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![]() A Foods of England online text. For more see Cookbooks TITLE: The cook’s guide: or, Rare receipts for cookery AUTHOR: Hannah Wooley PUBLISHER: London, printed for Peter Dring at the Sun in the Poultry, next door to the Rose-Tavern. DATE: 1664 THIS VERSION: The Foods of England version adapted from the transcript at the University of Michigan Library. The cook’s guide: or, Rare receipts for cookery Published and set forth particularly for ladies and gentlwomen; being very beneficial for all those that desire the true way of dressing of all sorts of flesh, fowles, and fish; the best directions for all manner of kickshaws, and the most ho-good sawces: whereby noble persons and others in their hospitalities may be gratified in their gusto’s. Never before printed. By Hannah Wolley. THE COOKS GUIDE: OR, RARE RECEIPTS FOR COOKERY. PUBLISHED •nd set forth particularly for Ladies and Gentlewomen; being very benefi cial for all those that desire the true way of dres sing of all sorts of Flesh, Fowles, and Fish; the best Directions for all manner of Kickshaws, and the most Ho-good Sawces: Whereby Noble Persons and others in their Hospitalities may be gratified in their Gusto’s. Never before Printed. By HANNAH WOLLEY. LONDON,•rinted for Peter Dring at the Sun in the Poultry, next door to the Rose-Tavern. 1664. To the Honourable and truly vertuous Lady ANNE WROTH, Wife to the Right Worshipful Sir HENRY WROTH. MADAM, THe Duty I owe to your Ladyship and the rest of your Noble Familie com mands more than this Booke is able to express; but since ill fate hath made me alto gether uncapable of any wor thy Return of your Love and bounty, be pleased to ac cept this as a Signal of what I am obliged to. I would not willingly dye while I live, nor be quite forgotten when I am dead; therfore have I sent forth This book, to testifie to the •candalous World that I do not al•ogether spend my Time idle ly; somewhat of benefit it may be to the young La dies and Gen•lewomen; and such I wish it; (however) it may serve to passe a way their youthfull time, which otherwaies might be worse employed. The Honour your Lady ship does me in accepting the Dedication of it, will, I hope, cherish their belief, and encourage their Practice, aud assuredly it doth adde very much to the Obligati •n of, Madam, Your Honours most Faithful, Real, and most Humble Servant, Hannah Wolley. To the Vertuous and truly In genuous young Gentlewoman Mistriss Mary Wroth, Daughter to the Right Worship•ul Sir HENRY WROTH. Dear Mistress, THe sublimity of yo•• Lady Mothers affairs I fear will not permit her very often to view this book; besides, her Ladiship needs it not; her acceptati on and approbation hereof is my honour only, not her benefit; your practice will be my content, and I doubt •ot your own. It is a mise ••ble thing for any Wo ••n, though never so great, to be able to teach her ••••ants; there is no fear of it in you, since you begin so soon to delight in those Sciences as may and will accomplish you; this Book I hope will afford you som thing; and whatever else you know in me to serve you, be pleased freely to command; I shall alwayes be ready to express my self Dear Mistress, Your •n•eigned Real Se•vant in all Humility and affection Hannah Wolley. To all Ladyes and Gentlewo men in general, who love the Art of Preserving and Cookery. Ladyes and Gentlewomen, IT is now about two years since I sent forth a little Book intituled, The Ladies Directory, or The true way of Preserving, with a Promise, that if that found Acceptance, I would then pre sent you with some of my Choicest Cookery; which now I have done; also some few Re ceipes more o• Preserving. The reason why I sent it amongst you without the Protection of some Noble Person, was, be cause I would not seem to force a Favour altogether undeserved; but sinct it is so generally accep ted on, as • find it is, I hope you will rather Commend than Blame my Modestie; and if you please to look back a Leaf or two, you will find it hath now a Protection. I have joined both the Books in one that they may pass as one: All you that have made trial of my first, will I hope b• encouraged to the Cookery also. I heartily wish it may give you the Benefit you desire, and then I shall have my Desire. Thus beseeching your diligent Practice herein, I doubt not then but to gain the esteem of being, Ladies, Your unfeigned Friend and Servant HANNAH WOLLEY. An Alphabetical Table of all the Heads contained in this Book. [Omitted] Rare Receipts for Cookery. To pickle Cucumbers to look very green. TAke those that you mean to pickle, and lay them in water and salt three or four daies; then take a good many great Cucumbers and cut the out sides of them into water, for the insides will be too pappy, then boyle them in that water with Dill seeds and Fen nel seeds, and when it is cold put to it some salt and as much vineger as will make it a strong pickle, then take them out of that water and salt and pour that over them in your vessel, then let them stand close cover ed for a fortnight or three weeks, then Page 2 Pour the liquor from them and new boyle it, putting in some whole pepper, cloves and mace, and when it is cold adde to it some more vineger, and a little salt, then pour it on them again, and let them stand a month longer, then boyle it again, and when it is cold put some more vineger, and pour it on them again, then let them stand a longer time, and as you see occasion boyle it over again, and alwaies put your seeds and pieces of Cucumber on the top; be sure your pickle be cold when you pour it over. To pickle Pursla•e to keep all the year. TAke the biggest stalks picked clean, the• strew bay-salt first into your pot, and then th• stalks of Purslane, and then salt again, so do ti•l your pot be full, then tye it up close and keep it cool. To stre•ch Sheeps guts. AFter they are clean scoured, lay them in water nine daies, shifting them once• day, and they will be very easie to fill; and Page 3 when they are filled they will return to their wonted bigness. To make a Sack posset. TAke a quart of thick cream, boyle it with whole spice, then take sixteen eggs, yolks and whites beaten very well, then heat about three quarters of a pint of sack, and mingle well with your eggs, then stir them into your cream, and sweeten it, then co ver it up close for half an hour or more over a seething pot of water or over very slow embers, in a bason, and it will become like a cheese. To make Penado. TAke oatmeal clean picked, steep it in wa ter all night, then strain the water clean from it, and boyle that water in a pipkin, with a blade of mace and some cur rans; when it is well boyled put in the yolks of two or three eggs beaten with sack, a little salt and as much sugar as you shall thi•k fi•, then stir it over a soft fire that it curd not till you think it be enough. Page 4 To make the Orange pudding. TAke the rind of a small Orange, paired very thin, and boiled in several water• till it be very tender, then beat it very fine in a morter, then put to it four ounces of fine sugar, four ounces of fresh butter, the yolks of six eggs, and a spoonfull or two of cream, with a very little salt; beat all these together in a morter while the oven heats, then bake it in puff paste. To make French-bread. TAke half a bushel of fine flower, ten eggs, yolks and white, one pound and an half of fresh butter, then put in as much of yest as into the ordinary manchet; temper it with new milk pretty hot, then let it lye half an hour to rise, then make it into loaves or rowles, and wash them over with an egge beaten with milk; let not your oven be too hot. Page 5 To make a Made dish. TAke four ounces of blanched almonds beaten, and strain them into some cream; then take artichoke bottoms tender ly boyled, and some marrow boyled, then boyle a quart of cream till it be thick, and sweeten it with rose water and sugar, then lay your hartichokes into a dish, and the marrow on them, then mix your almonds cream, and the other together and powre it over them, •nd let it stand upon embers till you serve •it in. To make a Cake with Almonds. TAke one pound and an half of fine flower, of sugar twelve ounces beaten very fine, mingle them well together, then take half a pound of almonds blanched and beaten with a little rose water; mingle all these with as much sack as will work it into a p•ste, and put in some spice, some yest and plumped currants, with a pound of butter; so make it into a cake and bake it. Page 6 To season a Chicking pye. SEason them with nutmegg and sugar, pep per and salt, raisons, currans and butter• when it is baked, put in clouted cream, sack and sugar. To make an Herb pye. TAke lettuce and spinage, a little time, winter savory and sweet marjorum, chop them and put them into the pye, with butter, nutmegg, and sugar, a little salt, when it is drawn and a little cooled, put in clouted cream, sack and sugar. To stew Gurnets. STew them with white wine and salt, whole cloves, mace, nutmegg and cinna mon; when you take them up, put in some butter and sugar. To boyle Place or Flounders. BOyle them in white wine, water and salt with some cloves, mace, lemon pill, and some small onions. Page 7 A cawdle for a sick body. TAke lemmon posset drink and thicken it with the yolks of eggs, and sweeten it with sugar. To make a Pye with eeles and oysters. TAke the oysters from their liquor and put them to the eeles, and season them with pepper, salt and mace, raisons and cur rants, then put them in a pye with good store of butter and fruit on the top. To make a very good Hare pye. TAke out all the bones, then lay it on a grid-iron under which is fresh coals; when it begins to dry tu•n it and sprinckle it with wine vineger, wherein hath lien nut megg, cloves and mace bruised, and as it dries sprinckle it with this liquor; so do till you think it reasonable well broiled, then lay it in such vineger all night; the next day broile it a little, then lard it, and bake it with good store of butter, and eat it cold; adde a little salt. To roast a Pike. DRaw a large Pike at the gills; when he is well washed, fill the belly with great oysters, and lard the back with herrings pick led; tie it on the spit, and baste it with white wine and butter with two or three anchoves dissolved therein; rub your dish with garlick, make sawce with capers, lemmon, butter, and white wine, and some anchoves. To roast Lobsters. TAke two great Lobsters alive, wash them clean, and stop the holes as you would to boile them, tie them fast to a spit, the in sides together, baste them with water and salt very often till they are readie, which you will find by the redness of them, then have readie some oisters stewed and cut small, put them into a dish with melted butter beaten thick, then take 3. or 4. spoonfulls of the liquor the oisters were stewed in, and dissolve in it two anchoves, then put the li quor into the melted butter, and put it into the dish where the Lobsters shall lie; then take the Lobsters and cr•ck the shells that they may be easie to open, and serve them in. Page 9 To make a Pumpion pye. FRy it in •hin slices with sweet herbs and eggs in butter till it be t•nder, then put it into a pye with butter, raisons, cur•ants su gar and sack with some sharp apples; when it is baked put in some beaten butter. To make a rare Lamb pye. TAke a legg of Lamb and take out all the meat clean out at the great end• but keep the skin whole, then press the meat in a cloath, then mince it small, and put as much more be•f suet to it as the meat doth weigh finely shred; then put to it Naples bis ket finely gr•ted, season it w•th cloves, mace, nutmegg and cinnamon, rosewater and a lit tle salt, then spred some candied orange pill and cittron, mix it together w•th some su g•r, then put part of the meat into the skin, and lay it into the pye, then take the rest of the meat and