is indifferent coM; tiben fweeten it with Sugar to your Palatcj then iweeten a quarter of a Pint of Sack, or better and make it ready to boil; then pour it into a Baibn, and pour tfhc Cream to it, holdii it ashigh as you can to make it firpth, whidi 5s die Grace of the Poflct lop. %ti xaAz a fiadkpoffet Boil a Quart of Cream with whdeice, and half a dozen Flggs, Iweeten it with Siar to your Palate; then put in Canary to your Tafte •, then fet it on the Fire again,lct itfbnd a litde,raifc it up gently from the Bottom of the Skellet with a LacHe, and iKr it till it is thici enough; then wM the Ladl lade it geady Sto a Balbn. ami cat it t lo. Snotfrnt Wai toitliottt jlflft at Cream Beat a dozen c Eggs, . Yolks and Wliites takkf out the Treads in the mean time boil a Pint of Sack, with half a Pound of Sugar, igui it well pot in a litde Nutmeg: Then take the Sack off the lm put into the Eggs ibme Ale, mingle then vyell tlQg tlier over the Fire, keeping it ftirring, till it is thid then ferve it up. 211. potage oClSeef Stew a Leg of Bf ‘dll it is ib tender that it is ready to fall in pleces then leaion it with SaJt a Faggot of Savoury Herb% Cloves, Capers; add Sam- phire, Muihrooms, (c. then Ibak your Bread, and gamiih it with your Meat. 212. SDakf ‘fi otase Let yoiu Potage be the iame of that of the Queen% which you will find in Receipt 21 j then ibajl a Loaf of Bread with the Crufl:, after that a finall Haiho Partridges, which you are to ftreir upon the Bread, fo thin that it will Icarce be fien -, £)ak it, wd fill it by little apd little, and gamiili it with the fmallefl: Muihrqonfs Kidneys, Piftache% Cock:’s-combs, Lemors, a;)d 19 it up. ,21′?. ea lotast Take two Qyart of Peas and three Quarts of Water, fet them on the Fir, iafon them high, p in a large Onion when the are boil’d ibft, ftetio thn thro’ a Cobuider, and iet ijb on the Fire a- gain, and when they are boilfd put ii two Handfuls of Spinage, a Leek, a little Mint, a fpoonful of flour temper’d with Water, then pt in fbrc’d Meat. 214. Co malt lotagetDitti ttaiu ‘ Take green Peas, fcald the. Cods with the Peas, and a green top of a Chibol, and a little Parlley. Then drain tliem firom their Liquor, and pound them nin a jwl or wooden Mortar with a little Crum- bread Ipak’d in good Broth. and ilrain’d through a Sieve, that your Soop may be fcihewhat thicju. Thea fXi, t()fii Peas into a Stew-pan with a Bttle Lard, but PC firft fry A litde Savoury and Parflcy in the Lard j let diem all fttw together, and moiften them with good Broth, putting in a Bunch of iweet Herbs. 215. 0 make potrar a la Reyne. Truss and fcald Fkrtriciges, boil them in good Broth with a Bunch of fweet Herbs, thin IHces of Bacon, and flices of Lemon, in the mean time make a GilUs of the Breaft of a roafted Pullet or Capon, minc’d and pounded in a Mortar, with the Crum of Loaf ibak’d in Bix)th, and ftrain’d thro’ a Hair-fievc. Put this Cullis into a little Pot well cover’d, and let your Potage, that ihould be made of Crufts of Bread, be laid a ibaking in drained Broth. Then fet your Partridges in the Potage, and iprinkle all with good Gravy: You muft let a i&rced; Loaf in the middle of the Potage this farc’d Loaf muft be ftufTed with a good Hafli of a roafted Fowl, pieces of Muihrooms, X ruffles, and finall Aiparagus tops, according to the Seafon lay your Partridges round about this Loaf, the Cullis muft be poured upon them, and you muft make a Border round the Diih with Sweet-breads of Veal larded, and roafted Cocks-combs farced, and dices of Sweet-breads of Veal in a Ragoo, and Artichoke- bottoms. And the Breafts of the Partri ies muft be cover’d with flices of black Truffles. 