Fruits & Vegetables

The Auxiliary Territorial Service in The Second World War
Chief Instructor Mrs Evans, shows Cpl Margaret Dener how to make a salad.
Baked Pears, Black Worcester Pear, Blenheim Orange Apple, Bramley Seedling Apple, Bullace, Cambridge Gage, Candied Orange, Careless Gooseberry, Cobnuts or Filberts, Codlins, Conference Pear, Cox’s Orange Pippin, DArcy Spice Apple, Damson, Dittisham Plum, Egremont Russet Apple, Grenadier Apple, Keswick Codlin, Leveller Gooseberry, Lord Derby Apple, Medlar, Norfolk Beefing Apple, Pershore Plum, Ribston Pippin, Royal Sovereign Strawberry, Victoria Plum, Westmorland Damson, Worcester Pearmain Apple, Barberries, Bullies Cheese, Compost, Curranberries, Fruit Chips, Gooseberry Hops
Angelica, Artichoke Cream, Asparagus, Asparagus Peas, Baked Beans – Old Style, Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce, Baked Beetroot, Baked Mushrooms, Baked Onions, Baked Potato, Baked Tomatoes, Bath Asparagus, Boiled Beetroot, Boiled Parsnips, Braised Red Cabbage, Brancaster Salad, Broad Bean Pudding or Windsor Bean Pudding, Brussels Sprouts, Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts, Buttered Parsnips, Cabbage, Cabbage Cake, Cabbage Pie, Cabbage with Juniper Berries, Capsicum Peppers, Carlin Peas or Brown Badgers, Carrot Bake, Carrots with Mint and Lemon, Cauliflower and Potato, Cauliflower Cheese, Celery and Potato Stew, Celery Baked in Cream, Celery Sauce, Champ, Chibol, Chip-Shop Scallops, Chip-Shop Scratchings, Colcannon, Cornish Under Roast Potatoes, Creamed Parsnips, Crystallised Chestnuts, Dandelions, Derby Sage Parsnips, Derbyshire Stuffed Onions, Devilled Mushrooms, Devonshire Scallops, Dock Pudding, Duchess Potato, Earthnuts or Pignuts, Easter-Ledge Pudding, Elderflower Fritters, Fenland Celery, Fire Baked Potatoes, Fried Beans, Game Chips, Gardener’s Pie, Gibbols, Cibols or Welsh Onions, Glazed Carrots, Glazed Shallots, Green, or Wild, Garlic, Ground Elder, Hedge-Mustard, Hop Buds, Hopscotch, Lancashire Boiled Potatoes, Laver, Leeks in Cheese Sauce, Lincoln Salad, Mangel-Wurzel, Mash of Nine Sorts, Mashed Potatoes, Milk Cabbage (or Mild Cabbage), Miner’s Lettuce, Mint, Mock Goose, Mushrooms: Cep or Penny Buns, Mushrooms: Chanterelles, Mushrooms: Chicken-of-the-woods, Mushrooms: Giant Puffball or Puff-Fist, Mushrooms: Morel or Sponge Mushroom, Mushy Peas, Mustard and Cress, Nasturtium, Nettles, Parched Peas or Black Peas, Pease Pudding, Salad Plain, Porridge, Potato Bake, Potato Chips, Potato Pie, Purslane, Quince, Quorn, Radish Pods, Rapeseed Oil, Rhubarb, Rice, Roast Chestnuts, Roast Onions, Roast Parsnips, Roast Potatoes, Roast Potatoes with Rosemary, Rocket, Samphire, Scurvy-grass, Seakale, Stuffed Lettuce, Stuffed Marrow, Stuffed Mushrooms, Stump, Suffolk Red Cabbage, Suffolk Salad, Swede, Sweet Cicely, Tottenham Pudding, Truffles, Turnip Tops or Turnip Greens, Vegetable Hot Pot, Vegetable Marrow, Watercress, Webb’s Wonderful Lettuce, Witherslacks, Wood Sorrel, Parsley Root
Alexander, Alexander Salad, Alkanet, Ashen-keys, Bean Butter, Boiled Cucumber, Boiled Salad, Bracken Tops, Brooklime, Burdock Root Salad, Cabbages in Potage, Canebyns, Cauliflower Pudding, Chiches (Chick Peas), Clary, Clavers, Colewort, Cowslip Flowers, Devil-Tavern Cucumbers, Drawen Beans, Elder Shoots or Shutes, Endive, Fash, Fried Beetroot, Fried Cucumbers, Fried Greens, Fried Pumpkin, Galingale, Gilly-flowers, Gourd, Jack-by-the-Hedge or Sauce-alone, Knotty-Tommy, Orach, Peas Porridge, Pickled Broom Buds, Potato Fruits, Potato Ribbons, Rampion, Root Puddings, Salad All-Sorts, Sallet of Mallowes, Salsify, Sanders, Show Salads, Skirret, Smallage, Southernwood, Spinach Cream, Spinach Fritters, Stewed Cucumber, Stewed Lettuce, Stewed Mushrooms, Succory, Tansy, Thistle, Trick-Madame, Tulip Buds, Windsor Beans, Windsor Carrots, Wortes, Hannah Glasse’s Potato, Coddled Peas, Nodding Pudding, Water-gruel, Carling Fries, Flower Salads, Good King Henry, or Mercury, or Pap-Wort