make it up in balls with egg• and a little flower, •hen l•y them into the pye to fill up the odd corners, then take can died orange and cittron, cut in long narrow pieces and strew over it; do not forget to put Page 10 in some currants into the minced meat; when you •id the pye, leave a tunnel, and when it is b•ked put into it a c•wd•e made wi•h sack, sugar, the yolks of egg• and butter; you must put butter •nto the bottome of your pye, and on the top with some marrow and dates cut in long pieces; •his is a very fine pye for tho•e that love such rice pyes. To make a pudding of a loaf. CHip a white loaf, and put it into a skil let a little big•er •han will hold it; put as much •ream to it as will cover it, put in a blade of mace, and boile it till it be •ender, then take it up, and pour mel•ed butter a•d sack and sug•r over it. To make ra•e Chees-cakes. SEt some cream over the fire, and turn it •ith sack and eggs, then drain it well, and season it well with rose-water and sugar and eggs, spice, currants, and a few spoonfulls of cre•m, so pu• it into your crust, adding a little salt, and so bake •hem. Page 11 To fry Garde•-beans. BOil them well, then blanch them and fry them with sweet butter, whole pursley, •nd shred onions, and melt butter for the ••wce. To make a Sorrel-sallet. PIck it clean from the stalks, and boile it and butter it well, put in some vineger •nd sugar, then garnish it with hard eggs and raisons. To boile a Gurnet. DRaw your Gurnet and wash it clean, boile it with water and salt with a faggot of sweet herbs, and a blade of mace; when it is boiled and well-drained pour upon it verjuice, nutmegg, butter and pepper, thick ned with the yolks of eggs; garnish your dish with barberies and oringes. Page 12 To roast a legg of Mutton. TAke a legge of mutton, pare off all the skin as thin as you can, lard it with sweet lard, and stick about it about a dozen of cloves; when it is half roasted cut off three or four •hin pieces, and mince it small with a few sweet hearbs and a little beaten ginger, put in a ladle full of clare• wine, a piece of swe•t butter, two or three spoonful•s of verjuice, a little pepper and ••ew parboiled capers; when all this is boile••ogether, then chop the yolk of an hard egg into it, then dredge your legg with flower, and serve it upon the sawce. To boile Chickins in white broth. TRu•s your Chickens fit to boile, and boile them in •air water, or thin mutton broth• wi•h a little salt, a blade of mace, and two or three dates cut in pieees; thicken you• bro•h with beaten almonds, season it wi•• sack, sugar, and a little verjuice. Page 13 To boile Chickens or Pigeons with gooseberries or grapes. BOile them with mutton broth, and white wine, with a blade of mace, and a little salt, fill their bellies wi•h sweet hearbs; when they are enough, thicken the broth with a piece of manchet and the yolks of two or three hard eggs strained wi•h some of the broth, then put some of the same broth into a boiled meat dish with verjuice, butter and sugar; then put in your Grapes or Gooseberries scalded tend•r, and pour it over the breast of your Chickens. To make a Dish with the sweet bread of Veal. BOile or roast your Sweet-bread, put to it a few parboiled currans, a minced date, •he yolks of two new laid eggs, a lit•le man chet grated fine; season it with pepper, salt, nutmeg and sugar; wring in the juice of an orange or lemmon and put it berween two sheets of puff paste, and bake it or fry it. Page 14 To make a Carp pye. VVAsh your Carp well, and a•ter you have scaled it, then draw it and wash it again, then dry it well, then put it in a pye with good store of sweet butter, a little mace, pepper and salt, with a few capers, and a little vinegar sprinkle• in. To make a Steak-pye. SEason your Steaks with pepper, salt and nutmegg, and let it lie one hour, then take a piece of the leanest of a legg of mut ton and mince it small with oxe suet and a few sweet herbs, then put in grated bread, the yolks of eggs, sweet cream, raisons of the sun, work all together like a pudding with your hand stiff and make it into balls• putting in a little salt, then put them and your steaks into a deep pye with good store of butter, sprinckle a little verjuice on it and bake it, then cut it up and rowle sage leaves in butter, and fry them and stick them up right in your walls, and serve your pye with out a cover, with the juice of orenge or lemmon. Page 15 To make a Pigg-pye. SCalld it and slit in the middle, fley it and take out the bones, season it with •epper, salt, cloves and mace, and nutmegg, •op sweet herbs fine, with the yolks of two •r three eggs, and some plumped currants, •en lay the one half of the pigg into your •ye, and the herbs and currants and salt over •t, and some butter, then lay the other half •f the pigg on the top of that, and the rest •f the herbs and currants on the top with •ome butter, and so bake it; you may eat it •ot or cold. To make a red Dear pye. PArboile it and lay it all night in red wine and vineger, then lard it thick, and sea •on it with pepper, salt, cloves, mace, nu• •egg and ginger, bake it in a deep pye o• rie •aste with store of burter, let it soak well, •eave a vent hole in your pye, and when you •raw it out of the oven, fit it up with butter •nd vineger, and so keep it and eat it cold. Page 16 To make a Hare pye. PArboile two Hares and take the fles• from the bones, mince it small, and be• it in a morter, then sawce it in wine and v• neger as you would do red Dear; lap all th• about the chine of one Hare, and so it w• seem but one; lard it well and pur it int• your pye with good store of butter, season i• with salt and spice when you beat it; when i• is b•ked, put in some melted butter to fi• it up. To make Fritters. TAke the curd of a sack posset, the yol• of six eggs, the whites of two eggs, an• a little fine flower, put in a little nutmeg an• some ale, and a little salt, mingle them we• together, then slice in some apples ve•• thin, and so fry them in lard boiling hot; i• your b•tter be too thin, it will drink suet; if i• be in good temper it vvill svvim. Page 17 To make broth of a Lamb’s heat. BOile it with as much water as will cover it, and all sotrs of spice you like, thicken •t with strained oatmeal and cream• put in •ome •aisons and currans which hath been plumbed first, and a little salt; when you take •t up put in sack and sugar. To make a Cambridge pud•ing. SEarce grated bread thorovv a c•llender, mix it with a litle flower salt, minced dates, currans, nutmegg and cinnamon, and suet shred, fine nevv milk, fine sugar and eggs, leaving out some of their vvhittes, vvork all together pretty stiff, then take half •he pudding on the one side and half on the other side, and make it round like a loaf, then take butter and put it in the middst of the pudding, and clap the other half on the top of it; put it into boiling liquor, and vvhen it is boiled enough cut it in the middle and so serve it in. Page 18 To m•ke a Florentine of Veale, or •ther cold meat. MInce your mea• fine, mix it vvith gra ted bread, currans, dates, nutmegg and sugar, vvith a little rose-vvater, a little salt, and two or three eggs, warm them to gether over a chafing dish of coals, and stir them all the while, bake it in puff-paste; take some of this and lay it upon thin slices of white bread, first washed with the yolks of eggs, and so fry them and serve them in with beaten spice and sugar for the second course• To boile a Capon with Rice. BOile •, Capon with water and salt, and a handfull of small oatmeal, the• take quarter of a pound of Rice and steep it in w• ter, and so half boile it, then strain the Rice thorow a cullender and boile it in a quart of milk, then put in some large mace and su gar; put in a little rose-water, then blanch half a pound of almonds, and beat them with cream and rose-water, and so strain them in to a pipkin by it self and warm them over the fire, then take up your Capon and pour Page 19 the rice over it, and then your almonds; gar nish your dish and serve it in. To boile a Capon with pippins. PArboile your Capon in water and salt, then put the mar•ow of two or three good bones into a pipkin with a quart of whi•e wine, a little sliced nutmegg, four or five dates, and some sugar; then pare some Pippins and cut them in quarters, put them into a pipkin and cover them with sugar and water, then make •••pets of biskets, then •ake the yolks of •. hard eggs, and strain them with a little •e•juice and some of the broth wherein the capon is boiled, put them to the pippins with a little sack, stir them •ogether and serve the capon in with them. To boile a wilde duck. TR•uss and parboile it, then half roast it, •hen •arve it and save the gravy, take store of onions, p•rsley and pepper, put the gravy into a pipkin with a few currans, large mace and claret wine; boile them together •ith the Duck; when it is enough put in but ter and sugar, and so serve it in. Page 20 To boile sawsages. BOile them in clarer wine, large mace, and sweet herbs. To sowce a breast of Veal. BOne it and lay it in fair water till the blood be gone, then dry it, then take all kind of sweet herbs, beaten nutmeg, cinna mon and ginger, lemmon pill cut in fine pieces, mingle all together, and strew all •hese on the inside of your veal, then •ye it up like a collar of br•wn; let your liquor boile being water and salt, then put in your veal; so you may use r•cks unbound or breas• unbound; let it be scimmed very clean, pu• in a faggot of sweet herbs and cover it, for that will make it look white; when it is al most boiled, throw in a little sliced nutmeg• large mace and a lemmon sliced• so keep it in the sowce drink and serve it with vine ger, and shred fennel in it, or alone. Page 21 To make a grand sallet. TAke in the spring time the buds of all kinde of sweet herbs and of violets, and a handfull of capers, seven or eight dates cut in slices, one handfull of raisons of the sun stoned, one handfull of blanched almonds, a handfull of currans, five or six figgs sliced•• preserved orange cut in slices; mingle these together, then take a dish fit for a shoulder of mutton, set a standard of paste in the middst of it, put these mixed things about the standard, set upon your mixed •allet four half lemmons with the flat end •ownward right over against one another; ••lf way betwixt your standard and the •ish side, prick in every one of these a •ranch of rosemary with preserved Cherries; •et four hard egges without the shells betwixt •our lemmons, the biggest ends down •ards; prick upon your egges sliced dates •nd almonds, then lay another garnish be •ween the brim of the dish and the sallet, •f quarters of hard egges and round sli •es of lemmons, then garnish the b•imme > your dish with preserved orange in long Page 22 slices, and betwixt every slice of orange a little heap of capers. To blanch Manchet in a frying pan. TAke the yolks of nine eggs, and five whites, beat them with half a pint of sweet cream, put to them half a penny man chet grated, some sugar, nutmeg, mace, and rose-water, fry it with sweet-butter as you would a tansie in a very small frying-pan• when it is fryed wash it over with a little fack and the juice of a lemon, scrape on some sugar and serve it in. To make a good Pudding. TAke the crump •f a penny white loa• and cut it like dice, then pour over it a pint of sodden cream, and cover it till it be cold, then ta•e the yolks of four eggs, and two whites, beat them very well, and put them to the rest; then put in beaten spice and sugar with some sue• shred small, then adde a little salt; put it into a dish well but tered having first put some thin slices of pip pin in the bottom, and some raisons of the sun, then stick on the top some good bigg Page 23 pieces of marrow and so bake it, scrape fine sugar into it and serve it to the table. To pickle Hartichokes. GAther them with long stalks, then cut the stalks off close