216. WIft em’d lotase. Beat Almonds, and boil them in. good Broth, a iew Crums of Bread, the infide of a Lemon, and a Bunch of iwcet Herbs, ftir them often, ftrain them, then loak Bread in the beft Broth, which is to be thus made -, bone a Capon or Partridge, pound the Bones in a Mortar, then boil them in ftrong Broth, with Mnihrooms, then flrain them thro’ a Linen- cloth -, with this Broth ibak your Bread as it ibaks, Iprinkle it with the Almond-broth. Then put a little minced Meat to it, either of Partridge or Capon, and fiill as it is loaking, put in more Almond-broth, un- til it be ftdl, then hold a red hot Iron over it:, gajiiiih the Diih with Pomegranates, Piftaches, and Cocks-combsJ 217, %9 PO 117. Co tttftke otege toitliMft VBaitet; Take a good Pkce of Bee a Piece of Aluttofi, and Ibme File): of Veal a Capon a couple of P- tridges and four Pigeons; let your Meat be well bo- ten and your Fowls well trufi’d then put thcai ioco a Pot with Parfinps and Onions ihred, and Paifley Rogg ieaibn them with Salt, and all manner of Sweet-Herbs; flop up the Edges of your Pot with Paper and Iatflc lb as all the Steam may be kept in and that no Air may come out or get in; let this Pot into a Kettle of hot Water, the void Places ihjff’d with Hay, to keep the Pot upright and fteady. Keep the Kettle continually boiling fi r iix or eight Hours, then unco- ver it pcMir off au the Gravy of the Meat, and dear it from the Fat, then take out your Fowls and nmce them, and fiirce a Loaf with them, with good Gand tures; then fbak both the Loaf and Soop in good Gra- vy, and make a Ragoo of all ions of Garnitures fiy’d in Lard, pour tfaefe upon them-, then drefi the whole Meis with farcM Cocks-Combs, Veal Sweet-Biieads or iomething elie of the like Nature, and fervc it up to Table, 218 Co maite Botase tie French VUif. Take hard Lettuce, Sorrel and Chervil, of each a like Quantity, or any other Herbs you like, as much as a half Peck will hold prefs’d down picl wafli them, and drain them, put them into a Pot widi a pound of freih Butter, and let them over the Fire; and, as the Butter melts, ftir them down lo it, till they are all as low as the Buttery then put ia ibme Water, a little Salt, ibme whole Cloves, and a Cruft of Bread, and when it is boil’d, take out the Cruft of Bread, and put in the Yolks of a coople of Es well beaten, and ftir them together over the Fixe; lay into a deep Diih fbme diin Slices of whitae Srcad, pour it in, and ierve it up, 2 1 p. Co make otase t Italian jfaiion Boil green Peas in ibme ftrong Broth, with imw larded Btaon ait into Slices; when tt JPed are bon PO led, piTt to thehi Pepper, Annifeeds, tnd choppM I Parflcy, and ftrain Ibnie of the Picas to thicken the I Broth i let it have a Walm or two, and ferve it on I Sippets with boil’d Chickens, Pigeais, Lamb’s-Head, I Ehick, or any Fowl; yoo may, if you picafe, thicken I the fit)th with Eggs. I 220 0notiet Mlap I Thi s Potage is a kind of Olio made in a large Difli, I a Partition in Form of a Crofi, being made in Pafte, i ” and bak’d in the Oven 1 in one of the Squares put irt I a Bisk, in another a Potage a la Reyne with a Pro- I fitroQe Loaf, in the third a Potage of young Chickens, in die fourth a Potage of farced Partridges, all in their I proper Broths, and with different Garnitures, as rich I as you can poffibly xnake them. I 22 1. Co make 9ota3r a Santc. I PtJT into a Pot good Broth made of Buttock of 1 Beef, Knuckle of Veal and Mutton, together with Ca- pons or fat Pullets, fealbn the Broth very well; then loak it in fbme Cmfts while vou are boiling Sorrel, Purflain, Chervil, &f; r. in another Pot, aB cut very fmall; with thefc Herbs you may gamiih your Potage and Fowls, or you may flrain them, fb