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“Cooking in England, when well done, is superior to that of any other country in the world.”
Louis Eustache Ude ‘Le Cuisinier français’

  Where we’re up to…

*Yes ‘receipts’ (‘recipe’ is French). On the way to restoring the glory of English food – finding the story behind every single traditional dish … 3,400 dishes listed – more than 2,500 with the original receipt – 60 Major cookbooks online totalling more than 4 million words – Food Events for every month of the year, search the lot by Counties and


The Foods of England Project is led by Glyn Hughes and dozens of contributors from all over the world… More…


The Foods of England Project is currently looking for partners to work with on commercialising certain historical discoveries…
Bottled Sauces
Craft Beers
Facsimile Publications
Prepared spice mixes

..Interested? Commerce@foodsofengland.info

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  Today’s Specials …

Fancy some Feasting?
Want to know how to measure stuff? You’ll need English Weights and Measures
The English collection of Piquant Table Sauces is quite unique. And Worcester isn’t, by any means, the only one. Start with Yorkshire Relish
Did the Puritans really ban mince Pies? Probably not…
Roast Badger, and the Ilchester Badger Feast.
Which came first, Curry Shop or Fish-and-Chips?
What did Captain Scott take with him to eat?
When did we last eat horse in England?
Beef Wellington – thoroughly English and completely Victorian? Or French, named in America after an Irishman in the 1920’s?
Scotch Eggs – a tale of disinfectant.
Which is the real thing? Abernethy Biscuits or Digestive Biscuits?
Was Sally Lunn a Huguenot Maid, or just a spelling mistake?
Simnel Cake, is it from Bury or Shrewsbury or Devizes?
Everything you ever wanted to know about Thieves’ Vinegar
Pandewaff, the Wigan Slappy and the Omnibus Pudding. Here is the strange origin of Lasagne, Bastard Gravy, Nadgers Pie, Scouse and Dumpsie Dearie. Hundreds of wonderful, tasty, dishes made for centuries, like Chine or Hindle Wakes, but unknown beyond their own county or village, and here, too, Marmite, Dairylea, Bath Olivers, Cornflake Cakes and the Twiglet.

MORE FROM Foods of England...
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Email: editor@foodsofengland.co.uk