to the Hartichokes, then take the pith out of the stalks and put it into your liquor which must be water, with pears and apples sliced, and a quince or two; make good store of liquor, boile your liquor a while, then put in your Hartichokes till the pith be tender in the bottoms of them, then take them up and let the liquor seeth a good while after, then let it stand till it be cold, then clense it, and put therewith into your barrel a little salt, then put in your Harti chokes and stop them up close. To dry Beef as they do in Holland. TAke of the Buttock-beef of a fat oxe, salt it well with bay-salt four or five daies, then hang it a draining one day, then •ew it up in a thin cloth, and hang it up in a chimney to dry; when you would eat any of it, boile it very tender, and slice it so thin that you may almost see thorow it and eat it with a sallet. Page 24 To pickle Cucumbers. VVIpe them very clean, then sprinkle them with bay-salt, and so let them lye three o• four hours, then take carrawa• seeds, fennel seeds, dill seeds, cloves, mace ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon beaten toge••her, then wipe the salt from your cucum bers and lay them into yo•r pot, and betwixt every lair lay some beaten spices, and l•t you• last laire be spices, then •ill up your pot wi•• white wine vineger and stop them close. How to make minced mea• to keep five or six months. TAke a legg of beef and boile it very ten der, then shred it very fine with store of suet, then season it with spice and salt, then bake it in a pot, and keep it in seveta• pots filled up with melted butter; and when you would eat of it, cut some apples in thin little pieces and stew •hem, and put in some plumped cu•rans; when they are stewed well, put in some of your minced meat, mix •hem well together and serve it in upon sip pets. Page 25 To make Dutch sawsages. TAke beef and shred it fine, then sea son it with salt and spice as you like it, •hen beat it in a morte•, then fill your guts being made very clean, then put so much •alt into water as that it may bea• an egge, •hen boile it; and when it is cold put in your sawsages; you may keep them from Michael •as to May. To make Anc•ovis of Sprats. TAke a peck of the best Sprats, pluck off their heads, and salt them a little over night, then take a little barrel and lay in it first a laire of bay salt, then a laire of sprats, and so do till you ba•rel be full, putting in between every laire a few bay leaves and a l•ttle lemmon pill, let your last laire be salt, •hen stop the barrel close that no air get in, then pitch it and keep it in a cool celler, and once in every week turn it upside Page 26 down, in two or three months you may use of it. To make Rice milk. TAke half • pound of Rice, wash it well in wa•m water and dry it in an oven, afte• bread i• drawn, then beat i• to fine flower• then •••e a pottle of cream and blend a little of the flower therewith, then set it on the fire and thicken it with the rest of the flower, put in such spice as you love, and swee•en it with sugar. To make the best Almond pudding. TAke half a pound of sweet almond• blanched and beaten with rose-water very well, then boile a quart of cream wi•h large mace and nutmegg; when it hath boi led • while put in the almonds, and boile both together till it will come f•om the bottom o••he skillet, then pour it out and sweeten i• with rose-water and sugar; when it is almos• cold break in twelve-egges, and leave ou• half the whites, then colour them according to your fancy, and if you put in any currans• let them be first plumped, pu• in marrow Page 27•omething gross or beef suet finely shred, •hen fill your skins and boile them a little, •hen take them out again, and boile them •gain when they have cooled a little. To make a Devonshire whitepot. TAke a quart of new milk, a penny white loaf sliced very thin, make the milk •calding hot, then put it to the bread and break it, and strain it thorow a cullender, put in two eggs, a little nutmegg, currans, •ugar and salt, and then bake it. To make clout•d cream. TAke the morning milke and scald it at noon, when it pimples slack the fire, •hen let it stand and harden a little, then take •t off and let it stand till the next day; then •ake it off wi•h a skimmer, and serve it to the •able. To keep Venison nin• or ten months good and sweet. TAk•• ha••ch of Venison and bore holes in it, then stop in seasoning into it as Page 28 you do parsley into beef in the inside of i• if it be red Deer, take pepper, nutmegg• cloves, mace and salt; if it be fallow dee•••hen only pepper and salt; when it is thu• seasoned dip it in white wine vineger, and pu• it in an earthen pot with the salt side down• and having first sprinkled good store of spice into the pot; if it be fallow deer three pound• of butter will serve, but if red deer then four pounds; when you put it into the oven lay an earthen dish over it, and paste it close up that no air can get out nor in, so let it stan• six or seven hours in a very hot oven; when it is baked take off the cover and put in • trencher and a stone upon it to keep the meat down in the liquor; fill up the pot with melted butter and so keep it, serve i• to the table in slices with mustard and su gar. To make good White puddings. TAke three pints of cream, the crumb of two penny loaves, boile your cream with a little mace, slice your bread into a bason, and put your cream into it, then take a pound of sweet almonds blanched and beat en with rose-water, half a pound of rice-flower, Page 29 the yolks of ten eggs, and as much •ugar as you think fit, a little salt, and a good deal of marrow, so fill your skins and boile •hem. To make Angellets. TAke some new milk and stroakings to gether, then take some cream, seeth it by it self wi•h whole mace and a little rose-water, then pour it into the milk and the stroakings; when it is very cool put in a lit •le runnet• and when it is come fill the fatts •ith a skimmer, and break it as little as may •e, and let them sink gently of them •elves, and as they sink fill them up a gain. To make Cheese-cakes. TAke three gallons of milk new from the cow, and set it with runnet as for a cheese, then take a quatt of cream •nd slice a manchet into it very thinne, •oile it a reasonable while till it be thick, •hen put it into a bason, and put to it • quarter of a pound of sweet butter, •nd let it stand till it be cold, when Page 30 yout milk is come which you set, break it a• for a cheese, and whey it very well, then break it very fine with your hands, and when it is very small, put in your boiled bread and milk, stir them well together, and put in a pound and half of plumped cu•rans or more, two nutmeggs grated, six egges, yolks and whites, a little salt, almost hal• a poun• of sugar, as much raw cr•am and ro•e-w•te• as you think fit; do not make them too th•• with the cream; nor bake them too much. To make clouted cream the best way. TAke a pail full of ••roakings and boile them a little, then put •n • qua•• of •wee• cream and boile them together, then po•• into several panns and cover them, and when it hath stood all night it will be very thick, then take it off with a skimmer and lay it all in one dish. To make a very good Cheese. TAke a pa•l full of st•oakings almost col•, and put to it one spoonfull of •unnet or more as you think fit; when it is come, •rea• it a little, let it lye almost one hour, then Page 31 put it into a cloth and whey it, do not break •t any more but cruse it gently; when it is wheyed, enough put it into the p•esse in a •resh cloth, and tu•n i• twice a day; put ve •y little •alt to it. To make a Gooseberry fool. TAke a pint of Gooseberries or therea bou•s ••••ll• them very tender, then pour the water from them, and wi•h the •ack of a spoon bruise your Gooseberries •ery fine, then take a pint and a half of •weet cream, th••olks and whites of three •gges well beaten, put them to your Goose •erries with one nu•megg qua•t•red, a•d •wo o• th•e••poonful•• of rose-water, with •s much sugar as you •hink fit; mingle all •h•se, toge•her and set them on a slow fire, keep it stirring that it may not turn; when •ou perceive it to be of a good thickness, •our it out, and whe• it is cold serve it To make a very good Tansie. TAke ten eggs, leave out half the whites, beat them very well, and colour them with Page 32 the juice of spinage according to your liking• and put so much tansie amongst your spi•nage as will give it a taste, then put in half a pinte or better of sweet cream, half a nut•megg grated, and as much sugar as wil• sweeten it to your taste, then put in butter in your frying pan, and when it is hot pour in your tansy and stir it till it thicken, then fl•t it with the back of a spoon, and when one side is fryed enough, turn the other, and when it is enoug•, serve it in with the juice of an o range and butter and sugar. To make an Amalet. TAke ten eggs, and more then half the whites, beat them very well, and p•• in a spoonfull or two of cream, then hea• some butter in your frying pan, and when it is hot put in your eggs and stir them • little, then fry them •ill you find they are e nough; and a little before you put them ou• of the pan, turn both the sides over that the• may meet in the middle, and lay it the bot•tome upward• in the dish• serve it in wit• verjuice, butter and sugar. Page 33 To mak• puff-paste a very quick way. TAke three pounds of fresh butter, break it in little bits into half a peck of flower or little more; then put in one egg, and as much cold Cream as will work it into a stiffe paste, do not mould it too much, for that will melt the butter, and then it is spoil •d, but so soon as you can, roul it abroad and make it into what you would have i•; this will be extream good if you observe to do •t carefully. To make a Florentine. TAke a quart of Cream and eight eggs, yolkes and whites, beat them well and put them into the cold Cream, set it on the f•re and stir it till it run to curds, then drain it in a Cullender, and break it well with a •poon; then take a little marrow and cut it ••d •owr Dates shred small, four bunches of p•eserved Barberies picked from their stalks, h•lf a handful of grated bread, season it with Rosewater and sugar, some Nutmegs and a little salt; then cover it with some puff-paste, and so bake it. Page 34 To make a fresh Cheese. TAke a quarter of a pint of Rosewater, steep in it all night one Nutmeg bruised and a stick of Cinnamon grosly beaten; then take five pints of milk, not so hot as it comes from the Cow, set it with a little Runnet, and when it is come drein the curds very well from the whey; then put in the Rose water strained, and half a pint of thick Cream, sweeten it with sugar and break it very well; then strain it through a cloth, and put it into a little Cullender to shape it; then put it into a Dish with Cream, and Wine and sugar. To make a Dumplin. TAke a pint of Cream and boyl it with a blade of Mace; then take twelve spoon fuls of grated bread, five spoonfuls of flower; then take six yolks of Eggs and five whites; beat them very well with two spoonfuls of Rosewater and as much fair water, season it with sugar, Nutmeg and salt, mingle them altogether with the Cream, tye it in a cloth, and when your water boyles, put it in Page 35 and boyl it one hour and half, and when it is enough, serve it in with Rosewater, butter and sugar. To stew a Leg of Mutton. TAke a Leg of Mutton and mince it small with a good quantity of suet, then put it •nto an earthen pot and set it on the coales with a quart of Claret Wine, and a little thin Mutton broth; then put in Raisons, Prunes •nd Dates, Salt, Cloves and Mace, and let •hem stew together till you think they be e nough, then serve it in upon Sippets. To stew a dish of Steakes. TAke a Coast of Mutton and cut it into small pieces, bones and all, wash them clean and put them into an earthen pot with • quart of white Wine and a little water, and •o let it seeth, skim it well, then put in a good handful of Parsly with six Onions, both chopped very small with some whole Cloves, Mace and salt; when it is enough, serve it up on Sippets. Page 36 A boyled sallad of Spinage. TAke four or five handfuls of Spinage clean picked, boyl it well in water and salt; then drain it well from the water, and chop it well with the back of a Knife; then let it boyl in a Dish over a few coals with some butter and vinegar, a few plumped Currans, and as much sugar as you think fit, garnish it with hard Eggs, and so serve it in. A good supper Dish. TAke a leg of Mutton and cut it in thin pieces as long as you can, and three o• four fingers broad; then take Parsly, Oni ons, Penny-royal and Time, and chop them fine with Mutton suet; season it with Wine, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and salt, so lay it up upon the slices of Mutton, and roul them up, and fasten every one with a scure, then roul them in the yolks of Eggs and grated bread, so roast them or bake them in a platter with butter. Thus you may do Veal; but then put in some Currans. These do well baked in a Pye, or stewed with Wine and butter. Page 37 To make a very good Ielly. TAke a shoulder of Veal, cut it in three several pieces, but break none of the bones; pare all the fat away as clean as you can, then wash it in five or six waters, and •et it lye in water two or three houres, then boyl it in fair water till it be very clean, scim •t very well, then take it from the fire and put it into another pot, with a pottle of white Wine, and as much of the broth as Wine, •et it to the fire again, and ever as the scum ariseth take it off; then set it over a soft •ire six or eight houres close covered, then •ake three or four drops of the stuffe, put it •nto the palm of your hand, and close your other hand to it, and when it is cold chafe your hands together, and if it cl•ave it is enough; then take it from the fire and strain •t when it is cold, take away all the fat and •etlings at the bottom. To colour it and season it. For red Iellie. TAke a pint of your Jellie stuffe, a quar ter of a pint of pure white Wine, half Page 38 a pound of Sugar, some Cinnamon, Nut megs and Cloves bruised; then take a Torn sel cloth or two, well dryed by the fire, and beaten with a stick from the dust; put them into the Jelly stuff, and set them to the fire till it be good and warm; then wring the clothes well till you think it be coloured e nough; then put in six or eight whites of Eggs well beaten, stir them well till it be boyled, then take it from the fire, and let it run thorow a Jelly bag. For Chrystal Ielly. TAke the same quantity of your Jelly stuffe as before, and Sugar, but not so much spice because of the colour, so boyl i• with the whites of Eggs, and let it run tho row a Jelly bag. For Amber colour Ielly. TAke the same quantity of every thing as for the red Jelly, only instead o• Tornsel you must put in a little Saffron. Page 39 To make a Calvesfoot Pye. TAke your Calves feet tenderly boyled, and •plit them in the middle; season them with whole Pepper, salt, Sugar and Mace; then put them into your Pye with good store of butter and Currans, and when it is baked, put in a Caudle made with Verjuyce, the yolks of Eggs, butter and Sugar. A Made dish for Fish-dayes. TAke Time, Sage, Marjorum, of each a like quantity, chop them fine; then take six or eight Eggs beaten, and strain them into the herbs, stir them well together, and season them with salt, Sugar, Cinna mon and Ginger, and some Mace; then put it into a Platter with some butter, and set it over a Pot-head of seething water close covered, till it be hard enough to slice; then slice it, and lay it in a Dish with some melted butter over it. Page 40 To bake Mutton like Venison. MAke your paste course, and fashion it like a Pye; for Venison parboyl your Mutton in Wine and Vinegar, and let it lye in the same three or four houres; before you parboyl it, thrust your Knife often thorow that the liquor may soak through it, make it sharp with vinegar; then take it out and lard it very thick, and cast Pepper on every side of it; season it with Pepper and salt, and lard in the holes, and put good store of butter into the Pye and bake it; make a vent in the middle of the Pye, and when it is baked fill up the Pye with melted butter, and when you serve it in, stick some Rosemary and Bays in the vent hole, and eat it with mus tard and sugar. To make a sallad of Lemmons. TAke the thickest rinds and cut them in halfes, and take out all their meat; then boyl the rinds in several waters till you can run a straw thorow them, then pick and scrape them clean and wash them in cold water; then make a syrup with white Wine Page 41 vinegar, water and sugar, and when it is boyled and skim’d, put in your pills cut in some pretty fancies, boyl them till they are cleer, and so keep them. To make good Pancakes. TAke a quart of fine Flower, put thereto eight yolks of Eggs and two whites, mix it with water and make it thin, then put in such spice as you think fit with a little salt; then set over the fire some tryed suet in a Posnet, and when it is seething hot put it into the Frying pan, and pour it out clean a gain; then pour in some batter as thin as you can and dry it on both sides, and then put to it so much suet as will cover it, and fry it. To make Pancakes. TAke fair water lukewarm, make batter therewith with grated bread and a little flower and salt, to the quantity of every Pan cake, put one Egg, then season it with spice and sugar, and fry them with butter. Page 42 To make a Haggis Pudding. TAke your Haggis or Calves ginne clean scowred and watered, and parboyl it well; then take out the Kernels, and chop it fine; season it with salt, Sugar and bea ten spice; then put to it a little Cream, and ten or twelve yolks of Eggs, as much gra ted bread, a few minced Dates and plump ed Currans, and so fill your skins, and boyl them carefully. To make Isings. TAke your great Oatmeal, and steep it in Cream one night; then season it with salt, Cloves, Mace and Currans; put in some suet, or some marrow, and a few sweet herbs, so fill you skins and boyl them. To make Liver Puddings. TAke Hogs Liver well boyled, and stamp it well in a Mortar; then put to it good store of suet minced fine, and the yolks of Eggs; season it with salt, Pepper, Cloves & Mace, and a few Currans, and fill the skins & boyl them. Page 43 To make good sansages. TAke some Pork, not too fat, mince it fine, then st•mp it in a Mortar; season it with Pepper, salt, Nutmegs, and a little S•ge; then beat it well together, and when it is e nough, keep it in Gally pots as long as you please; and when you would eat any of them, roul them in your hand like a Sau sage, and dip it in the yolk of Eggs, and fry them in butter. To boyl a Rabbet. TAke an old Rabbet, and cut her off by the hind loines, and in the belly of her you must make a pudding with a sweet-bread or Kidney of Veal, sweet herbs, bread, suer, Currans and spice, Eggs and Sugar; boyl it in sweet broth of Mutton or the like, with some chopped Parsly• and salt, and whole spice; when it is almost boyled, put in two handfuls of Gooseberies, then thicken the broth with the pap of Codlings, and put in some fresh butter, so serve it in with your Dish finely garnished. Page 44 To make a Tart of Cream. TAke a pint of Cream and twelve Egges, yolks and whites; strain them with your Cream, and season it with salt, sugar and spice, put to it a little sweet butter, and a little Rosewater, set it over the fire and stir it that it do not burn till it be thick; then let the whey run clean from it, then strain it from the thin, and fill your Tart; bake it but a little, then cast over it several sorts of sweet meats, and serve it to the Table. To make a Tart of Cheescurds. TAke your Curds and strain them with the yolks of Eggs, Rosewater and Sugar and some spice; put to it some sweet butter, and set it over a Chaffing-dish of coals till it be hot, then fill your Tart and bake it. To make Fritters. TAke eight or ten Eggs and half the whites, beat them well, then make a tender Pos set of Ale and Milk, and break the curd and the drink together; then take the thickest Page 45 of it for liquor to mingle your batter; then take a little Sack, Nutmegs, Cloves and Ginger, a lit•le grated bread, flower and salt, and apples cut thin; let your batter be very thick, or else it wil drink suet. To make excellent Puddings. TAke a pint of sweet cream, half a handful of Marjorum, as much Penne-royal, as much of Wintersavory, stamp these, and strain them into the Cream; then put in the yolks of Eggs and grated bread, suet, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg and sugar, with some Rose water, and a little salt, so fill your skins and boyl them. To seeth a Pickeril. TAke a fair Pan, a little yest, and a good deal of white Wine and fair water; then slice two-Onions very thin and put them to the broth; then put in a little whole Mace, a little salt and half a pound of butter, let them boyl together a good while, then wash your Pike and put his tail in his mouth, and when he is boyled enough, garnish your Dish and make sawce for him with some of the Page 46 liquor• some fresh butter, and an Auchovis or two. To boyl Calves lights. BOyl them fi•st in water; then take Parsly, Onions and sweet herbs, and chop them small, & when the lights are boyled, put them into a little pot with the herbs and Onions, with some of their own liquor, some butter and Verjuyce, and spice, and salt, so let them boyl a little while, and serve them on Sippets. To dress Sheeps feet. WHen they are boyled and blanched, cleave them in sunder; then take the yolks of Eggs, with a little chopped Parsly, and a little salt, and fry them with sweet but ter: serve them in with Vercuyce & butter. To pickle Quinces. TAke as much small Ale as will cover your Quinces in the Vessel; then take some of your refuse Quinces, and cut them small, core and all, put them into the liquor with some Pears; cut in pieces a good quantity of ei ther, let these boyl till the one half be con sumed; Page 47 then take it from the fire, and stain it, and let it stand all night; then put your Quinces into a Vessel, either of wood or stone, just as they came from the Tree, and to every score of Quinces put in a quart of Per ry: be sure you have liquor enough to cover them, then cover them with the refuse Quin ces, and put something that will keep them down close in your Vessel that no ayr get in. To make Polonia Sausages. TAke Pork, and pick it clean from the bones and skin, let it not be too fat, mince it well, and beat it in a Mortar very fine; then weigh it, and to every pound of meat, take one ounce of salt; then take Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Nutmegs and Cinnamon, of each a like quantity, being mixed together, allow one spoonful of this to a pound of meat; then take Anniseeds Carroway seeds, Coriander seeds, of each a like quantity mixed together and beaten; allow half a spoonful of the•e to one pound of meat; first season your meat with the salt, kneading it in very well, and so let it lye one day and one night; Page 48 then put in your spices and knead them in very well with a little Muscadine, kneading it morning and evening with a little more Muscadine two dayes together; your guts must now be ready, having before lyen in salt and water two dayes, then in sack and musk two dayes more, then fill your guts with the meat, and smoak them one night in the Chimney; then hang them where they may have the warmth of the fire, when they are dry take them down and keep them in a barrel of Wood ashes sifted to keep them as long as you please; if you would not have them dry, take them down and put them into so much oyle as will cover them; after they have been smoaken a night or two (they will keep in oyle seven years) when you would eat of them, boyl