that you may put nothing in it but the Broth and good Gravy when you Icrve it up at Tabic. • 222. Cftt 9?fnctj otajr I Roast either Partridges or Capons, bone them, I mince the Meat Ixnall •, break the Bones and boil them in good Broth in a Pipkin, with a Faggot of Sweet- Herbs then flrain them through a Linen Cloth, fbak Bread, and lay it upon a Layer of Flelh or, if you pleafe, inflread of that, upon Almond Broth, boil it well and fifl it by Degrees j then gamiih it with the Pinions, then beat three Eggs with a little Almond Broth, or any other Broth, and pour them on the Potage, hold a hot Fire-Aovel over it, and lerve it up. 221. 0 make?ota jt ProfitroUe. Tajcb a FrefKb Loa farce it and fbak it in good Vcai Gravy, and good Broth 5 drels it upon other Ibaked PO oftked Grafts with a little of Partridge orCpoaUalk; then having a good CuUis ready, with the Meats of which the Gravy was made, ftrain it, and pour it japoo thePotage when you lerve it iip, lay a handiome Ar- tichoke bodx)m upon the Loaf with ibme Muflurooms on the infide, gamiih with Frictodoes or Veal Sweet- Breads. 214. fittmmtt ltage. Take a Shin of Beef Scrags of MuttOQ or Veal, chop the IVfeat in Pieces, and boil them gently in a fufiicieht Quantity of Water for fix or eight Hours, being covered clofe when they have boil’d three or four Hours, put in two or three Onions, and half an Ounce of white whole Pepper, tied up in a Linen Rag when the Meat is boil’d to Rags, ftrain vA through a coarle Hair Sieve, fqueeze it hard, then Vrt in fbme Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace; put in a finafi Facgpt of Sweet-Herbs, of Sorrrei, Beets or Endive, and Sipinage, of each a handful, fhred grofly; boil thefe for a while, then diih up your Potage with roafied geons or Ducks in the Middle of it, and finall of Bacon fryM, toafted white Bread in fquare SUces, Saufages cut into little Bits and fry’d Balls you ma alio add 6ravy and Palates, and GKks-Combs boird in Water tender, and peel’d, cut into long Bits 11 Aiparagus time, add Afparagus cut into its, with long green Peas put in before the Herbs j before you fcrvc it up, while you are difhingofit,fet it over a Chafing- diih, and make it boil and boil the Palates and Cocks- Combs in a little Broth, before you put them into the Potage •, you may alio add Lambs-flones and Sweet- breads, if you pleafe, 27. %i make potage tofttioat tltt 0stit ot ittbi Mince leveral forts of Sweet-Herbs very fine, Spi- nage, Scallions, Parfley, Marigold-Flowers, Succory, Strawberry and Violet-Leaves, flampthcm with Oat- meal in a Bowl or Mortar then ftrain them with Ibme of your Broth, boil your Oatmeal and Herbs witb 6 ¥fiA your Mattob, feaion tth Salt, &fr;: when all is enough, fcnrc it up on Sippets. 226. ContaSt a pofatotppe. Having made your .Crtlft, lay a Layer of Bdttcif in the Bottom, and haying boil’d your Pctatx)es tender; lay them in, and upon them Iny Marrow, Yolks of liard gs,whDle Sp’cc, blanch’d Almonds, Lates,luu..ies, (kMty Lemon, and Citron-peel candied then lay in a Layer of Butter over all, clofe up your Pye, bake it; and when it comes out of tlie Oven, cut up the Lid and pour in melted buttery Sugar, Wine, and chd ITcUks Of Eggts; 227 53Di t1i. Boil your -Potatoes in Water, blanch theiti, fealbri them lightlty with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg and Cinaa- nton, then put theni in your Vyty hairing firft laid on a Sheet of Butter ih the Bottom; then lay oh fjme Beef MArroYty Dates halved Eringd-Roots, foiiie But tar, whole ftce, arid Slices of Lemon, clole up the Pyj baki! it, 9nd when it conies out df the Oven li- ijuor it with Butter, GrapesiVerjuice and Sugar and ice it with Siar and Rofe- Water. 2?8 Co male iBottf etjTi . Take tlmi Slices of Bacon cut longy &id; as mf Veal-Stakes, beat them, and lay them on your Slices of Bacon; have ready a good Farde, lealbn’d with a Clove of Q&rhtky; and other Ingredients; lay a Layer of this on each Vfeal-Stake i thfen roll them up, tfieh fpit them on a finall Spit, and road them wrapp’d up id Piper; when th€y are almoft roafted tike dtf the Pa- per, bread them, arid give them a fine Colour -, thefe Poupiecs iftay either be ferved tip for a particular Diih or as Gamiih for other Mdfes, or tor Out works . They itoy alio be drfefi’d iri a Ragod, as Fridii- dwux, mth a piece of Lemon, as they are flewing; and ibme Juice of LeniOa when they afe femng upi to Tahte D4 . toil z’ PR You may alio lard your Poupiets and &y; tium brown witn pieces of Truffles, Morils, and good Gravy, or a Uttle Cullis to enrich them and iqueeze in Ibme Lenion Juice when you lerve them up to Table. 2 2 9 Co f cfcaflp attmf Take the Meat out of the Shells, put it into a Diih witli a Pint of Claret, an Onion flic’d finaU, a couple of Anchovies, and a Bund. of Iweet Herbi let thele ftew over a Chafing-diih of Coals with Nut- mqg and Ginger then put them into a Frying-paa with the Yolk of an Egg or two, Ibme Batter and Vinegar and when they have had a tois or two ferve them up on Sippets. 230. Co (teto aVDtu Having boil’d and pickd them, fitew them m White-wine or Claret, frefii Buttier, leaibn with Salt and Nutmeg diih them in Scdllop-iheUs, and luq them, over with beaten Butter, and Juice of Qraoge or Lemoa or you may ftew them in Butter and Cream, and fervc tliem up in ScollG-iheUs. 2ji. ia boill) puiDins Sift grated Bread through a Colander, and mix it with Flour, minced Suet, Cinnamoo Nudn Currans, and minced Dates add new Milk warm, Eggs and Sugar at Diicretion, but leave out ibme of die Whites, mix all theie together, and work them up well; then take half for one fide, and half for the other lide, and roake it up like a Loaf j then put a good Lump of Butter in the middle, and the other fide on the top of it, tye it up, put it into the Pot when it boils, and when boil’ cut it in tWD and ferve it up. 22. %o mafte loospuDDingst Boil a Quart of Oatmeal in a Quart of MUI and let it fland Vill the next Morning to fwell; then having ihred a Pound and a half of JBeef-lliet, -fedoa it with Salt and Pepper, a little Thyme, Parftey and Penny-royal of each a handful fhred very fhudi, mix thde fliefe With yotir Cfectoeal and Milk, arid idd a Pirit of Cream, and three Pints of the Blood of a Hog ot Sheep i when thefe are all well mix’d together, warm them over the Fire a little, id having Ox Guts, or Hog’ Guts vety well deaned, and the infides turned Out, then make a iinall Funnel that will hold a quar ter of a Pint, with a Tail about five Inches long, til of a Wideneis, Id that it can eafily go into the Guts.: Cut the Guts a Yard long, and fill them with your jfagredients, tye them a Ipan long, and two Ends of tfcit Ipan tyd together •, then tye in the middb of the ipan tibe two Ends, and fo you will have two Paddings in each piece do not fill them too full, but let them be larfr j then put them over the Fire, and let them boil for a quarter of an Hour; then take them out, and lay them in a Colander to cool. They Will keep a good while. About an Hour before yoU would ufe them, put them into a Sauce-pan with a little Butter, then fry or boil them; you may mix half theie and half marrow Puddings for a Dilh of the lecond Courfe. 231.. 