them very well, and slice then thin and eat them cold. To sowce a Pig. AFter it is scalded, chine it as you do a Hog, then take the sides and dry them in a cloth, then bone it and lay it in water one day and one night, then take sweet herbs and chop them very small, and Page 49 slice a nutmeg, with a race of ginger, mingle the spice and herbs well together with a little salt, then strew the fleshy sides with them, •nd sprinkle some white wine vineger on them, then bind them up in collars, and tye them hard with pack thred, or rather tape; then boile these collars in water and white wine vineger, and a good deal of falt; do not boile the head and the claws so much as the collars; when it is well boiled strain the liquor and boile in it whole mace, and put in a sl•ced lemmon; when you take it off the fire, when it is cold, put in your pigg, and let it lye one week, then serve it in with mustard and suga•. To sowse an Eele. TAke a very large Eele and split it, then take out the bones, and strew it with sweet marjorum, time, rosemary, mace, and some nutmeg; then rowle it up, and tye it hard, sew it up in a cloth, and boile it in water and •ilt; then make sowse drink for it with beer, water and salt. Page 50 To season a Calves head for a pye. VVHen you have boiled it pretty well, cut it very clean from the bones, season it with mace, nutmegg and salt, put six hard egges into the pye, and a little above half a pound of butter; when it is almost ba ked, put in a cawdle made of verjuice, but ter, the yolks of egges and sugar, then set it into the oven again. To pickle a Goose. TAke a Goose and powder her four daies, then take lard seasoned very well with nutmegg, salt and pepper, lard her with it very well; then take two quarts of white wine, and a quart of white wine vineger, and as much water to make it up as will cover her; then put in half a handfull of whole pepper, one handfull of sweet herbs, a handfull of cloves and mace, a handfull of bay-leaves, six great onions, six cloves of garlick; boile her till she be tender, and let her lye in the liquor twelve or fourteen daies; then garnish your dish with bay-leaves, and serve it in with mustard and sugar. Page 51 To sowse a Turkey. TAke the fattest Turkey-cock you can get, pluck it dry, and split it down the •ack bone, take out all the entrails and wash •t clean, and sew up again, then take two quarts of wine, and as much water; put into •t large mace, cloves and a han•full of salt; •et these on the fire together, and when it •egins to boil put in the turkey; let it boile, and skim it well, then set it on a soft fire, and let it stew untill it be tender; then put it into an earthen pan, and let it stand all night, then pour the clean liquor from the setlings into the pot wherein you mean to sowse it, and put to it two quarts of white wine, a pint of vineger• and a handfull of salt; then put the turkey in, and cover it close; let it lye twelve or fourteen dayes. To dress a neck of Mutton the French way. TAke a large neck of Mutton, boile it and skim it well, then take two handfulls of parsley, pick it, wash it and put it into a net, and boile it with the mutton with a little fresh Page 52 butter and a little salt; then take a pinte of oysters, and stew them in their own liquor with a little whole mace, and a little white wine vineger, then take half a pound of butter and set it on the coals, keep it beat ing till it be ready to boyle, then shred the parsley small, and half a lemmon cut small, four or five spoonfulls of white wine vineger, stir them all together, then put in your oy sters; garnish your dish with olives, capers, samphire and lemmon; cover the dish with sippets, and lay your meat on them, then pour over your sawce. To make an Apricock pudding. TAke a quart of sweet cream, and one manchet grated, the yolks of six egges, and three whites, season it with nutmeg, rose-water and sugar; boile your cream fi•st with a little mace, then mingle all this toge ther with some marrow; and when it is rea dy to go into the oven, cut some preserved apricocks in quarters and put in. Page 53 To hash a shoulder of Mutton. VVHen your mutton is half roasted, cut some of it in bits and mince it; then set it a stewing with the gravy, and some claret wine, nutmeg, capers, samphire and a little vineger, with some sliced onion; when it is enough, put in some lemmon min ced, rinde and all, then lay your mutton in• the dish, and pour the rest upon it. To make an Almond tart. TAke half a pound of sweet almonds blanched, and beaten with rosewater, then boile a quart of cream; and when it is cold, take the yolks of eight eggs well beaten and mix them with your cream and almonds, season it with rosewater, nutmeg and su gar, cinnamon, cloves and mace, then bake it in a dish with puff paste; this, if you adde some grated bread, fruit and mar row, it is a very •ine pudding. To make a make an Hartichoke pye. TAke the bottoms of them tenderly boil ed, season them with pepper; nutmegg, cinnamon, salt and sugar; having your pye ready raised, put in first some butter, then you• Hartichoke bottoms, then whole mace• marrow, dates and cittron pill, then goo• store of butter again, with a little white wine or sack; when it is baked put in a cawdle made with verjuice, butter, sugar, and the yolks of eggs. To stuff a shoulder of Mutton with oysters. SPit it, and cut it flaunting, and stuff it ful with oysters, baste it with claret wine an• onions; and when it is roasted take all th• gravy that comes from it, and some oyster• two anchoves, capers, samphire and a lem mon cut small; heat them together, an• when your mutton is enough, dish it an• pour the sawce over it. Page 55 To make an Oyster pye. TAke them out of their shells, wash them and strain their liquor; lay first into your pye good store of butter, whole mace and pepper; put your oysters to their liquor, sea son them with pepper and nutmeg, then put in hard eggs, whole mace and butter, wi•h a little salt, so close your pye and bake it; when it is baked, put in some white wine, butter, vineger and sugar, with the yolks of egges. To make Hypochrist of Deal wine. TAke four gallons of D•al wine, two gal lons of sack, nine pounds of powder su gar, twelve ounces of large cinnamon, none ounces of ginger, half an ounce of cloves, one ounce of coriander seeds, one ounce of nut megg; put• the wine and two parts of the su gar into a tubb, then put in the spice bruised; let it stand close covered twenty four hour•, then put in the rest of the sugar and two wine quarts of milk, stirre them together and run them thorow an Hypocrist bagg; Page 56 keep it in stone bottles close stopped, it will keep a month. To make a Phrase of apples. TAke two pippins, pair them, and cut them in thin slices, then take three eggs, yolks, and whites, beat them very well, then put to it some nutmeg grated, some rose-wa ter, currans and sugar, with some grated bread, as much as will make it as thick as bat ter, then fry your apples very well with sweet butrer, and pour it away; then fry them in more butter till they are tender, then lay them in order in the pan, and pour all your batter on them; and when it is fryed a lit•le turn it; when it is enough dish it with the apples downward, strew sugar on it and serve it in. To make a P•dding to bake. TAke boiled cream, put in some grated bread, yolks of eggs, marrow, dates, blan ched almonds beaten fine, salt, rosewater, •ugar and spice, candied cittron pill, hard eggs, and Iring• roots; so bake it, and serve it in. Page 57 To stew chickens. TAke two Chickens, pull them and quarter them, wash them clean from their blood, season them with pepper, salt and parsley finely shred, then put them into a pipkin with no more water than will cover them; when they are enough, put in a quarter of a pound of sweet butter, then take up your Chickens, and put in ten eggs well beaten, stir it till it be thick, then pour it over your Chickens, and serve them in. To boile a Capon. TAke a fat Capon, boile it with water and salt, some large mace, and a bundle of sweet herbs; and when it is almost boil ed put in some capers, then cut a manchet, bruise it, and scald it with some of the fatt which ariseth from the Capon, then lay your Capon on those sops, and lay the mace on it, and then good store of capers, butter and vineger. Page 58 To stew a Cows udder. TAke a Cows udder very tenderly boiled and slice it in thin long slices, put them into a pipkin, with a lit•le thin mutton broth, a piece of sweet butter, and a little beaten ginger, a little sugar, and a few cur rans, with a little salt; let it stew a while, and then serve it in, but first put in a little ver juice. To stew Hartichokes wi•h cream. TAke the meat of the Hartichokes tender ly boiled, and let them stew softly be tween two dishes, with cream, sack, sugar and grated nutmegg; so let it stew till it be all alike; then dish it and serve it to the table. To stew Pippins with cream. TAke your Pippins, pare them and core them; if you would have them red, bake them first, or else put to them as much wa ter as will cover them, and some cinnamon and cloves unbeaten; turn them sometimes, Page 59 and cover them close; set them over the fire till they begin to be tender, then sweet en them with •ugar; and boile them when the sugar is in till they are clear, then put sweet cream to them, and let them stew to gether till you find they be enough; thus you may do with baked pears. To fry toasts. TAke a manchet and cut off the crust, then cut it into thin round slices, soak them well in cream, then take three eggs well beaten; and when your batter is hot in the frying pan dip your slices of bread in the egges and fry them; when they are fryed a little pour the rest of the egges on them and turn them, and when they are fryed enough put some rose water, butter and sugar to them. To make Hartichoke broth of chickens or veale. TAkt two Chickens or a piece of Veal, and when it hath boiled •nd in is skimmed clean, then take as much of the broth, as you shall have occasion to use; put into it a little whole mace, lertuce and spinage, and let it Page 60 boile, then take the bottoms of three harti chokes tenderly boiled, and scrape all that is good from the leaves, mingle the scrapings with some of the broth, and put it to the rest and stir it about, b•at the yolks o• two or three egges, wiih some vineger or white wine, and some sugar, and then put it into •hem, with your hartichokes bottoms to heat; but before you put in the egges, take up your Chickens, and dish them with some of the herbs upon them, and some pieces of the bo•toms, and let the rest swim by; forget not •o put in salt into the water you boile your meat in. To make a Calves foot pudding. TAke two Calves feet tenderly boiled and •illed, mince them small, with the crum of two manchets, that it cannot be discern ed what it is, then take half a pound of beef suet shred small, the yolkes and whites of egges, beat them well together; then take one handfull of plumped currans, mix all these with a little salt and some gra ted nutmeg and sugar, and what other spice you please; put it into the cawle of a veal, being first sewed up like a bagge, and as you Page 61 put it in put in good store of marrow, then tye up in a napkin and throw it in boyling water, and let it boile two hours; •hen take it up and stick it with blanched al monds, and pour on it verjuice, bu•ter and sugar. To make little Apple pasties to fry. TAke pared Apples and cut them into small pieces to stew, stew •hem to papp with claret wine and spice, then put in a good piece of sweet butter, cinnamon, gin ger, rose-water, sugar and plumped currans; then put them into the •uff-paste and fry them, so serve them in with sugar. To sowse a Pigge whole. TAke fair water, Rhenish wine and salt, and when it boiles put in your Pigge, with a branch of rosemary, some large mace, and a nutmeg grated and ginger sliced; boile the Pigge till it be tender; then put in some ver juice and take it up, then slice a lemmon in to it, rinde and all, and put in a few bay leaves; when the liquor is cold put in your Pigge, and let it lye a fortnight, serve it in with mustard and sugar. Page 62 To make a Hedge-hogg pudding. TAke a two penny loafe with fair water, and a little milke, the yolkes of five egges, and three whites, one gra ted nutmegge and a little salt, some sugar and a little rose-water, then butter a wooden dish and put it in, tye it up close in a cloth that no water get in, put it into boiling wa ter; and when i• is boiled slip it out into a dish, and prick it full of blanched almonds cut in long slender pieces, and raisons of the sun cut in like manner; pour on it rose-water, butter and sugar. To make white Metheglin. TAke off sweetbryer, violets, sweet mar jorum, large time, strawberry leaves, vio let leave•, egrimony, of each one handfull; burrage and buglosse, of each three leaves, four branches of rosemary, three or four red gilly flowers, •nniseeds, coriander seeds, fennel seeds and c•rroway seeds, of e•ch half a spoonfull, some large mace; boile all these in a gallon of water for the space of an hour, then strain it and let it stand till it be cold, Page 63••en put in as much honey as will make it •••ong enough to bear an egg, then boil it wel; •nd when it is almost cold, skim it well, and •o •o in the boiling; then put in a little ale yest •bout a pint, and beat it soundly with a stick, •hen tun it up, and hang a little bag in the •essel with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves •nd mace, and lemmon pill; keep the bag •own in the liquor; when it hath been •unn’d a while bottle it, and you will find it •ery rare. To make balls of veal or •utton. TAke a leg of mutton or fillet of veal, mince it small, with penyroial and pars •ey, then mingle it with a little grated •read and currans, and two eggs well beaten; •eason them with cloves, mace, pepper and •alt; make them like tennis balls, and crush •hem together with your hands; boile them in a deep dish with some butter and mutton broth over a chafing dish of coals, and put in a few currans; when they are enough serve •hem in upon sippet•. Page 64 To make a Lamprey pye. TAke your Lampreys, pull all the pith that runs along the back, and all the black, then wash them clean: season them with pepper and salt, make the crust of your pye very thick, and put good store of butter in the bottom; then lay in your Lampreys with some large mace, then more butter, and some white wine, so bake it very well, then fill up the pye with melted butter, and keep it to eat cold. To make rare Bartlemas beef. TAke a fat Brisket piece of beef and bone it, put it into so much water as will cover it, shifting it three times a day for three dayes together, then put it into as much white wine and vineger as will cover it; and when it hath lyen twenty four hours take it out and drye it in a cloth, then take nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and mace, of each a like quantity, beaten small and mingled with a good handfull of salt, strew both sides Page 65 of the Beef with this, and roul it up as you do Brawn, tye it as close as you can; then put it into an earthen pot, and cover it with some paste; set it into the Oven with hous hold bread, and when it is cold, eat it with mustard and sugar. To stew Fish. TAke of white Wine and Vinegar an equal quantity, grated bread, two or three Anchoves, a few Capers finely shred, and a little salt; put all these together, having li quor enough to cover the Fish, set them into a hot Oven, covered with a dish, and when they are enough, put in some butter and serve them in; if you put in no Capers, then put in sweet Marjorum, Parsly and Oni ons. To stew Soals. TAke a pair of large Soales, fley them, wash them, and dry them in a •loth; ••ower them, and fry them with Beef suet, ••en lay them in a dish, and take some An choves well washed in white Wine; open your Soales, and put the Anchoves into the Page 66 middle of your Soles; then put in some white Wine or Claret, with a good piece of butter, set it upon coales, and when they have stewed a while, thicken the liquor with grated bread, and grate in a little Nutmeg, and a little salt, and so serve them in. To make Almond Custard. TAke half a pint of Cream, slice into it half a penny white loaf, let it be well steeped; then take half a pound of Almonds blanched and beaten with Rosewater, eight yolks of Eggs, four whites, beat them well and mix them together, put to them a quar ter o• a pound of sugar, a quarter of a pound of butter, and bake it. To make Scotch Collops, either of Beef, Veal, or Mutton. CUt your meat very thin, •hen beat it with a Rowling pin till it be very tender; then salt it a little, and fry it in a pan with out any liquor, and when it is enough, take some butter and the gravy out of the Pan• and a little Vinegar, or the juyce of a Lem•mon, and some Anchoves, set it on the coales till the Anchoves be dissolved; •hen Page 67 put your meat into a dish, and pour the sawce over it. To make Collored Beef the best way. TAke a flank of Beef, make brine for it with pump-water and bay-salt, strong enough to bea• an Egg; then split your Beef in the middle, and it will make two Collars: then take the skin off, and lay your Beef in the brine with four pounds of suet, and let it lye all night; then take two handfuls of Sage chopped small; one ounce of Pepper, two ounces of Cloves, two ounces of Mace, six great Nutmegs, beat your spice, and mix it with your Sage, and a handful of Taragon chopped small, and two handfuls of salt; then strew these things upon your Beef, and roul it up in Collars, tye it hard, and put it in a pot: then shred your suet and lay on it, put in a pint of Renish Wine, and a pint of water, or better, set it into the Oven wi•h houshold bread close pasted up, and let it stand all night, when you draw it, take it out of the pot, and turn it; then tye your pot up close again, and let it stand till the next morning; then hang it up in the Chimney not too hot; eat it with mustard and sugar. Page 68 To make a Lumber Pye. TAke half a pound of Veal, parboyl it, and shred it small with a pound of suet; then grate a penny loaf, and take six Egges, yolkes and whites, season your meat with beaten Cinnamon, Cloves and Mace; then take a handful of Spinage, and a few sweet he•bs, chop them very well and put them to the meat, with a quarter of a pint of good Ver juyce, and half a pound of Currans, half a pound of loaf sugar; work all these things together wit• your hands, and put in a little salt; having your Pye ready raised, take the marrow of two good bones, roul the mar row in the yolkes of Egges: then take two ounces of Suckets, as much of preserved O range-pill, as much of Citron-pill, as much of Iringo roots: fill your Pye as hard as you can thrust it with the minced meat, and then your sweet meats, then your marrow, and a pound of butter, bake it, and serve it in with a Caudle made with Sack, Rosewater, yolkes of Egges, butter and sugar, pour it into the Pye, and scrape on sugar. Page 69 To make Bisket Pudding. TAke a pound of Naples bisket sliced thin, and put it into a quart of boyl ed Cream, let it stand to soak close cover ed; then take Pippins very small minced, and the marrow of two or three bones crumbled very small, a little beaten spice, Rosewater, Sugar, and a little salt with the yolkes of four Eggs and two whites; you may either boyl these in Guts, or otherwise, or bake them. To fry Oysters. TAke of your greatest Oysters, washed well and dryed in a cloth, fry them with a little butter; then take three or four yolks of Eggs well beaten, and pour on them when they are in the Pan, and fift a little Flower over them; when they are enough, •erve them in with a little butter and white Wine. Page 70 To make Egg Pyes. TAke six hard Eggs, pilled and chopped very small, with six Pippings, and a pound of suet; season it with beaten spice, sugar, Currans, salt, Rosewater and Sack: so fill your Pyes and bake them. To make Barley broth. TAke a Knuckle of Veal, set it on the fire with four quarts of water, and a little salt; when it boyls and is skim’d, put in a pound of French Barley well washed, and a bundle of sweet herbs, and when they have boyled half an hour, put in as many Raisons of the Sun stoned, and as many Currans as you think fit, and six sliced Dates; when they have boil ed half an hour, put in some marrow in little pieces, and let them boyl softly till half be boyled away; then beat the yolks of Eggs about four or five, and fill up the Porrenger with Sack, beat them well together, and mingle them with some of the warm broth, and stir them in over the fire; put in Rose water and Sugar, and so serve it in. Page 71 To make a Rice Pudding. BOyl half a pound of Rice over night in Milk, the next morning put to it the crumbs of two M•nchets, a little Cream, and a quarter of a pound of suet; put in salt, spice, sugar and Currans, and the yolks of Eggs, boyl it, and serve it in with Rosewa ter, butter and sugar. To make an Oatmeal Pudding. STeep some Oatmeal in Milk all night, in the morning pour the Milk from it; then put in some Cream, beaten spice, salt and Currans, wi•h as many Eggs as you think fit; stir these together & boil them in a bag, made like a Jelly bag, and so boyl it for four houres, then serve it in with melted butter. To make a green Pudding. TAke a pint of boyled Cream, and while it is hot, slice in the crumbs of two Man chets, cover it close and let it scald; then stir it well together, season it with salt and beaten spice, Rosewater, Sugar, and what Page 72 Eggs you please, some marrow, and some suet, with a little more Cream; them colour it with the juyce of Spinage, and either boyl it or bake it; then scrape on sugar and serve it in. To s•ew Oysters. TAke three pints of Oysters with their li quor, stew them with a blade of Mace and a sprig of Time; when they are enough, take the liquor from them, and lay them before the fire to dry; then take the yolks of Eggs well beaten, put to them a piece of butter, some juyce of Lemmon and Sugar; thicken it over the fire, and pour it over the Oysters, and so serve them in. To stew a Rump of Beef. TAke a Rump of Beef, and when it is half boyled, put it into an earthen pot, put to it a quart of its own liquor, and a quart of Claret Wine, half a handful of Capers, as much Samphire, as much pickled Cucumber sliced, two Onions sliced, with some Mace, Nutmeg and salt; cover it close and bake it, and serve it in with Sippets. Page 79 To make a good fresh Cheese. TAke the whites of ten Eggs, and beat them very well; then take a pint of Cream, set it on the fire, and stir your whites of Eggs in it till it be thick; then put it in a course cloth two or three houres, then open your cloth and sweeten it, and put in a little Sack and Rosewater; then put it into a little Cul•ender fit for that use, and thrust it hard with the back of a spoon; when you serve it, slip it into a dish, and eat it with Cream, Wine and Sugar. To make sawce for a Cods head, or any o•her fresh fish. BOyl your Fish in salt and water, and a bun dle of sweet herbs, and when it is boyl ed, take six or eight spoonfuls of the liquor, put to it half a pint of white Wine & three Anchoves, and two Nutmegs sliced, set it on the fire and stew it; then strain it thorow a hair sieve, and put in some sweet butter, and be•t it together, and pour it upon your Fish. Page 74 To fry a Coast of Lamb. PArboyl it, and take it clean from the bones; then take the yolkes of five or six Eggs beaten, and a little sweet Marjo rum and Parsly chopped small; beat them with your Eggs, and cut the Lamb in little pieces, wrap it in the Eggs, and fry it with water and salt, make sawce for it with white Wine, butter and sugar. To make sawce for Snipes, or for any small Birds. TAke Claret