3inotlfn teap: Take the .Blood of an Ox while it is warm, put fcmef Salt into it, and then ftrain it j and when it is tiiorough cold, put in Groats ‘6f Oatmeal well picked, land;let it ftand loaking all Night j then lealbn with Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, and Fennel-feed j addtog Rofemary, Thyme, Savoury, and Penny-royal j put In aMb Ibnie new Milk or Cream, and beat four or five Eggs very well, and put iuto the Blood, with Beefliiet ihred, not very fipalL Mix all thefe well together, and having your Guts prepared, fill them ai above direftedy and boil them for ule; BdiL the Umbles of a Hog very tender, take 9m of the Lights with the Heart, and all the Fl. about them J when you have taken out the Si- hews, mince the reft very finall, alio mince the Li- Ver iidd tx thcle a Pint of Cream, a quarter of n D d 1 Pmt r- •’lilw J Pint of Canary, the Yolks of four or &re; EggS Sate grated Nutmeg, Cloves, Mace, and Cinnamon finely beaten, iome Sugar, a pretty quantity of Hcs Fat, a little Role-water, and a few Carraway-ieeds roll it up an Hour or two before you put it into your Guts, rinie them in Role-water, and fill them as di- refted 23s. Co maKe a l5;eaDpaBDittg TaXe two Quaits of Cream, boil it with Salt, ugar, Nutmes, Cinnamon, Cloves, and Mace j when it has boil’d, flice in the Cruib of fi ur French Rolls, and fet it by ’till it is cold then drain off all the Cream that the Bread has not fbak d up, and rub the Bread thro’ a Colander, put in twelve BS leaving out four of the Whites, thto ftir it all wdl together butter your Difh, and put it in tye a Cloth over it, boil it, and lerve it up with draws Butter. Take fine Flour and arated white Bread, of each an equal quantity, the Whites of four, and Yolks of eight Eggs weU beaten, put in a good quantity of Sugar to diHblve in as much Cream as will make it of” th thickneis of Batter for Pancakes then put in Raifms of the Sun ilxmd, and Citrrans, of each a Pound, or according to the quantity of your Pud- ding. Then butter your Difh or Pan well, and bak it y it will be done in half or three quarters of an Hour, when it is done, grate fine Sugar over it and feive it up., ., Take a couple of Penny white Loaves, pare off the Cruil, flice them into a Difh, put to them a Qiiart or three Pints of Cream, fet the Difh over ‘Chafing-diih of Cliarcoal ’till the Bread grows dry-‘ ifh ‘y then put in a piece of fweet Butter, and taJdng it off the Fire, let it by ’till it is cold, then beat up the YoJks of half a dozen Eggs, and the Whites of two or three, with Role-water and Sugar, and fame Nuttn PU Ntitmee grated i mix all well together, and when it is bak grate over it fine Sugar. – ‘2g8. 0 mate ah Italian tBttWini Bhat half a fcorc Eggs well with a Pint of Creai, add to them a Penny white Loaf grated and & ted Nutmeg; mix them well together, then but- ter the Bottom of a Difli, and lay upon it half a icorc; Pippins cut in flices, and a little Orange-peel, ftrew over them ibme fine Sugar, smd pour on them lilf a Pint of Wine: Then put in your PuddUi hy over it a Pnflf-pafte, and fet it into the Oven, it will “be done in half an Hour: Lay Pafte alfo round tlie fides of the Diih. 239. a French Rawing •–TX’KE two Penny white Loaves chipt, and cut into Dice-work, a Pound of Raifins of the Sun, and a Pound of Beef fuet minced very fine, five or fix Ounces of Sugar, eighteen or twenty pretty large Lumj of Marrow, a dozen Dates flicedj a Pint of Gt-edni, with half a dozen Eggs beaten in it, with Salt, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace, with a Pippin or two par’d, and a couple of Pome-waters flic’d, and laid in the Bottom of the Difh before you bake it. 3400 make a steen uDfifns • IVfiNCE a Pound of boil’d Mutton-fiiet very finall, and fhred the like Quantity of Beef-liiet fmall, grate a Pound and halP of Bread, mix thefe with a