Wine, salt, and the gravy of any kind of meat, the crumbs of bread, and some Sage leaves or Bay-leavs, boyl them together; then cruse the juyce of a Lemmon, take out the leav•s, and put in some butter. To m•ke a Carp Pye. TAke a great Carp and scale it, gut it and wash it very clean, season it with spice and salt; then put butter into your Pye, then the Carp, then some whole spice, and some Page 75 sweet herbs with some Capers, then some more butter, so close it and bake it. To stew a line of Mutton. BOne it, and slice it, then stew it with as much white Wine as will cover it; then put in salt, and store of Sives shred small, with some grated Nutmegs; when it is well stewed, put in Verjuyce, butter and sugar. To stew a Calves head. BOyl it in white Wine, water and salt, and when it is tender, cut the one half of the head into little pieces; then cut some Oysters and mingle them together with a blade of Mace, and a little Pepper and salt, and a little liquor of the Oysters; put in two or three Anchoves, put the other half head to them whole; when it is enough, thicken the sawce with yolkes of Eggs, and serve it in. Page 76 To make a fricasie of Chickens, or any meat else. CUt your meat in little pieces, and put it in a frying Pan with water and a little salt, and when it is almost stewed enough, put in some Oysters with their liquor; put in sweet herbs, Nu•meg, and a little Orange-pill, and when you think it is enough, take up the meat, and put some butter into the sawce; then thicke• it with the yolkes of Egges over the fire, and pour over it. To dry Neats Tongues. LEt them lye in brine made with Salt-pe ter and salt one week; then make new b•ine, and let them lye a for•night in that; then hang them in th• Chimney. To stew Carpes. TAke four Carpes, wash them clean, lay them in a dish, open their bellies, and take out their guts, a•d let the blood run in to the dish; then put to them a quart of Claret Wine, a•d slash the Carpes over in Page 77 several places with your Knife; then put in some pickled Mushrooms, & somes Anchoves washed, half an ounce of Mace, half an ounce of Nutmegs, some sweet herbs, and some Parsly; when they have stewed a while, put in three pints of Oysters with their li quor, two cloves of Garlick and a little salt, with some Capers, let them stew upon a Charcoal fire softly for three houres or more; then put in some sweet butter, and shake it well together; then garnish your dish with Barberies and Oysters, Capers, Lemmon, and such like, and serve it in. To make a Larke Pye. TAke the Kidney of a roasted loin of Veal, shred it; then take two Eggs, one Nut meg grated, a little beaten Cinnamon, gra ted bread, Rosewater and Sugar, with a few Currans, and a little salt, warm this toge ther over a Chaffing dish and coals; then take your Larks clean dressed, and fill their bellies with this, and of the •emainder make round balls, then put butter first into your Pye, and then your Larks and balls, preserved Barbe ries, Dates, Marrow and Sugar; when it is ba ked, hut in a Caudle made with white Wine, yolks of Eggs, butter and sugar. Page 78 To boyl a breast of Veal. BOyl it with water and salt, and a bundle of sweet herbs till it be tender; then take some of the broth, and thicken it with hard Eggs; then dish your Veal, then put in Verjuyce, butter and Capers into your sawce, & thicken it with the yolks of raw Eggs bea ten, and pour it over your meat, being layd upon Sippets. To stew Pigeons. STew them in white Wine and water; put in whole Mace, whole Pepper and salt, with some Artichoke bottoms tenderly boyl ed; when they are enough, put in some but ter and serve them in. To fry Puffes. TAke half a pint of Flower, a little Cream, and one Egg, a little good butter, and a little Nutmeg; knead it into a paste, and roul it as thin as a Pye-lid; cut them into what form you please, and fry them in lard or Beef suet; serve them in with beaten Cin namon and Sugar. Page 79 To make a Hash of Veal. TAke half a leg of Veal and slice it thin, then with the back of a Knife hash it well on both sides; then take sweet herbs chopped very small, and six Eggs, yolkes and whites beaten very well, put them into the dish with the meat and herbs, with a little water and salt according to your taste; beat them throughly with your hands, and put them into the frying Pan; then half fry it with sweet butter, and put it betwixt two dishes with more butter and vinegar, turn it now and then, and let it not stew too fast. To roast a shoulder of Mutton. TAke a shoulder of Mutton and cut off both the flaps, that it may look like a shoulder of Veal; then take Pa•sly and Onions with a little Samphire shred small, and stuffe the shoulder of Mutton well with it, and into every place where you stuffe it, pour in with a little spoon some liquor of the Samphire; then lay it to the fire, and set under a dish with Claret Wine and butter, bas•e it with that; then take some other Claret Wine, Page 80 and put into it a sliced Onion, boyl them to gether, and when your meat is enough, put it into the dish to the Wine and Onions; then put in the juyce of a Lemmon, and serve it in. To make morning milk Cheese. TAke morning milk and some stroakings while it is warm; then take two quarts of fair water made somewhat hot, or rather seething hot, put it to your milk; then take a good handful of Marigold flowers, stamp them in a wooden dish, with the yolkes of four or five new layd Eggs, then strain them into your milk, and put Runnet to it, and when it is come, break it, and whey it, and put it in a Cheese Moat. To make a Hasty pudding that will but ter it self. TAke a quart of Cream and boyl it with grated bread, and as many plumped Currans as you shall think fit, with some spice and a little salt; when you perceive it to be enough, put in the yolkes of four Egges well beaten, and a litte Rosewater and sugar•Page 81 then let it boyl a very little, and turn it out into a dish, and serve it in. To roast a Calves head whole. TAke a Calves head, and make as little a hole in it as you can to take out the brains; then lay the head in water one night, then dry it with a cloth, and fill it with a Pud ding, then roast it and baste it well with but ter and a little salt; when it is almost roast ed, strew it with grated bread; when it is quite roasted, pour over it Vinegar, Cinna mon, butter and sugar, but first cleave it in sunder. To boyl a Salmon, or part of one. BOyl it with water and salt and a bundle of sweet herbs; to a tayl of Salmon take a quart of Oysters, and stew them in their own liquor with a blade of Mace, and two or three Anchoves, and a few corns of Pepper; when your Salmon is enough, dish it, then take your Oysters and some shrimps boyled, and the shells taken off, with some butter and liquor of the Oysters; beat them together with a spoon till it be thick, then Page 82 pour it over your Salmon and serve it in: garnish your dish with cru•ts of Manchet grated, and slices of Lemmon. To make white broth with Capons. TRuss your Capons and boyl them with fair water, then put to it in three pints of that liquor, and put to it a quart of Sack, and as much white Wine: slice in two ounces of Dates, put in whole Mace, Cloves, Cinna mon and sliced Nutmegs, boyl this in a pip kin till the Dates begin to be tender; then put in the marrow of two bones, and let it boyl softly; when your Capons are ready, break twenty Eggs, and take the yolks on ly, beat them well, and strain them with a little cold broth; then mix them with some of the hot broth, then put into your broth Raisons stoned, and Currans; when it is boyled enough, put in your Eggs and a little Cream, and some Rosewater and Sugar. To make sawce for any Fowl. TAke the gravy of any Meat, Wine, An choves, Onion, Butter, and sliced Nut megs. Page 83 To sowce a Calves head. BOyl it in as much water and salt as will cover it with a bundle of sweet herbs, white Wine and white Wine vinegar, sliced Ginger, whole Mace and Lemmon sliced, boyl it till it be tender, then keep it in the sowce drink for about a week; when you serve it in, set it upright in a dish, and stick a branch of Rosemary in the mouth and in the eyes; garnish with Jelly and pickled Cucumbers, saucers of vinegar with Jelly and Lemmon mixed with it. To make Cheese loaves. TAke the tender curds of new Milk Cheese, press them very well from the whey, break them as small as you can possible; then take the crumbs of a Cheat loaf, and as much curd as bread, the yolks of eight Eggs and four whites beaten; mingle them with some thick Cream, make them up with a little flower in to little loaves, and bake them upon buttered Plates; then cut them open at the top, and put in Rosewater, butter and sugar, with some Nutmegs grated, and stir the crumbs of them together. Page 84 To roast a Hare in the skin. TAke a Hare, assoon as you have killed he•, paunch her and wash her clean; then fill the belly full of butter, and •ew it up close; then split it and roast it, and when you think it is almost enough, pull off the skin and baste it, and dredge it, and make Venison sawce for it, it will eat very moist. To make French Bread. TAke a peck of Flower, and a good pint of Ale yest; strain the yest into some warm water, knead your past very light, put in but a very little salt, and knead it a great while longer then any other bread; then lay it to rise in a warm cloth before the fire, •hen having your Oven very hot, make it into three Loaves, wash them over wi•h the yolks of Eggs and Beer, and let them bake four houres; if you would have your bread very excellent, you must add to this quan•ity the yolke• of twenty Egges, and a little Milk, and a little Sack. Page 85 To make a Spinage or Let•ice Tart. TAke Spinage or Cabbage Lettice, boyl them in water and salt till •hey be very tender, then put them into a Cul lender to drein the water from them •ill they be very dry; then lay in the bottom of your Tart thin slices of butter, then sto ned Prunes, then beaten Cinnamon and Sugar, then your herbs, then more spice and sugar, then more Prunes and butter, and so close it. To pickle Oysters. TAke your great Oysters, and save the li quor that comes from •hem, strain it i• to an earthen Pipkin, put to it some white Wine and white Wine vinegar, whole Pep per, whole Mace, sliced Ginger, Cloves and Bay-leaves with a little salt• when it hath boyled a little put in your Oysters• and let •hem boyl two or three walmes; then take them up and boyl your liquor a little longer, and when it is cold put in your Oysters and barrel them up, or keep them in Gally Pots close stopped. Page 86 To m•ke a Potato Pye. SCald them well and pill them; then put butter into your Pye, then whole Mace, then Potatoes with Marrow, Cinnamon, Mace and Sugar, then butter, so close it, and bake it, and when it is baked, put in some white Wine, butter and sugar, with the yolks of Eggs. To make a Neats-tongue Pye, to be eaten hot. TAke fresh Neats tongues, boyl them in water & salt till they be very tender• then case them, and when they are cold, cut them in thin slices; •hen put butter into your Pye, then your Neats tongue, then a little Pepper, whole Mace, Raisons of •he sun and sugar, with some salt, then but•er again, so close it and bake it; and when you serve it in, put in white Wine, butter and sug•r, and the yolks of Eggs. Page 87 T• roast Pork without the skin. TAke any small joynt of Pork, and lay it •o roast till it will pill; then pill it and stick it with Rosemary •nd Cloves, •hen baste it with butter and salt, make sawce for it with bread, water, Claret wine, beaten Cinnamon boyled together; then put in but •er, vinegar and sugar. To make Pig eat like Lamb. TAke a fat Pig, fley it, and cut it in quarters, and tr•ss it like Lamb; then draw it with Parsly and roast it, baste it with butter and salt, and when it is enough flowre it, and make sawce for it wi•h butter, juyce of O range and Pepper. To make