liiflScient quantity of Cream, and the Yolks of four, and Whites of two Eggs well beaten-, add to thefe a handflil of Parfley ihred fine, and half a Piit of the Juice of Spinage; feafbn with Salt, and fivcetcn with Sugar to yoyr Palate 5 add grated Nptmeg and a Pound of fcurram; put in a little Flour to bind it •, mix all theft well together, and roll it up in a Sheep’s Caul, bake it and lrve it up. 411. Lent )But)Bns Take a Quart of Cream, boil it a little with two or three Blades of Mace •, take it off the Fire, put the YcXka of eight Eggs, and the Whites of four, Ud 3 half PU half a Pound of RaUms of the Sun fton’d and OSt; and half a FOund of Sugar and a piece of Buttery ftir all well together, then wet a JLinnen Cloth in Milk or cold Water, butter it on. the iniidcj and ilrew it with Flour-, then put in the Compofitioa cf the Pudding, tye it up cloie and boU it iervje i 19 with melted Butter and Sugan . 242. jptoDO’PitijDing)e( Blanch Ahuonds, beat them iine, yith a Uttb Rofe-water, llrain them thro’ % f ioth vinh fame Cream, boU it up, then let it ftand W it is abnoft cold again, then beat lome £ggs, Jwoeten them wita fine Sugar, and Rofe-water, tye them up in littcfe Bags bod them in Water fof rhalf an Hour maie Suce for them, witil melted JP ifteiRa(e-i Sugar. ; 24 jQl lttnu9t)itp(t Shked a Powd and half of Suet very ne and iift it add a Pound and half, cf lms, of tb? Sui) flon’d, fix ipoonfuls of Flour, an4 f many of Sbgai the: Yolks of eight £ggs, and the Wlpiites of five, beat the Eggs with a little Salt, tyt it up clbfe in a Cloth, and boU it for four or fire Hour 244. SI tare ittDMnaeitiett9tlte o) toiU Having beat a Pound of Almpnds’ yO finewidi Roie-water and Cream, add the .ITqUcs 4)f e, and tfaft Whites of two Egs, and a Poundt ofBef-fuet ininc’d very fine , make it as thin as Batter, for Fritters mix- ing it with Creamy iealbn it witi Salt, Sugar and Mace then bake it, or boil it,, as you pleaie, firew Sugar over it, and lerve it up, ‘,• . 245. 0 mate uHbln oC feberal Co1otir& Pkovide half a dozen wooden IHflies with Co- vers to them i butter the infidcs of them j fill one of them with the Ingredients of .a quaking. Piiddiog, which make thus.) (lice a Manchet and fid it widi a Pint of Cream’; then put,to;ic a Poiwd of blanch- ed jlmonds, pounded finail with Roie-watf r, witji a quarter, of pouijd of Dates flked and,ci;6MiU, a hancSul ivKidfi! Qf Canons hoilVI and iome Marrow tomc’d, heat tilde together, and ieaibn them with Salt, Niit- i 8IM aEtid Si. adding the Yolks of half a dozai l?-.:! . r r -i I-Ij TV-it u • uiiJj :i- £gg8: One of imr wooden Difhes being fill’d with t&eft;, piit.Qatlje Gover and tye it on with a Cloth, thcQ cdour fyxi of the ime Pudding with Spinage, -and tye that up as the form; then mince Cowffips, and mix that with another Rirt of your Pudding, .andjtye that up mxoce a handful of Gore Jidy-ilow- ers, and do the like by another; then mince Vio lets, and do the like bv another Diih but after theie Flowers are minced, aiey muft be pounded in a Mor- tar,, and the Juice muft be mix’d with the Batter wlmi they are boil’d. take them out of the Diihes, lay them in a laige jQiih, ftick them with Suckets, and kour 07er them Butter, Vinegar, Rofe-water, and Sugar Icrape Sugar ov them, and ferve them •upt • JIavikg grated three Penny white Coat’es, thm ieade them thnx a Colander, put them into a deep Diih, and put to them three Pints of Cream, and three or &ur; Eggs add S(ilt, Cloves, Mace, nand’ Saffron, three quarters of a Pound of Bee&fut;, three quarters of a round of Dates, Roleter, Cur- xahs and Sugar, put to it a little Saffron-water. |
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