Cabbag• Cream. TAke twenty five quarts of new Milk, set it on the fire •ill it be ready to boyl, and stir it all the while that it cream not; then pour it into twenty several Platters as fast as you can, and when it is cold take off the Cream with a Scimmer and lay it on a Pye-plate Page 88 in the fashion of a Cabbage ••umpled one upon another; do •his three times, and between every laire, lay on with a Fea•her Rosewater and Sugar made very •h••k. You may take Cream boyled with spice and stir’d all th• while; then seasoned with Rosewater and strained Almonds, and stir it till it be cold; then take toasts of Man chets cut thin, not too hard, nor too brow•, lay them in the bottom of the dish, and lay •he Cream upon •hem; this is very good of it self; but if you please you may add your Cab bage Cream to it; cover i•, and so serve them in both together; if you please you may colour some of the Cream, either with red Sanders, Tornsel, Saffron or Spinage, and that will make it look very like a Cabbage. To make a Tri•te. TAke sweet Cream, season it wi•h Rose water and Sugar, and a little Mace, boyl it a little; then let it stand till i• be luke warm; then put it into such littl••ishes or •owls as you mean to serve it in; then put in a little Runnet and stir it together; when you serve it in, cast on what Comfits you please. Page 89 To make thick Cream. TAke sweet Cream, a little Flower finely searsed, large Mace and a stick of Cin namon, Rosewater and Sugar, let these boyl together till it be somewhat thick, then put to it thick Cream and the yolks of Eggs beaten, and let it seeth a very little time for fear of turning; then pour it out, and serve it in cold. To make Creames of Paste or Iellies. BOyl your Cream and put Eggs into it, as for a Fool, then slice the sweet meats very •hin, and boyl them; then sweeten i•, and put it into a Dish. To make Cakes without Plumbs. TAke four pound of fine Flower, rub it into one pound of sweet butter very well; •hen wi•h warm Cream and Ale yest temper it into a p•ste, put in a little Rosewater and several spices beaten; let it lye by the fire •ill the Oven heat, and when you make it up, knead into it half a pound of C•rraway Com fits, th•ee quarters of a pound of bisket Com fits; Page 90 make it up as fast as you can, not thick nor cut it too deep; put it in a Hoop wel buttered, and wash it over with the white o• an Egg, Rosewater, Sugar; then strew it wi•h some Comfits. A Sack Posset without Milk. TAke thirteen Eggs, and while they are beating, take a quart of S•ck, half a pound of fine sugar, a pint of strong Beer, let them boyl together a while; then take it off and put in the Eggs, stirring them very well; then put it into a B•son, and cover it close with a dish; then set it over a very soft fire till you see it arise wi•h a curd: then serve it in with beaten spice. To pr•serve Goosebe•ries, green and whole. PIck them clean, and put them into water as warm as Milk, so let them stand close covered half an hour• then put them into a nother warm water, and let them stand as long; so do three times, then take their weight in fine sugar and make a Syrup, •hen put them in and let them boyl sof•ly one Page 91 hour; then set them by till the next day, so do twice, then take them out of that Syrup, and make new syrup, and keep them in it all the year. To make a Codling Tart. SCald them well & pill them, then rub them through a strainer, and put them into a dish with some Rosewater and Sugar, and some whole Cinnamon, so let it stand over a Chaffing dish and coals a good while close covered, stirring it now and then; then take out the Cinnamon, and fill your Tart and bake it but a little, and when it is enough, pour in a Custard, and let it stand a while in the Oven. To make a Sillibub. TAke a Lemmon pared & sliced very thin, cover the bottom of your Sillibub pot with it; then strew it thick with fine sugar, then take Sack or whi•e Wine, and make a curd with some Milk or Cream, and lay it on the Lemmon with a spoon, then cover it up to the top of the pot with some Cream and whites of Eggs whipped to a froth, and between every lay of curd you must put su gar. Page 92 To make a Lemmon Sillibub. TAke a pint of new Milk, and half a pint of Cream• stir them together with a li•tle Rosewater and sugar; then squeeze into it the juyce of two Lemmons, stir it very well together, and so let it stand an hour, •nd •hen eat it. To preserve Lemmons to look white. TAke the palest Lemmons you can get, and chip them very thin; then put them in •o a linnen cloth, and boyl them two houres in fair water, shifting the water sometimes, •hen cut them & t•ke out the meat; then put them in•o another water, and let them boyl about half an hour without a cloth til you find •hey are very tender; then take their weight and h•lf in sugar, and to a pound of sugar a pint of water, make a Syrup thereof; then lay the Lemmons into a pot, and when the Syrup is no hotter then Milk from a Cow, put it over them, and let them stand a week; •hen pour the syrup from •hem and boyl it •gain, and put it to them as before, and let •them sta•d another week; then boyl it a gain Page 93 and put it to them; so do three or four times till you think they are throughly done, but never boil the Lemmons in the syrup, for that spoiles the colour. To make a whipt Sillubub. TAke a pint of Cream, put to it half a pint of Sack, and the whites of four Egg• and some suga•• beat it to a froth with a birchin Rod, and as the froth ariseth, take it off and put it into your Sillubub pot till you have filled it above the brim. To make Lemmon Cream. TAke a quart of Cream, keep it stirring on the fire till it be blood warm; then take the meat of three Lemmons sweetened well with sugar, and a little Orange flower water, sweeten them so well that they may not turn the Cream; then stir them into the Cream over the fire, with the yolkes of six Eggs; be sure to keep it stirring, and assoon as you see it be thick, take it off, and pour it into a dish, and serve it in cold. Page 94 To make several pretty fancies. TAke sweet Amonds blanched and beaten with Rosewater; mix them with fine su gar, the whites of Eggs, and Gum dragon steeped in Rosewater, and so make them into what shape you please, and bake them. To •ake Musk Sugar. TAke four graines of Musk, bruise it, and tye it up in a piece of fine Lawn, lay it in ••e bottom of a Gally pot; then fill your Pot with beaten sugar, and cover it close, and in a few days it will both taste and smell of Musk; when you have spent that sugar, lay on more, and s• do as long as you finde any vertue. To make Sugar-plate of the colour and taste of any Flower. BEat your Flowers very well in a Mor tar with a little fair water, or Orange flower water; then add some sugar to them, as much as you think fit, and beat them Page 95 well together; then make it up with Gum dragon steeped, into what shape you please. To make French Bisket. TAke a peck of fine Flower, two ounces of Coriander seeds, one ounce of Aniseeds, the whites of four Eggs, half a pint of Ale yest, and as much water as will make it up into a stiffe paste, your water must be but blood warm; then make it up in a long grea• Rowl and bake it, and when it is a day old pare it, and slice it overthwart, then ice it over with fine powder sugar and Rosewa ter, and the white of an Egg, and put it in to the Oven a while; then take it out, and keep it in Boxes all the year. To make fine Gingerbread. TAke three stale Manchets, grate them, dry them, and beat them; then sif• them thorow a fine sieve; then put to them one ounce of Ginger beaten and searced fine, as much Cinnamon, half an ounce of Aniseeds, and half an ounce of Liquorice, half a pound of sugar; boyll all these together with a quart of Claret Wine [Page 96] till it come to a stiffe paste; then mould it on a Table with a little Flower, and roul it very thin, and print it in moulds; dust your moulds with some of your powder ed spices. To candy any Spices with a Rock Candy. TAke a pound of fine Sugar, eight spoon fuls of Rosewater, and a six penny weight of Gum Arabick; boyl them toge ther to a Candy height; then put it into an earthen Pipkin; then put in your spi ces, having first been steeped in Wine or Rosewater one night, and dryed in a cloth; then cover it with a Sawcer, and lute it with clay that no ayr may enter; then keep it in a hot place for three weeks, and it will candy hard. You must break your Pot with a Hammar, or else you cannot get them. Thus you may candy Oranges and Lem mons that are preserved, or any other Fruit. Page 97 To candy Oranges or Lemmons after they are preserved. TAke them out of the syrrop and drain them well, then boile some sugar to a Candy height, and lay your pills in the bot tom of a five, and pour your hot sugar over them; then dry them in a stove or warme oven. To p•eserve Oranges after the Portugal fashion. OPen them at one end and take out all the meat, then boile them in several wa ters till a straw may go thorow them; then take their weight and half of fine sugar, and to every pound of sugar a pin•e of water, boile it and skim it, then put in your Oran ges and boile them a little; then set them by till the next day, then boile them a little more; then take them up, and fill them with preserved pippins, and boile them again till you think they are enough; and if you will have them jelly, you must make a new syr rop with the water wherein some sliced pip pins Page 98 have been boiled, and some ••ne sugar, and that will be a stiff jelly. To make Wafers. TAke a pinte of flower, a little cream, the yolks of two eggs, a little rosewater, with some searced cinnamon and sugar, work them together, and bake them thin upon hot irons. To make a good sort of Vsque bath. TAke two gallons of good Aqua vitae, four ounces of the best liquorice bruised, four ounces of aniseeds bruised, put them into a wooden, glass or stone vessel, and cover them close, so let them stand a week, then draw off the clearest and sweeten it with Ma lassoes, then keep it in another vessel, and put in some dates and raisons stoned; be sure to keep it very close from the aire. Page 99 To make the brown Metheglin. TAke strong ale-wort, and put as much honey to it as will make it strong e nough to bea• an egge, boile them very well together, then set it a cooling• and when it is almost cold put in some ale yest, then put it into a strong vessel; and when it hath done working, put a bagge of spice into the vessel, and some lemmon pill, and stop it up close, and in a few daies it will be fit to drink; but the longer you keep it• the better. To dry Cherries. TAke six pounds of Cherries, stone them, and take a pound of sugar and wet it with the juice of the Cherries and boile it a little; then put in your Cherries, and boile them till they are clear; then let them lye in the syrrop a week, then drain them from the syrrop; then lay them on thin boards or sheets of glass to dry in a stove, turn them twice a day; then when they are dry, wash off the clamminess with warm water, and dry them a little longer. Page 100 To make good Cherry wine. TAke the syrrop of these Cherries, and when it hath stood a while, bottle it up, and tye down the corks, and in short time it will be very good pleasant wine. To make a very fine Custard. TAke a quart of cream, boile it with whole spice, then beat the yolks of ten egges, and five whites, mingle them with a little cream; and when your cream is almost cold put your egges into it, and stir them very well, then sweeten it; and take out your Custard into a deep dish and bake it; then serve it in with French comfits strew ed on it. LADIES, I Hope you will say I am better than my word; for here are two hundred very good Receipts added to what was befo•e; I pray practice them carefully, and then censure or esteem Your Friend and Servant, Hannah Wolley. FINIS. ![]() |
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